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A smart traffic management system utilizing sensor data, communication
and automated algorithms is to be developed to keep traffic flowing more
smoothly. The aim is to optimally control the duration of green or red light for a
specific traffic light at an intersection. The traffic signals should not flash the same
stretch of green or red all the time, but should depend on the number of cars
present. When traffic is heavy in one direction, the green lights should stay on
longer; less traffic should mean the red lights should be on for longer time interval.
This solution is expected to eliminate inefficiencies at intersections and minimize
the cost of commuting and pollution.
In 2014, 54% of the total global population was urban residents. The
prediction was a growth of nearly 2% each year until 2020 leading to more
pressure on the transportation system of cities. Additionally, the high cost of
accommodation in business districts lead to urban employees living far away from
their place of work/education and therefore having to commute back and forth
between their place of residence and their place of work. More vehicles moving
need to be accommodated over a fixed number of roads and transportation
infrastructure. Often, when dealing with increased traffic, the reaction is just
widen the lanes or increase the road levels. However, cities should be making their
streets run smarter instead of just making them bigger or building more roads. This
leads to the proposed system which will use a micro controller and sensors for
tracking the number of vehicles leading to time based monitoring of the system.
(Babu, 2016)(Zantout, 2017).
The Internet of Things (IoT), also sometimes referred to as the Internet of
Everything (IoE), consists of all the web-enabled devices that collect, send and act

on data they acquire from their surrounding environments using embedded
sensors, processors and communication hardware. These devices, often called
”connected” or ”smart” devices, can sometimes talk to other related devices, a
process called machine-to-machine(M2M) communication, and act on the
information they get from one another. Humans can interact with the gadgets to set
them up, give them instructions or access the data, but the devices do most of the
work on their own without human intervention. Their existence has been made
possible by all the tiny mobile components that are available these days, as well as
the always-online nature of our home and business networks. Connected devices
also generate massive amounts of Internet traffic, including loads of data that can
be used to make the devices useful, but can also be mined for other purposes.
All this new data, and the Internet-accessible nature of the devices, raises
both privacy and security concerns. But this technology allows for a level of real-
time information that we have never had before. We can monitor our homes and
families remotely to keep them safe. Businesses can improve processes to increase
productivity and reduce material waste and unforeseen downtime. Sensors in city
infrastructure can help reduce road congestion and warn us when infrastructure is
in danger of crumbling. Gadgets out in the open can monitor for changing
environmental conditions and warn us of impending disasters.
 Communication: IoT encourages the communication between devices, also
famously known as Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication. Because
of this, the physical devices are able to stay connected and hence the total
transparency is available with lesser inefficiencies and greater quality.
 Automation and Control: Due to physical objects getting connected and
controlled digitally and centrally with wireless infrastructure, there is a
large amount of automation and control in the workings. Without human
intervention, the machines are able to communicate with each other leading
to faster and timely output.

 Information: It is obvious that having more information helps making better
decisions. Whether it is mundane decisions as needing to know what to buy
at the grocery store or if your company has enough widgets and supplies,
knowledge is power and more knowledge is better.
 Monitor: The second most obvious advantage of IoT is monitoring.
Knowing the exact quantity of supplies or the air quality in your home, can
further provide more information that could not have previously been
collected easily. For instance, knowing that you are low on milk or printer
ink could save you another trip to the store in the near future. Furthermore,
monitoring the expiration of products can and will improve safety.
 Time: As hinted in the previous examples, the amount of time saved
because of IoT could be quite large. And in today’s modern life, we all
could use more time.
 Money: The biggest advantage of IoT is saving money. If the price of the
tagging and monitoring equipment is less than the amount of money saved,
then the Internet of Things will be very widely adopted. IoT fundamentally
proves to be very helpful to people in their daily routines by making the
appliances communicate to each other in an effective manner thereby
saving and conserving energy and cost. Allowing the data to be
communicated and shared between devices and then translating it into our
required way, it makes our systems efficient.
 Efficient and Saves Time: The machine-to-machine interaction provides
better efficiency, hence; accurate results can be obtained fast. This results in
saving valuable time. Instead of repeating the same tasks every day, it
enables people to do other creative jobs.
 Better Quality of Life: All the applications of this technology culminate in
increased comfort, convenience, and better management, thereby improving
the quality of life.

 Compatibility: Currently, there is no international standard of compatibility
for the tagging and monitoring equipment. I believe this disadvantage is the
most easy to overcome. The manufacturing companies of these equipment
just need to agree to a standard, such as Bluetooth, USB, etc. This is
nothing new or innovative needed.
 Complexity: As with all complex systems, there are more opportunities of
failure. With the Internet of Things, failures could sky rocket. For instance,
let’s say that both you and your spouse each get a message saying that your
milk has expired, and both of you stop at a store on your way home, and
you both purchase milk. As a result, you and your spouse have purchased
twice the amount that you both need. Or maybe a bug in the software ends
up automatically ordering a new ink cartridge for your printer each and
every hour for a few days, or at least after each power failure, when you
only need a single replacement.
 Privacy/Security: With all of this IoT data being transmitted, the risk of
losing privacy increases. For instance, how well encrypted will the data be
kept and transmitted with? Do you want your neighbors or employers to
know what medications that you are taking or your financial situation?
 Safety: As all the household appliances, industrial machinery, public sector
services like water supply and transport, and many other devices all are
connected to the Internet, a lot of information is available on it. This
information is prone to attack by hackers. It would be very disastrous if
private and confidential information is accessed by unauthorized intruders.
 Lesser Employment of Manpower: The unskilled workers and helpers may
end up losing their jobs in the effect of automation of daily activities. This
can lead to unemployment issues in the society. This is a problem with the
advent of any technology and can be overcome with education. With daily
activities getting automated, naturally, there will be fewer requirements of

human resources, primarily, workers and less educated staff. This may
create Unemployment issue in the society.
Traffic management is one of the biggest infrastructure hurdles faced by
developing countries today. Developed countries and smart cities are already using
IoT and to their advantage to minimize issues related to traffic. The culture of the
car has been cultivated speedily among people in all types of nations. In most
cities, it is common for people to prefer riding their own vehicles no matter how
good or bad the public transportation is or considering how much time and money
is it going to take for them to reach their destination.
Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects.
Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board (often referred to
as a microcontroller) and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Development
Environment) that runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code
to the physical board. The Arduino platform has become quite popular with people
just starting out with electronics, and for good reason. Unlike most previous
programmable circuit boards, the Arduino does not need a separate piece of
hardware (called a programmer) in order to load new code onto the board – you
can simply use a USB cable. Additionally, the Arduino IDE uses a simplified
version of C++, making it easier to learn to program. Finally, Arduino provides a
standard form factor that breaks out the functions of the micro-controller into a
more accessible package.
The Arduino is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega8. It has 14
digital -input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog
inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP
header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the
microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it

with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Uno differs from all
preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip.
Instead, it features the Atmega16U2 (Atmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed
as a USB-to-serial converter. Revision 2 of the Uno board has a resistor pulling
the 8U2 HWB line to ground, making it easier to put into DFU mode. Revision of
the board has the following new features:
 Pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two
other new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the
shields to adapt to the voltage provided from the board. In future, shields
will be compatible with both the board that uses the AVR, which operates
with 5V and with the Arduino Due that operates with 3.3V. The second one
is a not connected pin that is reserved for future purposes.
 Stronger RESET circuit.
 ATmega 16U2 replace the 8U2.
“Uno” means one in Italian and is named to mark the upcoming release of
Arduino 1.0. The Uno and version 1.0 will be the reference versions of Arduino,
moving forward. The Uno is the latest in a series of USB Arduino boards, and the
reference model for the Arduino platform.

Figure 1.1 Real Arduino UNO Board

Here are some parameters of Arduino and the descriptions.

 Microcontroller - ATmega328.
 Operating voltage - 5V.
 Input voltage (recommended) - 7-12V.
 Input voltage (limits) - 6-20V.
 Digital I/O pins - 14 (D0-D13 are digital I/O; D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11
are PWM).
 Analog I/P pins - 6.
 Flash memory - 32KB (ATmega328).
 SRAM - 2 KB (ATmega328).
 EEPROM - 1KB (ATmega328).
 Clock speed - 1.6 MHz.
 Length - 68.6 mm.
 Width - 53.4 mm.
 Weight - 25 g.
1.5.2 LED
LEDs are used for the purpose of signaling according to the traffic

Figure 1.2 LED for Traffic Lights

IR Sensor is used to count the vehicles on the road. An infrared (IR) sensor
is an electronic device that measures and detects infrared radiation in its
surrounding environment. Infrared radiation was accidentally discovered by an

astronomer named William Herchel in 1800. While measuring the temperature of
each color of light (separated by a prism), he noticed that the temperature just
beyond the red light was highest. IR is invisible to the human eye, as its
wavelength is longer than that of visible light (though it is still on the same
electromagnetic spectrum). Anything that emits heat (everything that has a
temperature above around five degrees Kelvin) gives off infrared radiation.

Figure 1.3 IR Sensor

There are two types of infrared sensors: active and passive. Active infrared
sensors both emit and detect infrared radiation. Active IR sensors have two parts: a
light emitting diode (LED) and a receiver. When an object comes close to the
sensor, the infrared light from the LED reflects off of the object and is detected by
the receiver. Active IR sensors act as proximity sensors, and they are commonly
used in obstacle detection systems (such as in robots).
The Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) is a cross-platform
application (for Windows, MacOS, and Linux) that is written in the programming
language Java. It is used to write and upload programs to Arduino board. The
source code for the IDE is released under the GNU General Public License,
version 2. The Arduino IDE supports the languages C and C++ using special rules
of code structuring. The Arduino IDE supplies a software library from the Wiring
project, which provides many common input and output procedures.

The Proteus Design Suite is a proprietary software tool suite used primarily
for electronic design automation. The software is used mainly by electronic design
engineers and technicians to create schematics and electronic prints for
manufacturing printed circuit boards.
In this proposed system, the traffic lights are LEDs and the car counting
sensor is an ultrasonic sensor. Both blocks are connected to a Microcontroller
using physical wires. The Microcontroller is the traffic light controller which
receives the collected sensor data and manages the traffic lights by switching
between green, yellow and red. The Microcontroller computes the number of cars
in the street of the intersection it is monitoring based on the distances measured by
the ultrasonic sensor and the timing between those measurements.
The Microcontroller then sends the number of cars every minute to the
local server. This communication is done using the Microcontroller serial port.
The local server exchanges the data received with the cloud server in order to
better predict the changes in timings of the traffic light. This communication is
done using Wi-Fi. More specifically, the cloud server uses an equation that takes
the data received (number of cars) as input then determines the time interval of
LEDs needed for a smooth traffic flow. This calculated time is then compared to
the current actual time of the LEDs (this data is saved in a database on the cloud
server). The server then comes up with a decision. If the current actual green time
is less than the calculated time, the decision is to increase the green time, else to
decrease the green time.
The first and primary element of this system is the wireless sensor nodes
consisting of sensors. The sensors interact with the physical environment means
vehicles presence or absence while the local server sends the sensors data to the
central microcontroller. This system involves the 4*2 array of sensor nodes in each
way. This signifies 4 levels of Traffic and 2 lanes in each way. The sensors are

ultrasonic sensors which transmits status based on presence of vehicle near it. The
sensor nodes transmit at specified time intervals to the central microcontroller
placed at every intersection. The Microcontroller receives the signal and computes
which road and which lane has to be chosen based on the density of Traffic. The
computed data from Microcontroller is then transmitted to the local server through
Wi-Fi connectivity. The controller makes use of the collected data to perform the
Intelligent Traffic routing. In this system, the primary aim is to gather the
information of moving vehicles based on WSN to provide them a clear path till
their destinations and traffic signals should switch automatically to give a clear
way for these vehicles.
 Traffic signals help for movement of traffic securely without any collision.
 They can reduce the number of accidents on roads like pedestrian accident
and right-angle collision of two cars.
 Signals can increase the capacity of traffic handling at the intersection.
 The traffic signals help for the safe movement of slow-moving traffic by
interrupting heavy traffic at regular intervals. 
 The indications of the signals can be seen easily in foggy weather or at
night time. Without signaling system, it is very difficult to control traffic by
the traffic policeman at night or in foggy weather or on a rainy day.
 Traffic control by signals is accurate and economical as compared to traffic
police control.
 Under favorable conditions, they provide for continuous motion of traffic
along a specified path.
 During emergency cases, emergency vehicle like ambulance can trigger the
traffic light signal to change from red to green in order to make clearance
for its path automatically.

 Using Radio Frequency (RF) the traffic light operation will turn back to
normal when the ambulance finishes crossing the road.
Arduino Based traffic congestion control with automatic signal clearance
for emergency vehicles and Stolen Vehicle Detection. Due to long queues in
traffic signal it is not comfortable to pass an ambulance immediately. We have
proposed a system which removes this problem using RF Transmitter and
 Chapter 2: Literature Review
 Chapter 3: Existing System
 Chapter 4: Proposed System
 Chapter 5: Result and discussion
 Chapter 6: Conclusion
 Chapter 7: Reference

Antonio Celesti et al [2018] proposed a possible alternative solution for
addressing such an issue considering mobile traffic sensors directly installed in
private and or public transportation and volunteer vehicles. In this scenario a fast
real-time processing of big traffic data is fundamental to prevent accidents. In
particular, we discuss an IOT Cloud system for traffic monitoring and alert
notification based on Open GTS and Mongo DB. Our IOT Cloud system, besides
for private drivers, it is very useful for drivers of critical rescue vehicles such as
René B. Sorensen et al [2020] proposed present a traffic model for IOT
devices running quasiperiodic applications and we present unsupervised,
parametric machine learning methods for online monitoring of the network
performance of individual devices in IOT deployments with quasiperiodic
reporting, such as smart metering, environmental monitoring, and agricultural
monitoring. Two clustering methods are based on the Lomb-Scargle periodogram,
an approach developed by astronomers for estimating the spectral density of
unevenly sampled time series.
Swati Dhingra et al [2019] proposed a three-phase air pollution monitoring
system. An IOT kit was prepared using gas sensors, Arduino integrated
development environment (IDE), and a Wi-Fi module. This kit can be physically
placed in various cities to monitoring air pollution. The gas sensors gather data
from air and forward the data to the Arduino IDE. The Arduino IDE transmits the

data to the cloud via the Wi-Fi module. We also developed an Android application
termed IOT-Mobair, so that users can access relevant air quality data from the
cloud. If a user is traveling to a destination, the pollution level of the entire route is
predicted, and a warning is displayed if the pollution level is too high.
Arbab Waseem Abbas et al [2020] proposed SLCPS framework is designed
firstly, to develop apt IOT protocol stack for logistics. Secondly, for bonded
connectivity and coverage, mathematical models are proposed instead of random
placement and coverage map is based on binary coverage model. Thirdly, for
scalability supply chain of food for smart logistics process is designed in terms of
container, storehouse and warehouse comprising of varying number of IOT
devices. The architecture of SLCPS framework has three modules i.e. internal IOT
network, border router and external network, emulated in Cooja simulator. The
contikimac protocol is used for efficient traffic flow and power consumption.
Single hop, multiple hops and random IOT devices placement scenarios are used
for results comparison and validation.
Ammar K. Al Mhdawi et al [2020] proposed a remote condition Internet of
Things monitoring and fault prediction system that is based on a customized
software-defined networking (SDN) technology. This approach is a transition to
smart grid implementation by fusing the power grid with efficient and real-time
wireless communication architecture. The SDN implementation is considered in
two phases: one is a controller installed per local zone and the other is the main
controller that is installed between zones and connected to the core network. The
core network consists of redundant links to recover from any future fails.
Sheng Liang, Xiaoting Zhao et al [2020] proposed a novel fiber-optic
auditory nerve of ground (FANG) in the suburb based on the fiber-optic
distributed vibration sensor (DVS). The feasibility and effectiveness of the
principle prototype FANG for traffic flow monitoring are proved and investigated
by the field experiment. One of the 31.8 km-long redundant optical fiber of the
buried optical-fiber cable for data transmission is utilized as the sensing fiber.

Then, the phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometer (φ-OTDR) based
DVS is realized and regarded as the FANG. The vibration events at 9 observation
points with different ground conditions along the sensing fiber are detected by a
threshold algorithm during 6.5 hours from 8:00 am. Then, the vibration events are
analysed in combination with the ground conditions to recognize the machine
working in the factory, rammer working and the vehicles passed through near
different areas and roads.
Arunan Sivanathan et al [2020] proposed a modular device classification
architecture that allows operators to automatically detect IOT devices by their
network activity and dynamically accommodate legitimate changes in assets
(either addition of new device profile or upgrade of existing profiles). Our
contributions are threefold: 1) we identify key traffic attributes that can be
obtained from flow-level network telemetry to characterize the behaviour of
various IOT device types. We develop an unsupervised one-class clustering
method for each device to detect their normal network behaviour; 2) we tune
device-specific clustering models and use them to classify IOT devices from their
network traffic in real time. We enhance our classification by developing methods
for automatic conflict resolution and noise filtering; and 3) we evaluate the
efficacy of our scheme by applying it to traffic traces (benign and attack) from ten
real IOT devices and demonstrate its ability to detect behavioural changes with an
overall accuracy of more than 94%.
Arunan Sivanathan et al [2019] proposed this challenge by developing a
robust framework for IOT device classification using traffic characteristics
obtained at the network level. Our contributions are fourfold. First, we instrument
a smart environment with 28 different IOT devices spanning cameras, lights,
plugs, motion sensors, appliances, and health-monitors. We collect and synthesize
traffic traces from this infrastructure for a period of six months, a subset of which
we release as open data for the community to use. Second, we present insights into
the underlying network traffic characteristics using statistical attributes such as

activity cycles, port numbers, signalling patterns, and cipher suites. Third, we
develop a multi-stage machine learning based classification algorithm and
demonstrate its ability to identify specific IOT devices with over 99 percent
accuracy based on their network activity.
Fan Wu et al [2019] proposed a new wireless access technology, Narrow
Band IOT (NB-IOT) enables low-power wide-area coverage services and can be
applied to many domains. Emerging applications such as smart traffic, shared
bicycles and shared cars have put forward more stringent requirements for
connectivity. In order to get higher QOS, an enhancement access algorithm is
proposed for the complex service scenario of NB-IOT, in which the network
terminals are clustered based the distance from base station and terminal traffic
intensity, and allocated reuse preamble code to improve network access capacity.
The capacity is modelled and analysed to evaluate the enhanced access algorithm
based on clustering-reuse preamble allocation (ERA-CRPA).
George Stamatakis et al [2020] proposed the Age of Information (AOI) is a
new metric that effectively captures this requirement. Recent research on the
subject has derived AOI optimal policies for the generation of status updates and
AOI optimal packet queuing disciplines. Unlike previous research, we focus on
low-end devices that typically support monitoring applications in the context of
the Internet of Things. We acknowledge that these devices host a diverse set of
applications some of which are AOI sensitive while others are not. Furthermore,
due to their limited computational resources, they typically utilize a simple first-
in-first-out (FIFO) queuing discipline. We consider the problem of optimally
controlling the status update generation process for a system with a source-
destination pair that communicates via a wireless link, whereby the source node is
composed of a FIFO queue and serves two applications, one that is AOI sensitive
and one that is not. We formulate this problem as a dynamic programming
problem and utilize the framework of Markov decision processes to derive the
optimal policy for the generation of status update packets.

Jingjing Yao et al [2019] proposed optimize the storage allocation
problem and content placement problem in a hierarchical cache-enabled C-RAN
architecture for IOT sensing service. We formulate the joint problem as an integer
linear programming (ILP) model with the objective to minimize the total network
traffic cost. The storage allocation problem and content placement problem are
constrained by caching storage budgets and cache capacities, respectively. Two
heuristic algorithms are proposed in order to reduce the computational complexity
of ILP. Extensive simulations have been conducted to demonstrate that the
performances of our proposed algorithms approximate the optimal solutions.
Rong Du et al [2019] proposed such a research gap and provides an
overview of the theoretical problems we face, and what possible approaches we
may use to solve these problems. Specifically, this paper focuses on the problems
on both the deployment of the devices (which is the system design/configuration
part) and the sensing management of the devices (which is the system running
part). We also discuss how to choose the existing algorithms in different type of
monitoring applications in smart cities, such as structural health monitoring, water
pipeline networks, traffic monitoring. We finally discuss future research
opportunities and open challenges for smart city monitoring.
Tong Zhou et al [2019] proposed on big data mining of the historical
vehicle GPS trajectory data. Experiments were conducted to validate the model in
the Gangzha District of Nantong City, China. Several other types of data were
used in the experiments, e.g. points of interest (POI), road network data and urban
image. The results showed that the proposed model effectively monitored the
vehicle when it was driving in a “potentially dangerous area”. In addition, the
model could accurately identify the driver's abnormal driving behaviours, such as
bypass and abnormal stop.
Samuel Marchal et al [2019] proposed AuDI, a system for quickly and
effectively identifying the type of a device in an IoT network by analysing their
network communications. AuDI models the periodic communication traffic of IOT

devices using an unsupervised learning method to perform identification. In
contrast to prior work, AuDI operates autonomously after initial setup, learning,
without human intervention nor labelled data, to identify previously unseen device
types. AuDI can identify the type of a device in any mode of operation or stage of
lifecycle of the device.
Anderson Augusto Simiscuka et al [2019] proposed a novel social VR-IOT
environment, which allows users to share and control local or remote IoT devices
in a virtual platform. Two approaches using the VR-IOT solution are presented:
one local network-based and one cloud-based. The proposed VR-IOT environment
contains VRITESS, the novel VR-IOT Environment Synchronization Scheme,
which facilitates a consistent and integrated experience for users by enabling
control of real IOT objects with VR headsets. The control of some IOT objects in
extreme environments or devices which are complex to operate can be simplified
in a virtual environment.

Many countries in the world are facing the problem at traffic light
intersection that causes accident between emergency vehicle and other public
vehicle. The traffic control system in Malaysia specifically has not been equipped
with appropriate method when emergency case occurs. This will cause the
emergency vehicles such as ambulances difficult to reach the destination on time
because of the traffic congestion. Moreover, the situation is getting worse when
emergency vehicles have to wait for other vehicles to give way at intersections
with traffic lights. This causes a delay of time and may affect the emergency case.
Besides, the collisions with other vehicles from other direction might occur at
intersections when emergency vehicles had to override the red traffic lights. All
these difficulties faced by emergency vehicles can be avoided using this traffic
light control system based on radio frequency. Due to the problem, literature
review for related issue prior to undertaking research project is decisive. The
literature review will provide information on the technology available and
methodologies used by other research counterparts around the world on this topic.
The traffic light system designed by Levi L. Rose used only for emergency
vehicle. Sensor is used to transmit signal that has been installed in every
emergency vehicle to the receiver which has been placed at every traffic light
intersection. When emergency vehicle reach at the traffic light intersection, the
signal code will be sent information of frequency modulation to the receiver. The
receiver demodulates the received code and the red traffic light will trigger at all
the junctions. Thus, emergency vehicle will have special route from other vehicle
to reach the destination.
The traffic light system designed by M. R. Smith et al provided early
warning of the approaching an emergency vehicle to find a way out from traffic
congestion and lead the emergency vehicle to the destination. The emergency

vehicle also may take control of traffic light at an intersection. A transmitter
placed on an emergency vehicle transmits a signal to the receivers positioned at
the traffic lights whenever it is on emergency mode. The received signal is then
processed by a master controller which in turn pre-empts the sequence of the
traffic light to control the traffic flow at the intersection which taken by the
emergency vehicle. The master controller also provides an output which display
signs to indicate that there is an emergency vehicle to the other road users from
other direction at the traffic light intersection. Additionally, the display system
indicates whether the emergency vehicle has passed through the intersection or

Figure 3.1 Four-Traffic Light Intersection Traffic Light

W. L. Mitchell has designed a traffic light control system which had
overcame the traffic congestion problem and provided an emergency path for the
emergency vehicle where the radio transmitter and antenna placed on the
emergency vehicle. The radio will transmit the signal to the other vehicle that
nearby. The radio receiver had been placed at four junction traffic light will
receive the emergency signal from emergency vehicle that passed by the junction.
The first signal code contains a frequency for emergency vehicle while the second
signal code contains a frequency for other vehicle. The transmitted signals provide
miscellaneous traffic light pole in normal condition or emergency. When the
receiver received the signal from emergency vehicle transmitter, traffic light
system for emergency vehicle will be activated.

W. E. Brill introduced an emergency vehicle detection system for alerting a
driver of an approaching emergency vehicle includes a sound signal-producing
unit mounted on an emergency vehicle, a sound signal detection unit mounted on a
non-emergency vehicle, and a display unit remotely located on the non-emergency
vehicle. The sound signal-producing unit has a sound generator for producing and
transmitting a sound signal. A switch is used for controlling the operation of the
sound generator in combination with a siren.

Figure 3.2 Sound Signal Being Transmitted

The sound signal detection unit has at least one sound transducer for
detecting sound signals and producing an electric current upon detection of a
signal. A signal comparator is connected to the sound transducers for comparing
the currents from the transducers to pre-programmed patterns. If there is matching
pattern, a signal output encoder connected to the signal comparator constructs an
encoded signal and transmits the encoded signal to a remotely located display unit
through a transmitter. The display unit has a receiver for receiving the encoded
signal and passing it to a signal comparator to compare the encoded signal to
known patterns and activate at least one illumination device upon detection of a
matched pattern.

Figure 3.3 Block Diagram

A traffic light control system invented by Carl J. Obeck consists of two-
way communication between emergency vehicles approaching a busy intersection
with one or more traffic lights. The system temporarily pre-empt the sequence of
the traffic light and provides the most effective method of routing the vehicle
through the intersection while redirecting general traffic. As part of the invention,
the traffic light control system will inform the emergency vehicle which it has
received the transmitted signal. The stored preset traffic patterns may in one
representation is responsive to manual intervention from a dispatching center or to
time-of-day conditions. The traffic light control apparatus may be operated under
control of data or voice transmitted from the emergency vehicle’s regular two-way
voice communications system to a central control station.
According to all these papers, a convenient wireless communication
between emergency vehicles and the traffic light is by using RF. The prototype of
this project is using the radio frequency of 434 MHz compared to the range of
about 3 kHz to 300 GHz of frequency which have been reserved for the RF
theoretically. There are three objectives to be achieved in this project. First is to
analyze and implement wireless communication; Radio Frequency (RF)
transmission system in traffic light control system for emergency vehicles. Second
is to design a traffic light sequence for emergency mode when receive signal from
emergency vehicles. Last objective is to change the sequence back to the normal
sequence before the emergency mode was triggered. This project has contributed
in implementing the wireless communication by using the radio frequency (RF)
transmission of 434 MHZ in the traffic light control system for emergency
The information and data for component consideration are based on the
reviewed journal and patents. All type of components must be consider first in
order to ensure that it is suitable for this project.

After consideration is done, there is a section where the component should
be look and fully understood about their advantages and disadvantages. The
component must be chosen properly before it will be proceed to design process. If
the component is not compatible due to disadvantages, then it will go back to the
consideration component process again.
The circuit of this project is designed and constructed roughly using the
entire chosen component during this phase. The components are assembled on a
breadboard to ensure that the circuit work properly.
A radio frequency (RF) signal begins as an electrical alternating current
(AC) signal that is originally generated by a transmitter. This AC signal is sent via
a copper conductor which usually a coaxial cable and radiated out of an antenna
element in the form of an electromagnetic wave. Changes of current flow in the
antenna produce changes in the electromagnetic fields around the antenna.

Figure 3.4 The RF Components

This circuit utilizes the RF module, transmitter and receiver (TX-RX) for
making a wireless remote, which could be used to drive an output from a distant
place. RF module, as the name suggests, uses radio frequency to send signals.
These signals are transmitted at a particular frequency and a baud rate. A receiver

can receive these signals only if it is configured for that frequency. A four channel
encoder/decoder pair has also been used in this system. The input signals, at the
transmitter side, are taken through four switches while the outputs are monitored
on a set of four light emitting diodes (LED) corresponding to each input switch.
The circuit can be used for designing remote appliance control system. The
outputs from the receiver can drive corresponding relays connected to any
household appliance.

Figure 3.5 Tx-Rx Module Block Diagram

This RF transmission system employs Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) with
transmitter/receiver (Tx/Rx) pair operating at 434 MHz. The transmitter module
takes serial input and transmits these signals through RF. The transmitted signals
are received by the receiver module placed away from the source of transmission.
The system allows one way communication between two nodes, namely,
transmission and reception.
The RF module has been used in conjunction with a set of four channel
encoder/decoder ICs. The encoder converts the parallel inputs (from the remote
switches) into serial set of signals. These signals are serially transferred through
RF to the reception point. The decoder is used after the RF receiver to decode the
serial format and retrieve the original signals as outputs. These outputs can be
observed on corresponding LEDs.

Figure 3.6 RF (Tx-Rx) Module
Transmission through RF is better than infrared (IR) because of many
reasons. Firstly, signals through RF can travel through larger distances making it
suitable for long range applications. Besides, while IR mostly operates in line-of-
sight mode, RF signals can travel even when there is an obstruction between
transmitter & receiver. Next, RF transmission is more strong and reliable than IR
transmission. RF communication uses a specific frequency unlike IR signals
which are affected by other IR emitting sources.
The RF module comprises of an RF Transmitter and an RF Receiver. The
transmitter/receiver (Tx/Rx) pair operates at a frequency of 434 MHz. An RF
transmitter receives serial data and transmits it wirelessly through RF through its
antenna connected at pin4. The transmission occurs at the rate of 1Kbps -
10Kbps.The transmitted data is received by an RF receiver operating at the same
frequency as that of the transmitter.
After all drawing, assemble and analysis process, the complete design can
be viewed using a Proteus software. Complete design must be carefully checked in
order to find the defect in the design. If there is any defect, it must be returned
back to configuration design process.


Figure 3.7 Flow Chart of the System

Complete design must be finalized before going to the end of all the
processes in the project. The design system will be rechecked to ensure the design
is valid for this project to be run successfully.
The block diagram of this project is shown in Figure 3.8. The block
diagram is divided into several parts such encoder, RF transmitter and receiver,
decoder and embedded microcontroller.

Figure 3.8 Block Diagram of Traffic Light Intersection

Encoding is a popular way of securing data and information; changing the
format so that it can only be read by someone with the appropriate decoding
equipment or software. An encoder is a device or entity that will encode
information in a particular way, compressing, converting or securing it into a
different format. Since there are four traffic lights at the intersection, multiple
channel encoders will be used for this project.
The encoding process essentially scrambles all the pieces of the data up and
they are then put back together at the other end by the decoder. A decoder is the
device or entity that will remove the information from its previously encoded state
and return it to its original format. The decoder must have the same number of
channel with the encoder.
A radio frequency transmitter and receiver module will be used in the
circuit to implement wireless communication for this project.
PIC 16F877A, a 40-pins PIC will be used to operate the end device system
since it has many ports and most importantly is supports UART features.

Traffic congestion is an over-growing problem across world as increasing
rate of population, automobiles usage which is proportional to it will also
increases without any road infrastructure development. Due to this there will be a
chance of high accumulation of vehicles at every traffic junction and during rush-
hours it results in high congestion compared to normal times. Because of these
situations which creates complexities for flow of emergency vehicles in busy
hours and it raise to putting person who are having need of emergency vehicle into
critical stage. So, to erase this issue a research on different technologies are done
and explored in order to monitor emergency vehicle and control traffic flow
introducing green corridor technique. The green corridor technique can be
implemented with many techniques like Radar technology, Image Processing
technique and modules like GSM, GPS. As these technologies will have high
maintenance and installation complexities etc. So, in this paper we introduced a
model for implementing green corridor using Radio Frequency Technology. This
technology is achieved by communication through RF modules are RF Transmitter
attached to emergency vehicle and RF Receiver will be installed nearer to the
signaling system.
In today’s real world even in increase of vehicles growth, traffic signals are
programmed and still running on fixed timers which will does not vary based on
the volume of vehicle accumulation at junction. Due to this scenario there will be a
chance of increased waiting time. As no provisions are available with present
traffic monitoring system for getting any information about vehicles. Because of
this it will become very difficult to track vehicle and to control signals. So, it
creates complexities in emergency situations to minimize delay time of emergency
vehicle and may put lives at risk.

Since inefficiency of effective traffic system results in huge economic loss.
It will also return loss of human lives. So, a great work has been done to deal with
these problems.
 According to IEEE paper published on Intelligent Traffic Control System
using IRsensors (2009) determines vehicle monitoring and density of
vehicles on road. The volume of vehicles will be calculated based on data
received from IR sensors and sets the operating time of traffic lights.
 A paper is published by Dr. r. s. Deshpande, J. G. Rana on Traffic Control
System Based on Embedded Technology (2012). This paper uses sensor
nodes and networks in addition to embedded technology to manage traffic
congestion through communication between every junction and controls
congestion based on information received from other previous junctions.
 According to proposed method of Chakkaphong Suthaputchakun, Zhili Sun
and Mehrdad Dianati the system will display status oftraffic lights in
advance toall emergency vehicles. So that driver of vehicle
canmovedownthe junction according to the received status. Buttheremaybe
a chanceof occurrence overspeed concept results in accidents.
 Rajeshwari Sundar, Santhoshshebbar, andVaraprasad golla proposed
Traffic Control System for Emergency Vehicle Clearance and Stolen
Vehicle Detection. This system uses RFID readers and RFID tags (2015).
 Prajakta Waghere, Priyanka Nalawade, Nisha Vanare, Prajakta Kalbhor,
Prof.A.J.Jadhav published IJARSE paper on Dynamic Traffic Control
System using RFID technology (2017). It uses IR sensors, microcontroller
for controlling traffic flow based on status of IR sensors. This paper deals
with decision making algorithm (DMA). So system flow is designed based
on this algorithm. Do not use abbreviations in the title or heads unless they
are unavoidable.

The main methodology of proposed model is to allow clear flow of vehicles
for preventing emergency vehicles from traffic congestion during emergency
situations. As the existing model is inefficient to solve congestion controlling for
priority vehicle clearance. So, this project illustrates “Intelligent Traffic Control
System” using radio frequency wireless communication technology. The
architecture of proposed system is as shown in the figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 Block Diagram of the Proposed System

This system primarily consists of Arduino uno(ATmega 328p)
microcontroller, Encoder(HT12E), Decoder(HT12D), RF transmitter and RF
receiver is mainly designed to work under two modes are normal mode and
emergency mode.
In normal mode whole working of system is based on operation of on-chip
microcontroller which is programmed to control traffic signals with fixed
predefined time intervals. So, based on predefined time intervals signals in
different ways are getting altered at different interval of time. Similarly, every
central traffic control system is programmed with different functions and methods
according to the traffic congestion in particular way.

Figure 4.2 Normal Mode Operation
In this system, emergency mode is activated by changing switch state to
high on transmitter side. When a particular switch gets activated then a signal
along with encoded data is transmitted through RF transmitter to the RF receiver
installed at central traffic control system nearer to every traffic junctions. After
data reception the microcontroller will control signal states for smooth flow of
emergency vehicle. So in emergency mode traffic lights will be controlled by
received data.

Figure 4.3 Emergency Mode of Operation

In emergency mode, the radio frequency signal is transmitted by activating
switches. When the switches are activated a particular voltage of signal which is
produced will be encoded (parallel data will be converted into serial data) along
with some address bits which provides security to transmission data. Finally, this
encoded data is given to data pin of RF transmitter to establish serial
communication between transmitter and receiver.

After establishment of connection a signal of frequency 434MHz will
transmit the encoded data to receiver which is connected to microcontroller
through decoder which decodes the received data signal by frequently checking
security bits of signal. If the received security bits are matched then valid
transmission pin of decoder will get activated and decoded data is given to
microcontroller. And the microcontroller will control system according to decoded
signal. So, when an emergency mode is activated it gives a Green signal to that
particular direction and sets Red signals to all other roads or directions
approaching the Junction.
System architecture describes the solution with absolute planning for a
problem. After proposing a system with specifications, designers will employ for
designing a solution which includes both hardware and software tools for
implementation. System architecture will describe the algorithm and flowchart
implementation of system as follows. Flow diagram sequences are described

Figure 4.4 Flow Chart of the System

1) Power up the circuit.
2) Initialising and assigning constant values to interrupt variables.
3) Checking for interrupt signals.
4) If interrupt is found, then it will check for values of interrupt variables.
5) After evaluation respective line will be activated based on received
6) If interrupt is not found then every line will be activated after checking for
interrupt signals in different time intervals.
7) Repeat the above process from step.3 to step.6.


The project “Wireless Control of Traffic Light Using Radio Frequency
Technology” has been successfully designed and tested. In this implementation we
have used Radio Frequency Technology. It is developed with integration of all
hardware components. Existence of every module has been examined out and
placed carefully thus contributing to the best working of the unit. Secondly, with
the benefit of expanding technology using highly advanced IC's the project has
been successfully implemented.

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