Power and Efficiency Analysis of Diesel Cycle Under Alternative Criteria

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Power and Efficiency Analysis of Diesel Cycle Under Alternative Criteria


DOI: 10.1007/s13369-013-0773-0


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2 authors:

Mustafa Atmaca Metin Gumus

Marmara University Marmara University


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Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:2263–2270
DOI 10.1007/s13369-013-0773-0


Power and Efficiency Analysis of Diesel Cycle Under Alternative

Mustafa Atmaca · Metin Gumus

Received: 22 May 2012 / Accepted: 13 July 2013 / Published online: 8 September 2013
© King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals 2013

Abstract Model studies of the internal combustion engine

cycles are useful for illustrating some important parameters
affecting engine performance. The Diesel cycle is consid-
ered as a special case of an internal combustion engine. In
the diesel cycle, combustion is controlled in order to obtain
constant pressure at the beginning of the expansion stroke. It
is important to choose the proper optimization criterion for
the optimum design of the internal combustion engines. The
choice of optimization criterion can be changed depending on
the purpose of engine design and working conditions of the
internal combustion engine. In this study, a comparative per-
formance analysis is carried out for a reversible air standard
Diesel cycle based on three alternative performance crite-
ria, namely, maximum power (mp), maximum power density
(mpd) and maximum efficient power (mep). The effects of
the design parameters such as volume ratio and extreme tem-
perature ratio of the cycle have been investigated under mp,
mpd, mep and maximum efficiency conditions. The results
show that the design parameters at mep conditions lead to
more efficient engines than that at the mp conditions and that
the mep criterion may have a significant power advantage
compared to mpd criterion. Nomenclature
cv Constant volume specific heat J kg−1 K−1
Keywords Diesel cycle · Maximum efficient power · k Specific heat ratio
Maximum power · Maximum power density · m Mass of working fluid kg
Performance optimization P Pressure Pa
Q̇ Rate of heat transfer W
R Ideal gas constant J kg−1 K−1
S Entropy J K−1
T Temperature K
v4 Specific volume of combustion chamber m3 kg−1
Ẇ Power generated from the heat engine W
M. Atmaca (B) · M. Gumus α Cycle temperature ratio T3 /T1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Marmara University, η Thermal efficiency
34722 Istanbul, Turkey
e-mail: matmaca@marmara.edu.tr
θ Volume ratio

2264 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:2263–2270

Subscripts this purpose Yilmaz [12] proposed a new performance cri-

max Maximum terion for heat engine performance analysis, called efficient
min Minimum power, is defined as the multiplication of power by efficiency
mp Maximum power of the cycle. This criterion was successfully applied to the
mpd Maximum power density Carnot and Brayton cycles [12–14]. Rocha-Martinez et al.
mep Maximum efficient power [15] studied two thermal cycles, namely, the Otto and the
opt Optimum Diesel cycles, under heat fluctuations, but using an alterna-
tive approach, where the fluctuations are taken as occurring
in the heat capacity of the working fluid. Ebrahimi [16] exam-
1 Introduction ined the effect of stroke length on performance of air stan-
dard Diesel cycle. Hou and Lin [17] examined the influences
Reversible gas cycle models of internal combustion engines of heat loss characterized by a percentage of fuel’s energy,
are useful for illustrating some of the design parameters influ- friction and variable specific heats of working fluid on the
encing engine performance. After reversible cycle analyses, performance of an air standard Diesel cycle with the restric-
it will be possible to expand the model in order to study tion of maximum cycle temperature. Adnan Parlak [18] per-
the irreversibility effects. In recent years, much attention has formed a Diesel cycle analysis concerning heat transfer and
been paid to optimize reciprocating heat engines by using combustion effects. By adding the equation including com-
reversible and irreversible gas cycles [1,2]. In literature, bustion and heat transfer effects into the cycle analysis, the
generally, the analysis and optimization of thermodynamic objective was to determine the effects of design parame-
cycles have concentrated on the power or thermal-efficiency ters such as compression ratio and cut-off ratio on the net
optimizations [3,4]. As it is well known, the constant pres- work output and thermal efficiency. Adnan Parlak et al. [19]
sure heat addition cycle defined as the Diesel cycle is con- aimed firstly, to investigate the effect of insulated combus-
sidered one special case of an internal combustion engine tion chamber surfaces on direct injection Diesel engine per-
of which combustion is controlled so that the beginning of formance and, secondly, to compare the energy availability
the expansion stroke occurs at constant pressure [5]. Design increase of the exhaust stream of the LHR engine compared
parameters at maximum power (mp) and maximum thermal to the STD engine and to determine the maximum amount
efficiency were investigated for the air standard Diesel cycle of power that can be obtained from the exhaust stream for
optimization [3–6]. both engines. Al-Hinti et al. [20] presented the investiga-
Parlak [7] performed an optimization based on mp and tion of air-standard Diesel cycle under irreversible heat trans-
maximum thermal efficiency criteria for irreversible Dual fer conditions. The effects of various engine parameters are
and Diesel cycles. Parlak and Sahin also presented a study presented Yingru Zhao et al. [21] In their paper, the multi-
on optimal performance analysis on mp and maximum effi- irreversibilities existing in a Diesel heat engine are taken
ciency criterion including internal irreversibility for steady into account, and an irreversible cycle model of the Diesel
state operation for the air standard Dual cycle [8]. Bhat- heat engine is established. By considering the heat leak loss
tacharyya [9] proposed a simplified irreversible model for through the cylinder wall and introducing a simple expres-
air standard Diesel cycle. Blank and Wu [10] analyzed and sion of the heat leak loss that obeys a Newtonian law, the
optimized the power potential of an endoreversible Diesel correct expression for the efficiency of the cycle is especially
cycle with combustion. Hou [11] analyzed the effects of heat given. Furthermore, the power output and efficiency of the
transfer on the net work output and the indicated thermal cycle are maximized with respect to the ratio of the high-
efficiency of an air standard Dual cycle. est to the lowest pressure of the heat engine. Ebrahimi [22]
As designers know, the proper optimization criteria cho- analyzed the performance of an air standard Diesel cycle by
sen for the optimum design of the heat engines may dif- using finite-time thermodynamics. The relations between the
fer depending on their purposes and working conditions. If power output and the compression ratio, between the thermal
the heat engine design does not aim to obtain maximum efficiency and the compression ratio, and the optimal rela-
work or power, but to aim maximum benefit from energy, tion between power output and the efficiency of the Diesel
the design objective must be to get maximum efficiency. For cycle are derived by detailed numerical examples. Osman
example, fuel consumption is main concern for heat engines Azmi Ozsoysal [23] analyzed the effects of varying air-fuel
so the maximum thermal efficiency criterion is very impor- ratio on the performance of a theoretical Diesel cycle under
tant. Despite the mp output criterion is primarily signifi- a temperature restriction as maximum. Amount of heat addi-
cant for engines of race cars, both fuel consumption and tion at constant pressure is defined as a function of fuel’s
crank moment gain are equally important for engines of energy with utilizing the combustion efficiency. Ge et al.
passenger cars. In such a case both the power and thermal [24] analyzed the performance of an air-standard Diesel cycle
efficiency criteria have to be considered in the design. For with heat transfer loss and variable specific heats of working

Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:2263–2270 2265

fluid by using finite-time thermodynamics. The relationships

between work output and compression ratio, between ther-
mal efficiency and compression ratio, as well as the optimal
relationship between work output and efficiency of the cycle
are derived by detailed numerical examples. Al-Sarkhi et al.
[25] derived using finite-time thermodynamics, the relations
between the power output, thermal efficiency and compres-
sion ratio. Fallahipanah et al. [26] considered to review the
irreversible cycle of biodiesel fuel and its compounds by
means of thermodynamics laws and finite time thermody- Fig. 1 P-V and T-S diagram of Diesel cycle
namics when the biodiesel fuel is applied as the operative
fluid inside the cycle. Ebrahimi [27] an endoreversible Dual
heat engine model established and used to investigate the
In the present paper, performance optimization of a
influence of the variable specific heat ratio of the working
Diesel cycle is carried out based on efficient power crite-
fluid on the performance of the cycle. The net work out-
rion to consider the power output and the cycle efficiency
put and thermal efficiency of the cycle are derived and opti-
together. Also performance analyses are performed accord-
mized with respect to the specific heat ratio of the working
ing to mp and mpd. A cycle model of the Diesel heat
fluid. Yanlin Ge et al. [28] analyzed the performance of an
engine is established and the power output and efficiency
air standard Dual cycle by using finite-time thermodynam-
of the cycle are maximized with respect to the main para-
ics. An irreversible Dual cycle model which is more close
meters affecting the cycle performance based on alternative
to practice is established. Aithal [29] presented the system-
performance criteria. The optimal parameters are presented
atic development of a model that allows an assessment of the
as some characteristic curves by analytical and numerical
impact of EGR on three parameters, namely, the thermody-
namic cycle efficiency, the mixture temperatures during the
cycle and the mixture-averaged. Ebrahimi [30] in his paper
the performance of a Diesel cycle with heat transfer loss and
variable specific heat ratio of working fluid analysed. Using 2 The Theoretical Model
finite time thermodynamics, the characteristic curves of the
work output, compression ratio, the thermal efficiency, com- P-V and T-s diagram of a Diesel cycle can be seen in
pression ratio and the work output, thermal efficiency are Fig. 1. As shown in Fig. 1, the ideal Diesel cycle involv-
obtained. Ebrahimi and Chen [31] investigated the effects of ing four reversible processes; process 1–2 is reversible adia-
the variable specific heat ratio of the working fluid on the batic process (isentropic), which represents the compression
performance of a Diesel cycle, with considerations of heat stroke in a compression ignition engine, process 2–3 is the
transfer and friction like term losses by using finite time ther- combustion process, which is modeled as a constant pres-
modynamics in this paper. The relationships between power sure heat addition process, process 3–4 is isentropic expan-
output and compression ratio, between thermal efficiency sion process, which represents the power stroke in the heat
and compression ratio, as well as the optimal relationship engine, finally, process 4–1 is a constant volume heat rejec-
between power output and efficiency of the cycle, are derived tion process which completes the cycle.
by detailed numerical examples. The power of the cycle can be written in the following
It can be seen from the literature survey that there are not form:
enough studies investigating performance analysis for recip- Ẇ = ṁcv [k(T3 − T2 ) − (T4 − T1 )] (1)
rocating heat engine cycles based on alternative performance
criteria, namely, mp and maximum power density (mpd). where the ṁ is mass flow rate, cv is the constant volume
Furthermore, any study investigating performance analysis specific heat, and T1 , T2 , T3 , and T4 are engine inlet, end of
of diesel cycle based on maximum efficient power (mep) has compression, maximum, exhaust temperatures, respectively.
not been viewed in the open literature. Only a comparative The minimum volume of the cylinder is one of the important
performance analysis was applied to the reversible Otto cycle parameters determining the performance of Diesel cycle. The
based on efficient power criterion by Gumus et al. [32] and minimum volume of the cylinder defines compression ratio of
maximizing the efficient power gives a compromise between the engine. In the reciprocating heat engine, the combustion
power and efficiency. Therefore, necessity of implementa- is accepted so rapid that the piston does not move during the
tion a performance analysis for a Diesel cycle based on three combustion process. The release of power heat is assumed
alternative performance criteria, namely, mp, mpd and mep to occur at the minimum volume of the cylinder. Therefore,
has become a current issue. the power density can be defined as the power per minimum

2266 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:2263–2270

specific volume in the cycle and it is shown in the following 3 Results and Discussion
form [9]:
In the real compression ignition engine, temperature of cylin-
Ẇ ṁcv [k(T3 − T2 ) − (T4 − T1 )]
Ẇd = = (2) der changes in the 300–400 K temperature range at the start of
vmin v2
the compression stroke and the maximum temperature can
where v2 is the minimum volume of the gas in the cylinder. exist in the cylinder at the combustion process changes in
In order to write Eqs. (1) and (2) in more suitable form, a new the 1,200–2,500 K temperature range [3,4,33]. Because the
term, volume ratio, can be defined in the following form: formation of NOx emission is highly dependent on maxi-
 (k−1) mum temperature, the maximum temperature in cylinder is
θ= (3) restrained at reasonable value. Therefore, α changes between
3 and 9 in the real compression ignition engine. But in
where v1 is the maximum specific volume of the gas in the Fig. 2, α is given in 2–10 range so that results can be eval-
cylinder, v2 is the specific combustion chamber volume and k uated in wide perspective. The specific α value given below
is the specific heat ratio. Using the Eq. (3), adiabatic relations is also numerically found near the 2.
Eqs. (1) and (2) can be written as The variations of the normalized power (Ẇ /Ẇmax ), power
1 density (Ẇd /Ẇdmax ) and efficient power (Ẇη /Ẇηmax ) with
Ẇ = ṁcv T1 k α − − (αθ )k + 1 (4) respect to the thermal efficiency are shown in Fig. 2a, b
and c, respectively in variation of the cycle temperature ratio
ṁcv T1 1 1 (α). It can be seen from Fig. 2, the mp, mpd and mep had
Ẇd = θ 1−k k α − − (αθ )k + 1 (5) a tendency to increase as the thermal efficiency increased
v1 θ
until they reached a maximum value, and then decreased
where, T1 is the temperature at the engine inlet and α is the
as the thermal efficiency continued to increase. While the
cycle temperature ratio (α=T3 /T1 ). In a similar way, thermal
increasing rates of the mp, mpd and mep decrease with
efficiency of a Diesel cycle can be written as
increasing α, their decreasing rates increase with increas-
(αθ )k − 1 ing α. The decreasing rate of mpd is also maximum. Ther-
η =1−θ (6)
k(αθ − 1) mal efficiency at mp (ηmpd ), the thermal efficiency at mpd
(ηmpd ) and the thermal efficiency at mep (ηmep ) increase
To find mp, Eq. (4) can be differentiated with respect to θ ,
with increasing α. The ηmep and ηmpd are always greater
set the resultant derivative equal to zero (i.e., ∂ Ẇ /∂θ = 0).
than the ηmp . The ηmep is greater than the ηmpd until the
The optimum θ value obtained for mp as
specific α and then the ηmpd is greater than the ηmep . It can
θopt = α k+1 (7) be also concluded from these figures that, when α increases
the global performance curves get closer for all performance
Substituting Eq. (7) into Eq. (4), the mp can be found as
Ẇmax = ṁcv T1 kα − (k + 1)α k+1 +1 (8) It can be concluded from these figures that the thermal
efficiency increases with increasing the cylinder mean tem-
The thermal efficiency at mp can be found by substituting perature at the combustion process. The ηmep , ηmpd and ηmp
Eq. (7) into Eq. (6) as follows: also increase with increasing the cylinder mean temperature
⎡ ⎤ at the combustion process. For obtained higher the ηmep , ηmpd
−k α k+1 − 1
and ηmp diesel engine must be run at high combustion tem-
ηmp = 1 − α k+1 ⎣
1 ⎦ (9)
k α k+1 −1 peratures condition. It is available to keep high combustion
temperatures with insulating combustion chamber by ther-
The efficient power, which is defined as multiplication of the mal barrier coating and ceramic materials which are used for
power by the efficiency of the cycle as making low heat released engines. High combustion temper-
Ẇη = ηẆ (10) ature also improves fuel consumption and exhaust emissions
except NOx .
Substituting Eqs. (4) and (6) into Eq. (10), efficient power Normalized power, normalized power density and nor-
can be written as malized efficient power are plotted together for α = 1.5 and
      α = 4 in Fig. 3a and b, respectively. It can be observed from
1 (αθ )k − 1
Ẇη = ṁcv T1 k α − − (αθ)k + 1 1 − θ Fig. 3a that, the slope of normalized power curve is greater
θ k(αθ − 1)
(11) than the slope of normalized power density curve and the
slope of normalized power density curve is greater than the
The optimum θ values for mpd and mep are calculated slope of normalized efficient power curve until they reach
numerically in following section. maximum values.

Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:2263–2270 2267

Fig. 2 Variations of the

normalized power (a), the
normalized power density (b)
and the normalized efficient
power (c) with respect to
thermal efficiency

The decreasing of normalized efficient power and nor- at higher α values, normalized power density is lowest for
malized power density is very similar and their decreas- lower thermal efficient of diesel engine while normalized
ing rates are greater than decreasing rate of normalized power density is greatest for higher thermal efficient of
power. The similar variation is detected from the Fig. 3b diesel engine. It can be also observed from these figures
for increasing stage but the performance curves only go that, for the small α values (α = 1.5) ηmep is greater than
away from each other. For small α values increasing rate ηmpd and for a higher α (α = 4) ηmpd is greater than
of normalized power density is greater than rate of normal- ηmep . In addition, the ηmp is always lower than ηmpd and
ized efficient power but for higher α values rate of normal- ηmep . This finding can be seen more clearly from Fig. 4
ized efficient power is greater than rate of normalized power which shows the comparison of three maximum efficien-
density. The decreasing rate of normalized power density cies for different cycle temperature ratios, α. As it can be
is greater than the decreasing rate of normalized efficient seen from the figure, ηmep is greater than ηmpd until a spe-
power and the decreasing rate of normalized efficient power cific α value and after this value ηmpd becomes greater than
is greater than normalized power. At small α values, nor- ηmep .
malized efficient power is lowest for lower thermal effi- The specific α value is numerically found to be 1.85 for
cient of diesel engine while normalized efficient power is k = 1.4. From the above evaluations an expression among
greatest for higher thermal efficient of diesel engine. But the alternative efficiencies can be written as

2268 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:2263–2270

Fig. 3 Comparison of the

normalized power, the
normalized power density and
normalized efficient power for
α=1.5 (a) and for α=4 (b)

Fig. 4 Variations of the thermal

efficiencies at mp, mpd and mep
conditions with respect to α

Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:2263–2270 2269

Fig. 5 Variations of the power

outputs at mp, mpd and mep
conditions with respect to α

ηmep > ηmpd > ηmp for 1 < α < 1.85 In this context, the optimum θ value which maximize the
ηmpd > ηmep > ηmp for 1.85 < α (12) power output of the cycle and the thermal efficiency at mp
ηmep = ηmpd > ηmp for α = 1.85 are calculated analytically. The optimum θ values and ther-
mal efficiency values for mpd, mep are calculated numer-
α = 1.85 is very small value and it is not meaningful ically. The analysis showed that maximizing the efficient
for realistic Diesel cycle. In the realistic Diesel cycle, α is power function gives a compromise between power and effi-
greater than 3. Therefore ηmpd is greater than ηmep and ηmep ciency. Additionally, the mp criterion, the mpd criterion, the
is greater than ηmp for realistic Diesel cycle. mep criterion have to be considered in the engine design
Power outputs at mp, mpd and mep conditions can be for engine power output, engine fuel consumption and both
seen with respect to α in Fig. 5. Both of the power outputs at engine power and fuel consumption, respectively. Finally, the
mpd and mep conditions are lower than the mp output of the efficient power criterion is more suitable for design of prac-
cycle as expected. Despite the efficiency disadvantages, the tical Diesel engines which must be more effective and emit
mep criterion has a significant power advantage compared to lower carbon dioxide and other toxic emissions.
mpd criterion for α >1.85. While the power loss of the mpd In the analysis, the major irreversibilities in real heat
criterion is great after α = 1.85, the power output at mep con- engines were not considered, hence it would be appropri-
ditions is very close to the mp output. Because of α >1.85 in ate to carry out the analysis with the same methodology for
the modern Diesel engines, it is possible to say that the mep the totally irreversible (externally and internally) engines in
conditions are suitable to compromise the power and effi- the next studies.
ciency of the Diesel engine cycles. It can be concluded from
Figs. 4 and 5 that, the mp, mpd and mep criteria have to
be considered in the engine design for engine power out- References
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