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Subject/EDP Code/Schedule: BA-213/ 21865/ MW (12:00-1:30)
Mrs. Julieta A. Fabio, MBA Chapter 2 - Discussion Questions

1. Why is the study of individual differences mental ability and personality an

important activity?
-.Individual differences are the ways in which people differ from each other. Every
member of an organization has its own way of behavior. It is important for
managers to understand individual differences because they influence the feelings,
thoughts, and behavior of employees.

2. What is meant by "individual differences"?

–Individual differences refer to enduring characteristics that distinguish one
organism from another and that are stable over time and across situations.
Traditionally, these characteristics have included cognitive, affective, behavioral,
and/or genetic traits ascribed to persons or animals.

3. What are the consequences of having people with individual differences

working together in an organization?
-Consequences of individual differences People differ in productivity. Quality of
work varies because people vary in their propensity for achieving high-quality
results. Empowerment is effective with some workers, but not with all. A given
leadership style does not work with all people.

4. In what ways are people different from each other?

-People differ in so many ways; in their genetic make-up, sociocultural
backgrounds, attitudes, the way they speak, listen, learn, behave, act and react.

5. What are the sources of demographic diversity among people?

-SOURCES OF DEMOGRAPHIC DIVERSITY: sex and gender differences,
generational and age-based differences, and ethnic, racial, and cultural differences.
Sex differences– refers to actual biological differences, such as the average height
of men than that of women
Gender differences– refer to differences in the perception of male and female roles
Equity– refers to people being treated fairly
Equality– refers to people sharing equally
Intelligence or mental ability– the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge,
including solving problem.

6. Are there differences between men and women which affect job performance?
-Data show that men win more promotions, more challenging assignments and
more access to top leaders than women do. Men are more likely than women to
feel confident they are en route to an executive role, and feel more strongly that
their employer rewards merit. Women, meanwhile, perceive a steeper trek to the
7. What is meant by "aptitude"? by "ability"?
-An aptitude is a component of a competence to do a certain kind of work at a
certain level. Outstanding aptitude can be considered "talent." An aptitude may be
physical or mental. Aptitude is inborn potential to do certain kinds of work
whether developed or undeveloped. Ability is developed knowledge,
understanding, learnt or acquired abilities (skills) or attitude.

8. What comprises the overall ability of a person?

-The overall ability of a person can generally be classified into three categories:
cognitive ability, emotional ability, and physical ability. Simultaneously, these
three capabilities illustrate what a person can do.

9. What is the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence?

-The Triarchic Theory of Intelligence or Three Forms of Intelligence, formulated
by psychometrician Robert Sternberg, aims to go against the psychometric
approach to intelligence and take a more cognitive approach, which leaves it to the
category of the cognitive-contextual theories.

10. What are the determinants of personality?

-Personality is a result of the combination of four factors- physical environment,
heredity, culture and particular experiences. Geographical environment sometimes
determines cultural variability. Man comes to form ideas and attitudes according to
the physical environment he lives in. To the extent that the environment determines
cultural development and to the extent that culture in turn determines personality a
relationship between personality and environment becomes clear.

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