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Quarter 1 – Module 2 Lesson 3
Remembering the Things We Used to
Do (Using Past Real Conditionals)

1|P age
English – Grade 9
Quarter 1 – Module 2 Lesson 3: Remembering the Things We Used to do

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module


Editors: DAISY E. ELEN

Reviewers: EMMA V. DASCO

Illustrator: JANELLE S. LAZARO


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MODULE 2 Lesson 3

I. Things have changed

We still remember the things that we did during our childhood. There are
memories we cherish. Also, there are things that we did back then that we no
longer do in the present time. Everything changes. This lesson will help you
realize how you grow up so fast with time.

II. Objectives
Competency: Use conditionals in expressing arguments.

a. Identify the purpose and correct structure of past real conditional
b. Write expressive arguments using past real conditionals.
c. Construct effective sentences using past real conditionals.

III. Vocabulary List

1. conditional – noun: (grammar) sentence that talk about a condition and a

possible result or consequence.
2. real – noun: factual; true.
3. simple past – noun: (grammar) second form of the verb
4. boldface – noun: a heavy-faced type; thick-outlined text
5. italics – noun: type of style with characters that slant upward to the right
6. tense – noun: (grammar) (Verb tense) it refers to time expression of the verb
7. form – noun: it is the structure or pattern of sentence construction
8. clause – noun: a group of words containing a subject and predicate and
functioning member of complex or compound sentence.
9. habit – noun: usual manner of behavior
10. Wattpad – noun: a website or app for readers and writers to publish new user-
generated stories in different genres.
Source: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 2020, Mobile phone application

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IV. Pre-Test
Direction: Select the correct form of the verb inside the parentheses to complete the
past real conditional sentences.

1. If the weather was nice, she often ______ (walks, walked) to work.
2. Jerry always helped me with my assignment when he ______ (has, had) time.
3. When there was vacant time in school, we _____ (go, went) to the next room
to see our admirers.
4. If there was group activity, I _____ (stay, stayed) quiet on the side. Now, I
participate with my groupmates.
5. I _____ (use, used) to go to the canteen when I asked permission from the
teacher to go to the bathroom in the middle of the class.

V. Learning Activities

Direction: Read the following sentences and answer the guide questions:
1. If I had savings, I bought stuff toys.
Now, I use my savings for cellphone load.
2. If I got star from my homework, my mother rewarded me with Jollibee treats.
Today, she only gives me money.
3. When my candy accidentally dropped, I would pick it up, because I believed
in “5-second rule.”
I don’t believe in it anymore.

Guide questions:
1. What do you call the words in boldface?
2. What is the tense of the words in boldface?
3. Which part of the sentence contains the condition?
4. Which part of the sentence contains the result?
5. What is the time significance of the sentence in the italics?
6. Are the actions still happening in the present? Explain your answer.

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Key Points



The past real conditional describes what you used

to do in particular real-life situations. It suggests that
your habits have changed and you do not usually do these
things today.

[If/When. . . simple past . . ., . . . simple past . . .]

[. . . simple past . . . if/when. . . simple past. . .]


 When I was a kid, I listened to nursery rhymes. Now, I listen to K-Pop songs.
simple past simple past
 If I went to a friend’s house, I usually took some food in the fridge. I don’t do
that anymore.
 I usually stayed at home when it rained.
 I used to buy toys when I had more allowance.
 When I visited my grandparents, I used to hug them tight.


The if-clause contains the condition:

If the weather was nice. . .

and the main clause contains the result of that condition:

. . . he often rode his bike.

When should you use “if” and “when” to give the condition?

We use “if” when something rarely happened, and we use “when” when
something happened regularly. So, they only differ in the frequency of occurrence.
Example: When I visited my grandparents, I used to hug them tight.

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I regularly visited my grandparents.

Source:, Past Real Conditional,

VI. Practice Tasks

Practice 1.
Direction: Write YES if the sentence is Past Real Conditional and NO if it is not.

1. If I was hungry, I ate a lot of food. ______

2. If I had money, I bought junk food. ______
3. When it rained, Ben usually played outside with my friends. ______
4. If a beggar asks for money, Maria gives him a coin. ______
5. Anna shares some of her snacks when she has plenty. ______

Practice 2.

Direction: Encircle the correct form of the verb inside the parentheses to complete the
past real conditional sentences.

1. If I had a bad day, I (try, tries, tried) to remain calm.

2. When things went wrong, I (panic, panics, panicked).
3. If I woke up late, I usually (skip, skips, skipped) breakfast.
4. If I (do, does, did) not pass the exam, I had to take the make-up class.
5. When I couldn’t catch the first trip on the bus, I (arrive, arrives, arrived)
late at school.
6. When I had time, I (travel, traveled, travels) to different places.
7. When he (is, was, were) younger, he walked everywhere.
8. I (had, have, has) more time for my toys when I was younger.
9. When I read book, I usually (feel, fell, felt) asleep.
10. When teacher asked me question, I (take, taken, took) my time to answer.

Practice 3.

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Direction: Complete the phrases by supplying them with the things that you used to do
in the given real-life situation or condition.

If I failed the test, I cried a lot. I don’t cry anymore .

1. If I played outside, ___________________________________________


2. When I watched cartoon movies, ________________________________

3. If I had extra money, _________________________________________

4. When I attended a birthday party, _______________________________

5. If I took the final exam in my favorite subject, _______________________

6. When my teacher assigned homework, __________________________


7. If I encountered a difficult word, _________________________________


8. When I opened my cellphone, __________________________________


9. If it was my friend’s birthday, ___________________________________


10. When I presented topic in front of the class, _______________________


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VII. Post Test

A. Direction: Give the correct form of the verb inside the

parentheses to complete the past real conditionals.
Example: When I woke (wake) up early, I exercised

1. I ________ (can) play outside with my friends if I _________ (finish) my

homework first.
2. If I ________ (clean) my room, I __________ (be) permitted to play online
3. If I ________ (need) to go to the bathroom, I ___________ (raise) my hand to
ask permission.
4. I _________ (use) to play video game all afternoon when my cousin
____________ (come) to visit me.
5. I _________ (skip) classes if my friend ___________ (ask) to go out for fun.

B. Direction: Write a short paragraph about the memorable things that you used to do
in your elementary days. Use the past real conditional.


(To the Teacher: Use this rubric in rating your student’s output.)

Simple Paragraph Rubric

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
All Only five Only four Only three Only two
Content sentences sentences sentences sentences sentences
in the in the in the in the in the

6|P age
paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph
respond to respond to respond to respond to respond to
the topic. the topic. the topic. the topic. the topic.
The The The The The
paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph
shows a shows 1-2 shows 3-4 shows 5 has more
Organizati logical sentences sentences sentences than 5
on of ideas arrangeme which are which are which are sentences
nt of ideas. not properly not properly not properly which are
organized. organized. organized. not properly
All rules on Any 1-2 Any 3-4 Any 5 rules More than 5
capitalizati rules are rules are are not rules are
on, not properly not properly properly not properly
Mechanics spelling, observed. observed. observed. observed.
of Writing grammar,
etc. are

VIII. Assignment

Directions: Look for a song with past real conditionals, and then copy
three (3) lines/sentences that are past real conditionals.

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________

LIST OF SOURCES, Past Real Conditional,

Merriam-Webster, Inc. 2020, Mobile phone application

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IX. Answer Key:

IV. Pre-Test

1. walked
2. had
3. went
4. stayed
5. used

V. Learning Activities

Guide Questions:
1. Verb/s
2. simple past tense
3. if-clause
4. main clause
5. Present time
6. No, actions were completed in the past.

VI. Practice Tasks

Task 1.
1. YES
2. YES
3. YES
4. NO
5. NO

Task 2
1. tried
2. panicked
3. skipped
4. did
5. arrived
6. traveled
7. was
8. had
9. felt
10. took

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Task 3
Answers vary.

VII. Post-Test

1. could . . . finished
2. cleaned . . . was
3. needed . . . raised
4. used . . . came
5. skipped . . . asked
6. had . . . used
7. felt . . . slept
8. made . . . called
9. wrote . . . had
10. forgot . . . copied

Answer varies

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