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No. J.P. Rizal St., Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu
_____ S. Y. 2018-2019

Name: ______________________________Year & Section: ____________ Date: _________ Score: ________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: READ carefully each item and encircle the letter that corresponds your
1. What elements of art is emphasized in the sky lanterns and “Loi Krathong” Festival of Thailand?
A. color and shape B. line and shape C. value and color D. value and line
2. What element of art is shown in the Kodo Taiku Drums of Japan?
A. emphasis B. shape C. texture D. value
3. In Kodo Taiko Drum festival, the word Kodo could refer to _____.
A. drummer B. drum beat C. war D. heartbeat
4. It refers to a festival in Thailand that is celebrated annually on the second month of the Thai Lanna
calendar and celebrated specifically in Chiang Mai.
A. Fire Festival B. Fish Festival C. Loi Krathong D. Yi Peng
5. In Balinese Dance festival, the word Kecak refers to _______.
A. Balinese dance and music drama C. Balinese Opera
B. Balinese theater D. Balinese Performers
6. In Peking Opera, what is the most commonly used color in character’s make up or masks?
A. blue B. gold C. green D. red
7. What element of art is emphasized in Wayang Kulit and Nang Shadow puppet?
A. color B. emphasis C. line D. shape
8. Who is that character of Noh Theater of Japan that is always wearing mask?
A. Chou B. Petruk C. Shite D. Waki
9. A Peking opera character that is described as the strong-minded women.
A. Huadan B. Laodan C. Wudan D. Zhengdan

10. It refers to a performer in Wayang Kulit that narrates the story and manipulate the puppet to give life on
the presentation.
A. Dalang B. Pansinden C. Semar D. Taiku

11. Which of the following is TRUE about Sky Lantern Festival (Yi Peng)?
A. It is a festival that they let lanterns float in water.
B. It is a festival that is celebrated in Chiang Mai, a city in Thailand.
C. A festival celebrated by couples in order to prosper relationships with each other.
D. This is a festival that is celebrated together with Loi Krathong in whole place of Thailand.
12. The following festivals are known as Asian Festivals EXCEPT _______.
A. Balinese Dance Festival B. Loi Krathong and Yi Peng
B. Kodo Taiko Drum Festival C. Merlima Whirling Dervishes
13. The following pair of words are correct EXCEPT ________.
A. Balinese Dance Festival: Malaysia C. Mevlana Whirling Dervishes: Turkey
B. Kodo Taiko Drum Festival: Japan D. Yi Peng: Thailand
14. The following statements describes Kodo Taiko Drum Festival of Japan EXCEPT ________.
A. In earlier times, drums were used as a weapon in the battle.
B. The word Kodo both refers to heartbeat and son of the drum.
C. Traditionally, the drums were beaten to drive away evil spirits.
D. Before only few and deserving men were allowed to play the Taiko drums.
15. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Balinese Dance Festival?
A. No men is allowed to take part in the stage performances.
B. Only women with special skills are allowed to dance the sacred festival.
C. The performers must not be married and shall devote their selves to Shiva.
D. Legong is another term of this festival that means the intricate finger movements.
16. The following are the characters of Peking Opera EXCEPT ____.
A. Chou B. Dan C. Sheng D. Shite
17. The following are the sons of Semar of Wayang Kulit EXCEPT____.
A. Bagong B. Dareng C. Gareng D. Petruk
18. The following analogies of Wayang Kulit are correct EXCEPT ____.
A. Kelir : oil lamps C. Niyaga : gamelan musician.
B. Dalang : puppeteer D. Pansinden : Javanese singers.
19. Which of the following is TRUE about Noh theater of Japan?
A. The character who always wear mask is called Waki.
B. The character that supports the main character is Shite.
C. The characters are all women with high societal rank in Japan.
D. There are only two characters, the one that is always wearing mask and the one that supports the
main character.
20. Which of the following statements BEST describes Nang Shadow Puppet Play of Thailand?
A. The theme of the play is all about adventures.
B. Puppets are similar to Indonesia’s Wayang Kulit Shadow Play.
C. There are two types of Nang, Nang Talung (small puppet) and Nang Yai (large puppet).
D. The puppeteer is also known as Dalang just like in Indonesia’s Wayang Kulit Shadow Play.
21. What is the first thing to do if you are going to imitate a festival dance?
A. Listen to the music of the festival dance.
B. Learn the background of the festival dance.
C. Learn the basic steps of the specific festival dance.
D. Plan and improvise a costume for the festival dance performance.
22. If you are to improvise the Kodo Taiko Drum Festival, which of the following steps will you choose?
A. I will follow the materials used because I respect the nature of the festival.
B. I will use my body to create a sound while doing the modified martial arts steps.
C. I will follow the martial arts steps to maintain its originality but I will improvise the instrument.
D. I will use an empty can to use it as a drum and I will modify the martial arts step in a simpler way.
23. How will you imitate Nang Shadow play of Thailand?
A. I will modify the puppet but I will still use the oil lamps to create shadow.
B. I will follow the materials used, there’s no way to change it must be respected.
C. With the use of indigenous materials, I will create my own Nang puppet but I will remain its
characters shape and image.
D. I will create my own stick puppet inspired by Nang and will use available materials to replace the
original just like the use of projector to create shadow.
24. In order for you to clearly imitate Peking Opera, you are task by your teacher imitate the make-up of the
characters. What will you use to imitate the make-up of the characters?
A. I will use bond paper to cover my face.
B. I will buy white and red paint to put it in my face even its dangerous.
C. I will rather modify the costume rather than following the make-up.
D. I will use face powder to replace the rice paste to make my face look white.
25. Jhea is a grade 8 student who is good at designing and combining colors. She created a very beautiful
puppet and everyone was amazed by it but her seatmate noticed that the puppet she made was not
durable. What do you think is lacking on the puppet of Jhea?
A. card board and sticks C. glue and folder
B. coloring materials and glue D. screw and sticks
26. You need to create a sound effects to make the theater more appealing and exciting. What way will you do
to create a modified sound effect?
A. I can borrow drum sets in the music room to make it easier.
B. I can download sound effects and play it during the presentation.
C. I can sing for our team performance and let them be amaze by my voice.
D. I can use tables, empty cans, and even my body to create a sound effects.
27. Chantelle’s group is assigned to dance the Loi Krathong Dance. They need to create a lantern as a hand
props of the dance. If you are one of the groupmates of Chantelle, what material can you suggest in
modifying the lantern used in Loi Krathong?
A. I will suggest that we should use plastic cups.
B. I will suggest that we can use leaves as lanterns.
C. I will suggest that we should buy lanterns to make it easier.
D. I will suggest that we will use recycled paper to form a lantern.
28. If you are assigned to modify a step in Loi Krathong, what is the easiest step you can teach to your
A. I will teach them the best steps even if they cannot do it perfectly.
B. I will teach them anything that I knew even if it’s hard for them.
C. I will teach them the basic steps and the timing of the dance steps to the music.
D. I will accept their suggested steps even if it’s far from our assigned festival dance.
29. Mitch’s groupmates have already mastered the steps of Balinese Dance but the problem is they can’t get
the proper timing of the dance to its music. If you are Mitch, what is the best way in order for your team
to have the proper timing?
A. I will let them master everything that they have to perform.
B. I will let everyone find a clue on where they will change steps in the music.
C. I will let them listen to the music properly and feel the rhythm and beat of the music.
D. I will let everyone identify it’s time signature, we will practice the counting and will repeat the
music all over again to master the timing.
30. Mica’s group is assigned to perform the Mevlana Whirling Dervishes of Turkey but the members of Mica
are worried that they cannot perform the whirling for so long because it makes them dizzy and out of
balance. If you are Mica, how will you modify the dance to lessen the dizziness of your groupmates?
A. I will let them practice the turning because I believe that practice makes perfect.
B. I will not worry about my groupmates, what is important is they should get it perfectly.
C. I will listen and ask suggestions to my groupmates but turning should not be changed.
D. I will modify the dance steps, I will lessen the turning and I can let them take turns to lessen the
31. You are assigned to become the leader of the group that will be performing the Balinese dance. As a
leader you found out that your groupmates are not that talented in dancing.
A. I will teach my groupmates the basic steps rather than the complex one.
B. I will let them be the costume makers and let them be watchers of our team.
C. I will pressure them that they need to dance properly to get highe r grades.
D. I will not let them dance, I will just save them by selecting my groupmates that are good in
32. Rachel’s group was assigned to find a dim room or place for their shadow puppet presentation. After a
minute of roaming around, the group were not able to find a dim place but only a vacant classroom. What
alternative plan should they do to pursue the presentation?
A. turn off the lights and light a candle
B. close the windows and door of the classroom
C. bring cloths or blanket that will cover the entire room
D. close all the windows and cover the entire classroom with a blanket
33. Annalie was chosen as the group leader of the group that were tasked to prepare the stage for the class
shadow puppet presentation, but the problem is they don’t have projector or lights that will help them
produce a shadow. If you are Annalie, what available material you will you use to substitute the projector?
A. flashlights B. candle C. Christmas lights D. lamp
34. Yoona is assigned by her team leader to plan for their costume for their Kabuki theater performance. If
you are Yoona, what will you use to modify the Kimono of Japan?
A. I will use bath skirts and uniform to modify a Kimono.
B. I will use garbage bag or sacks to sew it into a Kimono and scotch tape to form it perfectly.
C. I will use blankets to serve as the cloth and shoe laces to serve as the tie in forming the Kimono.
D. I will use the bedsheets to create Kimono because there are garters so no need to find something
to tie
35. Janine is assigned to direct the modified Peking Opera Theater of group 2. She realized that they don’t
have enough knowledge when it comes to Chinese language. If you are Janine, how will you modify Peking
Opera creatively?
A. I will let my groupmates create any words as long as it sounds Chinese.
B. I will create and do my best to search Chinese language and will let them learn it easily.
C. I will just let my groupmates find ways, I will just focus on the costume for the presentation.
D. I will use our language in the dialogue and will let the characters put a twist on it, they must state
it in Chinese tonality.

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