2316 (Edited)

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cereal @ veers Bureau of intenatl Revenue 2316 **paymen/tax winneld.” — MIDRAARAPAER emer 208 NCS) For Compensation Poyment With or Wout Tax Watt rw oxnBeNCs ae a ‘err 2020, From 00 104 J ro qawooy [2138 Fa eae aE Fe or a Panerai asa Ts wow ee ae 180 940 530. 0000. NON-TAXABLE/EXEMPT COMPENSATION INCOME a Nn ne Ft Nain We a) 6 RO Cos Ameo ‘TAN, HAYDEE GOSINCO 1105, _ 7 Bi Slain te eo 7287008 o.a| ane a RTs FettoyPoy tees a 11 ovate Pay one | 8 clone Ane eo Coie fo anes arta ae 0 0 Fron es .20 code fo Hazard ay ove) and 111. fe sammonnpayand ote Bente Date of Birth (MMADDIYYYY) |B Telephone Number (maximum of P90,000) 25,000.00) mopprnemponr fos Sonn Bante | a aa pT 85,61, PMC 8 Pa. Combos 0.00) and Union Dues (Employee shere only) £600.05 a Sa Ta Pa soft Sater Ote: Fame Conprston aa Fan Wags Ea AO SSRN BOTAN ‘et Non TsablstEzonpt Compassion fcanal ing mada eject noe tome (un tome 02) ape aman Pea ooo Se OT ap. taxnace conpensarion come REGULAR aT Base Sty seamed (GOSINGCO, CHARLES LIM 7 Rat Rao Ta oem cesu city 700, || Tozoratan fs tipeeT ener Tian Enso | — Soa Enso Contt ig owas (4A) : 1 Fed Housing Aowance int 2 Obes (Spec) [17 Employer's Name an 0.00) a rapa aS RTC ws | surrtenenrany Sa SSN TTT cman Employer (Sum of Rems 36 and 50) 386,322.20) {ST en Corwen prot tang ‘Income from Present Employer (From item 36) 31,600.00) 1 Tans Ongena ne sara aft? Fes ng Draco Fone Cone ams 2 pene) 7: arrose corpus on ‘anol Taxtle 136 Not Poy ents aaa 2 Gon Tals Crgoreatenheone sana.” Hac Pay Gevaltons 2 on 7: ‘acon ao sus ax}? Ove Pay Amoi ot Tae il ter (onc Sita enor zosuad” son 210 revs Emoto ooo} 98 eT rt TeV ated soe Taste Conoaeaton ame (Sum of teres 254 and 258) Be 20.904. {Sum of items 37 and 498) 394,722.20) eee ead SS PS STFS TTT TS EST ‘ne posers ofthe Nasr ral Revons odo, aended, andthe eputon aued ude uy heres. Furhr, we ie you carer he processing of myo inooaton screed under th "Data Prisey et ot 2012 (RA. No 1017) rept ad a uote. ” ‘CHARLES L. GOSINGCO remeron mse | LL — sro cosmco TaN a wate eee ee eT cease ae | ET SS aan acannon ESN ames [eaetenmmonrone fhe meeg copra ‘ony one empoye Be Pippnes rth eer ea tat tates have Deen ea yn pays (ann iets we) tae Bi Form CHARLES L. GOSINGCO fc 1004.6 aby my wrloyerto the BIR sal ont a nce em a EVO RTE GSH STALE OV PTT NTE ens at Farm no. 246 aa ore he sare purpose es BIR Fom No 1700 (ead of Acute Haran Resor © Astra Reprsetae) fo been fed psu o he proviso Reverse Repti (FR) No. 3-202, 8 aman. HAYDEE GOSINCO TAN “NOTE The Bi Privacy 1s in the BIR website (www bir.gov.ph) Republic of the Philippines iment of Finance Bureau of rtenatl Revenue 2316 Cpaymenvax wine’ MNDRNAAKEAREAI January 2018 (ENCS) For Compensation Payment With or Without Tax Withheld 2316 018ENCS Conny «From (Mad) ot]o1 | 10 wmwoo) [#2 32 Tnfornation Far V8 Detalof Compensation Rcome and Tex Wine om Present a0] ae 0000], won-TaXABLE/EXEMPT COMPENSATION INCOME [sErpioyons Name Laat Name, Fit Name, Mii Name) ‘SRDO Cod ‘Amount Basic Salaninclding the exempt P250,000 & | 0.04 (GO SINCO, EDWIN LIM 205, ofthe statutory Minimum Wage ofthe MWE Regiioed Aaa ‘EAT Cade 28 Holiday Pay Qe) ‘ood 111 }29 overtime Pay ne) od 8 Local Home Adress 6¢ Zp Cod 0 Night shit Dieronal (MWE) 0.00) Forelan Adress 6EZinCode fst Hazard Pay wwe) 0.00) 111 fhe 13m Monn Pay and omer Benefits 25,000.00 [7 Dae of sim omaDONTT If Teechone Number (masinam of P8000) . De Minimis Benfis 0.00] “Sato Winimam Wage aie ‘SSS, GSIS, PHIC & Pag:big Contrbwtons r Eo 0.00) and Union Due (Employee share ony) 00.00) oS MRE Wag a pa OT “Dag)? Soltes& Ofer Forme of Compensation ood Tx] ina i wae COMPEATON & xT FON Total Non-TaxablfExempt Compensation 31,600.00 wnnoling ax an not sujet come ‘income (Sum of tems 27 1035) Part Empoyer Information ie INSATION INCOME REGULAR Tamar sor | | 738 | | ose Dono fe TAXABLE comres mi 37 fave Salary 354,722.20] ‘GOSINGCO, CHARLES LIM bs fa Reaisiored across eA Zi Cote CEBU CITY $6900," > Transporation His Type of Enetover Empioyer Secondary Employer —}40 Cost of Living Alowance (COLA) C r Jat Fed Housing Atowance mT [ez omers cspeciy) FT Empoyers name an 0.00) 28 fe Regions Raaross "WAT Coe wi | supptemenrary Teas an Pre Fae 322 29f** Commission Employer (Sum ems 98 and 50) oo en: Tea Nan TeabesExeot Compensation Proft Sharing Income fom Present eneoyt From fer 36), 31,600.00 Tata Conpenaston here Fam Preset 354,722.20} Fees Incuting Orectors Foes Emperor 19 Lass ta 20) re Nem 0) ae 1 Yan canon Yee rom ‘0,00}*8 Taxable 130 Monn Pay Benes ‘od {Gross Taxable Compensation Income (7 Hazard Pay (Sum of tems 21 and 22) 354,722.20} Tax Due 208 Overtime Pay 5. Amount of Taxes Wiheks 19 Onbers (Speci 264 Present Employer 20,040.44] 494 258 Previous Emeloyer 00] 498 fas Tota Amore of Tews Wit ate “otal Taxable Compensation nome (Sune amt 254s 258) 20,944.44) "(Sum of toms 37 and 48) 394,722.29 Te decree pana Pay, PATON STAG Pas BOSD Tae A GSTS vray uae Bat Vou Mops a Ba Hs Oo anes PINTS ‘te prvsone tthe ana sternal Revere Gate. a rede dre repute sued we ent are Furies ie myo cnet epoca of myo eomaon 25 cnfompsted under he “Osta Pray Ax of 2012 (R.A. No 1017 retire a atl pupae. a CHARLES L. GOSINGCO ; SROLERESSTRREISSTOR CGR OSTTSTTON © ned comonae: cownn um co sco ® ows tt — ee eee gemwof—iree me | = ETT ape a aaa ST Sern eater me een [cere ae ans nesses cememeoa ‘ony one empoye te Piippnes the ese Yara taxes have been wl yy erpsoyes (tm al swith) tha he Bi Form 2 CHARLES L. GOSINGCO fo 104. ha by my erpoyerto te Bi sal cantata ince ak ey pean ga Riordan irae Ove Peis ave ai Form No 7346 sal neve te same purpose ao BIR Form No. 1700 (Wendt Acouning Hunan Resucao Auterze Rerecerave) ro owned psu oh proviso Revere Repustions (RR No 3-202, amended a EDWIN LIM GO SINCO ips Ove PRT "NOTE: The BIR Data Privacy isin the BIR website (www.bir,gov ph)

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