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se ithematics by Jiovanni a al SOLUTION TO TEST 2 — COMBINATORICS ae 4, An organization has 25 members, 4 of whom are ECEs. In how many ways can a committee of 3 be formed so as to include at least one ECE? Solution: 13S NOILNTOS The number of ways to select 3 out of 25 members: 25 -( 3 je 25C, = 2300 The number of ways to select 3 members without ECE is; 21 -( 3 Jer ae =1330 Thus, the number of ways in which 3 members can be selected so that at least one ECE is included is: = 2300-1330 ABCD =970 ways O oe O —_— 2. In how many ways can 5 men and 5 women be seated at around table if each woman is to be between two men? Solution: Le: N=required number of circular arrangements Consider that the men are seated first. Then they can be arrange in (5-1)! ways and the women in 5! ways. Thus, N=(5-1)!5! 7 ABCD "N=2,880 ways @000 te Mathematics in Discre ee Test Tour Selfin. - ; R 2> Test io mm re Examinations . R cuaete mor Engineers Licensur® x ade 6 ne ee Complete Mathematics Sanat ifferentl nie, tix, to! 3. By stringing an be made? many differen Solution: There are (10-1) bracelet, but half of g t bracelets ¢ tarrangements of the beads on the | these can be obtained from the other half simply by turning the bracelet over. Hence the number of different bracelets is: N= tel 5 circular permutation in space . ABCD N=181,440 different bracelets 0 oe 0 eee 4. How many 4- digit numbers less than 4000 can be formed from the digits 2,3,5,6,7 and 9 if each digit must be used only once? Solution: Represent the 4 -digit number with 4 boxes. For this 2 number to be less than 4000, the first box cannot be greater than 3, so there are only two possibilities to fill the first box. Either 2 or 3, or it can be filled in only 2 ways. Since each digit must be used only once, the second box can be filled by any of the 5 remaining digits, the third by any of the 4 remaining digits, and the fourth by any of the 3 remaining digits. Thus, Using box method: ABCD ee ee ee 5. Agirlhas 7 flowers, each of different bouquet a different variety. How many ts can she form? Solution: Let; N=no. ways N=7C,47¢ 4 r 7 LAG ea, FIO A9G, eRe: J = _—— He! Engineering oK Mathematics by Jiovanni M. Quiseo Hleernate Solution: Firat Eilition N=2"-4 =27 4 = 127 ways ABCD ee mao 6. In how many ways can 3 boys Vhs - girls are to sit together? YS and 2 girls sit in a row if the Solution: The best way to solve this problem is to i as one for they wanted to be together. wih tee. ae a counted as one, the number of ways to arrange 4 distinct persons in a row is 4!. But the two girls within their group can be arrange also in 2! ways, thus according to counting technique, the total number of ways is: N=(4!)(2!) : - ae = 48 ways, O0@0 eee 7. A boy has 8 flowers of different variety. In how many ways can he select 2 or more flowers to form a bouquet? Let: N= no. ways N=8C, +8C, +8C, +8C, +8C, +8C7+8C, =28+56+70+56+28+8+1 = 247 ways Alternate Solution: ‘ ad i —1 ways. But One or more flowers may be selected in 2 since 2 or more must be chosen, the required number of ways is: = (2° -1)—-8C, = 255-8 ABCD = 247 ways OO00® oe ee Mathematics CHAPTER 2- Zest Tour Self in Discrete . a “matics For Engineers Licenswi xaminations - R “ Complete Mathema 3 Aaa We ‘ me, . y ways can 6 pe p seated in a Saal 8. In how man table with 6 seats? Solution: For Cyclic or ring permutation, the number of arrangements without restriction is: N=(n-1)! =(6-1)! ae = 120 ways 00e0 ——_— In how many ways can a committee consisting of 3 engineers and 2 nurses be chosen from 5-engineers and 7 nurses? Solution: Number of ways, N: N=(5C,)(7C. 2)(7Cp) he. N=210 ways : @000 a eee 10. In how many ways can 18 points, no three of which are collinear, be connected to form a triangle? Solution: Note that unique triangle can be formed from 3 distinct points Number of ways : yi ABCD ee 0@00 Engineering Mathematj . . '§ Mathematics by Jiovanni M. Quiseo : Fou 41. How many diagonals have an icosahedron? oe Solution: The number of distinct line fotni ; icosahedron is: 8 by joining the vertices of an N=20C, N= 190 lines But, 20 of these 190 lines are icosahedron, thus: Number of Digonals = 190-20 =170 diagonals 00 Ye Ce halal the sides of the 12. At a meeting, after everyone had shaken hands with everyone else, it was found that 45 handshakes were —— exchanged. How many were at the meeting? =f Solution: n=no. person who attended the meeting Ge total number of handshakes z : Using the combination formula: Bie (n=r)!r! on! i n(n-1)(n-2)! _ 99 (n—2)! n(n—1)=90 n?—-n-90 =0 (n—10)(n+9)=0 ABCD =10 0@00 A LM Co) A (ol) screte Mathematics 6 in Di. cwarren 2- Test our SL > Examinations PAR Complete Mathematics For Engi eers Licensure E- of Thee . nals each consisting of 6 flags w many different sig J ( 13. hing in a vertical line can be formed from 4 identical req flags and 2 identical green flags? Solution: Permutation of “n” objects not all distinct. n! “pla! : Where: n=6 —>no. of objects red=4 ; green=2 6! ABCD Pr aai~| @000 | 44. Find the number of different triangles which can be formed by joining the vertices of a decagon. Solution: Let: N =number of different triangles Then, N=10C, N=120 triangles Note: A decagon is a poly 1 gon having 10 sides and thus having 10 vertices. —— Engineering i oe ngineering Mathematics by Jiovanni M. Quiseo Fut Edition 45. In how many ways can 9 dj fer shelf so that 3 of the books ent books be arranged on a are never all 3 together? Solution: ee arrangements with the books in any order: = 362,880 ways With the 3 books always together: =sl7! = 30,240 Thus, with the 3 books never all together: = 362,880 —30,240 = 332,640 ways aE Q@00 —_ 16. In how many ways can 10 different books be divided = among A, B, and C so that A gets 5 books, B 3 books, and Ly | C 2 books? | Solution: : | The number of ways is: | =(10C,)(5C; )(2C,) ABCD | | | see? ways : 0080 TT __ | 17. Compute the sum of the 4-digit numbers which can be ip formed with the four digits 2,3,5,8 if each digit is used only . once in each arrangement. Solution: Total number of 4-digit number which can be formed from the digits 2, 3, 5, 8 is: ae 4x3x2x1= 24 (4—digit numbers) igi 8 will appear Note that each of the digits 2, 3, 5, and : 24/4=6 times in the thousands, hundreds, tens, and units digit, respectively. ‘ Thus, the sum is: ‘ 48)! s = 6(18)1000 +.6(18)100 + 6(18)10 + 6( i . cD S$ =119,988 OO00® pe a 13S NOILNTOS Test Tour Self in Discrete Mathematics CHAPTER 2- = ‘ Complete Mathematics For Engineers Lie ure eee 8: 48. How many different radio stations can be named with : different letters of the alphabet in which “D" must come _ first? (Repetition is not allowed) e Solution: Using Box Method: (Principle of Counting) x can be filled in one way (i.e. with the letter D) The first bo: e filled by any of the remaining 25 The second’box can b letters in the alphabet. The third box in 24 ways. The last box in 23 ways ABCD [oa [23 |= 13,800 stations - 0080 19. There are 3 copies each of 4 different books. In how many different ways can they be arranged on a shelf? Solution: Permutation of n objects not all distinct (some are alike): p= n! plairl... Splat _ 3131313! ee ep P=369,600 ways O00 ee VE 20. In how ‘ ‘ row of oaae eae a party of 6 people be seated on a = certain 2 refuse to sit next to each other? Solution: Thi @ numbe ae ee is: : spbaks ip to sit all 6 persons without restriction =6!=720 ways En, ‘ - gineering Mathematics by Jiovanni M. Quiseo The number of ways to sit all 6 ‘eae two next to each other is: Persons with the certain = 215! = 240 ways Thus, if the same two persons ref " | use to sit n other, the number of ways to sit all 6 persons viet to each = 720-240 = 480 ways ABCD 0Q00® —_— 21. How many 6 -place license plates are possible if the first 3 places are to be occupied by letters and the final 3 by numbers? = Solution: Applying counting principle: N=26x26x26x10x10x10 : = 17,876,000 : a Q00®8 22. A man is dealt a poker hand (6 cards) from an ordinary deck of playing cards. In how many ways can he be dealt with a straight flush? Solution: The number of consecutive (straight) groups of 5 cards is 10; thatiss 47255 (A,2,3, 4,5), (2,3,4,5;6), (3,4,5,6,7).-1 (10, 5K,A) ral ui in 4 ways. For the straight flush, the suit can be chosen in y Thus the number of ways one can e dealt with a straight flush is: N=4x10 = 40 ways Oo ABC 0@0 | 13S NOILNTOS iscrete Mathematics PEG a: elf in Di . Test Tour Se - PA CHAPTER é: me Fincers Licensure Examinations “3 2 . Complete Matheme a poker hand (5 Cards) from an Ordinary : i It = dt ak ot playing cards. In how many ways can he be deay ec! with a straight? ceruarat in card games, a straight is understood to be g ath of consecutive 5 cards with mixed suits. secutive groups of 5 cards is 10. ber of con: The numbe 3,4,5,6), (3,4,5,6,7),....(10,J,Q,K, A) (A,2,3,4,5), (2 hoose each card in 4 w, ach sequence of 5 we can c ‘i ays § rubs Hoare: Spade and Diamond), giving a total of 4° = 1024 ways The total number of consecutive groups of five is: =10x1024 = 10,240 However, this total will include the straight flush, so we must subtract the number of straight flushes. (See Problem 22) Thus, the number of straights is: N=10,240-40 ABCD = 10,200 O00®e ee ee SE 24. A man is dealt a poker hand (5 cards) from an ordinary deck of playing cards. In how man\ It Saneae Y Ways can he be deal Solution: A flush is a group of 5 cards of same suit. © You can choose the suit in 4 ways, and you can choose 5 cards from 13C, = 1287 ways. s The total number of wa : : 4x 1287 = 5149 1 Setting a flush is Again, we must Subtract from getting a straight ust: this the number of ways of Thus, the number Of flushes is 514g - 40 = 5108. ABCD 3 0@00 : i Engineering Mathematics by Jiovanni M. Quiseo ‘7 ae Fost Elition (5 cards) from an ordinary Many ways.can he be dealt 25. Aman is dealt a poker hand deck of playing cards. In how with four of a kind? Solution: A “four of a kind” is a set of 5 cards that i contains all four cards of the same rank and any other (unmatched) card Number of ways to choose 4 cards with the same rank is 13 and there are 48 choices to fill the fifth (unmatched) card. Thus, the number of ways to being dealt with four of a kind is N=13x48 ABCD =624 ways — O00e@O — _ 26. In how many ways can 3 boys and 3 girls be seated at a round table if each girl is to be between two boys? Solution: : = The three boys can be seated first at the round table in 2! = 2 ways. » 5 oe : Then the three girls can be seated in 3 gaps in 3!=6 ways. a Hence the required number of ways = 2x 6 = 12 3 ABCD | 27. In how many ways can 3 boys and 3. girls be seated at a round table if two particular girls must sit together? Solution: i it i! irls as one, five Temporarily treating two particular girls a 'e Soe ie be seated ata round table in ais es ways. However these two girls can be arranged withi themselves in 2! = 2 ways. =24x2=48 ber of arrangements 3 mee ABCD é a OQO00® oe ey ae Hence the require AE Lm Ce AR thy in Discrete Mathematics Self in Dis' Test Tour e Examinations ineers Licensure E ineers L PTER 2- THREE CHA somatics For Eng can 3 boys and 3 girls be seated at a 38 an how. many ve particule girls must NOT sit together? round table ! Solution: e 6 persons around a Circle f ways to arrang The number 0} ; iction is ete = 120 ways Complete Ma 48 ways in arrangements, there are ee : hice: sit together (see problem 27). wis ns required number of arrangements A BC p = 120-48 =72 OO00®e ied couples seat themselves many ways can 4 marrie ¢ 5 = oie a ora table if spouses sit opposite each other Solution: Suppose that the first man takes one of the positions at the table, then her spouse must take the seat 2 M4 wi i M1 Opposite. o 4 M1 $ M2 w1 There are now six empty chairs. The second man can choose any of these six chairs, each choice giving | a different Configuration. Once he chooses a chair his spouse must 4H occupy the seat Opposite him. There are now fou the next man has his chair. His Spo empty chairs so four choices for : : ; use Is then seateq W3 x The remainin ; 9 Man now has two W: Choices for hi S position. Thus there are 6x4x2=48 four Couples can Seat the: around the table, Ways the Mselves Engineering Mathematics by Jiovanni M. Quiseo oK iE First Edition 30. In how many ways can 4 Married cou os ples seat themselves around a circular table if men and women alternate Solution: M, Reference Refer to the figure: 2 Ww 4w (ae N=4x3x3x2x2 =144 ways “iD Cam an’ =O, 2M ABCD _@000 31. Two men and woman rode a mini bus with 6 vacant seats : : : on each side. In how many ways can they be seated if the woman insists on sitting at the right side? Solution: Let the woman be seated first. She can choose any of the 6 vacant seats on the right side. Then, the next man to sit will now have only 11 choices and the third with only 10 choices. Applying counting technique, the total number of ways is N=6x11x10 | : ACB 6° = 660 ways @000 fe ee 32. Compute the number of 42-letter combination of all letters in the alphabet. Solution: nCr = (9g —12)112! ABCO = 9,657,700 @000 PE Ae Ty Fok in Discrete Mathematics Test Tour Self CHAPTER 2- “—e .s For Engineers Licensure Examinations a EB a ass numbers between 3000 and 5000 bat he he digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 if repetition is not Complete 33. How many formed from t allowed? Any number between 3000 and 5000 is a 4-digit number, Using box method: The first box can be filled in two ways by any of the two digits, 3 or 4. Each of the other remaining boxes can be filled in by any of the remaining digits after its preceding box has been filled. f2[e[s]a4| = 240numbers a pop Q@00 34. In how many ways can 9 gifts be divided between 4 children if the eldest child is to receive 3 gifts and each of the other children 2 gifts? Solution: This problem requires us to find the number of ordered | partitions of the 9 gifts s into 4 cells containing 3, 2, 2, and 2 gifts respectively. 9! Nie is 3121212) ~ "560 ways Mternate Solution; N= (9¢,)(60,)(4c,)(2c, =7,560 Ways En; DO K gineering Mathematics by Jiovanni M. Quiseo 35. There are 3 copie h Fut Edition 2 S each of 4 differ different ways can they be arr ent books. In how many | anged on a shelf? a So Solution: = = Permutation = N objects not all distinct (some are alike): s nl ~ plairl... a Sl zi ~ 31313131 ABCD = 369,600 ways : | z 0@00 see 36. An urn contains ten marbles numbered 1 through 9. In how many ways we can draw, first, 4 marbles from the urn, then 3 marbles from the urn, and lastly 2 marbles from the urn. = : = Solution: Number of ways to select 3 marbles in the second draw is: =5C, =10 Sas = Number of ways to select 2 marbles in the last draw is =2C, =1 Thus, the total number of ways: =126x10x1 = 1,260 ways ‘Alternate Solution: n=-—2!_ = 4260 ways 1gi2t Or Ov @o Og Complete 37. 38. “fathematics For Engineers Licens ae In how many ways can different colors available? Solution: With 5 different colors available, you can take 1, or 2, or more colors to color the poster. : N=5C, or 5C, or 5C, OF 5C, or 5C, N=5C, + 5C, + 5C, + 5C,+ 5C, N= 31 ways Alternate Solution: N=2"-1 =2-1 =31 ways A=BeC-D 0@00 pe te combination system uses four digits from 0 to 9. eine 1 used locker combinations are ie last digit of tl inati cannot be zero and no digit can be ropeatea? ae Solution: The Ge restriction is that the first and the last digit of the code cannot be ze z hee ro. Therefore it is necessary to fill these digits Using box method: ee [e] = 4,032 ways you color a poster if there are 5 Engineering Mathematics by Jiovanni M. Quiseo First Edition e@ letters of the word ok 39. In how many different ways can th ‘CORPORATION’ be arranged? Solution: There are a total of 11 letters in the word “CORPORATION”, some of which are alike (2R’s, 30's) From the formula: n! = qiris!... Substitute values, | pe 11! A213) ABCD = 3,326,400 @000 3 —_— | 40. A semi conductor company will hire 7 men and 4 women. In how many ways can the company choose from 9 men and 6 women who qualified for the position? Number of ways: =(9C,)(6C,) ABCD oe ee O00 @ 41. In how many different ways can the letters of the word ‘CORPORATION’ be arranged so that the vowels always come together? : Solution: Treat the vowels AlOOO as one letter. Thus, we have CRPRTN (AlOOO). and (aes This has 7 (6 + 1) letters of which R occurs 2 times the rest are unique. Number of ways arranging these letters Tt i690 2 +2) So e i em S 4 n m ==] Test Tour Self in Discrete aes quer = ic re Examinations P A R “4 Complete Mathematics For Engineers Licensure © : Gach y Also, the 5 vowels in which O occurs 3 times and the rest I are different, can be arranged 5! =—=20 3! red number of ways = (2520 x 20) = 50409, A Be D 0@00 42. In how many ways can three light bulbs be chosen from | 45 bulbs of which 5 are defective so that exactly 1 is defective? Solution: The number of ways to chose 2 bulbs in good condition is: =10G, The number of ways to chose one defective bulb is: =5C, : Thus, the total-number of ways to. chose 3 bulbs of which one is defective s: =(10C,)(5C,) ABCD = 225 ways OOO @ ee emer a 43. A woman ordered a combo pizza with three different toppings. If there are six toppings to choose from and one of her toppings is mushrooms, how many possible combo pizzas did she have to choose from? Thus, the requi Solution: N=6C, = 20 ways 0e00 Se ee RS 44. In how many ways can a feasureckorn President, secretary and a Osen from a club with 8 members? Solution: There are 8 choice: Secretary can go to 7 to 6 members. Thus, 8 7 6 Ways || Ways || ways | = 336 ways ABCD President Secretary Treasurer 0080 S for the president. After that, @ members, and the treasurer can 9° Engineering Mathematics by Jiovanni M. Quiseo CE isco go Fit Edition 45. in an experiment consisting of a throwin die and th drawing a letter at random from the English alphabet, how many points are in the same sample space? Solution: A die can roll in 6 ways; at the same time there are 26 ways to draw a letter from the alphabet. Thus, the number of ways to roll a die and draw a letter from the alphabet is: N=6x26 =156 ABCD Q00@ Ce eee 46. How many answer patterns are there in a standard multiple choice exam with 10 items? Solution: Each item can be answered in 4 ways (i.e. A, B, C, and D). Thus, in 10 items there will be: N=4x4x...x10 N=4° ABCD N= 1,048,576 ways 0@00 ——_—— eee 47. How many different 8-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 7, 7,7? Solution: Number of 8-digit numbers: 8! Faiaial BCD = 560 ways A @000 i AS SN pi Se atone secrete Mathematics vi Self in Discrete PAR@ CHAPTER 2- Test To se Tronsure Examinations THeee al re Mathematics a students is selected iy sol ren al 48. A delegation Hdeent the annual IECEP. ational Quiz | college to rep many ways can the delegation be chosen = A tudents if two of the students will not join rom together? Comple Solution: Let A and B denote the students who will not join together. if neither A nor B is included, then the delegation can be chosen in 40C4 = 210 ways if either A or B, but not both, is included; then the delegation can be chosen in =2(10C,) = 240 ways Thus, altogether, the delegation can be chosen in 210 + 240 = 450 ways A Booed Q00@ o_o 49. A delegation of 4 students is selected each year from a college to represent the annual IECEP National Quiz Show. In how many ways can the delegation be chosen from 12 eligible students if two of the students are lover and will only join the contest together? Solution: Let A and B denote the lover students. If A and B do not go, then the delegation can be chosen in 10C4 = 210 ways. | : f both A and B go, then the delegation can be chosen in 10C2 = 45 ways. Altogether, the delegation can be chosen in 21 : 9+ 45 = 255 ways 0e0 O Engineering Mathematics by Jiovanni M., Quiseo 00 eee 50, A student 's to answer 8 out of 10 questions on an exam How many choices does he have if he must answer at joast 4 of the first 5 questions? Solution: If he answers only 4 of the first 5 questions, then he can choose these 4 in 5C4 = 5 ways , and the other 4 questions from the last 5 in 5C4 = Sways. Hence he can choose the 8 questions in x BE Te PR ats 5x5 = 25 ways | On the other hand, if he answers all the first 5 questions, then he can choose the other 3 questions from the last 5 in 5§C3 =10 ways Altogether, he has a total of 25 + 10 = 35 choices. PURE GD 0800

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