Factory Farms in Minnesota

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Factory Farms in Minnesota

Fact Sheet • February 2011

O ver the last two decades, small- and medium-scale livestock farms have given
way to factory farms that confine thousands of cows, hogs and chickens in tightly
packed facilities. In Minnesota, there were 7.1 million hogs, 290,000 beef cattle,
91,200 dairy cows and 12.7 million chickens on the largest operations in 2007, ac-
cording to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Census of Agriculture. Minnesota ranks
third in the nation in factory-farmed hogs and ninth in factory-farmed egg-laying hens.

The silos and gentle meadows pic- big or get out.”1 The rise of factory
tured on the labels of the food most hog farms is noteworthy because it
Americans buy have little relation to happened recently and quickly. In
how that food is actually produced. 1992, less than a third of hogs were
The significant growth in industrial- raised on farms with more than 2,000
scale, factory-farmed livestock has animals;2 by 2007, it was 95 percent
contributed to a host of environmental, of hogs.3
public health, economic and food
safety problems. Tens of thousands of Minnesota added 3 million factory-
animals can generate millions of tons farmed hogs in 10 years, taking the
of manure annually, which pollutes state’s total from 4.2 million in 1997
water and air and can have health to 7.1 million in 2007. The average
repercussions on nearby communities. size of Minnesota hog factory farms
Consumers in distant markets also feel increased by more than a third, from
the impacts, either through foodborne 2,990 in 1997 to 4,050 in 2007.
illness outbreaks or other public health Concentration of factory farms in Minnesota, There are 40 percent more factory-
taken from www.factoryfarmmap.org. Dark
risks, or through the loss of regional farmed hogs (7.1 million) than there
red indicates the most severe density.
food systems. As consumers saw dur- are people (5.3 million) in Minnesota.
ing the 2010 egg recall, food safety
problems on even a few factory farms can end up in every- The tremendous amount of manure produced on hog
one’s refrigerators. Even the producers are not benefitting factory farms is stored in lagoons and applied — often
from this system of production because they are not getting over-applied — to cropland. Smaller hog operations can
paid much for the livestock they raise. safely apply all the manure to crops as fertilizer, but large
operations produce so much that some has to be shipped
The rise of factory farming was no accident. It resulted from off-site.4 When lagoons spill or leak, or manure is over-
policy choices driven by big agribusinesses, especially applied to farmland, it can run off into local waterways. In
meatpackers and processors that dominate the links in the the upper Midwest, where farmland freezes solid during the
food chain between livestock producers and consumers. winter, manure applied to frozen fields quickly runs off into
local waters.
Hog farms have grown dramatically, with thousands of
hogs packed into confinement barns. In many regions, hog In recent decades, small and mid-sized dairy farms disap-
producers have few potential buyers for their hogs. This peared and were replaced by factory-farmed dairies that
economic pressure has led many hog producers to “get now dominate milk production. Between 1997 and 2007,
Total Factory Farm Animals in Minnesota
Beef Cattle Dairy Cows Pork Eggs

There are 40 percent more

factory-farmed hogs than there
are people in Minnesota.

the United States lost 52,000 dairy farms — about 5,000

farms every year. 5 The number of factory-farmed dairy Source: USDA.
cows quadrupled in Minnesota, from more than 21,000
in 1997 to 91,000 in 2007. The average size of Minnesota
factory-farm dairies increased 40.7 percent, from 737 cows outbreaks and public health threats like antibiotic-resistant
in 1997 in 1997 to 1,037 in 2007. bacteria, and they have fewer real choices about how their
food is produced.
Small dairies generate less manure than factory farms
and can either apply it to cropland or incorporate it into Congress, regulatory agencies and state goverments need to
pasture as fertilizer at rates the land can absorb. Big dairies put a stop to the policies that have allowed these facilities
generate far more manure than they can use as fertilizer, to proliferate. They must create and enforce farm and food
so it gets stored in lagoons or is over-applied to cropland policies that allow farmers to make a living and do not
where it can run off into nearby waterways. In 2008, one harm communities, the environment or public health.
1,500-cow dairy in Minnesota released so much hydrogen
sulfide gas that the state evacuated nearby residents and the Take action: Go to www.factoryfarmmap.org to learn more
Department of Health declared the dairy a public health about factory farms in Minnesota and to take action to stop
hazard. the spread of factory farms.

1 Carpenter, Dan. “The high price for Earl’s pearls.” Indianapolis Star.
Over the past decade, large-scale feedlots that fatten beef February 10, 2008
cattle prior to slaughter came to dominate the entire cattle 2 Key, Nigel and William McBride. USDA ERS. “The changing eco-
industry. Until the mid-1960s, most feedlots were family- nomics of U.S. hog production.” ERR-52. December 2007 at 5.
owned operations with fewer than 1,000 head.6 Now, the 3 USDA NASS. 2007 Census of Agriculture. 2009 at Table 20.
4 MacDonald, et al. USDA ERS. “Manure Use for Fertilizer and En-
largest beef feedlots finish more than 16,000 cattle each, ergy.” Report to Congress. June 2009 at 13.
on average, and supply nearly three-quarters of the nation’s 5 USDA NASS. Agricultural Statistics Database. Accessed August 5,
beef.7 The number of beef cattle on Minnesota feedlots 2008. Available at http://www.nass.usda.gov/QuickStats; MacDon-
nearly doubled in five years, from more than 150,000 in ald, James M. and William D. McBride. USDA ERS. “The Transfor-
mation of U.S. Livestock Agriculture: Scale, Efficiency, and Risks.”
2002 to nearly 290,000 in 2007. EIB-43. January 2009; Miller, James J. and Don P. Blayney. USDA,
ERS. “Dairy Backgrounder.” (LDP-M-145-01). July 2006 at 7.
Eggs 6 MacDonald, James M. and William D. McBride. USDA ERS. “The
Transformation of U.S. Livestock Agriculture: Scale, Efficiency, and
Almost all eggs are produced on large-scale operations Risks.” EIB-43. January 2009 at 12.
7 Ellis, Shane. Iowa State University. State of the Beef Industry 2008.
with hundreds of thousands of layer hens in each facility. 2009 at 11.
A handful of egg companies produce a large proportion of 8 Dr. Shane, Simon. “2008 Egg Industry Survey.” Watt Egg Industry.
the eggs most Americans eat. In 2009, the four largest firms Vol. 114, No. 3. March 2009.
owned 30.2 percent of the laying hens in production.8 The
number of egg-laying hens on factory farms in Minnesota
rose by 7.0 percent, from 9.1 million in 1997 to 9.7 million
in 2007. The average Minnesota layer operation contained For more information:
359,000 birds in 2007. web: www.foodandwaterwatch.org
email: info@fwwatch.org
Factory farms cause extensive environmental damage and phone: (202) 683-2500 (DC) • (415) 293-9900 (CA)
leave communities with fewer independent family farms,
unsafe water, reduced air quality and depressed economies. Copyright © February 2011 Food & Water Watch
Instead of benefitting, consumers face foodborne illness

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