Quiz About Caption Answer The Following Questions by Choosing The Best Answer

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Answer the following questions by choosing the best answer.


Which of these following statements is correct based on the diagram above?

a. The number of domestic tourists is not always higher than the number of international
b. The number of international tourists is always high unlike the number domestic tourists.
c. The number of domestic tourists is always higher than the number of international tourists.
d. The number of domestic tourists is low.
e. The number of international tourists decreases every year.


The birth rate has been ... since 1980.

a. unchanging
b. stagnant
c. high
d. low
e. stable

3. The followings are suitable captions for the picture, except...

a. Fortunately, the traffic is not busy.

b. Waiting for the traffic light to turn green.
c. The road is busy but the heaven remains calm.
d. Such a lovely evening on the street.
e. Car-free road.

4. Which caption best describes the picture?

a. The People's Republic of China (PRC or PR China), is a country in East Asia and the
world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion in 2017.

b. Many Chinese students and scholars in the US have been subjected to lengthy investigation
known as “administrative processing”.

c. China's political system was based on hereditary monarchies, or dynasties, beginning with
the semi-legendary Xia dynasty in 21st century BCE.

d. Dragon dancers at Chinese New Year celebrations in London.

e. The collection of fortifications known as the Great Wall of China has historically had a
number of different names in both Chinese and English.

5. Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category – 2002

The table above shows us ….

a. the forecast visits to four European cities, London, Paris, Madrid and Istanbul, from three
countries the United States, Canada and Mexico.

b. the gross earnings of fiction books in five categories (Young Adults, Classics, Mystery,
Romance and Sci-Fi and Fantasy).

c. the expenditure of two countries on consumer goods in 2002.

d. information on the size of the workforce for three years.

e. percentages of consumer expenditure for three categories of products and services in five
countries in 2002.

The text is for number 6 to 7.

6. What does the chart tell you?

a. The bar chart shows the number of social networking sites visited by internet users in
Canada in 2014 and in 2015

b. The charts summarise the weight measurements of people living in Charlestown in 1955
and 2015.

c. The bar chart illustrates the performance of Someland's primary exports in 2005 and 2015.
It also indicates future projections for 2025.

d. The graph above shows population figures for India and China since the year 2000 and
predicted population growth up until 2050.

e. The bar chart illustrates the percentage of people who hold a science qualification in
Singapore and Malaysia.

7. According to the data, it seems likely that international tourism ….

a. will become the dominant industry, although dairy exports will remain strong.

b. fell slightly in 2015.

c. was the leading exporter behind dairy products in 2014 and 2015.

d. was the third key industry in Someland.

e. was the lowest exports earner of the three industries.

8. What is the picture describing?

a. The students are arguing with their lecturer.
b. The students are listening to their lecturer.
c. The students are watching their preacher.
d. The teacher is angry with their students.
e. The students detest the preacher.


The puppy is very ...; thus everyone wants to take a photo with it.
a. adorable
b. furious
c. drowsy
d. exhausted
e. grumpy


According to the caption on the picture, when was the photo taken?

a. July 19 2018
b. February 1 2017
c. May 3, 2019
d. December 7 2015
e. August 15 2014

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