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HSE Officers Interview

Questions & Answers

Q1-What is the HSE Policy ?

Health, safety and Environment policy have to deliver clear ‘direction’ to employees, that how to
implement your hse policy and what is the management commitment towards HSE.

Q2-What is the Safety?

The condition gives you freedom from danger, hazards, risk and accident that may be converting into
injury, property damage, loss of materials and even death.

Q3-What is the safety policy?

Safety policy provides details about management commitment/objective towards safety at the
workplace and also management vision and focus areas of implementation. Safety policy is a legal
requirement and mandatory for all organizations.

Q4-Give a brief note about safety policy?

The safety and health of all employees is one of the prime concerns of the company.

Every company will be requiring the policy both in letter and in spirit.

The company shall comply straightly with act, laws, rules and regulations

The company shall impart training in health safety and occupational health to all employees.

The company will adopt its own safety and health standards where laws may not be available.
Q5-What is the Tool Box?

Tool box talk is important safety training that covered specific topics during the planning/starting any
work at the workplace.

Q6-What needs to be covered in the toolbox talk?

Job related safety aspects

Job-related hazards/risk

Control / preventive measure

Adequacy of PPE’s / condition

Following safety rules / procedures

Safe work procedures/methods

Q7-What is the HSE Induction?

HSE induction covered all new joining to give him details information about HSE policy, site plan,
procedure, rule & regulation of HSE, medical (First Aid), emergency facility details for the particular site.
Induction is part of hse management.

Q8-What is safety management?

The company established the safety management to implement the company safety objective and
safety policy at the workplace.

Q9-What is the responsibility of workers for safety?

Report unsafe condition to supervisor

Only authorized and compete persons operate the machine.

Check the machine/equipment conditions before starting the work.

Attend safety training.

Use correct tools

Follow the safety rules

Always do not horseplay

Do not lift overload

Do not chiton at with others

Q10-What are the duties of a safety supervisor?

Conduct toolbox talk at the workplace.

Provide information to workers about SOP and work methods.

Monitor site work and guide workers to work safely.

Maintain discipline and safety awareness among the workers.

Provide required PPE’s to workers at site.

Inspect all PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and maintain a register.

Conduct regular meetings with workers and supervisors at the workplace.

Conduct safety inspection at the workplace and maintain the observation sheet.

Inspection of firefighting equipment.

Conduct and investigate the near-miss, incident and first aid cases.

Participate in monthly safety meetings.

Q11-What are the duties of a safety officer?

Prepare toolbox talk

Prepare monthly statistics

Prepare the checklist

Accident reports

Management meetings

Arrange the safety classes/training

Arrange monthly safety bulletin

Inspection of fire extinguisher

Arrange first aid training classes

Arrange safety competitions like quiz, slogan, poster competitions exhibition etc.

Conduct safety toolbox talk and Induction for new employees at workplace.

Provide information to workers about SOP, Hazards, and risk and work methods.

Monitor site work and guide workers, engineers and supervisors to work safely.

Maintain discipline and safety awareness at the workplace

Provide required PPE’s with good quality at the workplace.

Inspect all PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and provide feedback to purchase team for further

Conduct daily meetings with workers, supervisor and engineer at the workplace.

Conduct safety inspection/audit at the workplace and submit the report to the concern person.

Regular inspection of firefighting equipment’s and hydrant system.

Investigate the near miss, incident, and accident and first aid cases.

Participate in monthly safety meetings.

Accident reporting.

Attend management meeting.

Prepare monthly safety statistics report.

Conduct safety competitions like slogan, quiz, poster exhibition, etc.

Arrange first aid and firefighting training.

Q12-What is an injury?

It is defined as a damaging condition continued by the body as an outcome of an accident.

Q13-What is Near Miss?

Near Miss is an unexpected occurrence that did not end with illness, injury or any kind of damage, but
probable to convert in injury.

Q14-What is the incident?

Any work-related occurrence(s) in which convert in illness, injury or any kind of damage and fatality.

Q15-What is an accident?

An accident is an unplanned and unexpected event which leads to a result as an injury or property loss
or death.

Q16-What is accident an investigation?

The accident investigation is the procedure the identify the root cause of the accident and submit the
report to management with the suggestion.

Q17-What is accident statistics?

It means to the maintenance of accident details

Q18-How to investigate an accident?

Injured person’s name, address, designation age

The exact place and types of hazards

Date, shift, time

To find out the causes/ reasons

To take correction action

Fact – finding not fault finding

Q19-What are the human factors causing accidents?


Fooling bout it

Hurrying to increase production

Laziness in housekeeping

Hurrying in Lunchtime

Lack of attention due to worry

Alcohol and drugs

Lack of skill and experience

Not using PPE

How to report an accident?

Date and time


What happened

Person involved

What went wrong

Root causes

Corrective action suggested


Safety officer

Safety in charge

Project manager

Write the causes of accidents?

Direct cause

Unsafe act

Unsafe condition.

Indirect Cause

Lack of knowledge or skill

Improper attitude

Physical or mental deficiency

Q20-Give some examples of the unsafe act?

Operating any equipment without properly authority

Failure to warning

Operating at an unsafe speed

Failure to use PPE

Using hands instead of tools and equipment

Unsafe loading or placing or stacking

Unsafe position/ posture

Working on moving equipment’s

Wearing loose clothing while working on running machine

Working at height without a safety belt

Give some examples of unsafe conditions?

Unguarded machine/ equipment

Poor lighting

Narrow road

Improper stacking

Oil on floor

Unsafe ventilation

Unsafe defective construction

Defective condition of tools and equipment

Unsafe method or procedure

Bad housekeeping

What is a hazard?

Any condition, Source, or act with have the potential to damage and harm the human injury and health
or both.

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