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2arnni2018 Overview of your activites for week 1, required reading and other resources: Design Thinking for Business (1850) Overview of your activities for week 1, required reading and other resources Week 1: Introduction to design thinking Overview of your activities for week 1, required reading and other resources * Please Note This week you will complete the following individual and group activities. Instructions for the activities will be found at the end of your Topic notes in the following pages. B Start here - Watch What is human-centred design? hitpsstmitinstructure.comvcourses!t837Sipagesioverview-of-your-actvites-for-weok-1-oqued-eading-and-otvercesources?module_tom._id=10785... 1/3 282018 Overview of your activites for week 1, required reading and ather resources: Design Thinking for Business (1850) What is Human centered Design Recommended reading Each week you are encouraged to complete the required readings prior to undertaking the activities. Additional readings may be provided to enhance and augment the activities, exercises and your learnings from this course. Wherever possible we have recommended readings that are available online via RMIT Library. This week you need to read: Managers _( docid=TN_ebrary_pqebrary10470171&context=PC&vid=RMITU&search_sc jooks_articles_an d_more&tab=default tab&lang=en US). (Columbia Business School Publishing) (Note - this text is available online via RMIT Library) © Chapter 1: Why design? * Kolko, J., 2015, Design Thinking Comes of Age (http://search.ebscohost.cor direct=true&db=bth&AN=108820528&site=ehost-live&scope=site). Harvard Business Review, 93(9), pp.66-71 + Joel Maynes & Alex Rawson, Linking the custof i to Value (https:/ hitpsstmitinstructure.comvcourses!t837Sipagesioverview-of-your-actvites-for-weak-1-oqued-eading-and-othercesources?module_tom._id=10785... 2/8 282018 Overview of your activites for week 1, required reading and ather resources: Design Thinking for Business (1850) customer-experience-to-value), McKinsey March 2016 , Additional helpful resources (if you want to dive deeper) * This will provide more detail about various design thinking models and tools: Hugh Dubberly, “How Do You Design? A Compendium of Models,” March 2005, http://iwww,dubberly,com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/ddo_designprocess.pdf. (http:/ itpssimitinstructure.comfcourses/1837Sipagesioverview-ot your.actvios-for-wook-1-uqured-wading-and-otherresources?module_tom_id=10785, 318,

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