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Review: Write down what you have learned from the last topic in just a few
Which one does work? Carrying a book on top of your head while walking around
the hall? Or pushing a cabinet across the room? Defend your answer.
John lifts 50 kilos of weight 4 times in a single set while Mark lifts 5 kilos of weight
10 times in a single set. Who is more powerful?
What type of energy does a cabinet possess when it was at rest but then pushed to
a location? Why?
How can energy produce motion?
K. POST TEST: Calculate the following:
1. A car broke down and Ben had to push it, if the car had an acceleration of 2.5 m/s2 while
Ben is pushing it with a 770 J of work in a 8 meter distance, how heavy is the car?

770 / 8

= 96.25

96.25 / 2.5

= 38.5

2. A car was speeding at a highway, if the car can exert a force of 6,000 N in a 15 meter
distance and possesses a power of 35,000 watts while doing this, how fast will it cover the
15 meter mark? (look for time)

6 000 * 15
= 90 000

90 000 / 35 000

P = 2.57

3. A huge construction equipment is rolling down from a very high area, but because you
only care about physics, you decided to calculate the mass of the falling object. What is it’s
mass if it possesses a 28,000 J of energy while rolling at a speed of 20 m/s?

KE =½ mv^2
M = 2KE/v^2

2 x 28 000/ 20^2

m = 140kg

4. If you stand at the top of the mount Everest that is about 8,848 meters, while having a
gravitational potential energy of 4,335,520 J. How heavy are you?

4 335 520 /( 9.8 * 8848)

= 50kg

5. The average spring constant of a human fore arm is about 143 N/m when compressed.
When punching, how far would the arm need to go in order to release 40N of force?

X^2 = ½ * k * x^2
X^2 = √ 2 x 40 / 143
X^2= 0.75m

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