GERM2100 Exploring German Literature: Assignment 2: Reflection Paper On A Literary Work Discussed in Class

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GERM2100 Exploring German

Assignment 2: Reflection Paper on a literary
work discussed in class
Due date: Tuesday, 27. November 2018.
Length: minimum 500 words, maximum about 1000 words
Word document, double spaced, Times New Roman, size 12, space at the
side: 2 cm
To be submitted to be handed in as hardcopy in my mailbox in KK Leung, ground floor and uploaded on
the Moodle Platform.

Choose one work for reflection (one that you did NOT present on):

 Heine, Deutschland, ein Wintermärchen

 Ebner-Eschenbach, Krambambuli
 Kafka, Metamorphose (Metamorphosis)
 Celan, Todesfuge (Death Fugue)
 Borchert, Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch (Rats sleep at night)
 Dürrenmatt: The Visit
Guiding Questions/Tasks:
 Part 1: The author and his time and work (Read the relevant additional reading on BB)
(a) The author: Who is the author?  Give some general information of the author and the literary period of his
 (b) The text: When did he write this special piece of work? How did his life or any special circumstances
influence his writing of this text?
(c) Give a short summary of the text you are going to discuss.
(d) The concepts: What are the main concepts / ideas of the text? [You can refer to the discussion in class.]
 Part 2: Your reflection
Write a letter to a soldier who has decided to burn the text on Bebelplatz in Berlin as was done in 1933. Try to
convince him to not burn it, by explaining
- why this text is important for posterity, and what can be learned from it
- how you are going to instruct your own students in the future using this text.
You also explain
- how this text has affected you and that you have now decided to write something yourself. - Explain what you
will be writing in the future.

Write the number of words under your paper. Submit the paper through Veriguide.

Use at least 3 references to back up what you are saying, one of it should be the reading that
is posted in Moodle.

Use the style as is standard for the Faculty of Arts.

In Text:
In-text citation style: Author (year: page#) format, e.g. (Marx 1964:57).
You must mark clearly when you take something word for word from your source, for
“In the summer 1785, when Schiller lived in a village close to Leipzig, he wrote the Ode
to Joy.” (Goethe 1809:35)

If you paraphrase, you only give the source, no quotation marks.

Schiller wrote Ode to Joy 1785 in Leipzig. (Goethe 1809:35)

At the end of your paper: (example)


Geertz, Clifford. 1973. "Religion as a Cultural System." Pp. 87-125 in The Interpretation of
Culture: Selected Essays, edited by Clifford Geertz. New York: Basic Books.

Moore, Robert L. 2005. "Generation ku: individualism and China’s millennial youth."
Ethnology 44(4):357-376.

American Anthropological Association. 1998. “Code of Ethics.” At Accessed 1 March 2005.

I look forward to reading your texts!

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