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WS 128 Student Assessment

Students Name: Nazaar Anthony Suyo

Assessors Name: Laura Brinkworth

Qualification Code CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector

and Name: Management
CHCMGT003 - Lead the work team
Unit of Competency
Code and Name:

Date Given:

Date Due:

Date Received:

Student Declaration
I acknowledge as a student the following:
 I have received my copy of the Student Vocational Assessment Guide.
 The assessment process has been explained to me and I am ready to commence the
 I have been advised of the assessment requirements, my rights and responsibilities as
a student and I am ready to be assessed.
 I understand the evidence I need to provide and how to complete this assessment.
 I understand my right of appeal.
 I have discussed with my trainer any special needs that should be considered when
undertaking this assessment task

 I declare that the details included in this assessment and all supporting documents are
a true and accurate record of my abilities in relation to this unit
 I have made a copy of this assessment.
 This assessment contains no material written by another person except where
reference is made.
 I am aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a qualification or
statement of attainment.
 No part of this assessment has been plagiarised
Student Date:
Method of Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Re-Assessment

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WS 128 Student Assessment

Assessment Required
Role plays/Written
One   
Question and
Two   
Three Portfolio   
Assessors Feedback To The Student:

Student Feedback:

Assessors Signature: Date:

Students Signature: Date:

Unit of Competency
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WS 128 Student Assessment

1. Contribute to and promote effective work practices

2. Develop and implement staffing processes

3. Maintain professional approach to leading work team

4. Promote effective workplace relations
5. Evaluate plans
6. Review individual performance

1.1 Develop and implement plans to meet the day to day activities of the work group

1.2 Develop and implement strategies in consultation with appropriate people to maximise
work performance and outcomes
1.3 Identify planning problems, barriers and constraints and develop and implement
strategies to address them
2.1 Maintain confidentiality in relation to staff processes in accordance with organisation
policies and procedures
2.2 Identify staffing and resourcing needs and develop plans to address them
2.3 Participate in recruitment processes
The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and

performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of
the job role. There must be demonstrated evidence that the candidate has:
 developed at least 1 plan for a team or group of individuals, including:
 effective procedures to maximise staff work performance
 strategies for collaboration and cooperative work practices
 strategies for work performance and outcomes
 identification of barriers and constraints and development of strategies to address

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the
task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage
contingencies in the context of the work role. This includes knowledge of:
 organisation mission, philosophy
 organisation structure and communication protocols
 group facilitation processes, including technique for facilitating group discussions and
 leadership styles and their application in supporting the organisation s mission, objectives
and values
Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated environment that

reflects workplace conditions. Where simulation is used, it must reflect real working
conditions by modelling industry operating conditions and contingencies, as well as, using
suitable facilities, equipment and resources.

Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)
2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors.

The Foundation Skills describe those required skills (language, literacy, numeracy
and  employment skills) that are essential to performance.

Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit
of competency.

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WS 128 Student Assessment

Assessment outline

This assessment contains two parts. You are required to answer all questions. Each
response requires a minimum of one paragraph. You are being assessed on the learning
you have already undertaken as listed below.

Task one is a role play and written task. You must read the case studies, conduct a
role play and complete the required table.

Task two is questions and answers. You must complete each of the questions,
ensuring that the response corresponds with the question number.

A minimum of a one paragraph response per question is required.

Task three is the portfolio. You must add relevant documentation to your portfolio.

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WS 128 Student Assessment

Task 1: Role Plays/Written Tasks

You must read the case studies, conduct a role play and complete the required table .

Case Study 1:

You are a manager at an organisation that provides basic home care for clients who are
elderly and/or have disabilities/mental health issues. You manage a group of 15 casual
carers who go into clients homes, bathe them, clean the house, cook food and give

You have received several complaints from clients and their families regarding one of
your carers, Janet. The complaints have mostly been about bathing. The clients and
families are saying that she does not help them wash thoroughly and refuses to help
wash hair. There have also been 2 complaints that she does not clean the house well
and refuses to vacuum.

Role Play 1:

You must hold a 10 - 15 minute meeting with Janet and discuss her work performance,
expectations and coach her to assist her to improve her performance.

1. Discuss the problem with Janet and provide feedback. You are to provide coaching to
enable Janet to improve performance, using the table below.

2. Document the meeting using the table below. Include an example of a coaching
technique to help Janet improve her work performance.(PC: 5.1, 5.2 5.4 6.1, 6.2,
6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 PE: 3a, 3b, 4)
Trainer to comment on role play.

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Issue Expectations and Performance management Additional support Consequences Follow up

requirements: strategies: required including date
formal training:
Work overload  Proper Time  Discuss to Janet if she wants to  Speak to Human  Less complaints January 4,
due to time Management have a rest Resource if Janet is  Improve work 2020
management (Workplace Relations  Provide additional staff to shoulder entitled for annual leave performance
Act 1996) or share workload
 DTR and Work Schedule

Lack of training  Expertise in the  Additional support (buddy shifts)  Training for personal  Effective provision February 4,
for personal workplace(National  Supervision care and WHS of personal care 2020
care Employment Standards
(NES) and Fair Work Act
2009 (Cth)
 Performance Review
and Evaluation
Plan review dates:

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Case Study 2:

You are a manager at an organisation that provides basic home care for clients who are
elderly and/or have disabilities/mental health issues. You manage a group of 15 casual
carers who go into clients homes, bathe them, clean the house, cook food and give

You have received funding from the government to become a Veteran Affair provider.
Your new clients will consist mainly of Vietnam Veterans and other veterans who suffer
from PTSD and have emotional and mental health issues. You need to train your staff in
being able to deal with behaviours of concern such as alcohol addiction, self-harm and
emotional difficulties.

Role Play 2

3. You are to hold a meeting with your 2 supervisors. You are to use the table below and
discuss work goals, work activity implementation, staffing resources, recruitment
process and allocation of staff.

Trainer to comment on role play.

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Timeline Consequences of not meeting timeline of Client needs Other service
implementation of service providers required

3 months  Client and worker may encounter  Suitable and quality service. Soldier On Australia
misunderstanding due to service  Adequate information on RSL Defense Care
incompetency. service Veterans Affairs
 Work and health issues.  Medical records Centrelink
 Issue of non-compliance of not meeting access EAP
industry standard and possible revocation of Health Insurance
 Provision of quality service will be
 Overlapping of activities will be experienced
2 months  There will be a confusion of service scope.  Adequate information on Soldier On Australia
 Client and family will not cooperate or will not service. RSL Defense Care
avail the service  Transparency of service Veterans Affairs
information to understand Centrelink
their roles and responsibilities.
 Capacity building program

3 months  Unsatisfactory feedback from family and client.  Meeting their specific needs. Soldier On Australia
 Poor service provision because of lacking  Respecting their rights. RSL Defense Care
knowledge and skill of new service. Veterans Affairs
 Client could terminate their membership and Centrelink
look for other service provider.

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Case Study 2 cont’d:

You are a manager at an organisation that provides basic home care for clients who are
elderly and/or have disabilities/mental health issues. You manage a group of 15 casual
carers who go into clients homes, bathe them, clean the house, cook food and give

You have received funding from the government to become a Veteran Affair provider.
Your new clients will consist mainly of Vietnam Veterans and other veterans who suffer
from PTSD and have emotional and mental health issues. You need to train your staff in
being able to deal with behaviours of concern such as alcohol addiction, self-harm and
emotional difficulties.

Role Play 3

4. You are to hold a meeting with your staff. You are to use the table below and discuss
how you will develop, implement and evaluate work goals to meet the needs of the
new clients.

Trainer to comment on role play.

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Work goals Tactical Staff Strategies to Person Measured by Due date
steps to resource Barriers/ address barriers and responsible (KPI)
achieve needs staff/resource
goals needs
Capacitate staff to Provide Mental  Understaff due to  Hire/Train additional Human resource Staff will have 3 months
be qualified to capacity Health few staff that will staff to cover workload. Manager formal
handle client with building consultant attend training.  Consult financial Finance Dept qualification on
Alcohol Addiction, for staff. Alcohol  Willingness to comply department to adjust PTSD, alcohol
PTSD and other Allocate addiction  Low funding and allocate budget addiction and
mental issues. Funding case  Adjustment of work other health
for those manage schedule mental issues
training Consult
Prepare client to Manager Case  Communication  Meet with family Family members Client will 2 months
the upcoming and client Manager problem. members to address IT demonstrate
services meeting Meeting  New technology any misunderstandings. understanding
to discuss hall adaptation problem  Provide IT personnel to of new services
service Printed like sending emails set up or install easy to policies and
program documents  Passive clients use software for- procedure
of policies communication.
and  Organization of
procedure committees
Prepare staff to Organise Provide  Insufficient funding.  Talk to finance depart Finance department Staff will be 3 months
deliver high Training additional  Lack of training to allocate the funding Manager equipped with
quality service to Funding staff to  Motivating factors of  Consultative Human resource necessary skills
the client. cover staff conferences and knowledge
services and provide
during quality service
Prepare client Training Consult  Communication  Include family Case Manager Client will 2 months
emotional well funding mental problem. (Ex.hearing member in a meeting. Family member understand and
being to adapt to Funding health difficulties)  Counselling accept the new
the new services worker  Client disapproval of  service offered.
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Provide new service. Maybe
extra to because of anti social
provide a behaviour
service like
with client.

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Task 2: Question and Answer

You must complete each of the questions, ensuring that the response corresponds with the question number.

A minimum of a one paragraph response per question is required.

1. 1. How might you maintain staff confidentiality in regard to the management of staff?

Companies are required to collect information relating to staff and staffing

processes. May it be public or private entities, they should handle information
properly. Some information are delicate hence, there should be a safe keeping
process to be done. Due to the sensitive nature of work within children’s services
more information may need to be collected and kept. The information such as
about staff than in other workplaces. Service policies and procedures should clearly
detail how to handle and store confidential information. Let the staff be aware of
this process. Human Resource has a vital role in this. They must also capacitate
regarding this job.

2. 2. Explain how you would implement and effective induction as well as provide
3. ongoing/additional support for new staff.

Combination of on-the-job training, workplace mentoring, professional

development and formal qualification training are forms of induction/orientation
and ongoing professional development for new staff. This must be given to new
staff to orient to the actual workplace. Planning is important to implement this.
Organising a committee that would facilitate the process should also be considered.

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Awareness of the program is also necessary to inform the flow of hiring for new

5. 3. Why is it necessary to collaborate with other service providers?

Service providers outside of your organisation can be Valuable, knowledgeable and

provide creative ideas. They can also link you to resources and support that may
otherwise be inaccessible. Other service providers may also help you to gauge the
level of best practice, and provide new knowledge, techniques or methods. They
may provide more cost effective practice ideas and encourage you to reflect on
your own practice or production from a different perspective. It is also vital to
access to up-to-date information, new ideas and strategic thinking from other
service providers. In addition they additional, they have expertise, support or legal
protection for small, new, or struggling organisations
6. 4. Give details of how you would you ensure you own practices remain up to date.

Being updated will help you gain experience, identify opportunities for growth and
give you a competitive edge. The following ways will help manager improve teir

 Participating in some professional development through training,

workshops, seminars, etc.
 Working with a mentor or gaining professional supervision and feedback
 Accomplishing further study or higher qualifications
 Seeking advice and support from an external body or expert
 Asking questions
 Benchmarking other services

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5. Explain how you would ensure, as a manager your leadership and practice aligns to
the organisations guidelines and policies?

Companies have a philosophy from which they will derive and align their ethical
Guidelines. The service will also have a range of policies and procedures, which
all staff must work towards and use as a basis for implementing their roles and
responsibilities. Leadership style and practices must also align with these. In
order to be an effective leader, one needs to work towards building a
harmonious working milieu that will provide a high quality service practice aligns
to the organisations guidelines and policies. Regular communication and formal
conferences will ensure the implementation of every activity in the company.
Learning does not stop once you finished studying. Manager must be updated
by reading and researching.

6. How do you ensure that your personal and social contact does not adversely affect
you in being able to lead your team?

A line needs to be apparent between your friendships and work relationships in

order to help you create a clear professional persona. It is therefore necessary to
separate personal and social contact from your job role and those individuals and
groups you work closely with. This does not mean that you cannot participate
together in social activities, it means that you should be professional at all times,
rather than moving between your professional self during working hours and your
social self outside of work, it may be difficult to separate the two, and may take
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some careful consideration and reflection. To carry this, value transparency and
authenticity first and foremost.

7. How would you as a manager, promote and implement collaboration between staff
and management?

Companies are finding it progressively challenging to raise or maintain team

collaboration across the workplace. Working cooperatively with others is
fundamental to establishing positive working relationships between staff and
management. Effective leaders manage their teams in a way that promotes
positive and cooperative work practices. Your daily interactions with others affect
your ability to contribute to and promote effective workplace practices within an
education and care services. As a team leader or coordinator, you need to be able
to develop and implement strategies to ensure staff and management feel
confident in your ability to be a leader and maintain positive work relationships and
cooperative work practices. First move is by getting to know co-workers outside of
work can boost interdependence and increase team collaboration and

8. Give three examples of potential or actual conflict situations and discuss how you will
implement appropriate strategies to address them and prevent them in future.

 Personal factors - Personal friction between team members may develop

from poor attitudes, personality issues, cultural or religious differences, or
personal or work related issue. Effective techniques for managing conflict
include appealing to superordinate goals, expanding resources, changing
personnel, changing structure, and confronting and negotiating.
 Management Practices – Poor Management practices may result in frequent
staff changes or under resourcing, lack of consultation in decision-making,

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perceived or actual unfairness or favouritism, such as unevenly shared or
excessive workloads. The manager's task is to stimulate functional conflict
and prevent or resolve dysfunctional conflict.
 Systemic Factors - A lack of opportunities for professional growth, lack of
recognition or a word for effort and input

9. What support would you offer your employees in regard to conflict resolution and


Negotiation, mediation, conciliation, counselling and Training are strategies that

can be used to handle potential and actual conflicts. You need to organise the most
appropriate method as soon as possible, arrange time for people to meet. Research
the situation so you are prepared with questions and possible solutions, write down
what happens so you have a record what occurred and action you and the people
concerned are going to take.

10. What is the difference between coaching and mentoring?

A mentor is someone who offers their knowledge, expertise and advice to those
with less experience, by leveraging their experience and skills, mentors guide
Mentees in the right direction. A mentor helps mentees consider opportunities for
career growth, gain confidence and improve interpersonal skills. Mentoring is a
long-term relationship which is development driven. The outcome is Outcome from
a mentoring relationship can shift and change over time.
Coaching on the other hand is a short-term relationship and it is performance
driven. It focuses on specific skills and development goals by breaking them into

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concrete tasks to be completed within a specified period of time.

11. Identify 3 sources of information on best practice work techniques for your industry.

Best practice means researching and using the best techniques of working to
achieve your business goal. It includes keeping up to date with the customs that
successful companies operate in your sector and others and measuring your ways
of working against those used by the market leaders.

 Primary sources: Internet communication, works literature and technical

 Secondary sources: handbooks and data compilations, literature reviews
and textbooks
 Tertiary sources: guide books, manuals and textbook

12. Explain how staff are rostered and timetabled in the workplace.

Rostering can be challenging as individuals all have differing personal needs and
preferences. Rotating shifts can be used to meet these needs, or permanent shifts
Can be established with individuals if agreed upon. Your service needs to operate
for a specific number of hours each day, staff will need to open and close, cover
colleagues breaks and adhere to correct child to staff ratios throughout these
opening hours.

The timetable needs to reflect the individual needs of children and preferences of
families. Flexibility within the foundation of a timetable routine ensures that the
specific needs and issues are considered. Adjustments to the timetable maybe
needed to respond to factors such as changes within the service on the day or
unexpected incidents
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13. Explain why organisations need an organisation mission and philosophy statement.

All education and care services will have a Philosophy from which you will derive
and align your ethical guidelines. The service will also have a range of policies and
procedures, which all staff must work towards and use as a basis for implementing
their roles and responsibilities.
The organisational mission statement is generally a brief outline describing the
purpose of the service, it is usually inspiring in nature and aims to reflect how The
employees work towards their goals while organisational philosophy represents the
reasoning, values and theories behind what it does, the philosophy will reflect what
is important to the service, what it is Aiming to achieve and how this will occur

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Collect and provide the following and add it to your portfolio:

1. Collect factsheet on leadership styles

2. Collect information on 2 organisations that you can refer your staff to if they have

conflict or stress or other workplace issues

3. Proved an organisation chart and diagram showing communication protocols

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Leadership Styles

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According to leadership experts Bill Torbert and David Rook, at the root of leadership styles are action logics, which are how leaders
interpret their surroundings and react when their power or safety is challenged. The seven developmental action logics include the

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1. Opportunist: Focuses on their personal wins; known to be egocentric, manipulative, and distrusting. They seek to control the
world around them.
2. Diplomat: Seeks to please higher-level management and avoid conflict. Looks for acceptance, avoids conflict, and is unable to
give difficult feedback. Diplomats are very effective at paying attention to employee and colleague needs.
3. Expert: Focuses on gaining control by perfecting their knowledge and presenting data, logic, and facts in order to gain buy-in.
They may be known as a my-way-or-the-highway manager. Experts are excellent individual contributors.
4. Achiever: Creates a positive working environment that both challenges and supports employees. These managers are open to
feedback, can balance long- and short-term objectives, reduce staff turnover, and can delegate.
5. Individualist: These leaders consider personalities and ways of relating when managing teams. They communicate very well with
other action logics, ignore irrelevant rules, and use conflict to further development.
6. Strategist: Creates shared visions across other action logics, has the ability to comfortably deal with conflict, and handles
resistance to change well. Personal relationships, organization relations, and international/national developments are also
important to strategists.
7. Alchemist: An alchemist is the final and rarest action logic with the ability to “renew and reinvent themselves and their
organization in historically significant ways,” according to Torbert and Rock. Alchemists are charismatic, have high moral
standards, and focus on truth. Nelson Mandela is an example of an alchemist action logic.


Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide
prevention services.

We're committed to empowering Australians to be suicide-safe through connection, compassion and hope.

Our vision is for an Australia free of suicide.

3. Lifeline Services
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Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide
prevention services. Find out how these services can help you, a friend or loved one.

13 11 14 is a confidential telephone crisis support service available 24/7 from a landline, payphone or mobile.

Anyone across Australia experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide can contact Lifeline. Regardless of age, gender, ethnicity,
religion or sexual orientation our trained volunteers are ready to listen, provide support and referrals.

We answer around 1800 calls every day from Australians needing crisis support and suicide prevention services.

If you need crisis support call 13 11 14 now.

If life is in immediate danger call 000.


The Black Dog Institute is dedicated to understanding, preventing and treating mental illness. We are about creating a world where
mental illness is treated with the same level of concern, immediacy and seriousness as physical illness; where scientists work to discover
the causes of illness and new treatments, and where discoveries are immediately put into practice through health services, technology
and community education.

What we do

What we do

The Black Dog Institute was founded in 2002 and is internationally recognised as a pioneer in the identification, prevention and treatment
of mental illness, and the promotion of wellbeing.

We aim to improve the lives of people affected by mental illness through the rapid translation of high quality research into improved
clinical treatments, increased accessibility to mental health services and delivery of long-term public health solutions.

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Our unique approach incorporates clinical services with our cutting-edge research, our health professional training and community
education programs. We combine expertise in clinical management with innovative research to develop new, and more effective
strategies for people living with mental illness. We also place emphasis on teaching people to recognise the symptoms of poor mental
health in themselves and others, as well as providing them with the right psychological tools to hold the black dog at bay.

We work directly in all parts of the community as well as guiding the development of new and improved policy. We place focus on those
with specific mental health needs like young people, Indigenous communities, men, and high-risk workforces.

Our primary areas of mental health research and treatment include: depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
anxiety, workplace mental health, adolescents and young people, suicide prevention, e-mental health, and positive psychology and


Education and training - Black Dog Institute translates research outcomes into education and training programs for health professionals,
schools, community groups and workplaces. Available face to face, online, via webinar, podcast and downloadable resources, our
programs improve diagnosis and treatment, reduce stigma, promote help seeking, improve organisational performance and increase
individual wellbeing.

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 The CEO needs help to determine the right number of resources in every area to execute on the strategy and maintain balance across the
organization. The head of HR can provide the data and counsel to make the organization as efficient as possible.
 CEO will probably demand financial and management reports shortly after month end
 chief financial officer to effectively relay the financial state of the company to the CEO, regardless of its economic condition. Communicating
analytical insights with the CEO will strengthen business relations and practices.
 CEOs want the HR department to proactively help find and hire industry stars -- not just put up job posts when a vacancy occurs. Filling empty
positions is not enough to be successful. A true HR leader must help market the company in a way that attracts the best talent in the industry.
Recruiting is a continuous sales process, and top-notch HR leaders will embrace it and add tremendous value.
 Directors of nursing provide direction to the nursing staff and coordinate health services.
 The nurse manager is responsible for creating safe, healthy environments that support the work of the health care team and contribute to patient
engagement. The role is influential in creating a professional environment and fostering a culture where interdisciplinary team members are able to
contribute to optimal patient outcomes and grow professionally

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Assessment guide – Lead the work team




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