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Create a currency that predicts the value of the currency

Assignment objective:​ Assess the current economic indicators and events to predict the value
of the currency

B2 Action plan: Did you follow your action plan
B3 Research organizer (using both qualitative and quantitative sources)
C1: Proper Formats for graphs and clear/formal writing
D1: Analyze concepts such as demand and supply, inflation, and government policies
D2: Summarize information

1. Choose a country with a​ floating currency
2. Create an ​action plan​. Final due date is March 1st
3. Conduct research and fill out the ​research organizer ​with information that would inform
you of the countries past policies as well as information that would help you predict
future policies
a. Use a combination of quantitative and qualitative sources
4. Countries profile: ​Identify and describe the following
a. What are your countries main/biggest industries
b. Identify any significant events that are happening right now
c. What do the economic indicators say about the state of the economy?
i. Based on the economic indicators, show what would happen to the
demand and supply for the country’s currencies and explain the
5. Fiscal Policies:
a. What were the past fiscal policies like in the past three years?
b. Based on current events mentioned in the previous section, what do you think will
be the future fiscal policy and why? How will it impact the economy and
demand/supply for currencies? Explain in detail
i. Based on the predicted policies, show how demand and supply curves
would move in the graph and explain the movements
6. Monetary policies:
a. What were the past fiscal policies like in the past three years?
b. Based on current events mentioned in the previous section, what do you think will
be the future monetary policy and why? How will it impact the economy and
demand/supply for currencies? Explain in detail
i. Based on the predicted policies, show how demand and supply curves
would move in the graph and explain the movements
Action plan
Section Date to be completed by? Was it done? Why or why

Research Organizer 18/02/2021 Done

Countries profile 20/02/2021

Fiscal Policy 24/02/2021

Monetary Policy 28/02/2021

Due Date March 1st, 11:59 PM

Research Organizer
Chosen Country: Pakistan
Is this a Key information from this Your interpretation of APA citations
Qualitative or source? What are some the information: how
Quantitative facts here that would help does this help you
source? you answer the questions? answer the questions?

Qualitative This source is about how I think during this (, D.

covid 19 affects the Pakistan’s economy will (n.d.). How the
economy in Pakistan. They fall down, but they may COVID-19 crisis is
said that economy in rising up after the event affecting
Pakistan is falling and the is the end because PAKISTAN'S
unemployment rate is rising more people need a job Economy: Dw:
in the country. The GDP after the covid 19 23.07.2020.
growth in Pakistan falling pandemics. Retrieved February
down from 5.8% to 0.98%. 17, 2021, from

Qualitative This website showing the I think this source

economy in Pakistan and its shows that in the future Pakistan economy
business. They said that Pakistan’s economy will Pakistani economy,
Pakistan’s economy is the rise up because it business
26th largest in the world in showing that Pakistan opportunities in
terms of purchase power is one of the top largest Pakistan government
parity with a population of countries about the PAKISTAN business
190 million. economy, so they can opportunities import
fix the economy falling and export
problem. opportunities. (n.d.).
Retrieved February
22, 2021, from

Quantitative They show that during 2018 I think during this time
- 2020 unemployment rate economy will rise up Pakistan
is going down from 5.5 to due to the unemployment
4.1. This number is lower unemployment rate that Rate1985-2019
than the average that was getting lower than DATA: 2020-2021
about 6.5. normal because they Forecast: Historical:
need money. Chart. (n.d.).
Retrieved February
22, 2021, from

Quantitative This source showing I think in the future the

inflation in Pakistan that inflation rate of Pakistan inflation
going up and down. During Pakistan will get the Rate1957-2021 Data:
covid 19 situation the average or around the 2022-2023 Forecast:
inflation rate rising up to the average because 5.9% CALENDAR:
peak at 14%, but not it is the lowest number HISTORICAL. (n.d.).
getting lower to about 5.9%. we found between 2020 Retrieved February
The average inflation rate in to 2021. 23, 2021, from
Pakistan is around 5%. https://tradingeconom

Qualitative The source said the I think Pakistan went on

economy in Pakistan will a good path and in the Kiani, K. (2021,
grow by 1.5-2.5 percent. future, their GDP rate January 14). Moody's
Compare to the World Bank may be rising up more forecasts pakistan
which has a 0.5 percent of because of the banking economy will Grow
GDP growth rate, Pakistan system in Pakistan that 1.5pc. Retrieved
has a higher percentage of they said was strong February 25, 2021,
growth. and ​ongoing reforms from
and increasing policy
effectiveness. m/news/1601373

Qualitative This source is talking about I think in that situation

how Pakistan’s GDP growth they had a problem with Zaidi, S., Zaidi, S.,
rate falling negatively to 0.4 covid 19, but I think Niaz, I., Lin, J.,
percent during 2020, due to after the pandemic the Dadwal, S., Editors,
the covid 19 lockdown. The unemployment rate and E., . . . Soomro, F.
spreading of the virus was poverty will be back to (2021, January 01). A
leading to the growth of the normal and that will forgettable year for
unemployment rate and make the GDP growth PAKISTAN'S
poverty. up more, but not that ECONOMY.
much because people Retrieved March 02,
still be scared of the 2021, from
virus. https://www.eastasiaf

Report: Predictions on the Supply and Demand

Chosen Country: Pakistan

Countries profile

In Pakistan, they have a business that mainly focuses on Agriculture, mining, industry. A
lot of their products were export to many different countries which means some of their currency
can from other countries, not only in Pakistan.
Right now Pakistan facing a problem with a covid 19 this made their country’s economy
falling a lot, the unemployment rate and poverty are rising up and Pakistan needs to face many
economic problems inside their country.

Illustration of Demand and supply for country’s currency

Fiscal Policy
Past three years

In the past three years from 2018 to 2019, Pakistan wants to focus on control the GDP
growth to be 4.9 percent. They also want to increase the tax rate, but increase a steep rise in
the interest rate.

Prediction for next year

Because of the pandemic, I think they will make the tax rate get lower to bring back the
spending rate, but not too much because it will make the demand in the country rising up and
they will lose the value of the money.

Illustration of Demand and supply for country’s currency once the predicted fiscal policy is

Monetary policy
Past three years

In 2018 they set a target of the inflation rate between 6.5 to 7.5.

Predictions for next year

I think for next year the inflation rate will be about 5 because it is in the average of the
inflation rate in Pakistan and the pandemic should end in the next year and Pakistan should
recovery their economy already.

Illustration of Demand and supply for country’s currency once the predicted monetary policy is

Criterion The student does not ii. formulates a ii. formulates and ii. formulates and ii. formulates and
B: reach a standard limited ​action plan or somewhat ​follows a follows a ​partial effectively ​follows a
Investigatin described by any of does not follow a plan partial ​action plan to action plan to comprehensive ​action
g the descriptors iii. collects and investigate a research investigate a research plan to investigate a
records ​limited question question research question
information, not iii. uses methods to iii. uses method(s )to iii. uses methods to
always consistent collect and record collect and record collect and record
with the research mostly relevant appropriate, relevant appropriate​, ​varied
question information information relevant ​information

Criterion The student does not i. communicates i. communicates i. communicates i. communicates

C: reach a standard information and ideas information and ideas information and ideas information and ideas
Communic described by any of in a limited way, satisfactorily ​by using accurately ​by using a effectively ​and
ating the descriptors using a style that is a style that is style that is ​mostly accurately ​by using a
limited ​in its somewhat appropriate to the style that is
appropriateness to appropriate to the audience and purpose completely
the audience and audience and purpose appropriate to the
purpose audience and purpose

Criterion The student does not i. ​begins to analyze i. ​analyses ​concepts, i. discuss concepts, i. completes a
D: reach a standard concepts, issues, issues, models, visual issues, models, visual detailed discussion ​of
Thinking described by any of models, visual representation and/or representation and/or concepts, issues,
critically the descriptors representation and/or theories theories models, visual
theories in a limited ii. ​summarizes ii. ​synthesizes representation and/or
way information to make information to make theories
ii. ​begins to identify arguments valid ​arguments ii. ​synthesizes
connections between information to make
information to make valid​, ​well-supported
simple arguments arguments

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