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FALL 2020

(Instructor Copy)

REMINDER: * If the verb / adjective is followed by a preposition, the fact that is used instead of that and it
cannot be omitted.

The lecturer referred to the fact that population growth is the world’s biggest problem.

Some parents are worried about the fact that their children cannot do anything without them.
(OR Some parents are worried that their children cannot do anything without them.)

TASK 1. Combine the following sentences using noun clauses as the object.

1. Strict measures should be taken to handle hazardous waste. Chemical companies should realize this fact.

Chemical companies should realize (that) strict measures should be taken to handle hazardous waste.

2. It is important for adolescents to spend time away from electronic devices. Recent research states this.

Recent research states (that) it is important for adolescents to spend time away from electronic devices.

3. She has only two days left until the deadline. She is stressed about this.

She is stressed about the fact that she has two days left until the deadline.

4. The staff will work overtime to meet the increasing demand for steel. The company has agreed on this.

The company has agreed on the fact that the staff will work overtime to meet the increasing demand for


TASK 2. Fill in each blank with ONE word only. Contractions such as isn’t count as one word.

People say that the world 1) ___used__ to be a bigger place, but that is no longer true thanks to the
advances in technology and transportation. Only a few centuries 2) ____ago______, when there was no air
transport, it would take months to get from one place to another or to transport goods among countries,
but now, people not only communicate instantly, but also travel and do business much faster 3)
___than_____ in the old days. Especially 4) _____since______ air transport began, distances have
shortened, and it has become much easier and quicker for people to do business on an international scale.
However, easier and faster transport and communication have not helped to solve the problems of cross-
cultural interactions much. It is a fact that technology has made life easier, and this is appreciated
5)____by______ everyone. However, as all business people 6) ____who/that______ have tried to interact
with foreign counterparts know, it has not helped much in understanding the customs of other cultures. Of
course, there are certain things that are the same wherever one goes, but when it comes to cultural and
social traditions, there are always significant differences, which can turn relations into a nightmare.
Therefore, it is important for business people to learn about customs and traditions of foreign partners
7) ____before/when_____ they go to their countries on business. It is best to know 8)_____that______
they should do some research in advance to make a good impression.

TASK 3. Below is an article about important inventions and inventors. Fill in the blanks
with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. Bohlin's seatbelt
Inventions play an important role in our lives. Two of the most famous inventors of the
20th century are Henry Ford, who invented the automobile, and Steve Jobs, who
invented an affordable personal computer. For the past several decades, people’s lives (1) have been
affected (affect) positively by these two inventions and also by many others, such as the mobile telephone.
Since the introduction of such inventions, life (2) has become (become) more convenient for many people.
There are other everyday objects that are as significant as these inventions, but most people (3) don’t
know(know) who invented them. For example, the modern seat belt (4) was developed (develop) fifty
years ago, but the name of its inventor is unfamiliar to most people. Here is the story of its invention:
Nils Bohlin was a Swedish engineer and inventor. In 1959, while Bohlin was working for the car
manufacturer Volvo, he (5) came (come) up with a new seat belt design. Before this, there were other
types of seat belts in cars, but this was the first one which (6) was worn (wear) across the chest and across
the legs, and then joined together at the same place. Amazingly, this three-point seat belt design was a
very simple idea which had never been tried before.
At first, many drivers (7) didn’t like (like) the new seat belts even though they made cars safer. They
complained that the seat belts weren’t comfortable. However, little by little, the new seat belts started to
become more popular, and now most people use them. They are very efficient, and they (8) haven’t had
(have) any major problems for many years. Nils Bohlin’s simple invention (9) continues (continue) to
save thousands of lives every year.
It is a well-known fact that seat belts make cars safer. They reduce the chances of death or injury from car
accidents. If a person who is wearing a seat belt (10a) has (have) a car accident, he or she (10b) will
probably survive (survive / probably) the accident. On the other hand, people who (11) don’t fasten
(fasten) their seat belts have a greater chance of injury or death in a car accident.

TASK 4. Make sentences or questions with the Present Perfect and for or since.
e. g.: (I / not / play / tennis / last summer
I haven’t played tennis since last summer.

1. (I / know / her / more than ten years)
_______ I have known her for more than ten years._____________________________________.

2. (I / not / eat / anything / lunchtime)
________ I haven’t eaten anything since lunchtime._____________________________________.

3. (you / live / in this town / a long time?)
_______ Have you lived in this town for a long time?____________________________________

4. (Jill / be / a good friend to me / we were at school together)
______ Jill has been a good friend to me since we were at school together.__________________.

5. (you / see / Jack / the party last week?)
________ Have you seen Jack since the party last week?__________________________________

6. (I / write / ten e-mails / breakfast)
_________ I have written ten e-mails since breakfast.___________________________________.

7. (It / not / rain much / last year)
_______ It hasn’t rained much since last year.__________________________________________.


New Language Leader Unit 11 / MTR 40 / MTR 67 / RHO8

These URL addresses are this week’s vocabulary exercises. You can print them or do them online, but
remember that you can access them only for one week.
*** If the link does not work, copy the URL, paste it into the address bar and go.





TASK 1. Choose the best topic sentence for each group of supporting sentences.
1. _______________________________________________________. Some learners like to work in pairs
or groups whereas others prefer to work alone. Some learners learn more effectively from people while
others learn better from books. Some of them remember what they have heard more easily than what they
have read. Some learners seem to learn faster than others. To sum up, each learner in a class has his or her
own method of learning.

a) Individual differences of learners may result from different factors

b) There are several differences and similarities among students in a class
c) A class is composed of learners who learn in different ways

2. _______________________________________________________. It was the major method used until
modern techniques such as heat sterilization and addition of antiseptics were introduced. Today, drying is
still widely used in the preservation of fruit, vegetables and some herbs. It has two major variations known
as smoking and salting, which are widely used for preserving meat and fish. In brief, drying is an old but
useful food preservation method that is still used in today's world.

a) Drying is used in many fields of industry today

b) Drying has always been a common method of food preservation
c) As an old food preservation technique, drying has several advantages

3. _________________________________________________________. The first one is that e-mail allows
you to send a single message to many people at the same time. For example, if you want to inform your
friends, you don’t need to write each of them separately. Another advantage of communicating by e-mail is
that e-mail messages always look the same, no matter who has sent them. This means the quality of your
letter paper or handwriting is not important. The last and most important advantage of communicating
through e-mail is that it takes very little time to send and receive messages. From your computer, you can
contact people who are far away within minutes. In brief, today, you can get the maximum benefit of
technology by communicating through e-mail.

a) There are three tips for effective email communication

b) Email is widely used for business communications
c) Communicating through e-mail has several advantages

TASK 2. Write a topic sentence for each paragraph. Remember to include both a topic and a controlling
e.g. Living up to an old age is possible by doing sports and having a healthy diet. You can live longer by
doing sports because doing sports makes your muscles and bones stronger. For example, exercising four
times a week makes you a healthier person. You live longer if you are healthy. Also, doing sports increases
the level of serotonin in the body. Serotonin is the happiness hormone so it decreases stress, which is
known to cause illness. You can also live longer if you have a healthy diet. A healthy diet means eating fruit
and vegetables, which contain vitamins. Vitamins are necessary to prevent illnesses. In addition, eating lots
of fruit and vegetables reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels. As a result, you are healthier and can
live longer. In short, exercising and following a healthy diet are the two ways which can increase your life

1. ______ With its beautiful weather and sights, San Francisco is popular with tourists. ______ . San
Francisco is warm all year round. The city is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer. For example,
the average temperature is about 150C in winter and 250C in summer. In addition, it is usually sunny.
Especially in summer, the city rarely experiences rainfall. San Francisco’s beautiful weather makes it
possible for tourists to visit the city’s many tourist attractions. Some of the tourist attractions that are
frequently visited are the Museum of Modern Arts, Chinatown, and the Golden Gate Bridge. To sum up,
because of its weather and tourist attractions, a large number of tourists visit San Francisco every year.

2. ____ There are two differences between European and American universities.___. In European
universities, students are not required to attend classes. For instance, in Germany attendance is not
compulsory and professors usually do not know the names of the students enrolled in their courses. In the
United States, however, students are required to attend all classes and may be penalized if they miss
classes. Furthermore, in the European system, there is usually just one comprehensive examination at the
end of the students’ entire four or five years of study. In the American system, on the other hand, there are
usually numerous quizzes, tests, and homework assignments, and there is almost always a final
examination in each course at the end of the semester.

TASK 3. Read the paragraphs below and choose the best supporting sentence.

1. The job of a language teacher isn’t always enjoyable or easy. Firstly, ____________________________.
They often have to work at night or at weekends in order to prepare lessons. In addition, they have to
grade students’ exam papers and read their essays and paragraphs, which take a lot of time. Secondly, the
job isn’t well-paid. They work very hard every day, but all they get is a minimum salary compared with
other professions. Therefore, language teachers try to earn extra money in their limited spare time. To sum
up, being a language teacher is a difficult job.

a) language teachers have to work long hours

b) some schools provide special labs for language teachers
c) language teachers, like other teachers, educate young minds

2. For centuries, languages have been disappearing for two main reasons. The first cause is natural
disasters, which often devastate populations. In Indonesia, for example, an earthquake destroyed the
island Malaku along with its inhabitants, as well as the local language spoken there. Another cause is
migration from rural communities to urban centers. ____________________________________. In
conclusion, languages come and go, and thousands have done exactly that without leaving any trace.

a) Therefore, migration from rural to urban areas should be regulated.

b) There are around 3,000 living languages that are in danger of disappearing.
c) When country people move to the cities, they pick up the new language spoken there.

TASK 4. Each paragraph below has ONE irrelevant sentence. Find them, and write the number of each
sentence in the blank provided.

1. I) There are two main causes of business bankruptcy. II) The bankruptcy of a company affects its
community negatively. III) Firstly, poor management can make businesses go bankrupt. IV) For example,
a business owner might spend time and money developing a product that she believes in without
surveying potential customers and studying production costs. V) If consumers are not interested in the
product, and the production cost is very high, the business will not last long due to the wrong decisions
of the management. VI) Secondly, too much competition in the marketplace can lead to bankruptcy. VII)
The more competitive a market, the harder each company must work to gain market share. VIII)
Established competitors in the business can easily drive small companies out of the market and cause
them to fail. IX) Overall, poor management and a competitive market are the major factors leading to a
firm’s bankruptcy.

The sentence that is irrelevant is __II___.

2. I) Business plans are tools that have vital benefits. II) The first benefit of a business plan is that it serves
as a map to take the company from today to the future. III) In other words, business plans show
investors how their money will grow. IV) The second benefit of making a business plan is that the
objectives for that company can be set. V) These objectives can be helpful in keeping the business and
its executives focused and on track. VI) Progress evaluation is used in many areas of life. VIII) In
conclusion, every company should have a business plan.

The sentence that is irrelevant is ___VI____.

TASK 5. Write a relevant supporting idea to complete the following sentences.
1. Moderate exercise has a lot of health benefits. It lowers the blood pressure in a very short time.
Furthermore, it helps to lose weight __________________.
2. Forests are important for us as they provide many useful items such as paper pulp and timber.
Moreover, _ they produce oxygen, and thus clean the air _______________________.
3. Starting a day early is a good habit. If you get up early, you feel more energetic. Furthermore, _________
__ you can save time by getting organized earlier _______________________________.

TASK 6. Read the paragraphs below and choose the best supporting sentence.
1. The job of a nurse isn’t always enjoyable or easy. Nurses have to work long hours. They often
work at night or at weekends. Therefore, they usually don’t have enough time to spend with their
families. In addition, _____________. The annual average salary for a nurse is less than $35,000,
which makes it difficult to make the ends meet. As a result, a large number of nurses have left
hospitals because of heavy work load and low pay.

a) some hospitals provide accommodation for nurses

b) most nurses work in modern hospitals
c) the job isn’t well-paid
d) teachers earn more than nurses

2. In modern life, corn has many uses. _____________. Corn is also hidden in many other foods:
cookies, bread, or beef. A large part of the corn production in the United States, in fact, goes to
feed beef cattle. However, corn is not just a food. It is also used in the production of all kinds of
things, from glue to hand lotion and paint. Recently, manufacturers have begun to use corn to
make a new type of plastic for garbage bags. In many places, cars are now powered by a mixture
that contains ethanol, a fuel made from corn.
a) We eat corn in many forms, from popcorn and corn oil to corn flour and corn syrup
b) Scientists are working on kinds of corn that can be grown in dry or very hot areas
c) Millions of tons of corn are produced around the world every year
d) For some civilizations around the world, corn is a symbol of life

TASK 7. Write supporting sentences for the following paragraphs.
1. In today’s technology-driven world, although the cell phone is a popular means of communication, its
popularity may bring about some problems. Firstly, people who use cell phones in public places can cause
disturbance for others. To illustrate, in concert halls or cinemas, cell phone users sometimes forget to turn
off their phones, which disturbs other people. Secondly, drivers who use their cell phones while driving can
cause accidents. In fact, in 2018, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that drivers who use cell
phones are four times more likely to cause accidents in traffic. To conclude, keeping in mind the problems
that they may create, people should try to use cell phones considerately and carefully.

2. There are two reasons why exams cannot effectively measure student development. First, it is
impossible to test everything taught in class during exams. For example, according to the Exam Community
survey results, only 33% of the subjects taught in class can be covered in exams. Second, exams cause
heavy / a lot of stress on students. Because of this stress, most students cannot answer questions
correctly even though in class they may have no difficulty in answering the same questions. According to
the ECO research on test anxiety, the stress level in exams is more than that during learning or discussion.

TASK 8. Read the following paragraph, and choose the best sentence to finish them. Discuss why.
1. METU is a very popular university for two main reasons. One reason is that METU has qualified
instructors. It has good teachers who are experts in their subjects. Another reason is that METU, as an
international university, gives importance to research and development. It has several laboratories,
computer facilities and a library for students who want to do research and continue their studies.
a. In conclusion, different from other universities, METU is a well-known university with its high-quality
instruction and beautiful campus area
b. In brief, the quality of instructors and its welcoming approach to research and development make
METU a popular university
c. To sum up, METU is a popular university as it welcomes many international students and takes part in
international conferences

TASK 9. Provide a summary or a concluding sentence for the following paragraphs.
1. Living in a large city has two important benefits. To begin with, you never get bored in a large city because
there are always cultural events to go to. For example, there are festivals or theaters, which offer you all
kinds of entertainment. You can also go to concerts whenever you are bored. Famous singers usually give
concerts in big cities; therefore, you can listen to your favorite bands live when they visit your town.
Secondly, large cities have wonderful educational opportunities. Many schools offer high-quality education.
Moreover, there are different types of schools for every need. For example, there are language schools and
schools for students who have special educational needs. In addition, experienced teachers work in these
schools and provide students with an excellent education. In short, cultural events and educational
opportunities are the two benefits that make large cities attractive to live in.

2. Attendance and examination systems in European and US universities vary widely. The first difference is
related to attendance. In European universities, students are not required to attend classes. If necessary,
most students visit their professors in their offices on an irregular basis. Sometimes, a professor does not
even see the students before the final exam date. For example, in Germany, professors generally do not
know the names of the students enrolled in their courses; however, in the United States, students are
required to attend all classes and may be penalized if they don’t. The second difference is in the exams. In
the European system, there is just one comprehensive examination at the end of the students’ entire four
or five years of study, but in the American system, there are usually numerous quizzes, tests, and
homework assignments. To sum up, there are two main differences between European and US
universities in terms of their attendance and examination systems.

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