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04 BOCALAN DENISE G. 11-HUMSS11 02/11/21 Sir George Santarin 30

CLASS Last Name First Name M.I. GRADE Mo./Day/Year TEACHER-IN-

Performance Task (PeTa) No. 1: Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Note: Please refer to the instructions in the accompanying guide when you fill out the rest of the chart below.

What is my current state?

1. Can multitask 1. Sometimes authoritative

2. Creative 2. timid

Being a perfectionist
3. Patient 3.

4. Can lead efficiently 4. a bit workaholic

5. Versatile 5. dense

1. My creativity helps me to always think for a good 1. Being workaholic is a double-edged sword. It hinders
solution. me from resting well which affects my overall
2. Improving my confidence will help me stutter less 2.
whenever I talk. Being a perfectionist and authoritatibe at times gives
me a bad impression to other people which makes it
harder for me to befriend them.
3. Being patient helps me keep calm under pressure.
higher level of stress

4. I can maximize my versatility by trying to be less 4. inability to balance working hours and personal time
authoritative. mainly because I am a workaholic.

5. If my weaknesses no longer held me back, I would 5. People say that taking advantage of me is east
help other people who struggle with theirs. because I'm dense

What is my desired state?

State your Action Describe a Focus Area Include the Rationale Add the Activities
Step 1: Make your INITIAL GOAL. In as few words as possible, write down your goal.
give more time for myself in order to improve my overall performance in the long run and to lessen stress.
My goal is to: _______________________________________________________________________
FOCUS AREA: _____________________________________________________________________
Step 2: Make your goal detailed and SPECIFIC.
Focus on my physical and mental health more.
What I am going to do: ________________________________________________________________
By giving more time to myself
How am I going to do it? ______________________________________________________________
at home or at establishments that promote self-care
Where I will do this? __________________________________________________________________
at least twice a week
When I will do this? __________________________________________________________________
Step 3: Make your goal is MEASURABLE. How will you measure your goal to see your progress: (amount,
# minutes, # days per week):
I will track/measure my goal by using the following numbers or methods:
By making sure that I have 7-8 hours of sleep everyday for at least 6 days a week.
By only doing a maximum of two extra co-curricular actvities a week and a maximum of four organization activities a

I will know I’ve reached my goal when:

I don't feel to tired whenever I wake up in the morning.
I have more time for myself,family, and friends.
Step 4: Make your goal ATTAINABLE. What additional resources do you need for the achievement of your

Items I need to achieve this goal:

Alarm clock, healthy food, calendar, pen and paper for a to-do list
How I’ll find the time:
Create a schedule that I will strictly follow to maximize efficiency and minimize extra working hours.
Things I need to learn more about:
The reason why I found comfort in doing work before.
How to say no whenever someone asks me to do something that I am not necessarily required to oblige.
People I can talk to for support:
my close friends, my psychologist, and my family

How confident are you that you will be able to accomplish this goal? (Check your answer.)
Not sure Somewhat sure Extremely sure

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
✔ 9 10
How important is this goal to you?
Not important Somewhat important Very important

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
✔ 10

Step 5: Make your goal RELEVANT. Refer to Appendix I and list pertinent brain function(s) as rationale for
reaching this goal:
To stimulate the repair of brain cells from overworking and to develop the brain stem and frontal lobe functions.
Step 6: Make your goal TIME-BOUND. Set a deadline and benchmarks.
02 28 2021
I will take the first step on (date): ___/___/______.

DIAZ, F.C. 06 September 2020 Page 2 of 3

I will check my progress on (date) ___/___/______.
03 10 2021 I will check my progress every _________________.
10 days

I will reach my goal by (date): ___/___/______.

05 01 2021

Step 7: Make your SMART GOAL STATEMENT. Review what you have written and make a goal statement
based on the previous SMART questions.
take care of myself more physically and mentaly by having enough rest and self-care
I will __________________________________________________________(specific action)
six days a week
_____________________________________________________________(number of times) by/for
a minimum of three months
__________________________________________________________________(date/frequency) so that
I can stimulate the repair of brain cells and develope the brain stem and frontal lobe functions.
How do I get there?
Action Steps
Start Date End Date
1. I will exercise at least twice a week

2. I will go to sleep at 10pm daily.


3. I will consult my psychologist for at least once a month in order to fix my

3/05/2021 05/01/2021
workaholic tendencies.

4. I will try to communicate with my friends and family more so that I can fix my
dense personality. 5/01/2021

5. I will look for the positive traits more on my work outputs

2/28/2021 5/01/2021

I hereby agree and commit to take the action steps to improve my personal accountability
and to increase my chances of attaining my goal; I will review this PDP on a regular basis,
and I will update it as necessary.

Signature Over Printed Name Date

DIAZ, F.C. 06 September 2020 Page 3 of 3

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