CIVE 3833 Spring 2021 Problem Set 1

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CIVE 3833 Spring 2021

Problem Set 1

1. A container has a 5m3 volume capacity and weighs 1500 N when empty and 47,000 N
when filled with a liquid. What is the mass density and specific gravity of the liquid?

2. Velocity measurements are made along a cross section of a fluid flow field. The velocity
at two points (2 cm apart) are 4.8 m/sec and 2.4 m/sec, respectively. What is the
magnitude of the shear stress at this location if the velocity profile is linear and the fluid
is water at 20oC?

3. A flat circular disk of radius 1.0 m is rotated at an angular velocity of 0.65 rad/sec over a
fixed flat surface. An oil film separates the disk and the surface. If the viscosity of the
oil is 16 times that of water (20oC) and the space between the disk and the fixed surface is
0.5 mm, determine the torque required to rotate the disk.

4. Determine the percentage change in the density of water (40oF) when the pressure is
increased from 1 atm to 220 lb/in2.

5. The gauge pressure at the bottom of a water tank reads 30 mm of mercury (S.G. = 13.6).
The tank is open to the atmosphere. Determine the water depth (in cm) above the gauge.
Find the equivalency in N/m2 of absolute pressure at 20oC.

6. An open manometer (in figure) is installed to measure pressure in a pipeline carrying oil
(S.G. = 0.82). If the manometer liquid has a specific gravity of 0.85, determine the
pressure in the pipe 9 in kPa and in m of water).

7. A square gate 3 ft x 3 ft lies in a vertical plane submerged in water. Determine the total
pressure force on the gate and the distance between the center of pressure and the
centroid when the upper edge of the gate is at the water surface. Compare these values to
those that would occur if the upper edge of the gate is 10 ft below the water surface.

8. The bottom plate of a barge’s hull is curved with a radius of 1.75 m. When the barge is
submerged in sea water (S.G. = 1.03) determine if the vertical force component is greater
than the horizontal component on plate AB per unit length of hull (see figure).

9. A 4-m long, 2-m diameter cylindrical tank is shown in the figure. A 0.5-m-diameter pipe
extends vertically upward from the middle of the tank. Water fills the tank and pipe to a
level 3 m above the top of the tank (h). What is the hydrostatic force on one end of the
tank? What is the total hydrostatic pressure force on one side (i.e. the semi-circle) of the

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