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Conductive Polyaniline on Paper as a Flexible Electronic

Material With Controlled Physical Properties Through Vapor

Phase Polymerization

Krishna Deb,1 Arun Bera,1 Kartick Lal Bhowmik,1,2 Biswajit Saha 1

Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Agartala, Jirania 799046, India
Department of Chemistry, Bir Bikram Memorial College, Agartala 799004, India

Tuning of hole transport and optical properties were [8–11], polypyrrole [12, 13], polyaniline [14, 15], poly(p phe-
accomplished in polyaniline incorporated flexible paper nylene-vinylene) (PPV) [16], poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythio-
during vapor phase polymerization process. Vapor phase phene) (PEDOT) [17–19], are attracting the researchers
polymerization of aniline using FeCl3 as polymerizing agent attention. Polyaniline is one of the promising conductive poly-
was done in a reaction chamber, where the concentration mers, which has been chosen in this work to prepare and tune
of FeCl3 on paper played the key role in tuning its proper-
ties. The energy band gap and electrical conductivity of its optical and electrical properties. Particular attentions are
the polyaniline incorporated paper have been tuned effec- being paid in understanding the conductive mechanism of such
tively during the polymerization process. The band gap polymers. As a result, more effective ways are emerging in
changes from 2.45 eV to 2.65 eV, when the electrical sheet bringing control over the functionality of polymer materials
resistance varied from 1.0 3105 X/ⵧ to 4.33 3107 X/ⵧ in [20, 21]. Preparation of polyaniline can be achieved in various
response to the different FeCl3 concentration. The electri- process such as electrochemical polymerization [22, 23], solu-
cal sheet resistance can be tuned within a range of two
tion polymerization [24, 25], interfacial polymerization [26,
order of its value. Polymer-based electronic materials with
outstanding electrical conductivity due to their delocalized 27], seeding polymerization [28], emulsion polymerization
molecular orbitals are of great interest in the recent devel- [29], vapor phase self-assembling polymerization [30, 31],
opment of materials chemistry and physics. Paper being a photoinduced polymerization [32, 33], plasma polymerization
flexible substrate and incorporated with a hole transporting [34, 35], and sonochemical synthesis process [36, 37]. Among
medium like polyaniline in its emeraldine base form will all of the aforementioned processes the vapor phase polymeri-
find its significant role in designing flexible electronic devi- zation of aniline offers number advantages like uniform film
ces. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 00:000–000, 2018. VC 2018 Society of Plas-
preparation over large area, low process temperature (608C)
tics Engineers
and very simple reactor chamber. Most significantly it offers
an effective way to bring control over the synthesis process by
regulating the concentration of oxidizing agent over the surface
INTRODUCTION of the substrate itself. This technique has been employed in
this work to observe the effect of concentration of polymeriz-
The conductive polymers are appearing in the central focus
ing agent on the optical and electrical properties of polyaniline.
of solid state physics because of their outstanding charge trans-
Generally, polyaniline is prepared by oxidation of aniline in
port properties. Exploration and stimulation of the charge trans-
solution using different appropriate chemical oxidizers [15, 38,
port properties by employing the due recipe of chemistry and
39]. FeCl3 has been chosen as polymerizing agent of aniline
physics offers an interesting and wide field of research in poly-
into polyaniline. Second, flexible butter paper has been chosen
mer science and its applications. Conductive polymers like poly-
as substrate to deposit polyaniline in this work to observe the
aniline containing conjugating p-electrons offer the opportunity
effect of concentration of polymerizing agent in tuning its opti-
of preparing engineered macromolecules [1–4] with excellent
cal and electrical properties. As a result, a remarkable effect
properties. Polymer-based electronic devices [5–7] are therefore
has been observed in the energy band gap and electrical con-
drawing great attention in the recent context. Moreover, finding
ductivity of the polyaniline incorporated paper with variation
a good hole transport layer is one of the most significant chal-
of FeCl3 concentration. More the concentration of oxidizing
lenges in enhancing the electronic device performances and
agent more is the density of polaron and bipolaron leading to
selecting high-performance electrode. Ultrathin and flexible
higher electrical conductivity. Such polymer-based electronic
energy storage devices are of significant scientific interest
materials loaded on paper, which are environmentally safe and
because of the increasing demands for modern electronics such
nontoxic can reduce the electronic hazards. Thus, this work
as soft electronic equipment, roll-up displays, and stretchable
will find its significance in advancement of science toward
integrated circuits.
paper-based electronic materials and would attract the
The excellent combination of electrical and optical proper-
researchers because of its flexibility and cost effectiveness and
ties in a number of conductive polymers such as polyacetylene
better functionality.

Correspondence to: Biswajit Saha; e-mail:

Grant sponsor: University Grants Commission (UGC), Government of India; EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
Grant number: F.5–324/2015–16/MRP/NERO/1093. Materials Used
DOI 10.1002/pen.24845
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( The synthesis of polyaniline was performed through vapor
C 2018 Society of Plastics Engineers
V phase polymerization process. In this approach the chemicals of


high purity were used in the reaction process. FeCl3 (Merck) in contact with the aniline monomer in vapor form and radical
was used as polymerizing agent and aniline (Merck) was used cations are formed as described in Fig. 2. The radical cations
to produce its vapor. The polymerization was carried out on but- then form polymer chain through chemical interaction. The reac-
ter paper to obtain polyaniline. tion was allowed to occur for 20 min and during the process the
butter paper gradually found to become green colored indicating
Synthesis Process the formation of polyaniline. The polyaniline loaded butter
papers were then removed from the reactor and washed care-
The synthesis process of conductive polyaniline on paper is
fully in methanol to remove the unreacted chemicals if any, and
discussed in detail in this section. To obtain extremely pure ani- bi-product of ferrous chloride. Finally, the prepared polyaniline
line, double distillation process was followed, and the distilled loaded butter paper was dried at 508C for 10 min. The entire
aniline was stored in a refrigerator. In polymerization process process was followed to prepare such polyaniline incorporated
we have approached for the oxidation of aniline in acidic media. paper with various concentrations (0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 M) of
FeCl3 has been chosen as polymerizing agent. The standard oxi- FeCl3 in order to bring a control over the physical properties of
dation/reduction potential of FeCl3 (0.77) is suitable for this pro- such conductive polymer incorporated paper.
cess. 50 ml of aniline was taken in a beaker and heated at
temperature 608C to produce aniline vapor. The synthesis pro- Characterizations
cess was carried out in a reaction chamber as shown in Fig. 1.
The temperature of the vapor inside the reactor chamber was The polyaniline coated papers with different concentrations
recorded by the thermometer kept inside. In another beaker, have been characterized with different techniques to study their
physical properties to explore their outstanding optical and elec-
50 mL of 0.2 molar solution of FeCl3 was prepared in methanol.
trical properties. The crystallinity was examined through X-ray
Butter paper cut into strips of size (2 cm 3 5 cm) have been
diffraction (XRD, Bruker, D-8 Advance) measurements, and
used for preparing polyaniline on those. The butter paper strips
scanning electron microscopic measurement was employed for
were dipped gently into the FeCl3 solution and taken out in
studying the morphology of the prepared samples. The FESEM
ambient condition. Thus, the FeCl3 soaked butter paper have
measurements were done using Zeiss FESEM. Optical properties
been produced and kept in ambient condition allowing the sol-
were studied through UV–vis-NIR spectrophotometric (Shi-
vent to evaporate out. Then the FeCl3 soaked butter papers have
madzu UV-3101PC) measurements. The electrical properties
been placed inside the reactor for polymerization process to
have been studied through current voltage measurements using
occur. During the process the FeCl3 soaked butter paper comes Keithley instrument (model 2400).


Structural Properties
Crystalline phase of materials are always of scientific worth
because of their excellent physical properties. Occurrence of
crystalline phase in polymer material attracts due attention and
in this study the crystallinity was investigated for all polyaniline
loaded papers prepared with different concentrations of oxidiz-
ing agent. The X-ray diffraction pattern as obtained for different
samples of polyaniline loaded paper are shown in Fig. 3. From
the X-ray diffraction pattern of the polyaniline loaded paper it
was observed that all the samples prepared with different FeCl3
concentrations are crystalline with the occurrence of peaks at 2h
515:4 and 2h522:4 corresponding to Miller planes (011) and
(020). Polyaniline in its emeraldine salt form can occur in crys-
talline form. The interplanar distances (d) corresponding to these
diffraction peaks are 0.28 and 0.20 nm.
The X-ray diffraction results can be extended to obtain the
crystallite size (T) of the samples from the highest intense peak
using the Scherrer relation [40]

T5 (1)

where b is the shape factor for the average crystallite (0.9), b

is the full width at half maxima of the crystalline peak in radi-
ans. The crystallite size has been found to be 37.46A . Using
the relation shown in Eq. 2, given by Klug and Alexander [41],
FIG. 1. Photographic view of reaction chamber used for vapor phase poly- the inter-chain separation (R) can be obtained. Corresponding to
merization of aniline on paper. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlineli- the highest intense crystalline peak this has been calculated] as 2.5A


FIG. 2. Formation of radical cation and molecular structure of polyaniline. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyon-]

5k hole transport medium and band gap lying in a suitable range

R5 (2)
8 sin h attracted our attention to bring a control over the optical proper-
ties along with its electrical properties, when such macromole-
Thus, the crystalline structure of polymer as obtained on paper
cules are loaded on flexible paper. As we have approached to
can be realized with better electrical properties. The ordered
prepare polyaniline on paper with different concentration of oxi-
crystalline form of polyaniline will assist the charge transport
dizing agent, interesting results have been obtained in their opti-
through the long-range propagation of polarons. Interchain and cal properties. With increasing concentration of FeCl3 the
interdomain electrical conductivity are influenced by crystallin- oxidation of aniline takes place more in number in the polymer
ity, as the increase in crystallinity allows for an increase in chain so that the defect states of polaron and bipolaron appears
charge hopping sites. The pictorial view of the polyaniline with higher concentration. Thus the samples prepared with
loaded papers was examined from FESEM images. A typical higher FeCl3 concentration show higher absorbance correspond-
FESEM image is shown in Fig. 4, which shows continuous and ing to the fundamental absorbance of polaron and bipolaron in
uniform loading of polyaniline on paper. The flexibility of the polyaniline. The results thus show that one can tune the energy
polyaniline loaded paper with p-type carrier transport will pro- band gap simply by varying the concentration of oxidizing
vide an additional advantage in designing flexible electronic agent. The UV–vis-NIR absorbance spectra of all the different
devices. Figure 5 demonstrates the flexibility of the polyaniline samples prepared with different FeCl3 concentrations are shown
loaded paper. in Fig. 6. The UV–vis spectra show three absorptions bands at
340 nm, 440 and 750 nm, respectively. The strong absorption
Optical Properties peaks observed in the UV–vis absorption spectra at 340 nm has
the origin from p–p* interband transition. The absorption band
Optical properties and their tuning are of great importance in around 370 nm is ascribed to polaron band transition. On
designing solid state electronic devices. Particularly crystalline increasing dopant concentration the number of polarons
semiconductors with definite energy band gap are required in increases, thus it creates higher absorption of incident light at
developing various electronic devices. Polyaniline being a good 370 nm. The broad absorption band around 750 nm is due to
bipolaron band transition. The occurrence of absorbance peak

FIG. 3. X-ray diffraction pattern of polyaniline coated papers for different

concentration of FeCl3. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary. FIG. 4. Typical FESEM image of polyaniline loaded paper. [Color figure
com] can be viewed at]


FIG. 7. Energy band gap of polyaniline from (ahm)2 versus hm plot for dif-
ferent samples with different FeCl3 concentration. [Color figure can be
viewed at]

layer has been determined by extrapolating the linear portion of

FIG. 5. Photographic view of flexible polyaniline loaded paper. [Color fig- the (ahm)2 versus hm plot as depicted in Fig. 7. This shows that
ure can be viewed at]
the band gap depends on the oxidation state of the polyaniline.
The index n is related to the distribution of the density of states.
also confirms the formation of emeraldine oxidation state of The index n 5 1/2 corresponds to the direct allowed transition
PANI. One can easily observe that another absorption band energy gap and n 5 2 corresponds to the indirect allowed transi-
appeared at 370 nm for the higher concentration of FeCl3. The tion energy gaps. A significant variation in the band gap has
occurrence of this absorption band depends on the dopant con- been observed with the concentration of oxidizing agent. During
centration, or one can say on higher protonation, the band
oxidation the charged defect states of polaron and bipolarons
observed at 330 nm in the UV–vis spectra polyaniline is shifted
are created. These defect states introduce localized electronic
to 370 nm [42].
states in the gap, which cause upward shift of the HOMO and
The energy band gap has been calculated from the absor-
downward shift of the LUMO. Thus, depending on the degree
bance spectra using the relation
of oxidation, and the concentration of defect states; the band
1 gap changes. The energy band gap changes from 2.45 to 2.65
ðahtÞn 5Aðht2Eg Þ eV with increasing concentration.
Where a is the optical absorption coefficient, hm is incident pho-
ton energy and Eg is the band gap and A is a constant. The Electrical Properties
energy band gap of the polyaniline semiconductor hole transport
Polyaniline acts as a positive charge transport layer. On ther-
moelectric measurement the Seebeck coefficient of polyaniline
can be obtained with positive sign [31]. It is positive for p-type
material and negative for n type material. Because polyaniline is
a good thermoelectric material, it gives a convenient experimen-
tal evidence for its carrier’s type. This makes it of scientific
worth as p-type semiconductor materials are less explored com-
pared with n-type semiconductors. The selectivity of positive
charge transport layer in different semiconductor devices
requires a good control over its electrical and optical properties.
This work explores an effective and easy way of controlling the
optical and electrical properties of p-type semiconductor of pol-
yaniline. Another significance of this work is lying in bringing
such control on polymer loaded on paper, which may appear
directive in designing paper-based devices. The electrical I–V
plot of the polyaniline loaded paper prepared with different con-
centrations of FeCl3 is shown in Fig. 8. The figure reveals that
initially the electrical conductivity was increased with increasing
concentration of FeCl3, but after certain level the electrical con-
FIG. 6. Optical absorbance spectra of polyaniline coated conducting papers ductivity again starts decreasing. The mechanism of electrical
with different FeCl3 concentration. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonli- conductivity in polyaniline includes the formation of spinless] carriers of polaron and bipolaron. The state of oxidation during


conducting polymers, respectively. The charge is said to be
excited from a lower energy (bonding molecular orbital) to a
state of higher energy (anti-bonding molecular orbital) within
the molecular matrix. Thus, it attains the electronic band struc-
ture with semiconducting properties; however the semiconduct-
ing properties can be controlled by introducing polaronic and
bipolaronic bands through defect incorporation during oxidation
process. Depending on the doping level, polyaniline can be in
leucoemeraldine, pernigraniline, and emeraldine base, or emeral-
dine salt forms (Fig. 9). Polyaniline in leucoemeraldine form is
fully reduced state. Polyaniline in pernigraniline form is fully
oxidized state with imine links instead of amine links. Both the
forms are poor conductors, even when doped with an acid. Poly-
aniline in emeraldine salt form is a p-type semiconductor with
hole as charge carriers and are of our interest, which has been
FIG. 8. Room temperature I–V characteristics of polyaniline coated papers. found to be formed on paper. During oxidation electrons are
[Color figure can be viewed at] removed from the top of the valence band that is, highest occu-
pied molecular orbitals (HOMO) and thus holes are created.
synthesis process plays the key role in controlling the electrical This charge appeared in the chain can induce a local distortion
conductivity. in the polymer chain. This creates localized electronic states in
The band theory of inorganic semiconductors that is, occur- the gap, which cause upward shift of the HOMO and downward
rence of valence and conduction bands in inorganic semiconduc- shift of the LUMO. Thus, a lattice distortion around a charge
tors translates to p or bonding and p* or antibonding bands in becomes energetically favorable in polyaniline chain leading
towards charge localization with lattice distortion, which we call
polaron. The presence of this localized electronic states are
called polaron states. When the second electron is removed
from the polaron in the polymer chain a bipolaron is formed. A
bipolaron is defined as a pair of like charges coupled through
strong local lattice distortion analogous to Cooper pair in BCS
theory, where two electrons are coupled through lattice vibra-
tion. The formation of both the polaron and bipolaron are ener-
getically favorable in polyaniline. However, the formation of
bipolaron is thermodynamically more favorable than the forma-
tion of two separate polaron in the polymer chain [43]. The
schematic energy band diagram for polaron and bipolaron in
polyaniline is shown in Fig. 10. The polaron and bipolaron
assisted charge transport in polyaniline induce a motion of hole
in the polyaniline and p-type conductivity is achieved [44–47].
The conductivity however depends on the oxidation level and
can easily be achieved by varying the concentration of FeCl3.
With increase in FeCl3 concentration, first the conductivity
increases and then with further increase it decreases. This is

FIG. 10. Schematic energy band diagram of neutral state, polaron state and
FIG. 9. Different forms of polyaniline it its different oxidation states. bipolaron state of polyaniline. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlineli-
[Color figure can be viewed at]]


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