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AppInternals: Best Practices

for Strategic Selling and Successful PoCs

Jon Hodgson
Technical Director, Advanced Technology Group
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1 Selling APM

2 APM Sweet Spot

3 Planning for Successful PoCs

4 Business Relevant APM

5 PoC Wrap-Up

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What’s the first rule of APM?

You do not sell APM

to Network Teams.

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What’s the second rule of APM?


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Follow the money
§  Your accounts run on applications - understanding those key apps creates a
deeper understanding of your accounts

§  Asking “What are your most important applications” is the gateway to finding
APM opportunities

§  Identify what the key applications are

–  Ask about critical applications during a meeting
–  Reach out to SteelHead and NPM contacts – they all know what the top applications are
–  Ask your Channel partner
–  Review the investor report call transcript and annual report, some of our top reps have
shared they rely on this often
–  Review the customer’s website
–  Review skills/roles/experience from contact info on LinkedIn, apps and projects are often
mentioned there
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Find the “Key Pain”

§  Find a key business initiative or identify meaningful pain we can eliminate

§  Some exploratory questions:

–  “What application performance issues have been impacting the business?”
–  “What has the financial or business impact been?”
–  “How long have the issues been happening?”
–  “What has been tried so far to fix the problem?”
–  “What has executive management authorized to solve this problem?”

§  Questions should qualify how real the business pain is – and quantify that pain:
–  Test the pain answers you are given, make the customer describe and prove the importance of
the issues

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Qualifying a Winnable Opportunity
§  IT supports multiple Apps

§  Evaluate the overall investment of IT resources

§  If the answers to most of your questions are “No” or “I don’t know” chances are you’re talking
to the WRONG person.
Deployment Size

Critical Apps

Staff Headcount Business Impact

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What is a SWEE T
application for APM?

Anything based on or
v5 thru 8 v2 thru 4.6

Running on Windows, Linux, Solaris & AIX

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aka J2SE, J2EE, Java EE

(some) Java App Servers



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Other Hints

“JVM” “Servlet” “JSP” “Portlet” “E JB”“JDBC”“JMS”

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Some Hints
“CLR” “ASP.NE T” “C#” “VB.NE T” “ADO” “w3wp”

“ASP” “C++” “VB”

“.asp” “.aspx” “.asmx” “.ashx”
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Using to find sites

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Using www. .com to
find sites

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Packaged Apps

Many modern 3rd-party apps are based on Java

Content Management
& .NET
Insurance Healthcare/EHR/EMR

E-Commerce Telco/ISP Workforce Mgmt

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PoC Process – The Wrong Way
Let’s do demos!!! – WHY?
Now let’s do a PoC!!! – WHY?
Sales/SE Sales Engineering Sales


Demo Close
Scoping Execution Wrap-up

PoC’s Done…
Now let’s close!!!
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Plan Your Journey

No Pain No Budget
No Authority
Not Sweet Spot
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Plan Your Journey

No Pain No Budget
No Authority
Not Sweet Spot
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Plan Your Journey


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The SE’s Role in a Successful PoC

Understand the Technical and Business drivers

Keep sales in check

Look for sweet-spot apps and ensure we’re a good fit

Identify competition, existing tools and gaps

CRAFT the PoC to compel stakeholders and check signers

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Closing a Million Dollar Deal
Initial Meetings, Demos
ISR Meeting & Workshops PoC Close

Qualification Climb Org Chart

App & Environment Details Navigate Process/Politics

Deal Size

Follow-on Executive


Business Pains & Goals
Technical Pains & Goals
Existing Tools
Org Chart, Process & Politics

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Closing a Million Dollar Deal

Initial Meetings, Demos
ISR Meeting & Workshops PoC Close
Qualification Climb Org Chart

Technical Planning
Business Planning

PoC Execution
Create Wrap-up Presentation
App & Environment Details Navigate Process/Politics

for PoC
for PoC
Deal Size

Present Wrap-up

Follow-on Executive


Business Pains & Goals
Plan Wrap-ups
Technical Pains & Goals Initial & Executive
Business &
Existing Tools
Competition How does tech solve biz?
Viral (in absentia)
Org Chart, Process & Politics

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Stakeholders and Roles
What do they care about?
§  Business Owner Improving revenue, productivity and customer satisfaction
§  Application Owner Meeting business goals for their app
§  CIO Meeting corporate goals, TCO, ROI
§  Architects App map and relationships, overarching bottlenecks
§  IT Operations Higher-level monitoring, reporting, alerting
§  Application Support Monitoring and diagnostics
§  QA Load test analysis/comparison and scalability
§  Development Low-level nitty-gritty details (methods, objects etc.)
§  PoC Point-of-Contact Checklists of features – little business context
© 2016 Riverbed Technology. All rights reserved. 29
Stakeholders and Roles
What do they care about?
§  Business Owner Improving revenue, productivity and customer satisfaction
§  Application Owner Meeting business goals for their app
§  CIO Meeting corporate goals, TCO, ROI
§  Architects App map and relationships, overarching bottlenecks
§  IT Operations Higher-level monitoring, reporting, alerting
§  Application Support Monitoring and diagnostics
§  QA Load test analysis/comparison and scalability
§  Development Low-level nitty-gritty details (methods, objects etc.)
§  PoC Point-of-Contact Checklists of features – little business context
© 2016 Riverbed Technology. All rights reserved. 30
Stakeholders and Roles
What do they care about?
§  Business Owner Improving revenue, productivity and customer satisfaction
§  Application Owner
Meeting business goals for their app
§  CIO
Meeting corporate goals, TCO, ROI
§  Architects App map and relationships, overarching bottlenecks
§  IT Operations Higher-level monitoring, reporting, alerting
§  Application Support Monitoring and diagnostics
§  QA Load test analysis/comparison and scalability
§  Development “HOW
Low-level nitty-gritty DOES(methods,
details xyz WORK?”
objects etc.)
§  PoC Point-of-Contact Checklists of features – little business context
© 2016 Riverbed Technology. All rights reserved. 31
Business Relevant APM
Executive Questions

§ What is the checkout time for users with 5+ items in their cart?

§ How do I improve the experience of our platinum users?

§ How can I increase the productivity of wealth mgmt advisors?

§ Why did online sales dip yesterday afternoon?

§ Is the current volume spike causing any SEC compliance issues?

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Business-relevant APM --- $$$ not seconds
Optimization & troubleshooting based on Financial Impact

% of Total Delay (seconds) % of Total COST of Delays ($$$)

Top methods/sql based on seconds of delay Top methods/sql based on cost of those seconds

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Global Enterprise – All Apps for All LOBs

LOB1 – App 1 – Wealth Management

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LOB3 – App 15 – Home Loans

LOB 7 – App 32 – Online Banking

Online Banking – 100s of Transaction Types

Bill Payment Account Details

Change Password

Add Payee Statements

Transfer Funds
Link Accounts
Global Enterprise – All Apps for All LOBs

LOB1 – App 1 – Wealth Management


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LOB3 – App 15 – Home Loans

LOB 7 – App 32 – Online Banking


Online Banking – 100s of Transaction Types

Bill Payment Account Details


Change Password

Add Payee Statements



Transfer Funds
Link Accounts


Business Relevant APM
Elevate Raw Data to a Business Level

§  “Stock Trade” instead of:


§  “Quoting Application” instead of:

(instance='auto' OR instance='home') AND (server='prdapp*' OR server='prdwsvc*')

§  “External Dependency - PayPal” instead of:

urloutbound = ''

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Business Relevant APM
Leverage Transaction Content

§  “Stock Trade - NYSE - Sell” instead of an ambiguous URL

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Business Relevant APM
Easily Create Custom Reports
§  Custom reports can be deployed in minutes
by creating a file with a few lines of text
on the Analysis Server

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PoC Wrap-Up
Don’t Drop the Ball!

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PoC Wrap-Up
Don’t Drop the Ball!

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PoC Wrap-Up
Don’t Drop the Ball!

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PoC Wrap-Up
Don’t Drop the Ball!

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PoC Wrap-Up
Don’t Drop the Ball!

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The Wrap-Up
Different Approaches

PowerPoint Live Demonstration

with Screenshots
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Wrap-Up Approaches

PowerPoint Live Demonstration

with Screenshots
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Wrap-Up Approaches
Persistence of Message

PowerPoint Live Demonstration

with Screenshots
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Wrap-Up Approaches
Clarity of Message
At 10am there was
a spike in response
time due to DB calls

This correlates
with a CPU spike
on TFDataAccess01

PowerPoint Live Demonstration

with Screenshots
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Wrap-Up Approaches
Relating Workflow Simplicity

PowerPoint Live Demonstration

with Screenshots
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Wrap-Up Approaches
Socialization / Going Viral

PowerPoint Live Demonstration

with Screenshots
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Key Takeaways

Don’t do a PoC unless it’s qualified and a good fit

Craft the PoC to compel the tech and biz stakeholders

Elevate your messaging to be more business relevant

Don’t do live wrap-ups unless there’s no other option

Invest the time to craft a targeted wrap-up presentation

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