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J o ur nal of W uhan U ni v ersi ty of T ec hnol ogy - Mater. Sc i . E d. w w w .j w u D ec.

2019 1463

DOI https: //doi. org/10.1007/s11595-019-2214-8

Wet Chemical Synthesis of Entangled Nano-fibrous

Conducting Polyaniline (PANI) Mesh:
Effect of Heating and Stirring

Chandrashekhar M. Mahajan*, Sachin S Sawant

( D epar tm ent of E ngi neeri ng Sc i enc es and H um ani ti es, V i shw akarm a I nsti tu te of T ec hnol ogy , B i bw ew adi , P une , M aharashtra, 41 1037 , I ndi a)

Abstract: A n effect of heating and stir r ing in a facile w et chemical r out e to synthesiz e entangled nano-
fibrous mesh of doped polyaniline (PANI) was reported. The structural, morphological, and optical properties of
PANI nano-fibers were found to be dependent on synthesis temperature and stirring. The XRD analysis confirms
nano PANI formation with 2θ peaks around 15°, 21°, and 25° for (011), (020), and (200) crystal planes,
respectively. The average crystallite size varies between 25 nm to 60 nm due to change in synthesis conditions.
The SEM analysis reveals the clustered granule formation for PANI sample synthesized at 28 and 60 ℃ unde r
continuous stirring, whereas, unstirred synthesis at 60 ℃ shows entangled nano-fibrous mesh morphology. The
TGA study shows better thermal stability for PANI mesh over granular PANI. The FTIR spectra validates the
emeraldine salt PANI formation with peaks corresponding to C-H, C-N, N=Q=N, N=B=N, and N-H vibration
bands. The UV-Vis analysis shows the major absorbance peaks around λ: 340 nm (π- π* transition of benzenoid
ring), and λ: 800 nm (π- π* , polaron-π* , π-polaron transitions). The dense entangled nano-fibrous coating of
PANI synthesized at 60 ℃ without stirring shows highest electrical conductivity of 3.79 S·cm-1.
Key words: polyaniline; nano-fibrous mesh; optical property; electrical conductivity

1 Introduction polydiacetylene, polyaniniline (PANI), polythaiophene,

polypyrrole, etc [2]. Amongst these PANI has emerged
In recent years, the conducting polymers have as a vital and useful material due to its low cost, facile
attracted a keen research interest. These organic mo- synthesis, higher environmental stability due to easy
lecular materials have conjugated structures with alter- acid/base-doping/de-doping chemistry, high pseu-
nate single and double bonds that conduct electricity. do-capacitance and high conductivity[3,4]. In fact, PANI
Moreover, these semiconducting polymers possess nanostructures / nano-fibers have already demonstrated
a unique combination of electronic and mechanical their potential use in light emitting diode, electrochem-
properties which can be tailored as per the require- ical devices, storage batteries, corrosion inhibitors, and
ment of application. Furthermore, these polymers can various types of bio and chemical sensors[4,5]. Recently,
be easily processed and exhibit enhanced electrical PANI is used in modified electrodes for super capaci-
conductivity mainly due to π-electron system and re- tors, electro-catalytic activity[6,7], adsorbent materials[8]
versible redox activation in a suitable environment[1]. and electromagnetic shielding applications[9]. Various
Conducting polymers are used in diversified optical methods have been reported for the synthesis of PANI
and electronic device applications, which include nanostr u ctu r es[10-15]. It must be noted that, crystalline
microelectronic, optical signal processors, displays, entangled nano-fibrous mesh of PANI improves the
batteries, super capacitors, plastic wires, information electrical conductivity, sensitivity and strength[12-14].
storage, solar energy converters and harvesters. The In view of this, here we report an easy, low cost
family of conducting polymers includes polyacetylene, wet chemical route to synthesize doped PANI nano-fi-
bers with interconnected mesh like morphology. The
effect of heating and stirring in wet chemical PANI
© Wuhan University of Technology and Springer-Verlag GmbH
synthesis method on nano-fiber size, entangled mesh
Germany, Part of Springer Nature 2019 formation was investigated. The structural and mor-
(Received: June 10, 2018; Accepted: Sept. 25, 2018) phological properties of PANI samples were analyzed
*Corresponding author: Chandrashekhar M. Mahajan: E-mail:
using characterization techniques such as X-ray diffrac-
tion (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).
1464 Vol.34 No.6 Chandrashekhar M. Mahajan et al: Wet Chemical Synthesis of Entangled Na...

The thermal stability analysis of PANI was tested using oven for 12 h. Furthermore, PANI coatings were also
thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA). The composition- deposited by casting a drop of PANI colloids in wa-
al analysis of PANI was done with Fourier Transform ter on glass substrates and further drying at 60 ℃ for
Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy and optical properties electrical measurements. Fig.1(a) shows experimental
were investigated using UV-Visible Spectroscopy. The setup along with schematic of nano fibrous PANI mesh
four probe technique was used to measure the electrical synthesis and Fig.1(b) explains the simple chemistry of
conductivity at room temperature for PANI coatings doping and de-doping of PANI respectively with suit-
deposited on glass substrates. able acid and base.
Five distinct PANI samples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e)
2 Experimental were prepared by altering the synthesis parameters like
stirring and polymerization temperature. The details of
2.1 Materials sample preparation are as below.
Aniline Hydrochloride (C6H8CIN), Ammonium Sample (a): Solutions of AH and APS were di-
Persulfate (NH4)2S2O8 were procured from Loba Che- rectly and rapidly mixed together in a beaker, at room
mie Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, Maharashtra, India while Hy- temperature (28 ℃) and then stirred for 30 min using
drochloric Acid (HCl, 35%-38%) was purchased from magnetic stirrer to obtain PANI.
Thomas Baker Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, Maha- Sample (b): Solutions of AH and APS were di-
rashtra, India. AR grade reagents were used for synthe- rectly and swiftly mixed together in a beaker at room
sis. temperature (28 ℃). The beaker was left unshaken and
2.2 Methods undisturbed without stirring resulting into PANI.
Polyaniline (PANI) nano-fibers in emeraldine Sample (c): The precursor solutions, AH at room
salt form were successfully synthesized by a facile temperature (28 ℃) while APS at (60 ℃) were rapidly
wet chemical oxidative polymerization route. Aque- added together without stirring. The resulted solution
ous solutions in 20 mL double distilled water were was left undisturbed so that temperature drops to 28 ℃.
separately prepared in two beakers using 1 gm aniline An oxidative polymerization leads to PANI formation.
hydrochloride (AH) and 1 gm ammonium per-sulfate Sample (d): At first, AH and APS were separate-
(APS). In this method the mixing of these precursor ly heated up to 60 ℃ and then rapidly mixed together
results in formation of doped PANI nano-fibers. These to undergo polymerization. The reaction temperature
doped PANI nano-fibers obtained in dark green colored was maintained at 60 ℃ in particular for 5 minutes for
emeraldine salt form were washed several times with better chain formation during polymerization. Subse-
distilled water and 0.2 M HCl to remove the impurities quently beaker containing PANI solution was permitted
and for further protonation process. The nano-crystal- to cool naturally to room temperature. No stirring and
line PANI powder sample was obtained after remov- shaking was done throughout the synthesis.
al of water content by drying (at 55 ℃-60 ℃) in an Sample (e): Firstly, both the precursor solutions

Fig.1 (a) The experimental setup with schematic of fibrous PANI mesh synthesis and (b) Simple chemistry of emeraldine base doping with
HCl and de-doping of emeraldine salt with base (OH-)
J o ur nal of W uhan U ni v ersi ty of T ec hnol ogy - Mater. Sc i . E d. w w w .j w u D ec. 2019 1465

(AH and APS) were separately heated up to 60 ℃ and XRD peak positions for planes (020) and (200) are
then rapidly mixed together to undergo polymerization slightly shifted at 19° and 24.4° respectively owing
by maintaining the reaction temperature at 60 ℃ w hile to heter ogeneou s nu cleation effects on accou nt of
stirring for 30 minutes to obtain PANI. stirring at room temperature and at 60 ℃, which results
in impetuous growth of PANI leading to the granule
3 Characterization formation. However, the XRD patterns for samples (b),
(c), and (d) demonstrates preferential and systematic
The crystalline structure of granular and nano-fi- growth of nano-crystalline PANI when synthesized
brous PANI was analyzed by using XRD and SEM without stirring.
characterization techniques. The powder XRD patterns Table 1 XRD analysis of PANI samples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e)
for all PANI samples were recorded using a X-ray dif- Inter-planar distance Lattice constant
2θ (hkl) plane
fractometer (Make: Bruker, model D8-Advanced, Bill- /Å /Å
erica, MA, USA) operated at 40 kV and 40 mA, using Sample-a
CuKα spectral line (λ=1.5405 Å) as a radiation source, 15.14° 011 5.85
with a low scanning speed of 0.02°/s in the 2θ r ange 19.36° 020 4.58 8.233
24.48° 200 3.63
of 10°-40°. The surface morphology of PANI samples
was recorded by using Scanning Electron Microscope
15.10° 011 5.87
(Make: JOEL, FE-SEM 7000). The thermo-gravimetric 21.10° 020 4.57 8.233
(TGA) measurements were performed to test thermal 24.90° 200 3.67
stability of PANI. The existence of distinctive function- Sample-c
al groups supporting PANI formation was established 15.12° 011 5.86
using FTIR spectrophotometer (Make: PerkinElmer, 21.67° 020 4.53 8.235
Spectrum BX, Waltham, MA, USA). The FTIR spectra 25.30° 200 3.66

were recorded for PANI nano-fibers seeded on Potassi- Sample-d

15.12° 011 5.82
um Bromide (KBr) powder for compositional analysis
21.05° 020 4.57 8.235
in the wave number range 4 000 - 400 cm-1. UV-Vis
25.40° 200 3.68
spectroscopic measurement of absorbance spectra for Sample-e
PANI nano-fibers dispersed in double distilled water 15.13° 011 5.87
was performed using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer 19.43° 020 4.56 8.234
(Make: Shimadzu 1650PC). The four probe electrical 24.52° 200 3.66
resistivity measurements were performed on PANI
coatings deposited on glass substrates at room tempera- Further, the XRD for sample (d) clearly depicts
ture. the smoothly broadened characteristic peaks confirming
the least crystallite size of PANI nano-crystals. As
4 Results and discussion evident from XRD, the peak broadening increases
gradually, which results in decreased crystallite size
4.1 Structural analysis for (a), (b), (c), and (d) samples attesting the nano-
Figs.2(a)-2(e) show XRD patterns for PANI crystalline nature. The peak narrowing for sample (e)
samples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e). The presence of three is mainly due to stirring which favors granular growth
prominent but broadened peaks for all PANI samples resulting in higher crystallite size. The average value
around 2θ values 15°, 21°, and 25° which corresponds of crystallite size (d) in Å, was estimated by using the
to (011), (020), and (200) crystal planes confirms nano- classical Debye Scherrer formula:
cr ystalline natu r e[16]. No impurity phase was formed.
It is reported that the fibrous nano PANI structures kλ
(D ) =
with planer geometry of Benzenoid and Quinonoid β cos θ
functional groups contributes to crystalline nature where, the k (usually equal to 0.9) is the shape factor
of polyaniline[17,18]. In Figs.2(a)-2(e), the (011) peak constant, λ is the wavelength of X-ray, q is the Bragg’s
around 15° for sample (a) and (e) is less prominent angle and β is the full width of the half maxima
when compared with the one observed for samples (FWHM) [19-21]. The average crystallite size values
(b), (c), and (d). Moreover, for samples (a) and (e), calculated using Scherrer formula for samples (a), (b),
1466 Vol.34 No.6 Chandrashekhar M. Mahajan et al: Wet Chemical Synthesis of Entangled Na...

Fig.2 (a) to (e) shows XRD patterns of the nanocrystalline PANI powder for samples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e), respectively and (f) TGA
curves for PANI samples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e)

(c), (d), and (e) are 51 nm, 42 nm, 35 nm, 26 nm, and monitoring the weight loss while increasing the sample
58 nm, respectively. temperature at rate of 10 ℃/min. Fig.2(f) shows the
The inter-planar distance values determined thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) plots for all PANI
for (011), (020), and (200) crystal planes are around samples. The initial weight loss below 150 ℃ as
5.85 Å, 4.56 Å, and 3.66 Å, respectively. The lattice evident from TGA plots is mainly due to evaporation
constant (a) was estimated using the formula: of water. The further mass loss below 300 ℃ is due to
release of anionic dopants[22,23]. The polymer undergoes
) d h2 + k 2 + l 2
decomposition above 300 ℃. Although, the TGA plots
where, d and ( hkl) are inter-planer distance and Miller for all PANI samples show similar trend of weight loss
indices for PANI crystal lattice. and thermal degradation, however, below 250 ℃, the
The lattice constant value as estimated for all the nano PANI mesh samples (d) and (c) are thermally
samples ranges around 8.234 ± 0.01 Å. The 2θ values more stable as compared with granular samples (b), (a),
for prominent peaks, corresponding ( hkl) planes, in- and (e).
ter-planar distance (d) and lattice constant are repre- 4.3 Surface morphology
sented in Table 1. Fig.3 shows FE-SEM images for PANI sam-
4.2 Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) ples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e). SEM image for sample
The thermal stability of PANI was tested by (a) shows granular formation. The heterogeneous
J o ur nal of W uhan U ni v ersi ty of T ec hnol ogy - Mater. Sc i . E d. w w w .j w u D ec. 2019 1467

nucleation process is favored due to stirring at room both at 60 ℃ further maintained at 60 ℃ for 5 minutes
temperature resulting in abrupt clustered and granu- for better polymerization and chain formation. The
lar structure formation. The average feature size from estimated average diameter from SEM for PANI nano-
SEM for sample (a) is 50 ± 5 nm which accords the es- fiber samples (c) and (d) were 30 ± 5 nm and 20 ± 5 nm
timated crystallite size value from XRD. The SEM im- respectively. Thus at temperature 60 ℃ undisturbed
age for sample (b) shows mixed state with fiber as well PANI synthesis favors homogeneous, interconnected
as clu ster ed gr anu lar for mation of smaller featu r e siz e and entangled mesh gr ow th[3]. On the other hand PANI
than for sample (a). The approximate average feature synthesis at room temperature (28 ℃) or at 60 ℃
size for sample (b) is 40 ± 5 nm. Whereas SEM images while stirring and shaking encourages heterogeneous
for samples (c) and (d) clearly show nano-fiber forma- nucleation which typically leads to clustering effects
tion with entangled mesh like structure. SEM image for and crystal granule formation, as seen from SEM
sample (d) shows more densely packed fibrous struc- images for samples (a) and (e).
ture with smaller fiber size as compared with SEM im- 4.4 FTIR analysis
age of sample (c). No granular formation was observed The compositional investigation of the PANI
for samples (c) and (d). The PANI nano-fibers for sam- samples was performed by FTIR analysis on the basis
ple (c) showed larger diameter which recommends that of observed bending and stretching bands of vibration.
at lower temperature the fiber crystallite growth along Fig.4 shows the FTIR overlay spectra of PANI for sam-
the diameter is more favored over fibrous branching as ples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e). FTIR spectra confirms the
compared to higher temperature. The heterogeneous vibration band ascribed to the N-H and C-H stretch-
nucleation favored due to stirring at 60 ℃ r esul ts in ag- ing vibration mode around the wave number values 3
glomerated and granular structure formation as evident 163.4, 3 240.5, 3 281.3, and 3 226.3 cm-1 for PANI
from SEM image for sample (e) with average granular samples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e), respectively. A weak-
size of 60 ± 5 nm. ly intense peak can be observed around 1 570 cm -1
(assigned to stretching mode of N=Q=N ring, Q-quinoid
unit) in case of all PANI samples [24,25].

Fig.4 FTIR spectra for PANI samples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e)

Moreover, the FTIR peak at 1 508.3 cm-1 for all

PANI samples is due to stretching mode of (N=B=N
ring stretching / deformation, (b): benzenoid unit) while
the 1 305.8 cm-1 peak corresponds to C-N (Car omatic-N)
Fig.3 SEM images for PANI samples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e)
reformation respectively[24,25]. The doping effects are
The sample (c) was prepared by mixing of APS attributed to widened peak at 1 130 cm-1[26]. Further,
at 60 ℃ and AH at 28 ℃. Thus the polymerization the observed peaks at 827.5 cm−1 for samples (a), (b),
occurred at a lower temperature (as measured and (e); and at 799.4 cm−1 for samples (c) and (d) are
immediately after mixing at 45 ℃<60 ℃). However, ascribed to the C-H out of plane vibration in 1,4-disub-
the sample (d) was prepared by mixing APS and AH stituted aromatic rings.
1468 Vol.34 No.6 Chandrashekhar M. Mahajan et al: Wet Chemical Synthesis of Entangled Na...

4.5 UV-visible analysis conductivity for samples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) are
Fig.5 shows UV-Vis absorption spectra for PANI 0.97, 1.58, 2.87, 3.97, and 0.63 S·cm-1, respectively. In
nano-fiber samples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e). It shows case of PANI mesh a preferential, end-to-end coupling
two characteristics absorption broad band peaks at 345 of nano-fibers extends the channels or the pathways,
nm and 806 nm for samples (a), (b), and (e), while, at which promotes electrical conduction. On the contrary,
339 nm and 785 nm for samples (c) and (d). The absor- the non conjugated granular PANI due to less intercon-
bance peak around λ= 340 nm is due to the benzenoid nectedness has relatively lower electrical conductivity
ring π- π* transition which correlates an extent of con- values. Thus, the electrical conductivity values for
jugation between adjacent phenylene rings in the poly- PANI mesh are higher compared to granular PANI thin
mer ic chain[25-28]. The absence of absorption peak around films, mainly because of better polymerization, dense
650 nm (for emeraldine base) confirmed the formation interconnected chain formation and improved crystal-
of doped conducting emeraldine salt[12,13]. Thus, HCl line natur e[12-14].
from aniline hydrochloride during the polymerization
reaction and subsequent washing by HCl results in pro- 5 Conclusions
tonation which leads to formation of doped emeraldine
salt. Further, the use of aniline hydrochloride results in Nano-fibrous entangled mesh of doped PANI was
the efficient and rapid polymerization. Generally, such a successfully synthesized by a facile oxidative polym-
rapid polymerization is possible only in acidic environ- erization technique. The effect of stirring and synthesis
ment in which aniline exists as an anilinium cataion[28]. temperature on structure, morphology and electrical
conductivity of PANI was investigated. The XRD anal-
ysis confirms the PANI formation with decrease in av-
erage crystallite size due to variation in synthesis con-
ditions from 58 nm (at 60 ℃ while stirring) to 26 nm (at
60 ℃ without stirring). SEM analysis shows stirring at
28 and 60 ℃ leads to gr anul ar cr ystallite for mation due
to heterogeneous nucleation. However, homogeneous
nucleation process contributes to entangled mesh like
morphology of PANI nano-fibers (synthesized at 60 ℃
without stirring) with average diameter of 20 ± 5 nm.
The FTIR analysis supports the doped PANI formation
Fig.5 UV-Vis spectra for PANI samples (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) due to the presence of characteristic functional groups
around 3 220, 1 570, 1 508, 1 308, 1 130, and 810 cm-1
The peak around λ= 800 nm in absorption spectra corrosponding to streatching and vibrational modes of
of doped PANI samples is due to the band transitions different functional groups. UV-Vis absorbance spectra
like π to π* , polaron to π* and π to polaron [14]. This ab- showed major peaks around 340 nm and 800 nm owing
sorption peak at 800 nm is also a characteristics prop- to π- π* , polaron-π* , π-polaron transitions. The wet ox-
er ty of conduc ting emer aldine salt[25-28]. In addition, the idative polymerization at 60 ℃ w ithou t stir r ing leads
blue shift in position of absorbance peak is observed to synthesis of most densely packed and entangled na-
for samples (c) and (d) when compared with samples no-fibrous PANI mesh with highest electrical conduc-
(a), (b), and (e) due to decrease in crystallite size for tivity of 3.79 S·cm-1.
PANI mesh.
4.6 Electrical conductivity
It is easy to control the electrical conductivity of
PANI by altering the acid doping level. The acid dop- The authors are thankful to the Management and
ing leads to for mation of condu cting emer aldine salt the Director, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,
and base de-doping reaction results in formation of non Pune, India for extending moral support and
conducting emeraldine base. It is well known that non encouragement.
homogeneous polymerization process affects the crys-
tallinity thereby radically alters the polyaniline elec- References
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