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Exercise 25.

Subject 1(Clock-wise) Subject Subject 3(eyes close)
Eye movement observation 2(Counterclockwise) Eye movement observation
Eye movement observation
1st revolution: No movement 1st revolution: No movement 1st revolution: No movement
occurred occurred of the eye were observed
2nd revolution: No movement 2nd revolution: No movement 2nd revolution: Movement of
occurred occurred the eye was static
3rd revolution: No movement 3rd revolution: No movement 3rd revolution: A little flinch
occurred occurred has occurred

Reference: Rotary Chair Testing: Overview, Indications, Equipment ( and Swiveling
Science: Conserving Momentum in a Spinning Chair - Scientific American.

Circulatory System Obejctives

- To know the different pathways of the systems
- Compare arteries, capillaries and veins
- Define the parts of the circulatory system and what they do

Ear Objectives
- Understand how the ear functions
- Applied anatomy
- Explain the physiology of hearing
Circulation of the Neck of Cat
1.) Anterior Vena Cava
2.) Brachiocephalic Artery
3.) Left Carotid
4.) Left Internal Jugular
5.) Left External Jugular
6.) Right Carotid

1.) Muscular Branch Artery

2.) Common Carotid Artery
3.) Internal Carotid Artery
4.) External Carotid Artery
5.) External Maxillary Artery
6.) Lingual Artery
7.) Laryngeal Artery
8.) Cranial Thyroid Artery

Circulation of the Arm of Cat

1.) Anterior Vena Cava
2.) left Subclavian Artery
3.) Branchiocephalic Vein
4.) Vertebral Artery
5.) Left Subclavian Vein
6.) Axillary Artery
7.) Axillary Vein
8.) Long Thoracic Vein
9.) Branchial Vein
10.) Branchial Artery
11.) Subscapular Artery
12.) Subscapular Vein
13.) External Jugular Vein
14.) Internal Jugular Vein
15.) Common Carotid Artery
16.) Vertebral Vein

1.) Left Subclavian Artery

2.) Axiallary Vein
3.) Axillary Artery
4.) Branchial Vein
5.) Ulnar Collateral Vein
6.) Branchial Artery
7.) Subscapular Artery
8.) Subscapular Vein
9.) Cephalic Vein
10.) External Jugular Vein
11.) Left Carotid Artery

Circulation of the Thoracic Cavity

1.) Right Carotid Artery
2.) Right Subclavian Artery
3.) Anterior Vena Cava
4.) Branchiocephalic Artery
5.) Aortic Arch
6.) Left Subclavian Artery
7.) Left Carotid Artery

1.) Anterior Vena Cava

2.) Azygous Vein
3.) Intercostal Vein
4.) Intercostal Artery
Circulation of the Heart
1.) Right Ventricle
2.) Right Auricle
3.) Superior Vena Cava
4.) BRanchiocephalic Artery
5.) Aortic Arch
6.) Aorta
7.) Left Auricle
8.) Coronary Artery
9.) Left Ventricle

1.) Left Ventricle

2.) Left Pulmonary Vein

3.) Left Pulmonary Artery

4.) Aorta
5.) Brachiocephalic Artery
6.) Superior Vena Cava
7.) Right Pulmonary Artery

8.) Right Pulmonary Vein

9.) Inferior Vena Cava

10.) Right Ventricle

Circulation of the Abdominal Cavity

1.) Posterior Splenic Artery
2.) Posterior Splenic Vein
3.) Caudal Mesenteric Vein
4.) Renal Vein
5.) Renal Artery
6.) Cranial Mesenteric Vein
7.) Dorsal Aorta
8.) Coeliac Artery
9.) Hepatic Artery
10.) Hepatic Portal Vein
11.) Gastric Artery
12.) Gastric Vein
13.) Anterior Splenic Artery
14.) Splenic Artery

1.) Caudal Mesentric Vein

2.) Cranial Mesenteric Vein
3.) Hepatic Portal Vein
4.) Coeliac Artery
5.) Cranial Mesenteric Arter
6.) Renal Vein
7.) Renal Artery
8.) Posterior Vena Cava
9.) Dorsal Aorta
10.) Ovarian Vein

Circulation of the lower leg

1.) Articular Vein
2.) Articular Artery
3.) Popliteal Artery
4.) Popliteal Vein
5.) Saphenous Artery
6.) Saphenous Vein
7.) Femoral Artery
8.) Femoral Vein

Circulation of the Pelvic Cavity

1.) Posterior Vena Cava
2.) Caudal Mesenteric Artery
3.) Dorsal Aorta
4.) Ilial Circumflex Artery
5.) Ilial Circumflex Vein
6.) Iliac Vein
7.) External Iliac Artery
8.) Internal Iliac Artery
9.) External Iliac Vein
10.) Internal Iliac Vein

1.) Spermatic Vein

2.) Spermatic Artery
3.) Vas Deferens
4.) Spermatic Cord

Circulation of the Upper Leg

1.) External Iliac Artery
2.) External Iliac Vein
3.) Femoral Artery
4.) Articular Artery
5.) Articular Vein
6.) Saphenous Vein
7.) Femoral Vein
8.) Internal Iliac Vein

Reference: Cat Circulation (, Carnivore Anatomy Lab 18 Introduction (

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