Credit Repair Capital Ebook

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How your credit report can affect loan Tom went to buy a car and got turned Focus on credit reporting provides a

cost and buying power. down at the car dealership for credit substantial benefit with huge payoff. The

problems. He went down the street and difference between buying a car at a 500
CREDIT IN TODAYS AMERICA bought at a ‘we finance here’ car lot and score versus a 600 score will likely save
The U.S. government’s interest cost is
ended up several thousand dollars later you more than $3,000. When buying a
beginning to become so severe that
with a repossessed car and a trashed house the credit score is even more
the United States credit markets risk a
credit report. important. A mortgage with a 620 score
serious crisis.
versus a 720 score might cost more than

CONSUMER PROTECTION Tommy went to buy a car and got $100,000 over the life of the loan. While

Among other things, a debt collector approved but due to an error on his credit it is obvious credit scoring impacts most
can not call repeatedly to harass or report--unknown to him at the time--he major purchases today, it can impact
use threats of violence.
ended up paying a higher interest rate your job opportunities as well. In some

which cost him several thousand dollars states, more and more employers are
over the life of the loan, checking applicant’s credit reports and
Overall, PIRG found that 70% of
reports had some type of error. using that information to make hiring

Thomas went to buy a car after having decisions.

CREDIT SCORING checked his credit report. Upon review

Paying on time with no 30, 60, 90 or he discovered and corrected an error
120 day late marks is very important.
while also managing his utilization score
UP. His credit score shot up 60 points in
less than 60 days. He was able to obtain
REPORT We wrote this guide to be a source of
It is important to review your credit a zero interest cost loan with no money
useful information, and may help you on
report prior to making a major down.
the road to credit recovery.
purchase. Would you rather be Tom, Tommy or


2010 Credit Repair Capital, a Free Credit Resource Center 4001 Cirrus Medford OR 97504 877.879.1177 CREDITREPAIRCAPITAL.COM
INTRODUCTION There seems to be no evidence that Banks are limiting access to borrowing,

America's kids are learning any lessons as well as limiting the rates they are

about the perils of credit/debt obligations willing to offer. With lenders becoming
Lenders, in concert with in American High Schools. Apparently more cautious, and credit becoming less
the credit bureaus, use a
they are not learning lessons in higher available, it is important to manage your
consumer’s credit score to
education either as they graduate college credit report, and debt to income ratio, to
maximize their profits.
on average with more than $20,000 in secure credit at a good interest rate if at

Household borrowing costs are largely debt. Unfortunately it only gets worse all.

determined by credit score. from there. If history is our guide, the

Consumers willing to borrow (with a typical student rather than paying off Today on average the US consumer has
target on their back) are wise to
debt, as they get a job, will instead 13 credit lines on record at the credit
manage their credit score up prior to
accumulate even more debt. Over the bureau. The typical household with
making major purchase decisions.
last 10 years the US Consumer’s credit card debt has $7,925 in credit card
Mortgage rates are unlikely to go
lower, car loans are becoming more outstanding residential mortgage debt debt, $180,190 in home mortgage loans,

expensive, and the average interest has grown by over 300% while $51,919 in home equity loans, $14,735 in

rate on credit cards is the highest outstanding credit card balances have auto loans and $26,337 in student loans.
since 2000. grown by over 400%. There are three

options to deal with this debt. One can These credit lines, if reported to the credit
pay it off, restructure it or default. bureau make up the bulk of consumers

overall credit score.

It is no longer an option to pay off the

GIVE US A CALL debt with more debt. Consumer credit in

We are organized, persistent, caring the United States has recently begun to

people and we want to help. decrease, starting in 2007, with a series Next section:

For a free evaluation call of 10 straight monthly declines, the Credit in Today’s America

877-879-1177 longest since record keeping began in


2010 Credit Repair Capital, a Free Credit Resource Center 4001 Cirrus Medford OR 97504 877.879.1177 CREDITREPAIRCAPITAL.COM
CREDIT IN TODAY’S Unless you have been living under a rock While retail sales have recovered, they

AMERICA over the past few years it is impossible have not returned to normal. It is also

not to have noticed that the global highly unusual for retail sales to have

economy has been struggling with the gone down in the first place and it is

United States economy being particularly unprecedented for them to still be down
Every dollar borrowed today
strained. Equally apparent is the main nearly 4 years after they peaked.
is a demand on tomorrow’s
labor. stream media and financial media are

portraying a far different reality than the Unemployment claims remain stubbornly
Household debt as a percent of actual data indicates. While it is true high at nearly ½ a million per month over
income has more than doubled over some credit markets seem to have the past 6 months. That is after the
the past 50 years while disposable
stabilized and some improvement has economy has shed more than 8 million
income has not kept pace. Loan
been noted, what isn’t true is that the jobs since the crisis began, bringing us
default rates are increasing as banks
economy is going through a normal back to employment levels scene more
scramble for capital while consumers
cut back on their borrowing With debt correction. Let's have a look at the major than a decade ago in 1999. With credit

levels at historic highs, interest rates at markets: markets tight it may be a decade or more
historic lows, borrowing costs have no Consumer credit market is known as to replace the 8 million jobs lost.
where to go but up. mortgages, home equity lines, credit card Housing starts are down nearly 70% from

loans, personal loans, student loans, their peak in 2005 and at the lowest

auto loans and business loans. The levels since the 1950’s with existing

Federal Reserve recently reported that home sales nearly 30% below the peak
borrowing in these markets dropped at in 2006.

the biggest decline in 65 years of record

keeping. Consumer credit is down since Even with mortgage interest rates at
GIVE US A CALL 2007 with the biggest declines since record lows, housing inventory remains
We are organized, persistent, caring WW11. stubbornly high coupled with more than
people and we want to help.
15 million homeowners still under-water.
For a free evaluation call
Retail sales are still below the peak
reached back in December 2006. continued>

2010 Credit Repair Capital, a Free Credit Resource Center 4001 Cirrus Medford OR 97504 877.879.1177 CREDITREPAIRCAPITAL.COM
ABOUT THIS “Underwater” describes owing more on compared with $17,700 at public

PUBLICATION the mortgage than the house is worth, universities. As the loan program has

and unable to refinance to lower rates. increased in scope, so has the default

The housing market has a long way to go rate. Today for-profit schools and
This publication is designed to provide
to get back to normal, measured by community schools default rate is at
general information regarding the
median housing price compared to more than 1 out of 10 loans while non-
subject matter covered. Because
each consumer’s situation is different, median income. profit universities have a significantly

information herein should be custom lower rate at 3.7 per cent, according to
tailored to specific circumstances. New vehicle sales in 2010 are bouncing the U.S. Department of Education.

off levels seen more than 20 years ago at In reviewing the market data here, any
The information contained herein is
about 11 million vehicles sold well. This reasonable person can see the major
not designed to serve as legal financial
is well under recent multiyear averages economic indicators suggest a consumer
or other professional advice related to
of about 16 million vehicles sold. credit market off its peak. While there
a consumer’s specific circumstance.
Please do your own due diligence and are positive signs, improvements have to

seek professional advice when you The student loan market, since the be weighted against the backdrop of
have questions related to your specific advent of the Guaranteed Student Loan massive government intervention, in the
circumstance. program for college tuition has grown in trillions of dollars, in the banking market,
All rights reserved. No part of this
size sharply with taxpayers guaranteeing jobs market, housing market, car market,
book may be reproduced or
over $500 billion in student aid. and student loan market.
transmitted in any form or means
According to Chairman Christopher Dodd Intervention so massive that a leading
electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording or by any of Connecticut and other congressmen Harvard economist, Niall Ferguson, in

information storage means and there is a “potential crises in the student July 2010 concludes without a significant
retrieval systems, without permission loan market.” Today, tuition at for profit reduction in government spending, the
in writing from the author. schools can easily top $10,000 a year. government’s interest cost is beginning to

become so severe the United States

The average loan for a student who credit markets risk a serious crisis within

earned a bachelor’s degree totaled the next 6 years.

$32,650 for the 2007-2008 school year
Next section:

Consumer Protection

2010 Credit Repair Capital, a Free Credit Resource Center 4001 Cirrus Medford OR 97504 877.879.1177 CREDITREPAIRCAPITAL.COM
CONSUMER The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction

PROTECTION promotes accuracy, fairness and privacy Act (FACTA) was signed into law in 2003

of information in the files of the consumer and provides a number of consumer

reporting agency. A consumer has rights protections. Besides providing additional

Consumer Protection
legislation is the only under the FCRA. A consumer must be fraud protection it allows the consumer

opportunity to demand a fair told if information in their file has been access to one free credit report annually.
outcome. used against them. A consumer has a Additionally FACTA changes the

right to know what is in their file. A standard for furnisher accuracy from
According to the Better Business
consumer has the right to ask for their “knows or consciously avoids knowing” to
Bureau, the FTC and the courts, the
credit score. And most importantly you the higher standard of “knows or has a
credit bureaus have amassed tens of
have the right to dispute ‘inaccurate’ reasonable cause to believe” information
thousands of complaints and millions
of dollars in fines and settlements. ‘incomplete’ ‘biased’ ‘and ‘untimely’ is inaccurate.

Consumer rights, provided within accounts. This is a much higher standard and as
consumer protection legislation, The agency must reinvestigate unless such requires furnishers to establish
properly exercised when negotiating the consumer files a frivolous dispute. guidelines regarding “accuracy and
with creditors and collectors can make
Consumer reporting agencies must integrity” of information furnished to the
the difference between struggling to
correct or delete inaccurate incomplete or credit reporting agencies.
make ends meet month to month or
unverifiable information. Inaccurate and Most importantly upon request a ‘study’
digging out for the future and building
a safety net. Remember lenders make incomplete information must be removed of the accuracy of a consumer reports

a fortune off of bad credit. or corrected within a reasonable time must be conducted and ‘accuracy and

frame. Consumer reporting agencies integrity’ must be verifiable.

may not report outdated negative

information. A consumer may seek The FACTA allows consumers to dispute

damages from violators. While states information and initiate an investigation

may enforce FCRA, many have their own directly with the furnisher. Furnishers

consumer reporting laws. In some cases must notify the bureau the account is

a consumer may have more rights under under dispute.

state law.


2010 Credit Repair Capital, a Free Credit Resource Center 4001 Cirrus Medford OR 97504 877.879.1177 CREDITREPAIRCAPITAL.COM
Finally FACTA requires that a creditor TAKE NOTICE:
notify consumers when it offers credit Among other things, a debt collector can
terms that are “materially less favorable not misrepresent what you owe, can not

than the most favorable terms available add on any extra fees that your original
When talking with a debt collector
to a substantial proportion of consumers.” credit or loan agreement doesn’t allow,
simply ask for the name of the person
can not call late in the evening or early in
calling, what company they are calling
from, address, telephone number and The Fair Debt Collectors Protection Act the morning or call repeatedly to harass

fax number. Take down this data. (FDCPA) protects consumers and begins or use threats of violence. They can not

to level the playing field as it dictates to threaten to sue or file charges, garnish

debt collectors what they can and can’t wages, take property, cause job loss, or
RETURN TO MAIN PAGE do when collecting a debt from a ruin your credit when the collector cannot

consumer. The United States Congress or does not intend to take that action.
A be tte r s core can transla te to
has found that there is ‘abundant What is more a collector can not discuss
thousands o f d ollars in saving s
over the life of a loan on a maj or evidence of the abusive deceptive and your information with outside parties

purchase. Mak ing paymen ts o n unfair debt collection practices by many without your permission.

time and payin g at leas t the debt collectors.

minimum due o n each accoun t is Abusive debt collection practices Your rights under the FDCPA include
contribute to the number of personal your right to know the identity of the

bankruptcies, to marital instability, to the person calling and the exact amount of
loss of jobs and to the invasion of the debt claimed to be owed. The
We are organi z ed, pe rsis tent,
caring people a nd we wan t to individual privacy. consumer also has the right for a letter to

help. be sent within 5 days of a telephone call

For a free eval uation call A consumer has the right to sue a debt from the debt collector that details the
877-879-1177 collector under the FDCPA. FDCPA amount of money owed including the

violations have a $1,000 fine per name of the original creditor and what

violation. actions to take if the consumer believes

they do not owe the money.


2010 Credit Repair Capital, a Free Credit Resource Center 4001 Cirrus Medford OR 97504 877.879.1177 CREDITREPAIRCAPITAL.COM
CONSUMER When talking with a debt collector - TILA gives consumers the right to cancel

PROTECTION simply ask for the name of the person certain credit transactions. It also

calling, what company they are calling regulates certain credit practices and

from, address, telephone number and fax provides a means for fair and timely
This publication is designed to provide number. Write the information down resolution of credit billing disputes. TILA

general information regarding the including the time and date of the call. also provides for mortgage recession up

subject matter covered. Because Inform the debt collector you want no to three years from when the loan closed.
each consumer’s situation is different, further contact until a debt/verification In the event the lender committed
information herein should be custom
letter is received. “material disclosure violation”.
tailored to specific circumstances.
Hang up by saying goodbye.

The information contained herein is

not designed to serve as legal financial The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) deals The Credit Repair Organization Act

or other professional advice related to with credit billing and charges and (CROA) was established and finds

a consumer’s specific circumstance. establishes procedure for resolving Consumers have a vital interest in
Please do your own due diligence and mistakes on credit billing and statements. establishing and maintaining their credit
seek professional advice when you
This includes failure to reflect payments worthiness and credit standing in order to
have questions related to your specific
credits as well as not mailing or obtain and use credit. As a result,
delivering credit billing statements to your consumers who have experienced credit
All rights reserved. No part of this
book may be reproduced or current address, provided that address problems may seek assistance from

transmitted in any form or means was received by the creditor in writing 20 credit repair organizations which offer to

electronic or mechanical, including days before the billing period ended. It improve the credit standing of such
photocopying, recording or by any also allows a consumer to request consumers.
information storage means and
explanation or documentation due to a
retrieval systems, without permission
possible error.
in writing from the author.
The Truth in Lending Act (TILA) was NEXT SECTION:

RETURN TO MAIN PAGE enacted to protect the consumer and to Credit Reports

promote an informed use of consumer


2010 Credit Repair Capital, a Free Credit Resource Center 4001 Cirrus Medford OR 97504 877.879.1177 CREDITREPAIRCAPITAL.COM
CREDIT REPORTS Credit Reports are maintained at the Another study conducted by US Public

three major credit bureaus: Experian, Interest Research Group (US PIRG)

TransUnion and Equifax. showed that 29% of credit reports

According to insiders the According to the Federation of State contained serious inaccuracies (false
process of tracking,
Public Interest Research Groups, 79% of judgments, false delinquency notices)
validating and resolving
all credit reports contain errors. that could result in denial of credit.
collection accounts is
difficult and evidence shows Overall, PIRG found that 70% of reports

millions of errors within The problem of inaccurate credit reports had some type of error. Further, 20% of

billions of trade lines. seems to be growing as Dan Buell, Vice reports were missing creditworthiness

President of Experian noted in December information that would have assisted a

With more than 20,000 disputes
of 2009, “As charged-off debt and whole consumer in obtaining credit.
processed per day one poll by Zogby
loans are being bought and sold
indicates more than 1 out of 3
numerous times, the process of This results in lost jobs, denied mortgage
consumers who review their credit
reports find errors. Errors can cost establishing the chain of title generally applications, and higher interest rates for

you thousands of dollars in interest has been complicated, making it difficult those who do obtain credit.

cost. to validate and resolve collection




Credit Scoring

We are organi z ed, pe rsis tent,
caring people a nd we wan t to
help. For a fre e evalua tion ca ll

2010 Credit Repair Capital, a Free Credit Resource Center 4001 Cirrus Medford OR 97504 877.879.1177 CREDITREPAIRCAPITAL.COM
CREDIT SCORING One credit score reviewed during lending Typically your credit score is a key

decisions is Debt to Income. There are component in determining the interest

two types. rate a lender will offer you when you

According to FICO Inc. as of The first DTI, known as the front-end borrow.
April 2010 nearly 43.4
ratio, indicates the percentage of income Generally the higher your credit score the
million people now have
that goes toward housing costs. better interest rate available. A $200,000
credit scores below 599
making them ‘a poor credit The second DTI, known as the back-end 30 year fixed rate home loan might cost a

risk’. ratio, indicates the percentage of income borrower with a 760 score $1,182 or

that goes toward paying all recurring debt $364 less on each payment than for a
Since 2008 more than 5 million people payments, including those covered by the borrower with a score below 620.
have fallen out of the ‘moderate’
first DTI, and other debts such as credit Increasingly you need a score in the
category 0f 650 to 699. A credit score
card payments, car loan payments, 700’s to get the same financing available
below the 599 mark translates to a
student loan payments, child support in the mid 600’s just 2 years ago.
higher borrowing cost compared to a
score over 650. Likely that cost will be payments, alimony payments, and legal

several hundred dollars or several judgments. A DTI score is generally One component of your score, about 1/3

thousand dollars over the life of a car required by a lender when considering a of your score, is determined by your
loan. Most consumers with income loan to a consumer for a major purchase. payment history. The most recent
above expenses can manage their
payment history is weighted the most
score up 50 points over 120 days
Beyond DTI, Credit Scores are through the past 6 months.
resulting in access to substantial
maintained at the three major credit Also important is payment history over
bureaus, Experian, TransUnion and the past 2 years. Paying on time with no

Equifax. 30, 60, 90 or 120 day late marks is very

RETURN TO MAIN PAGE There are three main components of this important.

score. Scores differ between bureaus

but range from a very risky 300 to an

excellent 850 with half of all scores at continued >

around 720.

2010 Credit Repair Capital, a Free Credit Resource Center 4001 Cirrus Medford OR 97504 877.879.1177 CREDITREPAIRCAPITAL.COM
CHALLENGING A The next 1/3 of your score is based on Next section:

CREDIT REPORT’S the amount of credit you have and your CHALLENGING A CREDIT REPORT

ACCURACY outstanding balances in relation to your

available credit: In other words, your It is important to review your credit report

utilization rate. If you have ‘maxed’ your prior to making a major purchase. Look

A dispute with the credit credit lines your score will reflect this for questionable, incomplete, inaccurate,
bureau is a demand to utilization. As a general rule you want to or outdated items and prioritize based on
investigate within a utilize less than 25% of your available impact.
reasonable timeline outlined
credit at any given time to score the best. After prioritizing prepare a letter to the
by the FCRA.
credit bureau asking for clarification,

A proper dispute requires the credit The final 1/3 of your score is based on including complete information detailing

bureau to respond with appropriate several factors including collection the specifics of the negative entry. Use

supporting documentation for any accounts, length of credit history, activity clear language for your inquiry.
negative entry. When reviewing a on your open accounts, number of
credit report, among other errors, look
accounts, how many have been recently For example you may have a canceled
for closed paid accounts showing as
opened compared with the total number check for a payment made 6 months ago
still open and unpaid, available credit
of accounts, recent inquiries, types of that the furnisher to the bureau is
misstated collection accounts and
public records reported in error. credit used as well as other factors. reporting as late. In this case you would

Check your credit report several explain you were not late on the payment

months prior to a major purchase and Your score is only as good as the and you can provide a copy of the
manage your credit score up. information your score is based on. canceled check as evidence. Be clear as

As the credit economy has exploded over to what you require of the credit bureau.
the past 10 years it is increasingly prone For example in the above case you

to errors. would require that the credit bureau

correct the late payment mark.

Be clear simple and straight forward in

your written communication.

continues >

2010 Credit Repair Capital, a Free Credit Resource Center 4001 Cirrus Medford OR 97504 877.879.1177 CREDITREPAIRCAPITAL.COM
CHALLENGING A CHALLENGING A CREDIT REPORT Make sure the record is correct including

CREDIT REPORT’S (continued) the account number, the charge off date,

ACCURACY Beyond disputing an item with the credit the last activity date, the balance and the

bureau many successful challenges high credit limit. Obviously, the bureau is

require a next step disputing the entry required to have all of the details correct.

ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION with the furnisher of information. There is Remember to keep detailed records and

a chance the dispute can be mishandled document everything as you follow

This publication is designed to provide
or not dealt with. through with your plan.
general information regarding the
Therefore it is important to keep records Be mindful of disputing only records that
subject matter covered. Because
of both the dispute with the credit bureau are hurting your credit score. Just
each consumer’s situation is different,
information herein should be custom and the dispute with the furnisher of because there is an erroneous late

tailored to specific circumstances. information and continue to keep records payment recorded on a car loan

until you achieve the results required. mistakenly removing the car loan from
The information contained herein is Don’t count on the credit bureau or your credit report entirely could do more
not designed to serve as legal financial
furnisher to keep the records for you. harm to your score than good.
or other professional advice related to
As you continue to correct your credit
a consumer’s specific circumstance.
When you file a dispute with the credit report make sure you get a new report
Please do your own due diligence and
seek professional advice when you bureau make sure you hold the bureau to and new score every 30 days and

have questions related to your specific a reasonable timeline outlined by the reassess the totality of your credit

circumstance. All rights reserved. FCRA. Require the credit bureau to be situation again including how many
No part of this book may be responsive including providing you with loans, credit lines and credit cards are
reproduced or transmitted in any form
appropriate supporting documentation for outstanding. How much is owed on
or means electronic or mechanical,
any challenge made. There is a good each? How much credit is available?
including photocopying, recording or
chance when you first contact the credit Make sure you adjust your strategy and
by any information storage means and
retrieval systems, without permission bureau you will receive a verification of goals based on your current situation.

in writing from the author. the record in question from the credit

bureau. Your work is not done. continues >


2010 Credit Repair Capital, a Free Credit Resource Center 4001 Cirrus Medford OR 97504 877.879.1177 CREDITREPAIRCAPITAL.COM
IN CONCLUSION IN CONCLUSION The eager to please pilot relented and

Let us end where we started. Here is the plane took off with the three of them

another story about Tom and Tommy. and their four elk. About fifteen minutes
Research shows discussing Sometime back Tom and Tommy into the flight the engine started to
personal credit ranks high
chartered a plane with a pilot to drop sputter, and within seconds they were
among topics people are not
them off in the wilds of Alaska for a week hurtling to the ground. Wearily arising
willing to talk about.
of elk hunting, just the same as they did from the wreckage, Tom looked at

Consumer Credit Capital understands the year before. Tommy and wheezed, “Do you have any

this and is uniquely qualified to work When the pilot returned with the plane idea where we are?” Tommy, quite
with a consumer to manage their credit Tom exclaimed joyfully to the pilot, “We pleased with himself, replied, “Yes”!
score. The proprietary process
had a great hunting trip! We bagged four We're about a mile from where we
includes a telephone interview and
elk!” crashed last year.”
review of the consumer’s Experian,
The pilot regretfully responded, In short, if you have questions about your
Equifax and TransUnion credit reports
through the lens of consumer explaining “Unfortunately, our plane can specific credit needs, sometimes it helps

protection legislation resulting in a only fly with the weight of two elk. You'll to talk with someone who has been down

detailed report with weight assigned to have to leave the other two behind.” the same road before.
collection records, late payments and
credit utilization resulting in a step by
Tom and Tommy were both infuriated GIVE US A CALL.
step Custom Plan of agreed upon
and insistent. “We won't allow you to fly
action steps to increase a credit score.
this plane out without all four elk,” We are organized, persistent and most of
Consumer Credit Capital has a track
record of success. Visit us at Tommy demanded. all a group of caring people, and we want to help. For a free evaluation call

or better yet give us a call for a free 877-879-1177



2010 Credit Repair Capital, a Free Credit Resource Center 4001 Cirrus Medford OR 97504 877.879.1177 CREDITREPAIRCAPITAL.COM

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