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(STOCK) ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF oe ~ — BICOL ANCILLARY SERVICES INC (Name of Corporation) KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ‘The undersigned incorporators. all of legal age and majority of whom are residents of the Philippines, have this day voluntarily agreed to form a stock corporation under the Luvs of the Republic of the Philippines. THAT WE HEREBY CERTIFY: FIRST: The name of this corporation shall be BICOL ANCILLARY SERVICES INC. SECOND: A. That the primary purpose of this corporation is: Tor eng rg in-owndevetnyy construct, rehabilitate operare-anit maintain water and electric power plant systems and facilities renewable and indigenous power generation plants and other types of power generation and/or converting stations and to y undertaking for the distribution of such facilities to consumers. make nec SECONDARY PURPOSES, 1 Ty sell. dispose of, or transfer the technology. business, propertics ani goodwill of the corporation or aay part thereof for such consideration and under such terms ats it shall see fit to accept 2 To acquire. build, construct. own, maintain and operate all necessary and convenient buildings, structures. dows, machinorios, sub-stitions, transmission lines, poles, wires, and thor devices To engage in other allied servives and business necessary for the conduct and maintenance of the above projects: 4 6 To purchase. import arquire, own, lease, except financial leasing, develyp, sell and convey real properties such as lands buildings, factories and warehouses and purchaselimport machineries, equipment and other properties may be necessary or incidental tu the conduet of the corporate business uid te pay in cash, shares of its capital stock, debentures and other evidences of indebtedness, or other securities, as may be deemed expedient, for the business or property acquired by the corporsition To borrow or raise money necessary to mect the financial requirements of its business by the issuance of bonds, promissory notes and other evidences of indebtedness. and to deed of trust ure the repayment thereof by mortgage, pleily or lieu upon the properties of the corporation or to issue pursteint to law shares of its capital stock, debentures and other evidences of indebtedness in payment of properties acquired by the corporation or for money borrowed in the prosecution of Jetul business, To imvest and deal with the money and properties of the wrporation in such manner_as may from time to time be considered wise or expedient far the advancements of its interest To aid in AY Manner any corporation, association, or trust estate, domestic or foreign, any firm or individual, any shares of ny bond; s. contract or obligations of which are stock an which in debentures, notes, securities evidences of indebtedne held by or for this corporation, dircetly or indirvetly or through other corporations or otherwise ‘o enter into any Law! sment for sharing profits, unton of interest. unitizar rmount agreement. reciprocal nor concesstin or comperatinn. with ang corporation, association wernmontal parmership. syndicate. entity, person org mumopal or public authority, domestiy or foreign. in the cmrging on of any business or transaction deemed necessary ronventent or incidental in carrying owt any of the purposes of this corportnion To acquire or obtain from any government or authority, national provincial, municipal, or otherwise. or any corporation. eompany or partnership er person such charter, contracts, franchise +. exemption, hieenses sind concessions as may he sets of the corporation conducive to any of the 3 10. To establish and operate one or more branch offices or agencies and to carry on uny of all its operations and business without restrictiuns as to place or amount including the right to hold. mortgage. pledge and purchase or otherwise acquire, lea convey or otherwise deal in and with real and personal property anywhere within the Philippines. 11.To conduct and transact any and all lawful activities. and to do or cause to be done any one or more of the acts and things herein set forth as it purposes. within or without the Philippines. and in any or all fureign countries, and to do everything necessary desirable or incidental to :iccomplishment of the purposes or the exercise of any one or more of the powers herein enumerated. or which shall at all anytime appear conducive to or expedient for the protection or benefit of this corporation. B, That the corporation shall have all the express powers of a ion as provided for under Section 36 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines, THIRD: That the place where the principal office of the corporation 1s to be established is at 3 Fle, Bldg. 9. Embareadero de Legazpt. Port Area, Legazpi City st FOURTH: That the term for which the corporation is to ex! FIFTY (50) years from and after the date of issuance of the certificate of incorporation FIFTH: That the names, nationalities and residences uf the inearporators are as follows: Name tional ANTHONY L. NGO FILIPINO 229 St. New Manila Rolling Hills Subd. New Manila Quezon City EDUARDO T. LIM FILIPINO #1 Sunset Hill St, Rolling Hills Village New Manila Quezon Ciry CESAR Z BUENAVENTURA PILIPINO Unit 1108. Tektite. West Tower, Exchange Road. Building. Ortugas Center, Pasig City CHRISTIAN BIGLAEN FILIPINO. Unit 1108, Tektite West Tower, Exchange Road PSE Building. Orb Center, Pasig City ATTY. RONALD S. ANG FILIPINO Unit 1108, Tektite West Tower, Exchange Road PSE Building. Ortigas Center, Pasig City SIXTH: That the number of directors of said corporation shall be Five (5) and that the names, nationalities and residences of the first directors of the corporation who are to serve until their suecessors are elected and qualified as provided by the By- Laws are as follows, to wit Nationality Residence ANTHONY L. NGO FILIPINO 229" St. New Manila Rolling Hills Subd. New Manila Quezon City EDUARDO T. LIM FILIPINO #1 Sunset Hill St. Rolling Hills Village New Manila, Quezon City CESAR Z. BUENAVENTURA FILIPINO Unit 1108. Te Tower, fhange Road. PSE Building. Ortigas Center, Pasig City CHRISTIAN BIGLAEN FILIPINO Unit 1108, Tektite West Tower, Exchange Road PSE Building. Ortiga= Center, Pasig City ATTY. RONALD 5S. ANG. FILIPINO. Unit 1108, Teknte West Exchange Road tite West PSE Building. Ortigas Center, Pasig City SEVENTH: That the authorized capital stock of the Corporation is TWO BILLION PESOS (PhP2.000,000,000.00) in lawful money of the Philippines said capital steck is divided into TWENTY MILLION ¢26.000.000) common shares with a par value of ONE HUNDRED PESOS (PhP 100.00) per share lity x ] Amount ‘Amount Paid | Shares ECU UTILITY VENTURES HOLDING | Filipino 4.950.000 | 195,000,000,00 | 123,750.000.00 COMPANY, INC ANTHONY L. NGO. Filipino 10.000 1.000,000.00 250,000.00 | i j EDUARDO T. LIM | Filipine 18.000 1.000.4100,00, 250,000.00 | CESAR Z 5 = BUENAVENTURA Filipine 1o.0n0 1,.000.000.00 | 250,000.00 CHRISTIAN BIGLAEN Filipine 1a.000 1.000 200.00, 250,000.00 [ee eS Filipino 1.009 L.000.000.00 | 250,000.00 ANG TOTAL 5.000.000} 500,000,000.00. | £25.000,000.00 BIGHT: Thar 2 5% of the total

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