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Jaworski (2018) the study addresses following issues: (1) the 'promising' resources that the train
has in play; (2) the slide towards scholarly unimportance and, in this manner, the 'issue';

Chase's perceptions on how the slide may be turned around; and (4) my perspective on what
should be possible to invert the slide.

Voorveld et al. (2018) the study examined how shoppers' commitment with social media stages
drives commitment with publicizing installed in these stages. The discoveries demonstrate that
commitment is exceedingly setting particular; it includes different kinds of encounters on every
social media stage with the end goal that each is knowledgeable about a special way. It is
additionally demonstrated that commitment with social media promoting itself is entered in
clarifying how social media commitment is identified with publicizing assessments. It concluded
that there is no such thing as "social media."

Olson et al. (2018) Attributes of the marketing association and their association with technique
usage have been the focal point of significant research in the course of recent decades. These
qualities incorporate the marketing association's structure, culture, procedures, impact and
initiative, among others. In any case, little consideration has been paid to human asset
administration arrangements for marketing work force. These approaches, when legitimately
actualized, are among the most grounded sparks for suitable individual and authoritative conduct.
Firms whose business and marketing methodologies adjust (Fit) exhibited fundamentally more
grounded general firm execution scores than those whose business and marketing procedures
don't adjust (Misfit).

Dawes (2018) The Ansoff Matrix has been broadly instructed as a component of business
training for more than 50 years. It depicts development alternatives as a 2 x 2 matrix of choices,
with one pivot speaking to items (existing/new) and the speaking to business sectors
(existing/new). Two sensible issues emerge from the matrix. The two issues identify with
suspicions or translations relating to newness. On the off chance that one accepts a new item
truly is new to the firm, much of the time a new item will at the same time bring the firm into a
new, new market. All things considered, one of the Ansoff quadrants, specifically broadening, is
excess. On the other hand, if a new item does not really bring the firm into a new market, at that
point the mix of new items into new markets does not generally liken to broadening, in the
feeling of wandering into a totally obscure business - which the model, and numerous ensuing
elucidations of the model in course readings, expects.

Wiley (2017) The examination centers around a smart telephone based AR usage model where
clients can see their real surroundings on their smart telephone show, saw through the smart
telephones' camera, whereupon virtual substance is overlaid, enlarging the surroundings saw on
the show. This innovation isn't yet generally executed for publicizing or marking and openings
exist for a retail organization to be the first in its market to actualize it. No such AR encounters
are yet executed inside the top of the line furniture market; in this manner, an AR involvement in
this market would enable such organization to emerge from its rivals.

Chattopadhyay & Jain (2017) In spite of the fact that the outcome recommends that the sloppy
retail segment involves 80%-85% of the aggregate retail pie, they are as yet frightened of the
minority of the composed retail segment, which is contained around 15%-20%. The Point of
differentiation (POD) remains the general administration and the experience that the kirana
stores couldn't offer to make advancement in buyer mind which has made by the composed area
and subsequently the business wheel of kirana stores are getting slower and slower.

Singh & Balivada (2017) The market or the purchasers are constantly changing the way they
shop. Purchasing at the sorted out retail is a pleasant ordeal for purchasers. The shopping centers
are ending up Family Stimulation centers. Some are alluring clients with slogans like "Shop, Eat
and Celebrate". Shopping centers with various cineplexes are presently rising which are called as
"Hybrid centers". Sorted out retailing in India represents under two percent of the aggregate
retailing market. However with forceful ventures, sorted out retailing is set for extension. The
Indian government is additionally prone to spend USD 150 billion throughout the following
couple of years to create world class foundation, in this way, supporting development in the
retail division. A typical component of the development designs of various players seems, by all
accounts, to be the hypermarket. All driving Indian retail players are either effectively present or
have plans for Hypermarkets.

Chen et al. (2016) With the blend of present day furniture plan and Hui-style architecture, the
Normal for particular architecture social components have been brought into the furniture outline
in parts of shaping, surface, and development. The smooth and adaptable plan are introduced
through Hui-style corbie-step type sofa backrest and the carved window with Jiangnan style,
which can be viewed as the synopsis of the advancement outline of Chinese customary furniture
and the demand of the time.

Gedenk et al. (2010) Deals advancements have a critical part in the promoting projects of
retailers. An extensive level of retailer deals is made on advancement. Likewise, retailer
advancements address buyers at the point of offer. In this manner, while advertising in
exemplary media is ending up less successful, correspondence through advancements achieves
the purchaser at the place and time where most purchase choices are made. The Point of
Purchase Advertising Institute (POPAI) finds in an examination from 1999 that the in-store
choice rate of customers in Germany, for instance, is 55 %, implying that the greater part of all
purchase choices are made in stores, instead of before the shopping trip.
Marketing furniture to the public can be a challenging venture for a small business owner.
Furniture pieces are items that consumers purchase only on occasion. Most furniture items
have a higher price point than other retail goods and convincing the consumer to make an
investment is crucial to an effective advertising campaign. There are several furniture
promotion ideas that can be used to help you reach your target market.

Open House Showings

Networking with real estate agents allows you the ability to showcase your furniture in a new
home or open house setting. Empty houses may not sell as well as ones that are properly staged
and typically you will be able to work out an arrangement that will benefit both parties. This is
a good way to reach a key target market -- new home buyers -- who may need new furniture
for their future homes.

Giveaways and Raffles

Increasing foot traffic is vital for a furniture store. This is typically not the type of store that the
average customer visits on a regular basis. To get more people in the door, advertise a
giveaway or raffle event. You can pick older inventory that isn't moving and use this as your
giveaway. Promote this event in your local media and through direct mail campaigns or door
hanger advertisements to generate more interest.

Customer Appreciation Events

Free refreshments are a powerful enticement to many people. Holding an annual customer
appreciation event with free food is a way to thank existing customers and entice potential new
customers to come into your store. Send out personalized invitations to your existing customers
and utilize your local media to promote the event. You can also contact the local chamber of
commerce for assistance in holding a customer appreciation event -- they may even work with
you to supply the food.

Making it Easier to Buy

In tough economic times, retailers with high-ticket items often suffer the brunt of slow
consumer spending. To combat this, you have to make it easier for your customers to buy
furniture. If you can, offer in-store financing with no credit approval, or drop the interest rate
on your company's credit terms. Consider lowering your prices and holding two-for-one events
to generate more consumer interest.

A sales promotion is a marketing technique usually designed to last for a relatively short time.
Common sales promotion techniques can include special pricing, coupons and staging events
to gain publicity. Small businesses can make use of sales promotions to achieve a number of
specific business objectives.

Keep Existing Customers

A sales promotion can be geared toward keeping existing customers, especially if a new
competitor is opening nearby. For example, a barbershop owner can mail coupons to all of his
existing customers to take attention away from a competitor's grand opening event. A dry
cleaner could implement a referral program where he gives existing customers a discount when
they refer new customers to make a purchase, which can help build customer loyalty.

Inventory Clearance
A special promotion can help you clear inventory to make room for seasonal or new
merchandise. If you own a clothing boutique, for example, you may need to advertise a
reduced price on winter clothing to make room for spring and summer fashions. The owner of
a gift shop can conduct a clearance sale on Halloween merchandise to make room for
Christmas products.

Reaching New Market

A promotion can be a way to reach a new segment of the market. For example, if you operate a
health club and you've developed a fitness plan geared toward senior citizens, you can use a
mailing list with addresses of those who are age 65 and older. You can then mail a coupon or
special offer to this market segment.
New Product Launch
A sales promotion can help you introduce a new product to the marketplace. For example, if
you operate a bakery and you're unveiling a new line of pastries, you can generate a promotion
to get people to come to your bakery and try them. Your promotion can offer a discounted
price or the addition of a free item, such as a cup of coffee.

Increased Brand Awareness

A sales promotion can help increase awareness of your brand, which can ultimately lead to
additional sales. For example, by sponsoring a charity, event such as a chicken barbecue or
raffle, you can make people in the community aware of your company in a positive way, which
can lead to them patronizing your business.

Sales Promotion Definition

Sales promotion is a marketing strategy where the product is promoted using short-term
attractive initiatives to stimulate its demand and increase its sales.
This strategy is usually brought to use in the following cases –
 To introduce new products,
 To sell out existing inventories,
 To attract more customers, and
 To lift sales temporarily.

American Marketing Association defines sales promotion as –

Media and nonmedia marketing pressure applied for a predetermined, limited period of time in
order to stimulate trial, increase consumer demand, or improve product availability.

Importance Of Sales Promotion

Sales promotion is a handy technique to fulfil the short term sales goals by persuading potential
customers to buy the product. It is an important promotional strategy to –
 Spread information about the brand to new customers or new market
 Stabilize sales volume and fulfil short-term sales goals
 Stimulate demand for a short term by making the product look like a great deal.
Objectives Of Sales Promotion
The answer to the question what is sales promotion? also gives a hint to sales promotion
objectives, the main objective being lifting the sales temporarily.
Other objectives include but are not limited to –

To Create Market For New Products

It is sometimes hard to establish demand for a new product in a market of similar products. In
such cases, the company opt for increasing some sales by using sales promotion strategies
like penetration pricing, offers, discounts, and scarcity principle.

To Remain Competitive
Companies use temporary sales promotion techniques to compete with competitor’s short
term marketing strategies.

To Gain Dealers Trust

Sales promotion techniques increase the sales of the products. This increases dealers’ income and
results in them preferring the brand more.

To Take Products To New Markets

New markets are often hard to enter. Sales promotion increases traction and makes more
customers try the new product.

Increase Brand Awareness

It includes attractive incentives which help increase brand awareness, which eventually leads to
more sales.

Woo Existing Customers

Sales promotion is also used to tackle the poaching strategies of competitors and keep existing
customers with the brand.
Sales Promotion Strategies
Sales promotion strategies can be divided into three broad types. These are –
 Pull Strategy – The pull strategy attempts to get the customers to ‘pull’ the products
from the company. It involves making use of marketing communication and initiatives
like seasonal discounts, financial schemes, etc.
 Push Strategy – The push strategy attempts to push the product away from the company
to the customers. It involves convincing the intermediary channels to push the product
from the distribution channels to the final consumers using promotional and personal
selling efforts. This strategy involves making use of tactics developed especially for
resellers, merchants, dealers, distributors, and agents.
 Hybrid Strategy – A hybrid sales promotion strategy makes use of both the pull and
push strategy to sell the product with the least resistance possible. It involves attracting
the customers using special coupons and also providing incentives to the merchants to
sell the brand’s products.

Types Of Sales Promotions

Sales promotion can be broadly divided into two types according to whom the promotion is
targeted to. These are –

Consumer Sales Promotion

When the sales promotion strategies are targeted to the end consumers, it is referred to as
consumer sales promotion. An example would be offering 20% off on certain products to the
customers. The main motive of consumer-oriented promotion is to increase sales directly by
attracting new customers and wooing existing ones.

Sales Promotion Techniques Targeted To Consumers

Sales promotion tools used for consumer-oriented promotion are –
 Free Samples: Distributing free samples increases brand awareness and triggers
the psychology of ownership where the person chooses the promoted product if he liked
the sample.
 Free Gifts – Offering free gifts attract customers as they get more while paying for less.
 Discounts/Discount Coupons – Discount coupons are a great method of increasing sales
for the short term. People go for discount coupons as they let them buy the products they
couldn’t afford otherwise.
 Exchange Schemes – Exchange schemes attract many customers as they get some value
even for their old product.
 Finance Schemes – Finance schemes like no-cost EMI, low-interest EMI, etc. makes it
easier for customers to purchase expensive products.
 Shipping Schemes – Sometimes huge shipping costs discourage the customers from
buying products. Such short term shipping schemes remove friction.
 Bundle Discounts – These deals are a great way to reduce unsold inventory. It includes
selling bundled products at a price lesser than when those number of products are bought
 Bulk Purchase Deals – This is a great sales promotion tactic to reduce unsold inventory.
It includes providing discount to customers who buy in bulk.

Trade Sales Promotion

When the promotion activities are strategized keeping in mind the dealers, distributors, or agents,
it is called trade sales promotion. In this type of sales promotion, offers are provided within the
trade channels with an aim to woo retailers, wholesalers, agents, or distributors. This is done to
get more shelf space as compared to competitors, motivate the dealers to sell more of the brand’s
products and to increase the sales indirectly.

Sales Promotion Techniques Targeted To Traders

 Point Of Purchase Displays – This includes providing free point of purchase (POP)
display units to the retailers to increase their sales.
 Trade Shows – Trade shows are a great sales promotion strategy where the business
promotes its product to thousands of traders in the trade show. Trade shows also witness
huge discounts as compared to when bought usually.
 Push Money – Also known as spiffs, this technique includes extra payments to traders to
motivate them to meet specified goals. For example, giving them a $50 bonus per unit for
selling product A and $30 for selling product B for a specified time period.
 Deal Loaders – These are the gifts provided to the traders (wholesalers and retailers) for
ordering a certain quantity of product.
 Trade Deals – These are special concessions provided to the merchants to encourage
them to promote a specific product and increase its sales for a limited time period.
 Buying Allowances – Special discounts provided to the sellers when they order a
specified number of products.

Sales Promotion Examples

A product can be promoted for a limited time using innumerable tactics. Here are a few
examples of sales promotion tactics that exist –

Black Friday Sale

Black Friday sale is a seasonal sale which occurs only once a year. It involves huge discounts
and special offers which are limited to a day. As a result, it increases the sales manifold.

“Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they
need and want, through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others”
Marketing includes all those activities having to do with effecting changes in the ownership and
possession of goods and services. It is that part of economics which deals with the creation of
time, place and possession utilities and that phase of business activity through which human
wants are satisfied, by the exchange of goods and services for some valuable consideration.
Marketing is the process of discovering and translating consumer wants into product and service
specifications and then in turn helping to make it possible for more and more of consumers to
enjoy more and more of these products and services.
Marketing consists of analyzing marketing opportunities, researching and selecting target
markets, designing marketing strategies, planning marketing programs and organizing,
implementing and controlling marketing effort. Companies have to identify long and short term
marketing opportunities and research the selected market by measuring and forecasting
attractiveness of the given market. Having selected the market, the companies need to develop a
differentiating and positioning strategy for the target market. The marketing strategy must be
transformed into marketing programs by deciding on marketing expenditures and the marketing
mix. The final step is organizing the marketing resources and implementing and controlling the
marketing plan.

Marketing mix is the set of marketing tools that a firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in
the target market.
McCarthy has popularized a four factor classification of marketing tools known as the 4P’s of
the marketing mix. They are:
 Product
 Price
 Place
 Promotion

Product stands for the firm’s tangible offer to the market, including the product quality, design,
features, branding and packing. It deals with new product development, product life cycle,
product mix, product lines, branding and associated services to a product. From the customer’s
point of view, it helps in satisfying the customer’s needs and wants.

Price is the monetary value of the product. Price deals with selecting the pricing objectives,
setting the price, discounts, allowances, payment policies and credit terms. It is very important to
the customers as it decides the cost the customer has to pay to gain the product value.

This marketing tool stands for the various activities the company undertakes to make the product
accessible and available to the customer. It involves market size, channel selection and
management, storage and physical distribution with the ultimate purpose of efficiently supplying
the company’s offer to the target market. To the customer, this marketing tool refers to

Promotion stands for various activities the company undertakes to communicate and promote its
products to the target market. It involves communication programs i.e. direct marketing,
advertising, sales promotions, public relations and motivation of sales force. To the customer this
tool provides knowledge and information.

The Promotion Mix of a company includes the following tools;

It is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an
identified sponsor.

Direct Marketing:
It refers to the use of mail, telephone and other non-personal contact tools to communicate with
or solicit a response from specific customers and prospects.

Personal Selling:
Face to face interaction with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making a sale
refers to personal selling.

Public Relations and Publicity:

It refers to the variety of programs designed to promote and or protect a company’s image or its
individual products.

Sales Promotions:
The short-term incentive to encourage trial or purchase of a product or service refers to sales
promotion. Whereas advertising offers a reason to buy; sales promotion offers an incentive to
buy. Since sales promotion directly push up the sales, increasing number of companies are
undertaking sales promotion activities.

Sales Promotion
Sales promotion refers to the short-term incentives to encourage sales of a product or service. It
consists of a diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short-term, designed to stimulate
quicker and greater purchase of products or services by consumers.

Purpose of Sales Promotion

Sales promotion tools vary in their specific objectives. They may be used to attract new
customers, to reward loyal customers and to increase the repurchase rates of occasional users.
Sales promotion usually targets brand switchers because non-users and users of other brands do
not always notice a promotion. Sales promotions are thus also seen as a tool for breaking down
loyalty to other products. Sales promotions also let manufacturers adjust to short term changes in
supply and demand and differences in customer segments. They also let manufacturers to
experiment by varying prices. Sales promotions also lead to greater consumer awareness of
prices. To use sales promotion, a company must set objectives, select the right tools, develop the
best program and implement it and evaluate the results.

Objectives of Sales Promotion

The specific objectives set for sales promotions will vary with the type of the target market. For
consumer promotions, objectives include encouraging purchasing of larger sized units, building
trial among non-users and attracting switchers away from the competitor’s brands. For trade
promotions, objectives may include; including retailers to carry new items and higher level of
inventory, encouraging off-seasonal buying, of-setting competitive promotions, building brand
loyalty of retailers and gaining entry into new retail outlets. The sales force promotions help in
encouraging support of a new product or model, encouraging more prospecting and stimulating
off-seasonal sales. But most importantly, sales promotion should be focused on consumer
relationship building.
Sales Promotion Tools
Many tools can be used to accomplish sales promotion objectives. Descriptions of the main
promotional tools are as follows;

Consumer Promotion Tools

The main consumer promotion tools are as follows;
 Samples:
They are offers of a trial amount of a product. It consists of inviting prospective
purchasers to try the product without cost or at a lower cost in the hope that they will buy
the product. Samples may be free or discounted.
 Coupons:
Coupons are certificates that give buyers a saving when they purchase a specified
product. Coupons can be mailed, placed in advertisements or included with other

Rebate is also known as cash refund offers. Rebates are offers to refund part of the
purchase price of a product to its customers who send a proof of purchase to the
manufacturer. These are like coupons except that the price reduction occurs after the
purchase and not at the point of sale.

 Price Packs:
Cents-off deals or price packs offer consumers savings by way of reducing prices
that are marked by the producer directly on the package.

 Premiums:
These are the goods offered either free or at a low cost as an incentive to buy a
product. Premiums may be in-pack or on-pack (outside the pack).

 Prizes:
They are offers of chance to win something such as cash, trips or goods – by luck or through
extra efforts. Contests of talent and sweepstakes or draws the most popular prize offering

 Tie-in Promotions:
Tie-in promotions involve two or more brands or companies that team up on coupons,
refunds or contests to increase their pulling powers.

 Cross Promotions:
Cross promotions involve using one brand to advertise non-competing brand.

 Advertising Specialties:
These are useful articles imprinted with an advertiser’s name, given as gifts to consumers.

 Patronage Rewards:
They are cash or other awards for the regular use of company’s products or services. They
are values (in cash otherwise) that are proportional to one’s patronage of a certain vendor or a
group of vendors. They aim at building brand loyalty.

 PoP Promotions:
Point of purchase (PoP) includes displays and demonstrations that take place at the point of
purchase or sale.

Trade Promotion Tools

More money is spent by companies on trade promotion (58%) than on consumer promotions
(42%). The major trade promotion tools are as follows;

 Discounts:
It is also known as price-off or off-invoice or off-list. Discounts price cut off the list price on a
particular quantity purchased during a stated time.
 Allowances:
They are the amount offered in return for an agreement by the retailer to feature the
manufacturer’s products in some way; displays, advertising or otherwise.

 Free Goods:
Free goods are the extra merchandise offered to middlemen who buy a specific amount of a
product. Companies also offer push money and specialty advertising items to the middlemen.

Business Promotion Tools

Companies spend huge amount on promotions focused on industrial consumers. The major
business promotion tools are as follows;

 Trade Shows and Conventions.

 Sales Contests.
Clearly, sales promotions play an important role in the total promotion mix. To use it well, the
marketer must define the sales promotion objectives, select the best tools, design the sales
promotion program, pretest and implement the program and evaluate its results.

Let’s break it down. For every 10,000 mailers you send out promoting your event, you’ll get
70-100 customers into your store. If you follow the tips below, you can expect to secure about
a 50% closing rate for those shoppers.
With a projected per-purchase average of $800, that works out to $40,000 in the till.
But you won’t see that $40,000 revenue just by opening your doors and announcing your sale.
Read on to discover the elements you need to make your next sales event a success.

1. Themed Branding - Most sales Promotions happen around a holiday or change of season.
This timing lends itself to creating an event theme. As you put together the details of your
event, make sure everything ties back to the theme, from decorations to giveaways.
2. Bonus Extras - Nothing appeals to our instinct for a good deal like the word “free”!
Offering free delivery, free setup, free removal, or a free gift as a bonus extra with any
purchase is sure to sweeten the deal for any shopper.
3. Discounts - Settle on a special offer for your sales event. Whether it’s a blanket discount of
25-50% off or a coupon for $500 off with a minimum purchase, you need that magic number
to catch people’s eye when they see it on a sales flyer.
4. Half-Off Mattresses - You can offer 50% off mattresses at every single sales event and it
will always be effective. Why? Because everyone needs a mattress, and everyone needs to
replace it every 10 years. There’s always a demand for a good mattress deal.
5. Hot Buys - Choose a few pieces to be hot buys for every sales event and feature them on
your direct mail promotion. The hot buy will attract customers shopping for that item and will
inspire curiosity about what other deep discounts they might find.
6. Greeter - Position a member of your sales team at the front door to greet people as they
walk in. A greeter adds to the “special event” nature of the shopping experience, and is a great
opportunity to engage with shoppers right away.
7. Special Financing - Offering special financing options during your sales event will appeal
to people who may not otherwise choose to make the large investment required to buy a new
piece of furniture.
8. Giveaway - In addition to a small free gift with every purchase, you can offer a larger
giveaway with greater value for one lucky winner. Advertising that customers can enter to win
a prize if they shop in-store is an effective way to get feet in the door.
9. Featured Collections - Choose one or two departments to feature on your mail promotion
and highlight specific brand names available in your store. This gives customers a “sneak
preview” of what they’ll find at the sales event.
10. Limited Time Offer - Always create a sense of urgency for your sales events. Advertising
that the event only lasts for one weekend or one day tells people that they need to act quickly
or else miss their chance to secure a great deal.
Once you’ve put in all the planning and effort to map out your event details, make sure you
feature all your special offers, deals, giveaways, and hot buys on your promotional mail piece.
The idea is to give people every reason to get up off the couch and come into your store to
buy a new one!

Objective of the Study:

 To understand all the functional areas of Anu Furniture Pvt. Ltd.

 Offer suitable suggestions for the improvement of the performance of Anu Furniture to
study the various promotional strategy adopted by Anu Furniture Pvt. Ltd.
 To find out the footage of Anu Furniture Pvt. Ltd. With respect to other players in the
 To observe and understand the practice followed by Anu Furniture Pvt. Ltd.
 To find out the communication linkages and de-linkages in the organization.

Scope of the Study:

 This project was undertaken for a specific period in Anu Furniture Pvt. Ltd.
 It is an exercise that is well planned into the curriculum giving the researcher a valuable
opportunity to understand the working dynamics of the organization and to experiment
and exhibit the recently acquired management and administration skills.
 The prospect of the furniture sector in India seems positive.
 The Indian furniture industry has awakened to interesting times! The last ten years have
seen changes in the shop windows of furniture retailers.
 Consumers today no longer look for mere practicality in furniture, instead, they look for
theme furnishing, i.e. lifestyle living.

A variety of methods of study have been adopted by the researcher to fulfill the objectives of
the study.

In order to have a better grasp of the study, the researcher chose to become a keen observer,
studying the various aspects of the organization.

To have a broader perspective of the study, the researcher attended the Lifestyle Exhibition at
Palace Grounds wherein the products of Anu Furniture Pvt. Ltd. Were displayed.

In order to fund out the market realities, the researcher visited the showrooms of certain
companies having almost similar product profile as that of Anu Furniture Pvt. Ltd.

With a view to understand the crunch of the matter and to find out the ground realities, the
researcher formed a schedule specifically for the set of respondents. The researcher met the
respondents personally, interviewed them and made them to fill the questionnaire.

Sample Size:

The researcher has done the research in the following manner;

a) Type of the research undertaken is analytical.
b) Technique used is random sampling.
c) Sample size taken is 100.
d) Sources of data used include both primary as well as secondary data.
e) Tool used for the research is questionnaire.
f) Plan of analysis are tables and graphs.

Sample Area:
 Anu Furniture Pvt. Ltd.
 Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana.

In this study, the foremost data collection instrument used is the questionnaire method. The
questionnaire has been designed with both open ended and closed ended questions. Apart from
this, the research instrument consists of primary and secondary data collected for the study.

Primary Data:

Here first hand information is obtained by distributing printed questionnaire to the marketing
executives of the company. Data was also obtained from the observation and interview technique
adopted by the researcher. Moreover, information was disseminated by the departmental heads.
Questionnaire, Observation, Interviews.

Secondary Data:

Here the information is obtained from the brochure of Anu Furniture Pvt. Ltd. books, websites,
newsletter, journals, magazines, newspapers, etc.
 Newsletter,
 Journals,
 Magazines,
 Newspapers,
 Companies Information,
 Books,
 Websites.
The limitations of the study are described as under

1. Time is the one of the limitation, so the intensive study of the concern is impossible.
2. No businesses reveal every business secrets.
3. So only available information are used for analysis.
4. The study period is for 45 days. Hence the data cannot be compared to the longer life
of the company.



living your dreams, crafting your imaginations… Anu Furniture was born out of discontent with
the status quo, and a desire to change the furniture industry for the better. Our core mission - to
deliver design-forward products, straight to your doorstep. We are in the business of serving the
furniture needs of people since 1994. Operating one of the largest and finest showrooms of the
city, today “Anu Furniture” is recognized as the fastest growing furniture chain in Hyderabad.

Besides, being renowned for its premium quality products, Anu Furniture is the most celebrated
brand for its wide range and impeccable designs. To cut-down middle man expenses and provide
the best possible price to our customers, we have incorporated an in-house manufacturing
facility. Our in-house designers and craftsmen ensure the finest-quality products and timely
delivery of any size of requirement. Beyond everything, it is the trust and satisfaction of our
customers that has made this journey so easy to travel across and achieve big in life.

Our Philosophy - Value for Customers, Value for Money

We are Anu Furniture, a premium furniture brand based out of
Hyderabad, India. We provide custom furniture to you, our customers, keeping in mind your
unique needs. We create and deliver impeccably and exquisitely designed and crafted furniture
right to your doorstep. Operating since 1994, we have been serving your furniture needs through
one of the largest and finest showrooms in Hyderabad. We are one of the fastest-growing
furniture chains in the city. We provide you with a wide range of furniture for your offices and
residences that reflects your lifestyle. We have cut down on middleman expenses to provide you
with the best possible furniture at the best possible price! We also have an in-house
manufacturing facility so that our designers and craftsmen can cater to any and every furniture
Operating in the premium, custom furniture space, we have won over your trust, confidence, and
satisfaction, so that we continue to grow and serve you better. We are always looking for ways to
save overheads, time and materials without compromising on quality and can pass these savings
on to you, our valued customers. Our principle is simple – Value for Customers, Value for
Money! We continue to fulfil your furniture needs affordably, by leveraging technology and
without exploiting people or the environment. We are seamlessly building the furniture brand of
We, at Anu Furniture, have been successful by shaking up the status quo in the fine, premium,
custom furniture category. We have done this by challenging accepted norms, and providing a
fresh take on both residential and office furniture. We provide a wide range of furniture in varied
categories, and concentrate on our principles…providing you with the finest furniture, made-to-
order, delivered right to your doorstep and installed as per your needs.

We offer the finest value in the premium furniture category. Our furniture is made from the best
of materials, is crafted exquisitely, and is made to last. We continually update our offerings
based on the latest trends, so that our furniture never goes out of style. So, check out our
offerings and visit our showroom…today!

We, at Anu Furniture, believe that if we do something, it’s worth doing well! And in our case, this is
premium, custom-made furniture, crafted for you, as per your requirement. We never compromise on quality
and provide you with the latest in furniture trends in India and globally. Our quality furniture lasts for years
and years and becomes the talking point, whether it is in your home or office.

With Anu Furniture and its commitment to quality, what you see is definitely what you get! Our quality
furniture is finely finished on both the inside as well as the outside, so it won’t chip, tear or peel. So, if you
want quality furniture in India at an affordable price, opt for Anu Furniture…today!

We believe in something for everyone, as per your unique and distinct needs. We offer you a
wide choice of designs, materials, and craftsmanship to create custom furniture for your home
and office. We are engaged in manufacturing, retailing, and supplying a wide range of custom
furniture, ranging from beds to sofas, and from office desks to bookshelves. Whatever you
visualize and want, we, at Anu Furniture can create it for you!

While the design of your custom furniture may begin in your head, we give it final shape. Our
furniture while wide-ranging is all built based on our unique principle – Value for Customers,
Value for Money! So, if you are in the mood for a wide choice of premium furniture, do contact
Anu Furniture today!

We, at Anu Furniture, offer you, our valued customers, high value when it comes to your custom
furniture, by cutting down overheads, leveraging technology, eliminating middlemen, and cutting
out high-street margins. We understand that your home or office is your unique space and we
create high-value furniture that reflects your unique personality. So, whether it be that fantastic
modular kitchen, that bedroom set, that office desk, or that wood rocking chair, all our furniture
is exquisitely crafted by our skilled designers and craftsmen to provide you with the best value.

Whether you want to upgrade your furniture, or create an entirely new look, with Anu Furniture,
you can be sure that you are getting value for money… So, don’t wait any longer…visit our
showroom today!

We, at Anu Furniture offer you the latest and most modern furniture by creating contemporary
designs, alluring aesthetics, and captivating products. We also use the latest technology to create
furniture that will enthral you with its modern look and feel. We can create modern furniture for
you in varied styles. Our furniture uses modern materials, such as leather, vinyl, steel, moulded
plywood, wood, and plastics with a monochromatic or multichromatic colour scheme to create
sleek and stylish interiors.

So, if you want modern furniture that is clean, contemporary yet, classical and made of the finest
materials at an affordable price, look no further than at Anu Furniture!

We, at Anu Furniture, offer the best to the most, for the least. Our
furniture is affordable and accessible, without having compromise on quality. We make furniture
accessible and affordable by introducing a new way for you to order or purchase premium,
custom furniture. We can also customize and personalize readymade furniture and create your
very own dream pieces. With a wide selection of off-the-shelf furniture items available at our
stores, customers are spoilt for choice.

So, whatever your dream home or office looks like in your imagination, we, at Anu Furniture
will help that dream become a reality with our accessible, affordable, and beautiful furniture. So,
do visit Anu Furniture today and make your dream come true!


Creating furniture isn’t just a process. It’s an art form. When it comes to design, every decision is
executed with purpose. Anu Furniture is proud to be an Indian company that leverages the power
of global markets by sourcing international products & materials. From design to delivery, Anu’s
expert makers spread around the globe.



The first step in the long journey began with the first store at Chandanagar in 200 sft. To this
day, this remains our flagship store.

The new millennium ushered in new changes. The flagship store at Chandanagar was upgraded
to 20,000 sft.

Ten years later, to match increasing demand and provide a better shopping experience for our
customers, the Chandanagar store was further expanded to 50,000 sft. This was the first in twin
cities with a twin building each with 5 floors.


As part of a business expansion, the second store of Anu Furniture came up at Miyapur with
10,000 sft.


To cater to the industrial hub of Habsiguda and Nacharam, a 45,000 sft store was inaugurated at
Habsiguda, HMT Nagar.


The year also marked the addition of the LB Nagar store with a 20,000 sft space, to our list.

A state-of-the art manufacturing plant was set up at Miyapur. This was mainly aimed at reducing
dependence on suppliers and providing additional cost savings to customers. This year also
marked the addition of the LB Nagar store (20,000 sft) to our list.


Another manufacturing facility at Bachupally was set up to manufacture different categories of

furniture to match international standards in the market.


A.S.Rao Nagar witnessed the launch of the next Anu Furniture store at 20,000 sft. It brought us
closer to customers at ECIL, Moula Ali, and neighboring areas
This is our biggest store till date and is the largest furniture mall in the city…Anu Furniture
International Mall was inaugurated at Kukatpally. Spread over 7 floors across 65,000 sft, the
mall showcases select premium furniture across all categories.



The Indian furniture industry is fragmented in nature with many small players. In terms
of value, this industry is worth INR 350 billion maintaining a growth rate of 10 percent. The
organized sector, which accounts to 10 percent of the total market, has contributed significantly
to the overall industry growth by witnessing significantly higher growth rate between 17 and 20
percent. However, the unorganized sector, as experts opine, is growing only at a rate of 5 to 6
The furniture sector in India only makes a marginal contribution to the formation of GDP,
representing just a small percent (about 0.5%), which indicates a huge potential for growth. It is
estimated that the furniture industry comprises 25% of the construction industry and hardware
comprises 40% of total furniture industry, out of this 20% is replacement and 20% is new. Wood
and wooden products, furniture and fixtures carry a weight of 27.01% in the total manufacturing
The furniture industry employs a total of around 30,000 workers. The future on the furniture
sector in India seems positive. Talking about production, several agreements have been signed
between local producers looking for technology and European and Asian companies trying to
reach a potential opportunity in costs. From the commercial point of view, India shows good
perspective to sell furniture in the following years. First of all, because its size and secondly due
to the newly acquired taste as a result of exposure to western furniture style. India is one of the
largest consumers of wood in South East Asia. Until a few years ago the county had considerable
quantities of available tropical woods. The most common species in Indian forests are teak,
rosewood, ebony, laurel, pine, cedar and rubber trees. Supply of these “ready to uses” species
became scarcer due to unconditional and inappropriate exploitation and also due to growing
concern about the environment. In India, natural rubber plantations covers 520,000 hectares with
another 6,000 hectares replanted almost every year since 1994. Kerala state (South India)
produces 95% of the total supply of rubber wood in India. India imports wood (logs) especially
from Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Ivory Cost, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa and
New Zealand and to some extend from South America. Most soft and hard woods are imported
from Russia, Scandinavia and other South East Asian counties. MDF is imported from Europe,
and there is also a small local production. Veneered panel are becoming more popular in India
and are imported from the European Union and the USA. The total size of Indian furniture
industry is estimated at Rs. 350 thousand million but almost 85% of this is unorganized. The
remaining 15% is organized and is believed to be growing at a steady pace of 12% to 15% per
The share of the wooden furniture market is estimated at Rs. 600 million. Woodworking
industry of India is one of the fastest growing in the county’s economy. Much of this growth has
been fuelled by the increasing access to modern machinery and technology through easier import
policies as a result of India’s entry into the WTO in the year 1990s. There is a noticeable shift in
the preference towards mechanized mass production and the up gradation of technology.


As with the global market, home furniture is the largest segment in the Indian furniture market,
accounting for about 65 per cent of furniture sales. This is followed by, the office furniture
segment with a 20 per cent share and the contract segment, accounting for the remaining 15 per

The size of the overall real estate industry in India is estimated to be around US$ 12 billion.
Home Furniture is growing at 30% for the last few years. Almost 80% of real estate developed in
India is residential space and the rest comprise of office, shopping malls, hotels and hospitals.
Within the household segment, major share is the middle class population of India. About 25 per
cent of the urban middle class populations live in homes with five rooms or more, while 45 per
cent live in houses with three rooms or less.
In line with the growth in the Indian economy and subsequent demand for office space, this
segment has witnessed good growth at a compounded annual growth rate of 20%. The thrust on
real estate and office construction is expected to sustain in the near future, indicating continued
growth for the furniture industry

It primarily caters to hotels and its growth is consequently linked to growth in tourism and
development of new hotels. As per the World Travel Market‘s Global Report 2008, scope for
new tourism development could be seen notably in emerging economic giants India and China,
which are likely to remain a strategic priority as growth is predicted to be robust, albeit slow
down in global economy. The growth of hotel industry in India can be attributed to the recent
growth in the service industry and economy as a whole.





Maintaining a decent rate, the overall furniture industry has grown at 10% since last two three
years. An interesting trend underlying this growth rate is that the organized sector of the industry
has shown a better growth falling between 17% - 20%.
This faster growth of organized sector can be attributed to certain factors like:
 Growth of overall organized retail industry is the most important reason for faster
growth of organized players in furniture industry. This can be further attributed to higher
disposable incomes, changing lifestyles and India‘s overall economic growth.

 Lack of Time - Now days nobody has the time to employ a carpenter to get his or her
furniture made in home, like earlier days. Especially with the growth in the number of
double income families – where both husband and wife are working, no one has the time
to get the furniture made by the carpenter.

 Convenience - Customers no more want to take the pain for deciding designs or raw
material for their furniture. Now, they just want to go to a retail store, select something
that they like, which goes along with latest trends, which suits his wallet and buy

Considering the recent developments in organized retail industry and rapidly changing consumer
markets as constant factors, the overall furniture industry is expected to grow at 15% CAGR for
next five years.

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