BSBRES411 Assessment Task 2

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ASSESSMENT TASK 2: Presentation

Assessment description

You are required to develop a formal presentation to inform your manager (your assessor) of
the research report findings and recommendations selected in Assessment Task 1.
You will deliver the presentation to your manager (assessor) in front of a group as you would
in an organisational staff meeting. You will then evaluate it using a feedback sheet that you
must develop for the purpose. The presentation will run for a maximum of ten minutes.

Procedure and materials required by student

1. Use your findings and recommendations from the research report developed in
Assessment Task 1.
2. Negotiate a date and time for your presentation with your assessor.
3. Develop a written plan for your presentation. You may use the planning template
provided. Your plan must include an audience profile and statement of the desired
outcome of the presentation.
4. Collect or create any presentation aids you will need as part of the presentation. You
must use at least two from the following list:
5. computer simulation or presentation
a. diagrams, charts and posters
b. models
c. overhead projector/data projector
d. paper-based materials (handouts)
e. video or audio recordings
f. whiteboard or flip charts.
6. Develop a feedback sheet that can be handed out to the audience following your
7. Deliver your presentation to a group as you would in an organisational staff meeting.
8. Collect feedback from your presentation on the suitability and sufficiency of your
9. Summarise the feedback in no more than 300 words split between two paragraphs.
a. The first paragraph of the report will summarise the gathered feedback.
b. The second paragraph must include at least three strategies based on the feedback
that can be implemented to improve future presentations.
10. This report is due one week after the presentation date.

BSBRES411 Analyse and present research information– Assessment Task 12 LAST UPDATED: Jul 2019, Version No. 1.1

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You must:
● provide a copy of your presentation plan
● provide a copy of any handouts or other material used (e.g. printouts of PowerPoint
● provide a copy of your evaluation feedback sheet
● deliver the ten minute presentation to an audience
● provide a summary feedback report due not later than one week after the presentation
● structure and format the summary feedback report in a clear manner that conforms to
organisational requirements.

Your assessor will be looking for:

● a presentation plan that shows recommendations and issues in an appropriate format,
style and structure
● delivery of the presentation that matches your plan
● feedback and comments on suitability and sufficiency of findings in accordance with
organisational requirements.

Planning template

Audience profile:

BSBRES411 Analyse and present research information– Assessment Task 12 LAST UPDATED: Jul 2019, Version No. 1.1

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Desired outcome and purpose of the presentation

Time Content Resources


Body – point 1

Time Content Resources

Body – point 2

BSBRES411 Analyse and present research information– Assessment Task 12 LAST UPDATED: Jul 2019, Version No. 1.1

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Body – point 3


Use the following symbols as prompts for certain actions. Some of them have been included
in the template above as examples.


! emphasise  link to  graphic #1  check time

 link back to  call for questions  ask for comments

BSBRES411 Analyse and present research information– Assessment Task 12 LAST UPDATED: Jul 2019, Version No. 1.1

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