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Form an innovative team (Research &
Case study)
Online Assessment Instructions

• It is mandatory that you do 25% (at least 5 hours per week) of course study online outside
the scheduled class time. For this purpose numbers of study materials including a list of
online study resources links have been uploaded on the TA e-learning site.
• Please use your online study time and uploaded study materials to answer following

Submission details
The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to this arrangement
must be approved in writing by your trainer.
See procedure and task specifications below for details.
You must submit a printed copy of your answers.
Submit printed copy of required evidences (your answers) to your Trainer with the "Assessment Cover
Sheet" (Filled out and signed appropriately) attached on top of your documents.
The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers of appropriate
quality or if further clarification required and to validate authenticity of your submitted work.

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Assessment Description:
Using the scenario information supplied, the candidate will work with others to set goals for a team,
build a team, set ground rules and responsibilities, assign tasks, and schedule team activities. The
candidate will also motivate the team towards success. The candidate will supply a portfolio of
documents as evidence of team participation.

1. Review the scenarios for several case study organisations provided in Appendix 1 of this
assessment task.
2. Note the ‘innovation challenge’ at the end of each scenario.
3. Work with others (for example, other classmates) to build a team of 3–4 people.
4. Choose one scenario together.
5. Work with your team to set team goals based on the ‘innovation challenge’ in your chosen
scenario. Suggest any additional improvements to the goals. Write your team goals on a
document for your portfolio.
a. For each team goal, explain why the team chose the goal.
b. For each team goal, describe any changes made to the goal as a result of team
6. Develop a draft budget for team innovation activities.
7. Discuss with your team the role of each team member in contributing to the team goals.
Discuss the strengths of each team member. On a document for your portfolio, write possible
ways for each team member to contribute to the goals of the team. In your document, record
the strengths of each team member, what you believe they can contribute to the
collaboration, and their weaknesses (if any).
8. From the ‘Potential team members’ included in Appendix 2, select at least two team members
who you think would complement your current team members. Make sure that you document
your choice and include the reasons for your decision.
9. Work with your team to decide on the ground rules for how the team will work together.
Write these rules on a document for your portfolio.
10. In your team, decide the responsibilities of each team member. Hold this discussion in a way
that is likely to help the team work together and encourage innovation. On a document for
your portfolio, write the responsibilities of each team member, explaining how and why the
group decided this responsibility. Explain how you participated in this discussion and
encouraged innovation.
11. Work in your group to create a schedule for team activities. Include, for example, meetings
and any planned training. Include at least three activities, and make at least one a
communication activity. Include the time, location, participants, description of the activity and

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the goals. Plan time for private reflective thinking, planning and innovation. Write this
schedule in a document for your portfolio.
12. Work with your team to decide how and when innovative thinking will be rewarded in your
team. Discuss how to ensure personal rewards will reward innovation in your team. Write the
rewards on a document for your portfolio.
13. With your team, discuss an idea or issue you would like to research further and present to
your team in an upcoming meeting.
14. Fill out the feedback form (provided in Appendix 3) for each member of your team. Collect
feedback forms for your performance from each member of the team for your portfolio.
15. Submit all portfolio documents to your assessor following the specifications below. Ensure you
keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.
16. Meet with your assessor to discuss your team performance and portfolio documents (see
specifications below). Let your assessor know what idea you discussed with your team (in step
13) and will be researching further.

You must provide the following documents in your portfolio:
● a document describing team goals

● a draft budget for team activities

● a document describing which potential team members to include

● a document describing strengths and weakness of current team members

● a document describing team ground rules

● a document describing innovation schedule

● a document describing rewards

● a feedback document from each team member.

Your assessor will be looking for:

● communication skills to work with team members constructively

● literacy skills to research and understand scenario

● numeracy skills to prepare a draft budget

● planning and organising skills

● the self-management skills to take a proactive team role and to reflect on own performance

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● your knowledge of the innovative characteristics of team members, as well as a knowledge of
the characteristics of environments that encourage innovation
● knowledge of different roles that people may play within a team, how this impacts on the way
a team works and what it might achieve
● knowledge of group dynamics in a team.

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Appendix 1: Innovation scenarios

Scenario 1: Cappuccino Cafe

Cappuccino Cafe is an Italian coffee chain attempting to enter the Australian cafe market. It will open
its first store in a popular shopping centre in the middle of one of Australia’s major cities at the
beginning of next summer. The owners of Cappuccino Cafe are aware that there are three major
competitors with stores in the same shopping centre. They know they need to come up with an
innovative marketing campaign including an opening event to lure consumers into their store.
Cappuccino Cafe stores make their espressos and cappuccinos using a Southern Italian style blend of
Arabica and Robusta coffee beans. The owners of the chain believe the quality of their coffee is
superior to that of their competitors and believe that once customers try their coffee they won’t want
to drink anything else. They are going to charge similar prices to their main competitor.
Cappuccino Cafe wants to launch its newest product, Cafelato, a mixture of coffee and cinnamon
gelato, at the opening event.
Cappuccino Cafe wants to have a fresh, innovative marketing campaign. They don’t want to have a
boring, conventional marketing campaign using traditional advertising media such as billboards and
newspaper ads.

Innovation challenge
Plan an innovative marketing campaign for Cappuccino Cafe. The campaign must promote the new
store and the new product.
1. Propose strategies for generating brand awareness.
2. Decide which advertising media you will use.
3. Plan the store opening event:
a. propose strategies for attracting potential customers
b. propose strategies for encouraging people to try the new product.

Key information:
● You have a team budget of $5000 for the campaign, including an hourly rate of $50 per team
● Your target market is the coffee drinkers who shop at Harbour Bridge Shopping Centre.

● The store is in a prime location in the shopping centre.

Scenario 2: Home Reinvention

Home Reinvention is an Australian importer and manufacturer of fixtures, fittings and furniture. It has
a large range of goods and offers homemakers an impressive choice of style options.
Each piece of furniture reflects the history, tradition, creativity and innovation of the Home
Reinvention team of craftspeople.
Home Reinvention is known for its high standards of workmanship and exceptional attention to detail.
The business introduces new products every year to provide their customers an up-to-date selection.

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Home Reinvention sells:
● fireplaces – marble, polished timber and antique mantles

● heritage bathroom ware – vanity units, tiles and tap ware

● lighting

● fine brass accessories and feature doors

● original, reproduction and custom items of furniture.

A major competitor, Heartlands Heritage, has recently reduced Home Reinvention's market share.
Heartlands Heritage has a policy of using only reclaimed and sustainable materials to make all its
furniture, their delivery takes only three days, and they have lower prices. None of their furniture is
Management at Home Reinvention have realised that they need to make some improvements in their
business. They need to recapture the market share lost, and possibly even gain market share in the
near future.
Home Reinvention brought in a consultant who carried out an analysis of every product line and
manufacturing practice. The consultant assessed whether production agreed with the company’s core
principles. The consultant also evaluated the environmental impact of production. The consultant
identified the following issues.
1. The quality of finished products is inconsistent.
○ This is possibly due to old-fashioned production methods.
○ Finished products are sent to a quality control department for inspection. If an operator
accidentally uses the wrong part or finish, the mistake is not detected until the end of
production. The production plant currently has a 20% defect rate. The result is a lot of
expensive rework.
2. There is a need for improved manufacturing efficiency.
○ Large inventories of raw materials and parts are kept on site at all times.
○ These inventories require substantial space and can result in damage or spoilage to raw
materials or parts.
○ Water and energy consumption levels are too high.
3. The environmental impact of manufacturing practices needs to be reduced.
○ The timber that Home Reinvention uses does not come from sustainable forests.
○ The manufacturing processes typically result in significant amounts of waste including
brass, wood scrap, ceramic, marble, etc.
○ None of the waste resulting from manufacturing processes is recycled.
○ Several of their manufacturing processes result in high levels of harmful emissions.
4. There is little or no continuous flow of materials through the plant.

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○ Manufacturing processes are often clogged with work-in-progress. Craftspeople at
Home Reinvention are organised into several teams. Each team is trained to work on
only one or two parts of the manufacturing process. Very little sharing of knowledge
occurs between departments. Only the employees in the quality control department are
involved in quality management.
○ Some products are made in large batches and custom-made products are made one at a
5. Company image may be improved by responding to customer demand for environmentally
friendly products manufactured using environmentally sustainable processes.

Home Reinvention has set the following new goals for its business:
1. to use its resources efficiently
2. to increase quality and profit
3. to minimise its environmental impact
4. to regain lost market share
5. to achieve all of the above goals and also adhere to the company’s core values.

Home Reinvention has just moved to a new factory of approximately 100,000 square feet. They have
also bought a new warehouse and distribution centre (approximately 250,000 square feet). The
company has hired a new manager famous for his experience with other innovative manufacturing
Home Reinvention has given the new manager the responsibility of scrapping their old production
methods and introducing new, more efficient and more environmentally responsible manufacturing

Innovation challenge
Propose one or more innovative solutions the new manager could implement to achieve one or more
of Home Reinvention’s new goals. Your team may propose solutions based on any of the following
types of innovation:
1. process (this may include changes to raw materials used in manufacturing process and/or
waste management)
2. organisational
3. strategic
4. technological.

Key information:
● You have a team budget of $5000 for innovation team activities, including an hourly rate of
$50 per team member. Planned activities may be scheduled for future dates beyond the
timeframe of assessment.

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● There are no limits to the cost of proposed innovations so long as benefits can be shown to
outweigh the investment.
● Home Reinvention currently has a low-volume, high-variety manufacturing system.

● Home Reinvention currently uses a batch production system for most of its products. These
products are produced in batches according to forecasted demand.
● In the case of custom-made products, the customer order initiates production.

Scenario 3: Office Genii

Office Genii manufactures a large range of office supplies and furniture for both the home and
business. Its product range includes almost every office product you could imagine – storage boxes,
fancy labels, filing cabinets, desks and so on.
Office Genii’s sales have fallen considerably in the past six months. The company had tried to compete
with other office supplies companies in the country by adding a furniture line to its product range, but
the office supplies market in Australia is becoming saturated by major players that provide office
products to meet every customer need, and many of them beat Office Genii on price.
The CEO of Office Genii has given his product development team the task of coming up with an idea
for a unique, niche product that solves ergonomic health concerns. A few of Office Genii’s competitors
have already started selling ergonomic products. The CEO of Office Genii has made it clear that the
new product must be different to everything else in the market. It must have at least one feature that
similar products in the market do not have. The product development team must present their new
product within a month.

Innovation challenge
Propose one innovative product solution for Office Genii. It must meet a customer need and be an
ergonomic, user-friendly solution. There are no limits to the technology which may be used to
manufacture this product. There are no limits to the cost of production so long as the benefits
outweigh the investment in new processes. Consider the following issues:
1. how the customer will benefit from the product
2. what the product will be made of
3. the special feature/s the product will have
4. the name of the product
5. product characteristics: size, colour, shape, weight, etc.
6. how the product will be manufactured
7. whether it is technically feasible to manufacture the product.

Key information:
● You have a team budget of $5000 for innovation team activities, including an hourly rate of
$50 per team member. Planned activities may be scheduled for future dates beyond the
timeframe of assessment.

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Scenario 4: OzCorp Securities
OzCorp Securities is one of Australia’s leading stockbroking and financial services firms. The firm has
offered Australian investors stockbroking services for over 20 years. Clients are able to access a
complete range of financial services including superannuation, estate planning, insurance advice and
taxation. OzCorp’s Financial Planning Service helps people organise their financial affairs and achieve
wealth goals.
The firm has over 500 employees in ten offices throughout Australia. Ozcorp is dedicated to building
and cultivating long-term relationships with both its clients and its employees. Ozcorp sees its diverse
team of experts and its wealth of knowledge and experience as its greatest assets.
OzCorp’s teams work in a collaborative, open-plan environment that promotes discussion between
teams and the sharing of ideas and information. Ozcorp is proud of their mentoring program in which
senior financial officers work closely with new recruits to ensure that employees grow and succeed
together with the firm.
Despite its dedication to nurturing employee development, Ozcorp Securities has experienced above
industry average employee turnover over the past two years. Last year the turnover rate was 20%
higher than the industry average.
Ozcorp has appointed a formal internal committee to address the problem and develop effective
employee retention strategies.
OzCorp has assigned the employee development and retention committee the following objectives:
1. to develop an innovative approach to the attraction, retention and development of key talent
2. to reduce OzCorp’s staff turnover rate to 10% above the industry average within the next six
3. to reduce OzCorp’s staff turnover rate to 10% below the industry average within the next two

Innovation challenge
Propose an innovative solution to OzCorp’s problem of high staff turnover. You are required to
develop a strategy for attracting, retaining and developing key employees. Your strategy should
include a series of specific actions.

Key information:
● You have a team budget of $5000 for innovation team activities, including an hourly rate of
$50 per team member. Planned activities may be scheduled for future dates beyond the
timeframe of assessment.
● There are no limits to the cost of proposed innovations so long as benefits can be shown to
outweigh the investment.

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Appendix 2: Potential team members

Li ● I am a visionary – imaginative, creative, curious, visual, holistic,

strategic, conceptual and intuitive.
● I believe I am the life of the party.

● I supply the task orientations and the break with the past and
accepted theory.
● I believe life is boring without risk.

● I like a bit of solitude – it’s good for the soul.

● I am well-travelled and have lived in more than one country as

an adult.
● I hate computers.

● I have extensive marketing experience.

David ● I am an innovator – I am ingenious, original, independent, and

● I challenge the assumptions associated with problems.

● I believe calculated risks are worth taking.

● I have an average amount of experience with MS Office.

● I enjoy playing video games.

● I have travelled extensively.

● I have team leadership experience.

● I have some carpentry experience.

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Rafaela ● I am friendly, supportive, empathetic, people-oriented and
● I make friends easily.

● I have advanced hairdressing skills: cuts, colours, straightening,

perming and styling.
● I have many friends from different backgrounds.

● I am a chartered accountant.

● I used to be team leader in a call centre.

● I have manufacturing experience.

● My hobby is home renovations.

Adnan ● I am a logician – logical, factual, analytical, rational, quantitative

and a problem-solver.
● I am a solitary type of guy.

● I am an IT specialist and consider myself to be a computer nerd.

● I have excellent computer-aided design (CAD) modelling skills.

● I am a lean manufacturing expert.

● I am a trained barista.

● My hobby is wine tasting.

Susan ● I am conservative, traditional, controlled, organised, on time and

value procedure.
● I prefer the company of my existing friends.

● I prefer to stay within my own cultural bounds.

● I am very good at all functions of MS Office.

● I have extensive interior design experience.

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John ● I am efficient, precise and organised. I am concerned with
resolving problems rather than finding them.
● I seek solutions to problems in tried and tested ways.

● When collaborating with innovators, I supply stability, order and

continuity to the partnership.
● I’ll take a risk as long as I can live with the consequences if things
don’t work out.
● I have extensive experience in the financial sector.

● In the past I have worked as a senior banking clerk.

● I have a license to trade securities.

Appendix 3: Feedback form for team member

Please complete the following feedback on your team member’s performance.

Team member’s name: ...........................................................................................................

Your name: .............................................................................................................................

Your role: q Team member q Team activity observer

Rate this team member using a 5-point scale

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor Agree Strongly agree

......... Discussed bringing people into the team based on what needed to be achieved and the
potential for sharing ideas.
......... Worked well with team members to establish ground rules.
......... Followed team ground rules.
......... Discussed team roles and responsibilities constructively.
......... Participated proactively in team discussions.
......... Listened to others and showed respect for different viewpoints.
......... Demonstrated effective communication skills.

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......... Shared information, knowledge and experiences with other team members.
......... Challenged and tested ideas within the team in a positive and collaborative way.
......... Encouraged innovation among teammates.
......... Encouraged innovation by discussing training and learning opportunities.
......... Encouraged the fair sharing of workload.
......... Demonstrated supportive and respectful communication.
......... Helped plan and scheduled activities to allow time for thinking, challenging and collaboration.
......... Acknowledged and respected diversity within the team.
......... Helped establish reward and recognition system as an integral part of the team's way of
......... Encouraged the team to reflect on the activity and discuss opportunities for improvement and

Identify any areas that the team member could improve to add more value to the teamwork

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Identify opportunities for team members to improve their skills in innovation.

What are the major strengths of this team member?

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Provide any other comments that you may have regarding the performance of the team

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