Circulatory System Questions

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Language for translation: Circulatory system 1

Rut Morante
1. Answer the following questions:

What is blood plasma?

Who is in charge of removing the waste that
1. The blood clot
cells produce from the cells?

2. Red blood cells

1. The large intestine

3. The proteins in the blood

2. The duodenum

4. The liquid part of the blood

3. The rectum and anus

4. The blood

How do nutrients from food get into all your

Which cellular "elements" carry oxygen from
1. They don't get there: they are expelled your lungs to all your cells?

through the anus.

1. Platelets

2. Through the blood

2. Red blood cells

3. Through haemoglobin
3. Leukocytes

4. Thanks to the kidneys

4. Plasma

What are red blood cells or erythrocytes?

Where are red blood cells formed?

1. White blood cells

1. In haemoglobin

2. Platelets
2. In anaemia

3. Haemoglobin molecules
3. In the heart

4. Red blood cells

4. In bone marrow

To which molecules does oxygen bind in red What are platelets used for
blood cells?
1. To remove carbon dioxid
1. haemoglobin molecules
2. To make antibodie
2. To leukocytes
3. They are involved in blood clotting
3. To none
4. To carry oxyge
4. To antibodies

How does oxygen reach every cell in your


1. It is carried by white blood cells

2. It comes through the veins

3. By binding to platelets

4. It is carried by the blood


Language for translation: Circulatory system 2

Rut Morante

4. Complete the table:

5. Mark which ones of these are functions of the circulatory system:

6. Find the word:

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