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Name: Mark Kenneth Ceballos Code: CA14

Course & Yr: BCAED 2 Date: 3/4/2021


Task 5. Determine whether each statement is true or false. Write the answer on the blank before
the number. Beside your answer, write the paragraph number to Support your answer.

True Paragraph 2 1. Tungkung Langit and Alunsina lived in a heavenly paradise.

False Paragraph 4 2. There was no reason for Alunsina to be jealous.

False Paragraph 6 3. Only Alunsina should be blamed for the loneliness of Tungkung Langit.

True Paragraph 10 4. The world was created due to the hopelessness of Tungkung Langit.

True Paragraph 6, 7 & 8 5. Tungkung Langit’s bad temper cost him a significant lot.

False Paragraph 10 6. Panay’s idea of creation originated from a happy setting.

True Paragraph 2 7. How the World was created is a myth.

True Paragraph 1 8. The story is not associated with some real experiences in Panay.

False Paragraph 1 9. The elders in Panay no longer speak of their story of creation.

True Paragraph 3 & 4 10. The story speaks more of trust between a couples than of compromise.


Direction: Complete the diagram below by comparing and contrasting the given characters in the


Differences Similarities Differences

Tungkung Langit was an They have many differences if we On the other hand, Alunsina
industrious, loving, and kind god base their habits and traits but in the was a lazy, jealous, and selfish
whose chief concern was how to story. But if we base their goddess whose only work was to sit
impose order over the whole consequences on the story they by the window of their heavenly
confused set-up of things. He were both loved and hurt badly they home, and amuse herself with her
assumed responsibility for the both had mistakes on what they pointless thoughts. Sometimes, she
regular cosmic movement. have come through. would go down from the house, sit
down by a pool near their doorstep
and comb her long, jet-black hair all
day long.
Task 7- Critical Thinking- Evaluating Arguments Discuss the following arguments with your classmate.

1. Who is to be blamed Alunsina or Tungkung Langit?

Based on my judgment no one should blame them because they both made
mistakes and had shortcomings. alunsina lacked trust in her husband where she did
something nor did her husband Tungkung langit get angry and it was Tungkung langit who
exercised his temper and did something that he eventually deeply regretted.

2. Do you agree with this statement “Love cannot live, if there is no trust”?

In a relationship trust is important because it will strengthen the relationship.

Because, if you don’t have trust it means you won’t feel secure that your partner will love
you and be loyal to you. After all, trust means you can rely on your partner, can confide in
them and feel safe with them.

Task 8-Personalizing

1. Name some areas of your relationship (personal, social and family) that you want to
improve. Relate your answer based from the moral lesson of the story.

Mistrust became a major problem of the staff in the story. One moral I found in the
story was to establish trust with my family members because I believe it would strengthen
any kind of relationship. Trust involves circumstances and feelings, confidence in ourselves
and our own judgment, trust in others and the ability to forgive when agreements are
broken. That is why laughter is so important in all aspects so that we can create a happy and
peaceful environment.

2. Create a word web to name some areas of your relationship that you want to improve.


Belief Certainty




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