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Title: Static characteristic of a measuring instrument

Components Used:
Component Specification
Trainer Kit(Circuitlogix Application) Simulator
Digital Multimeter
Regulated power supply Plus minus 12V
6 nos. resistors with two different values

Working Formula:
Accuracy=Max.Error/True Value × 100%

Precision=Max. deviation among the measurements/mean of measurements×100%

Circuit Diagram:
Table 1 : (Tabulation of voltmeter reading)

Serial no V1(volt) R1(kΩ) Rf(kΩ) V0(volt)

1. 0.5 0.975 9.975 -5.115
10.025 -5.141

10.03 -5.143

2. 0.5 1.025 9.975 -4.865

10.025 -4.887
10.03 -4.892
3. 0.5 1.03 9.975 -4.840
10.025 -4.864

10.03 -4.868

Table 2: (Accuracy Calculation)

Theoretical Value(volts) Maximum Error in o/p(v) %Accuracy

-5.000 0.115 2.3

-5.000 0.141 2.82
-5.000 0.143 2.86
-5.000 0.865 17.3
-5.000 0.887 17.74
-5.000 0.892 17.84
-5.000 0.840 16.80
-5.000 0.864 17.28
-5.000 0.868 17.36
Table 3: (Precision Calculation)

Outputs(V) Mean(V) Maximum %Precision

-5.115 -5.133 0.133 2.59
-4.865 -4.881 0.119 2.43
-4.840 -4.857 0.143 2.94


1. Here we study the static characteristic of a voltmeter and study the following static
Accuracy,Precision,Threshold and Resolution.
2. Here we set the input voltage at 0.5v so that the output is -5v.
3. We have to take the value of R1 and Rf such that the ratio of R1 and Rf is 10, so the gain of
the amplifier will be 10.

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