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Linear Algebra
Prove the following.

1. Let S be a linearly independent subset of a vector space V and Then S { } is linearly

independent iff [ ].

(⇒) Suppose [ ].Then

For some scalars .

Case 1:
S { } { }

Case 2:
If { }
For some. Thus, { }
⇒ [ ]

Assume that [ ] Consider .

((Note: , O.W. [ ]
If , then
[ ]

{ }

2. Let S= { }
[ ]

(⇒)Let S= { }
{ } is LD. Then
If for
some where Thus, { } is LD, a contradiction. Thus, ,
and so
[ ] [ ]
Let [ ] for some .
Then for some scalars a;
Now, { } is LD.

3. Let S={ } be a subset of a vector space and S { }. Then S has a linearly

independent subset R s.t. [ ] [ ]

Let S. Otherwise, we consider S\f !. If S is L.I, then take R = S and we are done.
If S is LD, then [ ] [ ]
[ { }] [ ].

If { } { }.
If { }
[ { }] [ { }] [ ].

The theorem follows by repeating the argument a finite number of times.

4. Define maximal linearly independent and give example

Let R and S be subsets of a vector space and R S V. Then R is a maxima
linearly independent subset of S iff the ff. are true:
a) R is linearly independent; and
b) R { }

{ } is MLI subset of IR2.
a) By (1a), R is LI.
b) Show: { } IS ld, V ,
Let . Then

-3b = x – y

⇒ = .

And we see that and .

Thus, [ ]. And so { } is LD.

5. A finite set of nonzero vectors in a vector space has a maximal linearly independent subset.

By Theorem 1.8, s.t. R is LI.
If R is maximal, we are done;
Otherwise, we adjoin another element of S until we get the desired maximal independent

6. Define basis, finite dimensional and infinite dimensional and give example.

Let V be a nontrivial vector space.

1) A maximal linearly independent subset of V is a basis of V
2) If V has a finite basis, then V is finite dimensional. Otherwise, it’s infinite dimensional.

In the preceding example,
{ } { }
Is a basis of R2. Thus , R2 is finite dimensional

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