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NIT : 07 19 007 1 23

A. Answer the following questions based on the information from the chart above!
1. What would happen if the valve from the fuel supply tank was not open?
Answer : The engine refuses to start
2. What would you do if the oil viscosity was too high?
Answer : I would Put on heating steam, circulate fuel lines.
3. Where would you look to see of the starting air pressure was too low?
Answer : I would look to see on Starting air pressure gauge
4. When is it sometimes necessary to adjust the fuel pump?
Answer : When Injection timing wrong
5. What would you do if one of the filters was chocked?
Answer : I would turn on No. 2 filter, clean No. 1 filter
6. What may happen if the fuel pump is incorrectly set?
Answer : The Engine starts on air but refuses to pick up firing
7. What would you do if the level of oil in the service tank was too low?
Answer : I would refill service tank and prime fuel pumps
8. Where would you look if the engine was running too fast?
Answer : I would look on Governor ,governor links and Fuel pump
9. What would happen if there was water in the fuel?
Answer : Engine works irregularly
10. Where would you look to see if the engine was overloaded?
Answer : If it happened I would look to see on Gauges

B. Exercises! Complete these sentences with a preposition from above!

1. Meat is carried away from refrigerated holds
2. The photograph hung on the cabin wall
3. The ship sank a mile out of shore
4. The cargo was stowed away from the boilers.
5. The tanker took on supplies in Cape town
6. The sailor sat away from the heat of the sun.
7. Ammunition is kept away from magazines.
8. The ship’s company formed up out of the quarter deck.

C. Exercises! Complete this description with a preposition from no.1 to 7 as

The cargo for Liverpool and Glasgow is stowed above no. 2 hold. The cargo
for Liverpool is stowed beside the cargo for Glasgow, because it is to be unloaded
first. Six drums of nitric acid to be unloaded below Liverpool are stowed on top of
deck. Mail bags are stowed between the hatch square of the “tween deck”. the hatch
square the lower hold cased goods are stowed over drums of caustic soda. Directly
over the cased goods is earthenware.

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