Assigment IE Unit 10

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Name : Dwi Liliani Enggar Puspitasari

NIM : 1811020006

Class : Nursing 4A

Class Ie : U12

Assignment Unit 10

Reading Activity 1

1. What is life logging?

Answer : Life is logging is digital a note or memory that can be seen, remembered and
remembered for a lifetime, not just as a blurred memory. like for example a friend's
birthday, the title of the book I want to read, articles, photos and videos, etc. Therefore
microsft creates a digital memory. memory created by microsoft to be able to record all
the memories of life activities ranging from memories of photos, videos, health records,
schedules and others so that it is not easily lost, not only in my memory but can still be
seen, and stored in a digital memory . Inside the digital memory has storage of up to 250
2. The author's worries about making a life log
Answer : I am afraid of forgetting all of my life's memories and I am worried that I do
not have a true life record so I am not worth watching and seeing at all

Reading Activity 2

a. What does Marco says about

1. His own memory : Marco missed many things in life such as forgetting his friend's
birthday, the title of the book he wanted to read, the names of his business contacts,
taking photographs when he was young but he thought it was too late, and making
videos when he was young with the family he wanted make a digital memory that can
store memories
2. Photos and videos him childhood : I wish I had taken more photos of things when I
was younger, because at least I would have those. I often think it’s too late… I
should’ve made video recordings of my school days and of holidays with my family
when I was young.
3. Apparently, a researcher at Microsoft has been experimenting with digital recording.
He has spent several years recording every aspect of his life: all his communications
with other people, as well as things like the images he sees, the sounds he hears and
the websites he visits. The digital memory can do more than just store information
you put in it, thought.
4. The benefits of digital memory for doctors is that doctors can be able to record
information that cannot even be seen and heard by humans such as how much oxygen
is in your blood, or the levels of carbon dioxide in the air around you. It can also log
the three billion or so heartbeats in someone’s lifetime, along with lots of other
information about your body. It’s interesting and they say it can give doctors an
ongoing health record of a person and provide early warnings of many kinds of
illnesses, including thing like possible heart attacks.
5. How much you can record : Digital memory made by Microsoft haed drive a $600
hard drive can hold one terabyte – that’s one trillion bytes of data. That is enough to
store everything you read (including emails, webpages, papers and books), all the
music you buy, eight hours of speech and ten pictures a day for the next 60 years.
They say that in 20 years, $600 will buy 250 terabytes of storage – enough to hold
tens of thousands of hours of video and tens of millions of photographs. That kind of
capacity is enough for anyone’s recording needs for more than 100 years
6. His blog : As for me, I’ve been writing a blog for a while and uploading photos onto
it. But right now, it doesn’t feel like enough. I wish I could start recording
everything . . . if only I had a proper digital record! If I had one now, I’d record
myself doing this! I’m going to record everything about my life – I really am. I’m
slightly concerned, however, that I might not be worth watching or remembering at
all! I think I’ll have to change my life a bit. In fact, I’m determined to make my life
interesting from now on – though I’m not sure how I’ll do that when I’m spending all
my time recording it.
b. What do you think about ‘life logging’ in terms of:
1. Health benefits : That is, in order to record health such as heart rate, how much
oxygen is in the blood, carbon dioxide levels in your air and to record heart rate this
makes it easier for doctors, nurses and health workers. this is good for helping the
work of health workers.
2. Recording the family's history is very good because it can be a memory that is stored
in a digital memory that cannot be erased and stored for a lifetime
3. My life I think is good because every memory and all activities can be my life can be
a life recorder by means of digital memory that is never erased and stored in life, the
storage can reach one terabyte

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