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MAY 2017










MAY 2017

This Thesis entitled “Analysis of the capacity and performance of AMU waste water
stabilization pond” has been approved by the following Advisors, Examiners and Department
Head, for the award of BSc. degree in Water Supply & Environmental Engineering at Arba
Minch University, ArbaMinch, Ethiopia.

Board of examiners

1 Dr. Ing. Kinfe Kassa ________ ____________

Advisor Signature Date

2 Mrs. Gizeshwork Tadesse (MSc) ________ ____________

Advisor Signature Date

1 Mr. Yegelilaw Eyesus(MSc) ________ ____________

Examiner Signature Date

2 Mrs. Lemlem Mekasha(BSc) ________ ____________

Examiner Signature Date

3 Mr. Mosisa T. (MSc) ________ _____________

Head of the Department Signature Date


Primarily, we would like to thank Almighty GOD, for through him we had our wellbeing and
passed every challenge in our study time.
Our sincere and special thank go to our advisors Dr. Ing. Kinfe Kassa and Mrs Gizeshwork
Tadesse; not only for their valuable advice, but also for the material support and
We are indebted to our laboratory technicians especially Mr. Dagimawi Matiyoswho helped
us in the laboratory to facilitate our work. Lastly, we would like to thank our department,
who initiate to do this project.


The project is our original work, has not been presented for a degree in any other university
and that all sources of material used for the project have been duly acknowledged.



Treating waste water using natural treatment method is economical and high efficient. This
project focuses on Arbaminch university main campus waste stabilization pond. The existing
stabilization ponds of Arbaminch University contain anaerobic, facultative, maturation
ponds. But currently only the anaerobic pond is functioning and both facultative and
maturation ponds are empty because waste water does not flow into the ponds due to
different factor. The total quantity of waste that is produced from the community does not
reach to the stabilization ponds because of different cracks and breaks on the sewer lines.
There are many manholes that are empty and pipe that are blocked as a result the waste water
flows on the ground and infiltrates into the ground water.

The total quantity of waste that is generated from the community at the peak flow is 7.23 l/s
yet only 1.65 l/s reaches to the stabilization pond. This means that 75% of the waste water
over flows in the sewer system before it reaches to the stabilization pond. The anaerobic
pond currently is enough to accommodate the waste water that is generated from the

Regarding the efficiency has the anaerobic pond has good efficiency in removing the organic
matter. The BOD removal efficiency is 65% and that of the COD is 50%; 61% of the fecal
coliform is removed in anaerobic pond and 55% of the total suspended slid will be removed
in an aerobic pond


APPROVAL CERTIFICATE.....................................................................................................i




TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................v

LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................viii

LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................................ix


1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1

1.1. General........................................................................................................................1

1.2. Background.................................................................................................................1

1.3. Location and topography of the area...........................................................................1

1.3.1. Location...............................................................................................................1

1.3.2. Topography..........................................................................................................1

1.4. Existing sanitation system...........................................................................................2

1.4.1. Waste water flow to waste stabilization pond.....................................................2

1.4.2. Existing waste water stabilization pond..............................................................4

1.5. Statement of problem..................................................................................................5

1.6. Objectives....................................................................................................................5

1.6.1. General Objective................................................................................................5

1.6.2. Specific Objective................................................................................................6

1.7. Significance of study...................................................................................................6

1.8. Limitation of the study................................................................................................6

2. QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF WASTE PRODUCED...............................................7

2.1. Quantity of waste water..............................................................................................7

2.2. Waste water production from different sources and their quantity estimation...........8

2.3. Quality of waste water..............................................................................................11

2.3.1. Effluent Quality Requirements..........................................................................11

2.4. Design Parameters.....................................................................................................12

2.5. Design of Anaerobic stabilization pond by using estimated waste flow..................14

3. LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................16

3.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................16

3.1.1. Types of Pond....................................................................................................16

3.2. Waste Stabilization Ponds Systems..........................................................................18

3.3. Waste Stabilization Ponds Types and Functions......................................................18

3.4. Components of Waste Stabilization Pond.................................................................19

3.5. Additional Technologies Used to Improve WSP......................................................20

3.6. Siting of Ponds and Geotechnical Aspects...............................................................21

3.7. Operation and maintenance and possible reuse........................................................21

4. MATERIALS AND METHODS....................................................................................25

4.1. Description of the study area....................................................................................25

4.2. Waste water sampling...............................................................................................25

4.3. Method of analysis....................................................................................................26

5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS....................................................................................29

5.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................29

5.2. Removal efficiency anaerobic pond..........................................................................29

5.2.1. Temperature, Dissolve oxygen and PH.............................................................30

5.2.2. Total Suspended solid (TSS) removal...............................................................31

5.2.3. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).................................................................31

5.2.4. Chemical oxygen demand (COD).....................................................................31

5.2.5. Fecal coliform (FC) removal.............................................................................32

5.3. Capacity of existing waste water stabilization pond.................................................32

5.4. Operation and maintenance.......................................................................................33

6. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA)..................................................35

6.1. Positive Impacts........................................................................................................35

6.2. Negative Impact of the Project..................................................................................36

6.3. Mitigation Measures.................................................................................................36

7. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................37

7.1. CONCLUSIONS.......................................................................................................37

7.2. RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................................................38



Table 1-1 category of blocks that the waste water flows to old and new stabilization pond....5
Table 2-1 Number of students in the dormitory........................................................................8
Table 2-2 quantity of waste water from student cafeteria.........................................................9
Table 2-3 Number of staffs that lives in the campus.................................................................9
Table 2-4 Quantity of waste water from restaurant.................................................................10
Table 2-5 Specific limit of waste water effluent.....................................................................12
Table 5-1 average Lab test result.............................................................................................29
Table 5-2 Summary of existing, new designed anaerobic pond results and sewer line..........33
Table 6-1 the possible adverse impact of the AMU WSP.......................................................36


Figure 1-1 Waste water overflows because of broken manholes..............................................3
Figure 1-2 : Open manholes and blocked pipes in the manholes..............................................3
Figure 1-3 : Sewer line layout of stabilization ponds................................................................4
Figure 3-1 Typical scheme of a waste stabilization system....................................................17
Figure 4-1: Location of AMU WSP........................................................................................25


BODBiological Oxygen Demand

CH4 Methane

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

COD Chemical Oxygen Demand

DO Dissolved Oxygen

FC Faecal Coli forms

TDSTotal dissolved solid


TSS Total Suspended Solids

TC Total Coli forms

WHO World Health Organization

WSPs Waste Stabilization Ponds

AMUArba Minch University

SNNPRSSouth Nations nationalities and peoples regions

N.B.ONational Building Organization

WSEE Final Year Project 2017 G.C


1.1. General
Expansion of urban populations and increased coverage of domestic water supply and
sewerage give rise to greater quantities of municipal wastewater. With the current emphasis
on environmental health and water pollution issues, there is an increasing awareness of the
need of applying best and cost effective treatment methods of this wastewater to safely
dispose or reuse it again for different purpose. From different waste water treatment
techniques,Waste stabilization pond (WSP) is natural treatment method where it requires in
favorabletemperature and frequent operation and maintenance.It is usually the most
appropriate method of domestic and municipal wastewater treatment in developing countries,
where the climate is most favorable for their operation.

1.2. Background
Arba Minch University is one of the biggest universities found in the southern nations,
nationalities and peoples region (SNNPR). The university was established before 31 years
ago. Currently, the university conducts both undergraduate and post graduate programs. The
university has six campuses namely , main campus , Kulfo campus, , Chamo campus, ,
abaya campus , Nechsar campus and sawula campus).

At present (2009 academic year), the university enrolls around 10000 students both
undergraduate and post graduate programs, and It is expected that with the ongoing
expansion a number of faculties and programs will be opened and the enrollment capacity
will increase.

1.3. Location and topography of the area

1.3.1. Location
Arba Minch University is located in Gamo Gofa zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities
and peoples region at about 495 km south of Addis Ababa and 275 km south of Hawassa. Its
geographic position is 6° 2˝ N and 37° 33˝ E.
1.3.2. Topography
Arba Minch University lies at an altitude between 1200 and 1275 meters above mean sea
level. According to the national metrological agency of southern zone (NMASZ, 2006) ,the

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town receives mean annual rainfall of 887.5mm at least for the 15 years period from 1990 to
2005.The town is characterized by bi-modal distribution, with two rainy and two dry seasons
occurring intermittently. The first rainy seasons fall mainly in April and May, and the
second, mainly in October. According to the Ethiopian meteorology agency, the minimum
temperature is 20.8oc and maximum temperature is 320c. Hence from the combined effect of
altitude, temperature and rainfall, one can conclude that the town is classified as dry upper
kola eco-climate zone.

1.4. Existing sanitation system

The waste water generated from communities of Arbaminch University is collectedby water
carriage sanitation system and conveyed to treatment point by gravity system. The waste
water treatment method used is waste water stabilization pond which is natural and low
cost.In Arba Minch University main campus, most of the waste water is produced from staff
residents, student dormitories, cafeterias and laboratories. The following are the main sources
of waste water in the main campus of Arba Minch University

I. Water supplied to the students dormitory (for drinking, showering, washing clothes,
washing latrines etc.)
II. Water supplied to the staff residence, (for drink cooking, showering, washing clothes,
washing latrine etc.)
III. Water supplied for student cafeterias and restaurant.
1.4.1. Waste water flow to waste stabilization pond
The waste water from different sources are conveyed in a sewer pipes having different
diameter andtreated naturally in waste stabilization pond. However, all waste water does not
reach to stabilization pond because there is lost in the sewer line due to breakage and
blockage of the pipes.During field visit and site observation it was seen that there are
overflows of waste water on the ground from manholes and broken pipes. These overflows
create bad smell and nuisance which are great health risk to the community.

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Figure 1-1 Waste water overflows because of broken manholes

As it can be shown from the figure 2 the manholes are open where solid waste enters in the
manholes block up the pipes. Also the pipes in the manhole are not connected properly
whichleads to waste water overflow. There is no defined body in the university which is
responsible for the operation and maintenance of the sewer system, despite the fact that
sewerage system requires frequent monitoring and maintenance. The low flow that reaches to
the Waste water stabilization pond affects the efficiency of the system since waste water
only does not flows to reaches to anaerobic pond and does not flow to facultative and
maturation pond

Figure 1-2 : Open manholes and blocked pipes in the manholes

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1.4.2. Existingwaste water stabilization pond

There are two existing waste stabilization ponds in AMU

a)Old waste stabilization pond –this waste stabilization pond is constructed for the waste
water collection and treatment before the expansion of the university (when it was AWTI)
and still wastes from different (old) buildings are flowing to this pond.

(b) New waste stabilization pond -due to the expansion of the AWTI the number of
students, teachers, management and different workers has increased. Thus the quantity of
swage generated is extremely increased .because of the above reasons the new WSP is to be
constructed .new buildings (dormitories, class rooms, cafe and different laboratory rooms)
are connected to the new WSP.

Figure 1-3 : Sewer line layout of stabilization ponds

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Table 1-1 category of blocks that the waste water flows to old and new stabilization pond

New stabilization pond Old stabilization pond

Blocks L,K,I,J,H Old Management building
Blocks 311-334 Cisco lab
Blocks L, K, I, J, H Block 403(teachers’ lounge)
NB-1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Block C, D, E, F, N(LT), P,
Block 301(mother building) - 308 Block 601, 602, 603, 604, 105(Clinic), 103,
203, 204, 109, Garage
Old café and teachers residence Block PG(post graduate)

1.5. Statement of problem

Arba Minch university main campus uses, waste water stabilization pond to treat the
discharged waste water from the campus community. However, the stabilization pond is not
functioning well that only anaerobic pond gets waste water whereas facultative pond and
maturation ponds are empty. Furthermore the amount of waste water that reaches to the
stabilization pond for treatment is very low due to problems on the sewer lines. During site
visiting and in day to day activity inside and outside the campus, it is noticed that there are
many empty manholes, sewer pipes that are broken and cracked , sewer pipes that are
damaged or closed dry wastes, As a result , Waste water is seen floating above the ground
creating a bad smell in the area.

1.6. Objectives
1.6.1. General Objective
The general objective of this project is to determine the capacity and functionality of existing
waste water stabilization pond of Arbaminch University main campus and identify problems
related to sewer lines and manholes that deliver waste water discharge from the community
to the stabilization pond.
1.6.2. Specific Objective
 To assess the quantity of existing waste water production.
 To investigate and identify the waste water loss in the sewer system
 To determine the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of wastewater
influent and effluent

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1.7. Significance of study

The finding of this study is important to identify problems related to waste water
management system of Arba Minch university main campus and take remedial action for the
problem. The result of the study can be used by the officials to give decision on the
improvement of the existing waste water management Generally it is significance to reduce
the waste water problems and to protect health of the community by proper managing of
waste water.

1.8. Limitation of the study

The limitations that faced during the conduct of this study are:

 Lack of organized secondary data due to the absence of documentation and organized
database system in the study area,
 Absence of officials and some experts from office during data collection and not
interested for giving data
 We faced difficulty to measure of waste water flow in practically
 There is a problem of short circuiting of the electric light during laboratory test


2.1. Quantity of waste water


Waste water is any liquid wastes that are produced from different sources such as domestic
places commercial areas, agricultural, industrial and other source Domestic sewage is waste
water that is produced from residences waste.

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The factors affecting quantity of waste water

i.Rate of water supply

When the domestic, industrial and other waste water contribution areas need more rate of
water supply for production purpose, the waste water production is also more because the
waste production is 75-80% of water supply
The quantities of waste water are directly depending on the population. As the population
increases, the quantity of waste water increases because the quantity of water to be supplied
is equal to the rate of supply multiplied by the population. Since the amount water supply
more, the quantity of waste water is more because waste water quantity is equal to water
supply times 70%-80%.
iii.Types of area served
The quanti1ty of sanitary sewage also depends on the type of area as residential, industrial or
commercial. The quantity of sewage produced in residential area directly depends on the
quantity of water supply to that area.
iv.Ground water infiltration
When the sewers are laid below the water table in the ground water may percolate in the
sewers through the faulty joints and cracks in the pipe line. The faulty joints or cracks may
occur due to bad material; bad workmanship .The quantity of the infiltration water in to the
sewer will depend on the height of the water table above the sewer invert permeability of the
soil, size and nature of the faulty or cracks in the sewer line. It is very difficult to exactly
determine the quantity of water entering in sewer due to infiltration.

2.2. Waste water production from different sources and their quantity estimation
A Waste from student dormitory

Table 2-2Number of students in the dormitory

Block Number No of Dorm Student No of Total no of

Name of floor No/floor No/dor student/block student
blocks m
NB 8 4 17(ground) 6 17*1*6=102 (102+324)*8 =
18(other 6 18*3*6=324

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Lante 1 4 6 (12 student) 12 6*4*12=288 (288+48)*1 =
2 (6 student) 6 4*2*6=48 336
Gc-square 6 1 12 6 6*12*1=72 72*6=432
Mother 1 4 12 (12 12 12*4*12=576 (576+48)*1 =
student) 654

2 (6 student) 6 2*4*6=48
Men’s 6 4 17(ground) 6 17*6*1=102 (102+324)*6 =
block 18(other 6 18*6*3=324 2556
Females 6 4 13(ground) 6 13*6*1=78 (78+252)*6 =
block 1980
14(other 6 14*6*3=252
Grand total 9366
Assume rate of water supply =25 ℓ/c/day

Quantity of water supply = 25*9366 =234150 ℓ/day =234.15m3/d

Assuming 80% of water supply as a return flow as a waste water

Quantity of waste from student dormitory is =234.15*0.8= 187.32 m3/d

B Waste from student cafeteria and restaurants

Waste from student cafeteria
Table 2-3 quantity of waste water from student cafeteria

Café students

Number of students 9366-2041 =7325

Rate of water supply 5 ℓ/c/day

Quantity of water supply 7325*0.005 =36.625 m3/day

Water consumption 80% of water supply

Quantity Waste water 36.625*0.8=29.3m3/d

Waste water quantity of café =29.3m3/d

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C Waste from staff resident

Table 2-4Number of staffs that lives in the campus
Name No of houses No of people/house Total
3 Bed room 6 6 36
2 Bed room 37 4 148
Studio 91 3 273
Service 44 2 88
Grand total 545

Number of staff in the campus=545

Assume rate of water supply =50 ℓ/c/day

Quantity of water supply = 50*521 =26050 ℓ/d=26.05m3/d

Assuming 80% of water supply as a return flow as a waste water

Quantity of waste from staff residence is =26.05*0.8= 20.84 m3/d

D Waste from restaurant
We assumed all non- café students and 15% of café students are used from the restaurants
Table 2-5Quantity of waste water from restaurant

Non-café students 15% of café students

Number of student 2041 1099
Rate of water supply 5 liter 5 liter
Quantity of water supply 2041*0.005=10.25 m3/d 1099*0.005=5.495 m3/d
Water consumption 10.25*80%=8.2 m3/d 5.495*80%=4.396 m3/d
Grand total 12.56 m3/d
Summary of water supply and waste water generation rate
Table2. 5
of total student Student Total
waste dormitories cafeteria Restaurant(m3/d) Average
water (m3/d) (m3/d) (m3/d)
Water 234.15 36.625 26.05 16.715 312.54

WSEE Final Year Project 2017 G.C

water 585.375 91.5625 65.125 39.2875 781.35
468.3 73.25 52.1 31.43 625.08

Maximum water supply is get from by multiplying average water supply by the factor
2.5(take 2-3 for design purpose) (waste water collection module)
Determining the required diameter of out let

Assuming V=0.61m/s (N.B.O. Recommendations for small sewers)

Q=625.08 m3/d

Q =AV,
D 2
A= 4

4∗Q 4∗7.235∗10−3
D= √ √ =¿
∏ ¿V ∏ ¿0.61
¿ ¿=0.122m=122mm¿

But pipe size take, D = 120mm standard which is available in market.

2.3. Quality of waste water

Waste water from different establishments should be treated before being discharged to
receiving bodies so that:-
 The effluent should not contain excess amount of salt content which affects the
fertility of soil
 The physical, chemical and biological parameters should fulfill the waste water
quality standards

 Effluent should be free from concentrations or combinations which are toxic or

harmful to human, animal, aquatic life.

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 Free from floating debris, oil, scum and other materials in amounts sufficient to be
noticeable in receiving waters;
 Free from materials and heat that alone, or in combination with other materials will
produce color, turbidity, taste or odor in sufficient concentration to create a nuisance
or adversely affect aquatic life in receiving waters;
 Free from nutrients in concentrations that create nuisance growths of aquatic weeds or
algae in the receiving waters.
2.3.1. Effluent Quality Requirements
The general WHO guideline standards for the discharge of treated wastewaters into
inland surface waters are given in the environmental (protection) Rules. The more
important of these for WSP design are as follows:

Table 2-6Specific limit of waste water effluent

Parameter Effluent limit
BOD 30 mg/l
Suspended solids 100 mg/l
COD 100mg/l
TSS 30mg/l
pH 5.5 – 9.0
Fecal coliform 1000MPN/100ml

Design Parameters
The four most important parameters for WSP design are temperature, net evaporation,
flow and BOD. Fecal coliform and helminth egg numbers are also important if the
final effluent is to be used in agriculture or aquaculture.
I. Temperature and Net Evaporation
The usual design temperature is the mean air temperature in the coolest month (or quarter).
Another design temperature commonly used is the air temperature in the coolest period of the
irrigation season. Net evaporation has to be taken into account in the design of facultative and
maturation ponds, but not in that of anaerobic ponds, as these generally have a scum layer

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which effective prevents significant evaporation. The net evaporation rates in the months
used for selection of the design temperatures are used; additionally a hydraulic balance
should be done for the hottest month
II. Flow
The mean daily flow should be measured. It must be estimated very carefully since the size
of the ponds, and hence their cost, is directly proportional to the flow. A suitable design
value is 80 percent of the in-house water consumption, and this can be readily determined
from records of water meter readings. If these do not exist, the actual average 24-hour
wastewater flow from outfall drains can be measured; or alternatively the design flow may be
based on local experience in sewered communities of similar socio-economic status and
water use practice.

III. Biological oxygen demand (BOD )

The BOD may be measured using 24-hour flow-weighted composite samples. If wastewater
does not yet exist, it should be estimated from the following equation:


Where Ci = wastewater BOD concentration,

mg/l B = BOD contribution, g/c/d

q = wastewater flow, l/c/d

Values of B vary between 30 and 70g/c/d, with affluent communities producing more BOD
than poor communities. As suitable design value for Ethiopia is 45g per caput per day
(source; Adopted from Addis Ababa Water Sewerage Authority report 2003)

IV. Fecal Coliforms

Fecal coliform numbers are important if the pond effluent is to be used for unrestricted crop
irrigation or for fishpond fertilization. Grab samples of the wastewater may be used to
measure the fecal coliform concentration if the wastewater exists. The usual range is 10 7-
108fecal coliforms per 100 ml, and a suitable design value is 5*107 per 100 ml

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V. Helminth Eggs
Helminth egg numbers are also important when pond effluents are used for restricted crop
irrigation (irrigation of all crops except salads and vegetables eaten uncooked) or fishpond
fertilization. Composite samples may be used to count the number of human intestinal
nematodes eggs. The usual range is 100 - 1000 eggs per liter.
VI. Loading and Retention Time
Any pond treatment system requires steady effluent flow to encourage the rapid and
continuous growth of bacteria involved in the biological breakdown of effluent it is essential
that the daily loading into the ponds be kept to the design standards of the pond system. A
very large load may flush out important bacteria, eventually leading to system failure.
Variation in loads will alter the retention time. Any attempt to extend the time that effluent
remains within the pond system will increase the amount of disease-causing microorganism
die-off. The concentration of microorganisms within the effluent will be reduced and the
effluent will be of higher quality before discharge into a waterway.

2.5. Design of Anaerobic stabilization pond by using estimated waste flow

Influent flow Q: 625.08m3/day

Influent BOD concentration Ci: = 420mg/l

Influent BOD-load Li:

Li=0.045 kgBOD /capita . day∗9911=446 kgBOD/day

Clay bottom with low hydraulic conductivity

Limited infiltration (10-7m/s = 0.36mm/h = 8.64mm/day)

No lining is necessary

Precipitation and evapotranspiration will influence the system but since no detailed data are
available this aspect will not be considered.

Calculations done at a temperature of 29°c

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Volumetric loading rate at 29°c = 0.35kg BOD /m 3/day…from Table of Volumetric loading
(g/m3/d) Vs temperature

V wastewater= (446kg BOD/day)/ (0.35kg BOD/m3/day) =1275m3

From WHO (1997): sludge generation rate= 40 liter sludge/capita/year

De-sludging period as 2years (given)

V sludge=0.04m3 sludge/capita/year∗9911∗2years=793m3

Total volume =1275+793=2068m3

Resulting hydraulic residence time (HRT):

V 1275 m 3
θ= = =2.04 .1 days( after two years sludge accumulation)
Q 625 m 3 / day

2068 m 3
¿ =3.31 days (no sludge present ∈the pond )
625 m3 / day

Resulting mid-depth surface area A s for standard pond depth of 4m:

A s= =517 m 2

Assume Pond shape: length= 1.5width (B)

A=1.5B*B= 1.5B2


B=18.56m ~19m

L=1.5*19=28.5m ~29m

Area modified= 29*19= 551m2

Volume modified= 551*4= 2204m3

Slope: usually 33% for stability reasons (0.33m vertical rise per 1m of horizontal progress)

Side of square at half depth ¿ √ area=23.5 m

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Side of square at the water surface

¿ side at half depth+ ( 2∗( 0.5∗depth )∗inverse slope )

¿ 23.5+ ( 2∗2∗3 ) =35.5 m→ area=1260 m 2

Side of square including 0.5m freeboard

¿ 35.5+ ( 2∗0.5∗3 )=38.5 m→ area=2209 m 2

Expected BOD removed: 70%

Effluent BOD concentration:

C e =420−( 0.7∗420 ) =126 mg BOD/l

Effluent load:

0.126 kg BOD
∗250 m3
Le = =31.5 kg BOD/day


3.1. Introduction
Waste stabilization ponds (WSPs) are usually the most appropriate method of domestic and
municipal wastewater treatment in developing countries, where the climate is most favorable
for their operation.(Varon,2004). WSPs are low-cost (usually least-cost), low-maintenance,
highly efficient, entirely natural and highly sustainable. The only energy they use is direct
solar energy, so they do not need any electromechanical equipment, saving expenditure on
electricity and more skilled operation. They do require much more land than conventional
electromechanical treatment processes such as activated sludge – but land is an asset which
increases in value with time, whereas money spent on electricity for the operation of
electromechanical systems is gone forever.
3.1.1. Types of Pond
1.Anaerobic Ponds

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Anaerobic ponds are commonly 3-5 m deep and receive wastewater with high organic loads
(i.e., usually greater than 100 g BOD/m3/day (PENA VARON, 2004). In anaerobic ponds,
BOD removal is achieved by sedimentation of solids, and subsequent anaerobic digestion in
the resulting sludge.The process of anaerobic digestion is more intense at temperatures above
150C (Mara, 2003). The anaerobic bacteria are usually sensitive to pH <6.2. Thus, acidic
wastewater must be neutralized prior to its treatment in anaerobic ponds. A properly-
designed anaerobic pond will achieve about a 40% removal of BOD at 10 oC, and more than
60% at 20oC. (Mara, 2003) The HRT for ponds treating municipal sewage is between 1 - 3
days. For industrial applications, HRT may increase to 20 days. In cold climates, anaerobic
ponds mainly act as settling ponds, whereas higher sewage temperatures enhance the
anaerobic degradation process. At higher temperatures BOD is therefore more effectively
removed, especially the BOD dissolved. Typical TSS removal percentages range between 50
and 70%. BOD removal rate is increase with temperature and range between 30 and 75%.
2. Facultative Ponds
Facultative ponds are the second treatment step in a pond system. In facultative ponds the
anaerobic pond effluent is further treated, aimed at further BOD, nutrient and pathogen
removal. Facultative ponds are usually 1.5 - 2.5m deep. The HRT for ponds treating
anaerobic effluent varies between 5 and 30 days (WSP, 2007). Facultative ponds are most
widely used for treatment of municipal wastewater following aerated or anaerobic ponds.
Filtered effluent BOD values range from 20 to 60mg/l, while TSS levels vary from 30 to
150mg/l. Facultative ponds are normally followed by maturation ponds to further polish its
3. Maturation Ponds
Maturation ponds are shallow ponds in which an active algal biomass is maintained
throughout the entire depth of the system so that during daytime large amounts of oxygen
are produced. Maturation ponds are entirely aerobic and 1 - 1.5m deep. Usually the
maturation pond should provide 7-10 days' detention, and a liquid depth of 1 m. BOD
removal in maturation ponds is much slower than in facultative ponds, since the most easily
degradable substances consumed already. In addition, experimental results showed no
correlation between BOD removals in maturation ponds with temperature or retention time
(Mara, 1992). For design purposes, it is recommended to assume 25% BOD removal (based

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on BOD influent-total and BOD effluent-soluble) in maturation ponds (Mara and Pearson,
This literature review gives a range of values that depend on the temperature and BOD
loadings of a particular area and the amount of wastewater generated. There is need to
calculate the specifications of the ponds for ArbaMinch University.

Figure 3-4Typical scheme of a waste stabilization system

3.2. Waste Stabilization Ponds Systems
A World Bank Report (Shuval, 1986) endorsed the concept of stabilization pond as the most
suitable wastewater treatment system for effluent use in agriculture. Stabilization ponds are
the preferred wastewater treatment process in developing countries, where land is often
available at reasonable opportunity cost and skilled labor is in short supply.

Wastewater stabilization pond systems are designed to achieve different forms of treatment
in up to three stages in series, depending on the organic strength of the input waste and the
effluent quality objectives. For ease of maintenance and flexibility of operation, at least two
trains of ponds in parallel are incorporated in any design. Strong wastewaters, with BOD 5
concentration in excess of about 300 mg/l, will frequently be introduced into first-stage
anaerobic ponds, which achieve a high volumetric rate of removal. Weaker wastes or, where
anaerobic ponds are environmentally unacceptable, even stronger wastes (say up to 1000
mg/l BOD5) may be discharged directly into primary facultative ponds. Effluent from first-

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stage anaerobic ponds will overflow into secondary facultative ponds, which comprise the
second-stage of biological treatment. Following primary or secondary facultative ponds, if
further pathogen reduction is necessary, maturation ponds will be introduced to provide
tertiary treatment.

3.3. Waste Stabilization Ponds Types and Functions

Functions of ponds

WSP systems comprise a single string of anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds in
series, or several such series in parallel. In essence, anaerobic and facultative ponds are
designed for removal of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), and maturation ponds for
pathogen removal, although some BOD removal also occurs in maturation ponds and some
pathogen removal in anaerobic and facultative ponds (Mara, 1987). In most cases, only
anaerobic and facultative ponds will be needed for BOD removal when the effluent is to be
used for restricted crop irrigation and fish pond fertilization, as well as when weak sewage is
to be treated prior to its discharge to surface waters. Maturation ponds are only required
when the effluent is to be used for unrestricted irrigation, thereby having to comply with the
WHO guideline of >1000 Faecal coliform bacteria/100 ml.

3.4. Components of Waste Stabilization Pond

Inlet and outlet designs for ponds present problems. Combined sewer systems carrying both
storm run-off and domestic wastes may carry a large amount of grit, so that an inlet at the
bottom of the pond is not practical. Nevertheless, it is desirable to keep the inlet submerged
because this will relieve the floatable solids problem: many solids that would otherwise float
will stay submerged if introduced near the bottom of the pond or at least at mid-depth. For
small ponds less than 0.5 ha in area a single inlet is sufficient. Larger ponds require several
inlets so as to spread the grit and sludge load.

Interpond piping

All influent and effluent piping, including pipes linking series-connected ponds, should be
located so as to minimize short-circuiting. In the case of small, simple pond systems, pipes
through the embankment are satisfactory provided that adequate precautions are taken to

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prevent erosion. Erosion control can be accomplished fairly successfully if the connecting
pipe discharges horizontally near the pond bottom. To permit efficient maintenance and
flexibility in operation, this inter-connecting piping should be valved.

Outlets (effluent)

"Outlet design" as used in this section encompasses the hydraulics of the effluent system and
the design of the outfall. Stream flow should never be permitted to enter the ponds. The
design of the outfall system is especially important because attention must be given to level
control in the pond and quality control of the effluent. Usually, the outlet either is submerged
in a stream or provides a free fall whereby the water is propelled away from the pipe before it
comes into contact with the ground; the discharge velocity may be controlled for some

Sediment basin

Sediment basin is the one component of stabilization pond which storing or the
sedimentation of wastes is takes place. Both anaerobic and biological decomposition is
occurred in sediment basin. Generally the treatment process has been worked in this

Transfer devices

Manholes or transfer wells may be required in a complex of ponds that must offer a
maximum degree of operational flexibility. If return flow has to be pumped, wet wells may
be necessary

3.5. Additional Technologies Used to Improve WSP

Floating macrophyte ponds

These ponds contain plants that float on the water with their leaves close to the surface and
their roots hanging down into the pond water column to absorb nutrients.

Some plant types commonly used are Eichhornia sp. (water hyacinth), Lemna sp.
(duckweed), Pistia sp. (water lettuce or water cabbage) and Cyperus sp. (papyrus).

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The plants shade out the algae, so reducing effluent BOD5 and suspended solids; however,
this has the disadvantage that disinfection is reduced, with the result that effluent E. coli
numbers are higher. This suggests that floating macrophyte ponds should only be used as a
final treatment stage (for nutrient and algal removal) after conventional maturation ponds
have reduced E. coli numbers to the required level. However, if the final effluent is used for
crop irrigation, nutrient and algal removal is unnecessary and floating macrophyte ponds are
therefore not required.


However, if the final effluent is used for crop irrigation, nutrient and algal removal is
unnecessary and floating macrophyte ponds are therefore not required.

Advanced integrated pond systems (AIPS)

AIPS were developed from high-rate algal ponds (Oswald, 1991, 1995). They comprise
"advanced" facultative ponds with a submerged anaerobic digestion pit, paddle-stirred
HRAP, algal sedimentation ponds and one or more maturation ponds. The original purpose
of HRAPs was to maximize the production of algae to recover and use the algal protein
(algae are 50−60 percent protein and HRAPs can produce up to 80 tons of algal protein/ha


However, with AIPS no attempt is made to recover the algal protein. HRAPs, which are the
key component of AIPS, are complex and sensitive reactors which are much more difficult to
operate correctly than conventional WSPs (and indeed activated sludge processes). In the
real world of wastewater treatment in developing countries, AIPS are too complicated a
technology to be considered a viable and sustainable treatment option.

3.6. Siting of Ponds and Geotechnical Aspects

Site selection is particularly important when waste stabilization ponds are contemplated. The
terrain must be such that the pond or ponds will meet the shape and size requirements of the
process design. Greater distances are needed for anaerobic systems.

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There must be an access road or path to the treatment plant .Special attention must be paid to
drainage requirements.

The pond system must be protected from general flooding, for ponds, inlet and outlet
devices, and other features can be damaged or destroyed by floodwaters and accompanying

The site must be large enough for any anticipated expansion. Since the size of waste
stabilization ponds is fixed on the basis of present flow and load, it is very important that
space be readily available for the addition of similar or different units as the need arises.

3.7. Operation and maintenance and possible reuse

WSP start-up

Before commissioning a WSP system, any vegetation growing in the empty ponds must be
removed. The facultative ponds and maturation ponds are commissioned before the
anaerobic ponds so as to avoid odour release when the anaerobic pond effluent discharges
into empty facultative ponds. The facultative ponds and maturation ponds should ideally be
filled initially with fresh surface water or groundwater to permit the development of the
required algal and heterotrophic bacterial populations. If freshwater is not available, then the
facultative pond can be filled with raw wastewater and allowed to rest in batch mode for 3−4
weeks to allow the microbial populations to develop. Some odour release may be expected
during this period. Once the facultative ponds and maturation ponds have been
commissioned, the anaerobic ponds are filled with raw wastewater and, if possible,
inoculated with active biomass (sludge seed) from another anaerobic bioreactor. The
anaerobic ponds are then loaded gradually up to their design load over a period of 2−4 weeks
(the time depends on whether the anaerobic pond was inoculated with an active sludge seed
or not). The pH of the anaerobic pond has to be maintained at around 7−7.5 during the start-
up to allow for the methanogen archaeal populations to develop. If the pH falls below 7
during this period, lime should be added to correct it.

Routine maintenance

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Once the ponds have started functioning in steady state, routine maintenance is minimal but
essential for good operation.

The main routine maintenance activities are:

 Removal of screenings and grit from the preliminary treatment units

 Periodically cutting the grass on the pond embankments
 Removal of scum and floating macrophytes from the surface of facultative ponds and
maturation ponds. This is done to maximize the light energy reaching the pond algae,
increase surface re-aeration, and prevent fly and mosquito breeding
 If flies are breeding in large numbers on the scum on anaerobic ponds, the scum
should be broken up and sunk with a water jet
 Removal of any material blocking the pond inlets and outlets
 Repair of any damage to the embankments caused by rodents or rabbits (or any other
burrowing animals)

As a rough guide, one full-time operator is required at WSPs receiving wastewater flows up
to 1,000 m3/d. Two operators are required for wastewaters flows up to about 2,500 m 3/d
(Arthur, 1983). A foreman/supervisor is required at sites treating more than 5,000 m /d; and
should also keep a record of all maintenance activities, measure and record the wastewater
flow and carry out routine effluent sampling.

All WSP operators should receive adequate training so that they understand what they have
to do and how to do it correctly. If, for example, the pond operators have not been told to
remove scum from facultative ponds and maturation ponds, they will not know that it should
be removed. As a result, scum can cover a substantial part of the pond, algal photosynthesis
becomes impossible, and the pond turns anoxic

Anaerobic ponds need to be de-sludged when they are around one-third full of sludge. This
occurs every 2−5 years, but it is operationally better to remove some sludge every year (as a
task to be done every February, for example, has a better chance of being done on time than
one which has to be done every few years). The sludge removed from anaerobic ponds can
be dewatered on sludge drying beds. Facultative ponds store any sludge for their design life,
which is a significant operational advantage.

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When the travel time in the sewers is long (more than a day), the wastewater arriving at the
WSP site may be highly septic, and that can cause odour from the preliminary treatment

Reuse of WSP effluents

WSPs produce effluents of high microbiological quality that permit them to be used for crop
irrigation. But now currently the wastes are not re used for any purpose because of not
reached effluent amount of waste in to stabilization pond.

Agricultural reuse

Crop irrigation is divided into two broad categories: restricted crop irrigation, meaning
irrigation of all crops except salads and vegetables eaten uncooked; and unrestricted
irrigation which includes those crops). The World Health Organization has different
guidelines for the microbiological quality of treated wastewaters used for these two
categories of irrigation. These guidelines were originally published in 1989 (WHO, 1989)
and they are currently under revision (Mc Garry 1970). The revised guidelines, due to be
published in 2005, will be as follows:

a) Restricted irrigation

≤105 E. coli per 100 ml, and ≤1 human intestinal nematode egg per litre, reduced to ≤0.1 egg
per liter when children under the age of 15 are exposed (by working or playing in
wastewater-irrigated fields).

b) Unrestricted irrigation

≤1000 E. coli per 100 ml, and ≤1 human intestinal nematode egg per litre, reduced to ≤0.1
egg per liter when children under the age of 15 are exposed locally by their field-worker
parents’ bringing home food crops eaten uncooked.

As a general rule (but there are exceptions), a WSP system comprising only anaerobic and
facultative ponds produces an effluent suitable for restricted irrigation (or for discharge to a
stream, river or lake). Maturation ponds are needed if the effluent is to be used for
unrestricted irrigation or if there are special requirements in terms of microbiological quality

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for the receiving water body (bathing waters, for example). However, in all cases the
appropriate design calculations must be done to determine whether or not suitable effluents
will be produced.


4.1. Description of the study area

The location of ponds will largely be determined by local topography and the availability of a
suitable site or land.There should be vehicular access to the ponds, and as to minimize earth
works, the site should be flat and or gently sloping. If possible the pond system should be
sited so as to avoid wind shadow. Furthermore, ponds should be constructed with their
longest dimension parallel to prevailing wind direction to aid in the mixing of the ponds.
AMU stabilization pond is located north east direction of the main campus, around thousands
of meter away from main gate main campus and layin a flat area and there is access to it
through car and walk.

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AMU MAIN CAMPUS AMUWasteStabilization pond

Figure 4-5: Location of AMU WSP

4.2. Waste water sampling
Sampling Methods

Sampling is a method used for collecting different samples from specific area to the
laboratory or onsite measurement for desired purpose.

The samples for waste water quality analysis were collected from campus sewer line outlet
and from stabilization pond of anaerobic effluent. Samples are taken only from anaerobic
pond because facultative and maturation ponds are empty because waste water does not reach
to the ponds.

4.3. Method of analysis

i. BOD

The BOD test is analyzed by dilution method using the dissolved oxygen concentration. The
sample of waste for BOD lab test was collected from campus sewer lineout let(influent) and
out let of anaerobic pond (effluent). The analysis was done from two samples that are
collected at differenttime, and then the average value was taken. The samples for BOD were
analyzed 30 minutes after sampling and samples was preserved in the refrigerator for
preservation. The first sample is collected @ 4:00 am local time and the second sample is
taken @ 9:00 pm local time in 9/09/09. In dilution method, the initial DO concentration the
samples was measured and the sample were put in an oven (@ temperature of 20 OC) for five
days. After five days the remaining DO concentration was measured and the BOD 5 was

ii. COD

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COD is the chemical oxygen demand (COD) measures the organic load of wastewater. COD
is a much faster chemical test (1 to 4 hrs) which is affected by the activity of microorganisms
or any agent which affect the activity of microorganisms unlike the BOD test which is
lengthy (5 days), and prone to difficulties associated with microorganisms ( biological factor)
and agents which affect the function of the microorganisms.

The COD lab test is analyzed bydichromate reflux method. The initial COD test is occurred
at 5 o’clock in 9/9/2009E.C and. after two hoursagain the concentration of COD value was
tested. The COD of the sample were calculated using the following formula.

iii. PH

At a given temperature the intensity of the acidic or basic character of a solution is indicated
by PH or hydrogen ion activity. PH is an important variable in water quality assessment as it
influences many biological & chemical processes within a water body & all over processes
associated with water supply & treatment.

The PH of the sample is measured by electrometric method the name is called hatch machine.

iv. Bacteriological Analysis

The objective of bacteriological analysis of water is to detect & determine the concentration
of fecal bacteria in water supplies or waste.

To check the supply & treated waste water is free from pathogenic (diseases causing)
organisms. There are two methods used to detect & measure indicator bacteria in water

 The membrane filtration method

 The most probable number (MPN) multiple tube method

In our lab test we used most probable number (MPN)

The lab test for bacteriological analysis is taken for fresh sample @9.00 in 15-09-2009E.C

v. Temperature

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Temperature is a measure of how much heat is present in the water. In general, the Rates of
chemical reactions decrease with decreasing temperature. The relative concentration of
reactants and products in chemical equilibrium can also change with temperature.
Temperature can, therefore, affect every aspect of the treatment and delivery of potable

The temperature of the sample is analyzed by thermometer instrument. We had measure the
temperature test immediately record at the site (stabilization pond).

vi. Suspended solids

The term suspended solids (non-filterable residue) and dissolved solids (filterable residue) refer
to matter that is retained and passed through a filter, respectively. One can introduce a degree of
selectivity in to solid determination by separating the suspended and soluble components.
Centrifuging and filtering a measured amount of a sample will separate the bulk of the non-
soluble components to the bottom of the tube or on the filter, leaving soluble and colloidal
fraction in the supernatant. The suspended fraction, both on the filter or in the centrifuge tube,
can be dried at 105oC and determined as suspended solids concentration, usually quoted as
mg/L. equally the soluble and colloidal fraction can be determined by evaporating and drying
the centrifuge supernatant or the filtrate.

The suspended solid is analyzed by gravimetricmethod. By using filter paper and oven dry the
samples are taken to the other labs tests.

vii. Dissolved oxygen

The primary effect of dissolved oxygen in water is on oxidation-reduction reactions,

involving iron, manganese, copper, and compounds that contain nitrogen and sulphur. In
certain distribution systems, there may be a tendency for the level of dissolved oxygen to fall
with residence time. Although such changes are normally indicative of corrosion processes, it
is also possible that microbial respiration of organic material, especially in sediments and
deposits, with in pipes may be responsible. Thus dissolved oxygen may decrease without a
marked increase in the concentration of iron in the water. Conversely, water containing high
levels of iron as a result of corrosion may show little depletion of dissolved oxygen content.

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The DO is measure by using electronic machine or hatch machine directly measure the
amount of DO in the sample and the sample and the same to previous lab tests.


5.1. Introduction
The laboratory results are very essential for determining the characteristics of the waste
water, in our laboratory test we have check only the efficiency of anaerobic pond for a reason
that facultative and maturation ponds are empty. Therefore the results and discussions only
focus on the efficiency of anaerobic pond rather than the whole waste stabilization pond.

5.2. Removal efficiency anaerobic pond

Table 5-7 average Lab test result

Parameter Influent sample Effluent sample Removal

Efficiency (%)
BOD5 420mg/l 63.33
COD 640 mg/l 320 mg/l 50
Dissolved oxygen(Do) 0.13 mg/l 2.82 mg/l -
Salinity 0.815% 0.64% 21.47
TSS 258.99 mg/l 117.5 mg/l 54.631
TDS 810.5 mg/l 672 mg/l 17.088

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PH 6.833 7.3895 -
Temperature 29oc 28 oc -
Fecal coliform 900 MPN/100ml 350 MPN/100ml 61.11

5.2.1. Temperature, Dissolve oxygen and PH

The temperature varies from hour to hour, day to day and month to monthly, which affect the
BOD removal efficiency. Arbaminch is classified as hottest area where the temperature warm
most of the time. As it was discussed earlier the minimum monthly temperature in the year is
20.80c, which is also taken as appropriate temperature for efficiency for waste water
stabilization pond. Temperature has direct relation with the efficiency of the stabilization
pond BOD removal where removal efficiency increases as the temperature increase. The
temperature of the sample was found to be 290c which is very suitable temperature for the
micro-organism to oxidize organic matters and reduce the BOD load of the influent getting
into the anaerobic pond.
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
As its name indicates anaerobic pond usually contains no oxygen or there is deficit of oxygen
in the pond. The laboratory results of AMU anaerobic waste water stabilization pond have a
dissolved oxygen concentration of 0.13 mg/l in the influent and 2.82 mg/l in the effluents.
This shows an increase of 18.81% of dissolved oxygen and indicates that there is aerobic
process on the top of the pond due to supply of oxygen from the atmosphericair and
photosynthesis of plants on the edge of the pond. This concentration of DO found in the pond
facilitates the decomposition process and helps in the removal of organic matter from the
waste water.
PH is indicating the acidity or basicity level of waste water. PH has an effect on the treatment
process since it affects the enzymatic process of the microorganisms. Microorganism needs a

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favorable environment for their reproduction and the more the microorganism are reproduced
they will oxidize the organic matter very fast and increase the efficiency of the treatment
plant. It is also important to know the pH of stabilization pond since low pH can be toxicant to
anaerobic bacterial. Furthermore the PH of stabilization pond should be seriously considered
for a reason that concentration concentrations of H2S, which is the sulphur form responsible
for odors increases sharply as the pH drops below 7.5. This phenomenon might occur if
anaerobic pond is heavily loaded or overloaded with BOD. The influent and effluent PH of
AMU main campus waste water stabilization pond was found to be 6.8 and 7.4 respectively.
This is above the lowest limit of p H =6 for anaerobic tropical ponds which were found by
McGarry and Pescod (1970) based on various anaerobic digestion studies. Based on the
result obtained it can be concluded that no dilution is required in order to increase the pH of
the waste water.
5.2.2. Total Suspended solid (TSS) removal
The stabilization pond of Arbaminch university main campus does not have any
pretreatment system that the waste water is directly conveyed to it. The influent flowing into
the anaerobic pond has total suspended solids of 258.99 mg/l, and it reduced to 117.5mg/l
when it goes out from anaerobic pond as an effluent. This gives 55% removal efficiency of
total suspended solid in anaerobic pond which is within the range of optimal removal
efficiency (50% -70%) of anaerobic pond for TSS. The Solids in the raw wastewater, as well
as biomass produced due to oxidization of organic matter, will settle out in first-stage
anaerobic ponds and it is common to remove sludge when it has reached half depth in the

5.2.3. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)

Bod is the measure of concentration of organic matter that can be degraded biologically by
the action of microorganism found in the waste water. Themicroorganism turns the complex
organic matter into less complex compound and stabilized treated effluent. The influent
flowing to anaerobic pond has BOD5 of 420mg/l which is stronger than typical value for
average domestic waste water about 250 to 300mg/l of BOD 5. The effluent BOD is reduced
to 154mg/l where it gives 63.5% of removal efficiency of BOD 5 in anaerobic pond. The
highest removal efficiency in the pond indicates that the temperature is suitable for best
efficiency of wastewater stabilization pond. Detention time and Volumetric BOD 5 loading
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rate are also the main factors affecting BOD5 removal efficiency of anaerobic pond. The
highest removal efficiency might also be obtained as a result of longer detention time highest
volumetric BOD5 loading rate which actually depend on the temperature of the area.

5.2.4. Chemical oxygen demand (COD)

COD is the measure of total oxidizable organic matter in the waste water. The COD of the
waste water entering into the anaerobic pond has a concentration of 640mg/l whereas the
effluent concentration has a concentration of 320mg/l of. This gives an efficiency of
anaerobic pond in removing the total organic matter is 50% within the range of COD
removal efficiency (50% -70%) for most of the municipal water entering into the anaerobic

5.2.5. Fecal coliform (FC) removal

Theinfluent of bacteria is 900 and the effluent is 350. The efficiency is 61.11% this amount
of bacteria is removed in anaerobic pond.The remaining 38.89% of fecal coliform bacteria
could beremoved in the facultative and maturation ponds, but in our case the facilitative and
maturation pondsyet they are not functional because of the discharge not exceed from
anaerobic pond. Generally the 61% removal of bacteria in anaerobic pond is very good in

5.3. Capacity of existing waste water stabilization pond

The main aim of this project was to check the capacity of the new waste water stabilization
pond for the maximum amount of waste produced form the community. The actual size of
the existing stabilization pond was measured and compared to the designed value with the
maximum waste water generated. As it can be seen from the tables below the size of the pond
(1243m3) are almost enough to accommodate the total maximum waste that tis generated
when there is sludge in the pond. However, the design the total volume for the waste water as
well as sludge produced of the anaerobic tank required was found to be 2068m3 with regular
de-sludging period of the two years.This indicates that regular de-sludging is required to
accommodate the waste water that is flowing into the pond. The calculated designed
retention time was 3.31 days when there is no sludge and 2.04 days when there is sludge in
the pond. This similar with the existing hydraulic retention time of 3.7 where the standard
retention time for anaerobic pond is between 1- 3 days.

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Table 5-8 Summary of existing, new designed anaerobic pond results and sewer line

Parameter Measures of Existing Minimum unit

anaerobic pond requirement with
the design value.
Length 45 29 m
Width 30 19 m
Depth 4 4 m
Volume 2243 1275 m3
Out let diameter of sewer 200 122mm mm
pipe that convey water to
the pond
Flow 1.65 7.23 l/s
HRT 3.7 3.34 Days

There is a big difference between the estimated maximum waste water production and the
existing actual waste water flow that reaches to the stabilizationpond. From the total quantity
of 7.23 l/s waste water production only 1.65 l/s reaches to the stabilization pond . This point
out that 75% of the waste that is there is produced will be lost in the sewer lines due to pipe
breakage and blockage, broken manholes and many other cases. The waste water then
overflows on the grounds, evaporates and infiltrates into the ground water throughout the

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5.4. Operation and maintenance

Any waste water treatment system requires careful operation and maintenance for its
efficiency. Theoperation and maintenance of sewerage system should starts from the
collection of waste water from different sources and continue in the sewer line where the
sewage is conveyed to the treatment plant. Waste water stabilization pond is natural system
with a low cost operation but need frequent monitoring and maintenance. The advantage of
waste water stabilization pond is that it can be easily designed and constructed; it requires
low and easy maintenance, it needs low energy requirements, easily adaptive for upgrading
which makes it cost effective treatment units.

As it was explained earlier the sewer system as well as the stabilization pond of Arbaminch
university main campus doesn’t have proper operation and maintenance. Broken pipes,
blocked pipes, open manholes filled with solid wastes and overflowing manholes are
observed throughout the sewer system during field visit of the project. This leads to waste
water overflows on the ground which has bad smell and creates nuisance to the community.
75% of the total maximum waste water generated form the community is lost in the way
before it reaches to the waste water stabilization pond due to the improper design of the
sewer system.
The waste water loss in the sewer lines due different factors not only affects the environment
and community health but also affects the effectiveness of the stabilization pond. The low
flow that reaches to the stabilization pond only remains in the anaerobic pond rather than
flowing to the facultative and maturation pond for further treatment.
For continuous operation and maintenance of the stabilization pond and the sanitary system
as a whole there should be responsible party in the university to follow up the functionality of
the sewer system. By applying such simple maintenance in the system the required effluent
quality can be obtained by using the advantage of favorable temperature and sunlight
available in the area for free.

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EIA is a process to improve decision-making and to ensure that the project or program option
under consideration is environmentally sound. The EIA is concerned with identifying,
predicting and evaluating the environmental effects, alternatives and mitigating measures
aiming at minimizing the adverse effects and maximizing the benefits of the project. Without
consideration of basic concepts of EIA, the project will not be effective and economical as
well as informed decision-making would be impossible.
An impact can be defined as any change in the physical, chemical, biological and socio-
economic environmental system, which can be attributed to human activities relative to
alternatives under study for meeting a project need. It is clear that Environment is very
complicated system consisting of physical, biological and socio economic system.
Arbaminch university stabilization pond treatment system has an impact on the environment
through operation of the project are being work carefully. EIA provides the answer for
impact during operation. It is use as an instrument for sustainable development by
minimizing the adverse effects and maximizing the benefits of the project.Therefore, both the
positive and negative impacts of the AMU WSP are discussed below and possible remedial
measures for the negative impacts of the project are determined so that these impacts (if any)
will be minimized.

6.1. Positive Impacts

Some positive environmental impacts are associated with the new constructed WSP for
AMU, because it will improve the wastewater management system of the university and the
nearby farm lands. The wastewater treatment work will have positive impact on health and
ecology. Some of the positive environmental effects include

 Improve the health of the farmers & their families which are dependent on the
 Improve the health of the consumers.
 Alleviation of odor and visual nuisances.

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 Improve the fertility of the soil

6.2. Negative Impact of the Project
The identified potential adverse environmental impacts, expected during operation and
maintenance, from wastewater treatment works have been scored for their significance

Table 6-9 the possible adverse impact of the AMU WSP

Potential Adverse Environmental Impacts, resulting No Slight Significant

from Impact Impact Impact
Operation and Maintenance
1) Public health hazard (hazard of infectious and - X
communicable diseases from exposure to pathogens in
sewage and sludge)
2) Odor nuisance (coughing, discomfort, headache) - X
3) Public health hazard, caused by increase in number of - X
mosquitoes at standing water (ponds)
The natural environmental/physical-biological
1) Contamination of groundwater from ponds. - - X
2)Contamination of the discharged river by run-off , - X -
overflow and leakage from ponds, caused by process
3) Destruction of farmlands, due to overflowing ponds - X -
with heavy rain
6) Increase in the number of insects - - X
6.3. Mitigation Measures
Mitigation measures are action that reduces the adverse environmental impacts of proposed

 Proper operation and maintenance of the plant

 Proper drainage and collection of runoff
 Erosion and sedimentation control

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Natural treatment technologies are considered viable because of their low capital costs, their
ease of maintenance, their potentially longer life-cycles and their ability to recover a variety
of resources including: treated effluent for irrigation, organic humus for soil amendment and
energy in the form of biogas.

WSP is one of the most efficient, high performance and low-cost natural treatment methods.
The existing waste water stabilization pond of AMU main campus is not functioning fully i.e.
only anaerobic pond is giving function and the facultative and maturation pond totally not
giving service even though the structure is present. The anaerobic pond with depth 4m,
length 45, width 30 and trapezoidal shape with slope of 1:3 have a good removal efficiency
of BOD, COD, TSS and FC

From the results, it can be concluded that the existing anaerobic pond has enough capacity to
carry the current waste water production considering regular de-sludging. The laboratory
results also revealed that the anaerobic pond has expected removal efficiency of the organic
matter flowing into the pond

With the required operation and maintenance applied on the sewer lines and the stabilization
pond the waste water produced could reach to the pond and the required effluent quality can
be obtained

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The existing stabilization pond of AMU has enough capacity and performance to carry and
efficiently treat the waste water. From the study results it is recommended that Arbaminch
university officials have to appoint responsible bodies for the operation and maintenance of
the system.

At collection of waste water

some part the waste water does not reached to the stabilization due to blocked sewer pipe,
particularly at manhole so the university should check and maintain the sewer system
Particularly from construction site and student dorm, the large size substances like plastic,
sticks, empty highlands are blocking open manholes because of this disturb the system, so the
university should provide screening at contraction and dormitory areas.

At stabilization pond

As we have seen the waste stabilization pond of AMU is full of grass, algae and plants due to
this structure reliability is affected so the AMU should take the frequency follow to prevent
growth of grasses and plants. The infiltration of waste water is occurred in the anaerobic
pond that directly affects the ground water quality.

At management of Waste stabilization pond

As we considered that, there is no responsible person to manage and control the WSP. So the
AMU should appoint some responsible committees to manage.

At social aspect

The communities who live around the WSP are entered into pond and cut grasses for their
purpose of animal feeds. Therefore it is recommend that the WSP should protect bound any
in order to prevent the entry of animals and human beings.

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