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5W1H Dioscored alata BULB”

When to do the phytochemical test, DPPH free
radical scavenging test, and power test on the bulb
1. What dioscorea alata analysis?
Name Group:
Answer: 10 November 2015
What is an antioxidant? 1. Arum Vika Sari (190106015)
Answer: Antioxidants are substances that can 2. Meliawati (190106020) 4. Where
prevent or prevent cell damage from free radicals. 3. Meli Mega Arum (190106033)
4. Wita Safitri (190106041) Where the test takes place?
2. Who
Answer: at Khulna University, Khulna, 9208,
Class : Pharmacy A Bangladesh Department of Fisheries, Agriculture
Who estimates that 80% of the population of
Silhet University, Sylhet, 3100 Bangladesh.
developing countries depend on traditional
Lecturer: Devy Gustianing S.Pd M.Pd
Answer: world health organization

4. Why
5. How
Why the presence of myricetin together with
other detectable polyphenols can contribute to 1. exerts : mengerahkan
antioxidant and antibacterial activity? How is the preparation process of 2. edible : dapat dimakan
Answer: The antibacterial activity of plants can Discorea alata bulb crude extract? 3. equipped : lengkap
be detected by observing the response of the 4. leprosy : kusta
growth of various microorganisms to the plant Answer: Dioscorea alata bulb are 5. petri-dishes : cawan petri
extracts they touch. Medicinal plants containing collected. The cold extraction process in 6. scavenging : pemulungan
phenolic and flavonoids have been reported to methanol is used to obtain the extract. The 7. subsequently : kemudian
have antibacterial activity. The antibacterial crude extract was stored in a refrigerator at 8. shaking : gemetar
activity of plants can be detected by observing 4 ° C until the experiment was started. 9. throughout : sepanjang
the response of the growth of various 10. rely: mengandalkan
microorganisms to the plant extracts they touch.
Medicinal plants containing phenolic and
flavonoids have been reported to have
antibacterial activity.

Source: Indonesian J. Pharm. Vol. 27 No. 1 : 9 – 14. ISSN-p : 2338-9427. DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm27iss1pp9

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