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The Knight's Tale, Part 4

An Interlinear Translation (lines 2483-3108)

2483 Greet was the feeste in Atthenes that day,

Great was the feast in Athens that day,
2484 And eek the lusty seson of that May
And also the pleasing season of that May
2485 Made every wight to been in swich plesaunce
Made every person to be in such delight
2486 That al that Monday justen they and daunce,
That all that Monday they joust and dance,
2487 And spenden it in Venus heigh servyse.
And spend that day in Venus's noble service.
2488 But by the cause that they sholde ryse
But because they must rise
2489 Eerly, for to seen the grete fight,
Early, to see the great fight,
2490 Unto hir reste wenten they at nyght.
Unto their rest they went at nightfall.
2491 And on the morwe, whan that day gan sprynge,
And in the morning, when day did spring,
2492 Of hors and harneys noyse and claterynge
Noise and clattering of horses and armor
2493 Ther was in hostelryes al aboute,
There was in hostelries all about,
2494 And to the paleys rood ther many a route
And to the palace there rode many a company
2495 Of lordes upon steedes and palfreys.
Of lords upon steeds and palfreys.
2496 Ther maystow seen devisynge of harneys
There canst thou see preparation of armor
2497 So unkouth and so riche, and wroght so weel
So exotic and so rich, and wrought so well
2498 Of goldsmythrye, of browdynge, and of steel;
Of goldsmiths' works, of embroidery, and of steel;
2499 The sheeldes brighte, testeres, and trappures,
The bright shields, horses' head-armor, and horse-armor,
2500 Gold-hewen helmes, coats of mail, cote-armures;
Gold-colored helms, coats of mail, tunics with heraldic devices;
2501 Lordes in parementz on hir courseres,
Lords in richly decorated robes on their coursers,
2502 Knyghtes of retenue, and eek squieres
Knights of (their) retinues, and also squires
2503 Nailynge the speres, and helmes bokelynge;
Nailing heads to the spear-shafts, and buckling helms;
2504 Giggynge of sheeldes, with layneres lacynge --
Fitting the shields with straps, fastening with laces --
2505 There as nede is they weren no thyng ydel;
Where it is needed they were not at all idle;
2506 The fomy steedes on the golden brydel
The steeds frothing on the golden bridles
2507 Gnawynge, and faste the armurers also
Gnawing, and fast the armorers also
2508 With fyle and hamer prikynge to and fro;
With file and hammer are spurring to and fro;
2509 Yemen on foote, and communes many oon
Yeomen on foot, and foot soldiers many a one
2510 With shorte staves, thikke as they may goon;
With short staves, thick as they can go;
2511 Pypes, trompes, nakers, clariounes,
Pipes, trumpets, kettle drums, bugles,
2512 That in the bataille blowen blody sounes;
That blow bloody sounds in the battle;
2513 The paleys ful of peple up and doun,
The palace full of people everywhere,
2514 Heere thre, ther ten, holdynge hir questioun,
Here three, there ten, debating,
2515 Dyvynynge of thise Thebane knyghtes two.
Conjecturing about these two Theban knights.
2516 Somme seyden thus, somme seyde "it shal be so";
Some said thus, some said "it shall be so";
2517 Somme helden with hym with the blake berd,
Some held with him with the black beard,
2518 Somme with the balled, somme with the thikke herd;
Some with the bald, some with the thickly haired;
2519 Somme seyde he looked grymme, and he wolde fighte:
Some said he looked grim, and he would fight:
2520 "He hath a sparth of twenty pound of wighte."
"He has a battle-ax of twenty pounds of weight."
2521 Thus was the halle ful of divynynge,
Thus was the hall full of conjecturing,
2522 Longe after that the sonne gan to sprynge.
Long after the sun began to rise.

2523 The grete Theseus, that of his sleep awake

The great Theseus, who was awakened of h
2524 With mynstralcie and noyse that was make
By the music and noise that was made,
2525 Heeld yet the chambre of his paleys riche
Remained yet in the chamber of his rich pala
2526 Til that the Thebane knyghtes, bothe yliche
Until the Theban knights, both equally
2527 Honured, were into the paleys fet.
Honored, were fetched into the palace.
2528 Duc Theseus was at a wyndow set,
Duke Theseus was set at a window,
2529 Arrayed right as he were a god in trone.
Arrayed exactly as if he were a god on a thro
2530 The peple preesseth thiderward ful soone
The people press thither full soon
2531 Hym for to seen, and doon heigh reverence
In order to see him, and to do great reverenc
2532 And eek to herkne his heste and his senten
And also to hear his command and his decis
2533 An heraud on a scaffold made an "Oo!"
A herald on a scaffold made a "Ho!"
2534 Til al the noyse of peple was ydo,
Until all the noise of people was done,
2535 And whan he saugh the peple of noyse al s
And when he saw the people all still of noise
2536 Tho shewed he the myghty dukes wille:
Then showed he the mighty duke's will:

2537 "The lord hath of his heigh discrecioun

"The lord has of his great sound judgment
2538 Considered that it were destruccioun
Considered that it would be destruction
2539 To gentil blood to fighten in the gyse
To gentle blood to fight in the manner
2540 Of mortal bataille now in this emprise.
Of mortal battle now in this undertaking.
2541 Wherfore, to shapen that they shal nat dye
Wherefore, to arrange matters so that they s
2542 He wol his firste purpos modifye.
He will modify his previous plan.
2543 No man therfore, up peyne of los of lyf,
No man therefore, upon punishment of loss
2544 No maner shot, ne polax, ne short knyf
No sort of arrow, nor battle-axe, nor short kn
2545 Into the lystes sende or thider brynge;
Send into the lists or bring there;
2546 Ne short swerd, for to stoke with poynt bity
Nor short sword, to stab with piercing point,
2547 No man ne drawe, ne bere it by his syde.
May no man neither draw, nor bear it by his
2548 Ne no man shal unto his felawe ryde
And no man shall ride at his opponent
2549 But o cours with a sharpe ygrounde spere;
More than one course with a sharply honed
2550 Foyne, if hym list, on foote, hymself to wer
Let him thrust, if he wishes, on foot, to defen
2551 And he that is at meschief shal be take
And he who is at a disadvantage shall be tak
2552 And noght slayn, but be broght unto the st
And not slain, but be brought unto the stake
2553 That shal ben ordeyned on either syde;
That shall be placed on either side;
2554 But thider he shal by force, and there abyd
But thither he must (go) by force, and remain
2555 And if so falle the chieftayn be take
And if so happen that the chieftain be taken
2556 On outher syde, or elles sleen his make,
On either side, or else should slay his oppon
2557 No lenger shal the turneiynge laste.
The tournament shall last no longer.
2558 God spede you! Gooth forth and ley on fas
God give you success! Go forth and lay on f
2559 With long swerd and with mace fighteth yo
With long sword and with mace fight your fill
2560 Gooth now youre wey; this is the lordes wi
Go now on your way; this is the lord's will."

2561 The voys of peple touchede the hevene,

The voice of people touched the heaven,
2562 So loude cride they with murie stevene,
So loudly they cried with merry voices,
2563 "God save swich a lord, that is so good
"God save such a lord, that is so good
2564 He wilneth no destruccion of blood!"
He desires no destruction of blood!"
2565 Up goon the trompes and the melodye,
Up go the trumpets and the melody,
2566 And to the lystes rit the compaignye,
And to the lists rides the company,
2567 By ordinance, thurghout the citee large,
In battle array, throughout all the city,
2568 Hanged with clooth of gold, and nat with s
Hung with cloth of gold, and not with serge.

2569 Ful lik a lord this noble duc gan ryde,

Fully like a lord this noble duke did ride,
2570 Thise two Thebans upon either syde,
These two Thebans upon either side,
2571 And after rood the queene and Emelye,
And after rode the queen and Emelye,
2572 And after that another compaignye
And after that another company
2573 Of oon and oother, after hir degree.
One after another, according to their rank.
2574 And thus they passen thurghout the citee,
And thus they pass throughout the city,
2575 And to the lystes come they by tyme.
And they come to the lists in good time.
2576 It nas nat of the day yet fully pryme
It was not yet fully prime (nine a.m.) of the d
2577 Whan set was Theseus ful riche and hye,
When Theseus was set very splendidly and
2578 Ypolita the queene, and Emelye,
Ypolita the queen, and Emelye,
2579 And othere ladys in degrees aboute.
And other ladies about in tiers.
2580 Unto the seetes preesseth al the route.
Unto the seats press all the crowd.
2581 And westward, thurgh the gates under Mar
And westward, through the gates under Mar
2582 Arcite, and eek the hondred of his parte,
Arcite, and also the hundred of his party,
2583 With baner reed is entred right anon;
With red banner is entered right away;
2584 And in that selve moment Palamon
And in that same moment Palamon
2585 Is under Venus, estward in the place,
Is under Venus, eastward in the place,
2586 With baner whyt and hardy chiere and face
With white banner and hardy countenance a
2587 In al the world, to seken up and doun,
In all the world, to seek up and down,
2588 So evene, withouten variacioun,
So evenly, without variation,
2589 Ther nere swiche compaignyes tweye,
There were not two such companies,
2590 For ther was noon so wys that koude seye
For there was no one so wise that could say
2591 That any hadde of oother avauntage
That any one had advantage over the other
2592 Of worthynesse, ne of estaat, ne age,
In worthiness, nor in status, nor age,
2593 So evene were they chosen, for to gesse.
So evenly were they chosen, as I estimate.
2594 And in two renges faire they hem dresse.
And in two fair ranks they arrange themselve
2595 Whan that hir names rad were everichon,
When every one of their names were read,
2596 That in hir nombre gyle were ther noon,
So that in their total number there would be
2597 Tho were the gates shet, and cried was lou
Then the gates were shut, and cried was alo
2598 "Do now youre devoir, yonge knyghtes pro
"Do now your duty, proud young knights!"

2599 The heraudes lefte hir prikyng up and doun

The heralds left their spurring up and down;
2600 Now ryngen trompes loude and clarioun.
Now trumpets and bugles ring loud.
2601 Ther is namoore to seyn, but west and est
There is no more to say, but from west and e
2602 In goon the speres ful sadly in arrest;
In go the spears very firmly in the lance-rest
2603 In gooth the sharpe spore into the syde.
In goes the sharp spur into the flank.
2604 Ther seen men who kan juste and who kan
There people see who can joust and who ca
2605 Ther shyveren shaftes upon sheeldes thikk
There splinter spears upon thick shields;
2606 He feeleth thurgh the herte-spoon the prikk
He feels the stabbing through the breast-bon
2607 Up spryngen speres twenty foot on highte;
Up spring spears twenty foot on height;
2608 Out goon the swerdes as the silver brighte
Out go the swords bright as silver;
2609 The helmes they tohewen and toshrede;
The helms they hew to pieces and cut into s
2610 Out brest the blood with stierne stremes re
Out burst the blood in strong red streams;
2611 With myghty maces the bones they tobrest
With mighty maces they break the bones to
2612 He thurgh the thikkeste of the throng gan t
He did thrust through the thickest of the thro
2613 Ther stomblen steedes stronge, and doun
There strong steeds stumble, and down goe
2614 He rolleth under foot as dooth a bal;
He rolls under foot as does a ball;
2615 He foyneth on his feet with his tronchoun,
On his feet he stabs with the broken shaft of
2616 And he hym hurtleth with his hors adoun;
And he hurtles him down with his horse;
2617 He thurgh the body is hurt and sithen ytake
He is hurt through the body and then taken,
2618 Maugree his heed, and broght unto the sta
Despite all he can do, and brought unto the
2619 As forward was, right there he moste abyd
As was the agreement, right there he must a
2620 Another lad is on that oother syde.
Another on that other side is led away.
2621 And some tyme dooth hem Theseus to res
And for a while Theseus makes them rest,
2622 Hem to refresshe and drynken, if hem leste
To refresh themselves and drink, if they wish
2623 Ful ofte a day han thise Thebanes two
Many times these two Thebans have
2624 Togydre ymet, and wroght his felawe wo;
Met together, and (each) wrought woe to his
2625 Unhorsed hath ech oother of hem tweye.
Each has unhorsed the other of them two.
2626 Ther nas no tygre in the vale of Galgophey
There was not any tiger in the vale of Garga
2627 Whan that hir whelp is stole whan it is lite,
When her whelp is stolen when it is little,
2628 So crueel on the hunte as is Arcite
So cruel on the hunt as is Arcite
2629 For jelous herte upon this Palamon.
For jealous heart upon this Palamon.
2630 Ne in Belmarye ther nys so fel leon,
Nor in Benmarin there is not so fierce a lion,
2631 That hunted is, or for his hunger wood,
That is hunted, or maddened by his hunger,
2632 Ne of his praye desireth so the blood,
Nor of his prey desires so the blood,
2633 As Palamon to sleen his foo Arcite.
As Palamon to slay his foe Arcite.
2634 The jelous strokes on hir helmes byte;
The fervent strokes bite on their helms;
2635 Out renneth blood on bothe hir sydes rede
Out runs red blood on both their sides.

2636 Som tyme an ende ther is of every dede.

Some time there is an end of every deed.
2637 For er the sonne unto the reste wente,
For before the sun went unto its rest,
2638 The stronge kyng Emetreus gan hente
The strong king Emetreus did seize
2639 This Palamon, as he faught with Arcite,
This Palamon, as he fought with Arcite,
2640 And made his swerd depe in his flessh to b
And made his sword deep in his flesh to bite
2641 And by the force of twenty is he take
And by the force of twenty he (Palamon) is t
2642 Unyolden, and ydrawen to the stake.
Without having surrendered, and dragged to
2643 And in the rescus of this Palamoun
And in the rescue of this Palamon
2644 The stronge kyng Lygurge is born adoun,
The strong king Lygurge is born down,
2645 And kyng Emetreus, for al his strengthe,
And king Emetreus, despite all his strength,
2646 Is born out of his sadel a swerdes lengthe,
Is carried out of his saddle a sword's length,
2647 So hitte him Palamoun er he were take.
So hit him Palamon before he was taken.
2648 But al for noght; he was broght to the stak
But all for naught; he was brought to the sta
2649 His hardy herte myghte hym helpe naught:
His hardy heart could not help him:
2650 He moste abyde, whan that he was caught,
He must abide, when he was caught,
2651 By force and eek by composicioun.
By force and also by the agreed terms of ba

2652 Who sorweth now but woful Palamoun,

Who sorrows now but woeful Palamon,
2653 That moot namoore goon agayn to fighte?
That must no more go again to fight?
2654 And whan that Theseus hadde seyn this si
And when Theseus had seen this sight,
2655 Unto the folk that foghten thus echon
Unto each one of the folk that fought thus
2656 He cryde, "Hoo! namoore, for it is doon!
He cried, "Stop! no more, for it is done!
2657 I wol be trewe juge, and no partie.
I will be true judge, and no partisan.
2658 Arcite of Thebes shal have Emelie,
Arcite of Thebes shall have Emelye,
2659 That by his fortune hath hire faire ywonne.
Who by his fortune has won her fairly."
2660 Anon ther is a noyse of peple bigonne
Immediately there is a noise of people begu
2661 For joye of this, so loude and heighe witha
For joy of this, so loud and clamorous indee
2662 It semed that the lystes sholde falle.
It seemed that the lists should fall.
2663 What kan now faire Venus doon above?
What now can fair Venus do above?
2664 What seith she now? What dooth this quee
What says she now? What does this queen
2665 But wepeth so, for wantynge of hir wille,
But weeps so, for lack of (having) her will,
2666 Til that hir teeres in the lystes fille?
Until her tears fell in the lists?
2667 She seyde, "I am ashamed, doutelees."
She said, "I am disgraced, doubtless."

2668 Saturnus seyde, "Doghter, hoold thy pees!

Saturn said, "Daughter, hold thy peace!
2669 Mars hath his wille, his knyght hath al his b
Mars has his will, his knight has all his reque
2670 And, by myn heed, thow shalt been esed so
And, by my head, thou shalt be relieved soo

2671 The trompours, with the loude mynstralcie

The trumpeters, with the loud music,
2672 The heraudes, that ful loude yelle and crie,
The heralds, who full loudly yell and cry,
2673 Been in hire wele for joye of daun Arcite.
Are in their happiest state for joy of dan Arci
2674 But herkneth me, and stynteth noyse a lite,
But listen to me, and stop the noise for a littl
2675 Which a myracle ther bifel anon.
(Hear) what a miracle at once befell there.

2676 This fierse Arcite hath of his helm ydon,

This fierce Arcite has taken off his helm,
2677 And on a courser, for to shewe his face,
And on a war horse, to show his face,
2678 He priketh endelong the large place
He spurs from one end to the other of the la
2679 Lokynge upward upon this Emelye;
Looking upward upon this Emelye;
2680 And she agayn hym caste a freendlich ye
And she to him cast a friendly eye
2681 (For wommen, as to speken in comune,
(For women, so to speak in general,
2682 Thei folwen alle the favour of Fortune)
They all follow the favor of Fortune)
2683 And was al his chiere, as in his herte.
And was all his source of pleasure, in his he

2684 Out of the ground a furie infernal sterte,

Out of the ground leaped an infernal fury,
2685 From Pluto sent at requeste of Saturne,
Sent from Pluto at the request of Saturn,
2686 For which his hors for fere gan to turne,
For which his horse for fear began to turn,
2687 And leep aside, and foundred as he leep;
And leaped aside, and stumbled as he leape
2688 And er that Arcite may taken keep,
And before Arcite can take heed,
2689 He pighte hym on the pomel of his heed,
He hit himself on the top of his head,
2690 That in the place he lay as he were deed,
That in the place he lay as if he were dead,
2691 His brest tobrosten with his sadel-bowe.
His breast shattered by his saddlebow.
2692 As blak he lay as any cole or crowe,
He lay as black as any coal or crow,
2693 So was the blood yronnen in his face.
The blood was so run in his face.
2694 Anon he was yborn out of the place,
Immediately he was carried out of the place,
2695 With herte soor, to Theseus paleys.
With painful heart, to Theseus's palace.
2696 Tho was he korven out of his harneys
Then was he cut out of his armor
2697 And in a bed ybrought ful faire and blyve,
And brought in a bed very gently and quickly
2698 For he was yet in memorie and alyve,
For he was yet conscious and alive,
2699 And alwey criynge after Emelye.
And always crying for Emelye.

2700 Duc Theseus, with al his compaignye,

Duke Theseus, with all his company,
2701 Is comen hoom to Atthenes his citee,
Is come home to Athens, his city,
2702 With alle blisse and greet solempnitee.
With all bliss and great solemnity.
2703 Al be it that this aventure was falle,
Although this accident had happened,
2704 He nolde noght disconforten hem alle.
He would not distress them all.
2705 Men seyde eek that Arcite shal nat dye;
People said also that Arcite shall not dye;
2706 He shal been heeled of his maladye.
He shall be healed of his injuries.
2707 And of another thyng they weren as fayn,
And of another thing they were as happy,
2708 That of hem alle was ther noon yslayn,
That of them all there was no one slain,
2709 Al were they soore yhurt, and namely oon,
Although they (were) sorely hurt, and espec
2710 That with a spere was thirled his brest boo
Whose breastbone was pierced by a spear.
2711 To othere woundes and to broken armes
To other wounds and to broken arms
2712 Somme hadden salves, and somme hadde
Some had salves, and some had charms;
2713 Fermacies of herbes, and eek save
Medicines made of herbs, and also of sage
2714 They dronken, for they wolde hir lymes hav
They drank, for they wanted to have their lim
2715 For which this noble duc, as he wel kan,
For which this noble duke, as he well knows
2716 Conforteth and honoureth every man,
Comforts and honors every man,
2717 And made revel al the longe nyght
And made revel all the long night
2718 Unto the straunge lordes, as was right.
For the foreign lords, as was right.
2719 Ne ther was holden no disconfitynge
Nor was it considered any defeat (in battle)
2720 But as a justes or a tourneiynge;
But (only) as a joust or a tournament;
2721 For soothly ther was no disconfiture.
For truly there was no defeat.
2722 For fallyng nys nat but an aventure,
For falling is nothing but an accident,
2723 Ne to be lad by force unto the stake
Nor to be led by force unto the stake
2724 Unyolden, and with twenty knyghtes take,
Without having surrendered, and taken by tw
2725 O persone allone, withouten mo,
One person alone, without others,
2726 And haryed forth by arme, foot, and too,
And dragged forth by arm, foot, and toe,
2727 And eke his steede dryven forth with stave
And also his steed driven forth with staves
2728 With footmen, bothe yemen and eek knave
By men on foot, both yeomen and also foot
2729 It nas arretted hym no vileynye;
He incurred no shameful blame for it;
2730 Ther may no man clepen it cowardye.
No man there may call it cowardice.
2731 For which anon duc Theseus leet crye,
For which anon duke Theseus had proclaim
2732 To stynten alle rancour and envye,
To put a stop to all rancor and ill-will,
2733 The gree as wel of o syde as of oother,
The victory (is given) as well to one side as
2734 And eyther syde ylik as ootheres brother;
And either side equal as the other's brother;
2735 And yaf hem yiftes after hir degree,
And gave them gifts in accordance with their
2736 And fully heeld a feeste dayes three,
And held a feast for fully three days,
2737 And conveyed the kynges worthily
And honorably escorted the kings
2738 Out of his toun a journee largely.
Out of his town a full day's journey.
2739 And hoom wente every man the righte way
And home went every man the direct way.
2740 Ther was namoore but "Fare wel, have goo
There was no more but "Fare well, have goo
2741 Of this bataille I wol namoore endite,
Of this battle I will write no more,
2742 But speke of Palamon and of Arcite.
But speak of Palamon and of Arcite.

2743 Swelleth the brest of Arcite, and the soore

The breast of Arcite swells, and the pain
2744 Encreesseth at his herte moore and moore
At his heart increases more and more.
2745 The clothered blood, for any lechecraft,
The clotted blood, despite any medical treat
2746 Corrupteth, and is in his bouk ylaft,
Corrupts, and is left in the trunk of his body,
2747 That neither veyne-blood, ne ventusynge,
That neither blood letting at a vein, nor apply
2748 Ne drynke of herbes may ben his helpynge
Nor drink of herbs can be any help to him.
2749 The vertu expulsif, or animal,
The power expulsive (to expel fluids), or anim
2750 Fro thilke vertu cleped natural
From that power called natural
2751 Ne may the venym voyden ne expelle.
Can not remove nor expel the poison.
2752 The pipes of his longes gonne to swelle,
The pipes of his lungs began to swell,
2753 And every lacerte in his brest adoun
And every muscle down in his breast
2754 Is shent with venym and corrupcioun.
Is destroyed by poison and corrupted matter
2755 Hym gayneth neither, for to gete his lif,
Avails him neither, to preserve his life,
2756 Vomyt upward, ne dounward laxatif.
Vomit upward, nor downward laxative.
2757 Al is tobrosten thilke regioun;
All is shattered in that region;
2758 Nature hath now no dominacioun.
Nature now has no power to control.
2759 And certeinly, ther Nature wol nat wirche,
And certainly, where Nature will not work,
2760 Fare wel phisik! Go ber the man to chirche
Fare well medicine! Go bear the man to chu
2761 This al and som, that Arcita moot dye;
This is the whole of it, that Arcite must die;
2762 For which he sendeth after Emelye,
For which he sends after Emelye,
2763 And Palamon, that was his cosyn deere.
And Palamon, who was his dear cousin.
2764 Thanne seyde he thus, as ye shal after hee
Then said he thus, as you shall after hear:
2765 "Naught may the woful spirit in myn herte
"The woeful spirit in my heart can not
2766 Declare o point of alle my sorwes smerte
Declare one small part of all my painful sorro
2767 To yow, my lady, that I love moost,
To you, my lady, whom I love most,
2768 But I biquethe the servyce of my goost
But I bequeath the service of my ghost
2769 To yow aboven every creature,
To you above every creature,
2770 Syn that my lyf may no lenger dure.
Since my life can no longer endure.
2771 Allas, the wo! Allas, the peynes stronge,
Alas, the woe! Alas, the strong pains,
2772 That I for yow have suffred, and so longe!
That I have suffered for you, and so long!
2773 Allas, the deeth! Allas, myn Emelye!
Alas, the death! Alas, my Emelye!
2774 Allas, departynge of oure compaignye!
Alas, separation of our company!
2775 Allas, myn hertes queene! Allas, my wyf,
Alas, my heart's queen! Alas, my wife,
2776 Myn hertes lady, endere of my lyf!
My heart's lady, ender of my life!
2777 What is this world? What asketh men to ha
What is this world? What do people ask to h
2778 Now with his love, now in his colde grave
Now with his love, now in his cold grave
2779 Allone, withouten any compaignye.
Alone, without any company.
2780 Fare wel, my sweete foo, myn Emelye!
Fare well, my sweet foe, my Emelye!
2781 And softe taak me in youre armes tweye,
And softly take me in your two arms,
2782 For love of God, and herkneth what I seye.
For love of God, and listen to what I say.

2783 "I have heer with my cosyn Palamon

"I have here with my cousin Palamon
2784 Had strif and rancour many a day agon
Had strife and rancor many a day ago
2785 For love of yow, and for my jalousye.
For love of you, and for my jealousy.
2786 And Juppiter so wys my soule gye,
And as Jupiter may guide my soul,
2787 To speken of a servaunt proprely,
To speak specifically of a servant (of love),
2788 With alle circumstances trewely --
With all the attendant attributes truly --
2789 That is to seyen, trouthe, honour, knyghthe
That is to say, truth, honor, knighthood,
2790 Wysdom, humblesse, estaat, and heigh kyn
Wisdom, humbleness, rank, and noble ance
2791 Fredom, and al that longeth to that art --
Nobility of character, and all that belongs to
2792 So Juppiter have of my soule part,
As Jupiter may have concern for my soul,
2793 As in this world right now ne knowe I non
In this world right now I know no one
2794 So worthy to ben loved as Palamon,
So worthy to be loved as Palamon,
2795 That serveth yow, and wol doon al his lyf.
Who serves you, and will do so all his life.
2796 And if that evere ye shul ben a wyf,
And if ever you shall be a wife,
2797 Foryet nat Palamon, the gentil man."
Forget not Palamon, the gentle man."
2798 And with that word his speche faille gan,
And with that word his speech began to fail,
2799 For from his feet up to his brest was come
For from his feet up to his breast had come
2800 The coold of deeth, that hadde hym overco
The cold of death, which had overcome him
2801 And yet mooreover, for in his armes two
And yet moreover, for in his two arms
2802 The vital strengthe is lost and al ago.
The vital strength is lost and all gone.
2803 Oonly the intellect, withouten moore,
Only the intellect, nothing else,
2804 That dwelled in his herte syk and soore,
That dwelled in his heart sick and sore,
2805 Gan faillen whan the herte felte deeth.
Began to fail when the heart felt death.
2806 Dusked his eyen two, and failled breeth,
His two eyes grew dark, and his breath faile
2807 But on his lady yet caste he his ye;
But on his lady yet he cast his eye;
2808 His laste word was, "Mercy, Emelye!"
His last word was, "Mercy, Emelye!"
2809 His spirit chaunged hous and wente ther,
His spirit changed house and went where,
2810 As I cam nevere, I kan nat tellen wher.
Since I came never (there), I can not tell whe
2811 Therfore I stynte; I nam no divinistre;
Therefore I stop; I am no theologian;
2812 Of soules fynde I nat in this registre,
I find nothing about souls in this register,
2813 Ne me ne list thilke opinions to telle
Nor do I wish to tell such beliefs
2814 Of hem, though that they writen wher they
Of them, though they write of where they (th
2815 Arcite is coold, ther Mars his soule gye!
Arcite is cold, may Mars guide his soul!
2816 Now wol I speken forth of Emelye.
Now will I speak forth of Emelye.

2817 Shrighte Emelye, and howleth Palamon,

Emelye shrieked, and Palamon howls,
2818 And Theseus his suster took anon
And Theseus immediately took his sister
2819 Swownynge, and baar hire fro the corps aw
Swooning, and carried her away from the co
2820 What helpeth it to tarien forth the day
What helps it to waste the whole day
2821 To tellen how she weep bothe eve and mor
To tell how she wept both evening and morn
2822 For in swich cas wommen have swich sorw
For in such cases women have such sorrow
2823 Whan that hir housbondes ben from hem a
When their husbands are gone from them,
2824 That for the moore part they sorwen so,
That for the most part they so sorrow,
2825 Or ellis fallen in swich maladye
Or else fall in such illness
2826 That at the laste certeinly they dye.
That at the last certainly they die.

2827 Infinite been the sorwes and the teeres

Infinite are the sorrows and the tears
2828 Of olde folk and folk of tendre yeeres
Of old folk and folk of tender years
2829 In al the toun for deeth of this Theban.
In all the town for the death of this Theban.
2830 For hym ther wepeth bothe child and man;
For him there weep both child and man;
2831 So greet wepyng was ther noon, certayn,
There was no such great weeping, certainly,
2832 Whan Ector was ybroght, al fressh yslayn,
When Hector was brought, just recently slain
2833 To Troye. Allas, the pitee that was ther,
To Troy. Alas, the lamentation that was ther
2834 Cracchynge of chekes, rentynge eek of hee
Scratching of cheeks, also tearing of hair.
2835 "Why woldestow be deed," thise wommen
"Why wouldst thou be dead," these women c
2836 "And haddest gold ynough, and Emelye?"
"Since thou haddest gold enough, and Emel

2837 No man myghte gladen Theseus,

No man might comfort Theseus,
2838 Savynge his olde fader Egeus,
Except for his old father Egeus,
2839 That knew this worldes transmutacioun,
Who knew the changes of this world,
2840 As he hadde seyn it chaunge bothe up and
As he had seen it change both up and down
2841 Joye after wo, and wo after gladnesse,
Joy after woe, and woe after gladness,
2842 And shewed hem ensamples and liknesse.
And showed them examples and compariso

2843 "Right as ther dyed nevere man," quod he,

"Right as there died never a man," said he,
2844 "That he ne lyvede in erthe in some degree
"Who did not live in earth to some extent
2845 Right so ther lyvede never man," he seyde,
Just so there lived never a man," he said,
2846 "In al this world, that som tyme he ne deyd
"In all this world, who some time did not die.
2847 This world nys but a thurghfare ful of wo,
This world is nothing but a thoroughfare full
2848 And we been pilgrymes, passynge to and f
And we are pilgrims, passing to and fro.
2849 Deeth is an ende of every worldly soore."
Death is an end of every worldly pain."
2850 And over al this yet seyde he muchel moor
And beyond all this yet he said much more
2851 To this effect, ful wisely to enhorte
To this effect, full wisely to exhort
2852 The peple that they sholde hem reconforte
The people that they should comfort themse

2853 Duc Theseus, with al his bisy cure,

Duke Theseus, with all his careful attention,
2854 Caste now wher that the sepulture
Considered now where the tomb
2855 Of goode Arcite may best ymaked be,
Of good Arcite may best be made,
2856 And eek moost honurable in his degree.
And also most honorable in (regard to) his ra
2857 And at the laste he took conclusioun
And at the last he concluded
2858 That ther as first Arcite and Palamoun
That there where first Arcite and Palamon
2859 Hadden for love the bataille hem bitwene,
Had the battle between them for love,
2860 That in that selve grove, swoote and grene
That in that same grove, sweet-smelling and
2861 Ther as he hadde his amorouse desires,
Where he had his amorous desires,
2862 His compleynte, and for love his hoote fire
His lament, and for love his hot fires,
2863 He wolde make a fyr in which the office
He would make a fire in which the rite
2864 Funeral he myghte al accomplice.
Of a funeral he might fully perform.
2865 And leet comande anon to hakke and hewe
And he ordered immediately to hack and he
2866 The okes olde, and leye hem on a rewe
The old oaks, and lay them in a row
2867 In colpons wel arrayed for to brenne.
In piles arranged to burn well.
2868 His officers with swifte feet they renne
His officers with swift feet they run
2869 And ryde anon at his comandement.
And ride quickly at his commandment.
2870 And after this, Theseus hath ysent
And after this, Theseus has sent
2871 After a beere, and it al overspradde
For a bier, and it all overspread
2872 With clooth of gold, the richeste that he ha
With cloth of gold, the richest that he had.
2873 And of the same suyte he cladde Arcite;
And of the same material he clad Arcite;
2874 Upon his hondes hadde he gloves white,
Upon his hands he had white gloves,
2875 Eek on his heed a coroune of laurer grene,
Also on his head a crown of green laurel,
2876 And in his hond a swerd ful bright and ken
And in his hand a sword full bright and keen
2877 He leyde hym, bare the visage, on the beer
He laid him, with the face bare, on the bier;
2878 Therwith he weep that pitee was to heere.
Therewith he wept that it was a pity to hear.
2879 And for the peple sholde seen hym alle,
And in order that all the people should see h
2880 Whan it was day, he broghte hym to the ha
When it was day, he brought him to the hall,
2881 That roreth of the criyng and the soun.
That resounds with the crying and the sound

2882 Tho cam this woful Theban Palamoun,

Then came this woeful Theban Palamon,
2883 With flotery berd and ruggy, asshy heeres,
With waving beard and rough hair sprinkled
2884 In clothes blake, ydropped al with teeres;
In black clothes, all sprinkled with tears;
2885 And, passynge othere of wepynge, Emelye
And, excelling others in weeping, Emelye,
2886 The rewefulleste of al the compaignye.
The most pitiful of all the company.
2887 In as muche as the servyce sholde be
In order that the ritual should be
2888 The moore noble and riche in his degree,
The more noble and rich in its degree,
2889 Duc Theseus leet forth thre steedes brynge
Duke Theseus had three steeds brought fort
2890 That trapped were in steel al gliterynge,
That were equipped with trappings of steel a
2891 And covered with the armes of daun Arcite
And covered with the coat of arms of Don Ar
2892 Upon thise steedes, that weren grete and w
Upon these steeds, that were large and whit
2893 Ther seten folk, of whiche oon baar his she
There sat folk, of which one carried his (Arci
2894 Another his spere up on his hondes heeld,
Another held his spear upright in his hands,
2895 The thridde baar with hym his bowe Turkey
The third carried with him his Turkish bow
2896 (Of brend gold was the caas and eek the ha
(Of pure gold was the quiver and also the fit
2897 And riden forth a paas with sorweful cheer
And they rode forth slowly with sorrowful dem
2898 Toward the grove, as ye shul after heere.
Toward the grove, as you shall later hear.
2899 The nobleste of the Grekes that ther were
The noblest of the Greeks that were there
2900 Upon hir shuldres caryeden the beere,
Carried the bier upon their shoulders,
2901 With slakke paas and eyen rede and wete,
With slow pace and eyes red and wet,
2902 Thurghout the citee by the maister strete,
Throughout the city by the main street,
2903 That sprad was al with blak, and wonder hy
Which was all spread with black, and wonde
2904 Right of the same is the strete ywrye.
The street is covered with exactly the same.
2905 Upon the right hond wente olde Egeus,
Upon the right hand went old Egeus,
2906 And on that oother syde duc Theseus,
And on that other side duke Theseus,
2907 With vessels in hir hand of gold ful fyn,
With vessels of pure gold in their hands,
2908 Al ful of hony, milk, and blood, and wyn;
All full of honey, milk, and blood, and wine;
2909 Eek Palamon, with ful greet compaignye;
Also Palamon, with a very large company;
2910 And after that cam woful Emelye,
And after that came woeful Emelye,
2911 With fyr in honde, as was that tyme the gys
With fire in hand, as was at that time the cus
2912 To do the ritual of funeral service.
To do the office of funeral service.

2913 Heigh labour and ful greet apparaillynge

Much labor and full great preparation
2914 Was at the service and the fyr-makynge,
Was at the service and the fire-making,
2915 That with his grene top the hevene raughte
Which with its green top reached the heaven
2916 And twenty fadme of brede the armes strau
And twenty fathom of breadth the sides stret
2917 This is to seyn, the bowes weren so brode.
This is to say, the boughs were so broad.
2918 Of stree first ther was leyd ful many a lode.
There was first laid very many a load of stra
2919 But how the fyr was maked upon highte,
But how the fire was made on high,
2920 Ne eek the names that the trees highte,
Nor also the names that the trees are called
2921 As ook, firre, birch, aspe, alder, holm, popl
Such as oak, fir, birch, aspen, alder, holm oa
2922 Wylugh, elm, plane, assh, box, chasteyn, ly
Willow, elm, plane, ash, box, chestnut, linde
2923 Mapul, thorn, bech, hasel, ew, whippeltree
Maple, thorn, beech, hazel, yew, dogwood -
2924 How they weren feld shal nat be toold for m
How they were cut down shall not be told by
2925 Ne hou the goddes ronnen up and doun,
Nor how the gods ran up and down,
2926 Disherited of hire habitacioun,
Disinherited of their habitation,
2927 In which they woneden in reste and pees,
In which they dwelt in rest and peace,
2928 Nymphes, fawnes and amadrides;
Nymphs, fawns and hamadryades (wood ny
2929 Ne hou the beestes and the briddes alle
Nor how the beasts and the birds all
2930 Fledden for fere, whan the wode was falle;
Fled for fear, when the wood was cut down;
2931 Ne how the ground agast was of the light,
Nor how frightened by the light was the grou
2932 That was nat wont to seen the sonne brigh
Which was not accustomed to see the brigh
2933 Ne how the fyr was couched first with stree
Nor how the fire was laid first with straw,
2934 And thanne with drye stikkes cloven a thre
And then with dry branches cut in thirds,
2935 And thanne with grene wode and spicerye,
And then with green wood and mixtures of s
2936 And thanne with clooth of gold and with pe
And then with cloth of gold and with precious
2937 And gerlandes, hangynge with ful many a f
And garlands, hanging with full many a flowe
2938 The mirre, th'encens, with al so greet odou
The myrrh, the incense, with such great frag
2939 Ne how Arcite lay among al this,
Nor how Arcite lay among all this,
2940 Ne what richesse aboute his body is;
Nor what richness about his body is;
2941 Ne how that Emelye, as was the gyse,
Nor how Emelye, as was the custom,
2942 Putte in the fyr of funeral servyse;
Lighted the fire of funeral service;
2943 Ne how she swowned whan men made the
Nor how she swooned when men made the
2944 Ne what she spak, ne what was hir desir;
Nor what she spoke, nor what was her desir
2945 Ne what jeweles men in the fyre caste,
Nor what jewels men threw in the fire,
2946 Whan that the fyr was greet and brente fas
When the fire was great and burned fast;
2947 Ne how somme caste hir sheeld, and somm
Nor how some threw their shields, and some
2948 And of hire vestimentz, whiche that they w
And of their vestments, which they wore,
2949 And coppes fulle of wyn, and milk, and blo
And cups full of wine, and milk, and blood,
2950 Into the fyr, that brente as it were wood;
Into the fire, that burned as if it were mad;
2951 Ne how the Grekes, with an huge route,
Nor how the Greeks, with a huge company,
2952 Thries riden al the fyr aboute
Thrice ride all the fire about
2953 Upon the left hand, with a loud shoutynge,
Upon the left hand, with a loud shouting,
2954 And thries with hir speres claterynge;
And thrice with their spears clattering;
2955 And thries how the ladyes gonne crye;
And thrice how the ladies did cry;
2956 And how that lad was homward Emelye;
And how Emelye was led homeward;
2957 Ne how Arcite is brent to asshen colde;
Nor how Arcite is burned to cold ashes;
2958 Ne how that lyche-wake was yholde
Nor how that wake was held
2959 Al thilke nyght; ne how the Grekes pleye
All that same night; nor how the Greeks play
2960 The wake-pleyes; ne kepe I nat to seye
The funeral games I care not to say
2961 Who wrastleth best naked with oille enoyn
Who wrestles best, naked with oil anointed,
2962 Ne who that baar hym best, in no disjoynt.
Nor who bore him best, in any difficulty.
2963 I wol nat tellen eek how that they goon
I will not tell also how they go
2964 Hoom til Atthenes, whan the pley is doon;
Home to Athens, when the games are done;
2965 But shortly to the point thanne wol I wende
But shortly to the point then I will go
2966 And maken of my longe tale an ende.
And make an end of my long tale.

2967 By processe and by lengthe of certeyn yere

By the course of events and by length of a c
2968 Al stynted is the moornynge and the teres
All stopped is the mourning and the tears
2969 Of Grekes, by oon general assent.
Of the Greeks, by one general assent.
2970 Thanne semed me ther was a parlement
Then it seemed to me there was a parliamen
2971 At Atthenes, upon certein pointz and caas;
At Athens, upon certain topics and cases;
2972 Among the whiche pointz yspoken was,
Among which topics was discussed (a propo
2973 To have with certein contrees alliaunce,
To have alliance with certain countries,
2974 And have fully of Thebans obeisaunce.
And have fully the submission of the Theban
2975 For which this noble Theseus anon
For which this noble Theseus immediately
2976 Leet senden after gentil Palamon,
Ordered (someone) to send for gentle Palam
2977 Unwist of hym what was the cause and wh
Unknown by him (Palamon) what was the ca
2978 But in his blake clothes sorwefully
But in his black clothes sorrowfully
2979 He cam at his comandement in hye.
He came at his (Theseus's) commandment
2980 Tho sente Theseus for Emelye.
Then Theseus sent for Emelye.
2981 Whan they were set, and hust was al the pl
When they were set, and all the place was h
2982 And Theseus abiden hadde a space
And Theseus had waited for a while
2983 Er any word cam fram his wise brest,
Before any word came from his wise breast,
2984 His eyen sette he ther as was his lest.
He set his eyes where his object of desire w
2985 And with a sad visage he siked stille,
And with a sad face he sighed softly,
2986 And after that right thus he seyde his wille:
And after that exactly thus he pronounced h

2987 "The Firste Moevere of the cause above,

"The First Mover of the First Cause above,
2988 Whan he first made the faire cheyne of love
When he first made the faire chain of love,
2989 Greet was th'effect, and heigh was his ente
Great was the effect, and noble was his plan
2990 Wel wiste he why, and what thereof he men
Well knew he why, and what thereof he mea
2991 For with that faire cheyne of love he bond
For with that faire chain of love he bound
2992 The fyr, the eyr, the water, and the lond
The fire, the air, the water, and the land
2993 In certeyn boundes, that they may nat flee.
In definite bounds, from which they may not
2994 That same Prince and that Moevere," quod
That same Prince and that Mover," said he,
2995 "Hath stablissed in this wrecched world ad
"Has established in this wretched world belo
2996 Certeyne dayes and duracioun
Specific (numbers of) days and (term of) dur
2997 To al that is engendred in this place,
To all that is engendered in this place,
2998 Over the whiche day they may nat pace,
Beyond the which day they can not pass,
2999 Al mowe they yet tho dayes wel abregge.
Although they may yet well shorten those da
3000 Ther nedeth noght noon auctoritee t'allegg
There is no need to cite any written authority
3001 For it is preeved by experience,
For it is proven by experience,
3002 But that me list declaren my sentence.
Unless I wish to make my meaning more cle
3003 Thanne may men by this ordre wel discern
Then one can by this order well discern
3004 That thilke Moevere stable is and eterne.
That that same Mover is stable and eternal.
3005 Wel may men knowe, but it be a fool,
Well may one know, unless it be a fool,
3006 That every part dirryveth from his hool,
That every part derives from its whole,
3007 For nature hath nat taken his bigynnyng
For nature has not taken its beginning
3008 Of no partie or cantel of a thyng,
Of no part or portion of a thing,
3009 But of a thyng that parfit is and stable,
But of a thing that is complete and stable,
3010 Descendynge so til it be corrumpable.
Descending (from that) until it becomes corr
3011 And therfore, of his wise purveiaunce,
And therefore, by his wise foresight,
3012 He hath so wel biset his ordinaunce
He has so well established his plan
3013 That speces of thynges and progressiouns
That types of being and natural processes
3014 Shullen enduren by successiouns,
Shall endure (for a set time) one after anoth
3015 And nat eterne, withouten any lye.
And not eternally, without any lie.
3016 This maystow understonde and seen at ye
This thou canst understand and plainly see.

3017 "Loo the ook, that hath so long a norisshyn

"Lo the oak, that is so slow to mature,
3018 From tyme that it first bigynneth to spryng
From the time that it first begins to spring,
3019 And hath so long a lif, as we may see,
And has so long a life, as we may see,
3020 Yet at the laste wasted is the tree.
Yet at the last the tree is wasted away.

3021 "Considereth eek how that the harde stoon

"Consider also how the hard stone
3022 Under oure feet, on which we trede and go
Under our feet, on which we tread and go,
3023 Yet wasteth it as it lyth by the weye.
Eventually it is worn away as it lies by the w
3024 The brode ryver somtyme wexeth dreye;
The broad river sometimes grows dry;
3025 The grete tounes se we wane and wende.
We see the great cities grow weak and pass
3026 Thanne may ye se that al this thyng hath en
Then you can see that all things have an en
3027 "Of man and womman seen we wel also
"Of man and woman also we see well
3028 That nedes, in oon of thise termes two --
That by necessity, in one of these two period
3029 This is to seyn, in youthe or elles age --
This is to say, in youth or else in age --
3030 He moot be deed, the kyng as shal a page;
He must be dead, the king as must a servan
3031 Som in his bed, som in the depe see,
One in his bed, one in the deep sea,
3032 Som in the large feeld, as men may see;
One in the large field, as people can see;
3033 Ther helpeth noght; al goth that ilke weye.
Nothing helps there; all goes that same way
3034 Thanne may I seyn that al this thyng moot
Then may I say that all things must die.

3035 "What maketh this but Juppiter, the kyng,

"What causes this but Jupiter, the king,
3036 That is prince and cause of alle thyng,
Who is prince and cause of all things,
3037 Convertynge al unto his propre welle
Causing all to return to its own origin
3038 From which it is dirryved, sooth to telle?
From which it is derived, to tell the truth?
3039 And heer-agayns no creature on lyve,
And against this no living creature,
3040 Of no degree, availleth for to stryve.
Of any rank, is helped by striving.

3041 "Thanne is it wysdom, as it thynketh me,

"Then is it wisdom, as it seems to me,
3042 To maken vertu of necessitee,
To make virtue of necessity,
3043 And take it weel that we may nat eschue,
And take it well what we may not escape,
3044 And namely that to us alle is due.
And namely that which is due to us all.
3045 And whoso gruccheth ought, he dooth foly
And whoever complains in any way, he does
3046 And rebel is to hym that al may gye.
And is rebel to Him that can rule all.
3047 And certeinly a man hath moost honour
And certainly a man has most honor
3048 To dyen in his excellence and flour,
To die in his (time of) excellence and flower,
3049 Whan he is siker of his goode name;
When he is sure of his good name;
3050 Thanne hath he doon his freend, ne hym, n
Then he has not done his friend, nor himself
3051 And gladder oghte his freend been of his d
And his friend ought to be more pleased with
3052 Whan with honour up yolden is his breeth,
When his breath is yielded up with honor,
3053 Than whan his name apalled is for age,
Than when his name is faded because of ag
3054 For al forgeten is his vassellage.
For all forgotten is his knightly prowess.
3055 Thanne is it best, as for a worthy fame,
Then is it best, for a worthy fame,
3056 To dyen whan that he is best of name.
To die when he has the most fame.

3057 "The contrarie of al this is wilfulnesse.

"The contrary of all this is willfulness.
3058 Why grucchen we, why have we hevynesse
Why do we complain, why do we have sadn
3059 That goode Arcite, of chivalrie flour,
That good Arcite, flower of chivalry,
3060 Departed is with duetee and honour
Is departed with all due honor
3061 Out of this foule prisoun of this lyf?
Out of this foul prison of this life?
3062 Why grucchen heere his cosyn and his wyf
Why do his cousin and his wife complain he
3063 Of his welfare, that loved hem so weel?
Of the welfare of him, who loved them so we
3064 Kan he hem thank? Nay, God woot, never a
Can he show them his gratitude? Nay, God
3065 That both his soule and eek hemself offend
They offend both his soul and themselves as
3066 And yet they mowe hir lustes nat amende.
And as yet they may not change their desire

3067 "What may I conclude of this longe serye,

"What can I conclude of this long argument,
3068 But after wo I rede us to be merye
But after woe I advise us to be merry
3069 And thanken Juppiter of al his grace?
And thank Jupiter for all his grace?
3070 And er that we departen from this place
And before we depart from this place
3071 I rede that we make of sorwes two
I advise that we make of two sorrows
3072 O parfit joye, lastynge everemo.
One perfect joy, lasting evermore.
3073 And looketh now, wher moost sorwe is her
And look now, where most sorrow is herein,
3074 Ther wol we first amenden and bigynne.
There will we first amend and begin.

3075 "Suster," quod he, "this is my fulle assent,

"Sister," said he, "this is my full intention,
3076 With al th'avys heere of my parlement,
With all the advice of my parliament here,
3077 That gentil Palamon, youre owene knyght,
That gentle Palamon, your own knight,
3078 That serveth yow with wille, herte, and myg
Who serves you with will, heart, and might,
3079 And ever hath doon syn ye first hym knewe
And ever has done so since you first knew h
3080 That ye shul of youre grace upon hym rewe
That you shall of your grace have pity upon
3081 And taken hym for housbonde and for lord
And take him for husband and for lord.
3082 Lene me youre hond, for this is oure accor
Lend me your hand, for this is our decision.
3083 Lat se now of youre wommanly pitee.
Let your womanly pity now be seen.
3084 He is a kynges brother sone, pardee;
He is a king's brother's son, indeed;
3085 And though he were a povre bacheler,
And even if he were a poor young knight,
3086 Syn he hath served yow so many a yeer,
Since he has served you so many a year,
3087 And had for yow so greet adversitee,
And has had for you such great adversity,
3088 It moste been considered, leeveth me,
It must be taken in account, believe me,
3089 For gentil mercy oghte to passen right."
For gentle mercy ought to prevail over justic

3090 Thanne seyde he thus to Palamon the knig

Then said he thus to Palamon the knight:
3091 "I trowe ther nedeth litel sermonyng
"I suppose little preaching is needed here
3092 To make yow assente to this thyng.
To make you assent to this thing.
3093 Com neer, and taak youre lady by the hond
Come near, and take your lady by the hand.

3094 Bitwixen hem was maad anon the bond

Between them was made right away the bon
3095 That highte matrimoigne or mariage,
That is called matrimony or marriage,
3096 By al the conseil and the baronage.
By all the council and the baronage.
3097 And thus with alle blisse and melodye
And thus with all bliss and festivity
3098 Hath Palamon ywedded Emelye.
Palamon has wedded Emelye.
3099 And God, that al this wyde world hath wrog
And God, who has made all this wide world,
3100 Sende hym his love that hath it deere abog
Send him his love who has dearly paid for it;
3101 For now is Palamon in alle wele,
For now is Palamon in complete happiness,
3102 Lyvynge in blisse, in richesse, and in heele
Living in bliss, in riches, and in health,
3103 And Emelye hym loveth so tendrely,
And Emelye loves him so tenderly,
3104 And he hire serveth so gentilly,
And he serves her so gently,
3105 That nevere was ther no word hem bitwene
That never was there any word between the
3106 Of jalousie or any oother teene.
Of jealousy or any other vexation.
3107 Thus endeth Palamon and Emelye;
Thus ends Palamon and Emelye;
3108 And God save al this faire compaignye! Am
And God save all this fair company! Amen.
ts and by length of a certain number of years,

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