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Current Science Reports

Monsoon Microphysics Chennai received larger drops in The researchers input the data into
Rain in Chennai and Mumbai the afternoon during the southwest the model builder in ArcGIS, a
monsoon. More surface heating geographic information system that
Mumbai is pounded by the southwest
around noon leads to rapid evapora- generates site suitability maps, by
monsoon from June to September.
tion, generating sufficient water eliminating constraint areas.
From October to December, Chennai
vapour in the atmosphere from June More than a fourth of the 24,000
gets drenched by the northeast mon-
to September. square kilometres of open sea in the
soon. How does rainfall differ in these
In October, there were sharp rain- territorial waters of Gujarat has suit-
fall peaks over Mumbai. The daytime- able sites and another fourth is mode-
specific variations were associated rately suitable.
with continental rainfall. ‘The most potential sites are along
Thus, there are key differences in the Saurashtra region. The Gulf of
the rain microphysics. These micro- Khambhat has the least,’ says D. N.
physical properties are useful inputs Divu, CMFRI.
in earth system models for mapping ‘Structural stability levels for the cul-
urban rainfall patterns, say the res- ture system, topographic and socio-
earchers. infrastructural unsuitability are major
DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105313 hurdles,’ says A. Gopalakrishnan,
Mariculture in India The method can now be used to find
Sachin Jadhav via flickr
Suitable sites in Gujarat suitable mariculture areas in other
Kaustav Chakravarty from IITM coastal regions. Cooperative maricul-
Mariculture, cultivating organisms in
Pune collaborated with researchers ture can reduce risk for fishers, lifting
the open sea using cages or tanks, is
from three other institutions in India millions in coastal regions from pov-
popular given the increasing demand
to investigate. They used disdrome- erty. And it can make Indian fisheries
for seafood. The estimated marine
ters, which provide raindrop size dis- sustainable.
production capacity in India is 4–8 mil-
tribution, and data from weather DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124760
lion tonnes. But current production is
stations in both cities. negligible.
Raindrops form, evaporate and re- Teesta River Valley Project
To identify the best locations, many
form by condensation, accumulation Sub watershed-treatment
constraints need to be considered.
and collision. During the southwest Wind, waves, currents and tides de- The Teesta River starts in Sikkim and
monsoon, Mumbai had the smallest termine suitability. Mariculture should flows through West Bengal. The river
drops. Chennai had mid-sized rain- also not clash with traditional fishing, basin has unstable slopes and en-
drops. maritime traffic and offshore pipelines. dures high intensity rainfall. Unwise
During the northeast monsoon, It is in such situations that geographic land use also contributes to high soil
however, the cities trended differently information-based multi-criteria tools erosion in the region. This poses a
at different rain rates. At lower rates, can be of help. serious threat to the agriculture-driven
drops were larger in Chennai. In Recently, researchers from the economy there.
Mumbai, drops were larger at higher ICAR-CMFRI and the K. L. University,
rates. Guntur developed a geographic infor-
The northeast monsoon in Mumbai mation system-based decision support
comes from continental clouds drift- model and a spatial framework for
ing in from the southeast. As conti- selecting cage farm sites in the off-
nental clouds travel over land, they shore waters at Gujarat.
accumulate vapour. This increases They divided the coast, based on
the diameter of cloud droplets. landforms and oceanography. Then
During the southwest monsoon, came the laborious process of collect-
Chennai witnessed more convective ing data on suitability parameters,
rain – intense due to the accumula- including remote sensing data from
tion of water vapour over the vertical oceanographic parameters and sec- Hulksr51 via Wikimedia Commons
region of convection, covering a ondary data from scientific literature.
small area. And it was more than The team double-checked secondary To tackle the issue, the state gov-
Mumbai’s share. data with in situ data. Social and infra- ernment drafted the Teesta River
This is because Chennai has structural data were collected with a Valley Project in 1977. To prioritize
higher surface temperature, say the field survey and from national marine sub-watersheds requiring rapid treat-
researchers. fisheries census data. ment on the basis of sediment yield

752 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 120, NO. 5, 10 MARCH 2021

per unit area, reconnaissance surveys Remote Sensing, ISRO, Dehradun They isolated DNA from the leaves
were carried out in Darjeeling and ad- investigated the applicability of vari- to amplify viral and satellite DNA
jacent Sikkim. And the State Forest ous machine learning algorithms to sequences.
Department developed infrastructure map the spatial variability of foliar There was some DNA-A but they
to minimise soil erosion. The Depart- nitrogen and carbon in sal. could not amplify any DNA-B. So the
ment undertook agronomic and engi- They took Sentinel-2 data of a sal virus was monopartite. They amplified
neering measures to reduce runoff, forest in the northwest Himalayan satellite DNA. But only found a dis-
allowing soil cover to evolve slowly. foothills and sal leaf samples to ana- torted beta satellite.
In 2013, a researcher from the Uni- lyse the percentage of nitrogen and Then, they matched the amplified
versity of Delhi conducted ground carbon. They established empirical DNA-A sequences with available se-
surveys to study the impact of sub- relationships between satellite data- quences of viruses using bioinformatic
watershed treatment and on-farm soil derived spectral indices, band reflec- databases. And found two sequences
conservation measures on agriculture tance and ground measured foliar showing 97% similarity with the chilli
to compare farm profits between nitrogen and carbon. And found a leaf curl virus.
treated and untreated sub-watersheds. strong relationship between foliar The recombination of viral genomes
Sub-watershed treatment increased nitrogen, the shortwave infrared-1 can happen in mixed infections. So
profits marginally in high and medium- band, and the normalized difference they checked. And found recombina-
erosion prone areas. However, the red edge index. However, foliar car- tion events in both isolates, confirming
change in on-farm profits was insignifi- bon was strongly related to the why papayas get infected with a chilli
cant in very high erosion-prone sub- shortwave infrared-1 band and other virus. The distorted beta satellite still
watersheds. This could be because indices. manages to influence infection inten-
farmers did not put in optimal efforts to Then they tried to predict nitrogen sity.
conserve soil on their plots. and carbon content for a larger area Another insight into the evolution of
‘Restricted land area under the State using random forest, artificial neural plant pathogenic viruses.
Forest Department, pre-existing pri- networks and support vector ma- DOI: 10.1080/14620316.2021.1874837
vate property rights in agricultural chines. Random forest models per-
lands and limited participation of far- formed better than artificial neural Fungal Infection in Peanuts
mers impeded efforts,’ says Chandan networks and support vector machine Pipecolic acid prevents
Singha, University of Delhi. models.
Some years back, a group of res-
Farmers find it hard to bear the The model can now be tested on sal
earchers identified a rhizobacterium
costs of afforestation and stone- forests in other regions and even be
which gives peanut seeds resistance
fencing on their plots, especially when adapted to map the spatial variability
against Aspergillus flavus, a common
the government does not provide fina- of foliar nitrogen and carbon in other
fungal infection. Now, they have identi-
ncial incentives for these measures. types of tropical forests using the
fied the mechanism. The results could
DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.105089 broad bands of Sentinel-2.
give help farmers protect crops from
DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2020.1823043
the fungus.
Foliar Nitrogen and Carbon
Mapping spatial variability in sal Papaya Leaf Curl Disease
Through chilli virus
For sal trees, nitrogen content in
canopy foliage increases from bottom Begomovirus in papaya causes leaf
to top and carbon stock increases as curl disease, leading to significant loss
the trees mature and then declines. for farmers. The virus can be bipartite
Foliar nitrogen and carbon are impor- with DNA-A and DNA-B or monopartite
tant parameters that indicate forest with only DNA-A and beta, alpha and
health. delta satellites. The smaller satellite
In sal forests, spatial variation in DNAs influence pathogenesis and
AhaaRuchi via pixabay
foliar nitrogen and carbon occurs due symptom development.
to phenological conditions, site and Abhinav Kumar, Institute of Inte- Sandeep Sharma and team from
soil quality and pest infestations. So, grated Learning in Management, BHU, Varanasi collaborated with the
mapping this spatial variability can Greater Noida studies how beta satel- CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemi-
help monitor and manage sal forests. lites act when these viruses infect cals Research Institute, Bhavnagar
Remote sensing with machine learn- crops. and researchers from China and Ger-
ing algorithms is used to map the But why is the infection so severe in many to profile metabolites in peanut
spatial variability of the biophysical papaya, he recently wondered. seeds. Thus, they could identify com-
and biochemical properties of vegeta- The level of leaf curling shows high pounds and genes that provide resis-
tion. viral infection. So his team collected tance against the infection.
Recently, Vaishali Vasudeva and curled papaya leaves from and around The team infected one set of pea-
colleagues from the Indian Institute of New Delhi. nuts with the fungi while another was

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 120, NO. 5, 10 MARCH 2021 753

infected and treated with rhizobacteria. than commercial pectin, which may be the treated soil sample. The beam is
Comparing metabolites from both sets, due to physical bonding with polyphe- focused by a cylindrical lens. The
they found that the levels of pipecolic nols. transmitted light passes through a
acid, a non-protein amino acid, consis- The method could recover pectin grating. To obtain the best spectrum,
tently differed in both sets. In seeds and polyphenols simultaneously with the diffracted light is deviated at 47
treated with the rhizobacterium, levels minimal processing. But the pulp still degrees. Finally, the light spectrum is
were higher than those in infected but remains. And the wastewater still con- displayed on the mobile screen
untreated seeds. tains materials that increase the oxy- through the camera.
Pipecolic acid, a metabolic product gen demand of surface waters it may Now, the challenge was to deter-
of lysine, an amino acid, plays a role in meet. mine the relation between light and
immunity against diseases in plants Can we treat coffee pulp wastewater matter. To calibrate the sensor, the
and animals. So the team applied with plant material, wondered Ancy team recorded the spectrum of green
pipecolic acid externally to peanut Jenifer and her team from the Mother and red light and determined their pixel
seeds. Teresa Women’s University, Tamil positions. They established a linear
‘This reduced chances of Aspergillus Nadu. relation between pixel position and the
infection by almost 70 per cent,’ says Ricin, a highly toxic glycoprotein, wavelength of the diffracted light.
Sandeep Sharma, BHU. acts as a natural coagulant. It can Based on this relation, they generated
‘We looked at the genes involved,’ inhibit pollutants. And castor seed pro- a scale of pH values from 4 to 10.
adds Babita Choudhary, his colleague. tein contains ricin. To visualise the relation between
Genes that regulate pipecolic acid The team added different doses of pixels and wavelengths of transmitted
levels and pathways responsible for castor seed coagulant to the waste- light, they correlated transmittance
immunity could be targeted to provide water samples. The process removed intensity with change in sample pH.
resistance to seeds against different three-fourths of dissolved coffee pulp The values obtained matched initial pH
kinds of diseases. With genetic engi- solids and four-fifths of the colour. measurements.
neering, we can breed crops with bet- Due to its cationic nature, ricin pro- ‘We can now easily estimate the pH
ter immunity against diseases. tein coagulates sugar binding sites and of soil samples. It’s as good as spec-
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124155 creates hydrogen bonds between mo- trometer results,’ announces Priyanka
lecules. This waste aggregate is then Das, Tezpur University.
Coffee Pulp Waste dissolved by amide groups in the ricin. ‘We are planning to develop an ap-
Pectin extraction and treatment The castor-ricin treatment removed plication that will convert spectrometric
total dissolved solids in wastewater data directly into readable format,’
Coffee seed extraction generates pulp.
samples. adds Pabitra Nath, her mentor.
Though packed with macronutrients
‘Castor seed protein can be a cheap Another app in the making for agri-
and bioactives, the pulp is difficult to
alternative to chemical coagulants to preneurs!
dispose of.
efficiently manage coffee waste,’ say DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3027587
the researchers.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101742; Measuring Uranium Isotopes
DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.10.045
Compact instrumentation
Smartphone-based Tool
Uranium naturally occurs as isotopes
Measuring soil pH
234, 235 and 238. But only uranium-
Soil health is determined by pH. How- 235 is used for nuclear fission to pro-
ever, pH estimation is laborious or duce energy in nuclear power plants.
requires sophisticated, bulky, high- To distinguish between uranium iso-
computing tools. Can we use smart- topes, a thermal ionization mass
Sam Faulkner via Flickr
phones for the purpose, wondered spectrometer is used.
Vallamkondu Manasa and team Priyanka Das, Tezpur University. A current beam under vacuum is
from the CFTRI, Mysuru decided to Smartphones today pack as much passed through a uranium sample.
recover the nutrients in coffee waste. computing power as desktops. So, Uranium ions get accelerated and
So, they analysed coffee pulp sam- with colleagues, she started working move with the current. This ion beam
ples and found saccharides and poly- on a smartphone-based tool. then passes through a magnetic sector
phenols. They collected soil samples and where it gets dispersed, based on the
The researchers also extracted pec- estimated pH, using a pH meter. To mass to charge ratio of the ions. The
tin, a polysaccharide fibre, from the study the optical response, they separated beams are collected and
pulp using acids. To optimize pectin treated the samples with pH-sensitive converted to voltages. A comparison of
extraction, they tried ethanol and got dye and prepared a setup for a smart- the voltages reveals isotope ratios in
better results than with salts and acids. phone camera sensor. the sample.
The team found that pectin from cof- A beam of parallel light passes The method is precise. But the
fee pulp has higher equivalent weight through a collimator and interacts with instrumentation is bulky. Can we

754 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 120, NO. 5, 10 MARCH 2021

improve on it, wondered S. Das and K. centre of the beam, where the elec- Runu Chakraborty and Tanmay
Sreeramulu from the Raja Ramana tric field in the laser is strongest. Sarkar from Jadavpur University,
Centre for Advanced Technology, The sample now acts as a tiny lens Kolkata have been experimenting
Indore. changing the momentum of the light. with various fruits for some years
They collaborated with researchers This rate of change of momentum now. They knew that pineapples are
from the Bhabha Atomic Centre, creates an equal but opposite force rich in antioxidants. Can those anti-
Mumbai to design an improved com- that moves the particle from the cen- oxidants help increase rasgulla shelf
pact thermal ionization mass spec- tre. The force applied to the object life?
trometer. depends linearly on its displacement The duo and their team collabo-
The team targeted the magnetic from the centre, like a spring system. rated with researchers in Malaysia to
sector for size reduction. Reducing ‘Our optical tweezers are made see how pineapple pulp can improve
the magnetic sector radius from a from recycled DVD burners,’ explains shelf life.
conventional radius of 30–20 cm im- Nimit Patel, University of Baroda.
proved the precision from 0.1% to DVD burners have key components
0.05%. for optical tweezers: powerful laser,
However, reducing size will also collimator lens, photo-diodes and
reduce the dispersion of beams. So, focusing mechanism.
the team used variable dispersion The team examined two types of
zoom optics: an ion-optical arrange- polystyrene beads using this setup.
ment, facilitating the dispersion of They could measure the physical and
closely separated adjacent ion optical properties of both samples.
beams. Now, the group wanted to observe
Tests revealed that the compact the structure of the samples. So, they
thermal ionization mass spectrometer added a silica glass plate to the setup Vashisthapathak2015, via Wikimedia Commons

had better performance. to produce holograms of the speci-

‘Sensitivity increased one and a men. The laser beams passed They used hot air, freeze, micro-
half times,’ says S. Das. through the object create a digital wave, and microwave-convective
‘The design helps achieve a 35 per hologram. An image sensor records a dried pineapple pulp and treated ras-
cent reduction in overall footprint,’ hologram from which a 3D image is gullas with raw as well as the diffe-
says R. K. Bhatia, BARC, Mumbai. constructed by a numerical hologram rently dried pineapple pulp.
The system can be used for meas- reconstruction algorithm. Then, they analysed the nutritional
uring isotope ratios of other elements These interference patterns cre- value and in vitro digestibility as well
too. ated by the laser create a more com- as the phytochemistry of the prod-
DOI: 10.1002/rcm.8963 plete and deeper view of objects. ucts. Pineapple-fortified samples
This interference pattern comple- were rich in alkaloids, flavonoids,
Laser Tweezers and Holograms ments optical tweezers, as source polyphenols and tannins.
3D rendering of cells lasers can be used for creating holo- Microwave-convective dried pulp
grams. was best for most parameters. Ras-
Manipulating biological cells without gulla shelf life, when stored at 4°C,
The team observed red blood cells
physical contact can help unravel increased from five to seven and a
under their prototype.
their mechanical properties. Observ- half days. And, of course, the nutra-
‘We got images of membrane fluc-
ing specimens in the real environ- ceutical value also is increased.
tuations,’ says Arun Anand, Univer-
ment can change our view of DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.15233
sity of Baroda.
microscopic life. A group from the
Their next step is to study changes Reports by: Manish Kumar Tekam,
University of Baroda has now found a
in cells with time, using their proto- Asma Sultan, Shwetakshi Mishra,
cheap and simple way to do this.
type – a four dimensional micro- Tejinder Singh Chechi, Archana
With collaborators from IIT Delhi
scopic digital hologram. Singh, Khuban Buch, Iqra Rahim,
and the USA, the team designed
DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2020.106397 Tahera Arjumand, Ishrat Nazir,
optical tweezers coupled with a holo-
graphic microscope. These imaging Sileesh Mullasseri, Jauhar Rafeeq
Rasgulla Shelf Life
devices use a laser beam to physi- and Aradhana L. Hans
Enhanced by pineapple pulp
cally hold and move microscopic ob-
jects. The micron-sized particles can Rasgullas are tasty and nutritious. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: IISER Pune for
be plastic beads or biological cells. But shelf life is about five days. So, access to scientific databases.
The sample is trapped by shooting a confectioners use chemical preserva-
laser beam. The sample settles at the tives.

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 120, NO. 5, 10 MARCH 2021 755

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