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Biology Lec 9 D ‫اول بصريات‬ ‫حسن عبد الهادي الجابري‬

Bacterial cell structure

Bacteria are microscopic organisms whose single cells have neither a membrane bounded
nucleus nor other membrane-bounded organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts.

 What are Properties of Bacteria?

1- Prokaryotic (no membrane-enclosed nucleus)
2- No mitochondria or chloroplasts
3- A single chromosome

 a closed circle of double-stranded DNA

 with no associated histones
4- If flagella are present, they are made of a single filament of the protein flagellin; there
are none of the "9+ 2" tubulin-containing microtubules of the eukaryotes.
5- Ribosomes differ in their structure from those of eukaryotes.
6- Have a rigid cell wall made of peptidoglycan.
7- The plasma membrane (in Gram-positive bacteria) and both membranes in Gram-
negative bacteria are phospholipid bilayers but contain no cholesterol or other steroids.
8- No mitosis
9- Mostly sexual reproduction
10- Any sexual reproduction very different from that of eukaryotes (no meiosis)
11- Many bacteria form a single spore when their food supply runs low. Most of the water
is removed from the spore and metabolism ceases.
Spores are so resistant to adverse conditions of dryness and temperature that they may
remain viable even after 50 years of dormancy.

Biology Lec 9 D ‫اول بصريات‬ ‫حسن عبد الهادي الجابري‬
 What are Classification of Bacteria?
1- Shape
 Bacilli: rod-shaped
 Cocci: spherical
 Spirilla: curved walls
2- Ability to form spores
3- Method of energy production (glycolysis for anaerobes, cellular respiration for aerobes)
4- Nutritional requirements
5- Reaction to the Gram stain.

 What Differential Gram stain techniques?

The Gram stain is named after the 19th century Danish bacteriologist who developed it.
1. The bacterial cells are first with a purple dye called violet.
2. Followed by the mordant Iodine (I) which fixes the stain.
3. Then the preparation is treated with alcohol or acetone. This washes the stain out of
Gram-negative cells.
4. To see them now requires the use of a counterstain of a different color (pink of safranin).
5. The Gram-positive bacteria retain the crystal-violet iodine stain and appear blue or
purple; however, the Gram-negative bacteria lose the stain and subsequently stain with,
the safranin dye, (the counterstain) thus appear red.
Gram-positive: bacteria are encased in a plasma membrane covered with a thick wall of
Gram-negative: bacteria are encased in a triple-layer. The outermost layer contain
lipopolysaccharide (LPS).

Biology Lec 9 D ‫اول بصريات‬ ‫حسن عبد الهادي الجابري‬

 Draw bacterial cell structure?

 Explain Plasmids in Bacteria?

- Extra pieces of DNA the bacteria.
- Have genes for resistance to antibiotics.
- Have a DNA sequence that triggers replication of the plasmid independently of
the replication of the main DNA in the chromosome.
- Genetic engineering techniques often insert foreign DNA into bacteria in the form
of plasmids, which then multiply in the bacterium.

Pathogenic bacteria: (bacteria capable of causing disease) because they release chemicals
called toxins. Toxins are classified as either endotoxins or exotoxins.

Endotoxins Exotoxins
produce toxic substances which are stored excrete toxic proteins which are
in their cell walls and released when the usually the result of bacterial
bacterial cells are lysed (broken open) metabolism
produce localized effects produce systemic, potent effects
less toxic than exotoxins More toxic than endotoxins
not destroyed by heat usually heat-sensitive

Biology Lec 9 D ‫اول بصريات‬ ‫حسن عبد الهادي الجابري‬
- Typically found in molds, can kill bacteria.
- In an infection, there may be a small fraction of bacteria with DNA codes that make them
resistant to the antibiotic.
- If the antibiotic and the natural immune mechanisms do not kill such bacteria, they may
come to take over the infection and make the patient untreatable.
- Taking antibiotics for less than the prescribed number of doses is dangerous because there
is a good chance that only antibiotic-resistant bacteria will remain alive.

 Enumerate bacterial cell structure?

1- Surface Structures
2- Cytoplasmic Structures
3- The Nucleoid

 Enumerate Surface Structures?

1- Flagella
2- Pili (Fimbriae)
3- Capsules

 Enumerate Cytoplasmic Structures?

1- Plasma Membrane
2- Organelles
3- Endospores

 Macromolecules that make up cell material?

Macromolecule Primary Subunits Where found in cell
Proteins amino acids ribosomes, cytoplasm
Polysaccharides sugars (carbohydrates) capsules, cell walls
Phospholipids fatty acids membranes
Nucleic Acids nucleotides rRNA: ribosomes;
(DNA/RNA) tRNA: cytoplasm

Biology Lec 9 D ‫اول بصريات‬ ‫حسن عبد الهادي الجابري‬
 Summary of characteristics of typical bacterial cell structures?
Structure Function(s) Predominant
1) Flagella Swimming movement Protein
2) Pili
A Sex pilus Stabilizes mating bacteria Protein
during DNA transfer by
B Common pili or - Attachment to surfaces Protein
fimbriae - protection against phagotrophic
3) Capsules (includes - Attachment to surfaces Usually polysaccharide;
"slime layers" and - protection against phagocytic occasionally
glycocalyx) engulfment polypeptide
- protection against desiccation
- occasionally killing or
- reserve of nutrients
4) Cell wall
A Gram-positive - Prevents osmotic lysis of cell Peptidoglycan (murein)
bacteria protoplast complexed with teichoic
- confers rigidity and shape on acids
B Gram-negative - Peptidoglycan prevents osmotic Peptidoglycan "outer
bacteria lysis membrane"
- confers rigidity and shape
- outer membrane is permeability
5) Plasma membrane - Permeability barrier Phospholipid and
- transport of solutes protein
- energy generation
- location of numerous enzyme
6) Ribosomes Sites of translation (protein RNA and protein
7) Inclusions often reserves of nutrients; Highly variable;
additional specialized functions carbohydrate, lipid,
protein or inorganic
8) Chromosome Genetic material of cell DNA
9) Plasmid Extra chromosomal genetic DNA

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