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DOCUMENT NO 250 August 2014

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



Chapel House Culvert, Bridge, Tintern


Monmouthshire County Council: Highways C954

By: Dr N Phillips.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14


APAC Ltd was contacted by Monmouthshire County Council Highways in order to

undertake a program of Archaeological work during the removal of a temporary
bridge and subsequent works to restore the culvert to a stable condition.

The client was advised by Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust to arrange for
a photographic building recording survey prior to work commencing followed by
watching brief during ground disturbance

APAC Ltd produced a project design for the work, which was approved and the
survey was undertaken.

This document comprises the photographic building recording survey as required.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph DSC06702, Temporary bridge.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14


Summary .........................................................................................................................................1
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................4
Brief Archaeological and Historical background............................................................................4
Appendix .........................................................................................................................................3


01. Site Location Map

A.P.A.C. Ltd Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14

Plates 1-35

01 Upstream view, Iron pipe in foreground. Tumble section northern abutment. Segmental masonry
02 Upstream view, Iron pipe in foreground. Drain or feeder in southern abutment, bottom left corner.
No visible flow
03 Upstream view. Roof dropping front right and rear centre. Original bridge foreground addition to
rear. Collapse at right
04 Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse spot central inner bridge before arch. Added bridge at rear
showing differing build and wear
05 Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse spot central inner bridge before arch. Added bridge at rear
showing butt joint
06 Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse, central segmental arch. Secondary bridge abutment to rear.
07 Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse, central arch
08 Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse, central arch
09 Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse, central arch
10 Upstream view. Detail north arch south abutment. Original build with upper repair at arch and
additional repair above pipe.
11 Upstream view. Detail north arch north abutment. Collapse under pipe water depth 400mm.
12 Upstream view. South arch. Sandstone slab roof. Second iron pipe upstream
13 Downstream view. Original bridge, masonry segmental arch with coursed masonry abutments
14 Downstream view. Detail of cement repair to segmental arch
15 Downstream view. Detail of cement repair to segmental arch. Roof collapse, centre
16 Upstream view. Detail of north abutment to secondary bridge. Re-pointed joints
17 Upstream view. Detail of north abutment to secondary bridge. Re-pointed joints (no flash)
18 Downstream view. Detail of original bridge segmental arch with keystone. Widened secondary
bridge with stone flag cover
19 Downstream view. Long view original bridge segmental arch with keystone. Widened secondary
bridge with stone flag cover
20 Downstream view. Long view original bridge, secondary bridge with stone flag cover. Recent
shuttered concrete repair
21 Downstream view. Long view original bridge, secondary bridge with stone flag cover. Recent
shuttered concrete repair (Flash)
22 Detail view original bridge, secondary bridge with stone flag cover. Recent shuttered concrete repair
23 Downstream view. original bridge, secondary bridge with south abutment (Flash)
24 Downstream view. original bridge, secondary bridge with south abutment (No Flash)
25 Edge of original and secondary bridge. Protruding stone over considerable void.
26 Upstream view. Detail of south abutment to secondary bridge. Open joints and water wear to lower
27 Downstream view. South abutment of secondary bridge. Non aligned repair
28 Downstream view. South abutment of secondary bridge. Birds nest
29 Downstream view. South abutment of secondary bridge. Birds nest (Flash)
30 Downstream view. West side of bridge. Access steps at ranging rod.
31 Downstream view. West side of bridge. Access steps at ranging rod.
32 Access steps to river
33 Position of temporary bridge
34 Position of temporary bridge
35 Outflow from bridge. Precarious paved area


Complete photograph list

A.P.A.C. Ltd Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14


This report has been prepared as a result of a request from Monmouthshire County Council, Highways, (MCCH); to
undertake a photographic recording survey at a site of proposed work.

The proposed work involves the removal of a temporary bridge over the Angidy stream adjacent to Chapel Cottage,
Tintern, NP16 6TH; the work was undertaken prior to its removal.

The temporary bridge was put in place as an emergency solution to the deterioration of the pre-existing bridge.

The pre-existing bridge; which survives beneath the temporary structure, is associated with the industrial
archaeology and history of the area and as such, any work to its standing fabric was deemed likely by Glamorgan
Gwent Archaeological Trust, (GGAT) to impact on archaeological resources.

GGAT; advised MCCH that a condition requiring a program of archaeological work would be
No development shall take place until the applicant or his agents or successors in title has
secured the implementation of a program of archaeological work in accordance with a written
Scheme of Investigation which has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local
Planning Authority.

Reason: To identify and record any features of archaeological interest discovered during the
woks, in order to mitigate the impact of the works on the archaeological resource.
Welsh Office Circular 60/96
J. Doyle. GGAT pers comm.

The written scheme of investigation was prepared by Dr. N. Phillips, APAC. Ltd., and approved as fit for purpose.

This report details the photographic survey.


The bridge is located at Grid Ref: 325097 200255, fig 01, just off Old Forge Rd and opposite Chapel House,

Brief Archaeological and Historical background

The bridge has been identified as having a potential for archaeological interest as it is part of the infrastructure of the
industrial complex situated in the Angidy Valley; known to have been in existence since the mid 16th century.

A few metres east of the property, archaeological evaluation work undertaken by Gloucestershire County
Archaeological Service established the significant remains of post medieval buildings, (HER: GCC2009), whilst a
little further east an archaeological watching brief undertaken by APAC. Ltd., in 2010, (WB/CCT/12), established
the survival of a leat system to the wire works.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14


APAC. Ltd. 2012. 2 Crown Cottages Tintern. WB/CCT/12

English Heritage Management of Archaeological Projects (1991).

Understanding Historic Buildings, A Guide to Good Recording Practice. 2006

GGAT E002009. Chapel Cottage Tintern Evaluation. Gloucestershire Archaeological Service.

Institute of
Archaeologists Standards and Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of Standing
Buildings or Structures (IFA 1996, revised ed 2013).

Welsh Office WOC60/96. Planning and the Historic Environment: Archaeology

Google Maps.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 7RG.

Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil. M. Phil. BA (Hons).Cert Ed/FE. AIFA. AAI&S.

Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern

Fig 01: Location A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TA/14

Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14

Plate 01: Upstream view, Iron pipe in foreground. Tumble section northern Plate 02: Upstream view, Iron pipe in foreground. Drain or feeder in
abutment. Segmental masonry arch southern abutment, bottom left corner. No visible flow


Plate 03: Upstream view. Roof dropping front right and rear centre. Plate 04: Upstream view. Detail of roof
A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TA/14
Original bridge foreground addition to rear. Collapse at right collapse spot central inner bridge before
arch. Added bridge at rear showing differing
build and wear
Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14

Plate 05: Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse spot central inner bridge Plate 06: Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse, central segmental arch.
before arch. Added bridge at rear showing butt joint Secondary bridge abutment to rear.


Plate 07: Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse, central arch Plate 08: Upstream view. Detail of roof
A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TA/14
collapse, central arch
Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14

Plate 09: Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse, central arch Plate 10: Upstream view. Detail north arch south abutment. Original
build with upper repair at arch and additional repair above pipe


Plate 11: Upstream view. Detail north arch north abutment. Collapse Plate 12: Upstream view. South arch.
A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TA/14
under pipe water depth 400mm. Sandstone slab roof. Second iron pipe
Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14

Plate 13: Downstream view. Original bridge, masonry segmental arch with Plate 14: Downstream view. Detail of cement repair to segmental arch
coursed masonry abutments


Plate 15: Downstream view. Detail of cement repair to segmental arch. Plate 16: Upstream view. Detail of north
A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TA/14
Roof collapse, centre abutment to secondary bridge.
Re-pointed joints
Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14

Plate 17: Upstream view. Detail of north abutment to secondary bridge. Plate 18: Downstream view. Detail of original bridge segmental arch
Re-pointed joints (no flash) with keystone. Widened secondary bridge with stone flag cover


Plate 19: Downstream view. Long view original bridge segmental arch Plate 20: Downstream view. Long view
A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TA/14
with keystone. Widened secondary bridge with stone flag cover original bridge, secondary bridge with
stone flag cover. Recent shuttered concrete repair
Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14

Plate 21: Downstream view. Long view original bridge, secondary bridge Plate 22: Detail view original bridge, secondary bridge with stone flag
with stone flag cover. Recent shuttered concrete repair (Flash) cover. Recent shuttered concrete repair (Flash)


Plate 23: Downstream view. original bridge, secondary bridge with Plate 24: Downstream view. original
A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TA/14
south abutment (Flash) bridge, secondary bridge with south
abutment (No Flash)
Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14

Plate 25: Edge of original and secondary bridge. Protruding stone over Plate 26: Upstream view. Detail of south abutment to secondary bridge.
considerable void Open joints and water wear to lower section


Plate 27: Downstream view. South abutment of secondary bridge. Plate 28: Downstream view. South
A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TA/14
Non aligned repair abutment of secondary bridge. Birds
Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14

Plate 29: Downstream view. South abutment of secondary bridge. Birds nest Plate 30: Downstream view. West side of bridge. Access steps at ranging
(Flash) rod.


Plate 31: Downstream view. West side of bridge. Access steps at ranging Plate 32: Access steps to river
A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TA/14
Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14

Plate 33: Position of temporary bridge Plate 34: Position of temporary bridge

Plate 35: Outflow from bridge. Precarious paved area A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TA/14
A.P.A.C. Ltd Chapel House Culvert, bridge, Tintern. BS/TA/14

Photo no Date Camera Size View Description

DSC06666 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 SW Upstream view, Iron pipe in foreground. Tumble section northern abutment. Segmental masonry arch.
DSC06667 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 SW Upstream view, Iron pipe in foreground. Drain or feeder in southern abutment, bottom left corner. No visible flow
DSC06668 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 SW Upstream view. Roof dropping front right and rear centre. Original bridge foreground addition to rear. Collapse at right
DSC06669 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 S Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse spot central inner bridge before arch. Added bridge at rear showing differing build and wear
DSC06671 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 S Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse spot central inner bridge before arch. Added bridge at rear showing butt joint
DSC06673 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 SW Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse, central segmental arch. Secondary bridge abutment to rear.
DSC06675 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 SW Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse, central arch
DSC06676 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 SW Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse, central arch
DSC06677 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 S Upstream view. Detail of roof collapse, central arch
DSC06678 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 S Upstream view. Detail north arch south abutment. Original build with upper repair at arch and additional repair above pipe.
DSC06679 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 N Upstream view. Detail north arch north abutment. Collapse under pipe water depth 400mm.
DSC06680 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 SW Upstream view. South arch. Sandstone slab roof. Second iron pipe upstream
DSC06681 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 NE Downstream view. Original bridge, masonry segmental arch with coursed masonry abutments
DSC06682 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 NE Downstream view. Detail of cement repair to segmental arch
DSC06683 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 NE Downstream view. Detail of cement repair to segmental arch. Roof collapse, centre
DSC06684 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 NW Upstream view. Detail of north abutment to secondary bridge. Re-pointed joints
DSC06685 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 NW Upstream view. Detail of north abutment to secondary bridge. Re-pointed joints (no flash)
DSC06686 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 NE Downstream view. Detail of original bridge segmental arch with keystone. Widened secondary bridge with stone flag cover
DSC06687 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 E Downstream view. Long view original bridge segmental arch with keystone. Widened secondary bridge with stone flag cover
DSC06688 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 E Downstream view. Long view original bridge, secondary bridge with stone flag cover. Recent shuttered concrete repair
DSC06689 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 E Downstream view. Long view original bridge, secondary bridge with stone flag cover. Recent shuttered concrete repair (Flash)
DSC06690 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 E Detail view original bridge, secondary bridge with stone flag cover. Recent shuttered concrete repair (Flash)
DSC06691 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 E Downstream view. original bridge, secondary bridge with south abutment (Flash)
DSC06692 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 E Downstream view. original bridge, secondary bridge with south abutment (No Flash)
DSC06693 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 E Edge of original and secondary bridge. Protruding stone over considerable void.
DSC06694 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 SW Upstream view. Detail of south abutment to secondary bridge. Open joints and water wear to lower section
DSC06695 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 E Downstream view. South abutment of secondary bridge. Non aligned repair
DSC06696 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 E Downstream view. South abutment of secondary bridge. Birds nest
DSC06697 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 E Downstream view. South abutment of secondary bridge. Birds nest (Flash)
DSC06698 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 NE Downstream view. West side of bridge. Access steps at ranging rod.
DSC06699 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 NE Downstream view. West side of bridge. Access steps at ranging rod.
DSC06700 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 NW Access steps to river
DSC06701 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 SE Position of temporary bridge
DSC06702 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 NW Position of temporary bridge
DSC06703 15/07/2014 DSC-F828 3264x2448 W Outflow from bridge. Precarious paved area

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