Hotel Maid

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I was working as a hotel maid during the summer to get some money together for uni. It was menial
stuff but it did pay quite well. On Tuesday's I was a waitress in the cafe in the mornings then went
round cleaning rooms after breakfast when people started going out for the day. The hotel was posh
and I had to dress up in a proper French maid uniform.
This particular Tuesday I went up to a table with a family of four. The mum and dad looked fairly
normal the younger boy about 15 looked quite nice, short brown hair, fit body. However, the older
boy about 18 looked gorgeous. He was tall muscly smooth black hair and a nice face eyes you could
stare into and get lost in for days. I smiled at them "hello I'm Katie I will be your waitress this
morning do you know what you are going to order?"
"Err yeah I think we will all have the full English" the dad said
"no mushrooms for me though" the younger boy said, hardly hiding the face that he was looking at
my cleavage visible due to my low cut shirt. I noticed with pleasure that the 18 year old was also
trying not to look.
"Ok three full English’s and one full English with no mushrooms and to drink" as they said what they
wanted to drink I dropped my pen and as I bent over to pick it up I could feel the two boys eyes
glancing down my shirt. I walked off swaying my hips slightly. When I came back with the food I
leant over the table to give the elder boy his food giving him a good look down my shirt.
After I had finished serving and cleaning up I went to get my cleaning supplies from their cupboard. I
started on the top floor and worked down while someone else worked up. I first knocked on the door
to see if anyone was in if no one replied then I let myself in, and start to clean. I didn’t have to do
much if it unless someone had just vacated it, all I had to do was clean the sink check the toilet roll
make the bed and do some dusting and hovering if they hadn't left stuff all over the floor. I had gone
down about two floors and I knocked on a door. Number 42.
There was no answer so I let myself in took a glance around to make sure no one was in the room. I
decided to start in the bathroom so opened the door. There was the elder boy from the table at
breakfast. He was standing over the toilet wanking. As the door opened he snapped round just as a
long ribbon of cum shot from his dick. It hit my face. He stood frozen in horror as another burst hit
my apron, and the next. The next load only just hit the tip of my pumps and the next hit the floor.
Then next bit just squeezed out his cock and ran down its impressive length. "OH MY GOD I'M SOO
I looked him up and down. I liked what I saw, "its ok, let me clean that up" he thought I was referring
to the cum on the floor but I knelt down and took hold of his cum soaked cock and guided it to my
mouth. I licked the tip and then down its length. I put my lips around the bell and sucked gently.
Softly circling it with my tongue as one hand pumped his shaft lightly and the other cupped and
massaged his balls. I felt his dick grow in my mouth hardening until it was rock hard then I softly
moved my lips down his dick, my tongue licking the bottom of his cock as I went. He hit the back of
my mouth it made me choke and I pulled back a little leaving about an inch of his shaft left. I
ploughed forward forcing his tip right down my neck. I swallowed bringing him even further in until
the top of his ball sack was in my mouth. I swallowed to cause contractions over his bell end. I was
about to pull away and gasp for air when he grunted and let another huge shot of cum into my mouth,
no polite warning just blasting it down my neck causing me to gag, I had to pull back to avoid from
chocking but I kept him in my mouth his cock shooting load after load of cum into my mouth and
down my neck I couldn't breathe.
My mouth was full of his hot sticky cum. I swallowed to clear my throat but he shot more down
clogging it up I swallowed again and again until he had finished and pulled away gasping for air, there
was still cum in my mouth and some of it dribbled out of the corner of my mouth down my chin and
into my cleavage, hidden by my dress.
The guy was just standing breathing heavily and looking down at me in shock. "Wow, why did you,
what...I...are we...can we...are you?" he stammered.
"what you never had a beautiful girl stroll into your bathroom and give you a blowjob before"
he snorted with laughter "I haven't even had sex before let alone with a strange yet beautiful girl"
"you haven’t had sex before, ohh well then I suppose I can excuse you for not warning me you were
going to cum"
"oh sorry I didn’t realise I should"
"it’s cool"
"that was amazing though, I can’t believe you just did that to me after I had cum over you. Can I tell
you something"
I was wanking over you, you just turned me on so much during breakfast."
This made me smile "he he thanks babes, what’s your name?"
"cool. look I have to clean up and go I’m running behind now but I will be back, if you want me to
come back"
"ok I’ll come when I have finished my shift, I will be a few hours"
"wow. Ok see you then" he beamed as I cleaned the cum off me and left.
When I had finished my shift I crept back up to room 42. I knocked on the door Matt opened it.
"Hey, you actually came"
"yeah well I figured you owe me after this morning"
"that’s fair, you want to take this to the bed?"
"Yes I do babe" I said leading him to the double bed in the middle of the room I lay back on it and
started unbuttoning my top, button by button exposing my black lacy bra and toned stomach. He
watched as I slipped the shirt back over my shoulders and dropping it by the side of the bed. He
jumped onto the bed and pulled his top off and lent in and kissed me pushing me back onto the bed his
lips massed with mine. His tongue running over my teeth. His hands all over the soft skin of my back.
He undid the bra quickly and got his hands on my breasts while still making out. My hands travelled
down to his ass. Slipping my hands under his waist line I pushed down and his trousers came down
with my hands leaving just his boxers. I slid out of my skirt and we lay making out in our underwear
until he slid his hand into my panties and started to finger me. I pulled them off so he would have
better access and kept kissing him while sliding down his boxers I took them off him and we lay
naked while his fingers explored my pussy.
"I want you, I want your cock inside me," I whispered he smiled as he took his hand away and started
to kiss my thighs. He kissed the inside of my legs, and around my pussy getting very close, so close I
could feel his warm breath against my clit but he teased me. He batted my hands away as I tried to do
it myself I lay gasping for release until I felt his tongue flick my clit sending shivers of pleasure
through my hot sweaty body. I moaned slightly. and then he started to circle my clit with his tongue
periodically flicking it his finger ran up and down my slit then they plunged in curling round to press
against the sensitive walls of my pussy making me moan, I could feel I was passing the point of no
return I ground against his fingers moaning grunting until finally I exploded squirting all over his
fingers and chin. I bucked and writhed on the bed as I rode the orgasm to its wonderful climax and
surfed down is soft slow return to normality.
I smiled down at him between my legs "ohh babe we are even" he climbed back up so he could kiss
me while softly rubbing his cock against my pussy lips. I rolled over and climbed onto all fours he
knelt behind me positioned his cock to my tight ass hole I could feel the precum oozing out of his
cock and into my ass crack, he grabbed my hips and pulled hard as he slid slowly into my ass,
struggling as it was so tight. It felt like my ass was going to explode he was so big and took up so
much space. when he was all in. he positioned himself took a good hold of my hips and started to pull
out again before shoving it back in fast, going out slowing and in as fast as he could force it until my
ass relaxed a little allowing him to thrust in and out quickly.
His balls hit my pussy as he pounded my ass. I curled one hand round to finger my-self swapping
between double penetration and fingering my clit. he started grunting as he pounded away "am I
supposed to warn you about cumming this time as well" I felt myself tense up my buttocks clenching
contracting round his dick like a vice as he shot load after load of cum into my ass, some dribbled out
soaking his balls and my pussy.
He flipped me over on to my back I thought he was going to stop as he had just cum but he slid into
my pussy still hard as ever he slid into my pussy I was already close to cumming due to the fingering
while he ass fucked me so it didn’t take long of his shaft sliding in and out before my back arched and
my pussy exploded with pleasure the hot juices flowing out of my convulsing pussy over his dick and
balls running along my thighs and pooling round my ass.
He didn’t stop pumping into me though and his hands grabbed me round the waist and pulled my up
my legs fell away from his shoulders and rested round his hip as he slammed me against a wall and
fucked into me not allowing my sensitive pussy a moments rest as he thrust into it the stimulating
driving me to heights I had never experience with any orgasm before I started to peak again my legs
wrapping round him and clenching as another orgasm bigger than the first rocked through my body. I
felt like every nerve in my body was screaming out at me that this was good that it could never stop I
hardly even felt him shoot his load into my already filled pussy his cum mingled with mine as he
softly thrust into me slowing down as he brought us both back from the peak we had been on. I could
feel the cum running out of my pussy and felt his cock still pulsating as it pumped more and more
cum into me. He lay me back on the bed I was still groaning softly my body shuddering with pleasure
slightly every so often he lay down next to me his cock nestled in my ass crack and we both fell

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