Labsii Lak 100 Bara 1997

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Waggaa 13. Lak. 14/1997 135 ooh... TO/IRET Ne 14/2005 13th year MAGALATA a 1A Tt Finfinnee, Qaammee 1 bara 1997 21k AL Boo Te a9 Finfine, September 6,2005 OROMIYAA AC °LS MEGELETA OROMIA ‘To'annoo Caffee Mootummas Nasnnoo ‘Oromiyaatiin Kan Bahe MACOLE Aldede® MANE oo-7H"% Lak. 8, Poostas Sree POBox 21383-1000 Unit Price Nad. ACLS MAE FON a CONTENT QABEENTAA ¥ Proclamation No. 100/2005 absii Lak. 100/1997 DPE tac L/ 101 Procedures of Public Procurement Lat INE, Ad, RANE QTY ETC Proclamaton of Oromia National Regional ‘Naannoo Oromiyaz... PERT NPE cnn mE State .. Page | APE TC F/R Proclamation No. 100/2005 Labsii Lak. 10/1997 Labsii Sirna Bittaa Bulchiinsa Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa TKostummaan iti gaafatamummaasaa sirriitti bahuuf sochii godhu keessatti gabeenya qusannaafi karaa bu'a qabeessa ta’een faayidaarra oolchuun dhimma bbu’uuraa waan ta’eef; Bittaan_meeshaaleefi_ tajaajilootaa, akkasumas hojiin ijaarsaa qabeenya Mootummaa keessaa baasiiol'aanaa kan gabatu waan ta'eef;, Bittaan mootummes qusannaafi karea bu’a gabeessa ta’cen akka raawwatamu ‘gochuufi adeemsi isaas haga qabeessa, ifsafi kan loogii hin gabne gochuun barbaachisea waan ta’cef; Bittaan Mootummaan raawwatamu dhimmoota babal’ina misoomaaf humna ‘argaaru ta’uun waan irra jruuf; Akkaataa Hera Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa keewwata 49(3)(a) tiin kan armaan gadii labsameera, FPACUS AeeR MARL c0IIV fr PEK APE II PAH ALA hoon AeLsLCIwm MAFA VAT NeMAT wae Wy Oris Te AL OTA, POwEIR RL NOU Ts 099% de CMA EE Te LUE Pe re here var wT hear toa, LCT Lea AowU'y: Roemer ae MkmAs amen. 27 17 mre NIRA ILLS LRT SPUR: TANT ALAM PLANE 7A eee PM. AA: Aare PUNTO? ML ATH PACE ond AIC omES ory onan: MAES Mek WANE ora v1 IIe AIEK GHEY) awe Punthe AoKAs Procedures of Public Procurenient Proclamaton of Oromia National Regional State WHEREAS, the economic and efficient use of public resource is essential to a ‘well Functioning government; WHEREAS, Procurement of goods, construction works and services constitute a major share of public expenditure; WHEREAS, Public procurement must be carried out in a manner, which is, economic, efficient, fair, transparent and ‘non-discriminatory; WHEREAS, Public procurement shall also be instrumental to economic development; NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 49(3\@) of the Constitution ofthe Oromia National Regional state, it ishereby proclaimed as follows; Labi Lak, 100/1997, fuula 2 Ae enc HUET am Proclamation No 1002005, Page 2 ‘Kutaa Tokko REA AIS PART ONE ‘Tumaalee Walligalaa mean General Provisions 1. Mata Duree Gaba: it jata Dure a - 1, Short Title Labsiin kun “Labsii Sima Bittea Bulchiinsa Mootummaa Naannoo ‘Oromiyaa Lak, 100/197" jedhamee waamamuu ni danda'a. Hitka “Akkzataan seensa jechichaa hiika biraa kan kennisfisuuf yoo ta’e malee, Labsii kana keessatti: 1) “Dorgomae Kaadhimamaa” jechuun ‘nama ykn dhaaba bitaa mootummaa keessatti hirmaachuuf affeerame ‘ykn hirmaachuuf iyyateedha: 2) "Meeshaa” jechuun bifa qabatamaan (solid), dhangala’aan ykn bifa gaaziitiin kan argamu meeshaa dheedhii, oomishas, shagaxaafi elekt-iikaa, akkasumas meeshaa ‘itamu wajjin wal qunnamtii kan {qebu ta’ee gatiinsaa gatii meeshaa bitamu kan hin-caalle kan akka tajaajila dhasbuu, gee(jibe, suphaafi cama falekaatudha; 3) “Biiroo ykn Hogganaa Biiroo” jjechuun akka walduraa duubaatti Biiroo Maallaqaafi Misooma Dinagdee Oromiyaa ykn Hogganaa Biirichaati; 4) “Bittaa” jechuun meeshaalee, hojiiwwan ijaarsaafi tajaajiloota bittaadhaan, kiraadhaan ykn waliigaltee biroo kamiiniyyux argachuudha; 5) *Qajectfama Bitta” jechuun bu’ wura labsii kanaatiin gajeelfama Biiroo ‘Maallaqaafi Misooma Dinagdee Oromiyaatiin bahuudha; 6) “Qaama Bittaa Raawwatu” jechuus, guutummaa guutuutti—ykn gartokkeedhaan basjata Bulchiinsa Mootursaa Naannootin kan bul ‘mana hojii Mootummaa, jarmiyaa ‘barumsaa ol’sanaafidhaabbatabiraa an kana fekleatoudbas 7) *Maallaga Mootummaa” jechuun saanduga Bulchiinsa Mootummaa ‘Nasnnoo irra ykn gargaarseafi igi argame yn golii keessea mealiaga (qaama bit raaworatun beajataan rarpadamectia; 8) “Bitta Mootummad” jechuun gaama pitta raawwatuun malaga 9) “Tajaajila” jechuun bittaa meeshaa, haji jaasuaf tea gorsatin ala van tae bittaa kamiyyaudh £0 DPE" PNCOLE tne MANE evant OTE PEAY NPE eC ETOP Pate” Abn LAAs &® 2ca% 2h RMA AA RCMP CLF HAG? fiebte Ally NPE woes A » 5 ® a » » a a nom h@ART TAT Nee 9, NIAATE eran ofr AoheA Farah Ae OFF SCE os oo" Tae ames ne" wLe 921 an PeLIT Te oo: PET comes: Hers Anne AUT HeLa Oe 20 174% Phas now Pe 92 sanim %2 Fra vthr ererarch ers AA spanning RIAA Yo "Re wee MLE PAL" TN DIRDRR Path CIIIAS Abeer Aer Le OFF SLE Pak Yo nanct Tad Osho FAT Nee mePts NeatheRt Aer MNLeL OL ATS NA ctawnng, amd PATI are near, waver” “Int MILD APE cower armas ADT AT LC FLOM mores wane £91 RHA" STAT mee fowd @L ALA AAA ore NET CLTARC ceoram® ants NEET carck PRPS Teenae ARP Sha RNA tom eomraee TINY TA Whar some APH tt oer ncaes ARC NTT Le hare WATE £1°% hay SebowRO ME 0% ngeoraae mic” TA ONE 200% RHA owre THA eeLns@? Ne to waqaahet" TAA OFT nas ee ns heHC Mair om fh Tor ne tas “This proclamation may be cited asthe “procedures of public procurement proclamation of the Oromia Regional State No. 100/2005.” Definitions Unless the context require otherwise, in this proclamation: 1), “Candidate,” means a physical or juridical person invited to take pat public procurement or s0 invited 2) “Goods,” means raw material, products, equipment and ‘commodities in solid, liquid gaseous form, and electricity, as well as installation, transport, maintenance or similar obligations related to the supply of the goods iF tei value does not exceed that ofthe goods themselves 3) Bureau or Head ofthe Bureat,” ‘means the Finance and economic Development Bureau of Oromia ‘and head of the Finance and Economie Development Bureau; 4) “Procurement,” means the purchasing hiring or obtaining by any other contractual means of goods, works and series; 5) “Procurement Directives,” means the directives issued bys"he Finance and Eeonomie BU su ‘under this proclamai 6) “Procuring Entity” means public body, which is partly or wholly financed by Regional Government budget, higher education institutions and pubic institutions of like ature; 1) "Public Funds," means any monetary resources appropriated (0 procuring entities from the Regional Government treasury or aid grants & loan obtained oF internal revenue of proc! entities; 8) “Public Procurement,” means prvcurement by procuring entities using public funds; 9) “Services,” means any object of procurement other than goods, ‘works and consultancy services; abst! Late 100/197 foul 3 De 4 NINE OE Proclamation No 1002008, Page 3 10) “Dhiyeessaa” jechuun nama ‘qeuma bitaa raawwatuuf meeshaa _ykn tjagjila dhiyeessuuf yk hoi ijaarsaa ravewachuuf waliigaltce seeneedha; 11) *Senada caalbaasii” jechuun dorgomtoonni — dorgommii caalbaasii gopheessuu aka danda'aniif sanada qaama bittaa raawwatvun qophsa’ uudhe; 12) “Hojii ijaarsaa” jechuun ijearsa ¢gamoo (manaa), daandii, ykn ho}it bu’ ure misoomaa wafjin haala wal qabateen kan raawwatamu hoji harae jaaruu, desbisanitjjaaruy, diiguu, suphau, haaromsuu, akkasunnastajanila kana waijn kan demu ta'ee gatinsaa gat hoji ‘walignlteejalqabaa kan hin calle © yoo ta'u waliigattee ijesrsaa, abbummaan qabachuu, hojicha sochoosuufi dabarsuu ni dabalat; 13) “Tajagjila Gorsaa” jechuus gorsitconni ogummaa aabanitt gergacramuudhaan — tajagjila {gorannoo, dizaayini,prejektoota adda addea— gurmeessuu ‘maammiltooteaf gorsa, leenjii kennuufi beekumsa wal jira yoo ta’u amala gorsaa kan qabu tajajia sammuu jechuudhs; 14) “Dorgomaa” jechuun nama yasda wal dorgommii dhiyeesse jechoucha; 15) “Nama” jechun nama wumamas ykn dhasba seeraan mirga hantummaa argate jechuudha; 16) “Mootummas” ——_jechuun ‘Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaati; F)) “Mana Mari jechuun Mane Mri Bulehiinsa Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiysati 3. Daangaa Raawwannoo 1) Labsiin kun bittaa Mootummaa Naaonichaa kamiyyuurratti kan raawwatamy (7a; 2) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqgaa 1 lat kan tumame yoo jiraateyyuu Manni Mari Naanichaa itti gaafatamtoota mana _ hojil Mootummaa dhimmi ilealuu waijin mari'achuudhaan dhimma nageenyaa, ittisa balaafi wabii smidhaan nyaataaf jecha bittaan mala adda ta’con akka raewwatamu ‘murtee kennuu ni danda’a. Kun yaramuu ta uti, Biirichi bittaawwan Ggueannaafi karaa bu'a qabeessa ta’een akka raawwataman mala dandeessisu ilaalchisee apjelfama ni basse; T APeR TAY AT 6Ar, NAY 0% wEe NAT need wer came Me AeMHGO? @A C1 dor ror Inn emce oaye™ oT PERE Caacd emoAees ROTH NIT TIL, AIM, AMAA CORE A tos TE te een eT hare noone O29 nerve aot Pe DE MSSM PLNGO? DAD fame: PmAd A7OH7 fermen fas CTR He DIRUE ARS CUT Meso Pe sanhn 2 Sha- RIA A. Car AMAL Cass ear eernbagn As eearAAS OF Pear ene I TerhC RIAA TAT RTNEPE En Fo ave, hua Aoombr eLdare frehs fAMeas enASE TeEntH. — ferRakas ALE PE FooAma>y Prams Forhmrs oOPT? eernrans avr ereThert Ae shar SARKE RIDA 0 Wee Tae Rovencr van Sten har so Tey"ow" TA Chere hor O2P nna Chore oar hima eCE A tar: I) Voorn" TINE CHES MeL NONE TN 40> rnc mererAy CAC Nde® NAA gor9N oivbARe PMG A tare 2 Stagenr® on? 2) £0 APE neo Chad ome AL AL PAI evean # any Aree Wd AreR E eterna nce Mak PHC Qt AMA NFO Coord mek COAL 2ALPH 7C Aawoohhe ALU TAPE ARR? oOhAhAs AKAN PIES AMA TIE AG UE NIRLRT Oth AAT LAA: 2D ner Uh cw ere Akane omar? ay are RIA LBom APTEAT CULO Pre Ws ere AE NOTA FensnFA aves Fema 10) “Supplier,” means @ physical or juridical person under contract ‘with a procuring entity to supply ‘goods, works or services; 11) “Bid Documents,” means the documents prepared by the procuring entity to bidders as a basis for preparation of their bids; 12) “Construction Works,” means all work associated with the construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair or renovation of a building, road, or infrastructure, such as site preparation, excavation, installation of equipment and materials, decoration, as well as services does not exceed that of the works themselves and includes build, own, operate & transfer contracts; 13). “Consultancy Service,” means a service of an intellectuals and advisory nature provided by consultants using their professional skills to study, design and organize specific projects, advise clients, conduct ‘raining and transfer knowledge; 14) “Bidder,” Means a physical or Juridical person submitting abid; 15) “Person, juridical person 16) “Government,” means the (Oromia National Regional State Government. 17) “Regional Council,” means the Oromia National Regional State ‘Administrative Council means natural or 3. Scope of Application 1) This proclamation applies to all the ‘National Regional State public procurement. 2) Notwithstanding Sub-Article (1) of this Article, the Regional Couneil in ‘consultation with the relevant public bodies, may in the interest of public security or disaster preventions and food security, decide to use different procedure, in which case the Bureau shal define the method of procurement to be followed in order to serve the interest of ‘economy and efficiency. Label Lak, 1001997, fouls pe sere Hina 1 Proclamation No 1002005, Page 4 4 Dirqama Sadarksa Adduunyaatti Seenamu }) Labsiin kun Mootummaan Fedataaleawaa mootummoota tokko ykn tokkoo ol ta’an wajjin ykn joarmiyaalee sadarkes addunyas ‘wajjin waliigaltee godheen ykn godhuun dirgama waliigaltee ‘kanarraa maddu waliin kan wal hin simne-yoo ta’ waligalticha keessatt ‘kan mul ateetu ragga Keewwata kena keewvata xiggaa In waliigalteen ibsame Ioophiyaanotaaf ykn dorgomtoota Hoophtiyaa keessa jraatansfilalchi addaa Kan eeyyamamu yanmun ta" {qaemni bittaa raawweatu ilaalchaa addaa godhamu sana sanada dorgommii keessatti ifatti akka rmul?atu gochuutu ira jira 2 5. Qajeelfamoota Bittaa 1) Biirichi kaayyoo labsii konaa bakkaan gahuuf Iabsii kana hojiirraa oolchuuf qajeelfama baasuu ni dandaa; Qaamoleen bittaa reawwatan tokko ol ta’an meeshaa yk tajegjla gosa tokko ta’an bitwuf, yko hojii ijaarsaa hojjachiiswof yammuu barbaadanitti, Biichi magea qaamolee —_bittaa raawwataniitiin bittichi bakka tokkotti akka raawwatamuufi waliigalteen waliigalas bakka ‘tokkotti alka mallatteeffamu aja ni danda’a; haalli raawwii isa aajeelfamaan murtaa’e. Raawwii keewwata kena keewwata xiqgaa tif “waligaliee waliigalaa” jechuun geama jaan hayyamameefiniifi dhiyeessaa gidduutti kan mallattaa’y, gaamonni bittaa raawwatan meeshas wal fakkaatu yk hoji ijarsaa yk tajegilatokko ‘Wwaliigaltee waliigalaatiin gatii murtaa’een dhiyeessaa wajjin waliigaltee raawwii godbamaun, waliigaltee bittaa reawwachuu dandeessisuudha, 2 5D) 6. Sanadoota Seeraa Uummanni Akka Beeku Gochuw Labsii kanaafi qajeelfamootabittaa lst ‘anarratti hunda'uudhean Biiroodhaan bahan wammanni akka beeku goohuuti iti fayyadamuuf haala mijaa’aa ta”een simaan qabamuun ira jira. 290 086 1 SPE BRD APE Ca Rabe amr HAI Le HAPS ANE NUT wove deh OP WAT OFF LCE 26 ARC Ose ALR CIO APT OLE MPP Ys Noma LS IC coremag Wey Aner ehaenirho LOFT: my Arex wa DIR E ehaontrbar MPM ARTERE OEP ARTERE PS AU eRe AR AATEC ores qu Uh Me AaeLar Wha P4901 CLF ror Ag AntEeR Amer Oe war NIAd AIAL.CPANT omgen DAO » &. rn_soaves PE 2) fice €1LV7 RPE 47 neve aereens CAPR RIPE Panee AMT LET TCA mares A£OM LAA: BWNIS MAE Swe me 21 WHA nig Gere Oe OL RIAA Hams OL gaye ee Awe feLLArn® Uh Aco ane Aver RNA AP TIL ARI NANTON AMIS Agrirky ANIL NILE Apa £FAAT NERKort newawee Lance: AND Ix VOa DIL H Naor "RarR TORE" MUA Aco MetRAe ANAT Arete a POLLLF ME Agen AA RIE BEA OF grads MCE Me ORT mae Nad “Tor whan 92 WhPEho PC NLLLT enaroe wa hoon PoLsnento Arr yt ‘ars p tan ane) ae NAL OR naerec? BU APE AS aly NPE cower Mince etomr SNe oaveset AND HIASOP EO L7G Aamsbe Rave avy 7S Aecae oes NAVFar: “4 International Obligations 1) To the event that this proclamation conflits with an obligation of the Federal Government under or arising out of an agreement with one or more other states or with an international organization, the provisions of that agreement shall prevail 2) Where an agreement referred to in Sub-Article (1) of this Article contains a preference or preferences in favor of national and resident bidders, a procuring entity shall censure thatthe applicable preference or preferences are clearly stated) the bidding documents 5, Procurement Directives 1) The Bureau is authorized to issue procarement directives to fulfill the objectives and to carry out the provisions of this proclamation. 2) If more than one procuring entity needs the same Kind of goods works or services, the Bureau may instruct one entity to procure such items on behalf of other entities and to enter into framework agreements based con ageregat purpose of this Article rules shall ‘state in procurement directivé ay 3) For the purpose of Sub-Article (2) of this Article “Framework agreement” means an agreement centered into by an entity appointed by the Bureau and the supplier which enables procuring entities to purchase. For the procure same king of goods, works and services with a price fixed in the frame work agreement by each concluding a performance agreement with said supplier. 6, Public Accessibility of Legal Texts ‘This proclamation and the procarement directives of the Bureau shall be ‘prompily made accessible tothe public and systematically maintained. Labsll Lak, 10011997, foule § APE AC LTOKL om Proclamation No 1002005, Page 5 ‘Kutaa Lama = HEA UAT PARTTWO Se mer name tae Obintivée Pere'atd Atsotatablity 7. Kaayyoo, Aangoofi Hojjiiwwan Biirichaa 1) Keayyoon Biirichaa (@) Raawwiin bittaa haga qabeessa, ) Anat arr ae shar eae newer nee omen ® feo naar O) Fer ae 212 Kha ase Neen, A WeLsHan om, Nhersouo: 94, arma anaerns@r: eres roves ATHHA Aner A0em LI" Nawawhenc WA hewdtlen 27 ch Chen one ereoim NILWy neice ALP 26 eh ooh: MEE ones O7CRE MALCHAT SH (a) Pane sme: PoC ES Tew CeLoonng For ose PUEOY NOM FRCP: feaa cone: Ta me MAtcAAt #2c2aT (a) dower me naw ae Pome WANE FECA OEP poner At earn fre wa nr neo ne nat shuaaz (om) one 29°, nha tamer Ise ots (homme Nha? TO P40 oor? Aeeore AncM UR Ae Peeve. SHEAAT 7. Objectives, Powers and Functions of the Bureau 1) Objectives of the Bureau (@) Ensure the application of fair, competitive, transparent, and non-diseriminatory and value for ‘money procurement; (®) Set standards for the public procurement to create centralized procurement systems (© Monitor compliance of this proclamation by procuring entities; (@) Build procurement capacity in ‘the Regional Government, 2) Powers of the Bureau (@) Require any information, documents, reports in respect of any aspect of the public procurement records and process where a breach, wrong doing, mismanagement or collusion has been alleged, reported or proven against any procuring entity or supplier; (b) Summon witnesses, call for the production of books of accounts, plans, documents and examine witnesses and parties concerned on oath; (©) Cause orundertake investigations on conducted procurement proceeds and undertake performance audits on conducted procurement contract; (@) Cause to be inspected any procurement undertake by procuring entity to ensure compliance with bid award; transacti Labs Lake 190/1987, tuula 6 ne enc HIDE 1m Proslmation No 1002005, Pase 6 (@)Akkaaiaa Labsit kana bogonnaa 8 keessatti sirna diriirfame hordofuudhean qaamoleen bittaa raawywatan, dhiyeessitoonni yk nami biroo kamiyyuu sochii bittichaarratti nama qooda fudhote kamiyyuurrat iyyannoo entre (W) Fea 2h ory 17 eerste: Pan RewrD reisachar faery 17 CLM PERCE aoe Pras Ta NUE be ORECY FLA WW ALY date MON AYE (20) wravahto cower Aerame FNKar are have antec nraekt Fhclo-r formares vad haeaecore hE heer wang 26 PES odin Ne bee SPCMPF a CoOAEEL VANE AT Cee MAE END $10 aochPE ® @ 1 nae sareca Ay APE Mee Te ere Deehane UT TO dar POAKE mks alle: queerea- OEP hav@arer oonach® 2C DATES Ate® PHISHT Nora 9 PAL NIE ager nears (©) The names and addresses of suppliers that submitted bids, proposals or quotations, and the name and address of the winning suppliers; (@ The evaluation criteria stipulated and applied and a summary of the evaluation and comparison of bids, proposals and (© Information on any decision to suspend or cancel proceedings after having been initiated: (OThe grounds for using a procurement procedure other than open bidding. 2) The record concerning any procurement shall on request, and conce the proceedings have resulted ina contract or have otherwise been terminated, are made available to those who participated in the proceedings. However, except when ordered to do so by a competent court and subject to the conditions of such an order, the procuring entity shall not disclose {a) Information if its disclosure would ‘be contrary to law, woul impede Jaw enforcement, would not be in the public interest, would prejudice legitimate commercial interest of the parties or would inhibit Fir competition; (®) Information relating to the examination and evaluation of bids proposals or quotations and the actual content of bids, proposals or quotations other than in the summary form referred to in ‘Sub-Article (1) (d). 10, Non-Diserimination Without prejudice to Article 11 ofthis proclamation, candidates shall not be excluded from participation in public procurement on the basis ofnationality, race, religion or any other criterion not having to do with their qualifications. aba Late 100/1997, fusta U Aer ene NUMEE we TB Proclamation No 1002005, Page 11 If Tasleha Addaa 1), Yeroo caalbasin gamaaggamamu: (@) MeeshaalceItoophiyaa keessatt if 15, (b)Hoji Wjaarsaa kubbaaniyyoota Moophiyetin raawwatamaniif% 75 ilaalchi addaa ni godhamaaf. 2) Raawwii keewwata kana keewwata xiqgaa (1) tifmeesbean yin taal Kamiyyun gatiisaa iratti %20 ol Ttoophiyaa keessatti oomishamuu isaatiin yoo itti dabalame akka Ttoophiyaa keessatti omishameeti Jakkea‘ama, 12. Tooftaa Walitti Dhufeenyaa 1) Qaama bittaa raawwatuufi dorgomtoota kaadhimamtoota gidduutti walitti dhufeenyi godhaman barreeffemaan ta’uu abu. lischi walgeeddarsa ragaa srriifi iccitiin eegamuusaa mirkaneessuu kan dandeessisan sirnoonni sama, £9 eH Mhar WIR ooRen Rant CrPen Py NewE FLL PC ova “MIRE APE wLP am ase, ANAT neTmeNT UL genet RANI: New erAPENP ED air CH CeL@ny CC moves samas 2) The procuring entity may require candidates to provide such appropriate documentary evidence ‘or other information as it may deem useful to satisfy itself that the candidates are qualified in accordance with the criteria referred 1 in Sub-Article (1) 3) Any requirement established ‘Pursuant to this Article shall be set forth in the bid documents or other documents for solicitation of ‘proposals, and shall apply equally to all candidates. 4) The procuring entity shall evaluate the qualifications of candidates in accordance with the criteria and procedures set forth in the documents referred to in Sub-Article ) of ths Article, 5) The procuring entity shall disqualify ‘candidate who submits a document containing basic error for purposes of qualification; it may disqualify if it finds at any time that the information submitted concerning fications of the candidates was materially inaccurate or the qu ‘materially incomplete. 6) In order to simplify the process of demonstrating, and verifying, the formal qualifications of candidates of the kind set out in Sub-Article (1) Sub-Articles (b)-(d), the Bureau shall eview in a speedy manner, and record documentary evidence submitted by candidates for registered supplier status. Such records shall be periodically updated. Excerpts from the record shall be made available to registered candidates and procuring entities on request. The Bureau shall issue detailed rules concerning the registration procedure, Labstl Lake 100/197, foola 13, Ree ere ME ow IE Proclamation No 10072005, Page 13 14, Tarreeffama Meeshaa fi Tajagj 1) Waa'ee maalummaa bittichaa ibsi sirriifi guutuun akka jiraatuus, akkasumas dorgomtoonni haala haga qabeessaafi ifa ta’een dorgomuu akka danda’an mijecssuuf, qaamoleen bittaa raawwatan haale meeshealer, hhojiiwwan ijaarsaa ykn tajagjilaa ditan kan agarsiisu tarreeffama teeknikaa ykn ibsa gopheessuutu raawwatu qulqullinaafi feayidas meeshaa bituu barbaadu, kan miidhea hingcessifne ta’uusaa, ‘safartuu isaa, kan ttn addaan bahu, rmaqaassa, akkaataa saamsaa isa, ‘mallattoo isaa, ykn adeemsaafi mala oomisha barbaachisu kan guutu ta’wusaa sirna iin mirkeneessu kan ibsu isaafi kan ta'uu gata, Tbsi teeknikea qaama bittaa raawwatuun gophaa’u kan barbaachisu hamma ta'eti: (a) Diieaayinii yen haala bsuu rat soo hin taane fanyidaa inni ennuurratti, (@) Sedarkean biyya keessaa kan Daheef yoo ta'e sadarkaa isan yookiin addunyaarratti sadarkaadhaan fudhatama aban yén Koodii ijaarsea kan bbu’wureeffate ta’ wun ira jira 4) Fedhii qaama bittaa raawwatua ‘bsuudhaaf ken rakkisu yoo ta’e ‘malee ykn mall biraa yoo dhabame male aa mallattoo daldelan addaa yn magaa, paatenti, diizeayinii, ykn oomishaa ykn ‘ajajila kennaa murtas’e kan ibsu t'uu hin gabu, Haalli irgisisaan yammut qunnamu jechi “ykn kan wal fakkaatu” jedhu tarreeffama meeshaafi tajaajilaa keessatti dabotamun gabe 3 ibsi tee TO, COPS MAA CHE A AAC Pa THAT RELA Ih AATEC MAP Ponere erues TAb AY UE owoaec PLEA Vash AeenT Te Fie AIT Nha Coreen AP Ce MEP oer DIATE vee eensaz fameh UcHC wee emanen, ONE NAVFar: © Cm oomse ne LIL AMA At foL.atO? OF Ted aber: Fae POTELCH AIO crear momesars Abb PAWH? LF erareek? URS WR AS “Pen any ROUEN owe vonemrenty PCI CTAND ao? AND nme 29, AME eoUIZKO fhHeh cue naar ore: aahhar scene W) MANE oEP Avesta Aeucic af asuy Aevbons: age (A) AIee 2H Cama ary Fahad OP 9A" OFS ba Sabo LOPE one 97k DR wee seer ary ante ®) fae 497M AHA GAR OHA hewmne ANTE haw'r OL AAI harm aioe CkMN oom EAE FTE PAMt ofr ap Tie AML OL era MEE OEP MATA ha Commi oir) FON NORE Yar NLT POr 1, "OLE chamnaey cena hen 006 MAMA UCHE wir osha ercnka 14, Technical Specification 1) Technical specifications end descriptions laying down the characteristics of the goods, works or services to be procured shall be prepared for the purpose of giving 8 correct and complete description of the object of procurement and for the purpose of creating conditions of fair and open competition between all candidates, 2) The technical specifications shall clearly describe the procuring entity's requirements with respect to quality, performance, safety and dimensions, symbols, terminology, packaging, marking and labeling oF the processes and methods for production and requirements relating to conformity assessment procedures. 3) Technical specification prescribed by procuring entity shall, where ‘appropriate: * (a) Be in terms of performance rather than design or descriptive characteristies: and (b) Be based on national standards, where such exist, or otherwise ‘on internationally recognized standards or construction codes, 4) There shall be no requirement or reference in the technical specifications ‘oapaticulartademacor name patent, «design ortype, specific original, producer or service provider unless there is no sufficiently precise or inteligible way of ‘desering the procurement requirements and provided that words such as “or equivalent’ are ineluded in the specifications Labs Lak, 10071997, fouls 14 Ak ere TORN aR Proclamation No 100/2005. Page 14 15. Caalbaasii, Yanda Dorgommiifi Dhiyeessa Gatii Kuffisuu 1) Qaamoleen bittaa raawwatan caalbaasii, yaada_ dhiyeesse ‘meeshaafi tjaajlaafi dhiyeessa gai waliigalteen bittaa utuu hin raawwatamin dura yeroo kamittiyyuu kuffisuu ni danda’u, Caalbaasiin, yaada dhiycessa ‘meeshaafi tajajilaa yeroo baniininse caalbaasii ulagaalee gajeelfama dorgomtootaa hin guutin yeruma sana aka kufu godhama Qeamoleen bittaa raawwatan akkuma armaan olitti ibsameen caalbaasii, yaada dorgommii ykn dhiyeessa gatii sababa kuffisaniif yeroo gaafataman dorgomtoota kaadhimamoofibsuu gabu. Haa ta'u malee, seera qabeessummaa sababichaa ibsuudhaaf hin PE MAE OFF Ata Let tale whtoe 029% harkoosar NPL eon ANT OFF Nth Pen Tew nL0F FLP@- oF aLr NAIM TC Alle AMA neLmt rar woes OF MAR 2C reremae VT ath hovkeoee Neen tate ARCO: NIAT-AED OEP PaLPH ot Anan, Ary (ANE ovomes FLRCIO- WA Reha wer Fare UA APE ae amo PRIst Nokoeto oA one rathth tare f1d PEPE Ter NAAT UT CETTE NIRV AE Fm @eF AAneeT, PRIPee Nev Pars PIMd Hee hokaesar @A rh wer FETA ve at (The time and cost required to examine and evaluate a large number of bids would be disproportionate to the vale of the goods, works or services to be procured. 2. The contition referred to in Sub- Article (1) (b) shall in any case be considered to be fulfilled when the estimated value of the contract does not exced a threshold set ont inthe procurement directive. 19. Conditions For Use of Direct Procurement 1) The procuring entity may use direct ‘procurement from single supplier in sceordance with Article 37 if this method is not resorted to with a view to avoiding possible competition or in a manner, which would constitute a means of discrimination among candidates. (@) When competition is impossible due to the goods, works or services can be supplied or provided only by one supplier @Within limits defined in the procurement directives, for ditional deliveries of goods by the original supplier which are intended either as parts replacement for existing supplies, services o installations ‘or as the extension of existing supplies, servies or installations where a change of supplier would compel the procuring entity to procure equipment or services not meeting requirements of interchangesbility with already existing equipment or services (© Within limits defined in the procurement directives, when ‘ditional works which were not included inthe initial contract have through unforeseeable circumstances become necessary sine the separation of the additonal works form the initial contract would be difficult for technical or economic ll Lake 100/1997. v7 AE PC LTR eT Proclamation No 1002005, Page 17 (@Daangaan qajeeifama bittea kkeessatti godhamu akkuma ‘cegamettita’ce, moataan mala caalbsasii ifaa ykn murtaa’aa ta’een erga filatame boods waliigaltee mallatteeffameen, fakkaatan dabalataan akka hojjetaman godhuun waan barbaachiseef hojii ijaarsaa haaraaf, waliigaltee raawwachuun barbaachisaa ‘yammuu t2°u, (@Daangaan qajcclfama bittaa keessatti godhamu akkuma eegametti te'ee, waliigelteen gorsaa kan duraa haala quubsaa tateen xumuramuun. isaafi teen akka dheeratu gochuun qusannaafi si’aayina kan argamsiisu ta'wunsaa wean mirkanaa’cef tajeajilicha fofuun barbaachisaa ta’ce ‘yammua argamu, (© Yeroo gabaabaaf kan turuufi gama bittaa raawwatuuf bisa meeshaa haala faayidea addaa argamsiisu —raawwatamu ‘yammuy ta'uudha, Keewwanni xiggaan kun dhaabbilee dhiyeessitootaidilee ta’anii hin bobbaane meeshaa isaan eurguraniifkan gargaaru yoo ta’ dhiyeessitoota idilee ta’anii bobba’snirraabittaa yeroo hunda raawwatamu hin dabalat (g)Bany’ee ariifachiisaa ta’ wusaa irraan kan ka'e rakkoo guddaa ‘kan wumunfi raawwii hojii mana hojichaarrati sababa miidhaa geessisuuf hojil gaggeessaa ol'aanaa mana hojichaatiin bittaa eeyyamame, 2) Quamoleen biti raawwatan bitaa gajeelfama bittaatiin hemmi rmaallagaa murtaa’e kan hin caalle mala bittaa dhiyeessaa tokkorra raawwatamutiin fayyadamoun kallatiidhean gabayaarraa bituw ni danda’u. . “Gaaffii Yaada Dorgommit” tin Bittaa Raawwachuuf Haalawwan Guutamun Qaban (Quamoleen bttaaraawwatan akka Lebsii Kana keewwata 38n tumemeen mala bittaa “gaaffii yaada dorgommiitin” reawwachuuf Kan danda’an tajagjila gorsaatiif ykn gatii waliigalaa waliigaltichaa keessaa gatin tajaajila ‘Borsaa %50 ol yoo ta’e (eo) ATIC Goma? ROUS.Crar 18M AIhaNt FET NTS ea IAs wLr Aon aes NE Wwhavem 4A Mrecaw wa okoesan exe ernsort@ agi roomne, PEPE MEI NIRS e1ee4 NINA DAM rae Pe wa conor naan, rr (WE ovonee CNS LI 180 RIehaMe VF Fookave sar erme Raat aa non. AU vad Comair NT we DACUF TET emNIT Parser Consens coU'r Awerrm NAAR ondma NLM US A (2) ANE UL eoUbE AE Aerie A1Lo AMA At wee AOTeArs aes CoLLOR Fo TE AY Ys 80 OH RI Namen neenye eobwers SCE ALi arP Eo 697% feLsaaaa AU aoRne eeN Where NAPE dllor?-car POLE 00m PE aemorcr" @) ame ATH E hoor era hag Fac eeLercs new fete ree Nam Ag. 1D FeLi now's PIAS Romine RANE BNL Cohecee nes BD 1e 49°, ANAT ANE eoome ran neL@ny eM com? FANAAY ner he ARON, ALAR P7IC HS Noome” OTH Wane 2 goal Ate 8 Newmarer vag womete a0 Awe ooetar sAnto- ied oe 490% ANAT ONLY APE vee OS Ute cower Neowneer van oomeee fr WR IIe Aoweor CLE APNE Mater OLS Norte man #2 wae HE DIAM! PPE NAF AY sar (@ Within limits defined in the procurement directives, for new ‘works consisting ofthe repetition of similar works, which conform to a basic project of ‘which an initial contract was awarded on the basis of open or restricted bidding, (©) Within limits defined in the procurement directives, for continuation of consultant services, where the original ‘contract has been satisfactorily performed and the continuation is likely to lead to gains in economy and efficiency. (D For purchase of goods made under exceptionally advanta geous conditions which only arise in the very short term. This provision is intended to cover unusual disposals by firms, Which are not normally suppliers. isnot intended to cover routine purchases regular suppliers. from (g) The head of the procuring entity bas determined that the need is one of pressing emergency in which delay would create serious problems and therefore injurious to the performance of that procuring entity. 2) The procuring entity may also use direct procurement from single supplier in the market when the contract price does not exceed an amount stated in the procurement directives 20, Conditions for Use of Request for Proposals ‘The procuring entity may engage in procurement by means of request for proposals in accordance with Article 238 when it seeks to obtain consultancy services or contracts for which the component of consultancy services 6 of the represents more than 50% amount of the contract, Last Lat, 100/1997, fuala 18 awe are Hino aK 1. Proclamation No 1002005, Page 18 21. Mala Bittaa “Dhiyeessaa Gatiitin” Raawwatamuuf — Haalawwan Guutamuu Qaban (Qeamoleen bitiaa raawwatan akka Labsii kana keewwata 39n tumametti mala bittaa “dhiyeessaa gatitin” bitaa reawwachuu kan danda’an hamma gti qaje!fama bittaa Birrchi baasuun murtaa'y kan hin caalleefi kan bitamanis meeshaalee gabaaf ‘gophaa’an ykn hojiiwwan ijaarsaa ykn tajagjila gabaa beekama gaban yoo ‘’aniicha. 22,Bittaa, Caalbaasii “Sadarkaa Lamaan” ‘Raawwatamuuf Haalawwan Guutamuw Quban. (Qeamni bittaa raawwatu bu’ wura Labsii kana keewwata 40 irratiibsameen bitan caalbaasii sedarkaa lammaffaa raawwachuu kan danda’u haalawwan Kanaa gadittiibsaman guutamanii yoo argaman gofaadha, 1) Meeshaawwaniifi bitamaniif tarreeffama gaha gopheessuuf sadarkaa mana hojichaattikan hin danda’ amneta'ee yoo argame ykn tajaajiloota laalchisee amalasaaniiadda baasenii ‘agarsiisuof kan hin danda’amne yoo ta'cefi qeamni bittaa raawwatu fedhii bittaasaa__sadarkaa ol'aanaadhaan guuttachuuf furmaata dandeessisu barbaaduut: (@ Caalbaasii, yada wal dorgommi hiyeessii meeshaafitajagjloota ‘ykn itin dhiyeessa gatiihojirra ‘olchuuf yoo barbaade, (b)Sababa amala ykn wumem: meeshawwan _bitamani hojiiwwani jzarsaafi tjagjiloota irraan kan ka’e dhiyyeessitoota ykn kontraaktaroota waliin yoo barbsachise marii gochuu, 2) Meeshots hammi iseanii gabaarra coluw danda’en dabaluy ykn baasiiwwan gorannoofi misoomaa bakka buusuuf yoo ta’e malee {qeamni bittas raawwatu qorannoof, yaaliif, qo’annoofi hojiiwwan misoomaa adeemsisuaf kan SONAR “Pele CLIO Fh VA aPC tener fod¢ mame 1c; Draen amare Aware Pe Sha oer aeteore PLPC oo hPe Ves RADE C4ESI dkoOT AT AAeENPE wete w-ne Praia rrr Aver Then Fn aver: Dacha eebeaty Ub B) encchonr Aawrrar NG Nance ANSL fUrar AeInHOr LOLSIAAN CHLEET AF ANSE. NAC PMO re D7W0-7 C12dor@ ANA ancror ASL £4 howeer Nat NO Ue aeror foowed ont sha oon TR) fora ance sha TeLAMY cory Tf) Alm f2e0 Cras Foe LIRETE) RCA FAOY murry face oe Dee Face MRF Aacro are UIE AG OAT NrwAREPH AeTreA home wa ANAM #2: Atem? Ue AS NeDEm eInrokso- tN NLAY Adar FOAAEPT NIRKCM WEL nant Ph Nancr Me AG nNeLec. TTS BT 497 ANA neoto oLr emer 78 Nae dae tOMePh neLtch 154 P% oN Cane O94 TRCOE Uk TRA NINE LF Facd 27 LM ATTA LAM D Cbecim ATE Md-e NIDER taxed Oy) bok baw hOAReP Ute WrhaLor Vad IMA MIRLCH ooher Aan DB Fir 20eta Nha faned O04 ene OTT RheAr. UT FrTo Ao TMM LOD ATLL A UL EMA corr? ECA RIAU? dae “b@AnePe NFO? cower KECIO Paces MA NEMIIKD Me UL LATER ALC ecw? aves cower aetecn facrony TPENS 1.1 Aten $6% Asear e%aae 6) Specification of requirements, ineluding time limit for delivery oF completion 7) Evidence to be provided by the bidder to demonstrate its qualifications as well as its standing with regard to financial and registration in the supplier is. 8) The period during which the bid must remain valid; 9) The criteria and the poins given to each criterion for evaluation of bids and award of the contract; 10) A reservation othe effect thatthe procuring entity may reject al bids at any time prior to the acceptance of abid, 11) Evidence to be demonstrate tax obligation certificate 12) Evidence to be demonstrate renewed trade of professional license 26, Provision of Bid Documents Bid documents shall be made available to candidates in an expeditious manner, at a price not exceeding the cost of reproduction and delivery to candidate, and otherwise inthe manner specified in the invitation to bid. 27, Modifications to Bid documents 1) At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the procuring entity may on its own inquiry by a candidate having purchased the bid documents, modify the bid documents by issuing an addendum, which becomes an integral part of the bid documents, 2) Anyaddendum shallbe is prepared in a written form communicated promptly to all candidates having purchased the bid: documents, 3) If the procuring entity considers it necessary to amend the bid documents, and if it determines that there is no enough time to incorporate the modification shall postpone the closing date by a ‘number of days. Depending on the procurement object, which is sufficient to enable the bids to take the addendum into account in preparing their bids; Labsii Lat, 100/1997, fuula 21 DpH src HINOEME a8 AS Proclamation No 100/205, Page 21 28. Kabachiisa Caalbaasii 1) Labsii kanaan haala addaatiin yoo murtaa’e malee, qsamoleen bittaa raawwatan sanada caalbaasii gopheessan keessatti dorgomtoonni sanadoota caalbaasi isaanii wajjin, smaallaga callaan ykn bife wabummaa caalboasitiin kabachiisa caalbaasii dhiyeessuuf dirgama alka qaban ibsuu qabu. Hammi kabachiisa caalbaasichaa namoota iti gaafatamumaadhaan qooda hin fudhanne hambisuu kan dandeessisu ta'ee, qajeelfama bittichaatiin kan ‘murtaa’e kan bin caalle tau qaba. 2) Kabachiisni caalbaasichaa yeroo itt turutti dorgomtichi ofiisaatiin yoo ccaalbaasii keessaa bahe ykn abbaa caalbaasicha mo’ate ilaalchisee ‘mo'uunsaa erga ibsameefii boda walligaltee mallatteessuuf fedha gabeessa ta'ce yoo hin argamne, yin kabachiisa waliigaltee skka dhiyeessu gaafatamee yoo hin dhiyeessine, Kabachtisicaalbasichaa ni dhealama. 29, Sanada Caalbaasii Dhiyeessuu fi Fuudhua 1) Sanadni caalbassii barreefTamaan gophaa’eefi _mallattaa’ee inyelooppii cufameen ta'ee dhuma yeroo becksisa caalbaasiirratti bbahe dura iddoo jedhametti galii godhamuu gabe, 2) Sanadni eaalbeasii guddaa wasn ta'eef saanduga keessa kaa’uun kan hin danda’amne yoo ta'e gaamni bitiaa reawwatu sanadni caalbaasii sun guyyaaf sa’ aati galii ta’e nagahee agarsiisu dorgomaa cealbaasif kennuu gaba 3) Sanadiin caalbaasii armaan olitt keowwata xiqgaa 2 irratti ibsame yeroo dhiyeessa caalbaasiitiit ‘murtaa’ebooda dhufn uu hinbarssnin dorgomaadhaaf deebi’au gaba. 30, Caalbaasit Banu 1) Qeamni bittaa reawwatu sanada caalbaasii dhiyeossuuf sanada caalbaasichaarratti —_yeroon murtaa’e akkuma xumurameen sanadacaalbaasii_yeroo dhiyeessaatiin dura fuudhee banuy aba. 2) Dorgomtoonni ykn baka bu’oonni isaanii sia baniinsa caalbaasiirratti akka argaman affeeramu qabu, #8. tmee eynnner BD my APE ots hatods Mares me 217, Ane nen SUE Cae Ae pee nner MRF tO 2G where nia ofr Nencd HET PAN toned oqanncs eeeen aed MIAN ooAnd ANOFOs Paes IOHner@. om? Nacsa arare arrro- Dash foreareiy aevabet eonsnba wes aaa eooeta Whol com? sAnhm avy naar: £) face “PaNnero Ort ALBA Uk wie ret 60 haeee Man oLe nitse@r rene neta ifsaiets WETNOAT AA nh horace” het US NacbTy ose nAstca batho fara eTannes hadcn emcee — eTAbNesar ach PRLDAH BR. Smee nye nAeTenS anon BCS OE Mme TIERS ECP AFT RAT war VS Nae “TnhwkS or Wheater Pub TRA Ne (-rA0@ 63° 10, aws.07 NAIM 8) Pencsh nes HAY Noovrr Naar ey aie Abawe COIL NUT ne IL ANA Cane Aya In, RERLMY 96 09% FOP LAOS APA aoa alts PF) MLy ange mon AYR E PP IA0@ 4E5% acd Ore ance Fras Wana rh TAA OCA ARhEE ARE eam NAN @. aac? one oe 9 NMA Nae Mk Teens Rwtian Ub A Rigtmse? Caer are neTeens Cab wa Ne ChennFar Caer are aone® nan OD PRAKE OP art OnAFRo- mer ae ona my PCV NE NITE eo.20 RANE ar: 28. Bid Security 1) Unless otherwise provied in this proclamation the procuring entity shall include in the bid documents ‘ condition that bids must be accompanied by security in the form of «depositor bid gurantee. The amount of such security shall be sufficient to discourage imesponsibe bids and shall erin within limits stated in the procurement directives. 2) Any bid seourity wil be forfeited if bidder withdraws his bid within the validity period thereofor,inthe case of a successful bidder, if the bidder repudiates the contract or fails to furnish performance security, if so required 29, Submission and receipt of Bids 1) Bids shall be submitted in writing, signed and in a sealed envelope, before the deadline and tothe place stated in the invitation to bid. 2) The procuring entity shall give @ receipt to the bidder indicating the time and date on which the bid document is submitted, where it becomes impossible to put the bid document in a bid box due to its large size. 3) Akind of bid document stated under Sub-Article 2 above is received after the deadline for submission shall be returned ‘unopened to the bidder. 30, Opening of Bids documents for opening of bids, Which should follow immediately after the deadtine for submission of bids, the procuring entity shall ‘open all bids received before the deadline 2) Bidders, or their authorized representatives, shall be allowed to attend the opening of bi Labs Lak. 100/199, foala 22 Age PC HIM 1K RE Prgelamation No 100/2005, Page 22 3); Magaan dorgomtootaafi ida’amni ‘ati tokkoon tokkoon sanadearratti ittiin dorgoman sagaleedhaan dubbifamuufi galmeeffamuu akkasumas, dorgomtoonni yeroo gaafatan tarreeffama galmeeffame ‘akka argatan taasifamuu qaba. 31. Waa"ee Sanadoota Caalbaasii Xiinxaluufi Gamaaggamua 1) Cealbaasiixiinxaluufi gamaaggama taasisuf kan gargaaru_ ta’ee ‘yammuu argamu, qgamni bittaa raawwatu sanada caalbaasii dorgomtoonni dhiyeessanirratti fbsa akka kennan gaafaachuw ni danda’a. Ta’us jijjiirama gatii dabalatee sanadicha caalbaasiirat yada jijiirama bu’wuraa hiyeessuun ykn hayyamuun hin danda’emu, 2) Keewwata kana keewwaata xxiggaan (1) jiraatus gaamni bitiaa raawwatu dogongora herregaa xinxala caalbaasii argeman sirreessuu ni danda'a, Qaamni Ddittes raawwatu sirreeffama godhame kana atattamaan dorgomaa_sanada caalbaasii ahiyeesseef ibsuu gaba. 3) Keewwata kena keewwats xiggaa @n kan tumame — akkuma ‘eegametti ta'ee, qaamni bittas raawwatu caslbeasichi guutameera Jjedhee itti fufuu ken danda’u sanada caalbaasii keessatt haalewwan ibsaman hundi guutummaa guutuutti kan guuty taee yammuu argamuudha, 4) Amalawwan sanadicha caalbaasi keessatttarreefFamaniin,jechoonni waliigaltee fi qabxiiwwan barbaachisaa ta’an biroo wali sadarkaa murtaa’etti garaagarummaa yoo qabaatanis jijjiiramaafi garaagarummaa bbu'uurea hamma hin qabaannetti ykn jijiirama bu'uursa soo hin fidin sirreeffamuu kan danda’u dogongors xixigqoo yoo qabaates, qaamni dita raawwatu caalbaasichi akka guutametti fudhachuu ni danda’a. Goraggarummea kamiyyu hamma anda’ ametti Jakkoofsaan ibsamee wayitii gamaaggama caalbaasiifi ddorgommii tkmaama keessati gala abs. Qaamni bitiaa_raawwatu Kamiyyuu, caalbaasii kanneen armaan gedii hin guunne dorgommiit dhiyeessuu hin qabu. (@) Dorgomiichi ulaagaalee keewwata 25(7) keessai kaaaman guutua kan hin dandeenye ta'ee yarmu argamu, 3 1D RPL OF NF ANPIATAR Ranch Ok Chena Poe cF 92 EPC NE AA LER sorta AS eet NIA ree mee at Paonnary CNC NASTE RAs DB. face M1289 Aonovcare AS_Anawroear Dmcsoy heroocoocs aw I@y WTNEw? LLL VE A 1, Atel Aha PEK Men Panes Oe AL OVNEEE NIM mee BEA VER CPD doer marc Amero me As covert hon FeLAnrA VO HEA OEP WEP E AEF AP: 2 ay Mee WO: AIEEE froanto-: acer 71 A9¢Lar Wha Next Peed OFT PETF KLoM AUTRE acter 2AAN Me £ILon AA NuLY? oTnThN SPT ange M87 AbCNa Peet AGn"S comny NAM 2) au Ate WA AIRS Phowaiher NtMNe VT me Aan AHA aadsor PELA to Ae ATA POF Aw Neaerar are rownirday ben Ver PT coh: Nam CLEA UT ALTO a> DP ameko are whwener WES: LOA PA: VE IPT Ae AMER haa, YP 2c Gon £ck ait aseor cowed LU" Mor Ne AR RANA ech wer ILE Ascor ne 29°2o- ANA ALPOY NIRETA ALC AND NAY TOM Ae AnFA een MAU PAP Nace IPI AT ORC OF NAPE ode wan nan: 8) 1G%or 1 497%, AH MILD AFF ePienery Cer sete BLIPH NOeRC ILA anes W) TIER AnIeR BBE ermbaey oALcrt STEIN ROTA UT ATE 3) The name of the bidder and the total anount of each bid shall be read out aloud and recorded, and 1 copy of the record shall be made available to any bidder on request. 31, Examinations and Evaluation of ids 1) The procuring entity may ask bidders forclarification oftheir bids in order to assist in the examination and ‘evaluation of bids. No change in the substance of the bid, including changes in price, shall be sought, offered o permitted 2) Notwithstanding Sub-Ariele (1) the procuring entity shall correct purely arithmetical errors that are discovered during the examination ‘of bids, The entity shall give prompt notice of any such correction tothe bidder that submitted the bid. 3) Subject to Sub-Article (4) of this article, the procuring entity may regard a bid as responsive only if i ‘conforms to all requirements set forth in the bid documents, 4) The procuring entity may regard a bid as responsive even if it contains minor deviations that do not ‘materially alter or depart from the character ics, terms, conditions and other requirement set forth in bid documents or if it contains errors or oversights that are capable of being corrected without touching on the substance of the bid. Any such deviations shall be quantified, to the extent possible, and appropritaly taken account of inthe evaluation and comparison of bids 5) The procuring entity shall not award 1 contract when: (8) The bidder has failed to demonstrate in the manner foreseen in Article 25. (7), that itis qualified; Labeli Lake 100/1997, fuuta 23, APE or Ewe oe ae Proclamation No 1002005, Page 23 (©) Dorgontich siveefluma bereegaa ecwwata kena keewwata xiqgaa 2 keessatti godhame kan hin fudhanne ta'ee yoo arzame, (©) Yaanni dorgommii caalbaasii Nokes bak hoor RLLAr UANTO NIAAP fehmee aaa suca DP Rav@rcer Vira comes 1.e% (w) ene A020 AHA nes agent: (@) $9.2A10-7 NIAAA ROLE LPOET dees (ay erage aed AsnnA RoLFA PPh HAW ANA Ub NY Veit ESC LECH dae hoAseP® — nehe daaatek nema HERE Raat DC OSE heunso@r er reCOrT enn wePh enitarr eTANA keLAVFom CU" geliax vans: fanoases vant WIPE ALLE EN AP29 ARF oenche RLAena Yetts ONCE fmmases uaa ner Pn oF Tee AL CLonI AAT Lov@Aze? VAN FOLEG M047 05 oomel PI D POseePh Cormsees via ACNIDED COUPNENFOr 14 Uh Alm Far Lads Te alo AHA IAT UT Wwheccmar dan h@Rhe 2¢ Nwwaces van whe hoonhhanr hina? aver aom> AG ALLEL een LoRC Le OLE IANS NIALLT awd 2Faas M07 CLL00- oor AAMsare hover CLEA Nor@ALes VAN comets ane Abeanto- Larrew1s once covet AThyear aI Seeno- foomaees vid EAT me UT et aOr POAke ta (o») ” e 2) Direct procurement from single supplier from the market according 238, Request for Proposals Procedure 1) Requests for proposals shall be addressed to not less than thee, not more than seven candidates selected by the procuring enti 2) The selection of candidates for consultancy services above a threshold to be determined by a directive shall be made aftr inviting candidates to submit expression of interest in being invited to bd. 3) A request for proposals shall contain atest the following information (a) The name and address of the procuring entiys () Description of the services required, normally through terms of reference; (© In the case of consultancy assignments, which mey involve potential conficts of interest, a reminder that candidates for such assignments must exclude themselves from procurement of goods and works which may follow 28 result of or in connection with the consultancy agreement; (© The criteria for evaluating the proposals, the relative Weight to be given to price and other criteria, and the manner in evaluation of proposals; (s) Place and deadline for the submission of proposals. 4) Cendidates shallbe given adequate time in which to prepare their proposals 5) Theprocuringeniy may negotiate with the first ranked candidate with respect tothe nature, volume and organization ofthe services included in their proposals and may seek or permit revisions thereof. 6) Anyaward by the procuring entity shall be made to the candidate whose proposal is most advantageous, determined in accordance with the criteria and Procedures for evaluating Proposals set forth inthe request for proposals.

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