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Offline: The path out of lockdown

“Just read your paper. reads well, until you
try and imagine what it actually will mean in practice.” This conclusion seems entirely reasonable. 15 million of
This response was from someone who understands those most at risk of serious illness in the UK are on track
well the burden of mental trauma this pandemic is to receive a first inoculation by Feb 15. Once vaccination
causing. His objection to the argument for Zero- has been translated into immunity (early March), the

Karim Jaafar/AFP/Getty Images

COVID was that it seemed to endorse “the greatest protection of the most vulnerable, temporally combined
imposition of restricted civil liberties ever seen in with very low levels of community transmission, will
peacetime”. Indeed, during World War 2 cinemas, give compelling force to more libertarian voices who
theatres, cafes, restaurants, and pubs all remained wish to see the earliest possible reopening of society.
open. He concluded: “If I was allowed to vote on this Israel’s experience lends support to this view. Those who
Brave New World, I would reject it firmly...We now undergo vaccination seem to benefit from an accelerated
teach every medical student that patients have the decline in new cases compared with those who are
right to make their own choices, even when they are unvaccinated. But those advocating for an early end to
bad ones, and even when they inevitably lead to their lockdown may be premature in their optimism. Even
own demise.” My friend has powerful support. Writing assuming that no new variant takes hold (the South
in The Mail on Sunday last weekend, former Supreme African 501Y.V2 or B.1.351 lineage, with its E484K spike
Court Justice Lord Jonathan Sumption argued that mutation, has been identified in the UK) and that vaccine
Zero-COVID was a “mirage”, that lockdowns were “a supplies remain uninterrupted, the scale of the challenge
sinister and untried experiment”, and that “we must facing the UK has been underestimated. The UK Joint
learn how to live with [this] disease, as our ancestors Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has
have always done.” identified a further 16 million people older than 50 years
at risk of serious COVID-19. It will take at least until
May 6 before they receive a first dose of vaccine. At

Frantzesco Kangaris/Getty Images

What, then, is a sustainable way out of lockdown? that point, 30 million people across the UK will still be
Take the UK as an example. If one looks at the average susceptible to infection. Lifting lockdowns and risking
number of cases per 100 000 population (using 7-day the virus surging back will put a proportion of those still
averages), the UK mean rate peaked on Jan 4, 2021, to be vaccinated in danger. This moment will mark the
at 641·9. The latest reported rate (Feb 3) is 208·6, a transfer of power from scientists back to politicians. It
67·5% decline. If the UK maintains its existing lockdown will be at this point that a serious public conversation will
measures, community transmission could largely be have to take place. Do we continue physical distancing,
halted towards the end of February. If suppression is with persistent disruptions to schools, universities,
stable for several weeks, one could envisage some workplaces, and leisure activities, until about three-
easing of lockdown mandates by mid-March. There quarters of the population are immunised (achieving
are several caveats. First, the predominant virus herd immunity) or do we agree that a finite number of
variant in the UK is now the more transmissible deaths must be accepted if we are to return to relatively
B.1.1.7 strain. The course of decline in transmission normal lives? Our society has normalised deaths from
may not be as linear as I am assuming. Second, we many diseases. Why should COVID-19 be any different?
are still living through winter, when conditions In England, deaths from influenza vary from several
favour household transmission if social mixing has thousand to as many as 30 000 per year. The question
inadvertently caused infection in a family member. politicians will have to answer is this: what number of
Third, continuing falls in community transmission COVID-19 deaths are they willing to accept? And will
Claire R Greenway/Getty Images

depend on public support, which cannot be taken the public trust their answer?
for granted. Finally, there is vaccination, and surely
vaccination will enable an early spring opening to be Richard Horton
virtually guaranteed. Vol 397 February 13, 2021 565

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