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Installing Inner Game: The Manual

What’s up man…
Welcome to the Installing Inner Game manual. This is a quick start guide to get you
running with this product and your own Inner Game as quickly and deeply as possible.
A little bit about me – I’m Devon White. I’m 31 and I’ve been in the consciousness and
behavior game for about 15 years. During that time I’ve studied everything from quantum
mechanics to meditation to psychoneuroimmunology, hypnosis and epigenetics. I’m an
artist at heart with an uncompromising demand for empirical results. Everything has to be
field-tested. As far as I’m concerned you need to know what you want and you need to be
able to measure your results, because then and only then will you know when you’ve
actually gotten what you set out to get. Most people are missing this check, so they end
up never getting the feeling of satisfaction that should come with accomplishing their
outcomes. Also, if you haven’t gotten what you’re going for, a measurable outcome helps
you know what needs to change.

I’m going to be direct and explicit in the most uncompromising way I know how:
If you want to get the most out of this product and your life – define everything
that you want in real, measurable, terms. The places that you’re not having success
are almost certainly due to either not having specific measurable results defined –
or not following through on getting them.

EVERYTHING I’ve studied has been in dedication to learning about ONE thing. That
one thing is and has always been how to access what I’m like at my best, any time,
anywhere, in any context, with any person. Another way to say this is that I’ve worked
very hard to become uncompromising when it comes to only doing things that are in line
with the integrity of my nature.

the feeling of being at rest, inside of yourself, intimate with your own “essence” and
satisfied completely.
And, that feeling is measurable. It’s the most important element of your own “Inner
Game.” You won’t measure it in dollars or rupees but in the specific, idiosyncratic
details of your sensory experience, and once you’re familiar with it, you’ll know when
you’re in it and when you’re not.
commit to learning that feeling for yourself. Commit to it as the most important
thing in your life.

When I had sufficiently mastered this skill and way of being for myself, an interesting
thing occurred; I became in demand to help others do the same. Now, because I
consistently get reliable results, I’ve become the go-to guy for a wide variety of people.
I’ve had people come to me when they’ve been diagnosed as ‘clinically depressed’ and
‘untreatable.’ CEO’s come to me to learn how to make powerful and effective decisions.
Clients come to me to have reliable access to being “in the zone.” Women come to me to
have better orgasms and men come to me to have deep Inner Game.
But, while I really dig working one-on-one with people, I want to take this kind of stuff
beyond gurus and into the next evolution of learning – behavioral software. I’m really
interested in a community that will grow this work out and take it to the next level. For
most people, the things that I’ll be laying out in this manual and product will be nothing
short of revolutionary. And I want to give it to people who are going to DO
SOMETHING with it; share it, ask questions about it, improve it, test it and refine it.
The reason most people don’t have the kind of kick-ass Inner Game that is their natural
birthright is simply because they weren’t raised in a manner that encouraged it, (or, more
accurately, they were raised in a manner that actively discouraged it). But there’s nothing
inherently wrong with you, in fact, just the opposite. The society we all grew up in, to a
lesser or greater extent, is neurologically ignorant. It has no idea how to create the proper
environment for growing happy, healthy, well-adjusted, passionate, intelligent humans
that live from their core and have the sense that their life is a truly awesome journey.
Instead, society has put each person’s attention anywhere but where it belongs – on the
inherent nature of your own excellence and perfection.
Inner Game isn’t something you “get,” it’s something you are. It’s something that you
were born with. And it’s something that you emanate once you’ve made an
uncompromising commitment to It. But to do this, you have to tap into the deep
firmament of who you are and make a decision about yourself and who you
are…becoming. This decision dictates how you show up in the world every day – no
matter where you are or with whom. It provides a baseline against which all other
decisions are made, effectively and efficiently, based on your intended outcomes. This
baseline offers a stable platform to which you can reset anytime you don’t get your
expected outcomes, so that you can update and reassess, all the while maintaining your
own sense of balance and control…of your self, the situation and even, to some extent,
how others perceive you and the situations in which you find yourself.

Operating from your own essential, well-formed position allows you to simultaneously
process and track lots of information and know what you want because it’s coming from a
singular, stable awareness. Otherwise – there’s just too much stuff to track in any given

Operating like this, you almost can’t help but perform with elegance and power no matter
the circumstances. And other people can’t help but notice it. Everything in this product is
about experiencing THIS deep essence of who you are…getting in touch with the
powerful integrity you were born with.

Rather than trying to have Inner Game – you just are – and you and others notice it.
When you’re deeply yourself, it’s the most awesome experience of all.
Installing Inner Game will give you the tools to do this. And, once you have the tools, it
will allow you to go far beyond anything that you were expecting to get from this
product. Like this, you can improve your own Inner Game, at home, in the field, on
forums and in the community by further testing and refining how this is working for you.
This is the primary reason I decided to put this product out to the Seduction Community.
You field test, you improve, you share.
Check it out—
About two years ago I started doing gigs at colleges. The first one I did was actually two
lectures back-to-back, “The Best Head Ever” and “Deepening Orgasms.” After two
standing-room-only performances, a roomful of aroused college students and an equal
amount of positive feedback-- “I need to go have sex right this minute!,” “My legs are
still quivering” I fired up a video blog, and began broadcasting.
Since then, I’ve had several people approach asking me to create a product for the
Seduction Community. Finally, in February of this year (2008) I met someone who told
me that what he saw me do in front of a room (of entrepreneurs this time, not horny
college kids) was exactly what the Seduction Community was looking for.
This occurred at the same time I was gearing up to produce the first part of the Human
Operating System—a codified product designed to reproduce the reliable success I have
in eliciting and installing people’s “at best” states for them in one-on-one sessions. It was
a perfect match. And now, in your hands is the result.
So let me tell you a little about Installing Inner Game, what I expect, and what you
should expect…
Let me start with your expectations:
You should expect, hell YOU SHOULD DEMAND – of yourself and of this product – to
revolutionize the way you experience Inner Game. I said, the way you EXPERIENCE
Inner Game, not the way you think about it. I don’t give two craps for someone that can
tell me all about Inner Game – only someone that lives from it. And that should be the
measure you use as well. You want to Have The Deep Experience Of It. Expect
anything less and that’s what you’ll get. Through familiarizing yourself with and
practicing the ideas, exercises, and tracks in this product, you’ll naturally begin to
experience the Inner Game that will serve you throughout your life – especially in
relation to others – men and women both.
You should also expect that everything in here is a model. It’s just stuff that I made up,
one of my teachers made up, or that I picked up and co-opted from a book, class, lecture,
video or other form of learning. It is not true except in the fact that it works to get
outcomes. This is an aesthetic model that’s based on getting outcomes.

Set Your Expectations:
• Know how to access your Inner Game or “at best” state. This is the essence of
who you are.
• Then, make all decisions based on who you are – not who you’re with or what
you’re doing.
• (If you don’t know it already – you’re a selfish prick. Everything you do is
ultimately done because it gets you something. Keep this in mind. It’s a much
cleaner operating platform than thinking you’re doing things because you’re nice
or selfless. Even if you do something nice – ultimately it’s because there’s some
gain in it for you e.g. people will think you’re nice.)
• Reset to the baseline state often – especially when things don’t go as expected.
This gives you a “Ready State” from which to accurately assess and move
forward based on your new best-outcome.
• Always know what you want.
• Act decisively.
• When you do all of the above things, expect that you will begin to perform in an
elite manner – elegant, powerful, and constantly refining.

My Expectations – yeah, that’s right, I have expectations. I’m humbled that you took
money out from your bank account and ponied it up to buy this product, but if you’re not
going to actually use it – I’d rather you just cancel your order or send it back right now.
People spend years mastering Outer Game – Inner Game is more intrinsic to your success
and deserves at least as much attention, if not a thousand times more. That said,
everything I’m giving you is designed to provide you the most direct access to stellar
Inner Game possible. It could even be called a short cut to Inner Game, but that’s mostly
because the reason most
people aren’t experiencing it Use the language of behavioral software. As you do,
already is because they were you’ll find that it massively impacts your ability to
taught how to use themselves integrate your Inner and Outer game until
poorly. So more than a “short everything…essence to behavior…is a seamless
cut” it’s really the installation expression of you. The lexicon of behavioral software
or shaping that you should will make updating and integrating the beliefs,
have gotten from birth. Now musculature, proprioceptive and sensorial aspects of
I’m just helping you re- your behavior as measurable as the latest routine and
educate yourself in as direct therefore as practical and practice-able.
and pervasive a manner
In addition to you being dedicated to getting the results you want, I want to add in
another expectation: The reason I’m putting this out to the Seduction Community before

any other community in the world is not because I love sex so much or even that I have
such a bond with the men in this group. It’s because, as far as I’m concerned, the
seduction community is evolutionary. You’re a group that is already trading behavioral
software. You may not call it that, but it’s what you’re doing. You define your intention,
experiment with a strategy or tactic, codify it, test it, and then share it. And you have
online and real-world communities where you reinforce and further install the behavioral
software that works.
I dig that. And I expect that you’ll begin measuring, testing and improving your Inner
Game by the same rigorous standards. What you’ll find throughout this product is that
I’m going to be sharing ways to get RESULTS by doing measurable and reliable things—
more reliable than BEING HERE NOW or living in the POWER OF NOW. As far as I’m
concerned – there’s nowhere else you can be. So the frou-frou aphorisms of how to pay
attention are just NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Most people don’t have the internal navigation
systems to guide their attention and their awareness in the ways that get them the results
they want. This leads to people following advice like, “act like a monkey” to access their
Inner Game. You want something more powerful and MORE RELIABLE than that. You
want something that you can lock in and that, once you’ve learned it all the way, will be
there forever. Here’s how it works…

A little about Installing Inner Game (and thus begins the revolution)…
First let me share my dirty little secret: Inner Game is just a name I’m using so that the
Seduction Community knows what the hell I’m talking about. As you’ll hear me say in
other parts of the Installing Inner Game product, Inner Game is a synonym for what
athletes call “the zone,” modern day psychological researchers call “the flow state,”
regular ol’ people call being “at your best,” and what I call being in “the Default State.”
The Default State and the Blueprint of how you were born to be.
First of all – let me introduce the Generative Imprint™. The Generative Imprint (a
concept developed by my mentor’s mentor, Roye Frasier) is a living blueprint which acts
as the organizing matrix for an individual. It’s present at conception, organizing the
development of the individual from zygote to fully-formed adult.
For brevity’s sake let’s keep it simple here: The most interesting function of the
Generative Imprint is that when an individual is accessing it they will have a sense that
their life is on-track.
In order to access it, an individual must organize the “filters” (the muscular and sensorial
configuration of their body) in a very specific way, personal to them. When they access
that particular configuration they have a distinct and pervasive sense of wellbeing and
This configuration is held in all systems (neurological, electromagnetic, muscular, etc.). It
has an unlimited number of variables, some of which are critical and unconditional to the

state while others are conditional, dependent on the context (place, time, age, activity,
etc) of the individual.
The particular configuration of your body when you’re completely at-rest (not doing any
other activity) is called the Default State. THE DEFAULT STATE IS THE STATE TO
LEARN. When you’re in your Default – you’ll have locked in the muscular and sensory
configuration that is the base for the experience(s) that gurus like Ken Wilbur, Ram Das,
and Eckhart Tolle are talking about. What’s revolutionary – or more aptly, what’s
evolutionary about this concept is that the Default State is something that’s in your
body! It is a very specific, “measurable” and recognizable configuration of you. And it’s
actually the most natural configuration of you.
The fact that you didn’t know this already and/or don’t know how to access it reliably
and stabilize it is simply evidence of the developmental ignorance that is so pervasive in
our society. From the time we are born we’ve been trained to ignore our fit/not fit signals
and instead make decisions based on what others want for and from us, beginning first
and foremost with our parents. This is a loathsome form of compromise.
Installing Inner Game is about being uncompromising! Everything in this product is
about sensitizing yourself to the deep experience of your Default State and then making
every decision in relation to it.
The Default State is the way you were born to be. You actually had to be trained out of it!
You had to be trained to add a bunch of other tensions and considerations on top of it to
NOT have the experience of it. You’ve been trained so well, that even though I’m going
to restate what the Default is on just about every page of this manual, you will still
probably have left the feeling of your own Default between each reminder. The good
news is, your entire system yearns to be in it. That’s why, when you’re not, there’s a deep
and underlying feeling that something is missing! Existential longing anyone? So, what
we’re doing throughout Installing Inner Game is re-familiarizing you with how you are in
your own Default State so that you can begin to reset to it any time.

• Know how to access your Inner Game or “at best” state (Your Default
State).This is the essence of who you are.
• Make all decisions based on who you are – not who you’re with or what
you’re doing.
• Reset to your baseline state often – especially when things don’t go as
expected. Your Default is a state of total readiness from which you can
accurately assess and move forward based on your new best-outcome.
Included in this product are visual and audio triggers to help you access your
Default quickly and easily. Use them.

Right now, stop reading for a moment, let your eyes go soft, allow yourself to come
to rest, and just don’t do anything for about 10 seconds (no counting). Once you’ve
done this, come back to reading.

This state you’ve just now accessed is a general form of what I’m talking about. We’re
going to get much more specific and you’ll learn to go very deeply into your Default.
Learning how you are when you’re in your Default State (when you’re at your best) is the
absolute most fundamental thing every person should learn to do if they want to train
themselves to have easy access to how they are at their best. It’s what it means to have
reliable Inner Game. It’s what it means to be authentically and powerfully yourself;
uncompromising in who you are, always.
Furthermore, on a more general note, your Default State is the most fundamental
installation of what your own Human Operating System – a larger project I’m working on
and a project that will bring the kind of behavioral software trading you’ve been doing in
the Seduction Community to every other domain, from being an entrepreneur to making
love to elite performance in martial arts.
Recognizing Body-States
A concept that will probably be both least familiar and most useful is that emotions and
states of consciousness in general exist as body states.
Most people think of emotions, or states, as being static things that happen to them and
over which they have very little control. Adding further insult to their inability to run
their own states, there is often the experience that these states are part of an identity
position: “I Am sad,” “I Am angry.” In fact, these states exist as sequences and
configurations of muscular tension and relaxation which happen within or on top of the
deeper identity position. In other words, they are states held in your muscles. No matter
how often you run a particular state – unless it’s the Default – which is the fundamental
state of how you are - these states are just snapshots in the movie of you.

While the muscular sequence and configuration of each state is not the only element in
“creating” the state, it is a reliable way of running your state. In other words it’s easier to
reset your muscles to a desired configuration than your hormones or some mysterious
“mental attitude.”
One thing you need to know is this: If your brain is organizing to a particular state,
anger for example, and you want to begin to reorganize it to another state – let’s say the
Default, you need to shift your muscular configuration first to the desired state. Next,
you need to hold that configuration and go about what you’re doing. Period. If you’re
holding your entire body in the muscular configuration of your Default – you’re going to
experience the Default State but it’s going to take a few minutes. So, like I said, go about
your business. It takes few minutes for the anger hormones and chemicals to flush out of
your system. And, if you keep checking if you’re “there” already – you’re adding a whole
other state of “checking” and usually also, “being disappointed.” Give it time. The point
is to do the new posture long enough that the neurochemistry has time to pervade the
If you want another (very simple) way to just practice altering body states and proving to
yourself that you can, go for a run. Do something intensely physical for at least ten
minutes. By the end of the ten minutes your state will have changed and THEN your
feelings and your thoughts will have changed too.

Keep it simple:
All states are held in your muscles. Learn to reset to the Default position of who you are.
Do it often. It’s simple. Most people want to make it more complex than it is. Don’t. The
only thing you need to refine is the continual deepening and refinement of how you
access the muscles in your Default.

This stuff is incredibly simple right? To a lot of you it probably makes sense intuitively.
Like, you’ve thought some of these things before. And there’s a reason for that…it’s
because this is how you operate naturally! Now you just need to start running it for
But it gets better.
Your nervous system is directional. It only operates in a direction. This is why any self-
help manual is gonna’ start by telling you that you need to know what you want rather
than what you don’t want. Frame outcomes in “positive” terms. For example, “I want a
woman to come home with me tonight” will work a lot better than, “I just don’t want to
feel insecure tonight.” But a lot of people don’t know what they want, what to choose.
The Default State simplifies that for you. You always want to choose to be in your
Default first.

This primary decision will keep you operating from who you are becoming rather than
trying to meet the expectations of those around you. There’s someone that you aspire to
be, some perfect you that you are becoming…act in alignment with that future version of

Always set your at-best state as the foundation of your desired outcome. So, if
you’re going out to a party, and your intention is go home with a woman, always have it
be, go home with a woman without compromising my integrity/state to do it.

The Default State keeps you in an inherently generative or excitatory experience.

The brilliance of Roye’s Generative Imprint™ model is its simplicity; A person can only
be in one of two general states – excitatory or inhibitory.
The excitatory position is one in which an individual notices potential, options, and
possibility and they have a feeling of readiness. They endlessly sort all incoming
information by how it positions them in relation to achieving their intended outcomes.
The inhibitory position is the opposite. It’s a “shut down” state in which a person notices
for the limitations of the system and their inability to accomplish intended goals.
No matter which you default to most often right now – you have the ability to access the
excitatory. When a person accesses the inhibitory, they’re actually operating a set of
muscles that was trained into them ON TOP OF their original Default State. The trick
now is simply to train your muscles to default to your actual Default. And the trick to that
is simply learning what your Default feels like.

In the Default State you are always operating from an excitatory position.

Also, you’re operating from a place of great integrity. Like this all of your actions are in
direct and uncompromising alignment with your essential nature.

Common Characteristics of the Default State

After working with hundreds and hundreds of people, I’ve noticed that there are some
similarities to the way people are when they’re in their Default State. Below is a list of
some of the commonalities I’ve noticed in many (although not all) people.
• Slackening in the eyes (soft eyes) and enhanced awareness of their peripheral
• Deep, diaphragmatic, breathing often resulting in:
Deeper more resonant tones

• Slowing of the tempo at which they speak
• Loosening of their jaw muscles
• Feeling as though who they “are” resides in their Tan Tien (the Tan Tien is about
two and a half inches down and in from the bellybutton)
• Relaxed gait and carriage
• A feeling of deep satisfaction
• An end to existential longing
• The ability to perform optimally
• The sense that everything “is” – we could even use the words, “is perfect”
• A sense of deep internal stillness
• Being in a state of readiness
Commonalities in how the world “shows up” when they’re in the Default:
• Vision is more clear and clean
• Few to no internal images and sub-vocalization, unless it’s deliberate
• Hearing is more acute
• Sense of hearing as opposed to listening
• Deeper sense of being IN their body – as though they are occupying the entirety
of their body not just their head.
• Experience of all of their senses as a gestalt rather than a bunch of disparate
experiences that they pay attention to in sequence.
• Greater quality and quantity of information.
From the outside, my experience of people in their Default is that they:
• Are deeply and in all ways congruent.
• Feel pleasant, even magnetic to be around.
• They have no concern for what others think about them.

The Default is Idiosyncratic – It’s Personal to You.

As useful as it is to know commonalities of the Default, there is no magic bullet that
works for everyone.
It’s most important that you learn the idiosyncrasies of Your Default. The reason that
most “systems” don’t work is that you were built custom. There is no one else exactly
like you, which is what’s coolest about your brand of Inner Game – no one else in the
world can replicate it. So, while you can use some of the markers that work for most
people, ultimately you need to be deeply familiar with how it works for and in you.

Developing Your Ability to Access Your Default State

The concept of the Default State opens a new category in your mind. This new category
automatically begins sorting for experiences that “fit” within it. Now, as you continue to

live your life, both events that haven’t occurred yet and those that have will begin
associating themselves with your Default, helping you to develop a more robust
experience in your body of what the term actually means to you. The more attention you
put on accessing and stabilizing your Default State, the faster and more deeply you’ll find
out what the Default “means” to you and how it works. The more this occurs, the more
your neurons begin to form communities which support your brain and muscles firing in
particular patterns that further support your ability to reset and reside in the Default.
Let me give you an example of how this works. You know the experience of learning a
new word and then having that word start showing up all over the place? That’s not
magic – when you learn the definition of something, you open a category for that thing in
your mind and it becomes available to be recognized in a way that was impossible before
you knew it.
For most people it’s literally impossible to recognize things that are outside of their
awareness. There was an experiment done in the late 60’s in which kittens were placed in
a small cylindrical room with high contrast black and white vertical stripes and wide
black collars around their necks for five hours a day. After five months these kittens were
functionally blind to horizontal contours. When anaesthetized the researchers found that
these changes had altered the neurons of these kittens’ visual cortexes.
When ideas are entered into our brains they open new categories. Through time, if these
categories are attended to with some degree of repetition (or the original exposure was
lengthy or intense) the individual will start connecting the definition or category to actual
experiences both in the future and from memories of past events. Memories and new
learning will be correlated with the new category, filling out its meaning. In this way,
denotations (the literal meaning of a word) become connotations (what a person
associates with the word) and neurons link into fields and communities that support the
idea. So, the longer you have a category in your mind, and the greater the degree of
attention you put on that category, the more intense your EXPERIENCE of that category
By Installing Inner Game, my intention is to open the category of the Default in your
mind and develop an intense awareness of this state in you so that everything in the world
reinforces you in Being…in the Default. As you do this, your body will begin to take
advantage of a natural human process – habit. Soon you will just default to the Default
out of habit.

Take a moment and reflect on how ludicrous it is that most people don’t have a
category (and therefore experience) for an accessible, reliable state to which they reset
on a regular basis, keeping them on track and acting with integrity.
Make the decision to end that ludicrousness in your own life by putting your
attention on developing regular and reliable access to your Default.

Frequency, Duration and Intensity
Conditioning works on three fundamental principles: frequency, duration, and
The more frequent, long, and/or intensely you do something, the more effectively
it will become a conditioned response. So, the more you attend to your Default the
faster and more deeply your body will begin noticing and resetting to your
Default naturally. The same goes for duration and intensity. The more intensely or
longer you put your attention on establishing and resetting to your Default – the
more you’ll notice for and reset to it. Put simply, the more you access and
experience the Default, the more you’ll access and experience it.

Frequency – go to the Default as often as possible. The Default Sound (on the CD’s)
and the Default Symbol (at the end of this manual) have been included as part of the
Installing Inner Game product in order for you to integrate it into your life in the form of
seamless reminders to access the Default. I recommend putting the Default sound in
your iPod, and/or keeping the image on your desktop and in your wallet. Most
importantly, if you have some kind of digital calendar system on your phone or
PDA the best thing you can do is schedule regular reminders to reset to your
Default. The more often you do this the better.
Duration – Every once in a while (the more regularly the better) sit down for a longer
period of time and explore your Default. Learn something new about yourself when
you’re in it. To do this, either use the tracks provided or just sit and go into it for an
extended period (around 20 minutes is ideal).
Intensity – As with Duration (above), every once in a while, it’s worth getting
more deeply into your Default than you’ve ever been before. Pushing the
boundaries will keep the state fresh and flowing and will help you to continually
deepen and expand it. (This usually works in concert with the Duration

Defaulting to the Default

The Default is the natural state your body defaults to when you’re not doing
anything else. As I’ve said above – the Default is the way you were born to be.
You’ve only learned to not be in it. However, that learning is more superficial
than the deep and primal experience of your Default. You’ve been taught to
compromise your deep integrity and prefer the secondary gain that other states
and behaviors get you over your Default. But at the deepest level that has cost you
the pervasive sense of wellbeing that is your birthright. It’s time to reclaim your
deepest integrity.

Familiarize until you stabilize
As I said, the Default State has a sequence and configuration of muscles.
However, the configuration is more than just muscles and there are a lot of ways
to access the Default. As the category of your Default begins to take shape in your
body and your life, you’ll begin to notice all sorts of things that trigger it, and
more importantly, you’ll begin noticing how you are organized when you’re in it
(the way you see, hear, have your muscles tensed/relaxed etc…), and how the
world itself seems to you (brighter colors, more vibrant sounds, etc.). You’ll also
begin noticing which beliefs and situations support you being in it and which
interrupt it.
Ultimately, the configuration of how you are in your Default offers a very real,
empirical, internal navigation system, which you can attend to whether you are
on-track or off at any given moment. It is particularly useful in helping you to
make your decisions, as any decision will either put you more deeply into your
Default or pull you out of it. In other words, going out tonight will feel like a fit
and match or it won’t. As you become continually more sensitive to the
yes/no/need-more-information signals of your Default State AND you become
more and more uncompromising in adhering to your own good sense – you will
find yourself grooving deeper and deeper into your own best state.
If you do this for long enough – you won’t be able to help but be in your Default for
greater and greater periods of time. At some point, you’ll stop noticing when you’re in it
because, more or less, you’re always in it. When this occurs, you’re going to want a
different kind of awareness in place—the kind that notices when you’re beginning to slip
out of your Default.

*Stop and Consider something that you’ve been on the fence about.
When you consider it right now, what feels like the thing you REALLY want to

Full Stop. You had an immediate reaction to that question. Before any rationalizing
started – that first primal reaction is what you want. Period. If you want to be massively
congruent you need to begin obeying your primal signals.

Learn the “Absolute Yes”, “Absolute No” and “I Don’t Know” signals of your
Default. These are the primal signals that are the foundation to decisive action. Be
uncompromising in living according to these instincts.
*The “I don’t know” signal means you need more information.

Deepen and Expand
Deepen and Expand is the basic strategy you’re going to use to establish your Default
State in your life. Think about it like Alexander the Great – you want to conquer and
unite all of the territories of your life under the powerful rule of “who you were born to
be.” So, you’re conquering those territories one state at a time. And if you want to have a
powerful rule…if you want Inner Game all the time, as opposed to just sometimes, then
you need powerful and functional strategies in place to establish it.
Your intention is to endlessly Deepen your experience of your Default State, rooting your
muscles (and subsequently hormones, neuro-chemicals, etc.) as well as your beliefs,
thoughts, sensory systems, meta-programs, and every other possible variable of how
you’re organized, deeply into your Default.
At the same time, it is your intention to Expand the state into every domain/context in
your life. The Default State is absolutely NOT about sitting cross-legged in a cave away
from the world. This model is about being in the bloody fray of life, carving reality to
your liking. This attitude is deeply pleasurable because it’s aligned directly with who you
Now here’s the beauty. These two things, Deepening and Expanding, happen in
sequence, endlessly interacting and intertwining. The deeper you experience, the easier it
is to expand that deep experience into new contexts. Or, more aptly, to force the
experiences in those contexts—be they relationships with people, activities you do, or
things you interact with—to be co-opted into the expanding nation-state of you-at-your-
best. You want to be able to do everything without leaving an excitatory position. After
some practice (and some installations), you’ll have re-educated yourself to hold the
structure of the Default State or some version of it no matter what you’re doing. As this is
occurring, you’ll notice that new situations are automatically experienced through the
Default and old contexts that used to cause some sort of discomfort or inhibition get
adopted into the Default and become excitatory.
At the same time, the more you Expand, bringing the Default to every context, the more
each of those contexts will inform you about the deeper structure of your Default. You
will know more about yourself…endlessly deepening and refining your experience of
who and how you are.

For massive, whole-form examples of people who are carving out their entire lives
around what they love, I’ve created a broadcast channel to showcase exactly this.
Check out:

Now let me take the idea of the Default State and begin to expand on it.
As I keep saying – the Default State is the structure of you at your best when you’re not
doing anything else. When you’re well-formed, it’s the structure that you naturally reset
or “default” to. When in this at-rest position, your sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems are in balance. However, this is not a normal experience for most of the

overly-driven western world. The driven state is characterized by an activation of the
sympathetic nervous system. However, it’s not the drive that’s bad for us – it’s the
overdrive that leads to the degradation of our ability to relax. The overall system is
designed to cycle between its two constituent functions; being active and then
recuperating. This allows us to be endlessly ready. But, when the parasympathetic, which
is responsible for the rest, relaxation, recuperation phase, is not allowed to express, the
system gets out of whack.
Much of western civilization has developed biases toward a go-go-go attitude and
posture. This then overdrives the sympathetic nervous system at the expense of the
parasympathetic and the organism as a whole. These systems were not designed to be
chosen, one-over-the-other, for indefinite periods of time. But, taught to ignore the primal
signals of their bodies and push themselves in unnatural ways – people start to lose the
ability to go back to that natural balanced position in which the parasympathetic system
can perform naturally.
Here’s an example of how this happens: Clock genes (a segment of your DNA that
expresses, “like clockwork” and monitors daily cycles) shifts your body into more active
or passive states. In general, starting at 12 am the “average” person’s body begins waking
up. This waking up continues like the ascension of a mountain from 12 am to 12 pm at
which point it begins the downhill descent until 12 am when the cycle resets. Within this
up and down cycling there are smaller hills and valleys occurring every 90-120 minutes.
So, for example, at 10 am and then again at 11:20 am an individual will enter into a slow-
down, bottoming out with a 20-minute rest period before cycling into an even higher
energy state than before the down shift.
Uncomfortable with the slow-down of the recuperative phase, many people don’t allow
themselves the natural rest that will lead to an even higher and more natural awake state
just moments later. To avoid relaxation at all costs, people artificially stimulate their
systems, throwing back another coffee or energy drink, taxing their adrenals, throwing
off their internal cycles and over-powering their natural rhythms. Eventually they train
themselves to respond automatically to the restful phase by going into a triggered hyper-
drive. When this happens they have effectively overridden the awareness, power, and
effectiveness of their natural rhythms.
This is one example among thousands of how we program ourselves to override and
compromise our natural and primal instincts. We learn to run behaviors that get
immediate results at the expense of the system as a whole.

Maintain your Default State, become more sensitive to your primal rhythms,
instincts and urges, and follow them!

Undoing Yourself
As explained above, you want to delve deep into the experience of yourself in the
Default. Do it often, do it for extended periods of time, and do it all the way. Remember –
frequency, duration and intensity.
Most people are an amalgam of various behaviors and emotions that have arisen in
reaction to their environments without any reference to their own solid inner core.
Now here’s how this works: Most people have not been taught to recognize the nature of
themselves at the deepest levels and to reference all their decisions against it. Because of
this, people have developed a spectrum of emotions and states that are like spokes on a
bicycle wheel. However, it’s a wheel that has no hub. There’s nothing that reliably
connects all of the spokes together, so the various “spoke-states” occur only in reaction to
environmental cues, rather than having a stable and reliable internal core.
Since there’s no sense of internal stability these people seek stability and comfort by
trying to control their environments and the people around them. Most of us know people
who do this, whether through guilt, aggression, self-pity, or myriad other behaviors.
These people fit into a special category I like to call Ill-Formed Manipulators, or IFMs.
Everybody manipulates, but IFMs are doing it from a position which lacks self-
awareness, choice, and integrity.
Instead, by stabilizing the Default you create an internal stability that is context
independent. This internal stability is built around the changeless nature of who you
are. The more you lock in this internal changelessness, the more behavioral flexibility
you gain externally. Secure in who you are, you’re freed to behave in whatever ways
serve you in achieving outcomes, so long as those behaviors don’t compromise the
decisions you’ve made about yourself.
In the average person, each spoke-state was developed in relation to solving some
particular problem or to accomplish some goal in a given context. However, the spoke
was not created with the integrity of the entire wheel in mind. This is a recipe for a hard
Another way of thinking about this is that each behavior set in each context is like a
computer application. However, they’re all running without an operating system to
organize and prioritize.
So, as you’re stabilizing your Default, you’re going to find that you run into many
contexts and relationships in which you’ve been doing things a certain way that doesn’t
support you in maintaining your deepest at-best experience. In these contexts, you will
need to undo your old habits and get back to the well-formed Default.
Undoing yourself is really another way of talking about the Expand strategy. What you
want to do is make sure that the way you’re behaving in every context is supported by
and supportive of you being in your Default. If it’s not, you need to undo it. The fastest
way to make this happen is to Reset to your Default, reconsider the context, and allow
new behaviors to arise. Sometimes the old behaviors will still work, sometimes new

strategies will be needed. When they do work, they just need to be linked to the
firmament of the Default. When this happens you’ll find that your old behaviors are even
more effective.

Expanding through Undoing – a strategy for rapid evolution

1. Seek out the contexts in which you experience discomfort.
2. Reset to the Default, completely.
3. In the Default, reconsider the context.
4. Allow yourself to understand the outcomes you want in that context while
maintaining the integrity of your Default.

Undoing combines both the intentional and receptive processes of your brain. So,
decide (that’s the intentional aspect) what you want…and then be open (that’s
the receptive aspect) to how you get the results while you’re in the consideration
of the situation. See below (START WITH THE FEELING FIRST).

Rooted in the Default and Outcome Oriented :: Where’s My Evidence?

The first thing to do in any given context is to decide what you want. Then, have a way
to measure your results.

What do I want? - this is a question you should be endlessly asking yourself.

Another useful question is, “What’s my intention in doing/saying this?”


Let’s say you think you want to be a professional baseball player. You might want to be
recognized for your level of skill, have lots of fans, make lots of money, and play
baseball for your job, but ultimately what you want is the feeling that having these things
would give you. You’re not a professional baseball player, but you want to be because
you believe it will feel a certain way. The secret is that you must already have inside you
the feeling that you’re seeking in order to generate a desire to have it. The way you
reference that feeling is a structure held in your body. Learn that structure and you can
have the feeling, without ever having to become the pro baseball player.
The way that you’re able to have and yet desire a feeling is that you’re only very quickly
accessing it, and with little to no awareness. What you need to do is slow it down enough
that you can learn the sequence of how you access that feeling and learn to settle into the
full-blown experience. Stabilizing this feeling doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not
going to also want to be a professional baseball player. Sometimes it will, sometimes it
won’t. What it will do is, if you still want to be a pro ballplayer, it will give you the rock
solid inner game required as a starting position from which you can most effectively
generate the external reality you want.

All of the patterns and routines taught in the Seduction Community are built upon the
idea of starting with the feeling first. If you approach a group of women in a bar and
you’re feeling really insecure and shy, it doesn’t matter what words you say, they’ll pick
up on that and they’ll be turned off. But if you approach with confidence – even if that
confidence is temporary and “fake”, they’ll respond to you very differently, and almost
always, their positive response will actually build the confidence you thought you were
“faking.” So by starting with the feeling first, you’re actually able to best create the
outcomes you want to generate. This will build a recursive loop between your internal
state and the feedback you’re generating from your environment. Your confidence gets
the results you want, the results you want build more confidence, the increase in
confidence gets you more of the results you want.
The idea of starting with the feeling first becomes even more powerful when you simplify
it to starting with the Default State first. Because any desire you have is ultimately
leading you back to this well-formed and totally fulfilled state. This simplification
streamlines the way you operate by removing all but the most fundamental consideration,
which is how you are when you’re at your best.

Contextualizing Excellence
Since the core premise of Installing Inner Game is for you to be functional in the world,
at your best, and achieving the outcomes you want, you need to learn about how the
Default expresses in different contexts.
The Default is the baseline state of excellence when you’re not doing anything. It helps
you reset and stay on track. However, most of your life, you’re going to be doing things.
When you’re doing things you’re going to be moving and interacting with the world
around you in a variety of ways. So, it would be unfortunate, to say the least, if you were
only able to be ‘at your best’ when you weren’t doing anything at all.
So what happens when you’re doing things and being at your best? Well, what happens is
you move into a context specific version of the Default State. In other words, you remain
in an excitatory bias, but you alter or add some pieces to the total at-rest position of the
Here’s how it works:
The Default has a particular configuration. Some of the elements of that configuration are
immutable – they are unchanging, while others will change based on the context; certain
muscles will remain relatively fixed, locking you into the “best” state. Those stable
muscles allow optimized performance and a wide range of flexibility in your responses.
For example, if you’re approached by a mugger, you’re going to want the adrenaline that
dumps into your system for a more toned, faster, and more powerful response. At the
same time, you’re going to want to keep the essential elements of your Default posture
locked in, for example, the configuration of the muscles around your core region, so that

you can maintain control of yourself and assure your ability to act effectively throughout
the event.
Similarly, laughing, crying, anger, sadness, excitement, and confidence will all offer
variations on how you do you. But not all states are created equal. Even the ones that
“feel good” are not necessarily in-line with who you’ve decided to be and how you are
when you’re operating from a well-formed structure. I still remember the day when I
realized that one of the ways I did excitement felt good AND compromised the integrity
of who I had decided I was becoming. I lost a certain kind of internal stability that I
value. So, I needed to track the sequence of the muscular contractions and relaxations
back to their beginning. Once I did, I found out exactly where I went “out of state” and
was able to just change the firing of my muscles to not do that any more. Now, when I
get excited, I do it in a way that never compromises my stability. So I undid the way I
used to do me when I was excited, learned a new way to get excited (without letting my
lower back and facial muscles get overly tensed) and expanded the control of my Default
State into another aspect of my life.
So, you want to know what’s consistent, and what changes. And you always want to keep
the important pieces and only move into other states while maintaining the excitatory bias
and the core components of your Default.

Installing the Default

Ultimately this product is designed to Install Inner Game into you. That’s what you
bought it for and that’s what’s happening. This manual is simply a way to start that
installation by getting you familiar with HOW this is all happening and developing some
of the functional understandings that are serving to lubricate the passages of your mind to
best take the installation.


REMEMBER: You are installing this. You’re using this product to get an outcome that
you want. The more deeply you’re willing to go into it, the better the results. That said,
with your cooperation, the product itself has been designed to make it easy for you to sit
back, relax and enjoy the ride.
What we really want to do is install this product into every neuron in your brain, develop
every belief and thought you have in support of it and make it so that all of your
behaviors express and reflect the Deep Inner Game you already have…just not yet. You
want to create the absolute rock-solid well-nurtured foundation that allows you to be at
your best all of the time and to perform optimally no matter what else is happening.

A few final thoughts:
Installing Inner Game is designed to make it so that you can access the Default position
and, from there, any variety of at-best positions at will – always building out and
expanding the empire of who you are. As well, it’s designed to wire and fire the Default
into the entire system of you, making it so that whether or not you’re paying attention to
it, like a virus of excellence, it’s co-opting your system and reinstating the primary
excellence of you. Parallel to this, you’re transforming your entire life to fit who you’re
If you’ve ever seen the original movie in The Matrix Trilogy, Installing Inner Game is
like the early version of when Neo straps into the chair and after a few moments opens
his eyes and says, “I know Kung-Fu.” We’re literally installing it into your brain-and-
body-system from beliefs to DNA to cells and muscle memory. This is the true power of
this product – to help you “get it” both when you’re paying attention to it and when
you’re not.
In Installing Inner Game, I’ve leveraged frontier science discoveries and combined them
with the communication protocols that make them go in at the deepest and most
pervasive levels. This way, not only will you get immediate results, but you’ll keep
getting results and you’ll get them in contexts and ways that will far exceed your
expectations. It will surprise the hell out of you when you suddenly find yourself with the
kind of game you weren’t even able to previously consider.
In short, Installing Inner Game takes the wisdom of books like The Power of Now, The
Biology of Belief, The Molecules of Emotion, and The Psychobiology of Gene Expression
and makes them operable inside of you.
Best of all, this is just the beginning. The Default State, along with the triggers we’ve
built and will continue to build to help you access it deeply and pervasively…is the core
of the Human Operating System. Once you’ve experienced its power in helping you
establish a deep sense of wellbeing and effectiveness – the power of future installs will
become obvious. But I’ll leave that as a teaser…for what’s coming next…
The only thing I’ll add is this…
Knowing the unique configuration of you in your Default is the most important thing 
you can do with regard to this product.  

The Default image and sound have been designed and included so that you can 
intentionally associate them with your Default State. Doing this will give you 
external ways to trigger you into your Default easily and effortlessly. As well, they 
provide ways of leveraging the work you’re doing now so that future behavioral 
software can be installed directly into your Default – the place where all good 
installs, from seduction to entrepreneurialism should be mounted.  

An Evolutionary Language
The Default State is the primary state for all people when they are at their best. This
simple concept and way of being, missing from even our most elementary educational
models, is at the core of an evolution in human communication.
Installing Inner Game is the first step in an evolutionary direction. You will experience
its simple and effective power as you begin stabilizing your Default State and
experiencing the confident, cool, collected control and effectiveness it brings to your life
in every context.
Soon, the benefits of running your state, as well as the beginning of your ability to impact
and influence the states of others, will become evident. And, I’m sure you will be
pleased. You will be operating and communicating at a level which is not only more
sophisticated – it’s more effective and more pleasurable. Operating from your Default
means you will be constantly updating to the world around you, assessing and reassessing
the situation and your best outcomes in and through time, optimizing your ability to
create win-win scenarios that benefit you and everyone more.
Both the quality and the quantity of information available to you increases as you strip
away the unnecessary thoughts and behaviors you’ve run in the past by asserting the
primary importance of your own nature. As this happens, your system begins to adapt and
evolve. Learning happens faster and more fully, mastery becomes standard, and your
fascination and satisfaction with the world around you swells.
Like this, noticing when others are in their Default or not, becomes easy. They are either
massively congruent or they aren’t. Beyond that you will be assured that the level of your
conversations will evolve past the standard of most conversations, which boil down to
something like:
“I’m okay, are you okay?”
“You’re okay, am I okay?”
Why is this the essence of most conversations? Because most people don’t feel that they
are okay, so their life is a constant series of checking with other people in an effort to
affirm that they are, indeed okay. But when you’re in your Default, you have a pervasive
sense of well-being, of okayness, so you’re able to move beyond that constant cursory
need and into the exciting realm of designing your life.
In this way, you’re helping set a new standard for human communication as well as what
it means to be alive, healthy, satisfied and effective. And, you’ll be making my life more
interesting should we ever meet.

As part of this new language you’re updating your system with, I want to point out two
1. The Default is personal to you.
2. You are an active participant – but you have to DECIDE to take part.

I’ve built ways for us to access these states for ourselves, both individually and as
a community. The Default Sound and Symbol (as well as future sounds and
symbols soon to be available) are designed to trigger you into your Default. This
is designed to help you trigger it on your own, but it’s also designed to support
our environment in making the Default viral. By associating that sound and
symbol (see page 23) with your Default, you are creating a way to easily and
effectively fire off the state that is of greatest value to you. Though this symbol
and sound are protected by Creative Common trademark laws, they are intended
to be used by you and others to trigger the Default state. However, THIS IS AN
communicating in whole-form states. The Default State symbol, if you choose to
align yourself with it, will trigger a massive intentional, neurological and
physiological state-shift in you. So, the sound and symbol must be protected by
the community using them. Anyone using it inappropriately must be censured
immediately. This is all of our responsibility.
On a final note, I want to thank you for Installing Inner Game. Though I know there are a
lot of options for improving everything from your golf swing to your “Outer Game” –
you chose this option and I think you made a kick-ass choice that you won’t regret.
I’m thrilled to have had the opportunity to put this out to you and I hope you’re looking
forward to installing the next in this suite of Human Operating System applications as
much I am to producing it.


Video Capture –Kiela Kern, Karen Gordon

Video Editing – Kiela Kern, Karen Gordon, Dan Katz, Devon White
Audio Capture – Kiela Kern, Devon White
Composition, Music Producer, Sound Engineer,
Sound Mixer, and Sound Designer – Kiela Kern
Advisors – Michael Cage, David Roller
Manuscript Editor – Karen Gordon
Produced by Viral Evolution Media, Inc.
The Default State is based on the Generalized Desired State (G.D.S.), a concept
developed and taught to me by my longtime mentor, Dr. Joseph Riggio. You can
find out more about him and his work at and
The model and the work within have been developed by three generations of
behavioral experts – people who have dedicated their lives to uncovering and
developing the most powerful operational strategies for being human. These
generations worked to discover the simple perfection that nature has designed into
us, and the ways to access and hold this state in our lives. It begins with who we
are, and who we were born to be. It manifests in how we use ourselves and how
we live our lives. This work is a tribute to them and a tribute to all the other giants
on whose shoulders we’re riding as we march forward into the future of the
human experience and the Human Operating System. Finally, it’s a tribute to
those of us who are taking this to the next level, the early adopters of evolutionary

About Devon
Devon White is the lead developer of the Human Operating System and an entrepreneur
and performance coach to highly successful achievers who can’t afford to not be ‘at their
best’. His clients range from dog trainers to attorneys to entrepreneurs running multi-
million dollar companies. He specializes in state-based decision-making and intentional
performance as well as the internal and external strategies necessary to succeed in the
highly competitive domains of the elite.

About Viral Evolution Media, Inc.

Viral Evolution Media is founded in the idea that humans are social beings involved in an
intimately communal system. Our media, our messages and the messages of those
companies we choose to support, engage the world as a unified and interconnected entity.
We believe that mass media is the most advanced form yet of the global nervous system
Mother Nature has been creating since the dawning of life on Earth.
Today almost every individual in a technologically capable society can enter his or her
cybernetic input in a way that reaches the entire system near-instantly. And, as with any
nervous system, some signals are promoted while others are suppressed. Viral Evolution
Media promotes what we see as the evolutionary signals of the system, the signals that
are moving us forward as a species into a future we do not know…yet…are designing for
It is our Mission, our responsibility, and our intention to put out the best signals possible
in support of a healthy and well-formed humanity.
We do this by crossing cutting-edge behavioral technologies with high-caliber
information and early-adopter technology, bringing end users information in ways
they’ve never experienced before—information that will change the way they
experience learning forever.


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