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Relax For A Change

Version 1.0

Devon White
Viral Evolution Media, Inc.

Viral Evolution Media, Inc. Nyack, NY 10960
© Devon White
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book/pdf or CD’s may be reproduced in any
manner without written permission from the author and publisher. Published 2008
Viral Evolution Media, the Viral logo and the Default image are trademarks of
Viral Evolution Media, Inc.

Table of Contents
Introductory Letter 4
About this product 6
About Behavioral Software 6
Default State Image 8
Relaxation into your Default State 9
Progressive Relaxation Techniques 11
How to use these tracks 14
Suggestions for success 15
Trance Induction 19
*Bonus Track* :: The Question that Never Fails 26
7 Questions 27
Credits and Thanks 38
About 39

Dear Friend,  
Replacing gurus with software‐like behavioral applications that you can install, 
test, and improve on, has been my passion for as long as I remember. Wouldn’t it 
be nice if all the things that are wrong in your life were just the fault of bad 
programming that you could simply update? Wouldn’t it be great if you could 
learn by installing behavioral software? Well, this is closer to the truth than you 
would imagine.  
You were designed to be healthy and satisfied. Life designs winners and Relax for a 
Change is one of the simplest and most effective applications for tapping into the 
innate satisfaction and excellence that life has designed into you.  
Used well, Relax for a Change will provide you with a powerful foundation for 
optimal performance in every arena of your life beginning with, of course, a well‐ 
formed and perfectly functioning you. 
After 15 years in the field learning elegant behavioral technologies, conversational 
hypnosis and powerful change techniques, it makes me smile to come back to one 
of the simplest and most effective tools I ever used – progressive relaxation. When 
I was about 14 I bought my first progressive relaxation audiocassette. It was by 
Shakti Gawain and I loved it. In retrospect it was one of the very first steps I took 
in what became a lifelong journey of exploring human potential, evolution and 
It is my honor to provide you with a tool that can assist you in this.  
On an aesthetic note, while I enjoyed all of the trances I once listened to on tape 
and CD, in general I think they all raised my estrogen levels a little more than 
necessary for a teenage boy. In Relax For A Change I’ve done my best to get rid of 
any affectations that didn’t seem necessary to elicit the best kind of relaxation in 
and from you. To that end, it’s pretty straightforward (not cheesy). 
And with that, I will say, gratefully, thank you for buying Relax For A Change. Use 
it in good health. 


About this product
Relax for a Change is the first in a suite of products from Viral Evolution Media
designed to help you elicit and self-install behavioral software. This product in
particular is designed to help you access your Default State (the foundational state
of who you are…at your best) by helping you to learn to relax any of the
unnecessary things you do and think that have been ‘added in’ by a society largely
ignorant of basic human developmental needs.

This foundational state of how you Are…is an elusive yet obvious way of being –
a state more easily accessed as you learn to deeply relax. Relax for a Change
takes you on a guided tour of yourself – as you learn to relax deeply and get back
in touch with your own boundless potential and the deep satisfaction that comes
with it. Relax for a Change offers powerful trance inductions from a pioneer in
applied behavioral technologies. All of it is brought to you in full-blown, portable
audio, that allows you to go deep when you’ve got the time and then take the
relaxation you develop in trance out into the world, integrating it into your life
with the help of simple but powerful tools included in this package.

About Behavioral Software

In the years to come behavioral technology (a codified approach to behavior) will flood
the plains of culture spilling into business, pleasure, college, health, public education and
nearly every other domain. The reason for this? It’s becoming more easy, more
accessible, and more necessary. Video games demand that we process more information
per minute just to stay in the game. The business world is the same. Computers are in
every school and every technological advance gets pumped through our global media
network. New technologies promote new behaviors all in the endless pursuit of making
life better. As more change comes more quickly, we’re learning to adapt at increasingly
rapid rates. And what makes this possible? Better understanding of the machinery that
makes it all go – us. The more sophisticated the technology we are able to use, the more
sophisticated our ability to use ourselves.

While these changes are happening to everyone that is touched by technology, the trend
of self knowledge is being led by those of us interested in achieving optimal states, who
take the time to learn the natural language of being human, to learn how to behave and
perform like masters despite the fact that we’ve been trained to use ourselves poorly by a
neurologically ignorant culture. Those of us on the frontlines of this trend are already
sharing our developments in every way we can. And now, like computer developers
before us, we’re on the verge of a major breakthrough – a common language and
operating system of consciousness. Behavioral software offers the metaphorical frame
that provides a common language for entering and communicating states of
consciousness. Relax for a Change is part of that language. It’s about learning the game
of behavioral excellence without having to climb the Himalayas to find a guru. It’s about
relaxing…into the State before all others – how you are when you simply Are.

In addition to the personal benefits you’ll get from using Relax for a Change, you’ll also
gain access to an evolution of communication. When you read the “How to use this
product” section you’ll find out exactly how you’re going to be able to communicate a
greater quality and quantity of information with others who are also using it. And it
begins with the development of a consistent and powerful human operating system. A
system that can be learned, taught, augmented, tested and improved. Not by one person
but by many. If thousands of people are involved in the active and intentional
development of how we use ourselves, we can begin to have a community conversation
that has been many millennia in the making.

The future of the human species is to learn to use our brains. Relax for a Change was
designed to help you activate evolutionary parts of your nervous system helping you to
experience the future now. In order to do this we’re going to generate and discard model
after model of how humans work. Relax for a Change, like all software that keeps
current, will be updated continually, delivering the fastest and most powerful ways to
access how you are at your best.

One of the hallmarks of behavioral software is that you don’t need to subscribe to a
particular guru’s philosophy to operate the technologies presented. You need to operate
them and make them your own. You need to learn how you ‘do’ you at your best. To do
this you’ll learn to feel your muscles as they are when you’re at rest, you’ll learn the
useful intricacies of how you represent the world using your five senses.

For the first time in history, humans are evolving a language that takes the noise out of
our communication, operating and utilizing whole-brain resources and giving rise to a
new breed of perception and experience.

There’s a clip in the movie The Matrix where Keanu Reeves’ character, Neo, sits down in
a chair and downloads the behavioral software for Kung Fu. He plugs his nervous system
into a computer and learns, not about Kung Fu, but actually how to do it – like a master.
As far as I’m concerned that’s a peek into our future. So far, we’re not plugging ourselves
into computers but we’re not so far from that either. We’re learning to think and
communicate in entirely new ways – ways that are almost beyond comprehension until
you try them for yourself. Which is exactly what you’re doing with Relax for a Change.

The best strategies in the world are already beginning naturally to emerge and propagate.
What we’re doing is making the wisdom and behavioral strategies of the world's
greatest people tradable, helping as many people as possible learn how to be at
their best anytime, anywhere, with anyone, promoting a culture of intelligence
and freely traded behaviors.

Relaxation into your Default State

The image above and the Default Sound which you will hear throughout Relax for a
Change are designed as triggers to help bring you quickly and effectively into your
Default. Your Default State is idiosyncratic – it is personal to you and though there are
elements shared by all people, the exact way you get into your Default and the
specifics of how the world “is” when you’re “in it” are unique. Knowing the unique
configuration of you in your Default is the most important thing you can do with regard
to this product.
The Default image and sound have been designed so that you can intentionally
associate them with your Default State. Doing this will give you external ways to
trigger you into your Default easily and effortlessly. As well, they provide ways of
leveraging the work you’re doing now so that future behavioral software can be
installed directly into your Default – the place where all good installs should be

1. You were born to be healthy and satisfied. If you’re not having health and satisfaction
as your overall experience of the world, it’s likely you need to realign. Period.

2. Relaxation allows those muscles tensed to relax, realign, adjust and deeply tune in to
the perfect frequency of how you were born to be.

3. When you do relaxation well it strips away everything but the natural frequency of
You, Being, without Doing anything. This clean and well-formed state is your natural
Default State.

This orientation towards the natural and fundamental state of you is a critical piece
missing from most people’s understanding of their own psychology and certainly from
other progressive relaxation CD’s, spiritual and functional philosophies, and the
psychology of most of the modern world.

Like this, you have automatic access to the unlimited storehouse of health, happiness,
high functionality, and high-octane performance for which you’ve been designed.

The most deep, potent and broadly impactful benefit of progressive relaxation is that
when you’ve relaxed everything, the only thing that’s left is how you were born to be. In
other words, progressive relaxation is a channel to how you are when you are at your
most simple and best. This CD and manual are tools to help you explore, deepen, and
master your Default State.

Without getting too deep into the history or philosophical underpinnings of this work and
this product I want to simply introduce the origins of the Default State. The Default State
is based on an idea developed by Roye Frasier called the Generative Imprint™ and it’s
subsequent use in my teacher’s Mythoself® Model as the Generalized Desired State.

The Default State organizes a platform and direction of attention which is both
structurally and functionally well formed.

To quote my teacher more extensively,

…The GDS (Default State) “is a concept lifted whole-form from the “Generative Imprint” Model
which suggests a “baseline” state that is held in a particular neurological configuration
established and held by an “iconic symbolic representation” (the “Generative Imprint”). From
this state “anything is possible” and a pervasive sense of wellbeing and readiness are present.
(Taken from:
- Dr. Joseph Riggio, architect of the Mythoself® Process

As I described above, and as Joseph described in the above quote, the Default State is the
baseline state for every person when they are at rest. The trick is that, for most people,
being truly at rest is something they haven’t done in so long they don’t really know what
that phrase even means.

Completely at rest?

Yes. Completely. All autonomic functions working perfectly and very little other activity.

The point of progressive relaxation is to relax everything until all that’s left is the Default
State. When you’ve released everything…the Default State remains. This is like having a
Restart button on your metaphoric OS. And once you’ve reset, once everything of who
you are is at rest, the filters of your experience are simply in a state of readiness, aligned
to express You in perfect accordance with the living blueprint of who you are. Like this,
learning occurs naturally, and everything you engage in comes to you more naturally.

How can I learn my personal configuration?

The problem for most people is that the configuration of their Default State is so foreign
to them that even though they learn it, it’s hard for them to replicate it. One of the main
benefits of Progressive Relaxation is that it creates a path which leads and unfolds
directly into the Default State. And, while you’re unfolding into it – you learn all about
what’s it’s like and how it feels.

Progressive relaxation provides a direct and proactive route down which to travel in order
to obtain results yourself. It provides a very straightforward practice which exercises both
your left and right brains and makes you generally more intelligent and more readily
available and able to download and otherwise share behavioral software with others.

Progressive Relaxation Techniques

There are lots of techniques to use when progressively relaxing. The more you know, the
more fluent you will be in the functioning of your own muscles and the easier it will be
for you to relax and gain the deep benefits of relaxation and your Default State.

The following techniques can be used as tools to amplify your relaxation and aid you in
relaxing into your Default.

Attention alone will relax muscles. Put your attention wholly and completely on the
muscle you want to relax and just let your attention rest in it. It may take a while so be
patient. Often times when you keep your attention on one muscle (this means just be
aware of it – no talking about it just allow the experience of the muscle to unfold under
your gentle but firm awareness) you will begin to gain greater sensation in it caused by
the refreshing stimulation of your sensory-motor system in this particular muscle.

Directly suggest that the particular muscle or group of muscles will relax and then see
and feel it do so.

*In some cases, seeing the muscle relax or telling yourself to relax the muscle will
actually make it impossible to do so because it is precisely the way you are visualizing or
speaking to yourself that necessitates the tension. The way you think has a somatic basis.
So, for example, if you’re squeezing the muscles around your eyes in order to create and
focus on an image in your mind of relaxing your eye muscles, you’re actually preventing
the relaxation of the same muscles you’re trying to relax.

Go to your Default State.

The Default State is a state of perfect balance and well-formedness. It has very specific
configuration and when you’ve learned it you can access it directly. That configuration
includes all variables of your experience - somatic, neurochemical, emotional,
psychological, energetic, etc.

Most people were only taught to speak with words so the idea of accessing the Default
State (or any state) will be outside of the boundaries of their awareness. It will be like a
square listening to a cube talk about three dimensions. To be able to navigate states
effectively, a person needs to first know that they exist, know that there is a “language”
by which to navigate them, and then they must become fluent in that language. Once they
have, accessing and reestablishing the Default State can be instantaneous. Relax for a
Change is designed to support you reaching this level of skill.

The main function of Relax for a Change is to help you become intimately familiar with
the Default State which is one of the most fundamental states of consciousness. If you do
it everyday, you will eventually start moving in the direction of the Default State without
any effort whatsoever. In practical terms this means that no matter how you are – feeling,

angry, sad, giddy, excited – you’ll be able to flood your bloodstream with the neuro-
chemicals of the Default, thereby resetting your feelings and the neurochemistry and
musculature and experience of the Default. This is the beginning of true emotional
stability as well as state control. Again, the point is to just shift from any other state into
the Default State, but while you’re developing your ability to do this, it’s useful to have a
path to it so you know where you are and where you’re going. (Ultimately, you’ll have
become so familiar with yourself like this that you will experience the truth of your own
being – that this is how you Are – your Default.)

Similar to suggestion, you are using images to suggest a direction. This can be used in
concert with suggestion. Visualizing can be homologous – i.e. you visualize the specific
muscle softening, or it can be analogous in which case, for example, you would imagine a
vice unwinding, sand pouring out of a cup, or a dam giving way to a free flowing
waterfall where the muscle is.

Somatic retraining – Thomas Hanna described muscles with chronic tension as having
Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA). Sensory motor amnesia is just what it sounds like – the
loss of sensory and motor awareness due to chronic tension in a person’s muscles. Loss
of sensory awareness of motor control usually originates from shock or injury in which
the natural evolutionary response to threat fires off muscles to take the cringe or fetus
position. SMA is also caused by a complementary action, the proactive, chest out, “I can
do it” posture – this reaction to the environment was described as positive stress or
“eustress” by medical innovator Hans Selye.

An individual in good health will follow the original muscle tension from the stress
response with movement into a recuperative posture in which tension is released as the
demand for it lessens and the muscles drop back to a tonus of 0%. Thus the muscles go
from contracted to the relaxed/toned position of the Default State.

However, when an offense is repeated frequently, intensely or for an extended period of

time, the individual will often become habituated to the new posture and they will no
longer reset to the full Default State. Instead they will relax everything but, for example,
1% of their muscular tension. Thus the 1% tension becomes the new baseline state and
muscular rigidity begins to develop. Without accurate knowledge of the body’s natural
tendency to do this and it’s complementary ability to reset to the Default, as people age,
most of us fall prey to a body fraught with an increasing number of conflicting and
(though useful in their origin) unnecessary tensions throughout our bodies.

This affliction is so widespread that Hanna himself said, “It is my understanding that
perhaps as many as fifty percent of the cases of chronic pain suffered by human beings
are caused by sensory-motor amnesia (SMA). "

Dr. Hanna is of the opinion that the path to recovery for an individual is not to be
“worked on” but rather to be learned or relearned to restore the natural functionality of
their muscles.

While in the somatic discipline, relearning is traditionally facilitated primarily through
muscle movement and other somatic exercises, progressive relaxation will allow you to
explore the subtle domains of awareness locked and unlocked in your own muscles with
very slight movement. Since, while in progressive relaxation, awareness is magnified,
during periods of deep relaxation you will be able to feel the profound shift in
consciousness that a small movement, even a micro-movement of a muscle, will create in
you. As Hanna said, “somatic exercises…provide a direct and effective way to reprogram
the sensory-motor system.”

To begin to access the pleasure and intelligence of fully functioning muscles (to
remember the sensation in muscles which have been locked in a state of sensory motor
amnesia) you need to simply begin exercising your muscles with awareness.

In technical terms, when you are relaxed or in the process of relaxing, take the s l o w e d
down pace of your awareness and explore your muscles. Contract and release each
muscle intentionally. Tense a muscle a little and then let it go. Tense and then let go and
as you do, be aware of how it happens and what it feels like.

Since chronic muscle tension occurs when the brain is not getting the signal that a muscle
is tensed and so continually sends signals for a muscle to continue tensing, another trick
you can use is to actually tense your tense muscles more. So, rather than massage sore,
tense shoulders, isolate which muscles are tight and tighten them further. This will send a
stronger signal to the brain, a signal which is “louder” than the previous signals which
were “unheard” allowing it to receive the message that the muscle has been tensed and
send the corollary signal to relax.

How to Use these Tracks

As with most things, it works if you work it. The more you use them and the more
invested you are in progressively relaxing, the more you’re going to get from the
CD, so use it frequently.

The best use for Relax For a Change is if you use it to develop your awareness of
your Default State so that it becomes something you can access at will and hold for
greater and greater periods of time.

The power of the tracks is not only in their ability to guide you into a state of deep
relaxation, but in the presuppositions and philosophy that they are built upon. As
you imbibe and embody the ideas deliberately built into the foundation of the
trance-scripts, you will find yourself relaxing more naturally even without the

Keep in mind that progressive relaxation is part of an arsenal of behavioral

applications and it’s one you want to master. So get to it. Master it to the point
where you can relax fully and completely any time you want.

The purpose of progressively relaxing is not to sit on a maroon pillow with your
eyes closed in a cave for the rest of your life – it’s to get familiar with yourself as
you are when you are operating gracefully, powerfully and effectively in the
world. Deepen your experience of yourself in your Default, and then Expand that
experience into the rest of your life.

You’re heeding the age-old command “Know Thyself” but this time with a little
more instruction as to what the hell “Know Thyself” means. In this case it means
specifically learn how to access, deepen, and hold the configuration and
awareness of your Default State. Each time you “get to know yourself” a little
better, it means that you’ve learned more about that configuration in your body.
Then, you bring this new depth of understanding into your life.

I developed these tracks to be interchangeable. The first time, you should listen to
the progressive relaxation tracks from start to finish, in order. Once you’ve done
that, feel free to rearrange them for yourself. Download them to your iPod and put
them in whatever order you like. Delete tracks, add other tracks in. Have short
sessions, and then have longer sessions. Be an artist. Eventually, work to enable
the Default Sound itself to trigger the full Default State. Then learn to do it
without the sound.

Suggestions for Success

Pick a time and place and do it every day.

If you make your practice regular, you can take advantage of ultradian rhythms –
which are like circadian rhythms but within a 24-hour period. They are your
body’s natural rhythms and you can habituate them to expect and therefore
perform progressive relaxation at a certain time each day.

Through progressive relaxation you are conditioning your nervous system in a

specific direction. Knowing the basics of good conditioning will enable you to
condition yourself with intention.

Conditioning works based on three fundamental principles: Frequency,

Duration, Intensity.
Basically, the more frequent, longer and more intensely you do something the
more it will become a conditioned response. So, the more you progressively relax,
the faster your body will begin relaxing itself naturally. The same goes for
duration and intensity.

Learn Discipline.
Your body may go haywire, itching all over and distracting you in any way
possible. Too bad. Power through it and keep going. If you have to, scratch,
move, and do what it takes to get comfortable. Posture and total stillness will
come so don’t sweat it but also, don’t spend the entire scratching your itches and
getting comfortable.

Have fun.
Relaxation – especially when you relax chronically tensed muscles – will
introduce you to a world of sensory experience. This is pleasurable! Take
advantage of it. Have fun. And when you feel your muscles release – when you
feel pleasure, relish it. Moan a little!

Structure is king.
Progressive relaxation allows you to work directly with the structure of your
experience, i.e. your muscles and nervous system. Your mind and muscles will try
to distract you with content – colorful pictures and stories and dramas. Keep to
your relaxation. The key to relaxing is to ignore the content and just relax the
muscles. When you do, you’ll be amazed. As your muscles relax, they will tell
different stories. Rather than holding bunched knots of unresolved memories and
conflicting behavioral programs they will begin to explore and generate feelings
of pleasure and stability. Then, the stories will reflect the new feelings.

Set goals.
Decide what you want to be able to relax specifically and then do it. Even more
effective is to choose a situation or issue and bring your relaxation to it. Once you
begin, let the issue go and just relax. As you go deeper, you will remember the

issue and it will resolve itself. If the issue is not resolved – you haven’t relaxed
deeply enough. It’s a simple equation. Keep relaxing until you know the “answer”
to the issue or until you feel the way you want to feel in that situation. This takes
advantage of the parallel stories of content and structure. You’re setting yourself
a goal in the dominion of Content but you’re addressing it orthogonally through

Make the time, damnit. You spent the money for this product, make the time
to use it.

Stay Awake!
I developed these tracks to be very straightforward. All but the bonus track are
designed with minimal hypnotic protocols so as to not send you into a state of
hypnotic confusion. This is primarily built to lead you by left-brain trance into
whole brain experience. Falling asleep will not yield the results I think you want –
unless you’re just looking for an excuse to sleep. (That said, sleep will likely be
deeper and more restful if you do it after using these tracks. Unless they energize
you so much that you want to go out and do something.)

Let it be.
Sometimes when you progressively relax, you’ll learn new subtle wonders about
what you’re like when you’re relaxed. This is what I mean by deepening. Other
times you’ll feel like you’re almost losing ground. Worry not. This is just the way
it works. You will hit the notorious plateaus on the way towards perfect, well-
formed satisfaction and readiness. Keep doing the progressive relaxation.

Notice the details.

During the sessions of relaxation when you learn new, subtle distinctions about
yourself, pay attention to those new distinctions and allow them to guide your
relaxation the next time you relax. Again, the point of this is to be able to walk
around in your Default State all of the time. Once you have the Default part down,
you can start learning a whole new world of behavioral programs, but first you
have to learn the Default. So, learn the configuration of your Default. Learn
everything about it.

A little more on conditioning.

You are conditioning two things primarily. The first is – you’re conditioning your
body to recognize what it’s like when it’s in the Default State as well as all of the
markers of that state. The second thing you’re doing is conditioning your body to
constantly seek the Default State. You’re building a habit and that habit is – seek
how I am at my best. Seek my Default.

As I’ve already mentioned enough times for most people to almost not completely
forget it once they’ve taken their eyes from these pages – your Default has a
configuration that is idiosyncratic, personal and unique to you. It is the particulars
of this configuration and how your awareness is that you want to get to know. The

markers of this state are called anchors. They anchor you to the experience. This
means that when you fire off a particularly powerful marker, like the tempo and
rhythm of your internal voice as it is in your Default, for example, often times the
entire experience will come back. This is high-tech stuff.

We also want to do some low-tech stuff:

Remember stories about people watching movies in the 70’s and there would be
“subliminal” messages in the movies? Like a picture of a can of Coke would flash
on the screen so quickly that you wouldn’t really be able to see it, but for some
reason you would suddenly get a hankering for a cup of cola? Or like the
Manchurian Candidate where a certain word or phrase would fire off a behavioral
protocol? Well, we want to use a similar technology. You see, the anchors that are
inborn are much more powerful than anything that another person could install in
you, because inborn anchors have been wired with a lifetime’s worth of muscle
memory, neural connection, and habit. But, low-tech anchors are still effective –
especially if you install them yourself, and you install them deliberately. The
entire progressive relaxation series will become an anchor for you if you use it
frequently. As soon as the third time you should notice a difference – just the idea
of using the tracks will begin to gear your system up – towards relaxation. And
we want to do that visually too. We want to make it as simple and easy for you to
get into your Default as possible.

To this end, as mentioned above, I’ve included an image in this manual and
sounds on the CDs for you to use as an anchor for the Default. It’s an anchor that
anyone developing and installing the Default State in themselves will know and
it’s one that, as the community grows, will find growing exposure in the world.
And, if you’ve associated it with your Default State – every time you see/hear it,
you’ll access your Default. What? You mean advertising can be used for
something which actually makes me healthier, smarter and more effective? Watch
out baby! When you are deeply in your Default State, have the image near you
and look at it. Then bring it inside your mind. Without trying…just let it associate
itself with that state. Then use it whenever you need to.

Remember frequency breeds results. The more you tap into your Default, the
more habitual it will become and the more natural it will be for you to be
operating from it.

The interesting thing is that, since in your Default State you take in increased
quantity and quality of information – it’s a state that you want other people to be
in when you talk with them. The Default Image and the Default Sound serves as a
reminder that gets people back to where they want to be and where you want them
to be.

Allow addiction.
The more you progressively relax, the more you will introduce yourself to
previously unknown and subtle domains of pleasure and intelligence. The more
pleasure you feel, the more you may find yourself wanting to progressively relax.
It’s a vicious cycle and one you should take advantage of wantonly.

The more closely you follow these suggestions, the better they will work.
However, it’s more important for you to listen to the tracks then follow the
suggestions. For example, don’t not progressively relax because you can’t do it at
the same time each day. Just keep doing it whenever you can.


Disc 1
TRACK 2 – Decide
So the first thing I want you to do is just decide that you’re gonna to take this time to
really relax. You’ve sat down and turned this on so you’ve made the decision already but
now I want you to firm that decision up and make it official. You’re taking this time to
take care of yourself fully and completely…to learn…whatever you have to learn…

And what this does is it just set’s the direction that you’re going in and acts to guide the
system. So you’re exercising your intentionality now.

TRACK 3 – Link In
Now, the next thing I want you to do is just relax, and make the decision. This is
progressive relaxation, so you’re using my voice to facilitate you going into a
state that is progressively relaxing you…deeper and deeper. So make the decision
to link in with my voice and allow it to guide you down deep in the direction you
want most to go, and then everything else, all other sounds, all other thoughts, can
just fade into a white noise that only enhances the sound of my voice and utilizes
all the experiences you’re having to lead you further in…to the state of deepening
relaxation and awareness. And the beauty of the whole thing is that you’re in
charge – you’ve made the decision to learn what it means to really relax, and now
you’re moving forward with it…because what you want to remember in your
body is that you’ve already decided to learn to relax, which is why you’re
listening to this, and while you’re learning to do this…you’re supporting that

Now, one of the things I want to remind you of before you even begin is that as you learn
how it feels not just to relax but when you get familiar with yourself, when you’re really
relaxed, you’ll find that there are certain muscles that let go and there are certain muscles
that actually remain toned when you’re in your perfect state of relaxation and you want to
notice which is which. Because the truth is that when you’re not doing anything else,
your body comes to rest…and you just are…………… you could call this the
fundamental state of You. When you’ve gotten rid of everything else, this is you in your
Default State. It’s what you’re like when you’re not doing anything else at all…

and if you’re not real familiar with it yet, it’s what this whole thing is all about…because
when you know how to let go of everything except for how you Are at your most
fundamental – you feel amazing. And without any work at all your body will just take
care of itself, it will even start pulling you into this State – this You at your best. And
THIS is what you’re progressively relaxing into throughout this… it’s what you’re
learning about more and more each time you sit down to relax, but for the moment just
forget about all of that and let’s begin again…

TRACK 4 – Get Comfortable
So, let’s make this real simple and begin just by getting into a comfortable position. I
recommend you sit down with your legs crossed or else in a comfortable chair. If you
can’t do that, or you don’t want to, then lay down… And now…to begin officially…

TRACK 5 – Close Your Eyes

Just begin relaxing by closing your eyes and once they’re closed I want you to close them
again, as though you have a second pair of inner eyelids, close them now…and then
again, another pair…and another…and another…just close them all the way…and allow
the relaxation from closing your eyes to spread back into your eye balls themselves …and
following your eyes through the optic nerve and back into your brain and just relax even
more…and from there feel the relaxation…move forward and ripple out into the muscles
around your eyes…relax your forehead and your scalp, feel it as though every follicle on
your scalp is taking a <yawn> deep breath…in……and out…….in…….and out…

And just let it all go as you continue relaxing down the back of your skull and especially
the muscles that connect your skull to your neck…let those go completely…relax your
neck and down your back…relax…and your face…still…letting go…your ears and
nose…your nostrils, let them go…relaxed your soft palate and down your throat…and
the muscles around your mouth and your jaw… and especially let all of the muscles you
use to chew and speak – just relax them now…good.

Continue on relaxing down your throat and just let it sprrreeeaaad out to all the muscles
in your neck…Feel them growing heavier and smoother and as they relax, feel your
shoulders drop and just let them go…right? Feel it. Let them go and let them relax and
soften…down your arms, your biceps, your triceps…ahhh…just give them in to
gravity…feel them further relaxing…and again…let them go even more and notice the
way you can… feeeeel gravity…as though it’s dripping down and through…into your
forearms, washing, slowly over, every cell and down into your wrists and through your
hands and all of your fingers and thumbs. And just enjoy it.

And continue relaxing down into and through your chest and abdominal muscles like a
great waterfall…relaxation washing down you…


Down into the muscles of your groin, spilling relaxation into your perineal muscles… and
relax them completely relax…your butt as well, from your outer butt muscles, your
gluteus maximus, all the way in to your inner butt muscles, your gluteus minimus and
keep relaxing into your anus as well – let it go… and now fill your genitals with perfect
smooth relaxation…fill them all the way…and when you’ve done all of this… relax over
the rounded sides of your pelvis and hips and begin to let the heavy expansive waves of
relaxation wash down into your thighs…filling them with thick, warm pleasure…and
continue relaxing down through your thighs and into your knees, over your knees and

down further into your calves…your ankles…your feet and all of your toes…and down
further into the ground. And just feel it…

(yawning) ahhhhhhh…

TRACK 6 – Slow Down

And now I just want you to just take a moment and feel your whole body because part of
what’s happening is that you’re beginning to integrate your experience…from many
parts, from many disparate pieces into one whole experience…you’re relaxing all of the
things you do and have done…all of the things that have been done to you…by others
and by yourself…whether it was today or yesterday…last year or deep in the womb…at
the very beginnings of you…and you’re beginning to heal it all…because your body’s
natural tendency is to heal…you just have to let it…it’s like when people say that you
need to forgive yourself…or…even more my favorite…that you have to learn to love
yourself…which in a lot of ways means…you have to soften and let go…because your
body’s been designed for endless generations to be strong and healthy… and when
hurt…to heal…and the only thing that gets in the way of that is when we start going too
quickly doing too many things at once…adding considerations into our experiences about
what we need to be doing that aren’t really necessary…and where do we hold these
things?…in our bodies…in our muscles…in the ways that we think…and then in the
things that we think about…and so what you’re doing now is taking the time…to
relax…all of that…step by step…muscle by muscle…slowing down enough to just
unwind…and let it all go…so you can…get back to basics…to where the real pleasure
is…in a simple experience of life…because that’s all that most people really want when it
comes right down to it…they want to have the experience of their Life…which is what
This is all about…

Getting your system back in perfect working order…the way it was designed to
be…down deep…wound into your DNA…the perfect blueprint for who you are…and
we’re tapping into that…making it available to you…more and more…so that…as your
genes continue to express, the express the proteins that support you being at your
best…relaxed and ready for anything…and it will help you…improve in your ability to
relax…and you’ll find relaxation in your body courting you…like a love
affair…unleashing the pleasure you were meant to feel in your body all along…since the
very beginning…and the more you do this…tap in to relaxation and pleasure…the better
it feels…and the more that it just erupts from beneath any of the tensions that were…just
dissolve…and now you’re doing it naturally already…allsorts of situations you weren’t
even expecting it and there it is…relaxation…right in the middle of things you never
knew could feel this good.

So I want you take a moment now and just notice anywhere in your body that isn’t yet
fully relaxed…and just let your awareness go there and sit with it for a
moment…slowly…allowing it to unwind…allowing it to have your attention…because
tension is almost always a message from your body of what to relax so that your
awareness can Be…again…Singular…a kind of dynamic stillness…simply aware…and
ready for anything….

So take this time now and do that…

TRACK 7 – And…Quiet

TRACK 8 – Relax The Voice

Now from head to toe again…but this time deeper…because you’re already deep…and
now you want to let go even more…so starting from the top of your head

You’re going to relax and just let go of everything…all your thoughts…everything but
the pleasure of feeling your muscles and first, if you haven’t already, I want you to start
by relaxing the voice in your head…so if it’s already relaxed just take this time and enjoy
yourself…just settle into pleasure while I speak…and if you haven’t yet, I want you to
notice where your internal voice is – where is the sound coming from…is it the center of
your head or is it located outside of your head? Is it someplace else entirely?

And notice is it high or low? Do you have one voice in your head or do you have lots of
voices in your head? Is it fast or is it slow?

And in a minute I want you to change the voice a little…So I’m gonna’ want you to make
it lower and slower.

So, I want you to start in your normal voice and say, “I am relaxing completely”…

And now, say it again but this time say s l o w e r…and…l o w e r…

“I am relaxing completely.”

and once again but this time sooooo slowly….and this time say, “I am relaxing so
completely that I‘m slowing down enough to notice…”

And as you’re saying this I want you to notice that in order to say it…even in your
head…you need to make micro-muscular adjustments to the muscles you use when
speaking…and I want you to relax THOSE muscles. Get it, so as you’re saying it, notice
which muscles they are and relax them. Let them go…all the way…(that’s right)
Let the muscles you use to talk internally – let them go, just relax them completely.


And now I want you to continue listening to the sound of my voice and relaxing even
deeper. I want you to take a moment and relax your eyes again. Cause most likely,
you’ve been making pictures, and that requires you to use muscles as well, and I want
you to let those muscles relax as well. Let your gaze soften completely and once you
have, once you’ve let it go all the way… open your eyes for just a few seconds and I want

you to notice how much information is available to you visually when you don’t look but
instead just see. And just see right now, let all of the visual information in…
…and now just close your eyes and allow yourself to drift further in…to the depths of
relaxation knowing now that the intention is not to go away or go deeper into yourself,
but instead to let go of all the things you do in the course of the day and just let yourself
BE. …To have the actual experience of your life, right now, to just rest inside of your
pure, raw, unadulterated experience – and this is something so pleasurable that it’s its
own reward. So enjoy this and as you do I want you to begin relaxing even more deeply
now than you’ve done yet. So take a nice deep breath in and out…and then another…and
as you do feel how different and how much more pleasurable it feels to breath fresh
oxygen into your lungs which then oxygenates the blood which pumps through your
strong heart out into every artery in your body nourishing every nook and cranny, every
fold in your brain and cell in your skin…

TRACK 9 – Go Deeper

TRACK 10 – Align
Make any readjustments you have to so that you’re able to sit comfortably so you want
your sit bones to be well-balanced and your sacrum to be comfortable and situated so that
you can lift up your whole spine – like a marionette, hanging in perfect alignment from
crown to coccyx and now begin to sit each of your vertebrae on top of your sacrum one at
a time, and for most people the actual center of gravity in their body is at the lumbosacral
junction where your lowest lumbar vertebrae meets your sacrum. And so you want to
relax that in perfect alignment and then, one at a time, stack each perfectly… one on top
of the next… and take your time doing this allowing all of the muscular adjustments that
need to take place to just happen and then move on to the next…and if you haven’t gotten
it perfectly yet…just move on…it’s okay…all things come in time…and now the
next…and the next…and just feel them….and stack them all the way up to your atlas –
the top vertebrae of your spine and then rest your skull on that so that it sits so
comfortably it’s almost as though it’s floating.

And now begin again…

TRACK 11 – Relax…Completely
Starting from your scalp, Relax completely.
And down into your brain, wash your brain with a pure radiant white light, and bring that
relaxation all the way down into your mouth and out through all of the muscles in your
face, especially the muscles you use to chew and move your eyes around, relax those and
all of the other muscles you use to make facial expressions, let them melt away. And let
your nostrils relax and as you do notice the way smell like air…is able to come in –
different then when you try to smell something and instead as though scent just drifts into
the passages of your nose and you become pleasantly aware of the way it stimulates you.

And continue down, relaxing, the back of your head and next down into your shoulders
and scapula, the broadest expanse of your back and down your spine relaxing the muscles

on either side of your spine and radiating that relaxation out… spreading it in both
directions like light over and deeper than your skin, out from your spine, massaging it out
along your ribs and around to the front to your sternum and the center of your abdominal
muscles…relaxing as you go…every muscle and every muscle fiber and just allow that
relaxation to come in from all sides to the middle…filling you like a great cylinder of
light…seeping relaxation into all your organs …just breathe the feeling of relaxation into
all of your internal organs…your heart…your stomach…your liver and kidneys…your
intestines…small and large…your gall bladder…your lungs and all of the muscles and
tissues that hold them in place…feel them…and relax them all now.

And in the same way that you’re relaxing your organs, let your arms hang heavy and feel
the weighty relaxation that comes with just feeling the pull of your arms on your
shoulders and let the gravity of that experience relax your arms even deeper…down into
the cells…washing through all of them…hundreds of millions of cells relaxing…even as
they move and work…relax them now…and let go of everything you need to carry…and
with your lungs I want you to breathe in relaxation and breathe out any tension you have
in your body…

And again…breathe in relaxation and breathe out any tension you have in your body…

And once more but now breathe in pure white light…fill your body with it…and breathe
out anything you don’t need…breathe in white light…let it course through your
body…feel it…and breathe out anything you don’t need…and keep doing it until the
light you breathe in and the light you breathe out are the same pure white light…

and now relax again completely…

Let everything go…and let’s continue down at your pelvis and your sit bones…relax now
into your bones and the tissues that surround them…relax all of the cells and all of the
veins and arteries in your body…relax your genitals and let the pleasant warmth of
relaxation…the warmth that comes with increased blood flow and the renewed
functioning of your parasympathetic nervous system – let it all move down into your
legs…first your right leg…relax from the top of your thigh all the way down through
your thigh to your knee, under your patella, your knee cap, and down along and between
the bones of your calf…into and around your ankle and down into your foot…over all of
the bones in your foot…between and within them…and now the same thing down your
left leg…into the thick muscles of your thigh around your femoral artery, and feel
relaxation in your blood passing swiftly through it to the rest of your leg, and allow that
relaxation down into your thigh bone, and now take that relaxation and push it down into
your knee, around and under it…And down into your calf …your ankle, your foot and
finally your toes…and just let the relaxation flow through your entire leg now…feel it
fully…take a nice deep breath in…and let it all out…and just take a moment now…a
time out of time…to appreciate what it is to be relaxed…


TRACK 12 – Stabilize
and listen now…and just allow yourself to learn…what it is that your body has to teach
you…about being fully human…about…being fully you…because
the more you progressively relax…into what it’s like to be…aware and ready for
anything…yet in need of nothing…perhaps one of the most important things to be aware
of as you’re relaxing is which muscles let go and how…and which muscles actually
become or remain toned. For example a lot of people let go of a lot of tension around
their eyes and their jaws and in their neck and shoulders, and notice when they let go of
all those tensions, that there are only a few muscles that NEED to be contracted to allow
you to sit properly – like your lower perineal muscles and the muscles around your

But what you’ll also notice is that, for example, when you’re relaxed and you open your
eyes, the way you see – the configuration of how you’re seeing is unique – it’s different
then when you’re looking at a computer or, for most people, it’s different than how your
eyes are when you’re having a conversation…and you want to notice the difference. You
want to notice – when I’m relaxed, what is it like? Because what you want to be able to
do is learn the configuration of how you are when you’ve relaxed into your Default State
and as you learn that configuration, learn it well enough, into your muscles, into your
bones, that you begin to hold this position, to find yourself in this configuration more and
more of the time until eventually it gets to a point where, you’re never not in this, or only
for very slight moments. Right, so you want to notice what it’s like. You want to notice
the difference between every other state, and this one.

So for example, when you’re relaxed do you have more peripheral awareness or less?
So, for me, it’s like I’m seeing without actually looking…and, like all the senses – when
you just ARE…the information you get is just better. There’s more quantity, there’s more
of it and it’s better of quality. And this is an important thing to be aware of – cause you
can’t relax in the same way when your eyes are more focused if when you’re relaxed
your eyes have let go. So to get there – to relaxation – you have to allow the adjustment
of your eyes. And everything. You have to allow the adjustments.

And, one of the indicators that you’re definitely here is that you’ll feel totally relaxed and
at the same time you’ll feel…ready for anything.

And what you’re noticing and what you want to continue to notice are the characteristics
of how you ARE…how you are when you’ve let go of everything except for how you’re
designed to be…regaining access to the Singular awareness of Yourself…as you were
designed…perfectly…and just have it…and while you do…know that this is not some
resource state or some thing you need to “learn” – it’s something you need to get out of
the way of…cause remember it’s what you are when you’re not doing anything else. It’s
just you…perfectly. So have it and Keep it.

TRACK 13 – Mix, Match

TRACK 14 – Enjoy

TRACK 15 - Bonus Track: What do you want?

Alright, if you haven’t already, put a pair of headphones on. Because, since I can’t be
with you personally…to feed the signals of your own relaxation…as your forehead and
face go slack…you drop your shoulders…your breathing slows down and gets
deeper…and your entire body begins to let go…into your own perfection…as you go
in…all the way…then you might as well take advantage of what you do have…which is
the power of full spectrum…deeply resonant audio…which even now is creating
reverberations in your eardrums…which become frequencies…passed along through
your ears, into your brain and broadcast through your central and peripheral nervous
systems into all of your muscles…where the sounds are trance-coded into something that
can take you…deeply into your muscle memory…anywhere you want to go:

So what you want to keep…deeply in-mind…and find…even deeper than that…is what
you want…what you really want…even deeper than your muscles…there is a signal that
is never ending…a constant question and answer and this is the question that never
fails…to orient you…in exactly the direction you want to be going…the only direction
you were ever meant to go…following along your own perfect path…a heroes path…and
your desires, your needs and your wants…are the signals which let you know…is this for
me…or not…

Because language is a game…it’s a set of rules which serve to trap…or guide us….and
like all rules…some can be bent…and others…broken…because these are the rules of
your mind…and they’re held in your muscles and your body…and as they
unfold…relaxing their grip on what you thought reality was…and who you were…your I
dilates…and you become something more…than most ordinary consciousness makes
available and yet…there have been moments in your life…when you knew there was
something more…something before words…settled inside of you…a dynamic
stillness…inside of which…you are at rest…completely…ready and aware…of what to
do next…in terms of living truly… your own deepest purpose…and how it is…to stand
inside of IT…without compromising…that which is most deeply and uniquely you…just
know…deep in your center…what this is like…

And moving from this…so that your center moves through your muscles and your
muscles through your words…and in your actions…you express who you are…someone
who uses form and language for their powers to create rather than cage…so rules become
suggestions and the space around you…becomes…clay for sculpting…reality.

And all you have to remember…like this…is that this is a self-directed trip…and
these tracks are here to guide…to assist in helping You…Control your own

So allow yourself to feel…all of your muscles…let go…back down deep…into

the deepest and simplest essence of you…where the question and answer of who

you are is always in perfect oscillation…unfolding…and living with integrity is as
simple as answering the question…what do I want now…

7 Questions
TRACK 2 – What Is Progressive Relaxation
Progressive relaxation you can use no matter what level of sophistication you are
currently at in terms of your own personal development.

So progressive relaxation - what it will do is – really on the simplest way of talking about
it, it’s very similar to meditation or hypnosis of certain sorts. So as you’ll hear when you
listen to the script—you can start in any place in your body, but for example let’s say that
you start with your head, you say relax your forehead, and down your eyes, and your
scalp, just feel a tingling relaxation down around your ears, your mouth, your jaw, your
jawbone, in your soft palette, and down your throat, and further and deeper still. And on
and on and on. Down through your whole body. And what you begin to do is relax all of
the muscles in your body. As you relax the muscles, you are simultaneously relaxing the
behavioral programs, the behavioral habits, that are patterned into those muscles from
before you were born in the development of your first bits of language in the phonemes
for example, that as your mother would speak and she’d go “ooo,” as a six month old in-
utero child your left leg would lift, and, “mmm” would make your right arm twitch. Right
so these are already being developed into your muscles at a very very early age. So as
people get older, as they grow and they mature and they develop, now what happens is
they get more and more complex versions of these kind of built in muscular responses
that are associated with behaviors. So the word cat or the idea of a cat or a cat itself will
trigger some kind of response. Progressive relaxation just allows you to begin to go
through the process of relaxing the entire system of you. And once you’ve begun that it
will allow you to continue in a very systematic and systemic way to deepen your own
awareness of what it means to be you, living in a state of well being, of health, of
readiness, which is not bound by all of these parasitic behaviors, all these things that are
habits that just don’t need to be there. These are the doors that progressive relaxation
opens to you and so it opens it progressively. So you may progress in the first fifteen
minutes from your head to your toes and your toes back to your head and your head back
down to your toes again and you will have gone from let’s say a level ten on the
relaxation scale, you’re wide awake, to a level six, and then you do it again and now
you’re down to a level five, and then you do it the next day and you go from a ten to a
five in fourteen minutes. And it may take you a good long time to get further in, but at
some point you’re going to be able to relax to a level 3 or a level 2. And soon it will
happen very quickly for you. So you progressively relax progressively faster.

TRACK 3 - How Does it Work?

So, a lot of times when people relax, one of the things you’ll encounter often is that
they’ll start tearing. And the deeper they go, there’s just these tears well up, and it’s not
necessarily sadness of any sort, it’s just the system releasing. Another thing you’ll see are

these like jerks in their body, like twitches, and, same, this happens all the time,
especially with people who have never relaxed before. But anyone who’s going deeper
than normally their consciousness allows them will have these like jerks in the system,
these twitches. And what it’s indicating is a stabilization, it’s the system going deeper
than those behaviors are wound into the muscles, and so it’s kind of them shaking off a
glitch in the program.

TRACK 4 - What Are The Benefits?

So one of my favorite examples is, you have a 4 year old kid, and you’ve got to imagine,
he’s 4, he’s got his crayon or his magic marker and he’s drawing some little scribbles and
look it’s a dinosaur and it’s a tree and he’s drawing and he draws, starts to draw on some
of his blocks and he’s looking at his blocks and the block is just not nearly as big as that
canvas of the wall in the living room so he starts to draw a whole family now, because
he’s got a lot of space to work with, and you walk into the room and there’s your nuclear
family, your extended family and all of their friends have been drawn on your wall and
the first thing that parents often do is, “NO DON”T DO THAT!!” And the kid goes
“AAaagh!” And I know this is audio, but what you have to imagine is seeing my body all
tensed up, paused, frozen in motion, like a freeze frame of pure tension and almost abject
horror. The lung capacity has been totally deactivated, it’s frozen, all the muscles are
tensed, fear in their eyes, and usually what follows are tears. A release of the system. And
this has been built in through evolution. We are designed since before we were reptiles,
since we were multi-cellular organisms we have had the ability to go towards that which
makes us safe, which provides nourishment or those things that we need to survive. And
away from those things which could kill us. So there is a towards, or away from
movement that has been built into life since our earliest beginnings, and it remains now
inside of human systems. And, it’s a very simple system. It’s a yes/no, toward/away from
system. Everyone’s heard of fight or flight, and to that I would add freeze, and what
you’re seeing in that moment of that child is Freeze. The system is overwhelmed, it
doesn’t know what to do, and you have now installed trauma in that child.

And I’m not against installing trauma in the appropriate places. Like for me, an
appropriate place to do that would be if my child was running out into busy traffic, I want
trauma installed, get it? Because, I don’t want them ever to do that again because for me,
it’s more important to have a moderate amount of trauma installed around running into
the road - something that will kill them than it is to let them have freedom to run into the
road. Cause I’d rather them be slightly traumatized than dead. They can work through it,
everyone else has.

Take this idea now and begin to grow it up, right, because a 4 year old they don’t do that
just once, they do it over and over and over and in our culture most people leave shit all
over their house that are within a toddlers reach, and as they grab onto it, it falls down
onto the ground and it breaks and they go, “Oh no, how could you do that?!” And they’ve
built an environment that supports their child getting in trouble, so that their child ends up
living in what I would call a culture of no. “No don’t do this, no watch out for this, no
don't fall, don't hurt yourself. Don't, don’t, don’t, no, no, no. " All of these things are
putting in trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma... into the system.

Now how that trauma actually affects them on that muscular level, that freeze frame
when all their muscles are contracted, that’s now been molded into their bodies, you’ve
just put a piece of ceramic into the kiln for a second, VROO, and it’s frozen, but we’re
human so we let it go. We go back to what I would call the Default, so the at-rest position
where they’re a kid, they’re ready for anything, you know, they cry, they get over it, now
they’re ready again. Now they’re 13, they’re friends are making fun of them, they have
that same reaction. Especially when they’re in art class, they’re good at math, they’re
good at English, they’re good at science, they go to art and they hate it, it’s disgusting to
them. They don’t know why, and they try to make up all these reasons, “Art’s for losers.”
But the truth is…when they were 4 years old, someone yelled at them drawing on the
wall far too many times, and now just the idea of picking up a marker or a crayon makes
them nauseous. And it makes them nauseous in a literal sense, it tenses those same
muscles, because the marker and the voice and the muscular tension have all become
linked. You get it? So this is how a behavioral pattern gets installed and then grows into a
person’s musculature. Now they’re 14, they’re 15 and they have a job or they have a
teacher, lets say they’re at their job and their boss yells at them and it triggers off that
same patterned reaction.

“Hey Jimmy why’d you do that?!” And it sets up the same behavioral stall, it fires off
those muscles (HUUUH!) in them, and they have that fight flight freeze reaction.

This happens over and over and over and over, it’s patterned into humans all day long,
every single day by family, friends, community, culture, media – everywhere you look,
there it is staring you back in the face. People telling you, “no, no, no”…firing off those
muscles. Now in most humans, in kids the way that it happens it gets fired off and like I
said it goes back to rest and relaxation, you’re still ready for anything. Now when you’re
14, 15 what happens to these kids is they…get that tense and when they go back they
don’t go all the way back to the rest position all the way to their Default state. Instead
what happens is they go to 1%, so if default is zero they’re at just a little bit more than at
rest. But just that slightest fraction of difference means all the difference in the world. It
is not the same. Completely relaxed is totally and completely different than mostly
relaxed. 9% and 10% …relaxation…may not seem that different but 0 to 1 is all the
difference in the world. It sends some signal that something is not right in the system and
that tonus, that 1% is held in the muscles; it’s held in your body. Most people that I talk
to don’t realize that when they have an experience it’s happening in their body, that’s
where experience happen. My mentor gave the best quote about this that I’ve heard
which is that most people are carrying around a carcass from the neck down. And this is
truly how it is for most people. They have shut down the signals from their body because
they have become so uncomfortable. So with progressive relaxation what now happens is
as you relax the muscles what you’ll find is that in fact, “whoa, I didn’t even realize it but
my shoulders are always a little tense, that’s a little weird.” Right? And this won’t be at
all weird to people who are like in their 30’s and 40’s who have had not just 1% but that
1% turns into 2% and now they start attending to it. And as soon as they start attending to
it they start worrying about it, and the worry adds some more muscular tension and oooh
now they’re at 5%. By the time they’re 40 they have lower back pain. And they think,
“I’m just getting old.” But in fact, they’re just more habituated into a shitty pattern that

shouldn’t have been there in the first place. But it was because no one ever taught them
how their body works, no one ever taught them how to get back to rest. Which is
something that we were all born to do and did do naturally until so many insults on our
systems were put upon us that we had forgotten, until we were so fully immersed in a
culture that said, “Don’t pay attention to knowing yourself” that we forgot ourselves, and
the only thing that they remember in their bodily experience is how painful it is.

So what progressive relaxation allows you to do is to become aware, first what happens,
you become aware of the pain, a lot of people, when they start doing it, they say Jeez I
feel more uncomfortable now, and you know, honestly, that’s just what happens. What
happens is you become more aware and it let’s you realize, it gives you the experience of
your body, which you have been mistreating for far to long. And now you have to relax
it. On the upside now you get to feel pleasures in little muscles that you didn’t even
realize were there because they’ve been tensed for so long. And when that tension turns
into, “Ahhhh, Ohhhh, Oooo,”…relaxation, now the palate for pleasure has been cleansed.
And there’s a whole new cornucopia, a smorgasbord of experiences that lay awake for
you, open just to the subtle touch of your attention. And it can ripple through you and
now you’re able to have experience again in your body. And, as this happens, the
muscular tension that you let go are associated with habits. For example most people who
have like, you know, lower back problems also have some kind of neck problems. People
who have jaw problems also they’ll find that there’s a tension there that leads to almost
an aggressive stance so, suddenly they’ll find themselves just being angry. Right?
Because they have these muscles that, what i would call the muscles of anger. It’s the
same position, it’s the same muscles that get activated when someone gets angry, and
when they’re activated – people get angry. And if you’re walking around with those
activated all the time, it’s like you’re on a razor’s edge and anything can set you off. You
get it, so when that’s going on all the time, and then you progressively relax them, you’ll
get an AHHHHHH through the whole system, and, like this…the anger just is no more,
you’re just some place else, other than where the anger was, and this is how the behaviors
relax themselves and you become aware once again of what it is like to be alive, to
actually have the experience of your life.

TRACK 5 - How Is This Valuable To Me?

So, in terms of how this is useful to a person, one of the most useful things you can begin
to do in your life, if you don’t already do it, and if you already do it, it’s the thing that
you could endlessly refine is the ability to ask and answer the question, “What do I
want?” So what do you want? As you listen to the track that comes along with this CD,
the question that you want to endlessly have in your mind, whenever you have a question
is “So, what do I want? What do I want to get from this CD? Why did I purchase this,
what do I want to get out of it?” Right? Now what happens with progressive relaxation is
the deeper you go, the better your answers will be. So, the first time that you
progressively relax, you may go into it going, “I just, I just want to not be so fucking
stressed out anymore!” Right? And that’s the same answer you’re going to have for the
first week. Let’s say you do it everyday and after a week you go, “I just don’t want to be
so stressed out anymore.” Almost the same sentence, and yet significantly different. After
two weeks now you go, “Wow, I’m actually getting okay at this. The first week was hell

– I didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere but now I actually notice a difference and it’s
not just how much more pain my lower back is in.” Right, now what you notice is, “some
parts of this feel really good. And, I noticed that yesterday when I was interacting with
Annie I had this like wave of relaxation come over me that I’ve never really felt before
and, wow, it felt really good, I want a little more of that.” Right? This is the beginning of
the deepening of your understanding of where this question, “what do I want” will lead
you. Right, so now you ask yourself again, “what do I want?” and what you want now is
no longer to be free of stress it’s now, “I want more of this, the feeling I had with
Annie…mmm…how do I have more of that?” And then you progressively relax into it.
Now, like I said, progressive relaxation occurs progressively not just in one session of
you know, let’s say 15 minutes you’re more relaxed at the end of it then you were at the
beginning. But, at the end of 2 months of doing this on a fairly regular basis – even an
irregular basis – but the more regularly you do it the more profound the results.

After two or three months, now you’re gonna’ be a at point where the beginning of your
progressive relaxation is going to be deeper then the end of it was the first two times you
did it. Now we’re startin’ to have some fun. Because now, what once was the deepest
pleasure you could experience is where you begin the experience of going in…to find out
more about yourself. And as you find out more about yourself…what I’m saying, to get
back to the behavioral programs again, is that you’re actually letting go…of a lot of who
you thought you were. You’re letting go of these behavioral programs that were locked
into your muscles. As you let them go, the answer to the question, “what do I want”
becomes simpler and more profound. And the experience of it will wash over you. When
you ask it, the answer will come from a deeper and more still place inside of you and it
will be more satisfying. Now you begin to take this and you begin to apply it to every
other domain in your life. “What do I want in my most intimate relationship?” And,
within that, “What do I want in the morning when I wake up…with him, with her?” If
you have children, “What do I want with my children?” Specifically in, and you fill in the
context. And the more specific you get, the more profound the results will be – in that

And you get it? You want to be more and more specific about this. You want to go in
with a specific question and resolve, relax deeply into that specific question, and once
you’ve allowed yourself to relax all the way into something that you had no idea what
you were gonna’ do – you were pulling your hair out about, “I don’t’ know what I’m
going to do about this project at work?! What am I going to do? I don’t have a frikkin’
clue, I’m just gonna’ sit down and relax.” And as you do, relax into that question, and
relax all of the muscles you were using to hold that question in a way which had no
answer. See, there was a great thought by Einstein, which was that “A problem cannot be
solved from the same state in which it was created.” So if the problem is what am I going
to do with this thing at work? what you have to do…is relax…the muscles that make you
ask the question like this, so that soon, you’re going “I know there’s a lot to do, but, what
am I going to do about it” It’s a whole different kind of answer that’s gonna’ come for
you now. This is what happens inside of progressive relaxation, you begin to apply it to
very specific, particular things; outcomes, you get the answer internally, then you bring it
into action in your life, you begin to implement it, and as you do that in that one specific

area it will begin to cross-map. The more specific and particular you do this exercise, the
more it will cross-map into other domains of your life. And if you do it everyday, in lots
of different specific domains, those will all begin to cross-map and they’ll begin to
reinforce one another until finally you suddenly start noticing yourself kind of relaxed,
and a lot more agreeable and a lot more effective, and having a much more enjoyable and
satisfying experience all day, everyday. And when this happens watch out, cause people
are gonna’ notice. They’re gonna’ go, “hey wasn’t that Asshole Bob? Wasn’t that him?”
“Yeah, he’s not such an asshole anymore. He’s actually kind of mellow and relaxed these

And soon you’ll be like shining, people are going to want to be around you all the time
just because you feel so good, that they want to rub up against you to get a little bit for
themselves. People are gonna’ start being greedy. “(Snarl) Ooohh, I want a little of what
he’s got. I want a little of what she’s got? Oooh Sue, (sound of sniffing) there’s
something different about, what’s that perfume you’re wearing?” And it’s not, you’re just
relaxing and the truth is you’ll probably choose better perfumes, you’ll choose a perfume
and an outfit to go with the new radiance you have on your face…emanating from your

TRACK 6 – How Long Will It Take?

You’re however many years old you are. You’re 30, you’re 40, you’re 50, you’re 13…
However old you are is how long the world, and your parents and your culture have had
to screw you up. I do this for a living, I track what’s going on in the world and I can tell
you it’s not set up for our benefit. It’s set up to help us survive, it’s set up to make some
people a lot of money, it’s set up to make a lot of things work, AND it’s not set up to
drive individuals into having the most beneficial well-formed, healthy experience of
themselves, of their lives, of the people that they love of their businesses or of their
community. It’s just not designed that way yet, and this is a movement towards that. As
each person learns to use themselves, things begin to change a little. But for you, the way
that it works, is it works if you work it. The more you do it the better results you’re
gonna’ have. The three magic things you want to consider are: Frequency – how often are
you doing it; Duration – how long are you doing it, and; Intensity – how intensely are you
doing it? Right?

So, sometimes people are gonna’ be having a really bad day, and they’re not gonna’ want
to do it and, those are the results you get. You’re gonna’ have a shitty day and you’re
gonna’ forget all about doing this for a week or two weeks and then it’s going to build
until your life is so stressed out again you decide, “oh I’ve gotta’ do that thing again. But
it’s not working – but I already did it three times, it just made me feel agitated.” Right?
This is the kind of stuff I know goes on in 90% of the people who have just started this
stuff’s head. “This sucks, I hate it.”

Good. It’s supposed to be a little painful when it starts. You’re supposed to have the
experience of like, you’re changing, you’re radically shaking up your experience from all
this trauma that people installed. And yeah, you don’t have to have these traumatic, you
know, crying sessions, that’s not what I’m talking about, having the experience of going

and doing the progressive relaxation, and if you do it every day, for a week, for 15
minutes at a shot you’re gonna’ notice something.

I would be surprised if you felt it after the first one. I would also be surprised if you
didn’t feel it by the 8th time. I would be surprised if you did this for an entire month and
at the end of that month, hadn’t found yourself already living inside of a life that’s been,
essentially, radically transformed. I’m talking about a radical transformation from 15
minutes a day of doing this. So, I don’t think that’s particularly a lot of time, it’s certainly
not a lot of time when you consider the profundity of all of the moments, hours, days,
weeks, months, years of people installing crap in your self, talking about stupid, inane
things in your head that make you feel crummy. It’s a very short-term investment for long
lasting powerful results. And, it doesn’t end there. It doesn’t end with 15 minutes a day
for 30 days. And it doesn’t have to be that rigorous of a schedule. For some of you,
you’re gonna’ wanna’ do two times a day. Some of you are maniacs, you’re gonna’ want
to do it 3 times a day – more power to you. Some of you, three times a week, it’s all you
can cut time out for. All you’ve gotta’ do, is do it, take the investment in yourself, in
you’re your own time and make it happen. The more frequent, the more intense, the
longer, if you do and set it for 15 minutes, you do it, you come out, you give yourself 15
minutes, you go back in. You call that all one session. Your duration is significantly
longer now, it’s going to be more long-lasting. The longer you sit inside of the relaxation,
the more profound effects it will have on you.

TRACK 7 – How Do I Not Zone Out?

For some of you, what’s gonna’ happen is when you start this, you’re gonna’ zone out.
Some of you will zone out within like 4 seconds flat. Some of you will make it for a full
10 seconds, some of you, you’ll be able to make it through the whole script and remain
aware, the whole time. Now, I’m gonna’ suggest that, what you want to be able to do
ultimately is be aware as the script is being read into you so that you can go along with it
and go for the ride. So, not to analyze what’s happening but just to allow yourself to take
the instruction for yourself and go with it.

Now if you can’t do that the first time, the second time, the third time – not a big deal.
Keep doing it. Just note that you want to do that and keep doing it. Keep going back and
this time make it your intention. You know when I ask you the question, “what do you
want?” “I want to remain aware for 30 seconds before I start jabbering in my own head or
making pictures you know or whatever it is that you do. 30 seconds.”

When you’ve made it 30 seconds, your next intention can be to make it 45 seconds, and
then you can jump to 2 minutes, be bold, then 10 minutes, and 15 minutes. Until suddenly
you can make it all the way through and now what you begin to do is instead of just
making it through you begin to add in…pieces that you want that are not yet there. You
add them into the script.

“Oooh, and I want to relax this muscle in specific, oooo.” And you can say things to
yourself like, “mmmmmmmmm.”

Some of the most profound hypnotic, relaxing phenomena, are just sounds. <Yawn> I
mean, when you talk to people in a sleepy voice, do you ever notice that they start to
yawn too? <Yawn> And they get sleepy and suddenly everybody’s yawning, and you
know the night’s kind of winding down? You can use that in your own mind. You can
talk to yourself with a sleepy voice and help lead yourself in in a way which makes you
feel more comfortable, more relaxed, more deeply aware of what happens when you just
let go of everything and relaxation begins to take you, begins to have its way with you.
And like this you can start to be aware of the things that you really want. And allow those
things to add in to what you want to be doing inside of the script. So you can put your
own words in there, put your own pictures and your own ideas. So, it’s not something
that you need to worry about or even really think about, except to plan, to understand that
this is something that happens to people. You’re just learning how to use your mind in a
very particular way. And all you want to do is pay attention to how it’s working already
because it’s working perfectly, its just doing whatever its been trained to do, and by it, I
mean you. You’re doing what you’ve trained yourself to do, or what other people have
helped train you to do. But ultimately you want to accept the responsibility because that
puts you in control.

Often times when people talk about hypnosis they think, “Oooooo but I don’t want
someone to be in control of my mind!” And, there are few people who are more
controllable than the ones who say things like that because they believe that somebody
else could be…in control of their mind, which is the best kind of belief for someone who
wants to control you. And, the best kind of belief for someone who wants to be
autonomous, who wants to be free, who wants to use hypnotic phenomena, use the ideas
from other people and yet be totally autonomous, be totally powerful and unto
themselves. The beliefs that these people hold are, “I am the ultimate hypnotist, no one
can influence me more than me myself.” These are the things you want to tell yourself.
That nobody could put in, anything into you that is not something you are really into.
And if somehow it got in, your system would go, “Wooooah. Eh-eh,” and it would dump
it. Just like that. It would flush it from the system. Right down the drain, to the sewers
where it belongs.

So you wanna’ get that crap thinking out of your mind, and instead use your mind, begin
to be aware of what it’s doing already. Don’t be upset about it, don’t be worried about it,
just be aware of it and knowing where you are, you can more adequately plan for where
you want to go.

“Oh I’m here, in the mud, if I want to get to where there is no mud, the first thing I have
to do is put on some better boots. So I can start walking through the mud. Because I see
where dry land is and it’s another mile away. If you want to deny that you’re in the mud
and just worry about it you’re just gonna’ sink like quicksand. So, be aware, and, if it
happens, be gentle with yourself and firm. Understand where you are, understand where
you’re going and go there. Apply the process to itself, over and over and over again;
What do I want? I want this. Any time you come up to a stumbling block, any time you
come up to something you think might be a quote-unquote issue, just apply that - “what

do I want? – I want this to be over. I want to figure out what’s beyond this,” to the
process itself and being again.

TRACK 8 - How Can I Use It?

What progressive relaxation is, to my mind it is probably one of the most profound tools
you can use to know yourself. It’s just a way to have the direct experience of you of your
body and mind as a single looping unit. And to be aware of the world around you. It has
been the most ancient command in most of our philosophies and religions. “Know
Thyself”. It is for a good reason, the more you know about yourself the more you’re able
to actually have the experience of the world around you and, for people with a religious
bent, the more you know yourself the more you’re able to let go, and allow for the
experience of something greater than yourself to flow through you. And, to me, this is
ultimately where progressive relaxation goes. How do I relax myself so much that there’s
room for God? However you call that whether that be Nature, or Flow-state or The
Universe, or Allah, or Jesus…whatever it is. Allowing yourself to have this very
profound experience, and progressive relaxation is a tool to help you have that and it’s a
tool that has the secondary gains of, as you’re doing it your learning intimately about the
mundane aspects of your body, which are really fascinating and really pleasurable and
will serve you throughout your life in every domain. Knowing how the muscles of your
neck work and how they’re connected to the muscles of your jaw, how they’re connected
to the muscles in you lower back. Knowing that, if you’re laying on your back and you
lift your head up, like, as though you were looking down at the tips of your toes, that the
first muscles that need to activate are not your neck muscles. In fact you’re gonna’ have a
contraction of muscles in your lower abdominal area as well as in your lower spinal area.
So your sacral muscles are going to contract. This stuff is profound. It’s more profound,
the deeper into relaxation you go.

Progressive relaxation is a tool that will aid you in being able to explore yourself without
the expensive addition of a teacher or a guru who you either have to pay money to or go
to see. If you’re gonna’ be really doing this stuff it’s really worth having somebody who
has gone before you, who knows the way, even though your way is particular to you,
somebody who has gone significantly further than you, to give you direct and personal
input and yet I’ve always been a fan of and I’ve always personally favored most of my
personal development to be self-driven. So using scripts and using my own time alone to
explore it for myself rather than getting it from another person and that as kind of a
secondary input.

So for me that’s what progressive relaxation is, it will teach you about yourself; about
your muscles, about your neurology, your neuro-chemicals, it will teach you how to relax
at the drop of a hat, and it will make it so that, ultimately, you’re not gonna’ do this for
15 minutes - you’re gonna’ be able to turn it on instantly anywhere anytime with anyone,
even if it’s by yourself.

TRACK 9 – What’s Most Important?
Now, I already talked earlier about how to integrate this into your life, which is: Go into
your progressive relaxation with the intention of, “what do I want?” And in a way, what
you do is you let go of that question as you deepen.

You go in and you say, “what do I want?” and then progressively relax until you’re not
even asking that question anymore. And, 9 times out of 10 the answer’s just going to
come up spontaneously, because you’ll have relaxed deeper than where the problem was.
So you begin to think of a specific area that you want to have the results that you want in
and then you progressively relax. And then in the depths of your progressive relaxation
you can think about it again, and you’ll be thinking about it and experiencing it in a
totally different way. Alright so, we’ll add more to this, but the piece that’s probably the
most profound in all of this work is that most progressive relaxation, like most
psychologies or behavioral technologies, people talk about resource states –and how do
you get into this state of that state. And what I’m suggesting is that progressive relaxation
leads to a something that is more profound than any resource state. In fact, what it leads
to when you have relaxed everything, is that there will be left only those things which are
un-relaxable, those things which are of the firmament of your being. When you are like
this, there is a profound sense of wellbeing and satisfaction that exists already. And, there
is a very specific way in which you hold yourself – idiosyncratic to you, and, it’s the
same every time.

In other words, there’s a way that you hold your pelvis, there are things that you do with
your eyes, with your spine, the way that you adjust yourself, movements, the way you
breath, the way you speak, all of which are consistent each time you’re in this state. As
you learn more and more about what this is for you, you will know the structure of how
you are at your best. The more you know this structure, the more you can begin to just
access it anytime. As know how to access it anytime it doesn’t take 15 minutes it takes no
time at all. It’s just the awareness that you’re not there, and you shift back into it. But it
begins by putting your attention there, to be there endlessly. “I want to be like this, I want
to be like this, I want to be myself at my best.”

The more you know about it, the more you do it, the more it gets patterned into how you
are in the world. And, soon you’re able to just access it, now the question is just, how do
you hold it? So now progressive relaxation is about 2 things; it’s about deepening and
expanding. It’s about deepening your ability to know, more and more subtly, the structure
of how you’re when you’re like this: In what I would call your default state. This is what
I call the Default. Get it? Most people don’t default to this cause they’ve been screwed up
by society, so they default to some crazy ill-formed wingnut. But when you’ve let go of
all of that stuff, when the parasitic behaviors have been left behind. The Default of who
you were born to be is all that’s left. And you now know what it’s like to access this and
you’ve done it day in and day out through progressive relaxation. So you’re familiar with
it, it’s become habitual, and now you just tap into the musculature. You just go, “ohhh,
wait this isn’t right I want to be ….ooohhh,” and you’re in it. This is the difference
between what I’m suggesting on this CD and in almost anything else I’ve ever seen put
out, other than the lineage that I’m from.

So, this is a profound different in the shift of thinking that I’m suggesting. That you’re
actually tapping into and learning about the structure of who you are, and that the more
you know about it the more instantly you’ll be able to access it and the more you’ll be
able to hold it anytime.

Audio Production – Kiela Kern
Audio Mastering – David Resnick, Love Intelligence Group
Advisor – Michael Cage
Produced by Viral Evolution Media, Inc.
Production Manager – Karen Gordon

The Default State is based on the Generalized Desired State (G.D.S.), a concept
developed and taught to me by my long time mentor, Dr. Joseph Riggio. You can
find out more about him and his work at and

The model and the work within have been developed by three generations of
behavioral experts – people who have dedicated their lives to uncovering and
developing the most powerful operational strategies for being human. These
generations worked to discover the simple perfection that nature has designed into
us, and the ways to access and hold this state in our lives. It begins with who we
are, and who we were born to be. It manifests in how we use ourselves and how
we live our lives. This work is a tribute to them and a tribute to all the other giants
on whose shoulders we’re riding as we march forward into the future of the
human experience and the Human Operating System. Finally, it’s a tribute to
those of us who are taking this to the next level, the early adopters of evolutionary

About Devon
When I was in high school I realized that something was terribly wrong – either with me,
my school, or my culture. At some point in the middle of high school, I made a vow to be
the most satisfied person I knew. And, the more satisfied I became, the more I looked
around and felt the staggering anguish in so many of my friends. What was it that was
being taught into all of us that shaped us like disappointment?

I once read that life designs winners, and I believed it. After thousands of years of
evolution it seemed only natural that animals were bred for balance and well-formedness.
So why are so many people not having a balanced and satisfying experience?

To answer my questions, I found exemplars in the world of how I wanted to be; stable,
secure, satisfied and living an uncompromising life of integrity. I wanted to find out what
it was that they believed and how they operated in the world that enabled them to have
such powerful and satisfying experiences.

What I’ve realized is that it’s easy to get powerful results quickly and it takes discipline to
sustain those results through time. I also discovered that there are so few well-formed
people walking about, that the majority of us never have the opportunity to model
someone who is. But you can spot the few that have because they move through the
world with a certain grace, satisfaction, and effectiveness. Even the most traumatic
experiences leave them better and wiser.

After more than 15 years studying on my own as well as training and apprenticing under
some of the world’s leading behavioral experts and pioneers, I am living my dreams by
promoting something extremely valuable to me – steps for living the life of your dreams
based in the uncanny “hidden” logic of being human. I think that a world full of people
who know how they work and are living satisfying and healthy lives is an evolutionary
step in the right direction. Now I talk at colleges and universities, produce cutting edge
behavioral information products, interview people living their passion, raise my kids, and
work as the lead developer on the Human Operating System.

In addition, I’m an entrepreneur and performance coach to highly successful achievers

who can’t afford to not be ‘at their best’. My clients range from dog trainers to attorneys
to entrepreneurs running multi-million dollar companies. I specialize in state-based
decision-making and intentional performance as well as the internal and external
strategies necessary to succeed in the highly competitive domains of the elite.

About Viral Evolution Media, Inc.

Viral Evolution Media is a cutting edge broadcast company. As a company and
as a group of individuals Viral Evolution Media thrives on moving the social
system forward in a positive direction. We do this by crossing cutting edge
behavioral technologies, with high caliber information and early adopter
technology bringing end-users information in ways they’ve never experienced
before - information that will change the way they experience learning forever.

We’re wiring the messages of greatest success directly into the hearts, brains and
behaviors of our global community.

A Global Nervous System

Viral Evolution Media is founded in the idea that humans are social beings involved in an
intimately communal system. Our media, our messages and the messages of those
companies we choose to support, engage the world as a unified and interconnected entity.
We believe that mass media is the most advanced form yet of the global nervous system
Mother Nature has been creating since the dawn of life on Earth.

Today almost every individual in a technologically capable society can enter his or her
cybernetic input in a way that reaches the entire system near-instantly. And, as with any
nervous system, some signals are promoted while others are suppressed. Viral Evolution
Media promotes what we see as the evolutionary signals of the system, the signals that
are moving us forward as a species into a future we do not know…yet…are designing for

It is our Mission, our responsibility, and our intention to put out the best signals possible
in support of a healthy and well-formed humanity.


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