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1. Look at the following pictures. Choose two (2) of them and describe their physical appearance using
the correct phrase (Min. five (5) descriptions for each person).

They are (left to the right) James, Kelly, Eddy, Lisa, Jane, Daniel, Debby, Alex, Leo,
Suzanne, Eric, Christine.
a. Name of person: Eddy
his description:
1. he has white teeth
2. his skin is dark-brown
3. he has short hair
4. his nose is sharp
5. his face is oval

b. Name of person: Suzanne

Her description:
1. she has curly hair
2. her nose is sharp
3. her hair is Blond
4. she has round face
5. her teeth is white
2. Write a letter to your new acquaintance. Introduce yourself and then write things that you like
and dislike in this COVID-19 pandemic related to your study and your daily activities.

Mojokerto, 2nd November 2020

Dear my new acquaintance

Hello my name’s Hildan mulyo hermawan, you can call me Hildan. I’m from Mojokerto. I’m
18 years old. I was born and rise at Mojokerto. I’m college student at Universitas Islam Sultan
Agung in the Engineering Informatics. I’m one of three siblings. I really like basket. I’m
semifinalist and best 2 region Mojokerto at Medical Competition (MEDSPIN) Universitas Airlangga.
In this pandemic I don’t like to washing my hand too often, yet I still like studying at home
That’s all I can tell about me thanks.

Your new acquaintance

Hildan Mulyo hermawan

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