Vervaeke 2018

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Accepted: 16 January 2018

DOI: 10.1111/jcpe.12871


Adapting the vertical position of implants with a conical

connection in relation to soft tissue thickness prevents early
implant surface exposure: A 2-­year prospective intra-­subject

Stijn Vervaeke1  | Carine Matthys2 | Rima Nassar1 | Veronique Christiaens1 | 

Jan Cosyn1,3 | Hugo De Bruyn1

Department of Periodontology and Oral
Implantology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Abstract
Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, Ghent Aim: To evaluate the effect of soft tissue thickness on bone remodelling and to inves-
University, Ghent, Belgium
tigate whether implant surface exposure can be avoided by adapting the vertical im-
Department of Removable
Prosthodontics, Faculty of Medicine plant position in relation to the soft tissue thickness.
and Health Sciences, School of Dental
Materials and Methods: Twenty-­five patients received two non-­splinted implants
Medicine, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
3 supporting an overdenture in the mandible. Soft tissue thickness was measured using
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dental
Medicine, Free University of Brussels (VUB), bone sounding and ultrasonically. One implant was installed equicrestally (control),
Brussels, Belgium
and the vertical position of the second implant was adapted to the site-­specific soft
Correspondence tissue thickness (test). Crestal bone levels were determined on digital peri-­apical radio-
Stijn Vervaeke, Department of Periodontology
graphs and compared with baseline (implant placement).
and Oral Implantology, Faculty of Medicine
and Health Sciences, School of Dental Results: Twenty-­five patients were consecutively treated. No implants failed during
Medicine, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
the follow-­up. A significant correlation was observed between soft tissue thickness
and bone level alterations after 6 months (ultrasound ICC = 0.610; bone sounding
Funding information
The study was supported with a grant ICC = 0.641) with inferior bone levels for equicrestal implants when thin tissues are
from Dentsply Implants. Dentsply Implants
present. Subcrestal implants showed significantly better bone levels after 6-­month
provided free materials to be used in the
study. (n = 24, 0.04 mm versus 0.72 mm; p < .001), 1-­year (n = 24, 0.03 mm versus 0.77 mm;
p < .001) and 2-­year follow-­up (n = 24, 0.04 mm versus 0.73 mm; p < .001).
Conclusion: Initial bone remodelling was affected by soft tissue thickness. Anticipating
biologic width re-­
establishment by adapting the vertical position of the implant
seemed highly successful to avoid implant surface exposure.

bone level, dental implant, implant surface, prevention, soft tissue

1 |  INTRODUCTION less, consistently presented with crestal bone loss. The authors sug-
gested a certain minimal width of peri-­implant mucosa as a prereq-
The influence of peri-­implant mucosal thickness on initial crestal bone uisite to allow a stable soft tissue attachment (Berglundh & Lindhe,
level alterations and long-­term stability has been a topic of debate and 1996).
enhanced research. An in vivo study by Linkevicius and coworkers investigated the
In 1996, Berglundh and Lindhe reported in an animal study that influence of initial soft tissue thickness on crestal bone changes
implants installed at sites with thin mucosal tissues, meaning 2 mm or around implants in humans. The test implants were placed 2 mm

J Clin Periodontol. 2018;45:605–612.   © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. |  605
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
606       VERVAEKE et al.

supracrestally, whereas the control implants were placed equicrestally.

The major finding was that placing an implant 2 mm supracrestally and
Clinical Relevance
thus moving the microgap away from the alveolar crest did not prevent
peri-­implant bone loss if thin soft tissues were present at the time of Scientific rationale for the study: The literature is inconclusive
implant placement. The authors concluded that a soft tissue thickness about the effect of soft tissue thickness on early bone re-
of 2 mm or less resulted in crestal bone loss up to 1.45 mm, despite a modelling. The aim of this study was to evaluate this effect
supracrestal position of the implant–abutment interface (Linkevicius, in a split-­mouth study.
Apse, Grybauskas, & Puisys, 2009). Principal findings: Implants at sites with thin mucosal tissues
More recently, Vervaeke, Dierens, Besseler and De Bruyn (2014) show inferior crestal bone levels. However, anticipating
suggested that the soft tissue thickness at the time of implant place- early bone remodelling by adapting the vertical implant po-
ment may influence peri-­implant bone loss. Implants installed at sites sition to soft tissue thickness prevented early implant sur-
with thin mucosal tissues showed increased crestal bone loss because face exposure.
of the biologic necessity to re-­establish the biologic width. The abut- Practical implications: Early implant surface exposure may
ments in this study were placed at time of implant placement, and the increase the risk for peri-­implantitis. Hence, implant place-
height was adapted to the site-­specific soft tissue thickness. Hence, ment in relation to soft tissue thickness is advised.
the abutment height more or less reflected the initial soft tissue
As a consequence, it was suggested to adapt the vertical position
of the implant to the initial soft tissue thickness in order to avoid un-
foreseen exposure of the implant surface after initial bone remodel-
ling. However, the shortcoming of the study was the lack of accurate
soft tissue measurements (Vervaeke et al., 2014).
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the soft
tissue thickness on peri-­implant bone remodelling in a prospective
split-­mouth clinical study. The research hypothesis was that bone
level alterations around equicrestal implants are influenced by the soft
tissue dimensions at the time of implant placement. The secondary
aim was to investigate whether early implant surface exposure can be
avoided by adapting the vertical implant position in relation to soft
tissue thickness.


F I G U R E   1   Soft tissue thickness was measured at the site of
2.1 | Patient population and surgical/prosthetic implant placement with an ultrasonic device (EPOCH 600, Olympus,
Aartselaar, Belgium)
Fully edentulous patients visiting Ghent University Hospital and in The implant surgery was performed by the same surgeon (SV). The
need of an overdenture in the mandible were included in this pro- existing removable prosthesis was used as a surgical guide. Access
spective split-­mouth study. Exclusion criteria were smoking and sys- holes were made at the position of the gutta-­percha markers allow-
temic diseases. Removable dentures in mandible and maxilla were ing implant placement in the ideal prosthetic position. The patients
made by an experienced prosthodontist (CM) prior to implant treat- were asked to rinse for 1 min with a 0.12% chlorhexidine solution
ment. Whenever tooth extraction in the anterior mandible was re- (Perio-­Aid, Dentaid, Barcelona, Spain) after receiving local anaesthe-
quired prior to implant placement, a healing period of 3 months was sia. A full-­thickness mucoperiosteal flap was elevated to expose the
respected. Thereafter, the ideal prosthetically driven implant position inter-­foraminal bone. Dental implants (Astra Tech OsseoSpeed TX™,
was determined by the prosthodontist and indicated in the remov- Dentsply implants, USA) measuring 3.5 or 4 mm in width and 8, 9 or
able denture using gutta-­percha markers for radiological evaluation. A 11 mm in length were installed.
CBCT of the mandible was made to evaluate bone volume. Soft tissue One implant was installed according to the manufacturer’s guide-
thickness was measured at the site of implant placement with an ul- lines (equicrestal placement=control implant). The vertical position of
trasonic device (EPOCH 600, Olympus, Aartselaar, Belgium, Figure 1) the second implant was adapted to the soft tissue thickness (subcr-
and bone sounding prior to implant surgery. A transducer probe with estal placement=test implant), allowing at least 3 mm space for bio-
a diameter of 4 mm was applied to the measurement site with minimal logic width establishment (Vervaeke et al., 2014). This means that
pressure. Measurements were performed three times and averaged to an implant installed at a site with a mucosal thickness of 2 mm was
obtain one value for every single implant. placed 1 mm supracrestally. A systematic non-­random assignment was
VERVAEKE et al. |

applied to determine the position of test and control implants. Hence, administered from the day of surgery (amoxicillin 1 g, 2 times daily,
the experimental site was altered for every consecutive patient based during 4 days), and a plaque control regimen was instructed by
on the chronological order of patient inclusion. Implants were imme- means of a 0.12% chlorhexidine mouth rinse twice a day during
diately restored with Locator abutments (Zest). The crestal bone was 1 week (Perio-­Aid, Dentaid, Barcelona, Spain). The sutures were
slightly adapted around the subcrestal implants to install the Locator removed 7 days after implant surgery. If necessary, oral hygiene re-
abutments. There was no direct contact between the bone and the inforcement was given. All implants were connected with the pros-
abutments. All patients were intentionally treated using a one-­stage thesis and functionally loaded 3-­4 months after implant placement
surgical procedure. However, after implant installation, primary sta- using the Locator System. The clinical procedure is illustrated in
bility was evaluated using a torque wrench, and in case of insufficient Figure 2.
primary stability (<20 Ncm), a two-­stage approach was preferred and This clinical trial has been conducted in full accordance with the
implants were submerged for 3 months. In those cases where a two-­ Helsinki Declaration (1975) as revised in 2000. All patients were
stage approach was required, the implant–bone relationship for test thoroughly informed and signed a written informed consent. The
and control implants was the same as for the one-­stage surgical proce- study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of the Ghent
dure. Only, the installation of the final abutment was postponed, and University Hospital.
tissues were closed to allow an undisturbed integration of the implant.
The mucoperiosteal flap was closed using single interrupted, monofil-
2.2 | Clinical and radiographic examination
ament sutures (Seralon® 5.0, Serag Wiessner, Naila, Germany).
A peri-­apical radiograph was taken immediately after the im- Clinical examination followed after 1 week, 1, 3, 6 months, 1 year
plant surgery to determine baseline bone levels. Antibiotics were and 2 years. During the follow-­up visits, plaque and bleeding scores

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)

F I G U R E   2   (a) Edentulous mandible. (b) Markers for pre-­surgical planning. (c) Access holes. (d) Determination of Implant position. (e) Bone
sounding using periodontal probe. (f) Ultrasonic soft tissue measurement. (g) Equicrestal (control) and subcrestal (test) implant placement. (h)
Locator abutments. (i) Suturing. (j) Baseline radiograph, reference point = lower border of the smooth implant collar. (k) Radiograph at 6 months.
(l) Radiograph at 2-­year follow-­up
608       VERVAEKE et al.

were evaluated using the modified plaque and bleeding index No implants failed during the follow-­up, resulting in a survival rate
(Mombelli, van Oosten, Schurch, & Land, 1987). Probing pocket of 100%. Implants were placed in a one-­stage procedure. However,
depths were measured 3 months after implant surgery and at every in five patients, implants were submerged as a consequence of a lack
visit thereafter on four implant sites (midmesial, mid-­distal, midbuc- of primary stability (<20 Ncm). If only one implant, either test or con-
cal and midlingual). trol, had insufficient primary stability, a submerged procedure was ad-
Digital peri-­apical radiographs were taken at baseline (implant opted for both implants to avoid the inclusion of confounding surgical
placement), at 3, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years using a guiding sys- factors.
tem in order to obtain the X-­rays perpendicular to the film. The A mean initial soft tissue thickness of 1.93 mm (N = 24, SD = 0.60,
radiographs were calibrated using the length of the implant or the range=1.00-­3.00) and 1.98 mm (N = 24, SD =  0.65, range=0.67-­3.40)
microthreads and analysed using AxioVision Rel. 4.8. Bone levels was measured before implant placement, using bone sounding and
were determined as the distance from a reference point, which cor- ultrasonic measurements, respectively. A strong correlation was ob-
responds with the lower edge of the smooth implant bevel at the served between both techniques (ICC = 0.925). Data on initial soft tis-
implant–abutment interface, to the most crestal bone-­to-­implant sue thickness for test and control sites are presented in Table 1. Mean
contact point (Figure 2). plaque scores, bleeding scores and probing pocket depths after 1 year
and 2 years are given in Table 2.
Statistical analysis did not reveal a significant difference between
2.3 | Statistical analysis
mesial and distal bone levels (p = .120). Hence, one bone level value
Bone level was considered the primary outcome measure (depend- was calculated for each individual implant. Based on 24 control im-
ent variable), whereas soft tissue thickness and surgical procedure plants in 24 patients, a significant correlation was observed between
were the explanatory variables. The sample size was calculated using initial soft tissue thickness and bone level alterations after 6 months
SAS Power and Sample size calculator for related samples based on using ultrasound (ICC = 0.610) and bone sounding (ICC = 0.641), with
an effect size of 1 mm and a standard deviation of 0.60, with the inferior bone levels for equicrestal implants when thin tissues are
level of significance set at 0.05 and β = .80. The effect estimation present (Figure 3). After 6, 12 and 24 months, control implants (equi-
was based on the findings of Vervaeke et al., 2014. Statistical analy- crestal implants) showed a mean bone level of 0.72 mm (n = 24, SD
sis was performed using SPSS® 22 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, 0.75, range 0.00 -­2.45), 0.78 mm (n = 24, SD 0.81, range 0.00 – 2.92)
IL, USA). Correlations between soft tissue thickness initial bone level and 0.73 mm (n = 24, SD 0.72, range 0.00 – 2.61), respectively, com-
changes were analysed using the intra-­class correlation coefficient. pared with a mean bone level of 0.04 mm (n = 24, SD 0.11, range 0.00
Longitudinal bone level changes as well as differences in bone levels – 0.45), 0.03 mm (n = 24, SD 0.10, range 0.00 – 0.36) and 0.04 mm
between test and control implants at 6, 12 and 24 months were ana- (n = 24, SD 0.10, range 0.00 – 0.30) for the test implants (subcrestal
lysed using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Inter-­subject differences implants). Submerged control implants demonstrated no bone level
between submerged and non-­submerged implants for test and control changes after 3 months, compared with 0.83 mm for non-­submerged
implants were analysed using the Mann–Whitney U test. control implants (p < .001). However, 6 months after implant place-
ment (=3 months after second-­stage surgery), this difference was no
longer observed (p = .526) (Table 3, Figure 4). Hence, the only differ-
3 |  RESULTS ence between submerged and non-­submerged conditions is the mo-
ment when biologic width formation takes place, being after implant
A sample size of 14 patients was calculated. Hence, 25 patients (=50 im- placement for non-­submerged implants and after the second-­stage
plants) were consequently included to anticipate future dropouts. The surgery for submerged implants (Table 3, Figure 4).
sample consisted of 12 men and 13 women with a mean age of 65 years After initial bone remodelling, bone levels remained stable up to
(SD = 9.09, range=43-­
82) who were consecutively treated between 2-­year follow-­up. Bone level values at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months for
January 2013 and September 2014. In one patient with a knife edge, submerged and non-­submerged implants are given in Table 3. When
2 test implants were mandatory to test, implants were mandatory to have taking 1 mm of bone level changes as a threshold, 100% of the test
the implants completely surrounded by the crestal bone. This patient was implants and 83.3% of the control implants were considered a success.
excluded from the study based on the absence of a control condition. The corresponding values for 0.5 mm were 100% and 54.2%.

T A B L E   1   Initial soft tissue thickness at test (subcrestal placement) and control (equicrestal placement) sites using ultrasound and bone

Test Control

Sites Mean (mm) SD Range Sites Mean SD Range

Bone sounding n = 24 1.92 0.56 1.00 -­3.00 n = 24 1.94 0.65 1.00–3.00
Ultrasound n = 24 1.97 0.64 0.67 -­3.40 n = 24 1.99 0.67 0.94–3.30
VERVAEKE et al. |

T A B L E   2   Mean plaque scores, bleeding scores and probing pockets depths measured at four implant sites (mesial, distal, buccal and lingual)
and averaged to obtain one single value for test and control implants after 1 year (n = 24) and 2 years (n = 24)

1 year 2 years

Test Control Test Control

Plaque 0.95 (SD = 0.86; range 0.75 (SD = 0.79; range 0.72 (SD = 0.78; range 0.56 (SD = 0.72;
0.00–3.00) 0.00–3.00) 0.00–3.00) range 0.00–3.00)
Bleeding 0.26 (SD = 0.58; range 0.20 (SD = 0.19; range 0.20 (SD = 0.28; range 0.25 (SD = 0.32;
0.00–2,75) 0.00–0.50) 0.00–1.00) range 0.00–1.00)
PPD (mm) 1.83 (SD = 0.53; range 1.70 (SD = 0.44; range 2.56 (SD = 0.84; range 2.30 (SD = 0.66;
1.00–2.75) 1.00–2.50) 1.25–4.50) range 1.50–4.50)

F I G U R E   3   Scatter plot illustrating the

correlation between soft tissue thickness
(ultrasound) and crestal bone levels around
control implants after 6-­month follow-­up
(Trendline = Loess curve fitted at 50% of
the data)

T A B L E   3   (a) Bone Levels (mm) after 3, 6, 12 and 24 months for non-­submerged test (subcrestal) and control equicrestal) implants. (b) Bone
Levels (mm) after 3, 6, 12 and 24 months for submerged test (subcrestal) and control (equicrestal) implants

Control Test

(a) Implant number Bone Level (mm) SD Min Max Implant Number Bone level (mm) SD Min Max

3 Months 19 0.83 0.78 0.00 2.33 19 0.05 0.13 0.00 0.48

6 Months 19 0.73 0.68 0.00 2.11 19 0.05 0.13 0.00 0.45
12 Months 19 0.70 0.70 0.00 2.57 19 0.04 0.11 0.00 0.36
24 Months 19 0.61 0.6 0.00 2.61 19 0.05 0.11 0.00 0.3

Control Test

(b) Implant number Bone Level (mm) SD Min Max Implant Number Bone Level (mm) SD Min Max

3 Months 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

6 Months 5 0.66 1.03 0.00 2.45 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Months 5 1.08 1.21 0.00 2.92 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
24 Months 5 0.96 1.05 0.00 2.59 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
610       VERVAEKE et al.

4 |  DISCUSSION initial bone loss are at risk to develop long-­term biologic complica-
tions. In a long-­term follow-­up study of 39 patients with fixed full-­arch
The present study shows that initial bone remodelling is affected by soft implant-­supported rehabilitations, a mean bone loss of 1.63 mm was
tissue thickness (Vervaeke et al., 2016). Consequently, implants installed described after 9 years. Initial soft tissue thickness was the only pre-
at sites with thin soft tissues, meaning 2 mm or less, presented inferior dictor for early bone loss after 1-­year follow-­up. However, bone levels
bone levels. However, anticipating biologic width re-­establishment by deteriorated afterwards, especially in high-­risk patients. Smokers with
adapting the vertical position of the implant (subcrestal implant place- a history of periodontitis lost on average 2.37 mm more bone around
ment) seemed highly successful to avoid exposure of the implant surface. their implants compared with periodontally healthy, non-­smoking pa-
At the Estepona Consensus meeting in 2012, it was concluded that tients (Vervaeke et al., 2016).
a limited amount of crestal bone loss can occur as an adaptive, biologic Subcrestal implant placement may not be feasible for all implant
response immediately after implant placement or implant restoration designs. Broggini and coworkers described persistent acute inflam-
(Albrektsson et al., 2012). A recent retrospective analysis described mation at the microgap of the implant–abutment interface around
a correlation between abutment height and initial bone remodelling implants with a flat-­to-­flat connection resulting in increased crestal
with more crestal bone loss around implants with short abutments. bone loss. They showed the presence of an inflammatory cell infil-
The abutment height was adapted to the site-­
specific soft tissue trate with predominantly neutrophils as a reaction to the presence of
thickness at the time of implant placement (Vervaeke et al., 2014). The bacteria in the microgap of the implant–abutment interface (Broggini
same findings were observed by Galindo-­Moreno and coworkers. A et al., 2003). Moreover, Hermann and coworkers showed that deeper
shortcoming of the aforementioned studies was the absence of accu- implant placement of implants with a flat-­to-­flat connection resulted
rate soft tissue measurements (Vervaeke et al., 2014; Galindo-­Moreno in more bone loss. Crestal bone loss was minimized by moving the
et al. 2015). implant–abutment interface away from the bone, suggesting a spatial
In the present study, soft tissue dimensions were measured using relationship between the inflammatory reaction around the implant–
an ultrasonic device. This is a non-­invasive alternative for histologic abutment interface and crestal bone loss for flat-­to-­flat connections.
measurements (Anderegg, Metzler, & Nicoll, 1995; Tomasi et al., 2014) (Hermann, Cochran, Nummikoski, & Buser, 1997).
or bone sounding (Eger, Müller, & Heinecke, 1996; Olsson, Lindhe, & More recently, Cochran and coworkers (Cochran et al., 2013) showed
Marinello, 1993; Studer, Allen, Rees, & Kouba, 1997; Wara-­aswapati, that subcrestal placement of platform-­switched implants with a coni-
Pitiphat, Chandrapho, Rattanayatikul, & Karimbux, 2001). The ultra- cal connection does not result in additional bone loss. On the contrary,
sonic device was validated by Eghbali and coworkers. They described the bone was maintained and remained stable over time. In the present
a strong correlation between ultrasonic and micro-­CT measurements. study, no additional bone loss was observed in the test group after initial
Also, repeated ultrasonic measurements demonstrated very consis- bone remodelling, suggesting that subcrestal implant placement.
tent results. Hence, they concluded that ultrasonic soft tissue mea- Subcrestal implant placement may not be feasible for all implant
surements are reliable, accurate and non-­invasive (Eghbali, De Bruyn, surfaces as well. Hammerle and coworkers demonstrated that subcr-
Cosyn, Kerckaert, & Van Hoof, 2014). estal placement of a smooth implant collar resulted in bone loss on the
A recent systematic review scrutinizing the effect of gingival bio- smooth surface up to the level of the rough implant surface (Hämmerle,
type on crestal bone loss concluded that, at present, there is insuf- Brägger, Brügin, & Lang, 1996). In the present study, implants with a
ficient evidence to determine a causal effect of thin soft tissues on moderately rough surface were used and restored with machined ti-
crestal bone loss around dental implants (Akcalı et al., 2016). On the tanium Locator abutments. The aim was to maintain the bone around
contrary, another recent systematic review, including meta-­analysis, the moderately rough implant surface after initial bone remodelling.
favoured thick tissues in terms of initial crestal bone maintenance One could argue that subcrestal placement of a titanium abutment
(Suárez-­López Del Amo, Lin, Monje, Galindo-­Moreno, & Wang, 2016). may result in bone loss. However, it was clearly demonstrated in the
Hence, one can conclude that the literature is inconclusive, and it was control group of the present study that equicrestal implant placement
suggested that more well-­designed, controlled studies are needed to with machined titanium abutments resulted in inferior bone levels in
elucidate this important issue. Therefore, a controlled split-­mouth de- patients with inadequate soft tissue dimensions (Figure 2). On the
sign was chosen for the present study to further investigate whether contrary, subcrestal implant placement, driven by biology, providing
soft tissue dimensions affect initial bone remodelling. space for biologic width formation, resulted in nearly perfect bone
In the present study, patients with thin soft tissues consistently levels after healing. Nevertheless, it did not prevent initial bone loss,
showed bone loss around the control implant. Bone loss, as a result and in most test implants, the bone even had to be reduced slightly
of initial bone remodelling, was not avoided around test implants. in order to install abutment. The radiograph in Figure 2 may suggest
However, subcrestal implant placement avoided early implant surface direct contact between the crestal bone and the machined abutment
exposure. Consequently, bacterial colonization of the implant surface surface (Figure 2j). However, this was never the case.
can be avoided. It is well known that this bacterial colonization may In six patients, implants were submerged as a consequence of in-
induce peri-­implantitis (Quirynen, Abarca, Van Assche, Nevins, & van sufficient primary stability. Submerged control implants showed no
Steenberghe, 2007). Long-­term follow-­up of the present study popula- bone alterations during the submerged healing time. However, bone
tion is not yet available. However, there is evidence that patients with remodelling occurred during the first 3 months after the second-­stage
VERVAEKE et al. |

F I G U R E   4   Bone level changes around

test and control implants in submerged
(S) and non-­submerged (NS) healing. The
control group demonstrates that biologic
width formation takes place after implant
placement for non-­submerged implants
and after the second-­stage surgery
for submerged implants. Test implants
demonstrated nearly perfect bone levels
irrespective of the submerged or non-­
submerged healing

surgery. These findings are in accordance with Hermann and cowork- Anderegg, C. R., Metzler, D. G., & Nicoll, B. K. (1995). Gingiva thickness
ers, comparing crestal bone changes around submerged and non-­ in guided tissue regeneration and associated recession at facial fur-
cation defects. Journal of Periodontology, 66, 397–402. https://doi.
submerged implants (Hermann et al., 1997). On the contrary, Astrand
and coworkers described that bone loss can occur during submerged Astrand, P., Engquist, B., Dahlgren, S., Gröndahl, K., Engquist, E., & Feldmann,
healing (Astrand et al., 2004). Also, in cases with unintentional cover H. (2004). Astra tech and brånemark system implants: A 5-­year prospec-
screw perforation during submerged healing, a significant bone de- tive study of marginal bone reactions. Clinical Oral Implants Research,
15, 413–420.
struction (2 mm) has been described, probably as a consequence of
Berglundh, T., & Lindhe, J. (1996). Dimension of the periimplant mucosa:
biologic width formation (Van Assche, Collaert, Coucke, & Quirynen, Biologic width revisited. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 23, 971–973.
2008). However, these findings are based on a limited sample size.
Hence, care has to be taken with the interpretation of the data. Future Broggini, N., McManus, L. M., Hermann, J. S., Medina, R. U., Oates, T. W.,
Schenk, R. K., … Cochran, D. L. (2003). Persistent acute inflammation
studies with larger sample sizes are needed to elucidate this topic.
at the implant-­abutment interface. Journal of Dental Research, 82, 232–
Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that ini- 237.
tial bone remodelling is affected by the soft tissue thickness. Implants Cochran, D. L., Mau, L. P., Higginbottom, F. L., Wilson, T. G., Bosshardt, D.
placed at sites with thin mucosal tissues show inferior crestal bone lev- D., Schoolfield, J., & Jones, A. A. (2013). Soft and hard tissue histo-
logic dimensions around dental implants in the canine restored with
els. However, anticipating biologic width re-­establishment by adapting
smaller-­diameter abutments: A paradigm shift in peri-­implant biology.
the vertical position of the implant to the soft tissue thickness may
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 28, 494–502.
avoid unforeseen peri-­implant bone loss. The latter may lead to expo-
sure of the implant neck and may hamper aesthetics as well as increase Eger, T., Müller, H. P., & Heinecke, A. (1996). Ultrasonic determination of
the risk for peri-­implant pathology. Whether the findings of this study gingival thickness. Subject variation and influence of tooth type and
clinical features. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 23, 839–845. https://
are valid for all implant systems needs to be further investigated.
Eghbali, A., De Bruyn, H., Cosyn, J., Kerckaert, I., & Van Hoof, T. (2014).
Ultrasonic assessment of mucosal thickness around implants: Validity,
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& Wang, H. L. (2016). Influence of soft tissue thickness on peri-­
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implant marginal bone loss: A systematic review and meta-­analysis.
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retrospective study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 35, 76–79.

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