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MKT10007 Team Plan Outline – Assignment 2

Tutorial Day & Time:


Name Swinburne email address Mobile When available for online

number. meetings


Group work is a normal and accepted practice in both business and academic study.

As per COVID-19 protocols all group work is to be conducted remotely. Do NOT meet face-to-face.
Group work can be done remotely via email, Google docs, Facebook messenger, and/or What's App
groups or other platforms that are mutually agreed by your group. You can video conference using
Skype or Zoom. Video content for Assignment #3 can be recorded individually and then spliced
together by a group member.

Group work can be challenging and groups are reminded that working collaboratively is an essential
work life skill.

Groups that need guidance with group work should email their Tutor to discuss any issues that may

Week 3;

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1. One member (nominate someone) will complete the above table on this Team
Plan document and scan & email it to the other members. OR Share via
mobile phone your mobile numbers and email addresses and note your
availabilities for meetings.

2. One member will set-up a Facebook page or Google Docs and enrol all
Group members.

3. Set date (within a week of today) for first group meeting via Skype, Zoom

4. Everyone prepares for the first meeting by

a. going to Canvas > Assignments > Assignment 2 and:

b. reading the Assignment 2 Document and Rubric and

c. familiarising themselves with the three IBIS industry reports,

d. reading “What makes a good Group member?” and “The Group’s

Assessment of the Group’s Performance.”

e. Studying the Week 2 Lecture and Online Study materials regarding the
Marketing Environment.

5. Hold the first meeting and decide upon the following:

a. Which of the three Industries the Group will study?

b. Within that Industry, what Brand will each Group member study for
Assignment 2.

6. Once this has been done each Individual member can start work on
Assignment 2, which is an Individual Assignment. Suggestion is to start with
the data gathering tasks.

Weeks 4 to 6:

1. Hold group meetings as needed using Zoom or Skype.

2. Use your Facebook or Google Docs page for storing and exchanging
information about the Industry and the Brands that will be useful for:

a. Individuals as they work on Assignment 2 AND/OR

b. For the Group when you come together to do Assignment 3 – the

Group Assignment.
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Week 7;

Monday - each individual member finalises their Assignment 2.

Sunday - this is the deadline for submission.


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