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Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and

biomimetic chemistry
F. C. Meldrum

The study of biomineralisation oVers valuable

Nature is adept at controlling mineralisation insights into how mineralisation processes can be
processes to produce single crystals and controlled under ambient conditions to produce both
polycrystalline and amorphous structures with single crystal and polycrystalline structures, and has
remarkable morphologies and mechanical prompted a range of studies using biomimetic routes
properties. Calcium carbonate is one of the most to control the synthesis of inorganic solids.1–7
common biominerals, and as such has received Biomimetic strategies provide an attractive alternative
considerable attention, both in terms of research to high temperature syntheses, especially in appli-
into the processes used in vivo to control
cations where substrates cannot be exposed to high
calcification, and application of identified
strategies to control precipitation synthetically. temperatures.5 In comparison with vapour phase
After providing an initial description of the methods of thin Ž lm formation, solution techniques
structure and properties of calcium carbonate, this are cheaper, may oVer faster deposition rates, and
review will examine the mechanisms used by importantly, temperature sensitive materials can be
organisms to influence calcium carbonate deposited.3 Given the demand for advanced materials
nucleation and growth and will then demonstrate such as semiconductors, biomedical devices and
how identified control strategies have been optical and electronic Ž lms which require control
applied to synthetic systems. The emphasis of the over the size, orientation, phase and morphology of
review is on biomimetic engineering of calcium
the component crystals, a detailed study of biomimetic
carbonate which is considered in three principal
sections: control of crystal growth using soluble processes will have important technological impact.6,8
additives, crystal growth in confinement and Calcium carbonate is one of the most abundant
calcium carbonate deposition on solid substrates. biominerals, and as such, has received considerable
IMR/385 interest from many branches of science. In particular,
the mechanical properties of these structures have
The author is in the Department of Chemistry, Queen long fascinated, and frequently exceed all expectation
Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1
4NS, UK (
for such a traditionally poor engineering material as
calcium carbonate.9,10 These properties derive from
© 2003 IoM Communications Ltd and ASM International. the composite character of CaCO biominerals, and
Published by Maney for the Institute of Materials, Minerals in particular the organisation of the components.10
and Mining and ASM International. Mollusk nacre provides an example of a polycrystal-
line calcium carbonate biomineral with excellent
mechanical properties. Despite having a very low
organic content (~1%), this material is superior to
Introduction most other composite ceramics in stiVness, strength
The inorganic structures formed by organisms provide and toughness.11,12 and nacre is 3000 times more
a unique inspiration for materials design. Perhaps the resistant to fracture than a single crystal of pure
most immediately striking aspect of biominerals is aragonite.13 These properties can be attributed to the
the range of truly exquisite and unique morphologies structural organisation of nacre, which comprises
observed, which are frequently entirely disparate from layers of interlocking aragonite platelets separated by
their synthetic counterparts. Structurally, biominerals a thin layer of organic material. When a crack propa-
are typically composite materials, being intimately gates through nacre it passes around the platelets by
associated with organic macromolecules, and are a tortuous path,12,14 causing the plates to spring
often hierarchically organised on a scale from ang- apart, and extending the organic sheets.11,14 The
stroms to millimetres. Nature necessarily achieves this organic ‘adhesive’ between the plates appears to be
degree of control under ambient conditions, key in the fracture resistance of this material,15,16 and
employing specially designed macromolecules to elongates by pulling open folded domains and loops,
manipulate crystallisation processes. The organic or breaking interchain bonds.16
macromolecules are a vital component of the mineral, The material presented in this review will examine
being involved in nucleation and growth control, and the mechanisms used by organisms to in uence cal-
deŽ nition of mechanical properties. In consequence, cium carbonate nucleation and growth, and will then
although precipitated under ambient conditions, demonstrate how identiŽ ed control strategies have
biominerals often exhibit superior mechanical prop- been applied to synthetic systems. The synthetic sys-
erties, which is particularly important when they are tems are subdivided into three principal sections:
being exploited for skeletal roles. Clearly, nature has control of crystal growth using soluble additives,
evolved mechanisms to in uence crystal growth to crystal growth in conŽ nement and calcium carbonate
a degree unparalleled in any in vitro environment, deposition on solid substrates. This discussion is
producing mineralised structures that are perfectly preceded by an initial description of the structure and
optimised to their function within an organism. properties of calcium carbonate. The subject of bio-
DOI 10.1179/095066003225005836 International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3 187
188 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

mineralisation has been covered in detail in a number combination with crystalline phases, and so it may
of excellent reviews,2,17–25 and thus emphasis will be be more common than is currently believed.
placed on biomimetic strategies. That so many biomi- Calcite is the most abundant carbonate mineral,
metic studies have focused on control of calcium being somewhat more stable than aragonite under
carbonate growth can be attributed to the fact that ambient conditions.17,28 However, both forms are
nature has already clearly demonstrated that it is common because the radius of the calcium ion is very
possible to control virtually any aspect of this mineral, close to the limiting value for the transition from the
from morphology, texture and polymorph to orien- rhombohedral carbonate structure to that of the
tation and assembly. Calcium carbonate therefore orthorhombic aragonite structure.28,29 Traditionally,
provides a ‘test case’ to demonstrate that the mechan- the calcite structure is often considered by analogy to
isms used in biology can be applied in synthetic NaCl, where the Na+ and Cl– ions are replaced by
systems to control crystal nucleation and growth. Ca and CO groups respectively, and the unit cell is
Extension of these studies beyond calcium carbonate distorted to3 accommodate the large planar CO2Õ
is likely to lead to novel methods for the construction ions to give a face-centred rhombohedral cell.17,28 3
of synthetic materials with optimised properties. Calcite can be described by a number of unit cells,
including the cleavage cell (morphological rhombo-
hedron) which is commonly used in morphological
Calcium carbonate crystal studies and contains four CaCO units. The
Polymorphs of calcium carbonate 3
smallest unit cell is the acute rhombohedron contain-
CaCO exists in a variety of polymorphic forms, of ing two CaCO units. For convenience, a hexagonal
which there are three anhydrous crystalline poly- unit cell which3 has the same height as the rhombo-
morphs, calcite, vaterite and aragonite, and two well hedral cell, and contains six CaCO units is often
3 organisation
used (Fig. 1a). This cell clearly shows the
deŽ ned hydrated crystalline polymorphs, calcium car-
bonate hexahydrate (CaCO .6H O) and calcium car- of the calcite structure, in which the Ca2+ and
bonate monohydrate (CaCO 3 .H2 O). An amorphous CO2Õ ions are located in alternate layers, perpendicu-
3 2 exists. Calcite and 3
form of calcium carbonate also lar to the c axis, and spaced at intervals of c/12. The
aragonite, which have similar thermodynamic stabil- CO groups are identically oriented within a layer,
ities under standard conditions,17 are both common and the orientation reverses between adjacent layers.
in biological and geological samples (Table 1). Each Ca2+ ion has six immediate CO neighbours,
oriented such that one oxygen from each 3 forms the
Vaterite is metastable with respect to calcite and
aragonite, and is extremely rare in nature, being immediate neighbours of calcium. Each Ca ion thus
detected as a minor component of only a few bio- occupies an octahedral environment of O atoms.
mineralised structures, and not in geological samples. Aragonite is described by an orthorhombic unit
There are few examples of the calcium carbonate cell in which the metal ions exist in a pseudohexagonal
monohydrate in biology, and none of the hexahydrate, arrangement. In common with calcite, the Ca and
although the latter has been found naturally26,27 in CO groups are organised in alternate layers perpen-
3 to the c axis, with the plane of the CO groups
sea water at temperatures from ­ 3 to 3°C. Current dicular
lying perpendicular to the c axis (Fig. 1b).17,30 In
available information suggests that amorphous cal-
cium carbonate (ACC) is also rare in nature. However, aragonite however, the CO layers are split into two
this phase is easy to overlook when it is present in layers parallel to the a axis 3 such that they appear

Table 1 Occurrence of calcium carbonate in biology: adapted from Ref. 25

Mineral Formula Organism Location Function
Calcite CaCO3 Coccolithophores Cell wall scales Exoskeleton
Foraminifera Shell Exoskeleton
Mollusks Shell Exoskeleton
Crustaceans Crab cuticle Mechanical strength
Birds Eggshells Protection
Echinoderms Lens Optical imaging
Mammals Inner ear Gravity receptor
Mg–calcite (Mg,Ca)CO3 Octocorals Spicules Mechanical strength
Echinoderms Shell/spines Strength/protection
Aragonite CaCO3 Scleratinian corals Cell wall Exoskeleton
Mollusks Shell Exoskeleton
Gastropods Love dart Reproduction
Cephalopods Shell Buoyancy device
Fish Head Gravity receptor
Vaterite CaCO3 Gastropods Shell Exoskeleton
Ascidians Spicules Protection
Amorphous CaCO3 . nH2 O Crustaceans Crab cuticle Mechanical strength
Echinoids Larval spicules Precursor phase
Porifera Spicules Strength/protection
Ascidiacea Spicules Mechanical strength
Plants Leaves Calcium store

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Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 189

1 Schematic diagrams of a hexagonal unit cell of calcite; b unit cell of aragonite, with additional CO23 Õ
groups outside cell shown to demonstrate coordination of Ca ion; and c subcell of vaterite, where
c¢ = c/2: reprinted from Ref. 17 with permission from Springer

corrugated. DiVerences also exists in the Ca coordi- saturating the solution with carbon dioxide, and
nation between calcite and aragonite. While each Ca reprecipitated on release of the carbon dioxide from
in the aragonite structure is also surrounded by six the solution. Third, exposure of a calcium ion solution
CO groups, three CO groups are bonded via two to ammonium carbonate results in calcium carbon-
3 3
oxygens, while the remaining three are bonded by ate precipitation. Calcite is typically precipitated at
one oxygen each, leading to nine immediate oxygen room temperature,33 while aragonite is produced
neighbours. All of the Ca–O distances in aragonite as solution temperatures approach 100°C (Refs.
are substantially greater than in calcite, which at Ž rst 34–36). Syntheses of pure vaterite have also been
sight seems at odds with the greater density of aragon- reported.37–39
ite than calcite; more eYcient packing of the CO Precipitation of these metastable phases is favoured
groups occurs in aragonite. by increasing the rate of precipitation, lowering tem-
As the third non-hydrated form of CaCO , vaterite perature and by the addition of certain addi-
is described by a hexagonal unit cell (Fig.3 1c). The tives.26,40–42 Both the hydrated calcium carbonates,
Ca and CO groups are again organised in alternating CaCO .6H O and CaCO .H O, are unstable towards
3 to the c axis, but in contrast to aragon-
layers parallel 3
conversion 2into the anhydrous
3 2 carbonates.17,26,40,42–44
ite and calcite, the plane of the CO groups is parallel The hexahydrate form can be prepared in the
to the c axis.17,31 While rare in nature, vaterite is a absence of additives at low temperatures,26,41,45 and
common synthetic product of solution precipitations is stabilised by additives such as polyphosphate
and high temperature preparations, being kinetically and Mg.26,40–42,46 In dilute solutions near 0°C,
favoured under certain conditions and subsequently CaCO .6H O is less soluble, and therefore more
transforming to a more stable polymorph.31,32 stable 3than 2CaCO .H O.46 Control of temperature is
The formation and stability of the CaCO poly- 3 preparation
not as crucial for the 2 of calcium carbonate
morphs are highly sensitive to the experimental con- monohydrate, which can be prepared at room temper-
ditions, such as temperature, supersaturation and the ature in the presence of Mg.42 Monohydrate is also
presence of additives. There are three general ways of formed on transformation of ACC in Mg solution.26,27
precipitating calcium carbonate from aqueous solu- Amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) is formed as
tion. First, solutions containing the calcium and car- aggregates of spherical particles by homogeneous
bonate ions can be mixed. The second method precipitation under conditions of high supersat-
involves dissolution of calcium carbonate in water by uration, and has been described26,27 as having com-
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190 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

position CaCO .1·5H O. It is highly unstable, rapidly a mechanism for the occlusion of Mg in the product
transforming to3 the more
2 stable CaCO polymorphs calcite phase. Magnesian calcite is also more soluble
but transformation can be retarded 3 by low than pure calcite, which may lead to a decrease in
temperatures.26,27,41,43,44,47 the thermodynamic driving force for crystallis-
ation.56,57 Adsorption of hydrated Mg2+ ions on
Influence of metal ions on calcium carbonate aragonite crystals does not pose a serious kinetic
precipitation obstacle to their growth since Mg2+ ions are not
incorporated into the aragonite lattice. Thus, when
Precipitation of calcium carbonate in nature fre- the critical supersaturation for aragonite is exceeded,
quently occurs in the presence of metal ions, which aragonite rather than calcite is precipitated.17,51,56
can have signiŽ cant eVects on the polymorph and Magnesian carbonates of geological origin display
habit of the crystals produced. Of the alkali metals, a wide range of morphologies and compositions, as
Li is the only one to exert a signiŽ cant in uence on dictated by factors such as the temperature, CO2Õ
calcite and aragonite growth.32 The alkali metal ions concentration, the Mg/Ca ratio, the growth rate and 3
occupy interstitial positions in the calcite structure, solution saturation.51,57,61–64 While conditions of low
and in the case of the small Li+ ion, large quantities Mg/Ca can only yield low Mg-calcites, elevated
are incorporated within the calcite lattice, causing Mg/Ca ratios can give calcites with highly variable
distortion of the surface structure. Addition of Li+ Mg contents. Magnesian calcite containing in excess
ions therefore retards the growth of calcite, and the of 10 mol-%Mg is more soluble than aragonite, and
transformation of aragonite and vaterite to cal- so is thermodynamically unstable with respect to this
cite.32,48 Lithium also aVects the habit of precipitated phase.56 Syntheses leading to the precipitation of high
calcium carbonate,49,50 resulting in calcite crystals Mg-calcites often rely upon control of kinetics, such
with well developed, basal (0001) faces. As the (0001) as occurs during crystal growth in gels,57,65,66 or on
face is homonuclear, and the carbonate ions are not combination of high concentrations of CaCl /MgCl
close packed, interstices large enough to accommo- solutions with sodium bicarbonate solution. The 2 latter2
date the Li+ ions are present. Adsorption of Li+ ions reaction yields high Mg-calcites that are unstable
on this face may lead to its preferential stabilisation towards continued incubation in solution.67,68
by neutralisation of the surface dipole, without neces- Synthesis of Mg-calcites in the presence of organic
sitating surface reconstruction.49 Aragonite crystals additives provides a biomimetic route towards stabil-
grown in the presence of Li+ ions were characterised isation of high Mg-calcite and inhibition of aragon-
by well deŽ ned outgrowths, consisting of six prismatic ite.55,60,65,69–71 Further discussion of the precipitation
side faces, truncated by a (001) face.50 of Mg-calcites in biology is given in the section
Many divalent metal ions can partially replace the ‘Magnesium incorporation’, below.
Ca2+ ions in calcite, and thus aVect CaCO precipi- Atomistic simulations of calcite surfaces have
tation by a diVerent mechanism. The solid solution shown that kinetic eVects of surface-incorporated Mg
of MgCO in calcite is one of the most important ions can lead to morphological changes in single
carbonate 3 solid solutions in nature, and will be crystals of calcite.72 Mg2+ is preferentially adsorbed
considered separately (see following section). on {100} faces, stabilising them relative to other faces.
Manganese rich calcite has been synthesised from Experimental observations on the growth of single
solution of up to 16 mol-%Mn, and natural samples crystal magnesian calcites suggest that, in practice,
have been analysed as containing between 0 and Mg2+ interacts speciŽ cally with the {011} faces of
50 mol-%Mn. The substitution of Fe2+ for some Ca calcite.73 These crystal faces exhibit alternating
is also quite common, and in natural samples, anionic and cationic sites and the cations may be
5–10 mol-%Fe is known.29 Barium and strontium, suYciently far apart to facilitate adsorption of the
having a larger ionic radius than calcium, preferen- relatively large, hydrated Mg2+ ion. Magnesian cal-
tially incorporate into aragonite rather than calcite, cites elongated along the c axis and capped with
and suppress aragonite formation.32 Indeed, the most {104} faces have been crystallised from water–alcohol
important chemical substitution in aragonite bio- mixtures,59,74 and on combination of CaCl /MgCl
minerals is Sr and with few exceptions, skeletal ara- solutions with sodium bicarbonate solution.67,71 2 2
gonites have Sr/Ca ratios generally close to that of Synthetic Mg-calcites with Mg contents in excess of
sea water.30 5–7% are invariably polycrystalline aggregates. If
both the growth and dissolution of the subcritical
Formation of Mg-calcites nuclei are suYciently inhibited by adsorbed Mg2+
ions, then the critical size required for further growth
The Mg2+ ion has a signiŽ cant eVect on CaCO
precipitation and, when present in suYcient concen-3
can only be reached by aggregation of subcritical
nuclei, and the supercritical nuclei become polycrys-
trations, generally results in the precipitation of ara-
talline.75 Synthetic Mg-calcite polycrystalline aggre-
gonite rather than the thermodynamically favoured
gates exhibit a far wider range of morphologies than
phase, calcite.17,51–56 The Mg2+ ion is more strongly
their single crystal counterparts, displaying forms
hydrated than Ca2+ and is strongly adsorbed on the
including peanuts, dumbbells, spheres, and oöid-like
surface of the growing calcite crystal, poisoning active
growth sites.17,51,57 Dehydration of the Mg2+ ions
prior to incorporation in the calcite lattice creates a
barrier to the growth of calcite nuclei.17,58,59 This Calcium carbonate biomineralisation
eVect may be overcome by the initial formation of an Biomineralisation is very common in nature and over
amorphous precursor phase,60 and may also provide 60 diVerent biominerals are recognised. The calcium
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Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 191

based minerals represent approximately half of these, polysaccharides, which are generally sulphated and
and include both calcium carbonate and calcium carboxylated.78,79 Some common partial sequences of
phosphate, which are important in skeleton forma- amino acids have also been identiŽ ed, consisting of
tion. The predominance of Ca biominerals probably runs of poly-Asp and alternating sequences with poly-
re ects its abundance in the ocean, and the low Asp at every other residue, commonly separated by
solubility products of many of its salts. It is also either glycine or serine.78 This sequence exhibits reg-
widely used as a messenger in cells, which requires ular repeating negative charges which may bind Ca2+
eYcient removal to the cell exterior by ion pumps.18,24 ions and could be signiŽ cant in controlling crystal
Examples of calcium carbonate biominerals are given growth. In addition, poly (aspartic acid) can adopt a
in Table 1. b-sheet structure on binding to Ca, which appears to
Biomineralisation has been divided into two funda- be important in enabling structured interaction with
mentally diVerent classes, based on the degree of crystal faces. IdentiŽ cation of common sequences
biological control.19,21,25 The precipitation of a min- enables synthetic analogues of macromolecules active
eral as a result of interactions between an organism in crystal growth control to be designed.
and the environment, when little control is exerted Adsorption of control macromolecules to the
over the mineralisation process, is termed ‘biologically framework matrix could provide a further route to
induced’ mineralisation. In ‘organic matrix mediated manipulation of crystal nucleation and growth.22
mineralisation’ the organism directly controls miner- Oriented nucleation of calcium carbonate on a sub-
alisation. Here, control over mineralisation relies strate appears to depend upon the degree of organis-
upon a number of key stages, some or all of which ation of the nucleating organic matrix.8,80 The rate
may be involved in the precipitation of a given of nucleation of calcium carbonate can also be
mineral: conŽ ning a space, forming an organic matrix increased, and the morphology altered, by immobi-
framework, controlling ion input, constructing a lised control macromolecules, while the same proteins
nucleation site, controlling crystal orientation and acting from solution can inhibit crystal growth.79,81,82
growth and terminating crystal growth. The Ž rst The diVerence in behaviour between the immobilised
crucial step in control of mineralisation is the initial and free protein can be attributed to conformational
isolation of space, which is usually achieved using changes and rigidity on binding to a solid substrate.
cellular membranes, vesicles or predeposited macro-
molecular matrix frameworks. Sophisticated control
can be achieved by further functionalisation of the Crystal nucleation
mineralisation environment using organic macro- Selection of the number, orientation and structure of
molecules. In this way, the number and orientation crystals produced within a given environment occurs
of nucleating crystals can be dictated, as is necessary at nucleation. Oriented nucleation must be deŽ ned
to produce materials with superior properties. by an organised substrate, as simple concentration of
positive ions at a negatively charged substrate (an
ionotropic eVect) should be non-speciŽ c with respect
Organic macromolecules to crystal orientation and would be expected to yield
Organisms clearly cannot manipulate parameters the most stable polymorph.22 In vitro experiment has
such as temperature or pressure, as is commonly done demonstrated that biological macromolecules are
synthetically to control crystal growth. Alternatively, active in controlling crystal orientation.83,84 The
there is signiŽ cant experimental evidence that nature aspartic acid rich proteins extracted from either the
uses organic macromolecules to produce minerals of calcitic or the aragonitic layer of a bivalve were
selected size, phase, morphology, texture and adsorbed on glass, producing a surface which
assembly. At the most basic level, the isolated site at nucleated calcite crystals from the (001) face. The
which mineralisation occurs comprises a structured crystals then continued to grow into solution to
organic matrix. This can vary from simple intercellu- develop regular, rhombohedral morphologies.83,84
lar lipid vesicles, to more complex extracellular mac- The ability of the proteins to induce oriented
romolecular frameworks such as the organised nucleation was attributed to their rigidity and adop-
collagen Ž brils in bone. The three-dimensional shape tion of a b-sheet conformation after binding to the
of the mineralisation site can play a key role in substrate. In this conformation, the carboxylate
determining the Ž nal morphology of the crystals groups of the aspartic acid moieties emerge in a
formed. planar array, which is available for binding to the
The majority of calcium carbonate biominerals also crystal.
contain organic macromolecules within the mineral Mollusk shell nacre has provided an excellent
at levels of up to a few weight per cent. In vitro system in which to study biological control over
growth of CaCO crystals in the presence of macro- nucleation, as there is a well deŽ ned relationship
molecules isolated3 from calcium carbonate biominer- between nascent crystals and the underlying organic
als by gentle dissolution has demonstrated interaction matrix (Fig. 2). Aragonitic nacre comprises layers of
with speciŽ c crystal planes. This suggests that these tabular aragonite crystals which are separated by
‘control’ macromolecules may be important in mor- interlamellar organic sheets, and are further delin-
phological and textural control. Characterisation has eated laterally by vertical organic sheets, producing
shown that the control macromolecules are usually stacks of polygon shaped crystals.17,85,86 In all mol-
highly negatively charged and contain carboxyl, sul- lusks the c axes of the aragonite tablets are oriented
phate and phosphate groups. Aspartic acid and glu- perpendicular to the shell surface, and the a and b
tamic acid are common, as are covalently bound axes of the crystals within a stack are co-aligned.
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
192 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

sheets, rather than from de novo nucleation of each

tablet on the organic sheet, although this opinion
remains controversial. Evidence for the mineral
bridges and pores in the organic matrix were obtained
from AFM study of the aragonitic nacreous layer of
the bivalve Atrina sp.,88 and of the ‘ at pearls’ pro-
duced on insertion of an abiotic substrate into the
gastropod Haliotis rufescens.89 The ‘ at pearls’ are
faithful biochemical, crystallographic and ultrastruc-
tural reproductions of the components of the native
shell and are deposited by an identical growth
sequence.90,91 The mineral bridges directly link the
crystals in a single stack such that each stack of
tabular crystals is continuous in structure and is
actually a single crystal.
Selection of polymorph at nucleation could be
achieved either by inhibiting the nucleation of a stable
form, or via preferred nucleation of a metastable
form.22 The former mechanism is achieved using
organic molecules, which bind to crystals of the stable,
but not the metastable form. This can delay nucleation
enough to allow crystallisation of the less stable form.
Given that the most frequently nucleated planes of
calcite and aragonite are the (001) faces, which are
virtually identical in the arrangement of Ca ions, it is
unlikely that calcite/aragonite polymorph selectivity
2 Schematic diagram of relationship between is determined by the structure of the nucleation site
organic matrix and aragonite crystals in mollusk alone. A cooperative mechanism may exist where the
shell nacre: reprinted from Ref. 128 with substrate proteins are responsible for nucleation and
permission from Oxford Univeristy Press orientation, while an inhibitor of the stable poly-
morph selects the metastable polymorph.22

Separate stacks may be aligned or randomly oriented,

according to the species. The structure of the organic Polymorph selection
matrix appears to be key in controlling the orientation Many organisms are highly skilled in the selection of
of the aragonite crystals, due to the well deŽ ned calcium carbonate polymorph, and a number of
spatial relationship between the matrix and inorganic experiments have suggested that the organic control
crystal. The organic matrix typically comprises thin macromolecules can select either for aragonite or
layers of b-chitin, sandwiched between layers of silk calcite. Mollusk shell, which comprises both calcitic
Ž broin-like proteins in a b-sheet conformation, onto and aragonitic layers has again enabled calcite/
which acidic macromolecules, which may also adopt aragonite polymorphism to be studied. Calcium car-
a b-sheet structure, are adsorbed.87 The chitin poly- bonate was grown on the nucleating protein sheets
mers and the protein–polypeptide chains are ortho- isolated from a mollusk, in the presence of proteins
gonally aligned, in a plywood-like construction. extracted from the aragonitic, or the calcitic layer of
The aragonite crystals nucleate at speciŽ c sites on the shell.92 In the absence of soluble proteins, rhombo-
the predeposited matrix such that the a and b axes hedral calcite crystals nucleated on the protein sheet,
of the aragonite lattice are aligned with the directions whereas calcite crystals with spherulitic morphologies
of the chitin Ž bres and the protein Ž bres respectively. were produced in the presence of the calcite derived
Binding of Ca2+ ions to the oriented proteins could proteins. SigniŽ cantly, the aragonite derived proteins
mimic the arrangement of ions in the ab face of the induced the formation of aragonite crystals, which
nascent aragonite crystal, and thus cause the crystal had needle morphologies and were oriented in the
to nucleate with its c axis perpendicular to the nucleat- plane of the nucleating protein layer. When a mixture
ing surface. This structural relationship is valid even of the aragonitic and calcitic proteins were used,
in mollusks where the stacks of crystals are randomly aragonite crystals were again precipitated on the
oriented, suggesting in this case that the matrix is nucleating membrane, but were in the form of  at,
composed of a mosaic of relatively ordered areas.85 polycrystalline plates that were oriented on (001)
After nucleation, the aragonite crystals continue to faces. Detailed examination showed that these plates
grow rapidly in the c direction, and initially exhibit comprised oriented stacks of crystals, similar in form
the typical needle-like morphology of aragonite. to molluscan nacre.
When the crystals reach the surface of the next matrix Growth of calcite seed crystals in solutions of the
layer, their growth terminates in this direction, but proteins yielded similar results.92 The aragonitic pro-
continues laterally. teins resulted in an overgrowth of aragonite needles
It has been suggested that alignment within a stack on the rhombohedral faces of the calcite crystals,
of aragonite crystals derives from mineral bridges while the calcitic proteins caused calcite overgrowth.
that pass through pores in the interlamellar organic Transition of layers from calcite to aragonite and
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Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 193

back to calcite again was also demonstrated on

addition of the appropriate proteins. The results
therefore demonstrated that while the nucleating pro-
tein sheet controlled the orientation of the calcite
primer layer, and the insoluble proteins of the matrix
deŽ ne the plate thicknesses, the soluble proteins are
then active in controlling further aspects of shell
growth such as crystal polymorph and morphology.
It has also been suggested that the insoluble organic
matrix may play a role in polymorph control. Calcium
carbonate was deposited on a substrate constructed
from b-chitin, silk Ž broin and soluble macromolecules
obtained either from the calcitic or aragonitic layers
of shells, an organisation which mimics that present
in the mollusk.93,94 Crystallisation on partial or com-
plete substrate assemblies resulted in the formation
of CaCO spherulites on the surface and inside the
chitin scaVold. The complete matrix assembly induced
calcite growth inside the chitin when calcitic macro-
molecules were used, and aragonite when the macro-
molecules had been extracted from an aragonite
layer.93 The ability of the macromolecules extracted
from the calcitic or aragonitic shell layers to induce
the speciŽ c nucleation of calcite and aragonite crystals
respectively was only achieved with the complete
substrate assembly.
Polymorph selectivity in this system appeared to
rely on both specialised macromolecules and a con-
trolled microenvironment.94 The b-chitin framework
has a porous layered structure that would allow
diVusion of ions and macromolecules into the struc-
ture, while the silk is essential for the adsorption of
the macromolecules. The macromolecules which pro-
moted calcite nucleation are strongly polyanionic and
more strongly acidic than aragonite inducing ones.
They may have provided a strong binding site for
Ca2+ ions, creating a high local supersaturation. In
contrast, the macromolecules that promote aragonite 3 Micrographs of a spine and b skeletal plate of
nucleation are unique to the aragonite layer. The sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrograma
structural features of macromolecules active in ara-
gonite selection were investigated by fractionating the
macromolecules extracted from the aragonite nacre- morphologies, the spines and skeletal plates of sea
ous layer of a mollusk and adsorbing them to the urchins are single crystals of calcite.
chitin–Ž broin matrix.94 One fraction which comprised Biominerals with such complex morphologies
6 mol-% of the total amino acids was unique in cannot possibly form through the action of additives
supporting massive crystallisation of needle shaped alone.25 As emphasised above, biologically controlled
aragonite crystals within the chitin layer. This fraction mineralisation takes place within localised volumes,
was absent in the proteins extracted from the calcite whose structure and microenvironment exerts an
layer. Aragonite crystals of similar morphology were external control over crystal morphology. Biological
produced when a protein of sequence poly (Asp-Leu) control over crystal growth is time dependent, as
was adsorbed on the matrix. demonstrated by the evolution of morphologies with
time. For example, the Ž rst deposit in the formation
of a sea urchin larval spicule is a regular rhombo-
Crystal growth hedron of calcite, which clearly forms with minimal
Following nucleation, the growth of crystal nuclei external control.95 As growth continues, the organism
must be controlled to produce desired shapes, sizes actively modulates the crystal morphology to generate
and textures. Every crystal has a characteristic morph- a single crystal with tri-radiate structure. Morphology
ology, which is governed by the crystal structure and may be determined by controlled ion  ux through
symmetry, and the conditions in which the crystal ion pumps and channels into the mineralisation site.
grows. Organisms override this basic growth form Change in the activity or positioning of ion pumps
using a combination of mechanisms to produce crys- and channels during crystal development may lead
tals whose overall morphologies often bear no relation to crystal growth in preferred directions. Alternatively,
to the symmetry of the crystal lattice. An excellent growth may be promoted in speciŽ c locations by
example is provided by the skeletal elements of sea introduction of storage granules of enriched ions or
urchins (Fig. 3). Despite their intricate sponge-like amorphous material into the mineralisation site. The
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
194 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

physical form of the compartment in which mineralis- Direct evidence of the interaction of biological
ation occurs is also of fundamental importance in macromolecules with the faces of growing crystals
control of crystal morphology. Many biominerals, has been obtained using AFM. Immersion of a geo-
such as the calcite scales produced by coccoliths,96 or logical calcite crystal in a saturated calcium carbonate
sea urchin larval spicules,97 form within vesicles with solution, in the presence of intracrystalline proteins
deŽ ned shapes and grow until they impinge upon the extracted from calcitic and aragonitic layers of the
vesicle, which then eVectively acts as a mould. The red abalone Haliotis rufescens, resulted in changes in
size and shape of the vesicle may be altered during the structure of the (10.4) faces.107 In the absence of
the crystal growth process. added proteins, the calcite (104) face showed straight
There is considerable experimental evidence that step edges with some kinks, and sharp corners
the soluble macromolecules occluded within calcium between diVerent step edges. After brief exposure to
carbonate biominerals may also play a role in control solutions containing calcite derived proteins,107 the
of crystal morphology. Indeed, calcium carbonate corners between step edges had become rounded, and
precipitated in vitro in the presence of isolated the step edges appeared more convoluted and kinked.
macromolecules has shown modiŽ ed crystal The proteins agglomerated at the step edges and
morphologies,98,99 and speciŽ c crystallographic inter- appeared to attach more strongly to step edges than
actions.73,100–104 These molecules may possess struc- to the terraces. The aragonitic proteins had markedly
tural motifs that match the atomic arrangement on diVerent eVects on crystal growth, causing step edges
one set of crystal planes, causing the additive to to become highly convoluted, terraces to become
interact with and stabilise these faces. The occluded extremely rough, and ultimately resulted in the cess-
macromolecules are unique to a particular biomineral. ation of crystal growth.108 Examination of the atomic
Further, speciŽ c moieties present on extracted pro- structure of the calcite {104} face also demonstrated
teins interact diVerently with growing calcite crys- a change in the lattice structure consistent with over-
tals.104 Following adsorption to speciŽ c crystal faces, growth of aragonite from a (001) plane.
the macromolecules become overgrown and are SpeciŽ c interaction between proteins rich in
occluded within the crystals, as demonstrated by aspartic acid and calcite have also been predicted by
calcite crystals grown in the presence of  uorescence energy optimisation calculations.109 Studies using
labelled sea urchin macromolecules.102 AFM showed that polyaspartate containing up to 20
Much of the validity of these experiments depends residues bound to the calcite (0001) surface as parallel
upon the extracted macromolecules retaining the arrays, whereas polyanionic protein extracted from
same conformation as they exhibit in the in vivo oyster shell, (which has domains of Asp ) bound as
situation. In order to preserve the in vivo protein globular molecules on this surface. In contrast, oyster
conformation as far as possible, biological calcite shell proteins appeared to bind with a speciŽ c orien-
crystals have been immersed in CaCl solution, which tation, along (11Â 0) terraces parallel to the c axis.
results in local dissolution of the crystal surface and Molecular simulations on the interactions of poly-
release of macromolecules. Slow diVusion of CO into aspartate in the b-pleated sheet conformation and
the solution then results in epitaxial overgrowth 2 of calcite crystal faces demonstrated that binding to the
synthetic calcite on the biogenic crystals.103,105 In all (0001) plane was strongest. Binding to (11Â 0) prism
cases the overgrowth crystals displayed new, well faces is also energetically favoured, and is selective
deŽ ned faces which demonstrates speciŽ c interaction for orientations parallel and perpendicular to the c
of the released macromolecules with certain crystal axis. Binding to the (110) faces is signiŽ cantly weaker
faces. The crystals deposited on sea urchin elements and orientation non-speciŽ c, due to the diVerent
showed the same set of faces as produced with the orientation of the carbonate ions in this face. Binding
macromolecules extracted by full dissolution of the to (104) faces is weak, which is consistent with the
calcium carbonate biomineral. As the majority of common exhibition of unmodiŽ ed (104) cleavage
polyelectrolytes would be anticipated to interact non- planes.
speciŽ cally (and thus produce particles with rounded A recent paper has suggested that control of crystal
surfaces), this suggests that these biological macro- morphologies with organic molecules relies upon
molecules have evolved to bind to speciŽ c faces. binding of organic molecules to the surface step edges
The role of biological growth additives in con- rather than single crystal faces.110 The Ž nal crystal
trolling crystal morphology has also been demon- morphology is therefore the product of both stereo-
strated by incubating pieces of molluscan, aragonitic chemical recognition and the eVects of binding on the
nacre in a continuous  ow of sea water in which the interfacial energies of the growing crystal. An AFM
carbonate ion concentration had been enhanced by a study of the growth of the calcite (10.4) face in the
factor of two.106 This solution falls within the pH and presence of the chiral molecules D-aspartic acid and
ion concentration range of mollusk extrapallial  uid. L-aspartic acid showed that interaction with the
Aragonite growth occurred on the nacre surface as a crystal steps was asymmetric. Modelling of the inter-
continuation of the existing structure and took the action of these molecules with the step edges suggested
form of needle-like extensions of the (001) surface that D-Asp binds to the (014Â ) riser such that one of
rather than the characteristic layered tablets. This its negatively charged carboxyl groups completes the
suggests that once the organism has controlled the coordination of calcium ions, whereas the positively
nucleation of aragonite, it could continue to grow charged (NH+ ) group remains in registry with the
inorganically from the extrapallial  uid. The role of 3 the surface. At the step, the remaining
positive ions at
the soluble macromolecules may then be in morpho- carboxyl group can bind to the two adjacent {10.4}
logical control. surfaces. In contrast, the carboxyl group of D-Asp
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 195

does not closely match the carbonate groups on the

(11 4 ) riser. The speciŽ c amino acid enantiomers there-
fore bind to the step edges that oVer the best geometric
and chemical Ž t. This changes the step edge free
energies, which in turn results in macroscopic crystal
shape modiŽ cations.

Modulation of crystal texture

Beyond control of morphology, organisms have also
developed strategies to produce single crystals with
mechanical properties far superior to their synthetic
counterparts, a characteristic that is essential if the
crystals are to be used for mechanical support and
protection. An example is provided by the skeletal
elements of echinoderms. Despite being single crystals
of calcite, these fracture with diYculty to give con-
choidal fracture surfaces (Fig. 4), and have strength/
weight ratios exceeding those of many man made 4 Micrograph of fracture surface of skeletal
construction materials such as brick and con- plate of sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrograma
crete.111,112 These properties occur because sea urchin showing conchoidal fracture surfaces
calcite occludes ~0·1 wt-% organic macromolecules
and is eVectively a composite material.9,23,113–115 tions therefore provides information on the location
These macromolecules interfere with crack propa- of the macromolecules.
gation along the cleavage planes, and reinforce the Textural measurements of biogenic calcites showed
crystal against fracture. While it is often stated that that the texture of each crystal is an intrinsic property
the fenestrated structure interferes with crack propa- that varies between taxonomic groups.118 A series of
gation, this is actually incorrect for a brittle material single crystal, calcite sponge spicules, which varied
such as calcite.9 Measurement of the Young’s modulus according to morphology, were studied to determine
of simple (non-fenestrated ) sea urchin larval spicules the relationship between the crystallographic axes
gave a value four times lower than inorganic calcite, and overall morphology.101,117 Measurement of
in a direction parallel to the length (and the c axis), coherence lengths along diVerent crystallographic
demonstrating that they are unusually resistant directions enabled the average shape of domains to
to bending.114 The spicules are also stronger than be determined, and revealed a distinct correlation
inorganic calcite and have a higher resistance with the overall morphology of the spicules.
to fracture.115 Generally, longer coherence lengths were present in
The ability of occluded organic molecules to crystallographic directions close to the morphological
enhance the fracture properties of single crystals has axes of the spicules. However, this was only true for
been demonstrated through microindentation experi- spicules containing occluded macromolecules and no
ments.23 Similarly, the fracture properties of crystals correlation was detected for pure calcite spicules.101
grown in the presence of macromolecules extracted Some of the spicules studied exhibited morpho-
from a sea urchin and from the calcitic prismatic logies inconsistent with the symmetry of the calcite
layer of a mollusk were modiŽ ed as compared with lattice.117 In these spicules, the measured coherence
control crystals grown in the absence of protein.102 lengths of symmetry related faces were not ident-
The control crystals fractured along {104} planes, ical.101 This suggests that control beyond speciŽ c
producing smooth surfaces and well deŽ ned steps. protein–crystal interactions must be operative, cre-
Crystals with occluded mollusk proteins were brittle ating an anisotropic environment for crystal
and tended to disintegrate readily, with broken sur- growth.105 This could be achieved through oriented
faces showing a series of {104} steps. In contrast, nucleation of a crystal from a speciŽ c crystallographic
crystals containing sea urchin proteins cleaved much plane, such that it grew in one direction only.
less readily, producing conchoidal fracture surfaces. Macromolecules could then be adsorbed on speciŽ c
Detailed studies on the incorporation of macro- planes that are exposed during growth. This two-
molecules within biological single crystals have been stage mechanism was supported by  uorescence label-
carried out using high resolution synchrotron X-ray ling experiments, which revealed that deposition of
diVraction (XRD).101,105,116–119 While deŽ nition of a curved monaxon spicules occurs from one spicule
single crystal suggests that it is defect free, this is extremity. Growth then proceeds along one direction
clearly never valid. Real crystals contain defects that towards the sponge external surface.105
are described in terms of the coherence length (the The distribution of defects was also investigated in
size of perfect crystalline domains) and the domain a series of synthetic calcite crystals grown in the
spread (the misalignment of the crystalline blocks). presence of macromolecules extracted from selected
Defects in biogenic crystals are principally caused by biogenic calcite crystals,116,119 including young and
occlusion of macromolecules which are too large to mature sea urchin spines.116 Macromolecules
be incorporated into the perfect lattice of a single extracted from the young and mature spines had
crystal. Measurement of the coherence length and identical eVects on calcite crystal morphologies,
domain spread along diVerent crystallographic direc- inducing the formation of well developed, stepped
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
196 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

{10l} (l # ­ 1·5) faces, in addition to {104} faces. An spicules resulted in ACC that was stable to transform-
XRD study of these crystals showed that coherence ation in the dry state in excess of three months. In
lengths were smaller in the [100] as compared with contrast, the proteins extracted from the calcitic por-
the [110] direction, which was consistent with prefe- tion of the Clathrina spicules induced the formation
rential adsorption of proteins on the {100} as com- of calcite crystals with well formed (001) faces.
pared with {110} planes, as had been suggested by Organisms can also control the transformation of
the morphological studies. Comparison of these data ACC into calcite. Mineralisation in sea urchin larvae
with measurements made on sea urchin spines surpris- represents the Ž rst example in biology of ACC acting
ingly demonstrated that a higher degree of molecular as a transient precursor to single crystal calcite.122,126
recognition occurs between the macromolecules and Crystal growth in sea urchins is intracellular, and
growing crystals for the synthetic calcite crystals than occurs within a membrane delineated compartment.
for the immature spines. These results suggest that Following formation of an oriented calcite crystal
cellular activity acts to override the tendency of the within this compartment, growth continues by
macromolecules to be directed to speciŽ c planes addition of ACC, and the mineral deposit gradually
only.116 transforms into a single crystal of calcite. During the
Ž rst stages of spicule growth, ACC is present in
relatively large amounts, as compared with the crys-
Amorphous calcium carbonate talline component. The proportion of ACC decreases
Amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) is highly on aging of the spicule. The transformation process
unstable and rapidly transforms into a crystalline of the biogenic ACC is much slower than for synthetic
phase. In contrast, biogenic ACC can be stable for ACC but is also signiŽ cantly faster than the crystallis-
long periods of time, demonstrating that organisms ation of dried spicules isolated from the larvae. This
deliberately inhibit crystallisation. The beneŽ ts that suggests that crystallisation in vivo must be mediated
organisms obtain from ACC remain a matter of by the organism.
speculation.21,22 Study of the moult cycle of a terres- SpeciŽ c macromolecules appear to be involved
trial isopod has demonstrated that ACC can act as a in the stabilisation of ACC in sea urchins.127
temporary storage site.120 During the biphasic moult Fractionation of the organic matrix extracted from
cycle of this animal, about 40% of the cuticular spines of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus
calcium is stored in the form of amorphous calcium was carried out to produce O-glycoprotein and
deposits, before being rapidly incorporated into the N-glycoprotein fractions, fractions containing ter-
new soft cuticle. Storage of calcium in the form of minal sialic acids, and two organic matrix proteins
ACC facilitates its rapid mobilisation during (SM30 and SM50). Labelling experiments showed
regrowth. Similarly, amorphous 25 nm Ca-polyanion that these components were not homogeneously
particles have been observed as intermediate struc- distributed throughout the spine stereom. The
tures during coccolith formation in the coccolitho- N-glycoproteins were preferentially located in the
phorid alga Pleurochrysis carterae.121 inner core and were postulated to be involved in
It has also been suggested that ACC may possess the stabilisation of an ACC phase.
advantageous mechanical properties, since amorph-
ous materials have no intrinsic fracture planes,22 that
it could provide an organism with buoyancy, or that Magnesium incorporation
it may provide a mechanism for more rapid skeleton An intriguing aspect of biological calcites is that they
formation.122 Amorphous materials may also be often contain Mg as a solid solution within the calcite
important in morphological control as they have no lattice. Levels of a few per cent to around 20% are
preferred morphology, and could potentially be common,128–133 and values of 44% have been
moulded into more intricate structures than crystal- observed in sea urchin teeth.17 Single crystals of
line materials.21 Investigation of the structures of Mg-calcite are also common, which directly contrasts
some ACC biominerals using EXAFS has shown that with room temperature laboratory syntheses of high
biogenic ACCs can be structurally distinct.123,124 Mg-calcites which produce crystals that are almost
Biogenic ACC may potentially contain some short without exception polycrystalline. Both the role of
range order which could be important in deŽ ning the Mg incorporation in biological calcite, and the
mechanism of subsequent crystallisation and poly- mechanisms by which organisms control the pre-
morph selection.123 cipitation of single crystals of Mg-calcite are
Stabilisation of ACC again involves specialised unclear.59,60,70,73,74,85
macromolecules. This has been demonstrated by Polycrystalline high Mg calcites can be precipitated
extraction of glycoproteins from ACC contained in from aqueous solution in the presence of organic
spicules from the sponge Clathrina and from the additives that chelate the Mg2+ ions.55,60,65,69–71
ascidian Pyura pachydermatina.125 The Clathrina spic- CaCO has been grown in agar gels containing cal-
ules are composed of a crystalline calcite core, a thick 3
cium-binding polysaccharides isolated from cal-
layer of ACC, and a thin outer coating of calcite, careous algae, which resulted in an enhanced ratio of
while the Pyura spicules only comprise ACC. The magnesian calcite to aragonite and magnesian calcites
proteins contained within the ACC of both spicules containing up to 7·5%MgCO .65 Similarly, mag-
were quite distinct from those within the calcite nesian calcite was almost the sole phase precipitated
component of the Clathrina spicule. In vitro precipi- from solution in the presence of macromolecules
tation of CaCO in the presence of the macro- extracted from the alga Corallina elongata.60 The
molecules extracted from the ACC phases of the calcites contained 11–14%Mg and exhibited either
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 197

spherical or dumbbell morphologies, although a oxylates (of generic structure HO C–(CH ) –CO H )
smaller number of elongated particles containing up and the in uence of subtle changes 2 2 n additive
in the 2
to 21 mol-%Mg were also observed. The Mg-calcite structure was studied.134 Of the non-functionalised
phases formed via an amorphous phase. Magnesium dicarboxylate molecules, malonic acid (n=1) was the
in solution increases the supersaturation prior to most eVective in inducing a morphological change.
crystallisation, which in turn results in the rapid At a Ca/additive ratio of ~3, crystals were elongated
precipitation of the amorphous phase. The amorph- parallel to the c axis, were capped with rhombohedral
ous phase was signiŽ cantly stabilised in the presence {104} end faces, and displayed curved {11 0} faces
of the organic macromolecules. approximately parallel to the axis of elongation.
It has been suggested that Mg incorporation may Similar morphologies were observed with the other
be relevant to morphological control.60,71,74 Indeed, non-functionalised dicarboxylate molecules, but this
Mg2+ ions interact speciŽ cally with the {011} faces eVect was reduced with increase in the chain length.
of calcite and can cause elongation along the c The morphological changes were considered to
axis.59,73,74 Stabilisation of an amorphous phase as a re ect the interaction of the organic additive with
precursor to the crystalline phase could provide a crystal faces. A high degree of molecular recognition
mechanism for enabling a high concentration of Mg between the crystal face and additive results in the
to enter the calcite lattice, and could additionally appearance of a set of symmetry related faces. The
provide a route to morphology control. In the biologi- crystal faces of calcite lying parallel to the c axis are
cal situation, Mg2+ ions may be delivered to a characterised by carbonate groups oriented perpen-
growing crystal in a partially dehydrated state due to dicular to the face. As the additives must interact
complexation with organic macromolecules, which with the crystal via bidentate binding of the carb-
may promote incorporation within the calcite struc-
oxylate groups, these crystal faces may be stabilised
ture.73 Indeed, precipitation of magnesium calcium
via stereoselective adsorption of the acids. That
carbonate from water–alcohol solutions in which the
increase in the chain length reduced the eVect of the
Mg2+ ions are less hydrated resulted in Mg-calcites
additives suggests that cooperative binding of the
with Mg contents up to 14 mol%.59
carboxylate groups may occur in the case of the short
Soluble additives chain additives, while the carboxylate groups behave
independently in the longer chain additives.
Calcium carbonate is common and of low toxicity Functionalisation of the lower acid chains had a
and as such is used for a wide range of purposes marked eVect on crystal morphology. Crystals grown
including neutralising agents, Ž llers and cements. in the presence of aspartate (a-aminosuccinate)
Given the frequency of adventitious calcium carbon- exhibited well deŽ ned {11 0} prismatic faces at
ate precipitation, it is also important in Ž elds such as Ca/additive=17, whereas c-carboxyglutamate had a
geology, the chemical industry and water treatment. pronounced eVect at ratios as high as 85. The
Traditional routes to crystal growth control rely upon increased eVect of these modiŽ ed additives can be
manipulation of such variables as supersaturation, attributed to the cooperative eVect of the functional
reactant  owrates, temperature and pressure. An groups present.
alternative to these techniques gains inspiration from
biological systems, and uses organic molecules as
additives to control crystallisation and produce pow- Peptide design to control calcite morphology
ders with homogenous particle sizes and shapes. Due
to the relevance of calcium carbonate precipitation A number of a-helical peptides were synthesised with
to many industries, there is clearly a wealth of litera- well deŽ ned structures designed to interact with
ture regarding the application of additives to growth speciŽ c calcite faces.135 While some information has
control. The description of calcium carbonate control been obtained on the amino acid sequence of isolated
using soluble additives given in the present review is intracrystalline proteins, these proteins are typically
therefore not intended to be exhaustive, and will focus diYcult to characterise and little information is avail-
on biomimetic approaches. able on their secondary structures. Synthetic peptides
The principal drive of the work described in this with well characterised secondary structures therefore
section is in understanding how control over calcium enable the role of the secondary structure in protein–
carbonate polymorph and morphology by soluble crystal binding to be investigated. a-helical proteins
additives can be rationalised in terms of the structure were selected as they can be synthesised with well
of the additives. This is described for a range of deŽ ned secondary structures and can be active in
molecules varying from relatively simple species such controlling biological crystal growth.
as a, v-dicarboxylates, to more complex molecules Peptides were synthesised containing an array of
such as block copolymers, which can exert signiŽ cant aspartate residues that were postulated to interact
control over polymorph and morphology according with the {11Â 0} face of calcite, and were added to
to the functional groups present and the size of the growing rhombohedral calcite seed crystals. The helix
blocks. Of note also is the design of peptides in which content of a synthesised calcium binding peptide
not only the primary, but also the secondary structure, designated CBP1 was 89% at 3°C and 42% at 25°C.
is designed to interact with speciŽ c crystal faces. At 3°C, CBP1 produced crystals elongated along the
[001] direction, with rhombohedral {104} caps. At
Calcification in presence of functionalised and 25°C epitaxial crystal growth occurred on the six
non-functionalised a, x-dicarboxylates {104} faces to give protrusions that tapered towards
Calcite was precipitated in the presence of a series of the end, producing ‘studded’ crystals. The rhomboid
functionalised and non-functionalised a, v-dicarb- surfaces were frequently truncated at the acute cor-
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
198 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

5 Schematic diagram of poly(propylene imine)

dendrimer modified with long chain alkyl
chains: reprinted from Ref. 137 with permission
from the Royal Society of Chemistry

ners, resulting in an hexagonal shape, which suggested

that growth occurred along an axis with hexagonal
symmetry. This idea was conŽ rmed by the obser-
vation of CBP1 labelled with  uorescein on the newly
formed non-rhombohedral surfaces only. That CBP1
interacts diVerently with the growing crystals at 3
and 25°C can be attributed to the loss in structural
order at room temperature, and consequent non-
speciŽ c binding to calcite. Indeed, other synthesised
peptides of low helical content also interacted to
produce studded growth.

Calcification in association with dendrimers 6 Electron micrographs of calcium carbonate

Dendrimers represent a relatively new class of organic particles produced in presence of octadecyl-
molecules, and when applied as additives, can be amine/modified poly(propylene imine) den-
drimers after a 4 and b 14 days: reprinted from
eVective in controlling both the morphology and Ref. 137 with permission from the Royal Society
phase of calcium carbonate.136,137 SigniŽ cantly, selec- of Chemistry
ted dendrimers are also active in stabilising amorph-
ous calcium carbonate (ACC) and can support the
coexistence of both ACC and calcite. These properties aliphatic chains (Fig. 5).137,138 Intercalation of surfac-
are characteristic of biological systems, in which the tants into the exposed long chains on the dendrimer
highly unstable ACC phase is stabilised by specialised then generates a new class of amphiphile whose size,
organic macromolecules (see above). shape, exposed surface groups, and surface charge
Precipitation of CaCO in the presence of poly (ami- density can be readily modiŽ ed according to the
doamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers (generation G=1·5) structure of the selected surfactant. The dendrimer/
bearing external carboxylate groups was initiated by surfactant species formed aggregates, which varied in
simultaneous injection of CaCl and (NH ) CO solu- size and structure according to the surfactant used.
2 42 3
tions into the dendrimer solution until a sudden While octadecylamine (ODA)/dendrimer aggregates
increase in turbidity was observed.136 Stirring was were polyhedral in shape and 250 nm in diameter,
then continued for a further 4 days under nitrogen. cetylammonium bromide (CTAB)/dendrimer aggre-
Under these conditions, 1–2 mm spherical vaterite gates were 20 nm in size and less rigid in structure.
particles, with a dendrimer content of 33 wt-% were Sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS)/dendrimer aggregates
produced. Notably, when the Na salt of PAMAM were 140 nm in size, and exhibited an approximately
was employed, only ACC was detected after 4 days. spherical morphology.138
As an elegant route to systematically changing the Within 15 min of introduction into a saturated
surface chemistry of dendrimer molecules, poly (prop- calcium carbonate solution, dendrimers functionalised
ylene imine) dendrimers were modiŽ ed with long by intercalated ODA had supported the growth of
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 199

7 a crystalline aggregate containing helical protrusion, resulting from addition of 10 mg mLÕ 1 poly(a,L-
aspartate); b helical particle etched with 0·2% acetic acid for 10 min, neutralised with 0·1M NaOH, and
rinsed with distilled water: reprinted from Ref. 139, ©1998, with permission from Elsevier Science

ACC. After 4 days, the solution comprised large ACC aspartate) with growing calcium carbonate crystals
particles of diameter " 10 mm (Fig. 6a), together with in solution was shown to produce some remark-
calcium carbonate particles with rhombohedral mor- able particle morphologies.139 Additive levels of
phologies, formed by growth of calcite over a spherical 5–30 mg mLÕ 1 induced the formation of aggregates
ACC nucleus (Fig. 6b). Continued aging increased the of rounded particles, which frequently grew quite
proportion of rhombohedral particles. Formation and remarkable helical protrusions (Fig. 7a). The helices
stabilisation of ACC was attributed to the low charge and supporting crystal aggregates were vaterite, and
density, and high rigidity of these aggregates, which both right and left handed helices were formed, even
limits the nucleation and growth of the crystalline in the presence of achiral poly (a,b-D,L-aspartate).
polymorphs. Binding of the aggregates to the ACC Acid etching of the rounded particles and helices
surface, and possible incorporation within the ACC revealed spherulitic textures and the presence of a
particles, may also have limited transformation into ‘membrane’ which appeared not simply to be a pre-
crystalline polymorphs.137,138 In contrast, dendrimers cipitated form of calcium poly (aspartate) (Fig. 7b).
modiŽ ed by CTAB did not support ACC precipi- Hollow helices that may have represented an inter-
tation, producing instead calcite crystals covered with mediate growth form were occasionally observed, and
vaterite discs. Loss of the vaterite phase occurred on appeared to have grown inward from the membrane
continued incubation of the solution. The positive template rather than from a central core.
charge of the CTAB modiŽ ed dendrimer aggregates At additive concentrations of 10–30 mg mLÕ 1, a
will cause adsorption of carbonate ions, which highly birefringent inorganic Ž lm initially formed in
is believed to promote vaterite formation.137,138 streaks and patches on the glass slide at the base of
Addition of the SDS/dendrimer aggregates to the the crystallisation dish. The Ž lms were either mosaic
CaCO solution resulted in 1–20 mm spheres, which or spherulitic in structure, and appeared to control
3 the type of particles produced. Mosaic Ž lms were
principally comprised organic material. Over 4 days,
precipitation of calcite crystals incorporating the composed of interconnected single crystals, princi-
organic spheres occurred. The SDS/dendrimer species pally of rhombohedral calcite, while Ž lms with spheru-
strongly bind Ca2+ ions which results in their agglom- litic texture had vaterite lobes and helices associated
eration, and consequent depletion of free Ca2+ ions with them, suggesting that they may have developed
in solution. Precipitation of CaCO in the solution is into the membrane surrounding the particles. Some
3 Ž lms also contained a proportion of calcium carbon-
therefore retarded.138
ate hexahydrate, which may have been stabilised by
the polymers, and could have formed as a precursor
Calcium carbonate growth in solutions of to the more stable non-hydrated phases.
poly(aspartate) This work was extended to form calcium carbonate
Poly(aspartate) is considered to provide a structural Ž lms by a polymer induced liquid precursor (PILP)
analogue to many biological control macromolecules, process.140 DiVusion of ammonium carbonate vapour
which contain repeated runs of aspartic acid. The into a CaCl solution containing poly-a,L-aspartate
interaction of low concentrations of the charged 2
or poly-a,b,D,L-aspartate resulted in the phase sep-
polypeptides poly (a,L-aspartate) and poly (a,b-D,L- aration of 2–5 mm amorphous droplets (the so called
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
200 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

PILP phase) from the solution, and accumulation of showed very rough surfaces parallel to the long axis,
these particles on the cover slide placed in contact suggesting that the polymers interacted speciŽ cally
with the upper surface of the solution. The droplets with crystal faces lying parallel to the c axis.
then coalesce to form a continuous isotropic Ž lm. A series of detailed studies have been carried out
With time, crystal tablets nucleate and grow within using polymers constructed from a poly (ethylene
this amorphous Ž lm, and ultimately spread laterally glycol ) (PEG) block, and a selected hydrophilic
to form a continuous crystalline Ž lm. These Ž lms are block.141–144 The in uence of experimental variables
composed of either single crystal areas of calcite, or such as pH, polymer concentration, ionic strength,
spherulitic patches of vaterite. In addition to the and the ratio of polymer functional groups to the
crystalline thin Ž lms, other crystal products including mineral was determined for calcium carbonate pre-
aggregates of distorted calcite crystals and the helical cipitation in the presence of poly (ethylene glycol)-
protrusions of vaterite (described in detail in Ref. 139) block-poly (methacrylic acid) (PEG-b-PMAA).142
were often observed. Notably, addition of magnesium Control experiments performed using PEG and
at a ratio Mg/Ca=5 promotes the PILP process PMAA homopolymers produced rhombohedral and
such that only thin Ž lms are produced, without associ- rounded particles (comprising aggregates of 40 nm
ated crystal aggregates. The role of poly (aspartate) in crystals) respectively, indicating that PEG has no
the PILP mechanism is envisaged as sequestering and in uence on crystal morphology, while the carboxylic
concentration of the ionic species, while delaying the groups of PMAA bind strongly, but non-speciŽ cally
nucleation and growth of crystalline phases long to the mineral surface. The PEG-b-PMMA caused
enough to generate a metastable solution. The soluble dramatic changes in particle morphology. At a poly-
acidic macromolecules associated with the vast mer concentration of 0·2 g LÕ 1, a CaCO concen-
majority of minerals are considered to behave simi- tration of 8 mmol LÕ 1 and pH 10, twinned 3 calcite
larly during biomineralisation processes. crystals with a ‘peanut’ morphology formed. At pH 9
Poly(aspartate) has also been demonstrated to be the particles assumed rodlike morphologies, while
active in modifying the morphology of vaterite increase in pH to 10·5 and 11 resulted in a mixture
particles.50 Precipitation of calcium carbonate in the of ellipsoidal particles and irregular starlike aggre-
presence of a linear poly (a,b-aspartate), resulted in gates. Reduction in the polymer concentration to
vaterite particles, which formed as 50–500 mm aggre- 0·1 g LÕ 1 at pH 10 produced rodlike or branched
gates of rounded, disc shaped units with unusual particles with rugged and faceted surfaces. Further
helicoid outgrowths. The outgrowths appeared to reduction in the polymer concentration to 0·05 g LÕ 1
comprise either a right or left handed stack of disc resulted in ineVective control over polymorph and
shaped vaterite crystals aligned along their c axes. At morphology.
early stages of growth, a surface membrane was Increase in the polymer concentration beyond
observed on the aggregates, which was considered to 0·2 g LÕ 1 at 8 mmol LÕ 1 CaCO and pH 10 produced
have been a CaCO –peptide gel generated on adsorp- calcite particles with dumbbell morphologies, while
tion of the poly (aspartate) on the growing crystals. increase to 1 g LÕ 1 resulted in particles where the
dumbbell heads had grown back over to give almost
spherical morphologies. The Ž rst species to form
Control of calcium carbonate precipitation during the precipitation of these particles was a
using block copolymers polymer stabilised amorphous intermediate. With
Recent work has demonstrated that double hydro- time, a number of large spherical particles were
philic block copolymers are very eVective in con- produced, suggesting that while nucleation of calcite
trolling the morphologies of calcium carbonate from the amorphous precursor is fairly slow, sub-
particles.141–145 These polymers comprise one block sequent growth is rapid. Continued aging resulted in
that interacts strongly with the mineral surface and a an increase in the number of particles and precipi-
second block which interacts only weakly with the tation of smaller peanuts and dumbbells. The calcium
mineral surface. The structure of the polymer can be carbonate concentration also aVected the morphology
carefully controlled to independently vary the prop- of the precipitated particles. At pH 10 and 0·2 g LÕ 1
erties of the two functional blocks, and thus to control polymer, a 4 mmol LÕ 1 CaCO concentration
the overall in uence of the polymer on particle produced peanut shaped calcite particles, while
morphology. 16 mmol LÕ 1 resulted in a mixture of spherical vater-
The Ž rst experiments investigating the in uence of ite particles and poorly deŽ ned calcite particles.
block copolymers on calcium carbonate precipitation The in uence of the functional groups on the
utilised anionically polymerised poly (ethylene oxide)- hydrophilic block of the polymer was investigated
block-poly (methacrylic acid) (i.e. PEO-b-PMAA) using the copolymers listed in Table 2.141,143 Calcium
polymers.145 Investigation into the behaviour of the carbonate was prepared in the presence of a range of
separate polymer blocks showed that the PEO homo- double hydrophilic block copolymers using a double
polymer had no eVect on CaCO precipitation, jet reactor,143 and the crystals produced were incu-
whereas the PMAA homopolymer suppressed crystal- bated in the solution for 12 months prior to isolation.
lisation, leading to the precipitation of irregularly The particles produced in the presence of PEG poly-
shaped calcite particles of diameters less than 2 mm. mers containing only one terminal functional unit
The PEO-b-PMAA polymers also induced calcite (COOH, Asp, EDTA) were calcite, and were typically
precipitation, but produced markedly diVerent crystal large crystals of ill deŽ ned morphology or aggregates.
morphologies. The crystals were elongated along the The only exception were the bis-phosphonated groups
c axis, were capped by well deŽ ned {10.4} faces, and which produced smaller crystals, with roughly spheri-
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 201

cal morphologies and consisting of calcite and vater- (PEG-b-PEI), and functionalisation with –CO H,
ite. The most eVective crystal growth inhibitors were –SO H, –PO H and –SH groups.144 All the polymers 2
the bis-phosphonate, followed by the EDTA moieties, 3 3 2
investigated in uenced particle morphology, and typi-
while the COOH group oVered the weakest eVect. cally produced spherical particles comprising aggre-
In contrast, all of the block copolymers had a gated nanoparticles. The lengths of both the PEI
speciŽ c eVect on crystal growth, and produced block and the hydrophobic group deŽ ned how eVec-
particles with well deŽ ned morphologies. All particles tive the polymers were in stabilising the CaCO
were in the micrometre size range, and many exhibited particles against aggregation. A number of polymers3
spherical morphologies. The PMMA, and PMAA- produced alternative particle morphologies. A poly-
Asp block copolymers induced the formation of mer with a long PEI block, modiŽ ed with COOH
spherical calcite particles; monophosphonation of the groups, and a rather long hydrophobic group (PEG-
COOH groups of PEG-b-PMAA lead to very well b-PEI-COC H (CH COOH) ) produced a range
17 35 2 n
deŽ ned spherical particles that were 75% vaterite and of morphologies, according to the reaction time. At
25% calcite and comprised aggregated nanocrystal- early times, the particles were predominantly rodlike
lites. Spherical vaterite/calcite particles with well (calcite) or spherical (vaterite). With time, the vaterite
deŽ ned sizes and smooth surfaces were also obtained particles dissolved and were replaced with the
in the presence of CH O-PEG-b-pAsp. The CH O- rodlike calcite particles, which become overgrown at
PEG-b-PEIPA polymer 3 was unique in producing 3 the ends. A phosphonated polymer, PEG-b-PEI-
pure vaterite in the form of hollow spheres, which COC H (CH CH PO H ) , induced the formation
11 23 2 2 3 2n
were stable in solution for over a year. of hollow vaterite spheres. The spheres were initially
The block length of the polymers had a marked solid, and dissolved from the inside to yield the hollow
eVect on calcium carbonate precipitation. Strong structure. An analogous polymer with smaller PEI
binding did not necessarily correlate with superior block and thus fewer phosphonate groups produced
control over crystal growth, as demonstrated by the similar spheres, but the dissolution process was con-
EDTA functionalised polymer. Whereas no control siderably slower. Hexagonal vaterite particles formed
over CaCO precipitation is achieved when only one in the presence of the sulphonated polymers.
EDTA group 3 is attached to the PEG chain, attach-
ment of an EDTA trimer enables partial control. Control of calcium carbonate precipitation
Substitution of a PEIPA block (eVectively a poly- using homopolymers
EDTA block) yielded hollow vaterite spheres.
Calcium carbonate precipitation in the presence of a
Investigation of the crystallisation inhibition eYciency
series of well deŽ ned water soluble polymers, based
for these polymers demonstrates that the polymers
upon functionalised norbornene monomers, gener-
with one EDTA group and the PEIPA block show
ated using ROMP living polymerisations was investi-
low inhibition eYciency (with the former being slightly
gated.147 Whereas many of the polymers investigated
poorer than the latter), whereas the EDTA trimer
were inactive, polymers derived from the exo,endo-
polymer is markedly more eYcient.143
monomer of 5,6-methylcarboxylates of norborene did
ModiŽ cation of hydrophobic copolymers with a
in uence calcium carbonate precipitation. At a Ca2+ /
controlled number of hydrophobic groups can have
polymer carboxyl group ratio of 10 : 1, calcite crystals
a dramatic eVect on their ability to control crystal
were precipitated, and the nucleation density increased
growth.146 Based on this rationale, a series of hydro-
on increasing the polymer number average molecular
phobically modiŽ ed double hydrophilic block copoly-
weight. All the crystals were of identical morphologies
mers was synthesised by chemical modiŽ cation
and were modiŽ ed on one crystal face only. The other
of poly (ethylene glycol )-block-poly (ethyleneimine),
structural isomers of this monomer did not display
the same degree of crystal growth control.
Table 2 Copolymers used in control of calcium
carbonate precipitation, as described in
Ref. 141 Control of calcium carbonate polymorphs
using ‘latent inductor’
CH3 O-PEG-COOH CH3 O-PEG-EDTA3 It has been suggested that organisms may control
CH3 O-PEG-EDTA CH3 O-PEG-b-PEIPA crystal growth by interaction with the mineralisation
process at speciŽ c stages of crystallisation.148 The
CH3 O-PEG-b-pAsp CH3 O-PEG-CP2 O7 HNa4
potential of this route was investigated by selective
interaction of organic additives with calcium carbon-
Abbreviation Sample ate at diVerent stages of the crystallisation process.
PEG poly(ethylene glycol) CaCO was precipitated by injection of CaCl and
EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 3 2
(NH ) CO solutions into a solution of sodium acry-
PEIPA poly(ethyl-enimine)-poly(acetic acid) 4 2 3
late. Subsequent addition of a radical initiator to the
pAsp poly(aspartic acid)
PMAA poly(methacrylic acid) solution at speciŽ c times resulted in the in situ forma-
PMAA-pAsp poly(methacrylic acid) modified with tion of poly (acrylate). While sodium acrylate has no
aspartic acid, statisatically at every in uence over CaCO precipitation, poly (acrylate)
second group strongly interacts with 3growing crystals. Initiator was
PMAA-PO3 H2 monophosphonated poly(methacrylic added after periods of 1, 3 and 20 min, and resulted
acid) in the precipitation of aragonite, a mixture of vaterite
CP2 O7 HNa4 sodium salt of a bisphosphonated and calcite, and calcite respectively. Poly(acrylate)
COOH may interact with the developing nuclei in solution,
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
202 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

and therefore dictate the polymorph formed, accord- Finally, growth of calcium carbonate with rigid poly-
ing to the structure of the nuclei present at the time mer membranes has produced crystals with morpho-
at which the active additive was generated. logies dictated by the polymer template.

Crystallisation of calcium carbonate in Calcium carbonate growth in gels

presence of colloidal additives The method of crystal growth in gels dates back to
Precipitation of calcium carbonate from a viscous as early as the nineteenth century with the experi-
solution containing hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) in ments carried out by Liesengang, and the observation
a counter-diVusion set-up led to the precipitation of of the bands of crystals known as ‘Liesengang’s
2–3 cm shell-like structures.149 The apparatus com- rings’.151 Experimentally straightforward, the tech-
prised one beaker containing a solution of CaCl and nique typically leads to the formation of large, high
HEC, placed in a second larger beaker Ž lled with quality single crystals. In modern experiments a range
Na CO and HEC solution. DiVusion occurred of gels are used, including silica and gelatin, the
through 3a liquid bridge to precipitate calcium carbon-
structure of which comprises a three-dimensional
ate at a number of sites within the apparatus. In the network. Silica gels are reported to support the
presence of HEC, calcium carbonate precipitated as growth of superior quality crystals and are generally
a 60 mm thick, shell shaped mass attached to the preferred.151 The rate of crystal growth can be con-
outer wall of the inner beaker. The shell comprised trolled according to the density of the gel, and the
closely packed crystals, the inner side being vaterite concentration of the reactant solutions.
and the outer side being principally vaterite, together Two principal methods have been employed to
with small quantities of calcite and aragonite. The precipitate calcium carbonate in silica gels. In the
crystals took the form of Ž nger shaped aggregates Ž rst method, the gel contains the carbonate ions. An
that were oriented in the direction of the shell’s aqueous solution of CaCl (or equivalent) is placed
growth. In turn, each of these aggregates was com- on top of the set gel, and 2 diVusion is allowed.
prised of hexagonal platelets aligned along their c Alternatively, a pure silica gel can be prepared in a
axes and whose thickness increased with increasing U tube and the reagent solutions added to each arm.
HEC concentration. The colloidal species HEC and The reagents diVuse into the gel, and calcium carbon-
potato starch were also investigated as growth addi- ate precipitates where they meet. Unlike the majority
tives.150 Calcite was produced in all experiments, of other gel grown crystals, calcite does not displace
precipitating as unmodiŽ ed rhombohedra in the pres- the gel during growth, but incorporates it within the
ence of HEC, but as thin, rectangular plates in the lattice, producing turbid crystals.151,152 Acid dissolu-
presence of potato starch. tion of these crystals leaves a SiO matrix that main-
2 crystal.152 XRD
tains the form of the original calcite
Crystal growth in confinement studies suggest that the calcite lattice remains unper-
turbed, even though up to 1·7%SiO has been
Controlled crystal growth in biological systems takes
recorded within calcite crystals.152 2
place in localised spaces, which provides the organism
with the opportunity to in uence the environment in Calcium carbonate
which mineralisation occurs. The mineralisation The polymorph and morphologies of calcium carbon-
environment can be of deŽ ned geometry, and in ate precipitated in silica gels depends upon the pH
addition to further functionalisation using organic and the relative and absolute reagent concentrations
macromolecules, the organism can manipulate such of the reactant ions.66,152 One study reported that
variables as the rate and location of ion  ow into the calcite was the sole phase produced at low and high
space. There are clearly many factors that contribute pH values, while clusters and spherulites of aragonite
to control over crystallisation in conŽ nement in vivo, and vaterite were also precipitated66 at pH values
and mimicking these in synthetic models is extremely between 8 and 10. The quantity of aragonite precipi-
challenging. For example, although vesicles can read- tated also depended on the relative reagent concen-
ily be prepared in the laboratory, and have been used trations. The morphology of the calcite crystals was
to localise crystal growth, they provide a poor model pH dependent, and at pH 7–9·5, calcite rhombohedra
of biological crystallisation as ions are not continu- formed. Polycrystalline aggregates with a feathery
ously pumped across the membrane to the site of structure were produced at pH 9·0–10·5, whereas
crystal growth. increase in pH to above 10·5 resulted in spicular or
This section describes a number of diverse systems spherulitic particles.
in which crystal growth occurs in conŽ nement. The Calcite aggregates with unique, non-crystallo-
use of gels to support crystallisation is well known, graphic morphologies have been produced in silica
and has resulted in some truly remarkable morpho- gels.153–157 Experiments were carried by counter-
logies. Precipitation of calcium carbonate in oriented diVusion of Na CO and CaCl solutions into the gel
and non-oriented collagenous matrices has clearly 2 3 The Ž rst2 precipitates observed
in a U shaped cassette.
demonstrated that the microenvironment in which were constructed from sheaf-of-wheat aggregates and
crystallisation occurs can deŽ ne polymorph and fell into two structural types: displaying, or not dis-
orientation of the crystals formed. Surfactant systems playing, a clear banding structure. The rhythmic
have provided a versatile means of controlling miner- structure of the banded precipitates derived from
alisation, producing products ranging from nano- alternating bands of low and high densities of particles
particles in reverse micelles, to particles with ‘micro- (Fig. 8).153–155 Each band was itself formed by a radial
sponge’ textures on evaporation of microemulsions. aggregation of microsheaves, each sheaf comprising
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 203

Mg2+ ions favoured the formation of aragonite in

silica,66 and agar gels.158 Silica gels were used as a
medium in which to precipitate magnesium calcite
crystals over a range of Mg/Ca ratios.159 Both calcite
and aragonite were formed in mixed Ca–Mg solu-
tions, with aragonite predominating when the Mg/Ca
ratio exceeded 2. The calcite crystals occluded Mg
within the crystal lattice, with the percentage of Mg
increasing as a function of the Mg/Ca ratio up to
approximately Mg/Ca=5, where crystals containing
as much as 14–16%Mg were recorded. No inform-
ation was given on whether the crystals produced
were single crystal or polycrystalline aggregates. In
some experiments, aragonite overgrowth of initial
calcite nuclei was observed. As crystallisation of cal-
cium carbonate proceeds in the gel, greater depletion
of Ca2+ than Mg2+ ions occurs, increasing the local
8 Electron micrograph of structure of sheaf-of- Mg/Ca ratio, hence favouring aragonite over calcite
wheat aggregates, formed in silica gels: precipitation.
reprinted from Ref. 153, ©1986, with permission A detailed study on the crystallisation of calcium
from Elsevier Science carbonate in the presence of Mg2+ in silica gels was
carried out in which nucleation behaviour was studied
by measuring the location of the Ž rst precipitate, the
radial Ž bres emanating from a growth centre. The
nucleation density and the time taken for the Ž rst
low and high density bands corresponded to the
crystals to be observed under magniŽ cation (the
centre point and expanded fan ends of the sheaves
experimental waiting period ).57 The pH and concen-
respectively. The non-banded sheaf of wheat aggre- tration of reagents at any point in the gel varied
gates were composed of Ž bres arranged radially from
according to the rate of diVusion and were determined
the centre of the sheaf.
by analysing slices of the gel at diVerent times. On the
In both aggregate types, the individual Ž bres form- basis of this information, the supersaturation of the
ing the sheaves-of-wheat appeared to comprise
solution with respect to the diVerent calcium carbon-
rhombohedral subunits aligned along their c axes.
ate phases was calculated at the point of nucleation.
Indeed, in the growth front adjacent to a growing In the absence of Mg, the Ž rst crystal phase precipi-
aggregate, individual oriented rhombohedra were
tated was always calcite of rhombohedral habit. With
observed without physical contact between them. This
growth, these crystals exhibited dendritic, and sub-
suggests that a connection exists between the existing sequently hopper-like morphologies. As crystallis-
aggregate and new crystals, possibly in the form of a
ation proceeded, spherulites of aragonite precipitated
silicate derived matrix.155,157 The membrane may act
in the region of the gel closer to the Na CO reservoir.
as a substrate for nucleation, could support the epitax- Addition of Mg to the system increased 2 3 both the
ial growth of further CaCO and is likely to be
involved in controlling the arrangement of crystallites
waiting time for nucleation, and the supersaturation
at the position of nucleation, although no change was
within the aggregate.157 The importance of a sili- noted in the position in the column of the Ž rst crystals
caceous membrane in aggregate formation was further
in the gel, nor in the sequence of crystallisation of the
supported by a kinetic study of aggregate formation.
phases. The Mg had a signiŽ cant in uence on calcite
Examination of the rate of growth of aggregate struc- crystal morphologies. Crystals were precipitated in a
tures formed at the gel/glass wall interface suggested
strict morphological sequence. This began with
that growth was not exclusively diVusion controlled,
200 mm spheres with very rough surfaces, and con-
further implicating a silica based matrix in growth tinued with dumbbell-like forms, with early crystals
displaying smooth surfaces and rounded morpho-
Calcite crystals with unusual rounded morpho-
logies, and later members displaying bundle or sheaf-
logies have also been precipitated in silica gels, by like morphologies with some well deŽ ned crystal
double diVusion of CaCl and K C O .156 While the
major product was CaC O 2 , CaCO2 2was
4 also precipi- faces. The sequence ended with single crystals dis-
2 4 3 playing steep, striated {02.1} faces and the tips of
tated due to CO2Õ ions as a signiŽ cant impurity in
3 displayed both singular and non-
the gel. The crystals
crystals were capped by {10.4} faces. The calcite
crystals contained occluded Mg. The single crystal
singular curved faces and contained 0·7%Si, which
species had average compositions of 1·5 mol-%
was evenly distributed throughout the particles. The MgCO while the spherical end members of the series
formation of curved faces was attributed to the growth
contained3 up to 5 mol-%. Microprobe analysis of the
kinetics, as crystallisation in very low concentration
particles demonstrated the existence of Mg zoning,
gradients can produce crystals with curved faces.156 and the highest Mg concentrations were recorded in
Calcium carbonate in presence of Mg2 + the spherical particles which contained 15 mol-
The Mg2+ ion is an important impurity (see %MgCO at the centre, decreasing to 3 mol-% at
‘Formation of Mg-calcites’, above), and as such a the edges.3
number of studies have addressed the eVect of Mg2+ The morphological evolution of calcite crystals
on calcium carbonate precipitation in gels.57,66,158,159 precipitated in the presence of Mg relates to changes
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
204 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

in the growth mechanisms. Mg poisons the active

growth sites on calcite nuclei, an eVect which is
overridden at high supersaturation levels where crys-
tal surfaces become atomically rough. In the presence
of Mg, initial nucleation occurs at very high levels of
supersaturation and crystals show very rough sur-
faces. Under these conditions of rapid growth less
distinction between Ca2+ and Mg2+ is made, and a
higher percentage of MgCO is incorporated within
the calcite lattice. Complex morphological forms
therefore correlate with high MgCO incorporation.
Continued crystal growth occurs at 3 progressively
9 Ranges of concentration under which calcium
lower supersaturation values, which is re ected in the carbonate polymorphs formed in undeformed
sequence of morphologies from complex to regular (undef), and uniaxially deformed (def)
crystalline forms, and in decreased MgCO collagenous matrices, containing entrapped
incorporation. poly(aspartic acid), (Poly(asp)) or poly(glutamic
acid) (Poly(glu)): solid lines represent non-
Calcium carbonate in presence of Mg2 + and
oriented crystals, unfilled lines oriented
organic additives crystals; reprinted from Ref. 161, ©2000, with
High Mg-calcites have been precipitated in agar gels permission from Elsevier Science
in the presence of Mg and organic additives.65,160 The
Mg-calcite was precipitated in agar gels in the pres-
ence of carboxylic acids: acrylic, maleic, tartaric, additives Ni2+ and Sr2+ favoured the formation of
malonic, malic, succinic and citric acid.160 In the Sr-aragonite and Ni-aragonite particles which con-
absence of the carboxylic acids, the product was tained optically dense cores. The core of the
almost exclusively aragonite. Addition of the car- Sr-aragonite particles was a prismatic SrCO crystal,
boxylic acids induced Mg-calcite precipitation, and which would have provided a nucleus for the 3epitaxial
at suYciently high concentrations no aragonite was overgrowth of aragonite. The cores of the
precipitated. The calcite crystals contained from 1·5 Ni-aragonite particles were Ni rich, but could not be
to 7·0%MgCO , depending on the reagent concen- classiŽ ed as a unique crystalline phase. Addition of
3 tricarboxylic acids were the most
trations used. The Ba2+ induced the formation of vaterite and calcite
eVective, and the monocarboxylic acids were least crystals with modiŽ ed morphologies and isolated
eVective, in stabilising calcite with respect to aragon- BaCO spherulites.66 That isolated BaCO particles
were observed suggests that BaCO does not 3 support
ite. The organic additives also aVected the morph- 3
ology of the Mg-calcite crystals. The tricarboxylic overgrowth of calcium carbonate.
acids produced crystals which resembled those of the An alternative study investigated the eVect of the
control Mg-calcite crystals, showing elongation and divalent cations Fe2+ , Ni2+ , Co2+ , Zn2+ and Cd2+
evidence of deŽ ned crystal faces. Calcite particles on calcium carbonate precipitation in agar gels.158
precipitated with the less eVective acids were of ill All these ions, with the exception of Cd2+ , promoted
deŽ ned shape, and in the presence of acrylic acid, aragonite formation. At lower additive concentrations
clearly aggregates. vaterite and calcite were also co-precipitated, with
The in uence of three acid polysaccharides, isolated the metal ions being occluded within the calcite lattice.
from calcareous marine algae, on Mg-calcite precipi- The aragonite particles were spherulitic in morph-
tation was also studied.65 One polysaccharide was ology, whereas calcite crystals were distorted rhom-
extracted from the cell walls of an alga which produces bohedra. In the case of Cd2+ , CdCO precipitated
Mg-calcite scales containing 21 mol-%MgCO . The prior to aragonite, removing Cd2+ ions3 from the gel;
other two were isolated from whole cells of an 3 alga only calcite formed. In the presence of the impurity
which produces calcite scales containing 3 mol-% ions, aragonite was stabilised with respect to the
MgCO . An increase in the concentration of any of metal ion doped calcite.
the added polysaccharides resulted in an increased
induction time, and a higher ratio of calcite to aragon- Calcium carbonate precipitation in
ite. Magnesian carbonates containing up to collagenous matrices
7·5%MgCO were recorded, and showed a range of
3 Calcium carbonate precipitation
morphologies ranging from rhombohedral to ovoid.
The eVect on calcium carbonate precipitation of the
The ovoid particles were clearly aggregates rather
speciŽ c microenvironment in which the crystals form
than single crystals. In the absence of the polysaccha-
was investigated in a system comprising the poly-
rides only aragonite precipitated. No correlation
electrolytes poly-L-aspartate (poly-Asp) and poly-L-
between the MgCO content of the alga scales and
the MgCO content3 of the synthetic calcite crystals
glutamate (poly-Glu), adsorbed on collagen gels with
3 organised structures.55,161–164 Experiments were car-
produced in the presence of the extracted polysaccha-
ried out with crosslinked and uncrosslinked gelatin
rides was observed.
Ž lms, and with uniaxially deformed (crosslinked )
Calcium carbonate in presence of divalent metal Ž lms, all of which contained adsorbed polypeptides
ions and Ca2+ ions.55,164 The CaCO was precipitated by
Calcium carbonate has also been precipitated in gels diVusion of (NH ) CO vapour3into CaCl solutions
42 3 2
in the presence of a range of metal ions.66,158 The of the gelatin Ž lms and crystals were produced on the
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 205

10 Images of crystals grown within uniaxially deformed collagenous matrices containing poly(Asp):
a aragonite aggregates grown in matrices containing 0·5 mg poly-Asp/g gelatin; b vaterite aggregates
grown in matrices containing 10 mg poly-Asp/g gelatin; reprinted from Ref. 161, ©2000, with
permission from Elsevier Science

surface and/or inside the Ž lms. The degree of deforma- within cavities of the stretched Ž lms such that the c
tion of the gelatin Ž lms, and the type and concen- axis was parallel to the collagen Ž bre axis (Fig. 10b).
tration of the polypeptide were important factors in The orientation was again attributed to the b-pleated-
deŽ ning polymorph selectivity and crystal orientation. sheet structure of poly-Asp, which may have inter-
This information is summarised in Fig. 9,161 although acted most favourably with the (100) plane of vaterite,
the data given in this table somewhat contradict which is the most positively charged crystal face
information given in an earlier reference.162 Shorter (Fig. 11).
induction times and higher nucleation densities The sequential precipitation of calcite, aragonite
were recorded with increasing polyelectrolyte and Ž nally vaterite with increasing concentration of
concentration. polypeptide suggests kinetic control of polymorphism.
Unstretched gelatin Ž lms containing poly-Asp or Higher polypeptide concentrations increase Ca2+ ion
poly-Glu supported the growth of non-oriented crys- diVusion into the Ž lms, which in turn could have
tals, with the one exception of Ž lms containing con- produced high local supersaturations exceeding the
centrations of poly-Asp less than 0·5 mg/g gelatin. thermodynamic solubility product. Vaterite, as the
Here, calcite crystals were precipitated on the surface least stable phase with highest solubility, would then
of the Ž lm, and many were oriented with the c axis be predicted to precipitate Ž rst. Polymorphic control
perpendicular to the Ž lm surface. They also exhibited depended on the degree of uniaxial deformation.
rough faces, approximately parallel to the c axis, due Under deformation, the gelatin layers reorganise into
to speciŽ c interaction with small quantities of poly- bundles parallel to the direction of elongation which
Asp released from the Ž lm163,164 The unique action contain oriented segments of collagen molecules.
of poly-Asp in in uencing oriented calcite nucleation Stretching reduces the average cavity size and hence
was possibly due to its adopting a b-sheet confor- increases supersaturation.163
mation on absorption to the collagen matrix.161 In
contrast, poly-Glu adopts a random conformation Mg-calcite precipitation
under the experimental conditions used.161 The sole Calcium carbonate was also precipitated in
phase deposited at polypeptide concentrations crosslinked gelatin Ž lms containing poly-Asp, from
<300 mg/g gelatin was calcite. Increase in the concen- CaCl –MgCl solutions.55 In the absence of poly-
2 2
tration resulted Ž rst in the precipitation of non- Asp, magnesian calcite crystals containing up to
oriented aragonite, and then non-oriented vaterite 12 mol-%MgCO were precipitated on the surface of
aggregates.55,161,162 The concentration range under unstretched gelatin Ž lms. At Mg/Ca=1 the initial
which aragonite formed without co-precipitation of calcite precipitates were prisms elongated along the c
vaterite was signiŽ cantly smaller in the presence of axis and capped with rhombohedral {104} faces.
poly-Glu as compared with poly-Asp. Continued growth produced aggregates with an angu-
Substitution of stretched collagen Ž lms resulted in lar spread of the hexagonal axis of a few degrees, and
a signiŽ cant increase in the degree of crystal orien- Ž nally particles with a globular shape. The gelatin
tation, and a change in the polypeptide concentration matrix therefore regulated the precipitation of high
ranges under which speciŽ c polymorphs were precipi- Mg-calcite, possibly by reducing the hydration sphere
tated (Fig. 9). Oriented crystals of all three poly- of Mg on nucleation.
morphs were obtained in the presence of poly-Asp, In the presence of poly-Asp and at Mg/Ca<2·5,
whereas only oriented aragonite and vaterite were magnesian calcites with a MgCO content of
obtained with poly-Glu.161 Poly-Glu was markedly ~12 mol-% were the principal product formed on
less selective of polymorph type than poly-Asp. The the unstretched Ž lms. Poly-Asp induced morphologi-
oriented aragonite crystals produced within the Ž lms cal changes in the magnesian calcite crystals. At
were rods aligned parallel to the direction of elong- Mg/Ca=1, the rhombohedral faces exhibited
ation, with the c axis perpendicular to the rod length rounded edges which disappeared completely at a
(Fig. 10a). This suggested that their morphologies poly-Asp concentration of 0·5 mg/g gelatin.
were dictated by the initial shape of the sites in which Magnesian calcite aggregates were produced at
they grew. The oriented vaterite crystals precipitated Mg/Ca=2·5 which consisted of a smaller hemisphere
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
206 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

11 Schematic diagram of relationship between vaterite crystals and entrapped poly-Asp in uniaxially
deformed collagenous matrices: reprinted from Ref. 162 with permission from Wiley-VCH

grown within the Ž lm and joined to a larger hemi- particle size at R=10 was attributed to structural
sphere grown towards the solution. With poly-Asp at changes in the water core which occur on formation
0·5–500 mg/g gelatin, the smaller hemisphere had a of microemulsions at R =10. Below R =10, the water
central core surrounded by concentric layers of radi- molecules interacted strongly with the surfactant mol-
ally oriented crystals. Concentrations of poly-Asp of ecules, whereas the water structure approached that
0·5–1·0 mg/g gelatin induced a change from calcite to of bulk water above R =10. Particle diameters were
aragonite, independent of the Mg content in solution. always considerably larger than the size of the micelle
The aragonite crystals nucleated within the gelatin water core, and there were a factor of 108 times more
Ž lms and were organised into globular aggregates. micelles than CaCO particles. The particles therefore
Uniaxial deformation of the gelatin Ž lms resulted clearly formed via fusion of the micelles.
in distinct changes in magnesian calcite precipitation. Calcium carbonate was also precipitated in cetyl-
Even at concentrations of poly-Asp<0·5 mg/g gela- trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)/n-butanol/
tin, the inorganic phase was principally precipitated hexadecane/water microemulsions,167 by mixing sep-
within the Ž lm. Aragonite was precipitated at mark- arate solutions containing dissolved ammonium
edly lower poly-Asp concentrations (0·5–500 mg/g carbonate and calcium chloride. Four solution com-
gelatin, independent of the Mg concentration) than positions were investigated and in all cases, calcite
in the unstretched Ž lms. The aragonite aggregates was precipitated. The morphologies of the particles,
appeared as  at lozenges with contours and lengths however, depended on the region of the phase diagram
depending on the elongation of the Ž lms and on the selected, and varied from intergrown rhombohedra,
Mg concentration. Increased Mg in solution induced to isolated rhombohedra, monodisperse spheres and
formation of more rounded lozenges which were irregular rhombohedral particles.
shaped by the bundles of collagen molecules.
Calcium carbonate particles with ‘microsponge’
Calcium carbonate precipitation in micelles Precipitation of calcium carbonate in surfactant sys-
and microemulsions tems has produced some truly remarkable morpho-
Formation of calcium carbonate particles in water- logies, as exempliŽ ed by the structure of particles
in-oil microemulsions produced by evaporation of W/O microemulsions.168
Water-in-oil (W/O) microemulsions were prepared by Spherical vaterite particles with sponge-like micro-
solubilising Ca(OH) solution in the cores of reverse structures and diameters of 4–16 mm were synthesised
2 nonionic surfactant hexaethy-
micelles formed by the via passive evaporation of SDS (sodium dodecyl
leneglycol dodecyl ether (DP-6) in cyclohexane.165 sulphate)/octane/supersaturated calcium bicarbonate
Precipitation of calcium carbonate was initiated by solution micelles (Fig. 12). The particles exhibited an
bubbling carbon dioxide through the solution. The irregular arrangement of hemispherical surface
method produced a uniform population of 5·4 nm depressions and pores, 0·3–5 mm in size. Many were
diameter particles, which were reported to be stable. highly porous with a perforated outer shell and a
A similar method was used to precipitate calcium partially hollow centre, while others were more highly
carbonate in reverse micelles of calcium 1,2-bis- mineralised, with one large hole or indentation.
(2-ethylhexylcarbonyl)-1-ethane sulphonate (CaOT) Prior to mineralisation, the microemulsion solution
in cyclohexane.166 Water was added to the micelles contained micrometre scale water droplets whose size
over a range deŽ ned by R=[H O]/[CaOT]. depended on the solution composition. In the initial
Particles of CaCO of diameter 48–63 nm 2 were pro- stages of growth, mineral aggregates formed along
duced up to R =10, and converged to between 110 the surface of water droplets to generate perforated
and 130 nm above R =10. The large increase in hollow shells with smooth surfaces. The presence and
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 207

calciŽ cation. Precipitation of calcium carbonate in

this system is likely to have been signiŽ cantly retarded
due to the low diVusion rate of CO through the
viscous oil. Solvent extraction may have induced
phase separation, producing oil droplets in the aque-
ous solution, and allowing rapid mineralisation.
Complete removal of the oil then leaves an inorganic
replica of the self-assembled foam. Although the over-
all structures of the bicontinuous microemulsions and
the continuous mineral network are similar, the length
scales are totally incommensurate which suggests that
phase separation and reorganisation of the micro-
emulsions structure must occur during crystallisation.
Calcium carbonate particles produced in
pseudovesicular double emulsion
12 Scanning electron image of vaterite particles A double water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) emulsion
with microsponge texture, produced from system, with a pseudo-vesicular structure, was used
70·8 : 0·7 : 3·5 : 25 (wt-%) octane–dodecanol– as an environment for the preparation of calcium
SDS–CaHCO3 microemulsion: reprinted from carbonate particles.170,171 A W/O emulsion, contain-
Ref. 168 with permission from Wiley-VCH ing an aqueous solution of Na CO , NaOH and
NaNO was prepared, and was poured 2 3 into an exter-
stability of the water droplets was essential for the nal aqueous phase of Ca(NO ) solution. The
resulting mixture was stirred to produce a W/O/W
formation of the patterned spheres. Crystallisation in
the gel phase yielded only irregular vaterite particles, emulsion, to extract the Ca2+ ions into the internal
while addition of a co-surfactant to stabilise the aqueous phase and to allow precipitation to occur.
microemulsions produced particles with superior pat- On termination of this stage, the W/O emulsion was
terning. A growth mechanism was proposed in which washed and was demulsiŽ ed either by adding etha-
bubbles of CO released from the saturated bicarbon- nol,170 using a freeze–thaw process,170 or adding
2 acetone.171 The separated emulsion phase was Ž nally
ate solution form at the oil/water interface of the
aqueous droplets, where they remain due to their low scrubbed with ethanol or acetone, and water and the
diVusion rate through the oil phase. Calcium carbon- CaCO particles were isolated.
ate then precipitates around the bubbles, generating The 3phase and morphology of the calcium carbon-
the observed surface patterns. Subsequent growth ate particles formed depended on the composition of
proceeds inwards as the droplets progressively the internal aqueous phase, the demulsiŽ cation
decrease in volume. The preferential stabilisation of method, and the surfactant used. Using sorbitan
vaterite over the more stable polymorph calcite was sesquioleate (Span 83) as the surfactant and pH<11,
attributed to interaction of the surfactant sulphate aggregates of vaterite particles were produced.170 Use
headgroups with the Ca2+ ions. of ethanol in the demulsiŽ cation process induced
immediate separation of the vaterite particles, produc-
Hollow porous shells of calcium carbonate from ing dense, random aggregates. In contrast, use of the
self-organising media freeze–thaw demulsiŽ cation method produced hollow
Aragonite with an intergrown, ‘skeletal’ structure vaterite spheres of narrow size distribution. These
was precipitated from bicontinuous microemulsions structures were considered to form by nucleation of
of DDAB (didodecyldimethylammonium bromide), vaterite crystals at the oil/internal phase interface,
tetradecane and hexadecane, and a saturated calcium– and their subsequent aggregation during the freeze–
magnesium bicarbonate solution.169 Magnesium was thaw cycle. At pH values of 13 and above, micrometre
essential for aragonite formation, and disorganised sized calcite rhombohedra were precipitated in
aggregates of calcite crystals were produced in its addition to vaterite. The results demonstrated that
absence. Films of aragonite were deposited on solid spatial control of supersaturation, rather than tem-
substrates by placing a drop of the microemulsion plating by an organised organic structure, was respon-
solution on a substrate, immersing it in hot chloro- sible for controlling mineralisation. A brief report was
form and Ž nally evaporating any residual solvent. also made using Span 20 as the surfactant, which
They exhibited a honeycomb microstructure of irregu- yielded calcite rhombohedra.171
lar shaped columnar pores with interconnecting crys-
talline walls often at ~120° to each other. The pore
size depended on the composition of the micro- Crystal growth in polymer templates
emulsions, with larger pores being produced with Control of calcium carbonate morphology by
increasing oil content. Hollow shells of skeletal ara- transformation of amorphous precursor in
gonite were formed using a similar strategy involving constrained volume
dipping polystyrene spheres into the microemulsion It has been suggested that amorphous calcium car-
solution, washing in hexane and Ž nally dissolving bonate may play an important role in morphological
away the spheres. control of calcium carbonate (see above). This premise
The intergrown aragonite structures appeared to has been examined by investigating the morphological
form during the solvent extraction step, as simple changes of ACC particles to calcite within a restricted
storage of the microemulsion solution did not lead to volume.172 SpeciŽ cally, calcium carbonate was pre-
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
208 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

13 Calcium carbonate crystals grown within pores of track etch membranes: a at 4°C after 24 h; b at 4°C
after 15 min; c showing crystalline faces characteristic of calcite; d at room temperature after 24 h

cipitated in the 3 mm diameter, cylindrical pores of and was produced by dipping a plate in the polymer
track etch membranes by counter-diVusion of CaCl monomer solution, curing the polymer, and Ž nally
and Na CO solutions into the membrane pores.2 dissolving away the calcium carbonate to generate
2 3
Experiments were carried out at room temperature the polymer replica. As the porous and inorganic
and at low temperature (4–6°C). The intramembrane fractions of the sea urchin plate occupy equal volumes,
particles produced at low temperature exhibited rod- and have identical morphologies, the polymer mem-
like morphologies and dimensions of 3×10 mm brane produced had an identical structure to the
(Fig. 13a), which had clearly been dictated by the original calcium carbonate plate (Fig. 14a). Calcium
geometry of the membrane channels. carbonate was precipitated in the membrane by plac-
Examination of these particles at early stages of ing it between two half U tube arms, and Ž lling them
growth demonstrated that they formed via an ACC with CaCl and Na CO solutions respectively, in
2 2 3
precursor (Fig. 13b). Spherical particles of diameter the concentration range 0·001–0·800 mol LÕ 1. The
0·5 mm, which are characteristic of ACC, initially particles produced were isolated from the membrane
coated the walls of the pores, before Ž lling in the by heating to burn oV the polymer.
entire volume and generating the Ž nal cylindrical Evidence of templating of the particle morphology
form. Morphological evidence suggested that the by the membrane was observed for all solution con-
mature cylinders were calcite (Fig. 13c). Repetition of centrations used, but was far superior at low concen-
the experiments at room temperature produced crys- trations. At higher concentrations, the structure was
tals of irregular morphologies (Fig. 13d ). The results polycrystalline calcite and replication was poor, with
therefore suggest that transformation of ACC within limited network formation being observed (Fig. 14b).
a constrained volume can produce calcite crystals of In marked contrast, perfect replication of the mem-
morphology imposed by the environment. brane structure was achieved at low reagent concen-
Crystal growth in bicontinuous polymer template trations (Fig. 14c). Under these conditions, large
Single crystals of calcite with complex form were single crystals of calcite, whose morphologies were
produced in the absence of additives, by precipitation identical to the structure of the polymer membrane
in a polymer membrane with sponge-like structure.173 (and therefore sea urchin plates) were produced. This
The membrane was templated by a sea urchin plate category of particles showed both non-crystallo-
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 209

14 Electron micrographs of: a polymer membrane produced as template of sea urchin skeletal plate;
b polycrystalline calcium carbonate precipitated in membrane from 0·400 mol LÕ 1 reagents;
c templated single crystal of calcite precipitated from 0·020 mol LÕ 1 solutions; d templated single
crystal of calcite isolated after 5 min reaction time

graphic curved surfaces, as well as the planar faces speciŽ c locations (see ‘Crystal nucleation’, above).
characteristic of crystalline materials. Further, oriented arrays of particles can be produced
Isolation of the single crystals after only 5 min using ordered organic matrices as growth templates,
reaction time yielded particles 50–100 mm in size. as is beautifully demonstrated by mollusk nacre.
Longer incubation times increased the number of Many organic substrates have been employed syn-
particles present in a membrane but did not signiŽ - thetically to control calcium carbonate nucleation,
cantly increase the size of individual particles. In and experiments have met with considerable success.
contrast to the entirely smooth surfaces of the mature Both naturally derived and synthetic polymer Ž lms
particles, the surfaces of the 5 min particles showed have supported the deposition of CaCO , and thin
many well deŽ ned crystal faces (Fig. 14d). The single Ž lms of calcite have been produced on 3addition of
crystals must derive from an isolated nucleation site suitable soluble additives to the growth medium. A
and then grow by extension through the porous novel approach has been used in which a polymer
network. Continued growth then occurs at the particle was imprinted with existing calcite crystals. The
surface until the crystal impinges on the polymer resulting polymer was active in selecting the calcite
matrix, which limits further growth. Crystals of this polymorph and producing oriented crystals.
complexity are characteristic of biologically con- Langmuir monolayers have provided a valuable
trolled mineralisation. However, the results demon- system in which to study the relationship between an
strate that single crystals with intricate structures can organised organic surface and a nucleated crystal.
be produced synthetically by precipitation in a suit- Early experiments employed monolayers constructed
able constrained volume. from simple long chain alkyl compounds, which were
active in selecting polymorph and the crystal orien-
tation according to the headgroup expressed. A higher
Crystal growth on solid films degree of control has been achieved using monolayers
Organisms are adept at controlling mineralisation with superior organisation. The application of self-
such that crystal nucleation and growth occurs at assembled monolayers (SAMs) to control crystal
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
210 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

nucleation and growth has demonstrated an impress-

ive degree of control: SAMs have a number of advan-
tages over Langmuir monolayers in that they are
easily prepared with a high degree of molecular order
and they can be patterned. These patterned substrates
have been used to direct the formation of two-
dimensional patterned arrays of oriented crystals.

Calcium carbonate precipitation on polymer

Thin film deposition on chitin/chitosan substrates
A common mechanism of growth control in biological
systems employs the combined eVects of an insoluble
organic matrix, which deŽ nes the nucleation event,
and soluble macromolecules that control crystal
growth (see ‘Organic macromolecules’ and ‘Crystal
nucleation’, above). These conditions have been mim-
icked in a number of systems. Thin Ž lms of calcium
carbonate have been deposited on insoluble matrices
of chitin174–176 and chitosan,175–180 in the presence of
a range of soluble additives. The soluble additive has
a dual role in promoting thin Ž lm formation.
Adsorption of the additive on the substrate generates
a surface that concentrates Ca2+ ions and induces
crystal nucleation, while in solution the additive inter-
acts with the growing nuclei, inhibiting growth into
the solution.
The Ž rst demonstration that thin Ž lms of calcium
carbonate could be prepared using the combined
action of an insoluble matrix and soluble additives
was made by depositing CaCO on spin coated 15 Scanning electron images of calcium
chitosan substrates in the presence 3 of poly (acrylic carbonate thin films grown on chitosan
acid) (PAA) as an additive.177 In the presence of PAA, matrices in the presence of 4·4 wt-ppm poly-
spherical calcite crystals were initially precipitated Asp in a absence and b presence of MgCl2
(Mg:Ca = 6): reprinted from Ref. 178 with
homogeneously over the Ž lm. Continued crystallis-
permission from the Royal Society of
ation produced a thin, continuous Ž lm of calcite over Chemistry
the entire chitosan substrate that was preferentially
oriented with the {110} plane parallel to the substrate.
strate. Rhombohedral calcite crystals were deposited
In the absence of PAA, only isolated calcite crystals
on all substrates in the absence of PAA. On addition
were produced. The orientational control of the chito-
san Ž lm/PAA system may have derived from the close of PAA, substrates CE, CH, CHS and CH derivatised
all supported thin Ž lm formation, whereas the deriv-
geometric match of Ca–Ca distance in the {110}
atised CE and CH polymer matrices did not. The
calcite plane with the carboxylate group separation
in PAA. activity of the substrates depended on adsorption of
PAA to the polymer matrix; no PAA adsorbed to the
Deposition of calcium carbonate on spin coated
derivatised CE or CH substrates.
chitosan Ž lms was also investigated with a wider
range of soluble additives.180 Thin Ž lms of calcite Aragonite thin Ž lms were produced on chitosan
substrates by addition of magnesium ions to the
were deposited on chitosan substrates in the presence
supersaturated calcium carbonate solution.178 Poly-
of PAA (Fig. 15a) and poly (glutamic acid) (poly-Glu),
while poly (allylamine) completely inhibited crystal Asp was used to induce thin Ž lm formation, producing
circular thin Ž lms of aragonite that grew radially
growth in both the presence and absence of the
from a central point (Fig. 15b). Repeated cycles of
substrate. Spherical calcite particles were produced in
bulk solution and on the substrate in the presence of spin coating and thin Ž lm growth produced layered
inorganic/organic composites (Fig. 16). This tech-
DNA, whereas rhombohedral calcite crystals precipi-
nique was also used to generate layered calcite/
tated on the chitosan Ž lms in the absence of additives.
The in uence of the substrate on calcium carbonate polymer structures.175 Calcite thin Ž lms were
deposited on chitin and chitosan substrates, by precip-
deposition in the presence of PAA was investigated
itating CaCO in the presence of PAA. Spin coating
by precipitating CaCO on cellulose (CE), chitin (CH) 3
and chitosan (CHS) substrates, and derivatives of of a second polysaccharide layer on the surface of the
CaCO thin Ž lm then provided a suitable surface for
these substrates.176 Cellulose has only OH functional 3
the growth of a second layer of CaCO .
groups, while chitin and chitosan have OH and NH 3
groups. In the derivatised CE and CH Ž lms, all Crystallisation on biologically derived fibres
proton donating groups were protected, whereas only In related work, calcium carbonate has also been
NH groups remained on the derivatised CHS sub- precipitated on a range of biologically derived Ž bres,
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 211

generation G=3·5 poly (amidoamine) (PAMAM)

dendrimers.186 In contrast, rhombohedral calcite crys-
tals were deposited on the substrate in the presence
of a G =1·5 PAMAM dendrimer, and also in control
experiments in the absence of dendrimer additives.
Interaction of the poly (ethylenimine) Ž lm with the
PAMAM dendrimers may have produced an insol-
uble Ž lm which supported calcite nucleation. The
PAMAM in solution then inhibited crystal growth
into the solution, resulting in the formation of a thin
Ž lm of calcite on the substrate. That the G=1·5
dendrimer failed to support thin Ž lm formation can
be attributed to its weaker complexation with Ca2+
16 Scanning electron image of double layer Deposition on sulphonated polystyrene films
aragonite/chitosan composite structure The soluble control macromolecules used by organ-
formed by deposition of aragonite on chitosan isms to directly control crystal growth often contain
matrix in the presence of 4·4 wt-ppm poly-Asp ordered aspartic acid domains, together with disor-
and MgCl2 (Mg:Ca = 6), by alternate spin ganised covalently bound polysaccharides, which are
coating and crystallisation: reprinted from
Ref. 178 with permission from the Royal
generally sulphated and carboxylated (see ‘Organic
Society of Chemistry macromolecules’, above). The sulphate groups may
be active in concentrating calcium ions, while the
b-sheet structured carboxylate domains provide a
which have determined the polymorph precipitated,
and controlled the kinetics of precipitation. Calcium nucleation site. The cooperative action of sulphate
carbonate deposition was carried out under con- and carboxylate groups was investigated in a model
ditions where the solution supersaturation was main- system by generating substrates through adsorption
tained at a constant value during crystallisation. of poly (aspartic acid) (poly-Asp), poly (glutamic acid)
Fibrin Ž bres supported the formation of spherical (poly-Glu), poly (acrylic acid) (PAA) and proteins
vaterite crystals,181 whereas rhombohedral calcite extracted from the calcitic prismatic layer of the
crystals deposited on the chitin,174 and cellulose mollusk Mytilus californianus, on sulphonated poly-
Ž bres.182 Crystallisation in the presence of elastin styrene Ž lms.187 The nucleation density of calcite
resulted in nucleation and growth of calcite crystals crystals on the sulphonated polystyrene Ž lms in the
with intergrown, rhombohedral morphologies on the absence of adsorbed polymer progressively increased
elastin Ž bres.183 The nucleating capability, and poly- on Ž lms sulphonated for up to 8 h, and then decreased
morph selectivity of the Ž bres depended on the ability with longer treatment, probably due to a loss in
of the biopolymer to bind Ca2+ ions at the functional rigidity of the Ž lm surface. The percentage of crystals
groups on the polymer surface, and the stereochemis- nucleating speciŽ cally on the (001) plane of calcite
try of these groups. Thin Ž lms of calcium carbonate also peaked on the 8 h Ž lms, reaching 60–65%. The
have also been deposited on chitin Ž bres in the large number of oriented crystals observed under
presence of PAA.184 The chitin Ž bres therefore support these conditions probably derived from non-speciŽ c
identical CaCO growth in the presence and absence electrostatic eVects.
of PAA as do the 3 spin coated chitin Ž lms (see preced- Films prepared by adsorption of poly-Asp on sul-
ing section). phonated polystyrene Ž lms were considerably less
eVective in nucleating and orienting crystals, as com-
Calcium carbonate deposition on spin coated
polymer substrates pared with the polystyrene Ž lms alone. In contrast,
Calcium carbonate was grown in the presence of sulphonated Ž lms formed by adsorption of poly-Asp
powdered poly (vinyl chloride-co-vinyl actetate-co- in the presence of calcium associated over twice as
maleic acid), consisting of 83, 13 and 1% of the much Ca and exhibited a three-fold increase in the
respective monomers, using a constant composition number of (001) oriented crystals (25%), as compared
method.185 Spherulitic vaterite particles nucleated on with identical Ž lms without poly-Asp. Neither poly-
the polymer particles, and subsequently transformed Glu nor PAA induced oriented nucleation, suggesting
into calcite. In contrast, a vinyl chloride–vinyl acetate that the ordered b-sheet conformation of poly-Asp
copolymer, and a carboxylated vinyl chloride–vinyl was required for oriented nucleation. The aspartic
acetate copolymer containing 1·8% ionisable groups acid rich proteins isolated from mollusk shells were
failed to nucleate calcium carbonate. A fully soluble also capable of inducing (001) oriented calcite. A
styrene–maleic anhydride copolymer with 50% maleic single glycoprotein containing both sulphate and
anhydride groups acted as a Ca2+ sequestering agent, carboxylic groups was isolated from the protein
but did not support calcium carbonate growth. assembly. This protein was eVective in inducing a
Selectivity of the crystal polymorph was attributed to twofold increase in (001) oriented crystals. Blockage
the kinetics of growth of the supercritical nuclei on of the carboxylate groups suppressed oriented
the substrates, rather than geometrical eVects. nucleation, demonstrating that both the sulphonate
Continuous thin Ž lms of calcite were produced on and carboxylate ligands are required to induce ori-
spin cast poly (ethylenimine) Ž lms, in the presence of ented calcite nucleation.
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
212 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

17 Schematic diagrams of a formation of imprint of rhombohedral calcite crystal; b nucleation and

growth of large single crystal of calcite from imprinted site: reprinted from Ref. 191 with permission
from Wiley-VCH

Calcite nucleation on poly(organosiloxane) Directed nucleation of calcium carbonate at

membranes imprinted polymer surfaces
The majority of studies focusing on control of calciŽ - A novel templating route in which synthetic polymers
cation at surfaces have employed organic substrates. were imprinted with the motif of crystal surfaces was
Experiments using poly (organosiloxane) membranes used to direct the growth of calcium carbonate on
demonstrated that inorganic materials may also polymer substrates.190,191 Molecular imprinting of
be active in controlling crystal nucleation and synthetic polymers is a technique that creates speciŽ c
growth.188,189 Unfunctionalised poly (dimethylsilox- recognition sites for target molecules to be formed in
ane) (PDMS) membranes, prepared by crosslinking a polymer substrate.192,193 Typically, functional and
Me SiO[MeSi (H )O] SiMe with an a,v-dihydroxy- cross-linking monomers are co-polymerised in the
poly3 (dimethylsiloxane)x in the3 presence of tetraethoxy- presence of the imprint molecule. The functional
silane and a suitable catalyst (dibutyltindilaurate, monomers initially form a complex with the imprint
dibutyltindiactetate, dibutyltindimethoxide or zinc molecule, and following polymerisation, their func-
octadecanoate) were mounted on glass slides which tional groups are held in a position by the highly
were then immersed in saturated solutions of calcium cross-linked polymer structure. Subsequent removal
hydrogencarbonate. At low dibutyltindilaurate cata- of the imprint molecule reveals binding sites that are
lyst concentrations only calcite was deposited, while complementary in size and shape to the original
higher concentrations resulted in calcium silicate template molecule (Fig. 17).
overgrowth of the calcite. The calcium silicate mater- Imprinted polymers have been prepared from
ial was amorphous and contained 5–10% calcite. 6-methacrylamidohexanoic acid as the functional
Membranes prepared using dibutyltindiactetate, di- monomer and divinylbenzene as the crosslinking
butyltindimethoxide or zinc octadecanoate catalysts agent, using calcite or aragonite crystals as tem-
supported calcite deposition without calcium silicate plates.190 Calcite crystals with contrasting rhombo-
overgrowth. The unique action of the dibutyltindilaur- hedral, lozenge and dumbbell morphologies were also
ate catalyst in promoting calcium silicate formation used.191 In all cases, removal of the template crystals
was attributed either to fragmentation of the SiO left voids in the polymer that were consistent in
and R SiO centres, or the heterosiloxane linkages morphology with the original crystals. Calcium car-
2 2/2
due to free lauric acid liberated from the catalyst. bonate was then regrown on the polymer template
Curing of the dibutyltindilaurate membranes at from supersaturated solutions of calcium carbonate.
80–90°C reduced the rate of mineral deposition, and Imprints formed by rhombohedral calcite crystals
completely inhibited deposition after 3–4 days’ curing. promoted the regrowth of single crystals of calcite
Heating was likely to have caused rearrangement of from a {10.4} face with identical rhombohedral mor-
Si–O–Sn linkages to more stable Si–O–Si and phologies, but which were signiŽ cantly larger than
Sn–O–Sn combinations. Acid treatment of uncured their template counterparts. The structural inform-
dibutyltindilaurate Ž lms enhanced solid formation, ation contained in the single {10.4} face of calcite in
while washing of the cured Ž lms with 2M HCl re- contact with the polymer during templating was
activated them. Membranes containing functionalised therefore successfully translated into the organisation
side chains were also investigated, and again sup- of carboxylate groups on the polymer surface. In
ported the growth of calcite with a calcium silicate contrast, polymers imprinted with lozenge and dumb-
overgrowth. The yields of CaCO were signiŽ cantly bell shaped calcite crystals promoted the growth of
higher than on the unfunctionalised membranes, with aggregates of calcite crystals in the imprints. The
ester, ether and  uoroaromatic groups being most overall shapes of the clusters bore some resemblance
eVective. Glass slides coated with similarly func- to the morphologies of the template crystals. The
tionalised silanes were inactive towards mineral template crystals were probably polycrystalline rather
deposition. than single crystal in character, resulting in random
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 213

crystals developed from (0001) oriented hexagonal

discs to produce mature crystals with  oret morpho-
logies. Type II crystals nucleated from the (11.0) face.
Early crystals were disc-like, whereas mature crystals
had a complex shape and exhibited twofold symmetry.
Crystal nucleation and growth under stearic acid
monolayers, unlike the ODA system, was dependent
on the subphase Ca concentration.196–200 At [Ca]=
9 mmol LÕ 1, oriented calcite crystals were preferen-
tially nucleated in two morphological forms, termed
type I and type II. Both crystal types were plate-like
at early growth stages, and nucleated from a (11Â .0)
plane. Realignment during growth resulted in the
capped rhombohedral plates of the type I crystals
and a related triangular morphology in the case
of the type II crystals. When the concentration
of subphase calcium was reduced to [Ca2+ ]=
4·5 mmol LÕ 1, only oriented type I vaterite crystals
were observed.
The in uence of the monolayer on calcium carbon-
ate precipitation was considered on the basis of ion
binding, and on geometric and stereochemical com-
plementarity between the monolayer and the nucleat-
ing crystal face. That vaterite was precipitated under
both positively and negatively charged monolayers,
whereas calcite was only produced under a negatively
charged surface, suggested that Ca binding was
required for the crystallisation of calcite but not of
vaterite. In addition, high Ca concentrations resulted
in precipitation of the thermodynamically favoured
phase, calcite, under stearic acid monolayers. On
reduction of the Ca concentration, the activation
energy for calcite nucleation increases until it becomes
18 a type I and b type II vaterite crystals comparable with that of the metastable vaterite phase,
and vaterite is precipitated.
orientation of nucleating crystals within the polymer Stereochemical and geometric matching occurs
void. between the stearic acid monolayer and the (11Â .0)
The polymers templated with rhombohedral calcite face of calcite. In terms of geometric complementarity,
crystals were also active in controlling polymorph. the headgroup spacings in the monolayer closely
Indeed, at higher temperatures, which favour aragon- approach the carbonate–carbonate spacing in the
ite precipitation, calcite crystals still precipitated at (11Â .0) face of calcite. Stereochemical matching also
the imprinted areas, while aragonite was produced in occurs in that the orientation of the carboxylate
the bulk solution. The aragonite imprinted polymers groups in the monolayer mimics the rows of perpen-
failed to select for the aragonite polymorph, and a dicular carbonate ions in the (11Â .0) calcite face. In
mixture of calcite and aragonite crystal were produced the case of vaterite nucleation under stearic acid
in the voids. monolayers, no geometric match exists and oriented
crystal growth is directed by stereochemical matching
between the carbonate groups in the (0001) and (11.0)
Langmuir monolayers crystal faces and the carboxylate headgroups in the
Long chain aliphatic monolayers monolayer. With the ODA monolayers, no Ca2+
The Ž rst experiments in which calcium carbonate was binding takes place at the monolayer and only vaterite
precipitated in association with Langmuir monolayers crystals were produced. The amine headgroups in the
demonstrated that both the orientation and the phase ODA monolayers have no stereochemical equivalent
of the crystals could be determined by the surfactant in the vaterite crystal. Oriented nucleation may have
structure and the subphase concentration.194–201 been due to electrostatic binding of HCOÕ ions
Monolayers of octadecylamine (ODA),197–200 stearic orthogonal to the NH+ headgroups, which could
acid,197–200 eicosyl sulphate,201 or eicosyl phosphon- 3
provide an indirect means of stereochemical
ate,201 were spread on supersaturated solutions of recognition.
calcium bicarbonate, and calcium carbonate precipi- The headgroups of n-eicosyl sulphate and n-eicosyl
tated at the monolayer on passive loss of CO from phosphonate exhibit trigonal symmetries, which con-
the solution. 2 trast with that of the ODA and stearic acid mono-
Crystallisation under ODA monolayers from layers. Immature crystals grown under the sulphate
subphases of concentration 4·5 <[Ca]<9·0 mmol monolayers were pseudohexagonal in form, nucleated
LÕ 1 produced oriented vaterite crystals in two forms, from a (0001) face, and developed to a trigonal
termed type I and type II),197–200 (Fig. 18). Type I pyramidal morphology201 (Fig. 19). Monolayers of
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
214 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

association with the n-eicosyl sulphate monolayers,

due to inhibition of crystal growth along the [001]
axis.195 Use of malonic acid as a growth additive
modiŽ ed the morphology of calcite crystals precipitat-
ing under carboxylate monolayers by stabilising
{11Â .0} faces.195
Influence of monolayer structure on mineralisation
Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) provides an
opportunity to visualise both the surfactant mono-
layer and the growing crystals, and was used to study
CaCO precipitation under monolayers of diacetylene
3 by glycine (Gly-DA).202 Crystals grown
modiŽ ed
under Gly-DA monolayers at surface pressure p=
0–5 mN mÕ 1, where the monolayer spontaneously
organised into smectic domains, were predominantly
calcite. At p=20 mN mÕ 1, the monolayer adopted a
pseudo-focal-conic texture,203 and the crystals precipi-
tated were solely vaterite. Notably, the distance
between the foci of the monolayer pseudo-focal-conic
textures almost exactly equalled the separation of the
vaterite crystals grown under the monolayer, suggest-
ing a direct spatial correlation between the monolayer
template and growing crystals. The vaterite crystals
were likely to have grown under the most densely
packed domains since higher surface pressures pro-
moted vaterite growth. The monolayer packing den-
sity therefore appears to be important to polymorph
selectivity, whereas modulations in the monolayer
textures may deŽ ne the location of the precipitated
19 Calcite crystal nucleated under n-eicosyl
sulphate monolayer, and schematic diagram Total alignment of calcite at acidic polydiacetylene
showing orientation of crystal films
Total alignment of calcite crystals was achieved with
respect to polymeric Langmuir–Schäfer Ž lms of
the corresponding phosphonate surfactant yielded 10,12-pentacosadiynoic acid (p-PDA).204,205 Films of
similar results, although a reduced nucleation density PDA prepared as Langmuir monolayers were ultra-
was obtained. An approximate geometric matching violet polymerised and were subsequently horizon-
exists between the hexagonal array of Ca2+ ions in tally transferred to hydrophobised solid supports (a
the (0001) calcite face, and the pseudohexagonal Langmuir–Schäfer Ž lm) such that the carboxylic head
packing of the headgroups in the sulphate and phos- groups were exposed. Calcium carbonate crystallis-
phonate monolayers. However, the stereochemical ation was initiated by placing a drop of supersaturated
recognition between the monolayer and nucleating CaCO solution on the polymer Ž lm.
crystal is probably the overriding factor determining Calcite crystals that were either rounded or triangu-
the orientation. The monolayer headgroups have trig- lar in morphology were deposited on the Ž lms and
onal symmetry, which mimics that of the planar were co-aligned within single domains of the PDA
carbonate ions in the (0001) face of calcite. Ž lms. The rounded morphology represented a further
The in uence on CaCO growth of soluble addi- growth stage of the triangular crystals. The crystals
3 investigated. Aragonite
tives in the subphase was also nucleated from a (01.2) plane and AFM demonstrated
was precipitated under monolayers of n-eicosanoic that the a axis was oriented parallel to the polymer
acid, n-eicosyl sulphate and n-eicosyl phosphonate by backbone direction. Both the crystal and the p-PDA
addition of Mg2+ to the subphase.201 n-eicosanoic polymer have a periodicity of ~5 A Ã along this direc-
acid monolayers supported the growth of intergrown tion such that the carboxylate groups along the
bundles of acicular crystals, oriented with the [100] polymer background Ž t closely to the calcite crystal
axis perpendicular to the monolayer. In contrast, structure (Fig. 20). The stereochemistry of the carb-
crystals precipitated under the sulphate and phos- oxylate groups was also signiŽ cant in the selection of
phonate monolayers were discrete, pseudohexagonal the (01.2) crystal face. The (01.2) face comprises
in morphology, and were oriented with the [001] alternating planes of Ca2+ ions and CO2Õ ions that
axis perpendicular to the monolayer. As the arrange- are tilted 28° to the normal of the (01.2) plane. This
ment of ions in the (001) plane of aragonite is very orientation is closely matched by the 30° tilt of the
similar to that in the (0001) face of calcite, rationalis- side chains and carboxylate groups on the polymer.
ation of the nucleation plane is stereochemistry based The stereochemical match thus uniquely selects for
as described for (0001) calcite nucleation under sul- the (01.2) plane, rather than, for example, the (0001)
phate monolayers. Addition of Li+ ions to the sub- face of calcite, which oVers a similar geometric, but
phase produced thin triangular tablets of calcite in poor stereochemical match.
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 215

20 Schematic diagram showing potential

geometric relationship between (012) face of
calcite and p-PDA template. Left diagram is
view along calcite a axis, down polymer 21 Amphiphilic tricarboxyphenylporphyrin iron(III)
backbone direction, and edge-on (012) basal l-oxo dimers used to generate monolayer:
plane: alternating calcium (grey circles; dark in reprinted with permission from Ref. 206, ©1998
front, lighter toward back) and tilted carbonate American Chemical Society
layers characteristic of (012) plane are depicted;
calcite unit cell is shown as dashed, truncated face was attributed to the epitaxial match between
rectangle; partial structure of the p-PDA film is à Ca–Ca ion separation in the (001) calcite face
shown: polymer backbone axis is symbolised
4·99 A
and the 5 A Ã intercarboxylate distance in the mono-
as continuous ‘w’; tilt angle of the polymer
alkyl chains and headgroups (o) emulate layer dimer unit.
carbonate stereochemistry and are implicated In the presence of 20–30 ppm PAA, mineralisation
in alignment of crystal about backbone axis. occurred more slowly to produce a uniform, thin
On right is schematic diagram of single calcite calcium carbonate Ž lm, several square centimetres in
crystal with respect to polymer backbone area.206 The Ž lm surface in contact with the mono-
direction, indicating the dihedral angles: (014 ) layer was  at and featureless, whereas the side directed
face corresponds to that viewed edge-on in into the solution was rough, comprising intergrown
right diagram; reprinted with permission from particles. Structurally, the Ž lm contained both calcite
Ref. 204, ©1995 American Association for the
Advancement of Science
and amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC), and the
extent of crystallisation was inhomogeneous across
the Ž lm. The crystalline areas of the Ž lm were (001)
Investigation of conformational changes in the oriented, as was observed in the absence of PAA.
polymer Ž lm at the onset of crystal growth demon- Repetition of the experiment at low temperature
strated that cooperativity at the organic/inorganic resulted in Ž lms composed entirely of ACC, and
interface contributed to the total orientational control demonstrated that the calcite Ž lms formed via an
of the calcite crystals. The p-PDA Ž lms deposited on ACC precursor. Continued maintenance of the Ž lms
the substrate were blue in colour, but turned red on the subphase resulted in slow transformation
subsequent to the onset of calcite growth, due to to calcite.
changes in the orientation of side groups. FTIR of
Hydrogen bonded Langmuir monolayers
the Ž lms in situ during crystallisation also showed
Monolayers with well deŽ ned structures can be gener-
that rotations of side groups occurred at the onset of
ated through linkage of the monolayer components
crystallisation. This process is likely to correspond to by hydrogen bonding. These monolayers exhibit
the movement of carboxylate groups into the optimal
superior control over crystal orientation and
position for achieving a stereochemical match.
polymorph.208,209 This has been well demonstrated
Porphyrin amphiphiles as templates for calcium by H bonded monolayers prepared by spreading
carbonate nucleation a monolayer of the amphiphile N,Nê -diocta-
Oriented thin Ž lms of calcite were grown under decyltriazine-2,4,6-triamine (1) on a saturated calcium
monolayers of amphiphilic tricarboxyphenylporphy- hydrogen carbonate solution, to which the second
rin iron(III) m-oxo dimers (Fig. 21), in the presence component, a cyanuric acid derivative (2), was
of the soluble additive poly (acrylic acid) (PAA).206 added.208 Compound (2) possessed a tailgroup R,
The results obtained were independent of the degree which was directed into the solution and was termin-
of monolayer compression, suggesting spontaneous ated by either alcohol, carboxy, amino or phosphate
condensation of the porphyrin units. In the absence groups. The two monolayer components self-organ-
of PAA, the principal product was rhombohedral ised via hydrogen bonding such that the spatial
calcite crystals, many of which displayed pronounced separation of like components along the ribbon was
rectangular cavities on at least one of the distal {104} Ã , whereas the ribbons were separated by 4·5 A
9·5 A Ã
faces.207 The crystals were oriented such that they (Fig. 22).
were suspended from the monolayer by one corner, Monolayers incorporating carboxy terminated (2)
corresponding to a (001) face. Selection of the (001) supported the growth of calcite rhombohedra from
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
216 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

23 Molecules 1, 2 and 3, used to form monolayers

at the air/water interface: from Ref. 209
22 Representation of malanine–cyanuric acid
monolayer normal (top) and parallel (bottom) oxygen atoms in contact with the solution. This motif
to air/water interface: R =CH2 CH2 CO2 H, closely matches the orientation and spacing of the
CH2 CH2 CH2 OPO3 H2 , CH2 CH2 CH2 NH2 ; reprinted carbonate ions along the b axis in the (10.0) face
from Ref. 208 with permission from Wiley-VCH
of calcite.
The proposed templating mechanism was veriŽ ed
using monolayers of related compounds (4) and (5).
the {01.2} crystal face. In contrast, the phosphate Molecule (4) carries a single methyl substitution on
modiŽ cation of (2) induced the formation of pyrami- the phosphate group, and thus cannot form an intra-
dal calcite crystals, nucleated from a triangular (001) molecular bond with the phenoxy group. Monolayers
face and the side faces formed by three {10.4} planes. of (4) supported the growth of CaCO crystals
The orientational control of both of these monolayers 3
nucleated from the (10.0) face under the solid state
was attributed to a stereochemical correspondence monolayer only. Compression presumably resulted in
between the monolayer and the crystal nucleation a structural reorganisation of molecules (4), such that
face. The carbonate groups in the {01.2} face of calcite they presented a headgroup orientation similar to (3).
possess a close geometric match with the carboxyl Molecule (5) possesses an OH group in place of the
groups in the monolayer template. Unique selection phosphate group, and monolayers of (5) failed to act
of the {01.2} face over others which provide a similar as templates for CaCO growth.
lattice match derives from the orientation of the 3
Monolayers of 5-hexadecyloxyisophthalic acid
carboxyl groups in the {01.2} plane, which provides (C ISA), which are ordered due to hydrogen bonds
a good match with the monolayer. In the case of the 16
between adjacent carboxylic acid groups and water,
phosphate terminated (2) monolayer, a close lattice supported the precipitation of aragonite.210 The crys-
matching occurs between the positions of the phos- tals nucleated as hexagonal tablets from the ac crystal
phate groups and the planar carbonate ions in the face and developed to form bundles of needles that
unique (001) calcite face, which selects for nucleation had grown radially outwards from a central crystal.
from the (001) face. Monolayers containing amine It was postulated that the C ISA molecules organ-
terminated (2) favoured the growth of vaterite rather 16
ised on the water surface such that the carboxyl
than calcite. Morphological analysis revealed two groups were periodically spaced at 4·4 and 5·5 A Ã
populations of crystals, which were aligned with either along the a and c directions respectively. The Ca2+
their [001] or # 11.0$ axes perpendicular to the ions then bound either as double chelate complexes
monolayer. The proportion of the # 11.0$ oriented with carboxylate groups on an individual molecule,
crystals was signiŽ cantly higher than [001] oriented or in a bridging mode between carboxylate groups of
crystals. Hydroxyl terminated monolayers exerted no diVerent molecules. Both models give a close spatial
in uence on crystal growth. and geometrical correspondence between the array of
Further demonstration of the degree of control carboxylate groups in the C ISA template and the
achievable using highly ordered H bonded mono- 16
Ca2+ ions in the ac face of aragonite. A further
layers was achieved using monolayers constructed possibility was that the bidentate motif of the meta-
from amide containing phospholipids, identiŽ ed as disposed carboxylates complemented the stereochem-
(3), (4) and (5) in Fig. 23.209 Monolayers of (3) in ical arrangement of the carbonate groups in the
either a liquid or solid phase supported the oriented ac face.
nucleation of prismatic calcite crystals from the (10.0)
face. Selection of the (10.0) was attributed to the
monolayer structure. Molecules (3) self-assemble in a Self-assembled monolayers
linear array with an intermolecular distance of Silane monolayers on silicon substrates
approximately 5 A Ã due to H bonds between the amide A series of terminally functionalised organosilane
moieties. A further intramolecular bond between one monolayers on silicon wafer substrates exerted some
of the P–O–H groups and an ether oxygen results in control over the orientation, size and nucleation
a molecular conformation in which the phosphate density of calcium carbonate crystals.211 The mono-
group is bent back, leaving only two phosphate layers were formed either by direct self-assembly
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 217

of the selected silane on the Si substrate, or inhibited crystallisation. In comparison, the bare Au
through chemical modiŽ cation of monolayers of and Ag substrates both supported the growth of a
(3-aminopropyl )triethoxysilane (APS) (Table 3). All mixture of randomly oriented calcite (~85%) and
aminosilane surfaces tended to support the formation vaterite (~15%) crystals.
of {104} oriented rhombohedral crystals. The APS- The crystals produced in the CO (Au) system were
predominantly (015) oriented, in the 2 OH(Au) system
DCDA monolayers always produced the highest den-
sity of crystals, although the APS-NTA surfaces were (104) oriented, and in the SO (Au) system (10 12)
oriented. The PO monolayers induced crystal growth
also eVective. Approximately the same number of
from planes oriented at 24° with respect to the c axis.
crystals deposited on all other monolayers. The calcite
crystals on the APS-DCDA monolayers were prefer- The crystals were largely randomly oriented in the
entially nucleated from the (001) plane, with signiŽ - remaining Au systems. The crystals grown on Ag
cant numbers also nucleating from (101), (10 10) and substrates predominantly nucleated on the following
(018) planes. On the APS-NTA surfaces, the (119) planes; CO (Ag) on (102), OH(Ag) on (103), and
and (110) nucleation faces were most frequent, with SO (Ag) on2 (107). The PO monolayers induced
3 nucleation from faces at
crystal 3 a given angle to the
(116), (211), (113) and (018) orientations also being
favoured. The APS-SA and APS-POCl3 monolayers c axis, in this case at ~40° . Again, the remaining
enhanced (001) and (012) orientations. systems were largely randomly oriented.
The selection of certain crystal faces was interpreted The molecular organisation of the monolayer was
in terms of enhanced Ca2+ binding at the monolayer/ of primary importance to the determination of crystal
solution interface (an ‘ionotropic’ eVect). Nucleation orientation. Indeed, a smaller proportion of oriented
from (001), (018) and (10 10) faces on APS-DCDA crystals were observed on CO H (Au) SAMs contain-
and APS-Acids monolayers therefore indicates that ing defects. The importance of2the organisation of the
crystal faces close to the (001) are stabilised by the SAM in the presence of counterions prior to crystal
ionotropic eVect. The data for the APS-NTA system growth was demonstrated by growing crystals on the
suggest that a speciŽ c interaction occurs between the SAMs by mixing 0·1 mol LÕ 1 solutions of NaHCO
nucleating calcite plane and the monolayer terminal and CaCl in diVerent orders. For SAMs of COÕ 3
groups. Of the common nucleation planes observed, (Au), COÕ 2 (Ag), SOÕ (Au) and SOÕ (Ag), highly 2
2 3 3
oriented nucleation was only observed when the SAM
many (the (001), (113), (116) and (211)) contain
carbonate ions that are oriented at equivalent distance was exposed to CaCl solution Ž rst. No preferred
orientation occurred when 2 the Ž lms were Ž rst exposed
and angles to the plane. This speciŽ c angle may
provide pairs of carboxylate sites that are oriented to the NaHCO solution. For SAMs of OH (Au) and
OH(Ag), the degree3 of orientation was signiŽ cantly
such that they mirror the pair of carboxyl groups
reduced after initial exposure to the NaHCO
expressed by the NTA moiety.
solution. 3
Alkanethiol monolayers on gold and silver The results demonstrate that the calcite nucleation
A series of SAMs of v-terminated alkanethiols on face is determined by the structure, chemical character
gold and silver thin Ž lms evaporated on to glass and coordination number of the monolayer head-
substrates were investigated, and were demonstrated group. The basic lattice structure of the SAMs is the
to be highly eVective in controlling the orientation same for a given metal and no lattice match occurs
of deposited calcite crystals, with almost 100% between the metal lattice and the calcite nucleating
orientation being achieved in some systems.212 plane. In all cases of oriented nucleation, the Au and
Monolayers of HS(CH ) CO H, HS(CH ) OH, Ag substrates induced nucleation from faces diVering
HS(CH ) SO H, HS(CH 2 15 ) PO 2 H , HS(CH
2 11 )
2 11 3 2 11 3 2 2 11 in orientation by 15–20° , which is identical to the
N(CH ) Cl, and HS (CH ) CH were investigated. diVerence in the tilt angle of the thiol molecules on
3 3 2 15 3
The COÕ , SOÕ and OH terminated SAMs induced Au and Ag. The COÕ , OHÕ and SOÕ SAMs therefore
2 3 growth of calcite and were active
highly oriented appear to selectively2 nucleate calcite3 from one plane
in promoting crystal nucleation. The PO2Õ mono- only. In the case of the POÕ headgroup, the mono-
layers induced limited crystallographic 3speciŽ city 3 the c axis makes with
layer selects only the angle that
in that crystals nucleated from a variety of planes, the substrate.
but all were at an identical angle to the c axis. In an alternative experiment, CaCO was grown
The N(CH )+ and CH terminated monolayers on HS(CH ) CO H SAMs on 200 nm3 evaporated
33 3 2 15 2
Table 3 Silane self-assembled monolayers used to control calcium carbonate
nucleation and growth: information summarised from Ref. 210
Silane Abbreviation
(3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane APS
(4-aminobutyl)triethoxysilane ABS
[(N-(6-aminohexyl)amino)propyl]trimethoxysilane AHAP
[3-(N-(2-aminoethyl)amino)propyl]trimethoxysilane EDA
Trimethoxysilylpropyldiethylenetriamine DETA
(((((aminoethyl)amino)methyl)phenyl)ethyl)trimethoxysilane PEDA
APS-Nitrilotriacetic acid coupled APS-NTA
APS-Docosanedioic acid coupled APS-DCDA
APS+Amidophosphonation APS-POCl3
APS+Succinamidation APS-SA

International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3

218 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

gold Ž lms on mica.213 The mica substrate was heated

to 200°C during evaporation, and was annealed for
1 h, resulting in signiŽ cant growth of the Au single
crystal {111} domains to 250×250 mm in size.
Analysis of the resultant Au Ž lms demonstrated that
the polycrystalline domains were co-aligned with
respect to the single crystal mica substrate. Growth
of calcite on HS(CH ) CO H SAMs on these sub-
2 15
strates resulted in arrays 2of crystals which were
aligned over areas exceeding several square milli-
metres, and which were oriented either on a {102}
face (90% of crystals) or {015} face (10% of crystals).
That the predominant nucleation face was {102} as
opposed to the {105} recorded in the aforementioned
studies,212 was attributed to diVerences in the solu-
tion pH.
Previous investigations into calcium carbonate
deposition on v-functionalised alkyl thiol monolayers
on Au achieved a signiŽ cantly lower level of orien- 24 ‘Spherule’ formed by CaCO3 precipitation on
tational control.214–217 It is possible that the experi- alkylthiol coated gold particles
mental procedure used yielded less ordered
monolayers, a factor demonstrated to be important
non-polar monolayers, the longer chains tended to
in determining the ability of the SAM to control
promote oriented nucleation. Short chain thiols are
crystal orientation. The SAMs used in these studies
poorly ordered and would be anticipated to be less
are given in Table 4, and vary according to the
eVective in promoting oriented nucleation.
chain length and terminal functional group. The
highest nucleation densities were recorded on Calcium carbonate was also precipitated on SAMs
of anthracene-2-carboxylic acid (ANTH) on gold.
HS(CH ) CO H and HS (CH ) SO H SAMs,
2 10 2 2 10 3 ANTH monolayers exhibit a centred rectangular lat-
which are polar surfaces, and on the naked gold
substrate. The other SAMs were approximately 2–3 tice on Au(111) which was considered to mimic the
structure of, and thus template for, orthorhombic
times less eVective, with the exception of
aragonite.214 Results were compared with mercap-
HS(CH ) CH and glass, which were less eVective
again. 2 15 3 tohexadecane (CH (CH ) SH ) (MHD) monolayers,
3 on 2Au(111)
which self assemble with an hexagonal
At 22°C the predominant polymorphs precipitated
lattice. At 22°C, the proportions of crystals precipitat-
were calcite and vaterite. The vaterite crystals
nucleated either from (001) or (010) planes, whereas ing on the ANTH and MHD monolayers were
approximately 40 : 45 : 15 calcite–vaterite–aragonite
calcite crystals on some monolayers displayed evi-
and 45 : 55 calcite–vaterite respectively. At 45°C, 90%
dence of orientation, with crystals nucleating from
the (001) face. Aragonite was only observed on the of the crystals deposited on the ANTH SAMs were
aragonite, whereas 90% of the crystals precipitating
HS(CH ) SO H as ~20% of the total mass precipi-
23 3 on the MHD monolayer were calcite. The calcite
tated. At 45°C, all three polymorphs were observed
on the majority of the substrates, although no crystals precipitated on the MHD substrate were
preferentially oriented with the c axis perpendicular
aragonite precipitated on the HS (CH ) OH,
2 11 to the substrate, whereas the calcite crystals on the
HS(CH ) CH or HS(CH ) CH SAMs or on the
2 10 3 2 15 3
naked gold substrate. Generally, aragonite appeared ANTH SAMs were non-oriented.
to be induced by rough, polar surfaces. Comparing Crystallisation on SAM coated gold particles
the eVect of diVerent chain lengths in both polar and Monodisperse populations of nanosized gold
particles, coated with mercaptophenol, were used as
nuclei on which to grow calcium carbonate.218,219 At
Table 4 x-terminated alkane thiols used to pH 12, and all conditions of temperature and colloid
construct self-assembled monolayers, to concentration, calcite precipitated on the gold col-
control calcium carbonate nucleation and loids, forming ‘spherules’. At 22°C and a seed concen-
growth: information summarised from tration of 10 mg/100 mL solution, 5–10 mm spherules
Refs. 214, 215
were produced which comprised radially organised
Abbreviation Formula rhombohedral calcite crystals, organised such that
their c axes were approximately perpendicular to the
C11H HS(CH2 )10 CH3
C16H HS(CH2 )15 CH3
particle surface (Fig. 24). ModiŽ cation of the reaction
C11OH HS(CH2 )11 OH conditions to 4°C and a seed concentration of
C12SH HS(CH2 )12 SH 10 mg/100 mL solution resulted in spherules with
C16SH HS(CH2 )16 SH smoother surfaces, formed from needle-like crystals
C10COOH HS(CH2 )10 CO2 H radiating outwards from the centre of the spherule.
C15COOH HS(CH2 )15 CO2 H Each of the CaCO coated spherules was likely to
C3SO3H HS(CH2 )3 SO3 HNa 3
have contained a number of gold particles. In com-
C10SO3H HS(CH2 )10 SO3 HNa parison, only calcite crystals with poorly deŽ ned
C3PO4H2 HS(CH2 )3 PO4 H2 morphologies and rounded surfaces were deposited
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 219

Control over patterned crystal growth was investi-

gated in more detail using a stamped pattern of
HS(CH ) CO H, and HS(CH ) CH functionalis-
2 15 2 2 15 3
ing the remaining areas.221 Localised crystallisation
occurs in this system due to diVusion limited
nucleation.221,222 Crystals nucleate Ž rst on the areas
of hydrophilic, carboxyl terminated thiols, and trans-
port of ions to these growing crystals reduces the
concentration of calcium and carbonate ions in the
adjacent hydrophobic areas (the methyl terminated
thiols), and prevents non-speciŽ c nucleation within a
characteristic distance of the interface. Variation of
the size and periodicity of patterns and the concen-
tration of the crystallising solution, deŽ nes the mass
transport to diVerent regions of the substrate and
oVers control over crystal patterning.
Stamps bearing circular relief structures, in a range
of circle diameter d and periodicity p were used.221,222
For large values of p, crystallisation occurred in a
‘halo’ pattern, and no nucleation was observed within
a certain distance of the more active region.221 The
most ordered crystal growth was observed when the
carboxyl terminated thiols were stamped in features
smaller than the depletion zone. These conditions
induced the highest densities of identically sized crys-
tals on the carboxyl regions and the number of
crystals produced depended linearly on the area.
Crystal growth was entirely inhibited on the methyl
regions.221 The solution concentration also aVected
the size of the halo pattern, the induction time,
nucleation density and the sizes of the crystals. The
25 Ordered two-dimensional arrays of single edge resolution of the crystal patterns was substan-
calcite crystals deposited on patterned tially increased by increasing the concentration of the
SAMs consisting of stamped regions crystallisation solution, enabling structures with an
of HS(CH 2 )15 CO2 H, and remaining areas edge resolution of <50 nm to be produced.221
functionalised with HS(CH 2 )15 CH3 : a SAMs As an alternative to microcontact printing, pat-
formed on Au: nucleating plane (015), crystal terned SAMs were prepared using substrates gener-
size d= 35 mm, spacing p=100 mm, [Ca2 + ]= ated from mixed metals.220 This technique enables
10 mmol LÕ 1 ; b SAMs formed on Ag:
SAMs containing sub-50 nm patterns to be created,
nucleating plane (012), d= 15 mm, p=100 mm,
[Ca2+ ]= 10 mmol LÕ 1 ; reprinted from Ref. 222 as compared with the 100–200 nm patterns possible
with permission of the Nature Publishing using microcontact printing. The mixed metal sub-
Group strates were prepared by initial evaporation of either
Ag or Au, followed by application of a second metal
(Ag, Au) using a stencil or a photoresist mask. The
at 22°C and pH 12 on equivalent SAMs formed on pattern in the substrate is transferred to the SAM as
planar gold substrates. the interface between adjacent metal domains pro-
duces disorder in the monolayer, which is translated
Patterned crystallisation into the growing crystals. On these substrates SAMs
Patterning of SAMs enables periodic arrays of discrete of HS(CH ) CO H were formed that supported the
2 15 2
crystals with controlled densities, location, size and formation of patterned arrays of calcite crystals. The
orientation to be produced.220–222 The SAMs were disordered regions in the patterned SAMs acted as
patterned using a microcontact printing technique to the initial nucleation sites for the calcite crystals. The
produce areas with diVerent nucleating abilities.  ux of ions created towards the growing crystals
Hydrophilic thiols (either HS (CH ) CO H, generates a depletion region where the concentration
HS(CH ) OH or HS (CH ) SO H ) were 2located 15 2 on of ions is below saturation.
2 11 2 11 3
the metal substrate by microcontact printing of a The pattern of crystals can be controlled according
square array of circular domains, and the substrate to the size of the metal domains in the substrate, and
was then washed with an ethanolic solution of the concentration of the crystallisation solution. This
HS(CH ) CH to passivate the uncoated areas.222 was demonstrated by investigating crystal growth on
2 15 and
The location 3 density of growing crystals, the Ag/Au substrates, patterned using the stencil method,
number of crystals nucleating within a given region under a range of solution concentrations (Fig. 26).
and the orientation of the crystals could all be deŽ ned For C <10 mmol LÕ 1 (the local eVective concen-
according to the density and sizes of features on the trationeffin solution), which is below C (the saturation
stamp, the concentration of the crystallising solution concentration) for both substrates,satcrystal growth
and the terminal groups of the SAM (Fig. 25). occurred at the metal domain boundaries only. At
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
220 Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry

26 a–d Patterned calcite formation on SAMs of HS(CH2 )15 CO2 H supported on substrates that were
micropatterned with Au and Ag using stencil mask(TEM grid): sequence of metal deposition and the
concentration range are indicated (see text); e non-patterned nucleation of oriented calcite crystals
on SAMs of HS(CH2 )15 CO2 H supported on gold substrates, micropatterned with gold islands; f complex
ornament of crystals formed on mixed metal substrate further patterned using microcontact printing:
reprinted with permission from Ref. 220, ©2000 American Chemical Society

concentrations of 20–40 mmol LÕ 1, which corres- the clean gold surface at signiŽ cantly lower crystal
ponds to conditions where C (Ag)>C and densities.
C (Au)<C , crystal growth was eff restrictedsatto the
eff sat
Ag regions only. At concentrations of >50 mmol LÕ 1,
where C (Ag) and C (Au)>C , crystal growth Summary
occurred effover the whole
eff patterned
sat surface. When While biomineralisation was historically a subject
domains of the same metal were created, no patterning studied by biologists, the last 10–15 years have seen
of crystals was observed. For patterned substrates an explosion of interest in the topic, from researchers
produced using the photoresist technique, the inter- with backgrounds ranging from physics, to chem-
domain regions were suYciently disordered to create istry and materials science. This has principally
patterned calcite arrays even when a single metal was derived from the recognition that biological systems
used. Combination of the mixed metal substrate and operate under ambient conditions to achieve un-
microcontact printing of hydrophobic thiols was also parallelled morphological control and superior mech-
used to produce patterned crystalline arrays of more anical properties. To be able to emulate such
sophisticated design.220 processes in synthetic crystal growth experiments,
which under traditional methods often rely upon
Deposition on CaCO 3 on surfaces functionalised by high temperatures and pressures and non-aqueous
gold colloids conditions, oVers clear advantages. For example,
Localisation of gold colloids on surfaces provides a moderate conditions oVer the potential for greater
route for the controlled modiŽ cation of a  at gold structural control of the Ž nal product, are signiŽ -
surface, varying aspects such as the roughness and cantly less expensive and enable the use of polymer
hydrophilicity of the surface. This was investigated substrates.
by adsorbing gold colloids to planar gold substrates, In the absence of the extreme conditions available
and determining the in uence of the modiŽ ed sub- to synthetic crystal growth experiments, organic mol-
strate on the nucleation and growth of calcium car- ecules ( both as soluble organic additives and insoluble
bonate.223 Immersion of SAMs of HS(CH ) SH on organic frameworks) provide the fundamental mech-
gold substrates into a solution of uncoated 2 12 gold anism of control over mineralisation by organisms.
colloids resulted in adsorption of the particles onto As demonstrated in this review, this route has also
the substrate. The colloid modiŽ ed substrates sup- provided the principal basis for biologically inspired
ported the nucleation and growth of 80 : 20 aragonite– crystal growth experiments. In terms of soluble
calcite, whereas 50 : 50 calcite–vaterite deposited on organic additives, superior control of particle size,
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Meldrum Calcium carbonate in biomineralisation and biomimetic chemistry 221

structure, polymorph and morphology has been applied to the control of the structure and properties
achieved by tailoring the structure of block copoly- of a wider range of minerals, and ultimately whether
mers.141–145 Selected functionalised dendrimers have they can be integrated into the preparation of func-
also exhibited remarkable control over calcium car- tional materials.
bonate polymorph, providing the Ž rst demonstration
of co-stabilisation of amorphous and crystalline Acknowledgements
Calcium carbonate deposition has also been carried I am most grateful to those authors who provided
out on a range of organic substrates. There now exist me with copies of their Ž gures, which has signiŽ cantly
many examples of control over crystal orientation contributed to this article.
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International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3

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