Final Report On Enguri Dam

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Dhulikhel, Kavre




We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to Department of Civil and Geomatics
Engineering, Kathmandu University for providing opportunity to broaden our knowledge
through the project and for providing us platform to utilize our best knowledge in engineering
field. We are equally thankful to Er. Suman Shrestha,(project supervisor)for giving knowledge
on double curvature arch dam and for Guiding, supervising us during our project.

We are also obliged to all the people involved directly and indirectly who have consistently and
continuously helped, supported and motivated us for accomplishment of this project during this

We perceive this opportunity as a one step close to become an engineer. It has provided us the
best opportunity to know about double curvature arch dam .

Project member,
Arjun Baral

Ravi Bhandari

Binod Chand

Anup Gautam

Sagar Kapri

Bishwas Shrestha


 Fig 1.1.1: Glen Canyon Dam, concrete arch dam on the Colorado River, Arizona

◦ Fig 1.2.1: Enguri Hydro electrical dam

◦ Fig 3.2.1: Methodology Flowchart

◦ Fig 3..:CAD Drawing


 Logical frame work analysis

 Work schedule

 Budget estimation



2. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................5
2.1 Dam.......................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Arch Dam..................................................................................................8
2.2 Enguri Dam......................................................................................................8
2.2.1 Background...............................................................................................8
2.2.2 Uses and Purpose of the enguri dam.........................................................9
3. OBJECTIVES AND LIMITATIONS.....................................................................9
3.1 Objectives.........................................................................................................9
3.2 Limitations.......................................................................................................9
4. Literature Review..................................................................................................10
5. METHODOLOGY...............................................................................................11
5.1 The making of demonstrated model of Arch dam constitute.........................11
5.2 Study method/Design/flowchart.....................................................................12
5.3 Data Sources...................................................................................................13
5.4 Instrument/ Equipment...................................................................................13
6. CALCULATIONS……………………………………………………………… 13

7. PROJECT MANAGEMENT................................................................................17
7.2 Work Schedule………………………………………………………………………………………………………18

8 BUDGET ESTIMATION:....................................................................................19
9 EXPECTED OUTCOME.....................................................................................19
10 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………….20

11 REFERENCES..................................................................................................20
12 ANNEXES……………………………………………………………………………………….21

As part of engineering project program we had prepared demonstrative model of
enguri dam.Enguri dam is double curvature arch dam and it is second highest concrete arch dam
in the world. . Nepal being the second largest country for water resource, it contains fast
flowing rivers and water resources .So, Nepal has immense untapped hydropower potential
which can be an excellent source of electricity for Country. Hydropower development is also
expected to trigger overall growth of the region and improve infrastructure. So, electricity
generation may be the milestone for Nepal.Arch dam being large resiviour dam and is one of
most economic dam to built. However it is much complex to built arch dam then other dam


2.1 Dam
A dam is a barrier that impounds water or underground streams. Reservoirs created by dams not
only suppress floods but also provide water for activities such as irrigation, human
consumption, industrial use, etc. Hydropower is often used in conjunction with dams to generate
electricity. A dam can also be used to collect water or for storage of water which can be evenly
distributed between locations. Dams generally serve the primary purpose of retaining water.
A dam can be classified into various types on the following bases:
a. By structure

 Arch Dams
 Gravity Dams
 Arch and gravity Dams
 Barrages
 Embankment Dams

1. Rock fill Dams

2. Concrete face rock fill dams
3. Earth fill dams

b. By size

 Saddle Dams
 Weir
 Dry Dams
 Check Dams
 Diversionary Dams
 Underground Dams
 Tailings Dams

c. By materials

 Steel Dams
 Concrete Dams

2.1.1 ARCH DAM

An arch dam is a solid dam made of concrete that is curved upstream in plan. The arch dam
is designed so that the force of the water against it, known as hydrostatic pressure, presses against the
arch, compressing and strengthening the structure as it pushes into its foundation or abutments. An
arch dam is most suitable for narrow gorges or canyons with steep walls of stable rock to support the
structure and stresses. Since they are thinner than any other dam type, they require much less
construction material, making them economical and practical in remote areas.

      Fig 1.1.1: Glen Canyon Dam, concrete arch dam on the Colorado River, Arizona
               Img Src :

I. Classifications of Arch Dams

In general, arch dams are classified based on the ratio of the base thickness to the structural
height (b/h) as:
 Thin, for b/h less than 0.2,

 Medium thick, for b/h between 0.2 and 0.3, and

 Thick, for b/h ratio over 0.3.

Arch dams classified with respect to their structural height are: [1]

 Low dams up to 100 feet (30 m),

 Medium high dams between 100 to 300 ft (30 to 91 m),

 High dams over 300 ft (91 m).

II. Types of Arch Dams

a. Centre Arch Dam (variable angle)  

o Good for U-shaped valleys  
o Easy Construction  
o Vertical upstream face
o Appropriate for middle-high  

b. Variable Center Arch Dams (constant angle)

   Good for V-shaped valleys
  Limited to the ratio of B/H=5
   Best center angle: 133 34
o ’

  To obtain arch action at the bottom parts

c. Variable Center – Variable Angle Arch Dams

 Combination of the two above.
 Its calculation based on shell theory applied to arch dams.

Loads on Arch Dams

 The main loads for which an arch dam is designed are:

 Dead Load
 Hydrostatic load generated by reservoir and the tailwater
 Temperature Load
 Earthquake Load

Advantages of Arch Dams

 It is particularly suited for deep gorges where length is same compared to its height.
 It can be constructed even in weak foundation because very small portion of   water
pressure is transmitted to its foundation.
 It is less costly as compared to other dams.

Disadvantages of Arch Dams

 It requires skilled labour, sophisticated formwork and specialized design.
 Construction time is usually large.
 It needs very strong abutments of solid rocks to resist arch thrust.

2.2 Enguri dam

Currently the enguri (inguri) dam is the world's second largest concrete arch and world’s
sixth tallest dam located on Enguri river om Georgia with a height of 271.5 metres (891 ft) and
750 m wide. It is located north of the town Jvari. It is part of the Enguri hydroelectric power
station (HES) which is partially located in Abkhazia.

            Fig 1.2.1: Enguri Hydro electrical dam

The crest at 510 m altitude has a developed length of 728 m and is 10 m thick. Construction of
dam started in 1961,it became temporarily operational on 1987 and was completed in 1987.The
enguri dam was also inscribed in the list of the cultural heritage of Georgia in 2015.The installed
capacity of this dam is 13000 MW and it’s annual generation is 4.3 TWh. In total, €116 million
loans were granted by the EBRD, the European Union, the Japanese Government, KfW and
Government of Georgia. In 2011 The European Investment Bank (EIB) loaned €20 million in
order to complete the rehabilitation of the Enguri hydropower plant and to ensure safe water
evacuation towards the Black Sea at the Vardnili hydropower cascade.

2.2.2 Uses and Purpose of the enguri dam

 To prevent the flow of water and use it for different purpose like irrigation, power
generation etc.
 To control the flow of water.
 Water captured during the wet season can be stored for use during the dry season.
 To prevent from natural calamities like flood, landslide etc.


3.1 Objectives
 To prepare a demonstrative model of Enguri dam
 To understand how an arch dam works
 To learn the basic techniques of model construction
 To be familiar with scale

3.2 Limitations
 In some cases, for the purpose of showing the details clearly, distorted scale could be used.
 Our model is limited only for demonstrative purpose.
 Original material may not be used.

4. Literature Review

The Enguri Arch Dam represents one of the most fascinating examples of civil engineering
achievements of the 20th century. Constructed in the narrow canyon of the Enguri river in the
town Jvari, with the breathtaking scenery of NorthWest Georgia, the Enguri Arch Dam is the
world’s sixth highest dam in the world and fourth highest in the list of concrete arch type dams.
It was the highest concrete arch type dam until 2010 when Xiaowan Dam was completed with a
height of 292 metres on the Lancang river in China followed by the Xiluodu Dam and Jinping-I
Dam in 2013. Construction of the Enguri Hydroelectric Power Plants (HPP) began in 1961. At
that time, most experts viewed the project’s structure as an unachievable fantastic utopia. All
components of the Enguri HPP cover almost 1,000 square kilometers from Jvari village to the
Black Sea and forms a reservoir volume of 1 billion m3 storage. In the chain of the Enguri HPP,
the Enguri works include: the arch dam, low-level water intake, 520 metre free-flow river
diversion tunnel, and a pressure headrace power tunnel.

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In 2015 the dam was inscribed in the list of cultural heritage of Georgia as an outstanding
masterpiece of industrial heritage of the 20th century.

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5 Methodology

5.1 Making of an arch dam constitute

1. Preliminary  Research
We sat together and did some research on web. We referred to various books and website for
information and consulted with senior. We consulted our supervisor for our research as well.
2. Dimensioning
We consulted with our project coordinator for the appropriate dimensions of our model. The
dimensions is done in such a way that it will be transferable.
3. Material collection
We decided to use wood and hard cover to prepare the model. Similarly, plywood, thermo col
along with other necessary items were brought. Materials like paint, foam, nails, chard paper etc.
were needed for the construction of our model.
4. Preparing model
The model was prepared by the material brought and plan set up by our team member with tips
given by our project supervisor.The was revised frequently by all the members and was
supervised properly before submitting.

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5.2 Study method/Design/flowchart

Preliminary research

Dimension scale

Materials collection

Preparing Model


Fig 3. Methodology Flowchart

~ 13 ~
5.3 Data Sources

Following are the data sets to be used during this project:

Height: 271.5 m

Crest length: 728m

Crest thickness: 10 m and 46 m along peripheral

Saddle height: 15 to 20 m at edges and reaches 50 m at the bottom

5.4 Instrument/ Equipment

Following instruments are supposed to be used in preparing demonstrative model of Enguri dam:

 Saw
 Files
 Drilling machine
 Hammers etc.


Most economical angle : The most economical central angle for an arch dam is the one which
requires minimum concrete for a given span, loading and stress.

Volume V of the concrete per unit height is given by V=r*2Ө*A

where A is the cross section area of the dam and Ө is the semi central angle

And A α t (t = thickness of the arch)

So r α t

~ 14 ~
r = Ct where c is a constant.

Now sinӨ = L/2r where L= arch length

So V= (CL /4)*(2Ө/sin Ө)
2 2

Now for the minimum concrete volume we have


Therefore, 2Ө=133 34 o ’

Formula Used for finding radius of arch

Central angle= Arch Length / Radius of Arch

Or, 2Ө= L/r

So from this r=312.25m~312

Calculation to obtain required curve and structure of dam

Required dimension :

H=39 cm

Thickness at base(Tb)=18 cm

Thickness at crest(Tc)=10 cm

Upstream Projection:

At crest usp=0 cm

At 0.45H,usp=0.95 Tb


=17.1~17 cm

At base ,usp=0.67*Tb


=12.06~12 cm

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Components Original dimensions Reduced dimensions R.F.

Height of the 272m 54.4cm 1:700

Crest length 728m 72.8cm 1:1000

Width at bottom 90m 45cm 1:200

Crest thickness 10m 20cm 1:500

thickness at toe 46m 18.4cm 1:250

Radius of arch 312m 62.4cm 1:500




Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Proposal and presentation
Marketing and analyzing
Construct model
Presentation and final

Work Completed
Work Remaining

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The actual cost of the project is not determined yet due to unknown costs of all the components
and tools that are used in the development process. The following cost estimation is based on
internet research and individual interaction with the sellers of the raw materials. Approximate
cost of the project is estimated below. The accurate expenditure will be figured upon further
research and purchase of tools and raw materials.

Table 1.3: Budget Estimation

S.N. Items Quantity Rate(Rs) Unit Cost(rs)

1 Plywood 2 800 Sq m 1600

2 Chart paper 3 15 piece 45

3 Styro Foam 8 60 piece 480

4 Paper tape 2 35 piece 70

5 Tissue Paper 6 35 piece 210

6 Paint 7 80 ml 560

7 Hard paper 3 60 piece 180

Miscellaneous 800

Total 3945

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Finally the project was an useful experience . We came to know,the building dam is
not only challenging process . we gain valuable knowledge on arch dam and its different
component . We also gained knowledge about team work , planning of work and making the
project as per schedule. We believe that we had fulfill the objective of our project as in
proposal.There were various challenges that occur during this project but we were able to
overcome all those challenge and prepared this demonstrative model of enguri dam.

10. References

1. Adyan, O.; Kawamoto, T.; Pasamehmetoglu, A. G. (1993). Assessment and Prevention of

failure phenomena in rock engineering. Rotterdam, Nehterlands: A. A. Balkema.

2. Documents/Uploads/files/Enguri%20 Dam Nino

%20Kapanadze Georgia.pdf



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top view


57,75 10



sectional view

all dimension are in cm

Fig:CAD Drawing of Model of Enguri Dam


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