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AUR Teo Us ‘Test Series-III For CSS-2020 _ OC 1 TOWED: REE HOURS TPARTIMCGs) 30 MINUTES, 720) = (PART-11) “2 HOURS AND 30 MINUTES" had @ er sEAeTS {MGOs) first on the same Question Paper which shall be ty Gi) Overwriting/cutting of the options /answers will not be givenSedt “% ; a0) estion No.1. Select the best aption/answer vane Random Sampling etnies: ee G Probably Sampling techdque “pyrite (©) None of hese (eallothest Polyandry means; . eG (GA tore of orkage that joins one female with mors than one male {b) A form of marriage that joins one female with one male: {6)A form of marriage thatjoins more than one female with one male {@) None ofthese Which one sa basi institution for soealzation oF eileen? ef shoot ° (0) Religion (c) Family Ys (d) Community Population change is maiely baved on Gprerasisy ant Mortality (oy Rana aa agalis ft {) Mortality and migration {u) Fertility, Mortality and migra wes the researcher from researc site (b) Accretion measure (a) None of these Any method of data collection that deel (a) Erosion ensure @nobinssive measure Commonly used measure of variability whose size Indicate the dispersion of = — (@) Standard deviation (6) Sundard score eoetfcint of varaion (@) Vastoce tesample stein aretha cry wo nd uals have eet aged she enperinental 9 8 the basis of their extreme score on dependent variable is referred (a) Experimental morality FB) Regessionaifict (©) Maturation (@) None ofthese a overs scheme of scent activites In whch alent engage in onder to produce Rawle #t seach process : (@) Research model (e) Research methodology (d) Research design When there isan inherent causal link between dependent and Independent aiten sro ie ) Non-spurious (b) significant relationship Gpurcus (4) None of these ‘Questions that are relevant to some: responslents may be Irrelevant to others are owe #5: {) Double barreled questions (0) Leading questions ontingency questions: (4) Matrix questions ‘Stratified sample falls under: Probability sampling, design {b) Non probability sem ultestage sample esi () None of these ies at hee eet prt Ea (2) Excessive irregulation of (€) Over integration with group: oat ‘Sociology was Introduced asan andemie dislpi9e BY? enaiithes " () Ibn-e-Khaldun a er one {a er pene Sevety asa cole orgnzton of pats tal uneton fo fui he geomet 19 Iyhoe ism concept of > )Structural Functionalism (@) Int ane (e) Phenomenology « Ne sige ‘The concepts of "Protestant" and "Bourgesise" were presented PY: (2) Taleot parson @ka Mare yo (6) Max Weber {@) Emile Darknelon 34 "The Division of Labor in Society, Emile Durkhein’ presented the dea of: @ Mechanical & organic solidarity {b) Social & psychological Solidarity (6) Physical sci solidarity {a) None ofthese. ‘A large Kinship group whose mem bers inhib ‘common ancestor is known as: geographical aren and believe (aician Orie _/ (Cas (a Kingroup 3 5. The process by whieh cultural traits spr from one group oF sacety to anther bx eles (a) Folkways )Cultueal diffusion — (@)Couster cttre (4) Calta complones = * The phenome denoted nd bp led pope ong hae woaneees es a ge {b) teste migration ye (rain Drain (Mover ‘A sca condton in which vines re confltng weak or absent called a (a) Assimilation (B) Havihoene elgg (6) Invasion : Bre ama (oy par yt tr Sr mratane woe Ame et sno yeep SE gin inte 2h cote oo i? Hor evant tbe pine ‘Siem crap a How do ‘eden saa wt a sae. Fee more he wlth Uh veg is ab ra ic coneey af soveaty changed over the est 300 van seersce WIPE =m et x deste, trina, With eb of hese fhe ragga em NPN Cera mE fret READ RIGHT INSTITUTE. (CSS 2020) ish Precis and Composition Q.1 SYNONYMS 1) Callow '2) Mature tp) temanare Oc) Bepevitases a) Adept 2) Debutante a) Maid a) Sequester 3) Inniquitous 2) Inexorable ) Lachrymose 4) Nemesis a) Plague 8) Conceited 5) Odyssey a) Vile 4) Excursion 6) Reprobate 4) itinerary ©) ineprinade 4d) debouch y RIG HF AB RIG ose 11) Obsolete 8) Antediluvian b) Anachronistic 6) Current 4) Fossilized 12) Parochial )Cosmopolitan __b) Myopic ) Insular 4) Conservative 13)Pejorative a) Defamatory b) Vituperative ¢) Complimentary 4d) Inveetive 14) Platitude a) Enigma b) Trite ©) Trivial d) Commonplace 15) Relegate 1) Delegate ) Assign c) Upgrade d) Banish 16) Finesse a) candor +b) virtuous c) subtle 's) impromptu 17) Protege a a) ward. b) mentor ©) prurient d) pugilist 18) Transmute a) metamorphose b) traduce ©) stagnate ) stupely 19) welter se, ) pallid b) sully ©) methodical 4) capricious 20) Zany ‘ a beet ‘a) sensible: ) ludicrous PART 2 Q.2 Make a precis of following paragraph and suggest ® eb Her poliey datnintns For five hundred centuries, two thousand generations have struggled for Hat terre calendar of wars whose beginning is as obsoure a its end. Even the sophisticated Pubnd, Mads Se habituation to magnitude and marvels, is appalled by the panorama of historic, Bl oe occasional brawls and raids of normally peacefull “savages,” through the seein 8 ices Sumer, Babylonia, and Assyria, the untiring fratrcide of the Greck city-states, he SuMaET Op Alexander and Caesar, the triumphs of Imperial Rome, the wars of expanding Islam, (fe SA. BUC Mongol hordes, Tamerlane's pyramid of skulls, the Hundred Years’ War, the Wars of the Roses, i Thirty Years’ War, the War of the Spanish Succession, the Seven Years’ War, the English, American, French, and Russian Revolutions, the Napoleonic Wars, the Civil War, the Franco-Prussian War, the Spanish-American War, the Russo-Japanese War, the First World War, the Second World War This, to our pessimistic moments, seems to be the main and bloody current of history, beside which all the achievements of civilization, all the illurnination of literature and art, all the tendemess of women and the chivalry of men, are but graceful incidents on the bank, helpless to change the course or character of the stream. Such a chronicle of conflict exaggera race. Strife is dramatic, and (to most of our So our chroniclers leap from battle t Ba’ saner moments we know that it 4 A controlled? story, the mad seizures of war; invention, religion and philosophy, Nevertheless, war has always bee The causes of war are psychSTOBicy Girt, ana political—that is, they lie in the natural impulses of men, in the compéfitions BLgroupsoin the material needs of societies, and in the fluctuations of national ambition and power.“ The basic causes are in ourselves, for the state is the soul of man enlarged under the microscopé} F 5 of mi wisi a iti mn, and imatg Source - For| il yeargl men were 7 9 ret the ofhu: 901 they dependéd upon the - cay Brey they tortor c\ piewesyort gorged themselves to their cubic cgpacity wit] th ; how could they tell when they might eat again? Gre Nad Kinfih fog thelfuture; fe originally a hedge against starvation; war is at first fool. rhapis all. vi vereloncé virtues, indispensable in the struggle for existence; they became vices only in the degree to which social order and increasing ‘security rendered them unnecessary for survival. Q.3 Read the following passage-carefully-ani he-questions-that-follow. (20 - Marks) “Strange Bedfellows!” lamented the titlyOf a recent letter to Museum News, in which a certain Harriet Sherman excoriated the National Gallery of Art in Washington for its handling of tickets to the much-ballyhooed ‘Van Gogh's van Goghs” exhibit. A huge proportion of the 200,000 free tickets were snatched up by homeless opportunists in the dead of winter, who then scalped those tickets at $85 apiece to less hardy connoiseurs. a ws lied ‘Yet, Sherman’ bedfellows are far from strange. Aft, despite its religious and magical origins, ‘very soon became a commereial venture. From bourgeois patrons funding art they barely uriderstood peace far outweigh, in any nation’s of law and morals, science and idden gold in the river of time. causes in the nature of men and in ir i the cult of artists in in order to share their protegee’s prestige, to museum curators stage-managing a forder 10 enhance the market value of museum holdings, entreprencitrs ve Sea twaldntion and profit in big-name art. Secale ore thier ea promoters long ago created is bbe trad or : eae ae Raion ‘commodification of high-brow art took an ominous, if predictable, turn i Mpubble economy." Ata time when Japanese share prices more th 4 industrial giants alike invested record amounts in some ofthe West's for example, purchased van Gogh's Portrait pcan ties the inheritance tax, This statem representative of the Van Gogh tenn later dismiss j Appeal o Mr. Saito, asserting Se ey Sonceing tha he hd no legal reo mea cal ren nh eal peas notwrthatg a Of 8 remains the possession ofthe workd at large.” reat artcan only be cetfied by ie ing, great art will increasingly devolve into big business, Firstly, equisition. Only one musi its market value. Moreover, the “world at large” hasn’t the means of Getty Museum, founded bon, een has the funding 10 contend for the best picces-the J. Paul Y the billionaire oilman, The art may disappear into private hands, but its transfer will dissemi lisseminate i occasionally the antat ON® Sate fortunes into the hands of various investors, collesiors, and a) What differe: bobbie eee a has author postulated between art of Sherman bedfellows and that of Japanese a Nh aa Saito's statement enrage many people? & a 8s author lamented about dissemination of great art? G) 2 Suggest a suitable ile for the passage i) . 4 Correct the following. URED) a) had spoken to them about the plan b) Neither of the boys have played ¢) When i tum forty five, i would have been a godf-niner for twenty two years d) Thave never met so nice person Coy €) Like what does she look? QS a) Fill in the blanks with appro) a) 1am angry_her_lying b) Iwas red __ embarrassment at €) Could you share this pie__me d) People have always been loyal_ ¢) The meeting is _night b) Punctuate the following paragra bingley began abusing her as soon as shetfias-o\ her manners were pronounced to be ery bad indeed a mixture of pride and impertineé she had no conversation no style no beauty mS hhurst thought the same and added she has nothing in short to recommend her but being an ‘excellent walker i shally 's mor 2 really, wi jecd. louisa i could hgtdly S onkensteal (9 cdfne at all wi she scampering BOW d fer hat hat haligso ublidy}so blotysy ‘ i (10= Marks) (G- Marks) (S- Marks) Q. 6 Makehteaniifgtl neat of re followin; a) pay an arm and a leg b) speak with a plum in ont bel ST Lr E c) upset the apple cart d) Kill two birds with one stone ¢) adime a dozen Q.7 Translate the following into English. 7 (10 -Marks) v. sna LvecfieFbeacufsihnect bina terdring 525 {Hf I BSE He A tciferhieiie eri abbas pe Nee Sain PO See™ Mende thee ls SonbsP LLLP otis SAT at rte No bnS eS AEE fat nd CARE LLL ITIL RE 0 bitreed ees) fe harie Sere Poupnnbsecipetsntbe Ane Seger SII LE ALM SPP etL SP se npc LS ieuS PES ALLE EG 12, Sidi Arabia to investi Oil efinery a th (a) Pont Qasim (B) Gaveader (D) Attock 13, NASA scientists have recently detected water vapor on which Jupiter's moon? (0) Calisto (8) Farepa (L908 (D) None 14, Who isthe King of Bahrain? (A) Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud (B) Qaboos bin Soid al Said (€) Hamad bin tsa 41 halt (D) None ofthese 15, Abu Bokar al Baghdad killed ia Kayla Mueller Operation on 2 (A) 24th Cetobet 2019 (B) 25th October 2019 (©) 26th October 2019 {D) 30h October 2019 16, How many Pakistani bom Britshers won election 2019 in UK? we (By 1s DV 17, Who hits been awatied the PETA “Person of the yene™™Award 20192 (A) Pope Francis (B) Cprah Winkeey (©) Alicia Silverstone (D) Jonguine Phoenix 18. Which country got top postion in. ease of doing business index 20197 (A) Hong Kong (B) Singapore (New Zealand (©) Denmask 19, The Trinngular Initiative ineeting held at Islamabad between Pakistan, Afphaaistan an an, ot was meeting? (4) 10h Triangular initiative Meeting (8) 12th Triana Initiative Misting (©) 13th Triangular Initiative Meeting (D) 14th Triangular Initiative Meeting: 20, Length of Khyber Pass (A) 53km 33miles) (8) 63 ON Q.No.2 Q.No.3. ON Q.Nos Q.No.6, Q.No.7, (©) 183k (D) t63km PART If - SUBJECTIVE PART ‘The resumption of US-Taliban negotiations shows the urgency of US to strike a deal with Afghan Taliban. How do you see the future of talks and the hurdles in its way? Also recommend options for Pakistan, Conservative party of UK winning the election gives w clear message: Brexit as to occur, Analyze its implications on UK, EU and Pakistan. The performance of FBR, NAB, SECP and! other institutions gives-a clear picture that Pakistan needs lucgent- and comprehensive. institutional reforms. Analyze the problems and give practical recotnmiendations for institutional reforms in Pakistan ‘The deeisiow OF Indian supreme Court to build Mandar at the place of deiiolished Babti Mosque and the new citizenship law and other sich steps not only shiow that Ghaudi’s India has become Godse. India but also a policy of Modi to come bare upon Muslims. Analyze its regional implications and ‘options for Islamabad. OIC has failed to be the trie representative of Urumiah. Analyze the reasons for its failure and recommend policy optiots, Also conament whetier there is'a need of a new platform for the representation of Umma, Pakistan has been on the grey list of FATF since June 2018. Analyze the reasons and recommend policy options for Pakistan to follow. Kartarpur opening would not only win over the hearts of 140 million Sikhs but would also usher a new era oF touristy ia Pakistan, Elaborate, Best of Luck for CSS-2020 National Officers Academy Mock Exams for CSS-2020 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE-II CURRRENT AFFAIRS - December TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 WOTE: (i) SUBJECTIVE PART to be attempted on separate answer book (ii) Attempt ONLY FOURQuestions from SUBIECTIVE PART, ALL questions carry EQUAL marks. (ii) Allthe parts (it any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places. (iv) Write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. inthe Q. Paper. (¥)_ No Page/Space be lett blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer BOOk must be crossed. (wi Extra attempt of any question or any part of the auestion will not be considered. PART 1- OBJECTIVE PART ‘Time Allowed: 30 Minutes Total Marks: 20 Note: Solve PART-1 in your answer sheets om the very first page. 1, Accouding to Global Gender Gap Index Report 2020, Pakistan ranked at which point out of 153 om Cilobal Gender Parity Index? aut (eas isi (my 158 2. When President Pervaiz Musharrat resigned (A) 4 August 2008 (8) 8 August 2008, (©) 18 Noga 2008 (D) 28 Avaust 2008 3, According to High Treason (Punishment) Act 1973, the putishment (6¢Hligh Treason i? (A) Death sentence (8) 10 years iniprésonment (€) Death sentence or tie mprisoniment (D) Boh A and B 4. ‘The wain service between which (wo Pakistan railway stations was resumed afer 22 yearn? (A) Wagah and Asi (8) Lahore and Wagah (€) Lahore and Peshawar (D) Raiwind and Gujranwaly 5. Who isthe Current Ambassador of Pakistan to Russia? (A) Shafqat Ali Khan (B) Quoi M Khali Ullal (C) Mr Sahwzada Ahmed Khan (D) Sohail Mubsrmmad 6. Which Astcle of Constituion gives Supfenie Colit the Siio Moti povvers? (A) Atticle HH) (B) Antite 16463) (D)Nowe of these 7. Present Arif Alvi conferred Nishi-eintine on Turkish Aimy’ chief General Yasar Gilet of (A) November 20, 20194B) November 22, 2019 {D) None of these 8 Queen Maxima arrived in Pakistan on 25 November 2019, she belong to which coumtey? (ay usa (8) Norway (C) Netherlands (D) Britain 9, Which country has bevome the First country i the Werld to introduce WHO approved Typhoid vaccine? (a) China (B) Pakistan (©) India {D) Japan, 10. Who is 8-year-old youngest Pakistani climate change activist? naan Danish Khan (D) Ficea Hayat Ki of Pakistan Red Cresceit Society (PRES)? (A) Abaruil Hag) (B) Dr Saeed Elahi (C)Me. Samiuttah Abbasi (DY Mr. Raja Rehan’ Ari READ RIGHT INSTITUTE (CSS 2020) ESSAY ‘Time Allowed: Three Hours ° Maximum Marks: 100 yeep Note: Make an outline and write 2 COMPREHI i 'Y (2500-3000 words) on any ONE of the given topics. Credit will be given for well-arti ted th . Exploring life sans courage is a tert . Fortune livesin labor's shell esto herence and clarity. Modern education is shorn of Democracy is a nightmare for th| ae " STHLOLE BY SYED TAIMOOR BUKHARI CSP National Officers Academy Mock Exams for CSS-2020 ESSAY — December TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 NOTE: Make an oulline and write » COMPRENENSIVE ESSAY (2500-1000 works] un ANY cone of the given topics. Make sire you use different fornis of discourse ©.— exposition, argumentation, descrimtion, and narration, Credit will be given for orgamization, relevance and clarity. 1 Nations succeeding in education succeed in educating other mations. i) Unbiased accountability is the key determinant to Eeonamie Growth and Social welfare, 3. Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence - Blessing or curse in the long run. 4, Emancipation of women: Nature and needs. 5. Role of media in Pakistan: Fourth pillar oc a threat to the static. 6 Does local political mindset in Pakistan clash with democracy. 7. Promotion’of tax culture in Pakistan: Perspective, prospects and challenges. 8 Not foreign aid but economic self-reliance helps to achieve economic stability. 9, ‘The threat of Global Warming and the ways 10 counter it. 10, Digital Economy~A leveler or a source of Economic Inequality. Aerenesestans caster Good Luck, for CSS-2020 “Ina previous age, ony eae ports ofthe surface af ibezath wer own. Men ooked out on) Ne jauies, pen a eect lagerorshbachood and beyond sata.gat. unknown. THEY were all $00 54y, insular See cians entined no longer to a spotof space on the surface of this earth. H Surveys the whole of the planet. And this fact, this lack of harizon, is something new-” “tes chilly tothe scientific method of research that this release of mankind s due, an every developed individual has been freed from the once protective but now dissolved horizons of the local land, local moral code, local modes ‘of group thought and sentiment. Not only nthe sciences but n every department of fe the wil and courage fo Eredit cna’s oun senses and to honor one’s own decisions, to name one’s own virtues and to claim one's own visfon oftruth, have been the generative force ofthe new age. There ia growing realization even In the moral fet! that al Judgments are (to use Nietzsche's words) “human, all to human,” 1. What isthe “epoch in which we are participating stil"? Inwhat way ist comparable to the period of the 8th to the 4th millenniums 8.C.? 4--Ginat meant by the sew “lack of horizon"? 4. What do you think is implied by “all the certainties ofthe ages” that were “in dissolution” during the period of Galileo and his feliow scientists? 5, What isthe new freedom we have found, and why does it require courage? Question # 4{a). Correct only FIVE of the followi Can youtell me where isthe supermarket. 2, We congratulated them for the birth of there datghiter. 3. John is good in telling jokes. 4 4, Uniessitrains, we wil stay at home. 5, She never sayslies. 6 7. 8 Living inthe village is boring because we have a Few frends ‘The boy over there looks exactly as my younger brother He suggested them to go to Murree this weekend. Question # 4(b). Change Narrations from Direct to indirect ‘and vice versa 4.Salam says to.you, "You did nothelp me.” 2.7The boy says, "My father is Working abroad.” 3,Ahmed said to his father, "| am} preparing my lesson.” 4, They said to me, "You have dane well” 5, Hesaid to me, “What a funny boy you are!” 6. The captain said, “Soldiers, march on" 7. He said, “Ifiad reached the school before the bell ang” SS Question # 5(a) Punctuate and capitalize the following text, where necessary. Rewrite (5 Marks) {dr grant my dear drsattler welcome to the jurassic park. they turn and Jook at the view again its @ beautiful vista reminiscent of an african plain a whole herd of dinosaurs crosses the plain ‘maybe a hundred that we see in a quick _glance alone Elie theyre absolutely theyre moving in herds, they do move in he! rds only 5) ‘uestion 1S (b) Flin the blanks with appropriate prepositions (Attempt My mum studied a university 2eThere is a spider. ‘the comer of my roam. 3. Death valleys 56 metres sealove. 4 Would you tuy a cofee edit card? 5. Emly sits Susan and Greg. Gratin iaatgn renin ngratulations your new jobi din Question #6 (8) Explain the dlference between the following word pairs (any FIVE) Byusinig each wor your own sentences; _ (5 Marks) Reed, knead: H Queue, cue In, Oerete, Discreet fp, Epoch Vethbel, Liable Vi.Hoard, Horde Wu migrate, temmigrate ‘Vin. Venal) Veniat Question #6 (b) Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their m: eaning: (5 Marks) 1 reakateg I= Against the clock Ih On the ball M— That's the last straw Va Once ina blue moon Vi Take a rain check Vil. Bum bridges ‘Question # 7. Transiate the following Into English by keeping in view figurative/idiomatic expressions. (10.Marks) BEST OF LUCK 0. uv COMEX ACADEMY 3] » FOR PREPARATION OF COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION-2020 X ENGLISH PRECIS AND COMPOSITION ‘TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS PART-I (MCQS) MAXIMUM MARKS =20 PART-I(MCQS): MAXIMUM 30 MINUTES PART-I1 MAXIMUM MARKS = 80 aril is to be atfempied on OMR Sheet, Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book. ‘All the pares (ifany) of each Question must be attempted at one place tivead of at different places fi, Candidate must write Q, No in the answer book in accordance with Q:Noin the Q, Paper No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book iv. must be crossed. y. _ Extra attempt of any question or part of the attempted. question, will not be considered. Yi. Draw two parallel fines after completion of each question. Staft the next question from the Question # 1. Select the best options for the following:To atfémptedién OMR Sheet (20 Marks) ‘Select the Correct Synonym ofthe following: ¥ 1. Gaudy: a. massive ‘b. mindful c, tasteful d. flashy 2. Tantalize: a, pronounce b. reign tuequal flirt 3. Dastardly: a. devastating Wicowardly _e-clever di munificent 4, Aficionado: a. novice b. trickster ¢, devotee d. agent, 5, Swindlers a. charlatanBiexpert cadivinity _d, debonair 6. Travesty: a. confuiston ‘cdisaster _, speculation 7. Bristle: a.aloot cwave —_d.doubt 8, Aplomb: a. mine, c. complication a. poise coplead de question 9, Wheedle: . a.retreat. 10. aver a. dissipate b.create © hate d. Select the Correct Anonym of the following: c.gracious —_d, suspect 11, Brusque: a.cold b, opulent 12. Callowsa, kind beurbane —cesensitive —_d. gentle 13, Countenance: a force b,genuine — ¢ deny di verify 14, Cachet: a. release b. explanation ¢, thinness d, ignominy convince —_b, hallow chide d, Interpret b.flerce de modest b, complacent d. virulent b. tame strict distant b, acrid e unjust d.glum b-advanced — tempestuous d unsclentific PART-IL : Prise Za Question # 2. Write a précis of the following passage and also suggest 2 suitable title: BY they think only of sex and < \ ‘The most have neglected the careful study of the cinema. When they think of the cinema a closed mind on the Lomrorely, they do oot thiok of the pod things about te clnemg. Many of vera seem to heven A TT Subject. They are suffering under a complex, caused by the age-ol ed gente folk towards ant ‘ind of show business and the men engaged in I. Even in countries like England and America which a ‘more advanced than India, they look dosin upon actors and actresses with nie of superitity. The main reason th Belutie is perbaps that members ofthis pofesion alias depend on public support and patronage for thet fence. The showman, like a politician, exists only at the pleasuce of the public. He Ié always dispensable, not indispensable, He is always to bow down to the whims and fancies of his public. Here the public beeomes superior so ‘he showman and the showman accepts the position oF superiority assumed by public men Beéause public mea ike showmen depend on the same public. f public men work forthe good of the public, showhehdo, as aimatterof fact, ‘work for the pleasure of the public, the two are different spheres of activity. That is allthe difference, Another reason for the inhibited growth of the cinema is the confused thinking abOUD Its Use, Its Scope and hs hushose. It can be and is, 3s a matter of fad, to a very large extent, used as'a means of propaganda, publicity and advertisement. It can be developed as one of the fine ats in its own right can be ued as medium for the enlightenment of other nations about our awn culture, customs and mann, it Has often beth said that one of the Potent causes of international misunderstanding, hot and cold wars, the peoBle of differnt countries do not have ihe means to appreciate and understand each other adequately, We ar€al fomill nowadays with the international Exchange of students and professors, permanent culture establishments tn foreign counties, tourist information ureaus, and hundreds of good-win missions. There canibe no gairdaying thal the cumulative effect of all these activities in establishing mutual international understanding and paving the Way for permanent world peace is very reat. No wonder, therefore, that all modem States consider the film industry as ake) industry which has to be reserved and fostered at all costs. \ liad SEXA) Scope of cinema being so wide, and the purpose féhwhichit can be applied so varied, it s obvious that the agencies employing the medium of screen for various speeilic plrposes must also be necessarily as varied. It use as a ‘medium of advertisement, for instance, cai) be sponsored only by commercial interest. Its use as a medium of mase education is pre-eminently the domain @t National and State Governments. It i, indeed, a great pity that our educational institutions have ABR begun to exploltthe immense potentiality of the film for educational purposes, A careful consideration of the diffefentlagencles which can exploit motion picture for specific purposes leads to the ‘inevitable conclusion that the @nly scope for private enterprise isthe field of public entertainment, | take it that itis agreed on all hands that recreation andientertainment are almost as important as food, clothing and shelter. Apart from recreation, being goad of the people themselves, itis in the interest of the State itseif to keep the people contented and Well provided with wholesome pastimes during the time when they have no work. The idle man’s brain is indeed the devit's workshop, That is why all successful governments, from time immemorial, have made it a policy of high statecraft to Keep the people away from mischief and discontent by means of State-sponsored recreation. ‘Question # 3: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (20 Marks) ‘The altogether new thing in the warld then was the scientific methad af research, which in that period of Galileo,_ Kepler, Descartes, Harvey and Francis Bacon was advancing with enormous strides, ll walls, al the limitations, all the certainties of the ages were in dissolutiof Yottering. in fact this epoch, in which we are participating still, with continually opening vistex{can be compared in magnitude and promise only to that of the &th to the 4th millenn an B.C. : of the birth of civilization in the Near.East, when the inventions of food production, grain agriculture and or yon eects cm scrlane cs CF fe sgn? Stet er ea of 6 Moscatane— eo tice to ercome the ene 6 het buna pupa ® end States a Pawel on? cave Corton mato allt mart a See treme sh: eee pte : here “ustommer: te tant ary of Gem. equines eked eerie book ‘ich eas at Test rai dk ert Pa ate Stophveper Mad, Si, ie sara ERM HORE it Kink rc ped ew woo: Yee on md 1 Ceemnate Neste cma Sih veh yf map ne wi te Siteee_Giie mos pes owe lnernoutes Cseraey ‘Shopkeonee: Do vow sot pathin she Soke: NORIME xr erent cme mn tp fortie rn sh ‘Stonksner: Thnk vse que Tallon a ae are [APE se the tatoos eogron ar Wl a si cae Teh FAN FIVED to sentences ltraing tele ‘meanings o =O The aku te 4s tt ob Ae Fomveheaien dent Atay ell AH Kobeac mam theiea A Fan ag fh Gatien il, Theapper en (6) Explaie the irc hereon th flo wed prs (ANY IV ne renee if = xr = Seon, ieee i Oe ee -heecine ar eeeee LEG sn ein eri abi am EL PDE IA, EE Die naar BEE Le LN i I ey SE ine Cr Lia Ft Ly aS oP Ea Meare ie nlf a Sne Le t Pe let inal al pele PE ite £ FIBA AE ih aye ee ee Pre bie 8 85 Mb nn mae hal damn gemini ta is Tie i picts nh ct tah rea cr atone Se ees NY anaes Rep Bi aay ual ba SS pape bv wth ead ia Reet cap Paani aus o sail aot aa ae Eoin A er ey a ee pet peveengeph aguas act 45 Ware the sashes he high gene. Ra Pa wr ews 1 ity tines. i ete sere nd rw naar ah am etme oF SCOURS ane ic act oman mang gs ie oe no eerie, Cs it pu te ink ta rail moh san BO oes ak oes setiae ict cect nec ae pew esta, Wie ng nd ar sues 2. 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